#bled kyber crystal
inquisitor-apologist · 2 months
Yeah guys, the visual for Sol’s Crystal turning red and the blade slowly changing WAS very cool and done well. But that’s not how you bleed a kyber crystal.
You can’t do it in the heat of the moment. You can’t do it without knowing it.
Kyber crystals are semi-sentient beings. They choose their wielders and they resist being turned to the Dark. In order to force one to the dark side, you need to break it, put it through so much pain and suffering and trauma that even if it’s eventually healed, it will never return to its original color.
It will scream and resist every step of the way. A darksider will be given up to three highly symbolic force visions essentially begging them not to do this extremely fucked up and evil thing, not to torture a living, feeling being for their own power.
In order to do it, you need to know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how you’re going to do it. You have to meditate with it, completely defenseless because you can’t use the blade while you’re bleeding it (would break your concentration) and it’s nowhere near instantaneous.
If they wanted to have a cool moment to show Osha turning to evil, just make her eyes turn yellow, which is honestly a more well-know evil transformation imo (this is the first time we’ve actually seen a Kyber being bled in live action while Anakin’s eyes turning yellow is an iconic shot). Don’t ruin one of the coolest bits of Star Wars lore.
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charmwasjess · 6 hours
I always assumed the deal with Count Gora hating Dooku for being Force sensitive went back to the ancient Sith occupation of Serenno, his own house being tainted by association with the very people his family allegedly defeated.
But I was rereading the cursed book and the opening scene where Jenza is robbed, she's specifically going on about how she doesn't care about the money, but she really needs back this special crystal that belonged to her grandmother? And her mother is gonna kill her if she loses it?
How much funnier is it if Gora hated Force sensitives because of a very annoying ex-Jedi mother-in-law??
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doubledutchratfucker · 11 months
more people in star wars need to have orange lightsabers. blue is too thematically bound to the prequels and green doesn't work with a lot of character designs. there's no reason why Ezra's new lightsaber in ahsoka couldn't have been a nice sandy orange, or maybe a guardian-yellow. you're leaving daisy ridley all alone here, guys.
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gffa · 2 months
One thing I did appreciate is that The Acolyte did not hold back on that Osha went full dark side, that Sol's kyber crystal was crushed by her anger and hate to the point that it bled into a red saber. She straight up murdered someone who was not fighting back. She killed him because she was hurt and angry, not because he was a threat. Osha's feelings of betrayal and rage were valid, her actions were not. She murdered an unarmed man who was not fighting back, who had no intention of fighting back, who literally forgave her as she choked the life out of him, and nothing of her actions were justified. She wasn't even regretful about it. The dark side can be humanized to a degree, it always has been in Star Wars, that's nothing new. Anakin's everything ever, Maul's pain and desperation for a connection through an apprentice, Dooku's clinging to his care for people like Yaddle or Asajj, the dark side has never been about detached or unsympathetic anger. It's always come from a very human place, that's why the Jedi constantly caution that no one is beyond it. But Osha embraced it here, she stepped over the line and murdered a defenseless man because of her rage, not because it was in any way justified as a killing, and the kyber crystal screamed and bled because of it. You don't get a red saber by being justified, you get it by crossing the line into an act of evil. And props to The Acolyte for not shying away from that, as human as Osha is and will continue to be, her actions were over the line of evil.
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redshoes-blues · 2 months
The way that Osha bled the kyber crystal of her Jedi master after choking him to death. The weapon he used to kill her mother with. Omfg. The symbolism there is absolutely crazy. And can we talk about how phenomenal the visual was?! The kyber bleeding was cool as hell, but the LIGHT SABER?! That was insane
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samui-desu · 2 months
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"Since kyber crystals are naturally attuned to the light side of the Force, those who serve the dark side must follow a different path. First, they must seize a pure crystal from the lightsaber of a Jedi they have vanquished in combat—for the saber of a Sith is not given. It is taken. Then, they must infuse that crystal with their pain, anger, and hatred, bending it to their will. This corrupts the crystal, aligning it with the dark side and making it bleed with unbridled crimson power. The bleeding process can yield unpredictable results. Some crystals shatter, making their energies unstable and unpredictable. Others resist their realignment, refusing to be bent toward the darkness. Once a crystal has been properly bled, the primal power it releases becomes not only a deadly instrument in the hands of a Sith Lord, but a symbol of their true strength in the dark side." Darth Sidious
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highfantasy-soul · 2 months
So my friend saw a meme about Osha's saber turning red so quickly despite Anakin's remaining blue all through killing the younglings, choking Padme, and fighting Obi-Wan and as I talked through it with him, the more I realized why the prequels never showed Anakin with a red saber.
To keep with canon, Luke gets Anakin's old saber and the kyber is BLUE not red. The writers probably didn't want to open another canon of worms by then having to retroactively explain 'so Vader's red saber isn't his original red saber and Obi-Wan somehow purified the kyber and made it blue again for Luke' rather than just....not doing that and having the saber remain blue
A red lightsaber on Mustafar? Visiually would have been a terrible choice for that battle, so blue it remained
Vader bleeding his crystal deserves its own story - just like Osha bleeding hers had it's own story. I really liked the comic where Vader bleeds his crystal [not giving more detail as spoilers in case everyone hasn't read the comics - and if you haven't, I really recommend Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, it's only a 4 volume run and I thought it was great]
Anakin had a LOT going on through that entire movie - it wasn't a situation where he'd been repressing his emotions for so long and then was able to point to a singular cause of so much of his pain - his trauma was spread out so it makes sense that one singular act wouldn't be focused enough to bleed his crystal right then and there - Osha, on the other hand, had the singular cause of so many of her emotions right there in that courtyard, and the one who fostered her unjust hate toward her sister is standing right there revealing the truth.
Maybe there is a whole thing where the kyber has to be exposed, not fully in a lightsaber, in order to properly bleed it - in Jedi: Survivor [spoilers] Dagan pulled his crystal out with the force and bled it right in front of us (just as quickly as Osha, I might add), in the comics, Vader holds the crystal and bleeds it, and in The Acolyte, the saber is busted to the point where the crystal was literally touching Osha's hand - as Anakin is a little busy at the moment, he didn't really take the time to take apart his saber to bleed the crystal in the moment.
So idk, people complaining that 'so sabers are like mood rings now and just change that quickly? Guess Anakin wasn't actually all that upset at the end of episode 3!!' just seem so silly to me.
The entirety of The Acolyte's story was Osha dealing with her emotions she had been repressing for 16 years - and the reveal that what she thought was true (which led to the emotions she was told she needed to repress) had always been a lie. The bleeding of her crystal wasn't a quick, easy thing, it took literally the whole season to build up to that point.
And the aftermath when she's collapsed on the ground shaking - holy hell, I love when intense emotions are shown in 'unconventional' ways. Not all of us feel intense emotions and show it through huge, loud, and expansive displays. Some of us collapse in on ourselves and experience it in 'quieter' ways that are still just as intense as screaming.
Anyways, The Acolyte is really good.
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scarymovies · 2 months
people asking why Sol’s kyber bled red in Osha’s hand and Anakin’s didn’t, as he killed younglings & fought Obi-Wan, are overlooking how much the show emphasized that Sol’s saber was damaged in the fight with the stranger — thus exposing the kyber crystal and making it more vulnerable to being bled.
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liminal-zone · 2 months
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twinsunstars · 2 months
“see you in hell jedi”
bazil was really trying his hardest this ep
oooh the way they both floated in the air ahhh love the fights
the way red bled into the kyber crystal…
sol almost said “i love you” 😭😭😭
the way vernestra sensed qimir and he sensed her too omg
mae doesn’t even know osha anymore now after she spent so long thinking she was dead 😭😭
i was just sitting there in shock still while listening to vernestra and her conversation with mae
osha and qimir at the end…..
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cross-d-a · 2 months
Me: …..so in conclusion THAT’S why it’s VERY cool that we got to see the kyber crystal BLEED!!! Super fucking sucks but very awesome we finally get to see it onscreen!!
My poor mother: …..right. Okay then. That’s..when it turned red??
Me: YEAH!!! IT BLED!!!!!!!!!!
My mother: …huh. Okay whatever you say.
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jedi-nurse · 1 year
I find it incredibly interesting that the Inquisitors lightsabers all look identical. There are some slight differences. They also go by the name of Brother and Sister, with the exception of the Grand Inquisitor. All their individuality has been removed by the Empire, they are mearly pawns in the game.
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In contrast Jedi each have a unique lightsaber. They embrace what makes them unique, honing in on their special Force abilities.
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They took these people who were Jedi Knights and temple guards and bled them they way they bleed a kyber crystal. Turning them into assassins whose only purpose was either to turn more force-sensitive individuals to the dark side or snuff out the remaining ones, therefore snuffing out hope.
*hope my rambling makes sense*
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sepublic · 1 year
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Man, just. There’s an almost terrified faith in the dark side to save her, to protect her, a faith in that bled lightsaber that’s murdered and represents her misery to nevertheless get her out of this situation. Because despite everything the dark side has done to the Ghost, it’ll still get her out of this like it always has, right? The Ghost is trapped and scared, so she’ll default to what she always knows, what she’s always done and relied upon as her universal solution to fear.
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But then. Then the lightsaber turns on, and the Ghost is just as shocked as Daal, just as taken aback, neither could’ve imagined this, as much as the other, that one would stoop so low and it’d end like this. The Ghost so desperately trusts in the dark side as she clings to her bled kyber crystal, and then it all turns on her the moment it’s found someone shinier, newer.
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robotsandramblings · 2 months
so yeah i thought The Acolyte was another "meh", had-potential-but-poorly-executed-and-paced show.
some great scenes, some good stuff in there, the fighting choreography was SUPERB, but ultimately overall it was like a 5/10 for me. maybe 6/10 if i'm in a good mood. [full review below with spoilers]
it's worth mentioning the many pro's:
they actually had the balls to kill off beloved main characters in a very permanent they-CANNOT-survive-that way. and keeping them dead.
showing the imperfect, political, selfish, flawed sides of individual Jedi and the Order as an organization
the on-screen depiction of the kyber crystal being bled
Qimir was a fucking treat. a really interesting character.
but imo ultimately it suffered from the same downfalls as a lot of the other live-action stuff:
weird pacing, like they were stretching it out too much, yet also cramming or rushing too much at times
(someone described Acolyte as "a movie that was chopped up into a bunch of really short episodes and filled in with stuff" and sadly i completely agree it feels that way)
weird and/or silly plot or character decisions, especially when they seemed to just want to move the plot along or make things ~dramatic~
plenty of great acting talent, but character writing was so bad that i barely cared about the main characters; usually ended up caring more about certain side characters than the main ones
lacking that something - quality, writing, heart, soul, i dunno - that made me excited for new episodes and eager to tune in each week. i had ZERO of that for Acolyte.
and, like most other SW live-action, i'll mark this show as Complete✓ and move on immediately and never rewatch it again lmao (except for the lightsaber fights). 👋
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stagbeetleboy · 2 years
Oh yeah, do I even have to explain why Sidious’ relationship with his lightsaber is particularly heinous even for a sith?
Like I’ve explained that bleeding a kyber crystal doesn’t have any real benefit, but even if that’s not true it’s something Sidious believes!
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A kyber is a living thing that is being bled for no reason besides a sith’s need to dominate even the smallest lifeform (even down to the midichlorians).
Him having two is awful but it’s no worse than Maul, no what makes Sidious treatment of the kybers so sinister is he completely abandons them after a while.
He subjects two kybers to the bleeding process which doesn’t even really benefit him, and threw them away as soon as he decided he was too powerful for dumb toys.
The suffering of his tools was always meaningless and they were always discarded, his sabers got the same treatment as everyone else.
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moondyad · 2 months
idk what i was expecting when going into The Acolyte. i didn't really look into promotional material, just waited to watch the show blind, like i do with most media. Mae and Osha were very compelling characters to me. i loved watching a "twins are not the same person" story where as they grow up, even people with the same DNA can choose different paths. which kind of became ironic with the reveal at the end of the season haha. i'm actually so intrigued by Mae and Osha being the exact same person. i desperately want to know how that happened and why Mother Aniseya created/summoned them. that part of the story makes sense and is great to follow along with for me.
my one gripe remains the same. i still can't quite take Qimir seriously. it stems from my understanding of Star Wars. Sith are never portrayed as morally grey in Star Wars. that's a specific request from George Lucas. the Sith were always evil and selfish while the Jedi were always good and selfless. Lucas always despised "grey Jedi" in the legends canon and didn't consider them true to the major canon. interjecting before someone gets mad, i love morally grey characters! i love people taking Lucas's characters and amplifying their grey qualities! however, as i understood it, no Star Wars media would ever show Sith or Jedi as morally grey (unless they were in the process of changing sides or something) due to it conflicting with the core values of those groups and Lucas's vision for them. so, when the goofball side character was revealed to be the big bad Sith i was ??? because it was to my understanding that Sith don't act like comic relief characters or show mercy. apparently this reveal only blindsided me, because i saw a lot of people who claimed to have picked up on it after his first or second scene. blinded by my understanding of the lore, I wrote Qimir off and was waiting for someone darker, more sinister to show their hand. i don't mind this series being the first to show morally grey Jedi and Sith. i love that Sol was so blinded by his righteousness that he could only see a path forward in which he removed one or both girls from their family and way of life. that's crazy! Sol was either on a path to becoming a Sith or staying light enough that he might have lead a splinter group from the Jedi Order, and either option would have been fascinating to watch. i feel like we haven't learned enough about Qimir yet to have his reveal felt earned. Sol's devastating past actions were earned! we got to know him how he is now and the absolute love he holds for Osha despite it being his biggest weakness. all we know is Qimir now. so i guess that's why the goof to Sith feels so sudden and the morally grey actions don't feel earned. i think Osha joining him was super fast-paced and didn't really feel earned either. i feel like he didn't challenge her beliefs enough. Mae did a better job at that than Qimir did. why didn't she just run off with Mae and not choose either side? she got a sick scene where she bled a kyber crystal and the blade turned red, but that alone doesn't make you a Sith. especially since this seems to be the morally grey Sith/Jedi series. what i need from the second season, if there is one, is way more of a focus on Qimir. i need his morality to have felt earned, just like how Osha's and Sol's were.
also insane how Vernestra just swept everything under the rug. another morally grey Jedi to add to the collection.
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