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brightlightsbigcityrp · 5 years ago
Fond Farewells
Those of you that have been with us, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that this post is coming. As difficult as it is for Daisy and myself, real life and other things have made the task of keeping up with blbc on top of roleplaying rather difficult. So we’ve come to the rough decision to shut down the rp. It might be temporary or it might be permanent. We aren’t sure yet but this doesn’t by any circumstance mean that those that wish to have to stop interacting with one another. It just won’t be under our group anymore. The discord, ooc, and blog will be up for a week or so for those wishing to get contact information and keep going and so on to be able to do so. We love you all and thank each and every one of you from old to new members for being a part of this family and making it what it was. Please stay safe and have a great rest of the year. Best wishes.
❤️ Lil & Daisy
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Fond Farewell <3
Hi everybody,
After weeks of thinking and debating and going back and forth, I’ve decided that my life has gotten too overwhelming and I have to take my leave from the roleplay. This has been my second home for over a year now and I’ve loved interacting with everyone’s characters. You all make this RP so welcoming and fun, unique and exciting. I’ve loved RPing just as much as I’ve loved admining, but real life has to take precedence for me at the moment. I have a lot of things to sort out, a lot of changes to make in my personal life. Jobs to work on and that means I’ve got to go. Thank you to everyone who’s made this RP so fantastic.
Because I’m leaving, this means an Admin position will be available in BLBC going forward. Lil and Daisy have been doing an amazing job, but could definitely use a 3rd person to replace me. If anyone is interested, PLEASE reach out to the main page or to Lil or Daisy personally!
Thank you all again so much. <3 
-Admin Eli
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Everyone! We need your help because it would appear people’s information is somehow disappearing from our pages. Could you all check for us HERE, HERE, and HERE to make sure all your and your characters’ infos are in there. If they aren’t, please send them into the main and let us know. It happened a little earlier and appears to have struck again. Please like this post to be sure we know everyone has reviewed all this as well and we can get it all sorted. Thank you in advance!
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Also, you might want to keep a watch out for your flagged posts. Tumblr also seems to be cracking down on nonsensicle reasons. It’s right under each blog stuff under “Review Flagged Posts” to make sure replies aren’t being hidden. Or if someone hasn’t replied to you in a while, you can try asking because that might be the case as well for them. 
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
PSA: Bubble Rping
Hello, lovelies. We are having a major issue with bubble rping and wanted to make a quick post to remind people what that is. 
Bubble Roleplaying is when one character consistently talks to the same few characters and rarely deviates from this small group. This could be a ‘ship’, a select group of close friends, or even just one other person your character really gels with. It’s common in roleplaying as a whole because, hey, our characters might mesh well with other certain personalities, and we might have made some really cool connections with certain characters. And that’s okay! Having those connections, whether they be friends, romantic interests, or exes with drama, help create fun and exciting RP opportunities!
The problem is, we are seeing a LOT of characters only replying to maybe one character and that’s it. Threads are getting dropped or forgotten about. We understand this can happen, but BLBC is supposed to be a roleplay where we can all create unique character connections and foster an open and friendly community. And that means replying to people outside of your friend groups, and replying to people outside of your ship. We all could stand to reach out more to characters we haven’t plotted with before, and we’re all guilty of playing favorites to some degree! If your character only interacts with their romantic interest and that’s it, then you are bubble rping. 
We will be enforcing this as best we can. Our recent activity checks have included people who only talk to one person for 3 days straight, as well as those who have not been online at all. And we will reach out with a private warning if we see this issue in characters. Please remember: we use a list of starters that we reblog all the time and update (since the starter tag doesn’t really work any more). If you ever need help finding plots, want a connection, or just need to brainstorm ways to get your character out there more, let us know! We’re here to help.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Attention, members! Possible Task/Event.
For a while now, us admins were trying to recoop from our July 4th fallout and spit ball ideas with each other. We’ve come up with an option that we hope most of you will like. A task/Event combo for the Harry Potterverse! There would be a detailed questionnaire/bio to fill out for the task and generally how your muse would live within the magical realm J.K. Rowling has created. Along with this, on September 1st would be a 2 week optional AU event to set everyone at Hogwarts. 
There are a couple options that also come with this. 
One is, we’ve have 6th and 7th years for students so as not to severely underage everyone as well as incorporate professors and staff members for those wishing to teach or just keep their ages. 
Or, two, having everyone claim a spot as professors and staff and just going of at that route.
As for any ideas of setting it within New York, it would be a much larger task on everyone’s part and due to all of us admins going through things, we figured we best do it on a small testing scale and who knows, try this option another time? What we really need from you all are your feedback! There would be first come first serve to the professors and all that, of course. We can’t have everyone teaching DATDA or even being all being a descendant of a Potter and so on. Details will be hashed and we’ll let you know mid month when to start sending in what you wish to be and more details on that along with it for options! For now, we ask that you all please go HERE and set in your votes. We’ll tally it within a week and let you know the results to proceed from there!
If this idea isn’t what you were hoping for, don’t worry, we’ll have other events and tasks coming on. As always, you’re more than welcome to offer up ideas for us to implement down the line, too! Thank you. <3
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
In light of a recent event, we just want to  highlight a very important factor in our rules. We do NOT allow OOC drama/bullying at all in this rp. Bring all the dramarama you want to the muses to make it as juicy as you like but we're like a family here and protect our own. If you have issues with any of the other members or things like that, talk to them or go through us and we'll discover solutions. But anon hate and pot stirring is absolutely prohibited. Both from our members and outside parties. Basically, act like polite adults to all the fellow muns and if anyone is doing this to you, please come talk to use about it for solutions. We're here for each and every one of you and always have your backs.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
A little reminder out there to everyone: Some IC drama is fantastic. But when you go around spamming a certain muse over and over again spamming with hateful sayings, THAT is bullying and harassment. We have a ZERO tolerance for that sort of thing. We protect our own. So I suggest the person that does this stops it now or your ass is gone, simple as that. And we do have ways of weeding you out. Grow up and be kind. That is all.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Hey, guys! We’d like to just give a quick public announcement about activity checks. In order to get yourself in the clear once you’re on it, you must reply to two different people minimum in order to be counted as safe. This was a rule that the other admins didn’t implemented as strongly, but we will. It’s only to promote activity as well as social interactions. More love for all! Understanding this is sort of a change, we want to give a pass this week. That being said, the next check, if you don’t meet the requirements, you will be unfollowed. As always, real life can suck and if you need help or just a hiatus or both, please don’t hesitate to come to us and let us know.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Hello, everyone! A torch has been passed and with the sad departure of our former admins, a trio has risen to take on the tasks of keeping this beautiful place of muns and muses thriving. All three of us have been a part of this roleplay for a while. Growing just as fond of it and, more importantly, the people in it as the rest of you. We promise to do our best to make everyone feel safe and comfortable in this creative space as we find our groove with these roles. (Thank you in advance for your patience with this!) 
What we wish to bring in fairly soon, along with the norm, is the old gossip blog, new events in which we’d be happy to hear ideas for, and suggestions for faces you might want to see brought to the rp for us to help get in those tags and try to stir up more beautiful people to join. And, whatever else may honestly come to mind; again, we’re very much of the opinion of open contact with each and every one of you! Please, never be shy about stating new ideas to bring to the table, problems we can help solve for you, and anything in between. We’re here for you, after all. Leading by the best examples we can set, as well.
With that, we’d like to personally introduce ourselves to all of you:
Admin Lil
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Hey, booboos! I’m both super nervous and excited to be helping take the reins as it were with both these other two lovely beings. I have the utmost confidence in our teamwork that we’re all in good hands. Need anything at all from me and you can message us on the main, or even contact me on one of my children as I’m mostly on Tumblr more than discord (Lil#1687). Though, I’ll try my best to drop by on it every now and again. I hope to be the best admin I can for you guys, you all deserve it. <3
Admin Daisy
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Hey yinz guys! I am super excited to be one of the three amazing people that is taking over the main. We are totally ready to take this on and make it the best rp it can be. If you ever want to contact me, just message me on one of my characters or message me on discord ( happilyeverdaisy #4772 ), but I prefer tumblr more than discord. I hope to make you guys proud and if you have ideas or anything, just let us know. I promise that we will make this the best rp in the world because you guys only deserve the best. <3
Admin Eli
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Hiiii! I’m over the moon to be helping run this roleplay with two amazing people. All three of us have been in the RP for a long time, with many characters, wearing different hats, so having us at the forefront and here for you to help out with anything is so, so exciting! You can always contact me through the main, through any of my kids, or on Discord ( sproutastronaut #6895 ). We’ll be encouraging other members to let us know if they want to do something fun. Have an idea for an event? Let us know! Think we’d benefit from a gossip blog? Let’s talk about getting one started! We want to hear from you guys and that’s honestly what I’m most excited about- collabing with other RPers! 
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 5 years ago
Quick reminder everyone! We know Tumblr is being a but when it comes to doubling up the replies from mobile to desktop replies. That being said, it’s important to remember to cut those posts AFTER you’ve reblogged it. Just scroll up to the top of the thread and click that little red X that appears in the top right corner. Yes, it only shows your post then but this insures the dash isn’t flooded with just one post and saves people lots of scrolling time. A pain, yes, but also a considerate thing for your fellow members. Thank you!
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
It’s really discouraging because a bunch of starters posted after mine have a bunch of notes and mine has very little and I really want to rp and girl new connections and do the starter I had but people aren’t replying :/
Would you consider coming off anon to talk about it? Trust me, we’ve all been there, though. Sometimes it just happens with certain starters, it doesn’t even mean it’s about your or your character in general. Again, it might be the content? Can’t be 100% sure on these things. 
But still, members remember the rule where you need to reply to two starters BEFORE posting your own. Preferably those with less notes than others. We don’t want anyone to feel like this in our little family.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
We’re so proud to see this rp thriving and it really is thanks to each and everyone of you! A quick reminder, please be conscious of of the amount of music, musings, and picture posts that you’re putting up a day. There’s no real limit but there have been a lot on dash lately and we just ask to minimize that just a tad so it’s a little less cluttered. (Maybe queue a couple a day or something if that helps stretch them out!) With that in mind, you all keep being your awesome selves.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Can there be a minimum length of response. It's sort of disheartening to have a solid paragraph of a starter/reply and have someone reply with a sentence. It also makes it significantly harder to build conversations when you only have one sentence of response to go off of.
We understand the frustration that that can have on anyone. Although, we are essentially an auditionless rp. We don’t ask for writing samples to give players more freedom to write in the lengths they’re more comfortable with. Some people are on mobile as well, which makes typing replies harder. Hence shorter replies. However, we do ask that everyone put some effort into their replies. Perhaps two or three sentences is what we’d suggest to just help give things more details and context for everyone to grip onto and help in writing up more replies along down the line.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
The Gossip Blog... Is Here!
You asked, and we’ve delivered! It’s been quite a while since we had a fun gossip blog on here to liven things up in BLBC! Please follow the gossip blog, located here, and feel free to send some secret (or not so secret) thoughts, comments, and spill some of that hot tea! We’re SO excited! And follow the tag ‘ggpost’ if you want to keep tabs on all that hot goss. Have at it, lovelies!
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 6 years ago
Hey, guys! We would like to ask you all that for future starters, can you please be conscious of the accessibility of it to other muses to respond. Locations like your house and such are very limiting when your characters are still strangers and we’d like for more people to be more easily able to interact with it. Thank you.
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brightlightsbigcityrp · 7 years ago
Hey members! 
Here to remind you about our very strict inclusivity rule. We try as hard as we can to keep an eye on this very active dash and have noticed a little bit of bubbling, which is to be addressed before it becomes an issue. Muns who only interact with pre-established plots will be put on activity without being warned. There are plenty of starters posted regularly to branch out with your characters and make sure other members aren’t feeling left out. 
Do not plot simply for romantic connection — this is not a 1x1 group, these threads rely on character development, not for love stories or smut. Those kind of writings are for other groups. It’s obvious when you’re plotting with a mun simply because they have male characters, or an FC that is ‘popular’ or attractive. It can discourage others from even bothering to plot when all they’re being offered is something romantic or sexual (this is not just for male OCs, either! NB, female, any characters need some platonic relationships and real connections! It can be so good for your muse.) 
We know how hard it is to come to us when you’re feeling left out, so this is just a simple and friendly warning for the entire group. Please do not make us take affirmative action to get you to branch out, this is what RP is for! Let us know if you have any questions and please like this to make sure that you’ve read it. 
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