#bleas appreciate them
artnerd1123 · 4 years
Ok so hECKING Madison lezgo—
Madison’s the newest addition to the crew, but they’re certainly making their mark!!! They’re a research scholar who focuses largely on history— particularly the history of magic and how it’s developed. They also have a biiiig soft spot for popular legends/folk tales, and seeing how they’ve shaped the world. They really like trying to tell fact from fiction, so you can prolly submit any legend ever to em n they’ll have a ball tryna place it in time or determine how much of it is real/just inspired. Madison also super loves stuff that glows. Not necessarily due to spell work (tho that is neat), but more, like, natural luminescence. They raise both glow worms and glowing mushrooms, and probably have glowy stars stuck to their ceiling. Just. If it lights up in the dark, they’ll friggin love it.
As for personality, they’re kiiiiinda turning out different than everyone else? Which is the goal, it just makes em even more fun to puzzle out! They seem to be a kinda ‘take it slow, but take it,’ ‘turn over all the rocks to make sure u got all the facts BUT also know when to let it be,’ and ‘I’m cool to roll with whatever tho I will get HYPED AS HECK over stuff and u CANNOT STOP ME’ type of person. More info pending as I continue to work with em.
Also, as I’m sure it’s apparent, they’re nonbinary n use they/them! They go by the nickname “mads” if they ain’t bein called Madison or Mx. Batla. They also live off a steady diet of coffee and books. They dress comfy 100% of the time, and they’ve got a job with the library categorizing books n shiz, as well as doing freelance investigation into legends as needed. They’re bffs with Spree n the two met properly after mads gave a lecture at his school. Relationships developed later on (as they do) and they’re jus,,, a great nerdy fool.
Tldr: Theyre a nerd, I love them, and so does Spree.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
I know you just posted but can you do next part of The River? I really love your writing
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Sooo, this starts really fluffy, and then gets... not fluffy. I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for your asks. This series is so fun to write.
Part One
Part Two
CW//Blood, injury, infection
“Hero, I don’t- I don’t want to be alone!”
Villain didn’t think. The words tumbled out of their mouth, their numb tongue barely able to form the words. The red haze in the corners of their vision was wavering, now, threatening to turn to black. To force them to unconsciousness.
They could barely stay sitting upright, against the tree.
From merely a few feet away, over a few steps of undergrowth, Hero turned. It was clear to say that they had not expected to hear what they had-- How could they have expected it? Villain hadn’t even known that they were going to say it.
When Hero turned to head back towards them, it felt like a dream. A hallucination brought on by the agony of walking so far on a broken leg. Yet, when they felt a warm body settle alongside them, they knew full well that there had been nothing fake about it.
Hero turned to meet Villain’s gaze. Villain stared back in hazy confusion, eyes refusing to work together in order to focus.
The word was quiet, only its blurry edges reaching Villain’s ears.
A hand on their knee. The warmth of it radiated out, bringing them the barest moment of clarity. Villain blinked, lifting their head. The simple moment struck them with a flash of vertigo.
“I won’t leave you.” Hero continued, casting their gaze upwards, to the sparse sky that crept between the thick canopy above. “It’s almost night, anyways. I’ll stay until it gets light again, okay?
Then I’ll go get help. I’ll be back before the sun goes back down, I promise. How does that sound?”
Had it not been for their current mental state, Villain would have spat in the goody two shoes Hero’s face. They didn’t need to be coddled like this, treated as though they couldn’t handle themself.
Now, though, they relished the comfort. When they were better, they would blame it all on the pain, the confusion.
“I’m cold.” Villain murmured. “I’m so cold.”
The hand on their knee disappeared, before reappearing on their shoulder. An arm wrapped around their back. Hero pulled them close.
“It’s cold out here.” They commented. “Don’t worry, the fire will help. People in survival situations, in the wild, they do this all the time. Sharing body heat.”
The warmth was certainly nice, but it was the contact that Villain truly appreciated more. Not that they would have ever admitted that, no. Not even under interrogation, or worse.
“Get some sleep.” Hero suggested. “I’ll make sure nothing happens.”
“Mmm... Sleep sounds good.”
Why did their tongue feel more numb than before? No matter how close they got to the fire, to Hero, the cold only seemed to seep deeper into their bones. As though warmth were draining out of them, moment by moment.
Before long, Villain could not feel their legs.
It was perhaps midnight when Villain went cold. Hero supposed that the time must have passed much faster for their foe, now curled up against their side. After all, they could barely be considered awake, slipping in and out of consciousness every few moments. Hero wished they would simply give in and rest.
But, some rest was better than none. Shivering as the world around grew colder and colder, Hero watched, watching the moon through the tree canopy above.
It was when it was at its highest point that Villain went cold.
That was the best way Hero could really describe it. One moment, they were breathing. Shaking. The next, their flesh went cold and clammy.
Hero was no doctor, but they knew that that was not how people were meant to feel. In an instant, they had jolted upwards, grabbing Villain by the shoulders and shaking them. Their eyes fluttered open, lips moving weakly.
“Villain! Villain, listen to me! Wake up!”
Only bleary eyes in answer. At least they were moving. At least they were breathing. Albeit shallowly.
Their leg was wet. Hero’s leg was... They looked down.
Only to see their pant leg stained a bright crimson. They hadn’t been hurt, though. They were fine, and it was only Villain’s leg that was hurt...
Then why was there red draining down their side?
Hero did not think about privacy or permission as their hands shot forward, shifting Villain’s shirt to the side, revealing the source of the scarlet liquid.
A branch. A branch, embedded in their side. Dirtied and red, the surrounding skin angrily flushed.
Their hand snapped to Villain’s forehead.
They were warm. The wound was infected, that much was clear.
Villain knew. They had to have known. With an infection moving so quickly, they wouldn’t make it to first light.
“Please- Please stay alive for me.” Hero’s harsh voice whispered as they scooped Villain up into their arms.
How long would it take to run to civilization? They didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. They could make it.
If they didn’t, Villain would have no chance.
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shikuchi-blog1 · 7 years
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oh boy i havent done one of these in a WHILE !  time to ramble & hope for the best.
blah blah hey its ya boi andy here with a whole bias list !!! DANG !! okay so like ??? im surprised that i hit 100 already honestly !! i admit, i'm used to hitting that Hundred(tm) mark pretty quick as i'm usually in bigger communities but in one that's as small as go.rillaz & with a character thats so common ?? i'm shook ! noodl.e has been one of my most productive & strongest muses yet. i'm surprised that ive been so on top of things lately when i've been busy with school & my usual muses die down within two to three weeks. but we're just about to hit that 1 month mark and she's still kicking which is absolutely fantastic. i've had a blast with the friends i joined this community with & with the people i've spoken to along the way. now that we're talking about them , let's start the part everybody actually cares about !!
M'HOMBOS  .  SHORT  /  people ive been talking to often OOC & who i consider friends ! check the bottom for the sappy shit because i RAMBLED abt these 4.
@bassled   /   @fractzure   /   @igninecari   /   @twodented
HEART EYES  .   /   ppl i've spoken to / thread with but i want to get to know better ! ( aka hmu whenever u want bleas ,,,, )
im also throwing m'boos in here that i didnt talk abt bc we dont interact as much on this blog or some other reasons
@nuorii  /  @reallyblah  /  @blackfiire  /  @russeld  /  @kaboooms  /  @wondcrkid  /  @appxssionato  /  @airfcil  /  @riffrcffed  /  @solhearts  /  @iimpious
EYES EMOJI x 100  .   /   people who i've hardly spoken to if at all but would like to eventually interact with more !
@leggystu  /  @bubberu  /  @littlebadger  /  @crackerpaula  /  @starwished  /  @endangcred  /   @cinderella-esque  /  @wargod  /  @teenghcst  /  @halfpact  /  @tankbitch  /  @dirvnitas  /  @gangguro  /  @kitanosuzume  /  @toriiel  /  @scaramouchc  /  @candieds
M'HOMBOS  .  LONG   /   under the cut because i wanna RAMBLE.
@bassled  .
I LOVE REN SM. she's literally my best friend i've known her for about 6-7 years & she's absolutely fantastic ok this entire fuckin bias list could be just her but im gonna try not to write an essay on how much i love her. she's been there for me for so long & the fact that she isnt tired of my petty ass yet deserves a damn award. i admire her a lot. this dude goes through so much shit irl and i'm amazed that she's still doing as well as she is, even if she doesnt realize it. if i was in her position i wouldn't even be writing let alone doing everything that she does. & boy her m.urdoc ?? is so good ?? i love him sm and its not me being biased BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY her muds is so fuckin good. ren isnt the most active, sure, but whenever she is i always stop to read her posts because i just !!!! love her sm !!!! she makes murd.oc realistic & makes him more human. she doesnt just focus on him being abusive or an asshole or gross but she definitely doesn't dismiss it either. she's so good at analyzing every little movement he does and turning it into something more and i just !!!! if i keep going this gonna go on for years just know that i love ren a lot :^}
@fractzure  . 
squidy's ugly ok moving on
JK FJKH no but actually !! ive known squidy for a hot minute too. we've been friends for a good few years now ( met on a .... fucgkign minec.raft server................. ) and i love them sm !!! every call that we have inevitably turns into a shitfest where we're wheezing our asses off. i may get on their ass every second & try to roast them for every little thing but its mostly because i just love their reactions and i love talking to them in general ??? and im petty but we're not talking abt that rn LMAO. but yea squidys such a fun person to hang out with & i appreciate talking to them lots !! and even though theyre not the most active either, i love what they have of their 2.D so far and i cant wait to see more of him once summer starts because i really like squidy's writing and im suuuper excited for that. also theyre making a russ.el probably and im.... so gay...... our thread rn is cute af and we gotta talk more abt them Um Squidy Hmu Bit.
on a final note; Ooga My Booga Is A Social Construct.
@igninecari  . 
i love !!! bones !!!! i havent known them for long, only a few months maybe, but talking to them every day has been a blast and our convos are usually filled with Chaotic Plotting and us talking over each other and its just. Gr8. we originally met on our a.va's dem.on blogs and i remember loving her m.aggie so fuckin much dude everything she said abt her was so !!! dang !!! good !!!! and even now with her emb.er & her ecla.ir i can see how much care & thought she puts into all of her muses. dude even thinks into their family and develops those characters which makes everything SO MUCH MORE REALISTIC. her writing is a joy to read also ?? its so pretty i love how she describes everything and i love all of the little references she sticks into her descriptions that fit her characters perfectly. im glad i dragged them into g.orillaz hell w/ me because we've got such a good thing going on w/ em & noods it makes me so happy !! also callout for bones WE GOTTA THREAD SMTH ASAP OR IM SPAMMING ASKS
@twodented  .
KIT IS AN ANGEL. i've only actually spoken her for maybe ??? two ?? three weeks ??? but we hit it off super quick and shes such a nice & supportive person ! i believe we first followed each other on our a.vas d.emon blogs but, seeing as we were both the same character, we never really approached each other 'til joining g.orillaz. i am so glad we actually started talking bc BOI !!!! I LOVE HER !!! she's so fun to talk to & to plot with. we'll just throw lil concepts at each other every once in a while and its Gr8. and !! her 2.d is so fuckin spot on let me tell u she's one of the ppl that, when i see her on the dash, i stop and read her writing even if it isnt for me because im so gay for her writing style. its so descriptive and eloquent and i love the way she formats ! i feel like she does his dialogue perfectly every time because its never been hard to understand for me but it still reads in his voice in my head which is (ok emoji x20). her hcs are a joy to read & i just !!! dont get me started on what we've talked about for 2.d and noodle im SO FUCKIN HEART-EYES FOR REALLY CLOSE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS AND THEY GOT ME SO EXCITED TO REPLY TO EVERYTHING ?????? PLATONIC 2N.U IS MY SHIT.  tl;dr i love kit & i love kits 2.d sm,,,,,
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