lostworldss · 7 days
Blades 3 Crack Theory
Hear me out.
In Book 2 during one of Nia’s romance scenes, she mentions praying to Ellara, Nifara, and the Mother of Grey for MC to come back.
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Now we saw the Mother of Grey/Ash Empress in Book 2, and we learned all the lore about her, Nifara, and the rest of the old gods. Nifara is likely to be the big enemy for Book 3.
But how much do we know about Ellara?
I am going to preface this by saying that I’m not good at remembering all the lore/history from the lore tablets or whichever, so please correct me if i’m wrong with any of this.
But I don’t remember learning much about Ellara specifically. With Nia’s context here, I thought to believe that Ellara was a deity. Perhaps a New God since the lore tablets spoke of all the Old Gods and she wasn’t included.
After checking Book 2 chapter 8, I verified that Ellara is in fact a New God.
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This makes sense, considering that Nia prays to her and she has the Temple near Riverbend named after her that we explored.
Also, in the first chapter of the series, in the very beginning scene showing the battle against the Dreadlord thousands of years ago, we see a character named Ellara speaking with Xaius (Elven king/Other New God). Not much information is given about her in the scene, except for her seemingly being in a romantic relationship with Xaius. According the the choices wiki, she is a battle mage and Xaius second in command.
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I’m not sure when exactly Ellara and Xaius became New Gods, was it before or after this battle? I’m not sure if they mentioned it before in Book 1. But either way, we can assume this character is The Ellara.
I’m really hoping Book 3 goes into the lore of the New Gods more, especially after learning about the Old Gods previously. Maybe the New Gods can assist us in fighting Nifara.
But back to the actual theory part. For a brief second, lets pivot to something else.
Who is the only character in the party whose family lineage/parents are unknown? (Kade could technically count maybe, but not him).
Who’s familial background is a complete shot in the dark?
Not MC, they have memories of their parents before the raid on their hometown. They were also given different deeper backgrounds based on their race in Book 2.
It’s Nia. She was adopted by the Church of Light as an infant, and she never knew anything about her actual family.
Now, maybe it’s just a funny coincidence, but does anyone else find it a bit interesting that her last name (Ellarious) sounds very similar to the name Ellara? Hmm.
But perhaps it’s a just simply a coincidence.
We could also assume that Ellara is a mage of light magic, since we know that she was a mage that would presumably be using light magic to counter the shadow magic of the Dreadlord. And we know this was after Nifara already separated the world into Light and Shadow realms, so the elves at this time probably didn’t know about True magic. And if Ellara is a god, she must be really good at it.
Hmm. Is there anyone else we know who’s naturally attuned to magic, maybe light magic specifically?
And just one more thing. What does Ellara look like in that screenshot? What colors is she wearing? She seemed to be dressed in a lot of white and gold, and wearing jewelry. Red hair. Hmm.
If you haven’t guessed my theory that I’m hinting at, here it is:
What if Nia Ellarious is a descendent of/related to Ellara???
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And I’ll be honest I remember the name being similar thing being a thought in my mind before but I didn’t put any connection to it in my mind I was just like “oh they both kinda sound similar that’s cool.”
But let me enlighten you on on more thing. The suffix “-ious” in the english language means “having/characterized by/to have characteristics of.”
Nia’s last name literally means “to have the characteristics of Ellara.”
Also worth pointing out that when we first met Nia in book 1 chapter 1, where were Scholar Vash and her heading to? The Temple of ELLARA
Like you can’t tell me All of this is a coincidence (it probably is).
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adrxine · 21 days
I SEE THE BLADES TOMORROW <33333333333333333
I don't see mints tomorrow <333333333333333333
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kainebell · 6 months
just remembered how we were theorizing that Mal was fighting demons (shadow corruption) when really he was fighting demons (undiagnosed depression). like woah. he’s so real.
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andraste · 1 year
i've set up @niaellarious as a choices/if sideblog, pls follow!! 🫶
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persephina · 1 year
i debated for long if i should just make a sideblog for bbo/bladesposting but i kinda don't feel like it atm so i'll be tagging playchoices if anyone wants to blacklist
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