#bleach Kyoraku
Hello! I was wondering, if you'd like, could you write a hc for Toshiro, Shinji and Shunsui (and if you'd like to add any other characters), dealing with a fem!reader who just won't confess her love, even though it's very obvious? It can be fluff or smut, whatever you prefer. I would love to see what you come up with! Thank you very much in advance! 💗
Bleach Men and Shy Reader
Hello! Sorry it took me a while to get to this! I'm always struggling to keep characterization accurate which is why this took forever. I love this request btw. So I just didn't get a HC feel for this because I felt like half the fun was in the dialogue of getting reader to confess. So I wrote scenarios instead. Hope you don't mind! ^_^' All fluff, slightly suggestive at places but mostly harmless.
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icons by @/pfpanimes and @/xoxomyseriesxoxo
Toshiro (aged up)
"Y/n, I think we're good. We got all the information we need."
Toshiro runs a hand through his hair, his sharp blue eyes narrowing as he takes in their surroundings one last time. Their surveying mission had gone well and he was hoping to get back to Soul Society before the sun sets.
He looks around, then his face turns into a look of exasperation as he sees you petting Hyorinmaru like a puppy. Even Hyorinamru seemed to be enjoying the attention, eyes closed, making a loud rumbling noise which he supposed could be comparable to a cat purring.
You were some distance away so he starts to walk over to you as you press your forehead against the large ice dragon's face. It was perplexing why Hyorinmaru behaved the way he did around you, but of course, zanpakuto were mainifestations of their owners. Hitsugaya's face relaxed slighty and took on a softer expression as you continued to play with Hyorinmaru. He was also uncomfortably aware of the way his heart beat a little faster when you were around. Perhaps that's why his zanpakuto behaved similarly.
You were cooing at the large blue dragon. "You're such a good boy. The best ice dwagon...yes..."
You press a kiss to Hyorinmaru's face. Softly, you then say, "I wonder if Hitsugaya taicho feels it when I kiss you..."
Hitsugaya freezes, wondering if he should say something. He didn't feel it, but wouldn't it be wondrous if he could?
"Y/n," he calls out, making you jump. Your face turns red, and you quickly try to compose yourself.
"Hitsugaya taicho! I apologize, I didn't hear you. Are we done with our mission?"
"Yes...I believe we are." He hesitates before saying, "What were you telling Hyorinmaru before?"
You feel your heart racing and try to brush off his question. "It's nothing! I was just being silly. He's a very sweet dragon."
"Yes, I suppose he can be..."
A moment of awkward silence passes between you both before you say, "We'd better get back to Soul Society huh?" Trying to pass over your awkward exchange, you slip past Hitsugaya and start walking back. Hyorinmaru vanishes a minute later as Hitsugaya follows you.
After a few minutes, Hitsugaya quietly says, "I can't feel it."
Your heart skips a beat. Surely you must have heard wrong. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I can't feel it when you kiss Hyorinmaru."
A jolt of electricty runs through you. Had he heard that?! "Oh, well good. That would have been weird."
"Yeah I guess so...but...would it be a bad thing?"
"Would what be a bad thing?"
"If I could feel it."
You feel like your heart may leap out of your chest. A nervous laugh bubbles out of you. "Well you can't so...I guess we'll never know!"
"I mean you could just tell me."
Your words catch in your throat. When you talk again, they come out shaky. "Tell you what?"
"If it's good or bad."
A very palpable, tense, moment lingers between both of you. All that can be heard is the rustling of your robes and your footsteps as the both of you continue to walk.
"I guess...it wouldn't be...too bad, right?" You offer.
"No, I don't think it would be." Hitsugaya looks directly at you. "Those words weren't meant for Hyorinmaru to hear excusively were they?"
You look away. "Well I wasn't saying it out loud intentionally if that's what you mean."
"What's the worst that could've happened? If you had said those words to me?"
"You may have gotten the wrong impression of me..."
"Wrong impression? So you don't like me?"
Well you had kind stepped right into that question. "I...I..."
Why was it so hard to admit your feelings? Your eyes squeeze shut.
"Hey, y/n. It's ok." Hitsugaya pats your shoulder reassuringly. "How about this? I'll bring out Hyorinmaru. You can tell him whatever you want. If that makes it easier."
You look at him with gratitude in your eyes. You knew you weren't getting out of this one until Hitsugaya had a satisfactory answer.
With a small swish of reiatsu, Hyorinmaru appears in front of you. You look into the striking blue eyes of the dragon, so similar to its owner, and take its face between your hands.
"Hey Hyorinmaru," you say softly. "So, I just wanted to say. I think I like someone, and he knows it. But...I'm scared to admit my feelings because...deep down...I feel like he's worthy of someone more talented and special. So if you have an answer to this, please let me know."
Warm hands wrap around your waist and to your surprise, Hitsugaya pulls you against him, resting his cheek on the back of your head.
"Is this enough for an answer?"
You take a deep breath, cheeks pink as a peach.
"Yeah. More than enough."
You and Shinji trudged back to his quarters after a particularly tiring mission. It wasn't uncommon for you recuperate in his quarters because his place was simply the closest to the gate when getting back into the Seiretei. And after a long gruelling mission, questions about appropriateness get tossed out the window.
Your muscles ache and you feel your reiatsu pulse as you force yourself to walk. The comforting feeling of the courtyards near Shinji's quarters fill your senses.
"Not too far along now y/n. You can shower first this time."
You look at Shinji side eyed, remembering how the last time he'd hidden the soap when you had made a dash to the bathroom to shower first.
Clearly he was remembering it too because he smirks at you and says, "How about next time, you bring your own soap, you freeloader?"
"I'm a rookie shinigami, taicho. I hardly make enough to afford luxuries like soap." You respond sarcastically.
"You just wanna use mine because you like the way I smell. Admit it. You get off on having my scent on your skin." Shinji says teasingly, giving you a shit-eating grin.
The color rises in your face and you look away. It was true but you couldn't admit that. Instead you say, "As if. Like I enjoy smelling like your cheap deodarant."
"And how would you know my deodarant smells cheap? Have you been going through my toiletries y/n? Like some kind of pervert?" Shinji nudges you playfully.
"Why I might have to start hiding my boxers, in case I find you in my room sniffing around at night."
"Eeewww," you say, wrinkling your nose. You start to walk faster so that you're ahead of him, not wanting him to see how fantastically red your face is getting.
Chuckling, Shinji sprints after you, grabbing the back of your shihakusho, and bringing you to his side, arm draping possessively around your shoulders so that you can't move.
"Taicho," you say through gritted teeth. "What would happen if someone sees us this way? It's very unbecoming of a captain."
"Strange, I don't seem to recall you saying that whenever you crash at my place after a mission." Shinji stops walking and turns so that he's facing you, blocking your way, a hand on each of your shoulders.
You can't look at him now, and drop your gaze. "That's...different. I sleep in your spare bedroom. We both know that and would say the same. But this kind of behavior...out here in the open...someone might mistake us..."
"Mistake us how exactly?" Shinji presses, not relenting at the fact that you're barely able to keep your head up now. "Mistake us as...lovers?"
He drawls the last word and you squeeze your eyes shut. Your heart races and you can't seem to think of a comeback. He was so close to you and his hands were holding on tight.
"N-no," you stammer, trying to keep calm.
"No? What else could they mistake us for that's gotten you so red?" Shinji takes a step closer to you and grasps your chin, lifting you face up to look at his. Helpless, you look into his brown eyes which are looking at yours with amusement.
When you fail to reply, he continues. "There's plenty of reasons they could mistake us for lovers, y/n. I mean, we cuddle on the couch."
"That's because-"
"We've eaten together so many times I've lost count." He barrels over your objection. "Your toothbrush is in a cup on my bathroom counter. Do I need to keep giving you more examples about how unconventional our relationship is? It definitely isn't a captain-subordinate one anymore."
Caught, you try to jerk your face out of his grip which only tightens. "Well, doll? Because if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're living with me, but you seem to be trying to convince yourself otherwise."
"I-that's-" you sputter, trying to retort. "How about the fact that we don't feel that way about each other? Doesn't that count for anything?" you say desperately, hoping for a final chance to keep your heart from getting hurt.
Shinji's expression changes from amusement to thoughfulness. "Don't feel that way about each other...hmm...so...why am I teasing you this way? Why do I allow you to cuddle up to me when we're watching TV? Why am I here, forcing you to look at me, and making my intentions known if I don't feel that way about you?"
Your heart skips a beat and you quit struggling. He couldn't possibly...?
"And why are you blushing so much when I say all this? Why haven't you stopped looking at my lips this whole time?" His voice becomes a soft timbre and his hands drop from your shoulders to your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Why are you so resistant to what you're feeling towards me?"
Your chest swells with emotion as his words wash over you. For the longest time, you'd hidden your feelings, hoping he wouldn't notice. Because how embarrssing and cliche? A subordinate falling for her captain?
"I...may...like you as more...than my captain..." You admit grudgingly.
"There we go. Now was that so hard?" Shinji rests his thumbs on your cheeks, stroking gently. "For the record, I'm not playing around. I'm serious."
You peek up at him. "Promise?"
"Well...I'm not a fan of making promises I can't keep- OUCH!" Shinji lets out a yelp of pain as you shove him hard in the ribs before scurrying off towards his quarters.
Humbled, he quickly chases after you. "Y/n! I am dead serious! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!"
When he hears you laughing, his eyes narrow.
"Very well then doll...I suppose I'll have to torture the confession out of you while hiding the soap again...maybe this time after you've gotten in the shower..."
Your eyes roam over the voluptous shinigami talking to Shunsui. He certainly seems to have a type. You sigh and try to focus on your own work. Being an aide to Shunsui has been insightful in terms of getting experience but also an eye-opening period where you would see how many women seem to sidle up to him for attention.
Shunsui chuckles at the woman before she saunters out, hips swaying. He fixes his hat and stretches, the neck of his shihakusho slipping down to reveal his toned pecs.
Such a slut you think to yourself as you try to finish your paperwork. Although, truth be told, you weren't sure if that was entirely true. Women went up to him all the time, sure. How many of those women made it back to his quarters was another question entirely. Not as many as people thought, according to Nanao.
Shunsui glances over at you, a cheeky smile widening over his face. "Enjoying the view?" he teases, as you suddenly flush, realizing you'd been staring shamelessly at his chest for the past minute.
"N-no," you stammer. "Just wondering how brazen you must be to have your shihakusho practically untied while in the office."
"Not as brazen as my subordinate who's been visually feeling me up," he shoots back with a wink.
You quickly look back to your paperwork. Was it your fault he was an attractive looking man for his age? You heart thuds in your chest and you take a deep breath to calm down. This does not go unnoticed by Kyoraku who puts his face on his palm, leaning on his desk looking at you.
"Let's get a drink tonight."
Surely you misheard him. "...What?"
"I know you heard me y/n." He chuckles, a rich, low, rumble emanating from his throat. "And based on what I've seen, I think you've imagined more than having a drink with me."
Your throat goes dry. "You got that...from a one-off look?" Your words come out like a croak.
"Well darling, you've been making eyes at me all evening. Thought I'd save you the trouble." He gets up from the desk and wanders over towards you.
Your brain goes into panic mode. "I-I can't. Busy today."
"Ah hm...I see." Shunsui says in that lazy way, getting closer to you. "Busy. So very busy. Tell me. What plans do you have tonight that you're too busy to get a drink with your captain?"
Your mind blanks out at his question. Seeing the look of disarray on your face, Shunsui offers you a sympathetic pat. "I can give you a minute if you need to come up with an excuse. Maybe pretend to watch the birds outside?"
Your cheeks burn at his suggestion. "Unnecessary. Clearly I don't have one. Apart from I don't want to."
"Now why's that? I like you, and you seem to return the feeling. I've been around long enough to know when a woman is interested in me. So what's the problem?"
"I'm your subordinate. And with your reputation I don't wish to be another statistic in your book."
"Statistic?" Shunsui looks at you with sharp eyes. "Darling, how many women do you think I've been with?"
"I don't know. 2000 years is a long time."
He looks stunned at your words then sighs deeply. "I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm not thinking of making you a 'statistic'. I actually like you."
Your heart races. "Say that again."
"I like you. I'm not too proud to hide how I feel. Now how about you stop insulting me and admit you like me too?"
You take a deep breath. "I'll have a drink with you."
"Well that's a start I suppose."
"And tie up your damn shihakusho."
"And miss the chance to have you stare at me all night?" Shunsui's eyes glitter with mischief. "I think not."
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shuufuu · 1 year
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finally i can show you full version 🥹
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auntyokula · 2 years
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family picture ✌️
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freyzrc · 10 months
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Day 222 Captain kyoraku complete~ Painting him was a good learning experience for me XD
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qweaenr · 2 months
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BLEACH: Gotei 13: Squads 6-10
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moonymiw · 7 months
Senior captains in Gotei 13.
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(((yes, I like all of them and be prepared of more contents of them)))
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zmeitsssa · 9 months
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 5: PREGNANCY Kyoraku Shunsui 𝘹 𝘍! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: @the-witch-of-one-piece ➡ Hello my beautiful soul sister!!! Ahh I’m so excited for this kinktober! I raced into your inbox trying to calm down my feral kink coming out of me 😂😂 if it’s okay to request Shunsui with a fem reader for day 5 pregnancy! This man would be the best soon to be daddy 🥺💜🛐 thank you so much my beautiful soul sister!!! TE AMO MUCHO !!!!!!! ➡ también te amo mucho my soul sister! 💖 tw: mdni. pregnancy kink. reader IS pregnant. nipple play. semi public sex. humping. vag sex. 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The outcome of so many nights of passion showed beautiful in your body. The little bump growing strong and healthy, your anatomy changing, your mood somethings swinging.
You were preparing yourself, and the house, for the new life that would be there in some months. And while you did, the general captain of the Gotei 13 couldn’t help but praise you.
Sitting comfortably in the garden of the Shunsui manor, the soon to be dad enjoys a sip of his beloved sake. While you, comfortably enjoy gardening under a soft spring breeze. It was calmer than ever before, after all that had happened with the invasion none of you had time to be at peace for a long time.
“You are a goddess, my love” Kyoraku chimes, leaving the cup on a little table next to him.
“Shut up, you! I am getting fat, look…” you joke, you love more than anyone how beautiful your belly looks.
Shunsui stands up, sighing. He can’t let a queen think that way of herself. Walking a few steps towards you, he takes his hat in between his hands and bends over to where you are.
“I am not trying to be rude, so I will ask you to please excuse my language… but fat is how I get down there when I see you, miss” he murmurs, acting innocent despite saying such thing.
You leave the little gardening tool in your hand to look at him with your mouth open.
“Kyoraku Shunsui, would you mind watching your mouth in front of your baby?” you scold him, sweetly, while acting incensed at his words and caressing your belly.
He takes his hat to his naked chest in signs of being sorry, but all of a sudden he snatches in arms as if you where less heavy than a feather.
“Honey- what? What are you doing?!” you protest, while safe resting in his embrace.
“Listen here, the eyes you just gave me… you being pregnant, everything about you… ugh- believe me that the baby won’t tell for now” he says, walking calmly to the wooden swing you have in your garden.
Shunsui sits back, with you still in his arms. Despite your pregnancy he is way bigger than you in every sense.
He grunts and comfortably sits you over his lap. “Com’ere” he purrs, opening your yukata with absolutely no worries.
You are silent, but with a huge smirk on your face. You know what’s next and you want it so bad…
Shunsui seems to be gloating at how full your breasts are looking; pregnancy is making your body an experience he doesn’t want to miss; he wants to love you in every single stage of yourself.
“Allow me, before this belongs to someone else ~” he scoffs, while his hands cups one of your breasts and takes it to his lips.
You moan instantly after he plants the first kiss over your hard nipples. Everything has been feeling a lot more sensitive.
He sucks, slowly. He nibbles, kindly. He doesn’t want to hurt her precious wife nor coming baby.
Your back curls as he keeps playing, changing from breast to breast and sometimes burying his head in between them. His huge hand, lies on your warm back flesh, holding you for you to lie as comfortably as you please while he gives you pleasure.
You can’t help but begin to move back and forth, humping on his hardening crotch. You can feel his growth hitting against your core and in both cases getting wetter and needier. The motions of the swing also accompany yours, edging you two a state very close to climax.
“I…” you whine, urging your husband to fuck you. “Already? But what if I hurt you…?” he asks, knowing too well he won’t. Kyoraku Shunsui enjoys your begging for his dick. He wants you to plead to be penetrated and pleased.
Panting, reaching his lips with yours, needy… “please, fuck me… do it…”
“How do you ask properly, doll?” he asks back, already lifting your hip enough for his hakama pants to slide down.
You swallow. You have always called him “daddy” and now, it won’t be the exception; this time Shunsui deserves more than ever to be called that way.   
“Daddy, fuck me… please ~” you purr, letting your yukata to fall to the ground to show him in full display your beautiful “mommy” body.
He smirks, pleased. His hands first reach for your swollen belly, up and down and around your waist.
“Now, if I may… let daddy fuck you the way you deserve my sweet, beautiful mommy” “Nghh… deeper… go- deeper, daddy!” ~
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taglist: @miabiaria @carmenthedreamer @stygianoir @electronicwitchcollection @aizenwifey @deputy-videogamer @efrodd17 @mizugami @uzxotic @cyberdazetragedy @bookandyarndragon 💖
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brittscafe · 8 months
hiii i absolutely love the work you're putting out for the whole bleach fandom it's insane 🫡🫡 could you please write some fluffy smut with shunsui where he or the reader does something stupid (be it an accident or not) during sex? i just feel like silly giggly sex would be such a common occurrence with him i froth at the mouth at the thought of it uahaghahaug thank you!!!! <333
Hiii!!! aw thank you too much! <3 I love Shunsui, of course 😭🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Shunsui's hands are gripping onto your hips, guiding you as you slide back and forth on his cock. Soft moans are leaving your lips as Shunsui admires you and the way that your breasts are bouncing with each movement.
"Do you think I look like a pirate with his eyepatch on?" Shunsui blurts out and you scoff quietly. You chuckle and stop moving back and forth on his thick cock.
"Now, why the hell are you asking me that right now?" you ask, squeezing his shoulders.
"Why? Is now not a good time? Argh!!" Shunsui chuckles out, licking his lips.
Your hand strikes his shoulder and the slap fills the room. You cannot believe Shunsui just made a pirate sound while you are trying to ride him.
"Ouch!" Shunsui exclaims, eyes widening and a grin tugging on his face.
"What the hell was that?" you scoff out, sinking down onto Shunsui's length and stopping all your movements.
"What do you mean?" Shunsui asks with an innocent facial expression and you huff out.
"You're lucky that I didn't slap you in your face, Shunsui! I can't believe you made that stupid sound!" you gasp out and his lips curl up into a tiny smirk.
"Damn, you're such a pillow princess," Shunsui chuckles out, flipping you onto your back. You rest your head on the pillow and giggle as Shunsui positions himself in between your thighs, sliding inside of your soaking cunt.
"And you love it," you smile warmly, cupping his cheek. Shunsui watches as his cock slides in and out of your gushing pussy, precum forming along the base of his dick.
"Such a pretty petal. This booty is all mine," Shunsui explains, a smirk growing along his face as he reaches down, squeezing the fat flesh of your ass.
"Shunsui, you've got to stop with the pirate thing," you chuckle out, shaking your head with denial. Shunsui laughs loudly, leaning his head down into the warmth of your neck and presses wet kisses there.
"Why? Do you not like it?" he teases you, nibbling on your earlobe, his hips meeting yours. You open your mouth to say, but instead a moan leaves.
"Shut up. I'm never having sex with you again," you roll your eyes and Shunsui gasps loudly, pulling away from your neck. His large, warm hands cup your face and he scrunches up his nose.
"Liar," he mumbles out, diving his dick deep inside of you. You gasp as the pleasure ripples through your body and your thighs burn with immense pleasure.
Yeah, he's right.
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dreamingofaizawa · 7 days
Mornings Like This
Shunsui Kyoraku x Fem! Reader
***This fic is rated R, if you are not 18 or older, please select a different novel, thank you***
Warnings: Penetrative sex (p in v), cockwarming(?), creampie, soft morning sex with Shunsui been eating my brain alive o.O
Word Count: 1.1k
Author's Note: Ok yeah this man...this MAN holy shit I just think he's hot okay? Lazy morning sex just FITS HIM too well, he's so attractive, I love him. I would let him do unspeakable things to me. Also if this man called me sweetheart I think I'd die on the spot
ANYWHO Enjoy <3
The rising sun is what wakes you, the warmth of its rays penetrating the exposed skin on your back. It’s a lovely morning, the breeze that flows through the barracks is cool and gentle and crisp. Every morning is a good morning though, when you wake up in Shunsui’s arms. He’s still snoring away, the rise and fall of his chest lifting your head with every breath. He’s so handsome like this. He’s handsome always, but especially on mornings like these, where he’s naked beneath you and his hair is loose over his pillows. You can’t help it when you allow your fingers to trace shapes into his chest, and move your hand up behind his neck to lean up and leave a sweet kiss on his lips. That wakes him up and he immediately leans into the kiss, his hands gripping your hips and feeling your skin give beneath his fingers. It’s meant to be a chaste kiss, a sweet and innocent press of your lips to his. But it isn’t long before you can feel something poking at your thigh.
“Shunsui, you’re hard love.” His chuckle is deep and full, makes your body warm from the inside out. 
“Yeah, I guess I am. You gonna do anything about it?” That voice could make you melt any day, and today is no exception. You don’t bother with the banter, you’re more than ready for him, even though you can feel the soreness settling in from your escapades last night. This man was going to drain you of all your energy and then some. It’s lazy, the way you move to straddle your legs over him, and only just barely lift yourself up enough to slip him right inside you. The both of you groan, surely still sensitive even after so many hours of rest. His hands clamp down harder on your hips when you fully seat yourself on his cock and grind your hips down onto it. 
“You’re going to be the death of me, woman.” You hum, wait for his grip to loosen and lie back down on top of him. His arms come around you and he flips the two of you on your side, curling his entire body around yours and wrapping your legs around his waist. He can’t be comfortable, with your leg beneath his side as he lays on it, but he seems unbothered when his arms tighten around you and he thrusts his hips up slowly. You can feel him deep inside you, rocking sweetly back and forth, hitting every little soft spot that makes you tremble in his hold. 
“Oh my pretty girl, already shaking? Hmm I must be doing something right.” You nod into his shoulder, arms tight around his neck. He turns his head to kiss your temple, pairing it with an especially hard thrust up into you. It’s enough to make you gasp and your cunt clenches down tight. 
“Ya gotta loosen up, sweetheart. I can’t move with you gripping so hard.” He lays another sweet kiss on your temple, whispering sweet nothings in your ear and massaging your hips to get you to relax. He’s always been good with his words of praise, lacing everything in a deep, honeyed tone.
“So good for me, my beautiful wife. Such a pretty little thing, aren’t you? So pretty I could stare at you forever.” When you finally do relax he’s pulling you down onto his cock while he throws his hips up, hitting deeper and harder. Your head is spinning, the pleasure pulsing through your body along with the beat of your heart. Your orgasm sneaks up on you, and you’re shaking like a leaf in the wind while Shunsui holds you tight and keeps fucking into you, pushing you into a field of pleasure you’re only familiar with when he’s desperate to cum deep inside you. His teeth grab the tip of your ear, then graze at your neck, and finally he bites at your lip as you both pant in the morning sun. A thin sheen of sweat has formed over the both of you, hot bodies interlocked and moving in tandem for pleasure. You kiss him then, deep and slow and tongues dancing together, and with one final thrust he’s cumming deep inside you, warmth filling the pit of your belly. 
“Thank you for that, sweetheart.” He untangles your limbs and rolls onto his back once more, lying you in the same position you’d woken up in, only this time he’s left his softening cock to plug up your poor pussy. It’s a mistake when you lean up to kiss him once again, an ‘of course, my love’ easily slipping through your lips. Just from the kiss, you can feel his dick jump to life, making him groan deep in his throat.
“Didn’t expect you to be ready so soon, Shunsui. And from a kiss no less.” He laughs at that.
“Obviously it’s because a beautiful girl like you just kissed me. I can’t believe such a gorgeous woman is my wife.” You have to giggle at that, the little flatterer he is.
“Shunsui, we’ve been married for 152 years. You can’t keep not believing I’m your wife.” He leans down and kisses you, rocking his hips up to make you gasp, taking the opportunity to invade your mouth with his tongue. You’re gasping when he pulls away, a devious grin on that handsome face of his.
“Maybe not, but I can surely appreciate every minute of it.” He stills his hips, relaxing all the way and holding you close. 
“152 years and I’m still madly in love with you. You do things to me, woman. Wonderful, devilish things.” You press a kiss into his chest, allowing your body to go limp in his grasp. 
“It’s a good thing I’m still in love with you too, then. We might have a problem otherwise.” He smiles down at you, and you return it, his hand brushing back the hair that had fallen in your face.
“It’s a good thing we don’t have a problem.” You nod, then lie your head down on his chest and listen to his heart beating. You feel all of him, his cock filling you, his strong arms wrapped tight around you, his fingers where they trace lines on your back, his breath on the crown of your head. You feel his chest rise and fall with every breath. You feel the love he pours into every action he takes with you, even an action so small as saying your name.
Nothing beats mornings like these.
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pin-k-ink · 4 months
matters of the heart // ukitake jushiro & kyoraku shunsui (pt. 2)
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tw ⇢ highly suggestive content, strong sexual tension, making out, slight nipple play, just a hint of ukitake x kyoraku, lots and lots of complicated feelings
wc ⇢ 3.4k
part one | part two | part three
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You found yourself absentmindedly running your fingers along the spines of the ancient tomes lining Ukitake's chamber walls - a nervous habit born from too many silent visitations attempting to soothe his latest spells of ill health.
Even now, after centuries of close companionship, there was something about being alone with the sickly captain that made your pulse skip erratically. A burgeoning sense of anticipation you didn't quite understand fluttering low in your belly.
"You seem distracted today, my dear," Ukitake's mild tenor cut through the heavy stillness, instantly commanding your attention. "Is something weighing on your mind?"
You glanced over to find him watching you with those lambent green eyes, expression etched into thoughtful lines as he studied your momentary lapse in composure. A tremulous smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you turned to face him fully.
"As perceptive as always, Jūshirō," you acknowledged with a rueful dip of your chin. "Though I can't seem to put my finger on what precisely is causing my...distraction this time."
It wasn't quite a lie. While flashes of your heated encounter with Kyōraku continued swirling through your psyche, it was the undercurrent of ineffable yearning in his eyes that wouldn't quite leave you be. As if he'd purposefully laid bare some fundamental truth about your long-intertwined existences that you'd been studiously ignoring until now.
Ukitake made a soft noise of contemplation, seemingly unaware of the direction your chaotic thoughts had taken. "I see. Well, you needn't suffer under its weight alone. I'm happy to lend an ear, if you think unburdening yourself may help..."
He trailed off meaningfully, the achingly sincere invitation settling around your shoulders with gentle insistence. You felt your breath catch minutely, rooted to the spot as you simply drank in the sight of him - hale and vibrant in a stolen moment of relatively robust health.
The tender sincerity bleeding from his every pore acted like a tonic upon your psyche. You felt the tangled knots of tension slowly being massaged loose as the endless expanse of your decades upon decades of close friendship blanketed you like a soothing balm.
How many times had you simply existed in these suspended heartbeats of abject intimacy with Ukitake over the course of your entwined lives? Drawn solace from his quiet steadfastness like a parched traveler at an oasis in the endless wastes of Soul Society's eternal churning?
Too many to count. Just as the number of times you had effortlessly gravitated into his vital orbit without a second thought threatened to blur together into a singular, unbroken spiral of cherished recollections and fevered devotions.
It was this bone-deep certainty of what existed between you that suddenly allowed the chaos of your thoughts to settle into soothing stillness. For all that Kyōraku's burning stare and wrenching confessions had shattered your tranquility, upending your composure onto uncertain new tides...here, with Ukitake, you felt the indistinct pull of a different sort of sublime gravity reasserting itself.
"Actually..." you murmured at last, crossing the space between you with unhurried grace to resettle yourself at Ukitake's bedside. "I think perhaps you're the only one who can help put my mind at ease on this matter, Jūshirō."
Ukitake cocked his head slightly in that endearingly quizzical way of his, patiently waiting for you to elaborate. You inhaled a steadying breath, feeling the treacherous flutter of courage sparking to life as you allowed the words to spill forth in an earnest, unvarnished tide:
"Tell me...do you ever look at someone and realize in a single, dawning moment that they are an inextricable part of your existence? That no matter how far your paths have strayed or how deeply separated your fates have become over the eras...there's some transcendent tether anchoring you together in a way that defies reckoning or separation?"
You watched Ukitake's expression shift into something unnameable and visceral as you spoke, felt an imperceptible current of spiritual energy begin to thrum between your interwoven existences. For several breaths, he simply absorbed your softly murmured epiphany with rapt attentiveness.
Then, slowly, he shifted until you found yourselves a mere hairsbreadth apart - separated only by the gossamer partition of realities as he gentled his larger hand over yours and peered down at you with an achingly tender intensity that robbed you of breath.
"Yes," Ukitake rasped out fervently, each infinitesimal consonant seeming to sear itself into the fabric of your spiritual essence. "I've found...I do know precisely what you speak of."
The look he leveled into you then was a devastatingly radiant testament of truths brought to searing awakening. For in that moment, it felt as though every lingering gossamer shroud between your essences was rendered to smoke and char, leaving only the sublime inevitability of an infinite, soulful conjunction smoldering in the aftermath.
A heavy, electrically charged silence descended as Ukitake's words seemed to resonate through the space between you with a profound weight. You felt the delicate hairs along your nape prickling as an unmistakable frisson of anticipation began thrumming through your spiritual signature.
Almost unconsciously, you found yourself shifting nearer until the sides of your bodies were flush - heedless of propriety or restraint. Ukitake's intense jade regard didn't waver an inch, burning straight through to your deepest core as if he could perceive the molten truths roiling just beneath the surface of your composure.
You parted your lips, intending to respond, but the simple inhale felt thick and heady - as though the atmosphere itself had transformed into something molten and viscous. Charged with undercurrents too primal and indefinable to put into mere words.
Ukitake seemed to recognize the weight of the moment as well. His free hand drifted up in an unhurried, reverent glide until calloused fingertips ghosted along the line of your jaw with maddening delicacy. You couldn't quite smother the full-body shiver that lanced through you at the featherlight caress, suddenly hyper-aware of every molecule of air displacing against your heated skin.
"Tell me..." Ukitake rasped out, the low timbre of his voice seeming to reverberate straight into your marrow. "What finally allowed you to perceive the truth of this...inextricable bond between us?"
He emphasized the last few words with an achingly poignant lilt, thumb tracing the curve of your lower lip with tortuous leisure. You shuddered again at the sensation, feeling your composure rapidly splintering into a thousand incandescent shards as his spiritual pressure seemed to enfold you in a palpably smoldering embrace.
"I...Shunsui..." You managed to stammer out, feeling the brand of Ukitake's touch searing away any semblance of coherence. "He tried to..."
An infinitesimal furrow creased Ukitake's brow at the mention of your other oldest friend and confidant. His expression settled into one of rapt contemplation as he parsed the implications of what you were struggling and failing to articulate directly.
Then, with a subtle shift of weight, he was bridging the final scant inches between your bodies - close enough for you to feel the scorching thrum of his spiritual pressure like an electrical storm resonating in your bones. Ukitake pinned you with his piercing stare, the hand cupping your jaw flexing with undisguised possession. When he spoke again, each word dripped with smoldering intensity.
"Go on..." he commanded in that low, reverent rasp that seemed to ignite lancing trails of heat across every inch of your tingling flesh. "Tell me how our dearest friend finally revealed the depth of what this has always been between us. What inevitability we have only been deluding ourselves against embracing fully until now..."
You could only whimper softly at the blatant undercurrents of challenge and promise threaded through Ukitake's murmured intimations. He held you completely transfixed, helpless against the intoxicating sensory onslaught of his proximity and burning spiritual magnitude.
It would be so easy to finally surrender entirely in that moment - to arch into the delicious friction of your bodies pressed infinitesimally nearer and close the remaining distance into oblivion. To seal your existences into the sort of rapturous coalescence you now realized was the inevitable culmination of this fraught, eternal dance you and Ukitake had been engaged in since the dawn of your earliest recollections.
But the flickering remnants of propriety and self-restraint wouldn't permit such an absolute dissolution...not yet. So you clung to every fraying thread of composure and managed to drag coherency back into your words in trembling, breathless fragments.
"He...Shunsui tried to seduce me after reliving heated memories of our promiscuous Academy days," you rasped out in a confessional rush. "He held me and kissed me... But then pulled back, reminding me that you were the one whose yearnings deserved to be honored."
A muscle ticked in Ukitake's chiseled jaw as he absorbed your staggered recounting. His thumb traced a scorching path along your kiss-swollen lips before sinking lower to languidly follow the thrumming pulse at the base of your throat.
"I see..." he rumbled at last, the words seeming to reverberate straight into your hollow marrow with bass intensity. "So it took our dear friend openly showing his desire for you to finally break the fragile delusions that were hiding this unchangeable truth?"
Ukitake shifted again infinitesimally, until his nose was a searing brand against the vulnerable juncture behind your ear. You felt his lips ghost a searing whisper of contact against your flushed skin as he continued in an even deeper, grittier rasp:
"Good...then I suppose I should show you precisely how much more fierce and inextricable my own yearnings burn, hmm?"
The unspoken promise in his richly intoned words washed over you in a searing tsunami, effectively scouring away what miniscule reservations still flickered. In that suspended breath, you simply nodded in a tiny, helpless motion and surrendered utterly - finally embracing the inevitability of Ukitake's rapturous possession without resistance or restraint.
Ukitake's lips curved into the barest hint of a smirk as he absorbed your silent acquiescence, emerald gaze blazing with the first inklings of unholy intent. Without preamble, he slanted his mouth over the scorching pulse point beneath your jaw in a featherlight graze of contact.
You couldn't stifle the trembling whimper that spilled free at the exquisite brand of his mouth against your hypersensitized flesh. Ukitake simply hummed out a low rumble of approval, apparently taking immense satisfaction in reducing you to such delirious disarray.
His questing lips trailed higher in a string of searing, gossamer kisses along the elegant column of your throat. Each maddening point of contact seemed to sizzle straight through to your very core, stoking embers of rapture you'd been determinedly smothering for far too long.
At the same time, you felt the slow, torturous drift of Ukitake's thumb skating up from where it had been branding patterns into the pliant flesh of your inner wrist. Higher and higher it inched in a molten glide until finally brushing the pebbled peak of your nipple in a devastatingly casual caress through the thin material of your kosode.
You bucked helplessly into the white-hot frisson of sensation with a strangled keen of need. But Ukitake was utterly merciless, maintaining that same infinite leisure as he scattered scorching whispers of intimacy across your bared throat and scissored his thumb and forefinger around the sensitive bud of your breast in an expert pinch.
Just when you felt on the precipice of shattering completely beneath the banked intensity of his onslaught, Ukitake stilled. You blinked up at him in a haze of frantic bewilderment, only to find his burning stare fixed over your shoulder towards the distant doorway. A heartbeat later, you sensed the subtle displacement in the atmosphere signaling another spiritual signature rapidly encroaching.
Kyōraku...of course. As if the universe itself had decreed to slam you back into harsh reality before you fully surrendered to oblivion.
Ukitake exhaled a soft, rueful huff even as he withdrew from your intimate tangle with maddening nonchalance. Though his eyes still blazed like emerald suns gone supernova, the inscrutable mask of composure had clicked firmly back into place.
By the time Kyōraku came ambling into view, there was no outward indication of the seismic undercurrents still roiling between you and Ukitake - save for the fine sheen of perspiration beading your brow and the slightly dazed look you couldn't quite banish.
Kyōraku's gaze tracked between the two of you with palpably weighting intensity. And in that pause-laden moment, you realized with searing clarity that he perceived the shift, the unmistakable blaze fueled to rapturous awakening between his two closest companions.
Yet his expression remained jovial and easy, the facade of their easygoing dynamic reasserting itself smoothly as he quipped a suggestive joke about interrupting an intimate moment. You couldn't quite restrain the flare of heat that rose in your cheeks, but Ukitake's answering chortle and breezy deflection was flawlessly executed.
The atmosphere was thick with unspoken undercurrents as Kyōraku settled himself next to Ukitake's bedside. You could practically feel the weighted stares he kept cutting between you and the pale-haired captain, clearly sensing the charged shift that had occurred.
"Well now, what sort of private moment did I intrude upon?" Kyōraku remarked lightly, though his perceptive gaze revealed he knew there was more than idle chatter at play.
Ukitake's responding chuckle seemed almost too casual as he waved a dismissive hand. "Nothing untoward, I assure you. We were simply...catching up as old friends are wont to do."
The meaningful look he cut your way made your pulse spike treacherously. You fought to keep your expression impassive, though Kyōraku's knowing smirk said he missed nothing.
"Is that so?" he drawled, taking an indolent sip from the sake dish never far from his side. "My, it seems I may need to loosen up a bit in my twilight years. Such innocuous 'catching up' shouldn't leave lovely faces so delightfully flushed."
You couldn't stop the telltale flush from warming your cheeks further at his blatant insinuation. Ukitake simply made a soft noise of mild reproval in the back of his throat, though the gleam in his green eyes spoke volumes.
The three of you settled into familiar, easy banter after that - trading jokes and gossiping about the latest Seireitei happenings. But the undercurrent of charged tension wouldn't dissipate so easily.
You were hyperaware of every weighted look and pregnant pause between Ukitake and Kyōraku, the two men communicating entire paragraphs of subtext with the slightest arched brow or quirked smirk. Meanwhile, the lingering imprint of Ukitake's callused fingers continued branding itself into your flesh like a searing brand any time your gazes met and held.
The depths of desire he'd allowed to flare so blazingly between you before Kyōraku's interruption seemed to smolder in the heated jade of the captain's stare. As if he was simply biding his time until you were alone once more to pick up where the rapturous awakening had been halted.
For his part, Kyōraku played the fool with his usual masterful grace and nonchalance. But you caught the occasional shadowed look he shot Ukitake when he thought you weren't observing - weighted with knowledge and unspoken admissions that raised the fine hairs along your nape.
Whatever had finally catalyzed the tectonic shift in dynamics between the three of you, it was clear the former boundaries and easygoing affections would never again be tenable. You had crossed firmly into new intimate territory - one thick with inexorable gravities and the heady promise of profoundly intertwined fates finally being embraced without restraint.
As Kyōraku's boisterous stories and Ukitake's mild rejoinders washed over you, you couldn't shake the sense that you were teetering on the brink of rapturous surrender. That inevitable moment when the last vaporous veils would finally part...and the truth of what existed between your entwined existences would blaze into searing transcendence at last.
You spent the next little while basking in the comfortable camaraderie and familiar rapport shared between the three lifelong friends. The easy jokes and gentle ribbing flowed as naturally as breathing, helping to soothe away the last lingering wisps of charged tension thrumming beneath the surface.
At least for the moment. You caught Ukitake's gaze straying to you with unmistakable hunger more than once, only for him to quickly shutter it behind that placid mask of mild pleasantries whenever Kyōraku's sharp stare flickered his way.
Finally, you decided to take your leave before the fragile veil of propriety surrounding the intimate undercurrents could disintegrate entirely. Rising fluidly, you fired off one final teasing wink at the two captains.
"Well, this has been a delightful interlude as always, gentlemen. But I really must be going before poor Jushiro combusts from any more wicked teasing."
Kyōraku barked out a rich laugh at that, eyes dancing impishly. "Our dear friend makes a fair point, Ukitake. Wouldn't want you overtaxing that stubborn health with any overindulgences this evening."
Ukitake made a show of rolling his eyes long sufferingly, though the subtle uptick at the corners of his mouth revealed his amusement. You simply shook your head with a fondly exasperated smile and swept from the room, conscious of both men's weighted stares trailing after you.
The moment the door slid shut, cutting off your exit, you could have sworn you felt the atmosphere in Ukitake's chamber thicken perceptibly once more. You paused briefly, suddenly curious if either would breach the lingering tension now that you were out of sight. But their voices remained pitched too low to discern anything distinct, so you finally continued on your way.
Behind that closed door, Ukitake watched you depart with a hungry longing he didn't bother trying to disguise in front of Kyōraku. The other captain's deep chuckle rumbled through the stillness.
"Careful now, Ukitake. You're practically panting after our dear friend like a man half your age," he teased, amber eyes dancing with mirth.
Ukitake felt his cheeks warm slightly but didn't look away. "As if you were being the perfect example of subtlety earlier with all your crude insinuations."
Kyōraku's grin widened wolfishly. "Who, me? I was simply having a bit of fun reminiscing about old times, my friend. Though I must admit, the prospect of reliving certain...intimacies from our Academy days does hold some appeal still."
The suggestive arch of his eyebrow made Ukitake chuckle despite himself. Leave it to Kyōraku to steer any conversation into salacious territories without preamble.
"Is that what you'd call your drunken groping and slobbering kisses the other night?" he rejoined dryly. "Reliving old intimacies?"
Rather than looking abashed, Kyōraku simply laughed again - rich and full-bellied. "Ah, so she did fill you in on those details! I wondered if she'd confess to our heated indiscretions."
"She mentioned your antics, yes," Ukitake confirmed, unable to keep a slight edge from sharpening his tone as he recalled the pain he'd glimpsed lurking behind your eyes that evening. "Among other revelations that reordered certain...inevitabilities between us, it seems."
The meaningful weight he let linger on those last few words didn't go unmissed by Kyōraku. The older captain's expression sobered somewhat as he studied his closest friend's earnest countenance searchingly.
"I see," he murmured at last. "So you've finally allowed yourself to embrace the yearning you've carried for our friend all these long centuries, have you?"
Ukitake didn't look away from the other man's knowing stare, movements unhurried as he shifted closer until their spiritual signatures mingled with intimate proximity.
"I have," he rasped out simply. "Though I suspect you already discerned that awakening earlier, despite your teasing deflections."
Kyōraku's answering smile held no guile whatsoever as he reached out to clap Ukitake's shoulder warmly. There was only unvarnished approval shining in his russet eyes as he gave his oldest friend's arm a meaningful squeeze.
"You know I'll accept whatever path your heart has drawn you towards, Ukitake. Especially if it finally allows you to find happiness with the one whose radiance you've orbited since we were all young and reckless."
He let the weighted sincerity of his words linger meaningfully in the stillness for a beat, allowing Ukitake to parse his steadfast blessing of the profound intimacies now reordered between them and their third companion. Then his smile turned wolfish once more as he slanted the pale-haired captain a sly look.
"Though I do hope that path will still allow room for myself to...indulge in life's finer pleasures from time to time. I shudder to think of being wholly bereft of our dear friend's delectable company."
Ukitake surprised himself with a rich laugh at the shameless proposal, shaking his head ruefully even as he reached out to grasp Kyōraku's shoulder in a warrior's grip of profound understanding and fealty between them.
"As if anything could ever truly keep you from her, Kyoraku..."
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fonmuller · 10 months
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My old men from the good old days :')
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auntyokula · 2 years
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Yamaji and his lil bandits 😭❤️ i’m sure they always were just kids for him, even Unohana 🥺🤧 love them all
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freyzrc · 10 months
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Day 220 I love this man
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fallinblossoms · 1 year
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Part 2 OPENING | "STARS" by w.o.d | BLEACH: Thousand Year-Blood War
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kiwicopia · 6 months
🔞 MDNI | Kinktober: Mirrors 🔞
🎃 Shunsui x Male!Reader 🎃
TW: use of a mirror, sub!reader, doggy style sitting up (sitting back on knees), slight edging, creampie, cum leaking.
tags: @tehyunnie @lufenianwol @bleachbrainrotbro
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“Look at yourself,” he whispered. Through the haze of desire, your half-lidded gaze found itself on the large, rectangular mirror positioned at the edge of the bed. You could see everything. The way your cock leaked precum, the rolling of your hips as his met yours in a slow, continuous loop, how utterly flushed your face was, and the soft yet firm grip his hand had on your face. Shunsui’s thumb gently stroked your cheek, and he kept his eyes on the mirror in front of the two of you. 
His hips suddenly jerked, and a sharp moan ripped from your throat as his dick buried itself deeper in your ass. The promise made beforehand of taking things slow was long forgotten as his hips crashed against the back of yours, and the sharp sting of his balls slapping against the curve of your ass caused you to elicit another moan. The sensation caused your tip to weep further, and your jaw clenched slightly in response. The pleasure slowly built up, and you could see it with the way more and more of your precum slid down your shaft. Just a little more and you’d be in complete bliss. 
Shunsui knew this, but he wasn’t going to let the moment end so soon. His thrusts shifted to an agonizingly slow pace that made you whine in protest, but he only chuckled. “You’re being needy tonight,” he whispered. His chin rested on your shoulder, hand tightening slightly as he held your face, watching your expressions in the mirror. He loved the way you looked. Adored how flushed your skin was, the way he could see your body clenching with pleasure, and how your cock constantly wept with arousal. The sight made him feel sorry for wanting to prolong this. Almost, that is. 
“Please, Shu,” you begged softly. The pleasure coursing through your veins felt like too much to bear right now. “Please, let me—.” 
“Not right now,” he said, silencing you. He chuckled again when you whined in protest, again, and he ignored the way his guilt twisted inside of him. As much as he wanted to bring you over the edge, he couldn’t. At least not right now. With his hips gyrating slowly and his thrusts practically making you want to sob in irritation, he kept his eyes on the mirror. The older man wanted to watch himself ruin you. He watched as you began to squirm against him a little, and his grip on your cheek tightened just enough to not harm you, but to keep you still. “Please, you have to stay still.” 
Your body obeyed, remaining still as he slowly slid in and out of you. The pace he was going at was still painfully slow, as if he was edging you on purpose. Honestly, you wouldn’t put it past the man to tease you in such a way, but still, it felt a little unfair without any hint of a warning. Not that you could do anything about it now, so you let yourself enjoy the feeling and tried to ignore the uncomfortable tightness of your cock. 
Then, as if on cue, his hips bucked a little faster. As much of a surprise as it was, you only moaned and moved in sync as his pace quickened. A bit of relief washed over your body at the feeling. Maybe now you could reach that blissful ending you craved so much. “Shu,” you moaned, your voice calling out and pleading for him to go just a little faster. Hearing you only caused him to thrust into you faster now, the sound of his balls smacking against the curve of your ass echoing in the bedroom. It mixed with your moans, and he loved it—almost as much as he loved watching himself fuck you in the mirror. 
Shunsui’s pace was almost brutish, teetering between his usual softness and that rough side of him that you loved so much. You couldn’t take it any longer, and the feeling of your balls constricting had you groan out as white, hot pleasure swarmed your body, finally coaxing you over the edge and into release. The older man watched your cock slap against your abdomen as he fucked into you, and his eyes lit up as you came without warning, cock twitching as thick ropes of cum spurted out. 
Your body clenched, causing your hole to tighten around his dick, and he groaned softly in response as he slowed his movements down, yet continued with his thrusts. The sight of you coming undone and clenching around him was enough for him to finally spill into you with a grunt, and he waited a few seconds, emptying himself entirely before pulling out. 
He was careful when laying you down on the bed, and his eyes roved over your fucked out form, taking in the sight of your sweat and cum-stained skin. Shunsui’s eyes lit up yet again when he moved around you, taking in the way his own cum slowly seeped from your ass. He then looked back at the mirror, eyes lighting up yet again when he spotted a few drops of your cum on the surface. It excited him and he sighed, knowing he would have to wait for you to recover before going at it again, but he was a patient man. 
In the meantime, he helped you, cleaning you up just to ruin you in front of the mirror, again. 
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