#bless living in a big city i literally pressed one (1) button to place a hold on a book that would've cost me a grand to buy
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heard about this on a podcast and looked it up out of curiosity and. well it turns out my library just. has a copy. 👍
#bless living in a big city i literally pressed one (1) button to place a hold on a book that would've cost me a grand to buy#i can't wait to see how big it is lol#it's a collection of 4 youkai encylopedias!!!#*ten grand i cant fucking read lol#couldnt even wrap my head around that quantity of money
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10/6/2021 DAB Transcript
Jeremiah 6:16-8:7, Colossians 2:8-23, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 24:26
Today is the 6th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today. As we continue our journey and settled into this 10th month of the year, as we continue our journey through the book of Jeremiah and the letter to the Colossians. We’re reading from the Common English Bible this week, Jeremiah chapter 6, verse 16 through 8 verse 7.
Okay so, we’re reading in the 2nd chapter of the letter to the Colossians in the New Testament. And, what Paul lays out today is our reality and in describing that reality he’s kind of coming against some other behaviors that have been taught, like this is what will lead you to righteousness. So, he says don't let anybody judge you about eating or drinking, or about a festival, a new moon observance or sabbaths. These religious practices are only a shadow of what was coming. Don't let anyone who wants to practice harsh self-denial and worship angels rob you of the prize. And so, what is the prize? The prize was described today. Literally, I can't say it in another way that's better, or teach it, like Paul teaches it out of this letter exactly as it's intended to be received, so I simply want to reread about five verses while highlighting this is supposed to be the reality, we live in. This is supposed to be what normal looks like to us. And so, Paul says “See to it that nobody enslaves you with philosophy and foolish deception which conform to human traditions and the way the world thinks and acts rather than Christ. All the fullness of deity lives in Christ's body. So, all the fullness of God lives in Christ's body. And you have been filled by Him who is the head of every ruler and authority. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision not administered by human hands. The circumcision of Christ is realized in the stripping away of the whole self, dominated by sin. In other words, that was cut away and discarded, the self, dominated by sin. You were buried with Him through baptism and raised with Him through faith in the power of God who raised Him from the dead. When you were dead, because of the things you would done wrong and because your body wasn't circumcised, God made you alive with Christ, and forgave all the things you had done wrong. He destroyed the record of the debt we owed with its requirements that worked against us. He canceled it by nailing it to the cross.” Oh, that is our reality. And it's not like we have encountered these concepts in Paul's writings, but here it is laid out concisely, we aren't who we were. Things have changed. We have changed. In fact, so much so that who we were is well, dead, no longer existing. We have been resurrected into a new life. Again, this is kind of, I mean it's a mind blowing, let's not, let’s not take that off the table, its mind blowing. But it's also essential Christian teaching, like 101. It's the basic understanding. But man, if we could get the fundamentals, if we could get the basics down, because if we look at this and this is the reality, then why don't we live like this is the reality? Like, that’s the question, right? If this is the reality and we’re now living in reality than what are we doing, besides living in a false reality that is considerably less then what the good news offers us? On one hand, we can make this really encouraging and bolster ourselves and rise up, and yeah, we’re going to do this, but on the other hand, this is not really just about us. This is how the world will know, this is how Earth's people, who do not know Jesus will come to understand. We have been entrusted; we’re supposed to be living this reality. Anything less is just less.
And so, Holy Spirit, come into that. We confess that we have elected to live less, more of the time, then is easy to admit. The letter to the Colossians tells us that the fullness of God is in Christ, and we are filled by Christ who is the head of every ruler and authority, that's hard to get our mind, it's so big and so good, it's hard to get our minds around. And yet we choose to ignore things like this when there, they change everything. You change everything and we just try to moderate that which essentially makes us live less than You've offered. And we don't want to do that anymore and we need to not do that because we are the light of the world, a city on a hill, the salt of the earth. And so, come, Holy Spirit, not only let this message transform our own hearts and encourage us but give us a sense of purpose and understanding about why this reality has been offered to us in the first place. Come, Holy Spirit into this we ask You to lead and direct us and guide us. Lead us into all truth. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, so be sure to check that out. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can check it all out with the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. Places like the Community section which is well, that's where different links are to get connected on social media, provided social media platforms are up and running but it is also the home of the Prayer Wall. The Prayer Wall is there and available day or night, no matter where you are in the world and no matter what is swirling around in your life, you don't have to be alone, which is one of the things that we worked so hard around here on as we come around the Global Campfire, to know that we’re not alone. Just that one thing, that one piece of knowledge, even if it's just knowledge that we’re not alone is so helpful sometimes when we feel nothing but alone. And the Prayer Wall is always there and so you can always go and ask our brothers and sisters to pray for us. We can also go and pray for our brothers and sisters. And that's how works right, we give and we receive and we give and we receive from one another in so many different ways, so don't be a stranger to the Prayer Wall.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to continue to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered to anyone who can hear it, anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet, any time a day or night, and to build community around the rhythm, as we call it the Global Campfire. This rhythm, the next step forward together. If that is meaningful to you, then thank you for your partnership, we wouldn't be here at all, if we weren't in this together. So, thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement; certainly, the Prayer Wall is a place to go but you can also hit the Hotline button in the app, that little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hey everybody, Tony the Narrator here. Just a big shout out to everybody just to let you know that I’m praying with you and for you. I love all of you but yeah. Quick prayer request if possibly; my Mum’s come down with COVID for the second time. She's had both of the Oxford shots and she still come down with it and she's got a cold at the same time and it's really, she's, she's going through it, bless her, she's going through the ringer. She actually got it in November 2019 before we all knew what it was. So yeah, it was, it was, she was one of the very early cases and she picked up a new version of it so, if I could just, please beg your prayers over my mum. I’ve already told her that your all praying because I know that I can trust you guys in DABC. I’ve told her that she's got hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Christians around the globe praying over her right now because time is irrelevant when you’re speaking to the Lord and she also said to say thank you and she said all that’s lovely, which is very English thing, don’t worry. And so, yeah, please hold my mom up in prayers she’s going through it and this is a really beautiful opportunity for me to be able to share the gospel with her and to let her know that actually she's got a Jesus who is caring for her. So, guys, I love you so much. I'm going to be able to share the gospel with my mom because of you and I love all of you. You’re all mine.
Hello beautiful family this is Susan calling from Albuquerque. I just wanted to lift a couple people up in prayer. The first one: Mark the teacher in Australia, he called about his brother who's been missing in the Outback for a couple months now and can’t imagine how, how worried you must be. I'm just kind of speechless. I can’t imagine. And the other is Bonnie from Virginia who has managed, who came here from another country and I'm assuming it's from a culture that, where women are thought of as no less important than dogs. And I, you came over here and managed to escape from a very big abusive situation. Oh, my goodness, you are so courageous and I'm so grateful you are here, there is no accident you came here and we're just all loving you and supporting you and I just wanted to say that and I'm so glad you called in. So, Father I wanted to lift up Mark and Bonnie today and we come together because Your family we love you very much and we love Your children and our brother and our sister. Please encourage Mark. Please help him find his brother-in-law. I know that they're terribly worried and they need peace of mind, please comfort this family and help them find an answer very soon. And Bonnie, please continue her recovery from this abusive marriage. I'm all out of time now. Love you all.
Good morning my DAB family. This is Judy from Georgia. This message goes to Victoria Solider. Victoria, I'm so sorry my sister to hear about your brother passing. May God comfort and keep you in His care and comfort the rest of your family and give you the strength to get through this time of mourning. We’re all praying for you my dear. Have a great day everyone. God bless you all.
Good morning Daily Audio Listeners all around the world and here in the United States. This is Maurine from Alexandria. I want to call myself Dr. M, because that's how many people refer to me. So anyway, I wanted to let you know that I am so grateful to all of you for your contributions, for your prayers and I want to say a quick prayer for everyone today, Sunday. For your healing, for your deliverance, for God's peace and for God’s protection in your life. For all those who are suffering from COVID, I pray for God's healing. For all those who have lost their loved ones, I pray for God's comfort. For all those who are finding strength in the word of God, may you be strengthened in every area of your life. Father, thank You so much for my brothers and sisters all over the world. Thank You so much for this place where we can come together to pray and to study Your word. May Your divine presence strengthen, encourage, provide, protect and heal. In the name of Jesus, by the way, thank you for such a beautiful, beautiful time together daily. And we ask that your blessing continue on Brian and his family. Lord, we love You, we bless You, we worship You. In Jesus name. Amen.
Good morning everybody, it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling. I just want to lift up Victorious Solider in prayer today and her family, over the loss of her loved brother. Dear God, dear God, I am so thankful that her brother has been saved and is enjoying the benefits of his faith here on earth. I am joyful that his heart and soul and mind and body are with you, right at this time. But for those left behind God, it's hard. And I pray Your arms of comfort about each and every one of them and that You would strengthen them and guide them and lead them through this hour of grief. I pray dear Lord that You would especially bless Victorious Soldier with leadership she needs in guiding this family through this terrible time. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
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09/22/2020 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 39:1-41:16, Ephesians 1:1-23, Psalms 66:1-20, Proverbs 23:25-28
Today is the 22nd day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it’s great to be here with you today just like it’s great to be here with you any day, every day. And that's what we do, every day we get together and take…take another step forward in our adventure through the Scriptures. We…our…are about…I’m thinking 75% through the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament and we will be beginning a new letter in the New Testament, the letter to the Ephesians today and we’ll talk about that when we get there. We’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Isaiah chapter 39 verse 1 through 41, verse 16 today.
Introduction to the letter to the Ephesians:
Okay. So, we are entering into the letter to the Ephesians today. So, let's just kind of talk about it for a minute and get our bearings. Ephesians…well…on a personal note, reading Ephesians, getting to this place every year is a joy because the things that are in this letter are mind boggling things. Like there are things in the letter to the Ephesians that we will read and then think about what's being said, and then apply that to our own lives and realize that this is good news that's almost too good to be true, like this is how good the good news actually is. And, so, it's a joy to kind of reach this letter because it gives us these mountaintop views that are…they go on forever it seems. Just unbelievable what is true of us because of our faith in Christ. But, we’ll see that Ephesians is very different than, for example, the letter that we just read, Galatians, which leads biblical scholars to debate, and they have been debating for century's, hotly debated out whether Paul wrote this letter or not, whether Ephesians is Pauline or is more of Paul's school of thought or maybe even an actual school that Paul trained and taught people up and then this material came later. That's, again though, that's a hotly debated thing. Ephesians is one of the disputed letters of Paul in the Scriptures, has been for a long time, way before any of us who are alive today were alive. Like, it's not a new thing. It's very old and those who would argue in favor of Paul authoring these would just simply say like, that the way….the reason that some of the language is different, the reason some of the terminology’s different is…is just the way these letters were passed around and copied, the way that…the way that they were given. Like Paul would've spoken, dictated out loud to a scribe and different scribes wrote different letters. Some of them even pop up in the letters and basically go like, “hey me too…like…hey hello” when Paul is kind of closing his letters down. So…so, those scholars then would say, “it's…it's these things. Like that…that's what creates these nuances.” Nevertheless, this is a letter that was sent to the church in Ephesus. And Paul had spent time, about three years establishing this community. And that the time of Paul Ephesus was one of the more important cities of the Roman Empire. So again, another urban centered community of faith, mixed community, Jew and Gentile. Ephesus was a port city. So, all kinds of goods coming from all over the world and all kinds of goods going out from there. So, you can see people coming in and out of there. It was just a melting pot. Ideas were coming in. Ideas were going out. Culture was being imported in. Culture was being imported out. But Paul wasn’t writing Ephesians to combat a false teaching as we’ve witnessed in other letters or to correct some sort of a misbehavior as we've seen in other letters or to answer specific questions about how to live into this faith in Christ as we've seen in other letters. And that could be because he knew these people. He spent years among these people and…and was writing this letter to…to give…to give them a mountaintop vista, like I said before, of where their faith is headed and what this all means. There are…there are passages that we’re gonna go through in the letter to the Ephesians that we could ponder, like literally meditate upon for days, weeks, maybe even a lifetime. It's that remarkable. And the truth is, we've headed through all kinds of territory recently that have allowed us to go deep inside of our hearts and explore the emotions of our hearts, especially in terms of suffering and…and to contemplate that. And, so, now as we reach the letter to the Ephesians, we get the opportunity and just gaze upon the beauty of the promise of the Good News. And, so, let's dive in. Ephesians chapter 1.
Father we thank You for Your word and we thank You for…for new territory that we keep moving into. As we keep taking steps forward we come to all of the different facets of this beautiful library really that is the Bible, all of these different books, spanning millennia telling us an ancient story of who You are and leading us into relationship with You. And then we enter in and live this out. And, so, as we come into the letter to the Ephesians, we invite Your Holy Spirit to speak to us in the days ahead about how this is not only good news, this is really big news. What You began at the cross is like…we know it's revolutionary, but it profoundly shifts everything if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. And, so, we’re asking for that as we move forward. Come Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth. Plant the words spoken today in our hearts and may they yield the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, like I say about…I don't know…365 times every year because it is. It’s home base. It’s where you find out what's going on around here. It's how you dive into community, it's where the Prayer Wall is, it's where resources in the Shop are, various resources for the journey of a lifetime moving through the Bible together in a year. And it's also the place that if…if you want, you can partner with the Daily Audio Bible and I cannot, as….as I also say many, many times, I cannot thank you enough. We literally truly wouldn't be here if we weren’t in this together. And, so, the Global Campfire is us…it's us doing this together, it's this rhythm of us being in this together. And, so, if…if that is meaningful to you than thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button, it's in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 would be the phone number to call but you can also press the red button, the Hotline button in the app no matter where you are in the world and begin to share right from there.
And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hey this is Jared calling from Duluth Minnesota it’s Saturday, September 19th at 1 AM in the morning. Day 262 of the year, day 511 since April 26th, 2019 where God has woken me up every night and…to have my DAB time. The prayer requests today were just such a blessing to hear. Some of the old-timers of Biola from Maryland and Duane from Wisconsin. So thankful your son is gonna soon be getting out of jail. And thank you so much for praying for my kids and so many kids in the DAB family. And the new caller, Openhearted Overcome in Michigan, thanks for calling. And Joe the wife whose daughters stopped going to church and praying for Joe the protector and Tammy from Texas and Val in Vegas. Thanks for just sharing on the 15th what a tough day it was and guilt in a sense for being okay when there’s so many not okay. And for Abigail in Oregon for your baby that was a loss and your husband who is…who is grieving and for the Oregon fire’s. So many cool things happening and God I…and challenging things as well. And God I thank you for all those who’ve prayed for my kids who have two of my four kids are bipolar and I suffer with it as well. I appreciate you…your prayers during this time. It’s been kind of a rough season right now, but God is good. Thank you again for all that you’ve done. God bless. Bye.
Hi, I’d just like to pray for Abigail from Oregon. And yes, we have been praying about all those who are being affected by the fire…the wildfires in the Pacific Northwest in California. And I’d just like to pray for you now Abigail and for your family and community and friends there. Lord Jesus You are our rock and refuge. This is got to be such an unsettling unstable time and one where there these dear people don’t know for sure what will happen to their homes or their churches or their physical communities. But we look to You and I just want to pray specifically for Abigail who has lost a child and now is in danger of losing a home and church and all these different things. And I pray that they can experience Your supernatural provision and Your pouring out of Your Spirit during this time that they, despite the pain and the unsettledness and the disruption, that they experience Your perfect peace that surpasses all comprehension in the beautiful precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Good morning DAB family my name is Vincent and I am Vincent Walking in Love or at least I try to. I have one minute and 47 seconds to tell you that God must be extremely pleased with this communications, how much love and care there is from seemingly all over the world. I want to say that on the 17th, I don’t know if anyone heard, well I’m sure you did, that young lady, that little girl that sang and has the voice of an angel. You should sing again and say your name so that I could properly thank you. I wanted to tell Val in Vegas that…to keep going and God’s got you. Joe, I’m praying for your family, that they come back to you. I want to say God bless Tammy in Texas and Susan from Canada. God’s lovely flower, God’s Yellow flower, that I greatly appreciate your prayers they are truly heartfelt. And Abigail from Oregon, I feel your pain. God bless you. Pray for me family that I find love with the one that I love, miss Becky, and that God helps me to find my purpose. I’m getting too old to find out what I’m going to do when I grow up. Vincent Walking in Love. God bless.
Hello people I’m Sean and I am a sinner. I am despicable and I really, really, really can’t stand myself. And what I’m asking for is for your prayers. Our God, our Lord Jesus Christ has told me to do stuff, he’s told me to write and I’m having great difficulty with that and I just want your prayers please.
The Lord bless you and keep you May the Lord make his face to shine upon you I pray he gives you peace and that all that you have will increase that your blessings never ever cease and that your life be one big gigantic feast but the truth of the matter is the road is long and rough the battles are hard and tough your best is never enough and Satan will always call your bluff but I still know you can make it I know that you can stand the Lord will not forsake you and there’s not much he’ll demand keep your eyes upon his promises let your vows be firm and true let your friends be in his service let your strength his renew don’t be afraid to call his name when problems are too tough and you might have to do some fasting too when prayer just isn’t enough but whatever problems come your way whatever storms may arise if you stay connected to the Lord in the end you’ll win the prize honesty and integrity are things you should possess and if humbly you just ask for strength he’ll give you all the rest the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face to shine upon you I pray he gives you peace and that all that you have will increase may your blessings never ever cease and your life be one big gigantic feast
[email protected] I’d like to give a shout out to the little girl that sang the song. It was a wonderful song, had a lot of purity in it and I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much. And once again Brian and the Hardin family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow. Keep it flowin’ y’all. All right. Bye-bye.
Hey family it’s Jesse from Washington. I need some more prayers. Looks like gonna be going to court and it’s looking like it’s going to get super ugly and I just…first praise report that I’ve felt all your prayers and all the negative stuff that’s been happening over the last week, it’s just multiple just nightmare situations and, you know, in…in it I felt, you know, I felt peace simultaneously with just the fear and shame and anger and every…every negative emotion a person can have, you know, in these situations and it’s…it’s…it’s been all of them. So, God’s there, I know you guys are there. And I thank you for just…your love and your prayers and just pray for accountability, I pray for the truth to come out. You know it’s gonna come out for me too, so I’m prepared no matter what happens. I know God’s got me. I pray for repentance for me, true repentance for forgiveness for my…for my sins. You know on both sides I hope we can work that out. I hope that, you know, a guardian ad Litem is, you know, assigned that they have, you know, eyes and ears and hearts to hear and see the truth and I’m just ready, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst, you know and I know that no matter what happens God has me and I’m prepared, I’m prepared for whatever he has for me because I know no matter what it’s going to be okay even worse case scenario I know it’s going to be okay and I know he has me because he’s been here every second with me through this. So, I love you. Thank you, family.
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04/07/2018 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 31:1-32:9, Luke 12:8-34, Psalms 78:26-45, Proverbs 12:21-23
Today is the 7th day of April. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It is a pleasure and an honor to be here with you today as we prepare to close down and release another week. So, yeah, we're a whole week into the month of April now. When we left the month of March, we had reached the 25 percent mark. Twenty five percent of the way through the Scriptures. And now we're a week beyond that. So, well done. We are well on our way. And there's much out in front of us, but all we have to do is look back. Look back at the beginning of the year. Look at where we are now, not only in the Scriptures, but in our lives. And we've put enough effort and time into this to be able to see that this is shifting things. This is changing the way I look at things. This is making a rhythm in my life that is doing good inside of me. So, here we are at the end of another week. We've been reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is what we'll do today. Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 1 through 32:27. And we're nearing the end of the book of Deuteronomy. Just a couple more days and we will be reaching the end of the Pentateuch or the Torah. So, let's dive in. Deuteronomy.
Father, we thank You for another week in Your Word. We thank You for the celebration of Easter that began this week. We continue to glory in the fact that You came for us and would not abandon us and will not abandon us. The joy of our salvation is ours. But all we have to do is choose life. So, Father, as we release this week and it becomes a part of our history, we look forward with great anticipation to all that is in store for us as we continue to journey through the Scriptures and as we continue to make choices that are life giving in collaboration and in relationship with You. We love You, Father. We worship You. We are grateful for everything, including our lives. Come, Holy Spirit, into this day. In Jesus name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website if you hadn't figured that out. But I say it every day because every day we have someone new who joins into the community. So, if this is your first day, welcome, welcome. You are in for the adventure of a lifetime
So, dailyaudiobible.com is the website and its home base and its where you find out what's going on around here
Tomorrow, I will be in Washington state in the Tri Cities at Columbia Community Church and looking forward to being out there. You can get the details at dailyaudiobible.com in the Events section.
And the other thing is that the More Gathering for women begins on the 12th of April, so coming right up. Some things back to back. And as a community we've been praying over the women's gathering in Georgia in just a few days and so we want to continue to do that. Keep that on the radar. We need to raise a canopy of prayer over everything about it as we do each year. Praying over the hearts of the women who will be in attendance. So, thank you for your prayers.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in the mission that we share as a community to bring God's spoken word to anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to continue to foster and build community around that rhythm so that we all know, so that we're all aware that we're never alone. If that has been life giving to you, then thank you for your partnership. We literally could not do this if we didn't do it together. So, there's a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If your using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello. This is Julia from Des Moines. I’m calling for Sophie from Oregon. Sophie, your heart sounds so broken. I just want…I’ve been lifting you up in prayer…and I just want you to know that Jesus has been exactly where you are. In the garden of Gethsemane, He was broken and tired and He poured from an empty cup and He knew what was coming. And girl, just hold on. Your Savior knows. He knows where you are. And He’s got a light shining at the end of the tunnel for you. He just does. You are in such a deep dark forest but just trust. Trust that God has it. And when you can trust it’s time to reach out. It’s time to find help. Find some church ladies who will make you dinner and find somebody who will listen to you. I’ve been through a dark season recently and that’s what saved me. I mean it was…it was just grace that they would come in and wrap me in love with just meals and doing my dishes. So, honey, I just encourage you reach out. Find those who love you. And you know that we are all here for you too. Bye.
Hey DAB. This is Marsha in Minnesota and I just listened to April 3rd and I’m just so taken aback by Sophie in Oregon. I know what you’re going through and I am so sorry. And I am praying for strength and I am sending you strength, and you can go on another day. I know you going do that. Okay. So, hang in there darling. And I can just feel Jesus’ arms around you giving you strength and love. So, hang in there. I’ll get better. Bye.
Hi family. This is Salvation is Mine in San Angelo California. Let’s pray. Dear heavenly Father, we come before You, requesting that a blessing be sent down right now Lord. So many of us are in trouble Lord, whether it’s mental, physical, financial, or emotionally. We are in trouble Lord and __ so deep in our soul Lord that we can even find that place, but You are there Lord. You are there in this place for us. You are our Savior. You are our God. You are a mentor. You are our Father. You are a mother, You’re our sister, our brother, our pastor. Oh, heavenly Father, we reach out to You, we are on our knees, we are laying prostrate before You Lord God because we have nothing left in us for ourselves Lord God, but we know You are there and You will help us and You will keep us and You will hold us. And yes, even mold us to what You want us to be. Help us to relinquish self, Lord God. Help us to focus on You and Your word and Your love for God. Oh, Father God we praise You for the blessing that You’re going to send out. We thank You for the mercy and the grace that we get every single morning when we wake up Lord God. We thank You for every blessing in our body that doesn’t belong to us but belongs to You Lord God. Oh, Father God You are the Alpha and the Omega of all things Lord God. There is no God before You and there is no God after You. We praise You Lord God. We thank You. And we just at continue to ask for that blessing. And we ask that blessing in faith Lord God. No doubt will enter us Lord God. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Thank You for praying with me family. This is Salvation is Mine.
Hello Daily Audio Bible. My name is Davis. This is my first time calling in. This is my first year listening to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m calling for Sharon the Victorious. I heard your prayer request and I just wanted to let you know that it might not seem like you’re victorious right now but you just need to be reminded that as long as you are with God and God is with you, you are always victorious. And I have seen so many cases like this where your life is just going down the toilet and it just seems hopeless but I’ve also seen so many bounce back up. And, so, as long as God is with you, I have faith that things are going to turn out well. And no matter what happens, I know that it’s all part of God’s plan and I know that He has so much more for you than this because you have such a big heart putting others so, without hesitance, before yourself. So, I just want to pray for you. Dear Lord, please put Your hand of blessing on Sharon and her family. Please give Your hand of healing to her husband with his back and especially help her daughter and touch her heart and her mind. Please show her Your love and Your peace and Your wisdom. Please give her the courage to step out of this…
Good afternoon Daily Audio Bible family. This is Lee from New Jersey. Long time no speak to. Today is April 3rd and it is about 12 noon, a little later that. And I just wanted to call and give everyone an update. I finally found a job, thank God for that. Not only did I find a job, it’s more than what I expected. In so many ways more than I deserve. I’ve said that before, so I’m going to try not to say that. And you know, just God is great. God is great. It was funny because I went to…this whole month of Lent…basically…I’ve been out of work. I’ve been able to go to masses…actually…for daily and had the host daily. I also went to confession, being I’m Catholic. And during confession the priest was telling me that, you know, that when God gives, he gives, you know, all of His bountiful riches, His treasures. And it was on a Thursday, it was Holy Thursday and I went to confession. And like a few hours after that I got a phone call from one employer and with their offer and it felt just like that. It felt like God opened His treasures and He just dumped them on me. And I’m just so grateful for that. So, grateful for all of you praying for me as well. And we are family. We thank you all very, very much. So, I will be calling back soon. Everything is going well. I did fight through and I feel…at least for me…I conquered some bouts of depression and some bouts of anger and all of that stuff. So, dealing with a few little things, but not as severe as before. Thank God for that. So, every day is better. And just want to say, God bless you all and I’ll be calling back soon.
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03/13/2018 DAB Transcript
Numbers 19:1-20:29, Luke 1:1-25, Psalms 56:1-13, Proverbs 11:8
Today is March 13th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. And it is great to be here with you around this global campfire we have created as a community. A place to re-center our lives and allow God's Word to speak over us no matter when it is. No matter what time of day or night it is. No matter where we are on this planet, we're not alone. And that is a fact. We are in this together. So, let's dive in and take that next step. And of course, the next step is always the one right in front of the one we just took, so we'll pick up where we left off in the book of Numbers. And we'll read chapters 19 and 20 today. And then when we get to the New Testament, we will begin the gospel of Luke. We're reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Numbers 19 and 20.
Introduction to the Gospel of Luke:
Okay. So, we concluded the Gospel of Mark yesterday in the New Testament, which was the second of the four gospels. We begin today the book of Luke. And Luke had a little bit more of an intriguing story regarding its place in history. Luke is the third of the synoptic gospels, those being Matthew, Mark and Luke. And as we've talked about before, they're called the synoptic gospels because they're very similar in their composition. They're very similar in the way they're laid out and the stories that they tell about Jesus. So similar, in fact, that most scholars would agree that one could not exists without the other, especially the gospel of Mark being the first to be written. And they were all written at different times, but they were used as source material for each other. Now the gospel of Luke is the third in time and the third to appear in the New Testament. And just from a literary perspective is the most tight and concise, well written of the gospels. It flows well. And scholarly opinion is the Luke not only wrote the book of Luke, the gospel of Luke, but he also wrote the book of Acts, which we will get to in due time. And these were probably written one after the other. So, the gospel of Matthew - not to get this all confusing - but the gospel of Matthew probably came about fifteen years after the gospel of Mark. And then Luke and Acts came sometime after Matthew, maybe even fifteen years later. So, just to put us in the ballpark, Mark is the first gospel to be written, maybe a decade, decade and a half later, Matthew is written and then some years later, maybe another decade or a little more after that, Luke and Acts are written. And scholars would point just to the completeness of the gospel of Luke. More of the tradition, more of the story has been developed as the faith begins to emerge and take shape. Because so often we'll read the Bible and we'll read the New Testament and just feel like it all happened all at the same time when that's not the case. It was spread out over decades as the church began to evolve and become what it is. And we'll be talking about that when we get to Paul's letters. Now as we've encountered Matthew and Mark, we've talked about the fact that they were written at specific times to specific audiences. Luke, the gospel that we're about to delve into, was written to a Gentile audience, which is quite different than, for example, the gospel of Matthew, which was very distinctly written to a Jewish audience. So, Matthew continues to show Jesus fulfilling Jewish prophecy, Hebrew prophecy from the Hebrew scriptures, what we would call the Old Testament, whereas Luke is coming from a Gentile perspective and showing the inclusive nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That it's not only for Jewish people, it's for anyone who believes. It includes the whole world and welcomes everyone who believes into the family of God. And, so, we begin Luke chapter 1 verses 1 through 25.
Alright, in the book of Numbers, I mean, a lot of stuff happened today and it's touched on briefly so we don't necessarily recognize how monumental it is. So, Aaron and Moses have been together in this story of bringing the people out of slavery in Egypt all the way until today and their sister Miriam has been involved all along. In today's reading, in an understated way, we say goodbye to Miriam. She dies and leaves this story. And then Aaron, who’s been with Moses since the beginning of this, also dies and leaves the story as well, leaving only Moses. Of course, before this, the children of Israel are grumbling out in the desert because they don't have enough water and Moses ends up excluding himself from leading the people into the Promised Land because of the Waters of Meribah, the incident that happened there. And what happened? Because you can read it and go like, what's the big deal? Why is Moses not allowed to go into the Promised Land now. And it boils down to this. Moses was told to assemble the assembly, the children of Israel, before the rock and speak to the rock and then God would send the water out. Instead, he said, do we have to do this for you and then he smashed the rock with his staff, taking credit for the miraculous provision of water, rather than obeying God and once again demonstrating to the children of Israel God's provision. This thing that has to be taught over and over and over to these people in the wilderness. Yeah, this very same thing that has to be taught over and over and over in our own lives. And so after Aaron dies Moses then leads the people and they sent word to the king of Edom asking just for passage. We need to go through your land so we can get to a more suitable place that we're being led to. We'll just stay on the King's road, right? The trade route. We're not going go anywhere else. We're just going to go through. Will you just let us go through? Of course, the Edomites said no. This is actually kind of significant. Let's go back to our origin here. Abraham, right? Abraham has a son of promise named Isaac. Isaac then has two sons, Jacob and Esau and they're twins. Later on, Jacob's name would become Israel and he would have kids. The children of Israel. Those are the people that we're wandering around in the wilderness with. Esau, on the other hand, has children of his own and as those generations grow and spread out, they become Edom, the Edomites. So, it's as if Esau is saying to Jacob you can't come into my land. These people are literally family with each other. And now that Jacob’s children, right? The children of Israel have to wander in the desert and wait for forty years. So, basically while they're really really down and out, they're being rejected by their own family. And God is not going to forget that.
Father, we thank You for Your word. And we thank You for the lessons that we see in the wilderness in the Scriptures. And as difficult as it can be sometimes, thank You for the lessons that we've learned in our own wilderness experiences. For the lesson of ultimate and complete trust and dependence upon You. Utter dependence on You for hope and life. It's a lesson that we confess we're still learning and we're sorry when we've been stiff necked. When we've been grumbling. When we've complained. When we've done everything but rest in You and trust You for life itself. So we invite You Holy Spirit into that. Because in one way or another, we're going through these kinds of things continually. And so we continually need Your presence in our lives and a constant reminder that You and You alone are the only hope. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus name. Amen.
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And, so, looking at the calendar, we've got the 25th of March coming up. I'll be back out on the road, speaking in Louisville, Kentucky and then on the 8th of April, we'll be in Washington state in the Tri cities at Columbia Christian Church. You can get the details for either of those events at dailyaudiobible.com in the Events section.
And then on the 11th of April, that's when More Gathering for Women begins. There's still time to register, but that window is closing soon. So, if that’s been something that's on your heart, more, there's got to be more, then check out the More Gathering for Women. Of course, it's a women's conference, so you have to be a woman to come, but check it out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section or just go to moregathering.com. All of your questions will be answered there. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link. It's on the homepage. Thank you, profoundly humbly for your partnership. We wouldn't be here if we didn't do this together. That is just a simple fact. So, thank you for your partnership. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I am Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
DAB family. This is Blessed from New Jersey good morning or __ as they say in Hebrew. Today’s reading from Numbers 14 was more vivid than I have ever experienced. With their recent return of a life-changing DAB 2018 Israel pilgrimage, I clearly saw the vast wilderness that the Israelites chose instead of the Promise Land of milk and honey. Yes, we today, just like those Israelites then, often choose not to believe God even though He has delivered us or others we know from impossible circumstances. So, Father I thank You for the privilege to read Your word again and again but with fresh eyes and an open heart to receive Your will and hear Your voice. Help us to learn and apply the message in today’s reading from Numbers 14. When You father promise, You will deliver. Help us to listen intently, believe wholeheartedly, and move courageously in the direction that you have planned for our lives. I pray this in Jesus name. Shalom. This is Blessed from New Jersey.
Brian, welcome back, you and the group from Israel. I hope you all have a blessed time. This is Viola from Maryland. Jill, God bless you. I enjoyed your administration. Oh, Nora from Canada. I listened to your prayer request twice. Welcome to the family of God my dear sister and know that nothing you can do can make God push you away. From John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So, you have that sister. Of course, as you keep growing in your faith you’ll want to please the Lord, but we do make mistakes. And when we do we go to John 1:9 __. And Lamentations 3:21-23 also says the because of the Lord’s mercies we’ll not be consumed. His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning. Imagine that sister, new every morning. So, welcome, welcome, welcome. God bless you as you grow in your faith. Sunny from Phoenix, I’m praying that God will arrest your husband’s heart in the name of Jesus. It will cause him to repent that the affair will be broken in Jesus’ name. They will have nothing more to do with each other. They will not find any joy in that relationship in the name of Jesus. And I pray for wisdom and peace for you in Jesus’ name. My sister in __, I’m praying that you will pass your boards. I hope you’ve done well. I’m sure you’ve done the exam now. I pray that you will pass it in the name of Jesus. And you had recall understanding __. Laura welcome God bless you. Don, I’m praying for your granddaughter, AJ, that God will just touch her diaphragm and heal her completely in Jesus name. The Lord will make her body __ her well. And the Lord will __ the work of __ and heal her completely and that tissue would be healed on the name of Jesus. Sharon, I’m praying for healing for your husband in Jesus name. Father Lord I pray oh God Lord that you will also heal your daughter and touch her body in the name of Jesus. Father Lord I pray that you would calm Sarah’s heart oh God Lord and give her peace. __ her from discretion in Jesus name. Deborah from Michigan I’m praising God’s voice.
Hi this is Connie in New York again. I have…I think it occurred to me that my name should be or what I like to be is At Home in His Throne Room because I can’t wait to be in His throne room and I think I’ll feel like at home there. So, this is At Home in His Throne Room in New York and I really thank you from Dwayne from Wisconsin and happy to be a mother calling into pray for our children. I have three kids and two of them teenagers and it’s really a difficult time to be a teenager. I can even imagine. I can’t even imagine. So, I just pray for God to illuminate the narrow path for them, take them down, take their hand, take them down that path. Also, I would like to pray for all the pregnant women out there. It’s so beautiful and God is working with them. It’s like a partnership. It’s amazing. And I have three of my coworkers are pregnant right now. And it’s just awesome. So, I hope that __ pregnancies help make people realize the magic of our Creator. So that’s it. This is At Home in His Throne Room in New York. Also, I wanted to say that God laid it on my heart that I should join the Daily Audio Bible or the Hardin’s trip to Israel as soon as I can this year with the following with my youngest daughter __. __. So I think it will be an amazing experience. So, looking to make that happen.
Our Father who is in heaven. Holy is your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who’ve sinned against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. That’s the prayer Jesus taught us to pray as best as, you know, this English translation from the Greek is. This is Candace from Oregon and I’m just a couple hours away from the moment my husband slipped from this earth exactly a year ago March 11. I want to thank everyone who’s helped me through this and my Lord for giving me strength I could not have imagined. I could not have imagined the year that just happened and such strength and beauty. I’m so grateful to God and to the community of Saints who’ve loved on me. I’m so thankful for my new little granddaughter and all the goodness.
Hello daily Audio Bible family this is Jim and Emily in Houston Texas. And why are we calling honey? Well first we want to thank the Daily Audio Bible family for all of their support over the years and the inspiration and the prayers of others. Today we come to you with a prayer request for our daughter-in-law, Christina. And on Wednesday, March, well this week, this coming Wednesday, she’s having yet another spinal tap because she has been unknown autoimmune disease. It’s been going on really since early last year so it’s been going on for about a year. She can’t see properly. She can’t hear properly. And it’s all in her brain apparently. And there’s a lot of fear. She’s a believer. We are praying for healing. So, please pray for healing, but also pray for freedom from fear for her. This all started after she spent a long period of time weeping over the possibility that our grandson, her son, four-year-old Miles, might have retinitis pigmentosa and might go blind. And God’s really kept his eyesight. So, we’d like you to pray both of them. Yes, pray for Miles and Christina, who is our daughter-in-law, and the mother of our grandson. And we love you guys and we appreciate all your prayers over the years and listen faithfully. And a quick mention. We pray for restored marriages because they really do happen. Stand in faith. Love you all. Bye.
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