#blasts you poor unfortunate soul on loop
qwanhei · 2 years
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"We have a deal, my poor unfortunate soul~"
My second @thewhisperingdeep piece 🐠 seems like Ichigo made a not-so-wise bargain with the local Sea Witch ⛓️
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kat1nkulta · 2 months
Writing a masterpost of my silly fic as a trick to make myself want to finish writing the thing
A summary post about a nameless doll and the fanfic ”Fish inside a birdcage” they star in
(Genshin Impact OC)
OC & Scaramouche, OC & Nahida, OC & The Traveler (+Paimon)
Hurt/Comfort, Blind character, Pre-canon/ canon adjacent, sibling bond, identity discovery, very unfrequent updates Im so sorry
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Link to the blasted thing I forgot to include originally
”Fish inside a Birdcage” is a fic inspired and named after a song of the same name by a band of the same name as well.
The story stars a nameless protagonist stuck in a dream realm where time is stationary.
The character in question is a (yet unnamed in the story) prototype for Ei’s archon project. This prototype is one of the earlier ones, and as such is much cruder work. They are missing parts, and were never meant to wake/ gain a soul at all. Just a test on how a wooden vessel would withstand an Archon’s essence; a forgettable hallmark amongst ”the countless attempts” in creating a worthy vessel
This test was successful, but by error and unbeknownst to their creator, that essence trapped the poor thing in a singular moment inside a dream. Luckily for them, they aren’t alone and soon meet another unfortunate soul in form of their successor: another nameless puppet going by the title Kabukimono
This fic was largely based on Ei’s second character story talking about the building of the Raiden Shogun, as well as my then very time consuming fixation on Scaramouche.
The nameless doll (OC):
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As the story is incomplete and is focusing on the OC’s self discovery, I will keep the name to myself for a little longer. It has been decided a good while ago however, and is mentioned in post fic art dump chapter
Disclaimer: This character uses they/them pronouns, however in the first chapters, they, as well as the narration refer to themselves with it/its pronouns as a form of self objectification. This could be a sore topic for some, so I want to specify this now!
(Looking back I probably chose too many heavy topics to tackle in my first ever writing, so please feel free to let me know if I handle this or the disabilities I represent in a lackluster way! I will be eternally grateful)
Moving onto design
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This is the closest thing to a character sheet I have drawn, it’s what I use as my drawing reference. The no eyes look is based on dolls of course, as often eyes are the last things glued in for the doll head. Working eyes are hard to craft even for an archon, so many of these ”meant-to-be-souless” prototypes lack eyes or other harder to craft extremities. The second artwork is what I use as a reference for their hands so I included it here
Interractions with Kabukimono (Scaramouche for the unitiated)
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These two had a nice bond before the Tatarasuna Incident, so whenever I’ve drawn them together in the past, I focus on the time before that.
All of these drawings are quite old (outside one), I feel bad but I have not drawn this poor thing since them so they will suffice🥲
Aand that’s all for now!! I think!!
This is more for myself than anything so if you are reading this, thank you? And feel free to drop any comments, I don’t bite (anonymous asks are welcomed as well)!!
Back to regularly scheduled Loop slop see you next time
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bugslaststraw · 4 years
Summary on how Vento Aureo could play out in a nobody dies AU, ft Bruabba, Avpol, vague La Squadra/Elite Guard as well as my horrible tired morning writing
- for starters, Bruno gives the order to try not to kill any other Passione members. This means that the gang is merciful on purpose towards La Squadra, and the other group get away with major to minor injuries. It's also worth mentioning that Gelato manages to activate his stand in time to save Sorbet, who loses his legs but also survives.
- Bruno obviously can't die halfway through VA for this to work, so Giorno gets to him just in time and heals him, keeping him alive but very tired after the fight.
- Tiziano and Squalo are spared and also probably kiss on-screen, Cioccolata and Secco miraculously and accidentally survive somehow, whatever, on with the story
- now onto the meat, staring off with where Abbacchio would have died if I wasn't such a little bitch about it. Giorno loses hope as he is trying to heal their teammate, Bruno turns away, believing it's already over, Narancia is doing about exactly what he does in canon, when Giorno gasps as he realized it worked. The sound shuts everyone else up and stops their trains of thought. Leone shifts, and starts breathing again. Narancia makes some happy exclamation, Mista praises Giorno and expresses his relief that it worked. Bruno doesn't move. Giorno notices and asks what's wrong. He's just standing there for a moment. Jaw clenched, nails digging into his palms. Giorno notices that too, that's why we see it. Then he snaps, almost shoving Giorno out of the way, he kneels down by that rock Leone dropped on, and fumbles to look for a heartbeat somewhere. It isn't particularly important. Abbacchio is breathing visibly, and no doubt is he alive. But Bruno more does it for reassurance, for comfort, as a moment ago he thought he lost him. The others just watch. Giorno may show some sign of surprise but the others saw to coming. Leone opens his eyes just a little, catches sight of Bruno, sighs, and smiles. He asks if he and the others are okay, to which Bruno smiles (rather tearfully, Giorno is shook) and tells him that everyone is fine. With Bruno's hand still resting against his cheek, Leone passes out. He's brought into the turtle to rest up.
- Leone's survival means that Bruno does not entire what I like to call the "scary stage" aka where he acts all cold and bossy towards the others about up until his death. When Narancia is injured and throws the turtle, Bruno openly shows worry for him and make sure he's okay, prompting Trish to ask why Bruno cares so much for his team instead of the opposite, as in canon.
- onto the Seccolata fight. Since Bruno is very much alive at this point the fight between him and Secco plays out very different as he also has to watch out for Green Day's mold effect while trying not to die from a serious case of human pet attack. At the end of that battle he ends up bruised, bloody and tired in the same spot as in canon. He taxes himself to his limit during the fight and has little to not energy left. Doppio has been following them and is instructed to strike Bruno down before he notices anything's wrong, as per canon.
- he doesn't gwt the change though, because a certain someone has woken up and gone to find his friends. Leone turns up, snaps ar Doppio, who is told to back off and go around the back way by Diavalo. Bruno lights up when he sees Leone, and lets himself be carefully lifted onto his feet. He asks if Leone is okay to which he replies that it's Bruno they should be worrying about. The two of them proceed to the Colosseum to meet with the others.
- meanwhile, other things have been happening there. Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy have been waiting for the others, but Doppio gets ti the Colosseum first. They ask who he is, to which he tries to lie and say he's part of the team. Things go canonically (- Bruno), Diavalo reveals himself to the three of them. Iggy is too old a dog to actually fight so he stays back. Nevertheless, there are now two stand users on Diavalo's ass. Polnareff stabs Chariot. The fight continues. And just as Diavalo think that he can at least knock off that wretched Polnareff, Avdol, well, does an Avdol, and saves his stupid ass, blasting Diavalo out into the Colosseum. Polnareff chides Avdol for risking his life for him again, but he really isn't angry and it shows. The two share a Moment™ before the effects of Requiem put everyone to sleep just as the others reach the Colosseum from at least two different directions.
- Narancia's death is completely eliminated. He's fine and does not get spiked.
- now for Requiem's switchups. Trish and Mista switch, as do Giorno and Narancia. Diavalo hides in whoever the hell he hides in canonically, Bruno ends up in Diavalo's body and Doppio takes Bruno's. Avdol and Polnareff also switch, and poor Abbacchio is unfortunate enough to switch with Iggy. Requiem also works a little differently now, a little more logically let's say. The light soul shadow thing is entirely eliminated, partly because I didn't even understand it while watching but also because it forces Bruno to sacrifice himself. Now it works like how Polnareff describes it in that flashback. Take the arrow away from Chariot Requiem and it will turn back into it's original form, removing the effects. On with the story.
- Polnareff and Avdol explain the arrow briefly. Bruno turns up, orders Mista to shoot his body, there's a brief gag with Abbacchio in Iggy's body, Iggy (in Leone's bod) as well as Avdol (who doesn't know how to handle himself in a body without legs) stay at the Colosseum to make sure Doppio doesn't cause trouble, even as he is currently passed out. The rest of them set off for Chariot.
- the end fight goes like this: Diavalo attacks as his stand, Giorno takes the arrow, everyone is put back in their own bodies, Giorno and Mista have that one Moment™, Trish and Diavalo have an intense punching match because god does the girl deserve it, Giorno stabs his stand with the arrow, Gold Experience Requiem springs forth, rips Diavalo out of his shared body and tosses him into the infinite death loop, where je unexplainably has a body, meaning that the death loop may not be taking place across dimensions but in GER's own hellish little torture loop dimension. And so the battle is won. But I'm not done yet.
- Mista picks up Doppio, now in his own body and alone in controlling it, and he, Giorno, Trish, Avdol and Iggy (both back in their own bodies!) as well as Narancia all head back for the Colosseum.
- Meanwhile, Abbacchio wakes up in his own body. He takes a moment to orientate himself. Polnareff is still out. In the middle of the Colosseum lies Bruno's body. He gets up, a little unsteadily, and runs to make sure he's okay. Bruno is conscious again, but he's now got three bullets in his body and he's in quite a bit of pain. Abbacchio does the Caesar thing where he picks Bruno up and cradles him in his lap because that's one of the best tropes in the world of tropes. They talk a little, and I'm sure I could craft some decent dialogue if I wasn't so god damn tired right now, all I know is that it's tender and basically a confirmation that they're in love. The others arrive, Leone snaps at Giorno to heal Bruno, which he does. Polnareff and Avdol have a shorter, slightly louder reunion that nevertheless gets the message across.
- Then Doppio wakes up. Then he realizes that he's alone in his body. Then he panics. Bruno's parent instincts kick in as hard as ever, and Fugo can't help but feel just a little bit exasperated as his capo starts talking tk their former enemy in a soft voice, slowly calming him down and explaining the situation to him as easily as he can. Diavalo wasn't on your side, he says, as kindly as possible, and although he doesn't know if he's telling the truth or not he thinks it's better that Doppio thinks so. Doppio calms down a little and agrees to come with them. Trish kind of takes over at that point, and she and Narancia decide to keep an extra eye on Doppio to both make sure he's okay and so he doesn't kill anyone. All of them head out of the Colosseum...
- except Leone. This is the final scene. Leone kind of stays behind, staring at the ground. Bruno stops as he notices he hasn't moved. "Abbacchio?" Leone looks at him and goes "what happens now?" Bruno smiles. "I think we all deserve some rest, don't you?" Hw reaches out a hand. Leone also smiles, and takes it, interlocking their fingers. They head after the others. The screen does the arrow freeze thing. The episode ends. The outro plays. The credits roll. It's over.
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two-littlesouls · 7 years
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The newly manifested hulking beast blinked, taking a short second to survey his surroundings much like Cammy did before he disappeared into the orange light. While those surrounding him were no doubt stunned into inaction by what had just happened, he growled and then let out a deafening roar.
His presence as a threat truly established, he made the first move to confirm that whatever this thing was did not answer to Cammy's will, by swiping at Emmy with the back of his hand.
His other hand slammed down into the ground over Disavow and Besmirch dragging an arc through frozen dirt and snow.
He doesn't stop after there, though. Shifting violently in a 180 degree arc, his tail lashes at Samga while a rush of debris flies towards Omen and Johnny. He has now turned around, and is facing Snowdin.
Alexis, Penny and Avarice have joined the struggle.
See the Struggler’s reactions under the cut!
EMMY @two-littlesouls
... Ca--?" His name was cut off as she was, quite literally, removed from the scene.
Careening through the air into the forest before hitting the snow, the girl rolled a short ways and finally came to a stop. The cloud of fresh powder that had been kicked up left a haze in her wake. From her direction, there was a silence... before she coughed, the wind knocked from her. ...I didn't hit a tree... she thinks in wry relief.
Slowly, from the pile of snow Emmy lifted herself on shaky arms, trying to process the information. Her eyes drifted to the hulking beast, and though she couldn't figure out how or why, she knew it wasn't the end of her best friend. Sucking in a cold breath, the girl willed herself up, running back toward HELLBENT.
The girl slid on her feet a bit as she stopped herself between Hellbent and the path to it's apparent destination. She stared, watching him for his next move.
SAMGA @determinedbuns
Samga saw Johnny was in bad shape. He sprints over to him while many thoughts go through his head, but among them..
"That... That thing, that beast.. what happened just now? Why did Cammy die and turn into that thing?! It's going to destroy Snowdin, it's headed right for town, but.. I can't.. I can't fight that thing, my punches are still weak, and I can't bring out my rage.. I..." The Rabbit's hands tightly clench, "Stupid, that doesn't matter.. THAT DOESN'T MATTER, Do what you CAN do, make sure everyone else is alright.."
He slides over to Johnny, before giving him a vigorous shake on the shoulder to try and snap him out of it. "Johnny... JOHNNY!"
"You were frozen there, wasn't sure if you caught the thousand yard stare, sorry.." He dug into his belt pouch and pulled out a few different Muffins of varying flavors that he had gathered on the way. He knew food always helped him when he was hurting, especially in the Underground, maybe the same could be said for the others? Unbeknownst to Samga, these Muffins, like all other food, contained healing properties! "Here, take yer pick, you look like you could use a pick-me-up.."
JOHNNY @flourishingbatter
At the rabbit's words, he'd easily snap back to the current situation at hand and turn his attention back towards the beast, watching as Besmirch and Disavow planned their move. It wasn't until he realized they were going to attack Cam- ...Specifically the threat as he didn't know what else to do.
Warily, he stood up again, hand motioning for a moment as he summoned the Wrister Blaster, of which he hadn't used in a long time.
Taking aim, he focused to call forth an orb of energy charging at the skeletal maw yet...He hesitated, could he actually have the intent to harm them? Despite everything, he still viewed that creature as Cammy and wouldn't even consider hurting a child.
His reverie snapped as the unknown song he heard caused him to regain his senses. He wouldn't stoop to Besmirch's level, for the matter, he was going to show some amount of restraint and pull his punches. With that in mind, he raised the weapon and blasted the shot towards HELLBENT as the beams raw energy was siphoned from Johnny's soul, it's coloration mixed with JUSTICE.
BESMIRCH and DISAVOW @besmirched @disavcw
The Man who Walks with Words silences himself, allowing a wry smile to take his features.
Ink silently and quickly glides over the snow beneath them, closing the distance and attempting to bring the heft of the CLEAVER down on HELLBENT's left Achilles tendon.
The Woman Who Speaks in ink follows suit, letting silence be their cover, she takes the other side, pooling into various pools of ink to keep herself hidden. If glides across the ground in ink her own CLEAVER ready to attack the right Achilles tendon.
ALEXIS @integrity-dancer
Footsteps could be heard rushing towards the area...and quickly, at that. Those that knew her would quickly recognize Alexis...how and why she was here would be a mystery for the time being. She skidded to a halt upon witnessing the massive form of HELLBENT...the raw, unrestrained DETERMINATION briefly stunning her now that she was closer to 'ground zero' as it were.
"W..what the hell...is that?" Having not witnessed Cammy's initial transformation, she was out of the loop. The only benefit so far from that was that she didn't get whacked or slammed by HELLBENT's initial actions...if that would do any good. She could see some people she knew were here...and some hurt, at that?
It snapped her out of her stunned state, eyes narrowing at the creature.
She couldn't mess around looking for answers right now. Friends were in danger here...and some other people she didn't know. But she could feel it...letting this creature do as it wished could threaten everything. She instantly pulled out her violin, and started playing a song...the AURA SONG of INTEGRITY would bolster everyone's defenses. And hoo boy, given how big that thing looked, and how many people could get hurt, they needed some serious defenses five minutes ago.
She noticed Penny arrive, though...was everyone she knew being drawn towards this beacon of raw DETERMINATION?
PENNY @fearlessfighter
The crunches of footsteps could be heard as Penny ran into the clearing, a look of worry on her face. Her previous feelings of calm from her talk with Ikki all but gone. She hoped, no begged that whatever the lightning was didn't have anything to do with her friends. But it would seem like that hope was wrong, as Penny stopped in the clearing seeing some familiar faces and some unfamiliar ones. Her eyes however were drawn to the giant dog that stood a little ways in front of her. Her eyes widened at the sight and this was without know that it used to be Cammy.
"Oh no..." was all she could say.
AVARICE @thesmilingtragedy
Unfortunately, Avarice was not as lucky as poor Emmy. Various bits and pieces of the smiling man are strewn about the forest surrounding Hellbent. There was little movement, besides the occasional leaf falling from the weight of the snow atop it.
CRASH! Suddenly, a pair of legs fall from the trees above, along with a couple parts of a hand! They scurry around, desperately trying to find their own-
OVO H E Y O!! Y O O H O O! The limbs shoot to attention, facing the smiling man's head! Seems he had been perfectly hooked to a tree, a branch poking out of his smile, clearly being the cause for his strange speech. GEMME Y O W FWO H E Y O!
A foot responds, stomping from above and breaking the branch the head was impaled on. As he rolls onto the ground, he spits out the offending branch, getting the barky-taste out of his mouth. B L E G H! Last time I try to e a t a TREE!
The various body parts hop and roll back to their owner, loose strands of his scribbly mass attaching and pulling themselves together. He muses to himself as he gets to work getting stitched back up. ... that's not F A I R... HELLBENT didn't even call for B L O O D Y KNUCKLES...
As he pulls a tattered glove back onto a hand, he pulls himself to standing, rolling his newly knitted joints. He twists his head back around to the correct position, and gives himself a quick loose shake. A A A ! Much b e t t e r!
He looked around, glancing to his surroundings... and the strange glow that peaked through the trees. He wiped a hand over his smile, grinning madly. Now t h e n... if you want to play like T H A T, I'll be HAPPY to return the F A V O R! With that, Avarice begins climbing the trees, swinging and ascending his way back to HELLBENT.
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