#blade is in the room behind her so flowers isnt saying anything Too evil
druidshollow · 8 months
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kibybun · 4 years
Can I Get a undertale au where hawks is chara and hawks just hate when y/n (frisk) talk other people Hawks so he Manipulate into thinking everyone is against her finally boss sans (Dabi ) where she literally told that nobody against her After Murdering Dabi meet hawks “now we finally together nobody will help since murder everyone “ Or any plot be fine Hawks ( chara) Dabi ( sans ) Y/n (frisk ) Or you could change Around But please make hawks the main love Interest thanks so much
Yesss I love this idea so much! Thank you so much for requesting!
Yandere Hawks x reader
Undertale au!
Tw: Yandere, manipulation, murder
❤Everything goes down in a blur as the wind whips past you. You hasn't mean to fall, you tripped even though there was nothing there to trip on. You try and reach out to catch something but everything went black.
❤You open your eyes and a circle of light so far up. You try and sit up back is stopped due to the excruciating pain coursing through your head. You look around and find yourself in a patch of golden buttercups within a large cave.
❤That's when you were greeted by a echo like voice. It was masculine and had curiosity as it questioned who you were and how you came to be down here.
❤You don't answer, simply thinking it was the ringing in your head from the fall. Instead you slowly stand and make your way to a large purple door hidden away in the shadows with strange encryptions on it.
❤The voice follows you with a annoyed tone. You still ignore it and push through the door and spot a line buttercup sitting in a patch of sun.
❤You jump when the flower starts speaking and explaining what a soul is. The voice was grumbling about something but fell silent as your red soul floated out in front of you.
❤You could swear that you felt someone touching your soul.
❤The flower continues speaking and says something about friendliness pellets. White petals floated towards you and you were tempted to touch the but the voice strongly demanded you didn't.
❤You don't know what compelled you to listen but you did. As you dodge the flower grows angry yet tries to keep its composure and sends another wave of petals. You dodge again and the flower snaps.
❤Its face contorts and it let's out a demonic laugh as you shrink back and bump into something that isnt there.
❤You cover your face in a attempt to hide from the pain about to happen but a gentle femal voice speaks. She says soothing words to calm your racing heart but you refuse to look out of her due to fear and the voice who says not to.
❤It helped you before so why wouldn't it help you now?
❤The lady asks you questions but you dont answer. She goes to touch you but you feel something push you out of the way of her touch.
❤She understands you dont want to be touched and simply asks you to follow. You wait for the voice to give you instructions before you make any decision. You feel something grab your hand and lead you behind the lady, saying they'll take care of everything if you listened.
❤You continue on with your head down until she leads you to a beaten up dummy. She asks you to make polite conversation with it but your guiding voice said otherwise.
❤You use a stick to give it a firm wacking causing the fabric to rip and for stuffing to fall out. The lady pauses and awkwardly clears her throat before walking on. Before you follow you were showered with praise by the voice that, oddly, made your heart warm.
❤The lady leaves you and the voice tells you to persist on, so you do. Along the way the voice directs you the harm the monsters along the way. You listen and make it on your way barely harmed.
❤At one point you even felt feathers brush against your skin in a protective and delicate way. It was comforting and ominous at the same time but you brush it off, continuing to hold the invisible hand that guided you.
❤You finally make it to a small house. Inside was the lady who you still refuse to look at. She leads you to a room and tells you to rest. You crawl into bed and a pair of arms wrap around you tightly.
❤When you wake up you find a piece of pie laying on the ground in front of you. You cautiously eat it and venture out the room to find the lady reading. The voice tells you to head into the kitchen and grab a knife. You do as your told.
❤You then sneak past the lady and down a set of stairs and make it to another large door before the lady comes and begs you to go back. When you refuse your soul shows its self and the battle begins.
❤The voice helps you dodge and tells you to wait before you attack.
❤ Finally the lady crumbles and starts to cry. She explains how she only wants to take care of you, how she lost her family and how she wanted to start a new and take care of you. She opens her arms for you and the voice tells you to hug her. You do and you feel your grip around the knife tighter as you're told to stab her. You do as you're told.
❤Her body turns to dust and you walk out the door to see the flower. The flower says something about her death and disappeares with a evil laugh.
❤No matter, your invisible hand leads you out the door and through the chilling winter forrest. You barely noticed the branch cracking in half with blue ash falling around it.
❤You almost didn't notice the person standing in front of you. You try and lift your head to look at them but something shoved you head down, preventing that. Either way the person introduces themselves and holds out a hand.
❤You couldn't hear their name due to something whispering static in your ears and when you went to shake their hand your hand was pulled back down. You were also given a strict warning not to interact with the person in front of you.
❤You try to walk past but the person grabs your elbow and spins you so you're facing them. They then try and lift your chin so you would look at them but once again your head was being pushed down to prevent it. You could tell that the person in front of you was male.
❤The fight over your head stops as footsteps approached through the snow. The man quickly pulls you and hides you behind a oddly shaped lamp.
❤The new person arrives and you were forbidden from looking up it seemed. You listen and determine how the new person behaves due to the way he speaks. He sounds like a brat that can't stand not having his way, spoken with a raspy voice.
❤They leave and instantly you're dragged off before the man before could say anything to you.
❤You are thrown into more fights that you win, staining the snow with grey. You're also challenged with puzzles that your invisible guide helps with. It also makes sure you leave no survivors.
❤You obey.
❤It hurt watching the dogs whimper as you cut them with the dull kitchen knife but the voice was the only thing you trusted. It was right about the flower so it must be trying to help you all around. It was protecting you so you trusted it, more than yourself.
❤You reach the end of Snowdin leaving no obstacles in your wake, except the tall bratty fellow. They demanded you take them on, saying that you could change and how he'd forgive you. You fight him without hurting him as instructed by the voice. He does his final move and opens his arms to you just as the lady did. You again jump onto his arms but this time you're instructed to go for the head. With a fatal blow of betrayal and your knife his head falls to the ground.
❤You walk into the waterfall, not caring to watch the head turn to dust as well as his body.
❤You again get led by a invisible hand that showers you in praise and helps you eliminate everything in sight. You even meet a little kid along the way.
❤They blab on and on about a certain hero who's name was blurred from your hearing. You honestly thought the voice would instantly tell you to eliminate them but it said to wait. So you did.
❤Along the way you got attacked by someone with blue spears and the voice simply advised you to run. This causes you to fall down the waterfall.
❤You wake up in garbage with a sore body but your invisible companion doesn't care. You're pulled from the garage and thrown into more and more fights.
❤You see the man from before a few more times, seeing that he has multiple dark burn marks that are hard to see in the dark. At one point you wanted to go interact with him because he had a telescope but you were pulled away.
❤You find a little cove of cat like creatures that let out the saddest of cries as your knife ended them. You couldn't do anything to help them, that's what the voice wanted.
❤You meet back up with the kid from before and started getting chased by the same person with the spears. The kid slips and holds onto the side of the cliff, calling out for help. The voice tells you to make them fall. You walk over and bend down before plucking at their fingers, making them fall.
❤The hero instantly jumps down and saves them. The hand takes the time to drag you along and run.
❤Unfortunately the hero catches up and fights you. Due to their fall they were badly hurt, making the fight end a lot faster. But then the kid before confronts you, demanding you fight them. It was a lazy swipe of your blade that ended their life.
❤Everything went by quickly after that. You had managed to kill the lizard that was spying on you and complete the puzzles with ease. You even brought that cute couple's life to an end, atleast they were together.
❤You had made it to a restaurant and the guy was there too. He didn't hesitate to grab you and teleport you to a table with him. The restaurant was near empty yet the atmosphere was still lively.
❤The man's voice was muffled to you and it was hard to even pay attention to you as you were violently being yanked out of your chair. The man noticed this and yanked you back into his arms. You stood uncomfortable, feeling the rage of your invisible friend grow.
❤Your knife starts floating and darts at the man. Before he disappears he tells you to run. Sadly, it was impossible to ran as your hand was trapped in a bone crushing grip that dragged you along the way.
❤Dust coated your clothing as you entered a dark room with a spotlight. Someone with a robotic voice then started to monologue so you decided to simply attack to get the battle over with.
❤The battle fully begins and cameras float around and broadcast your fight to the very few people still alive. Your invisible friend grows irritated and seemingly possessed you. Your movements weren't your own and the thoughts in your head were playing out in a different voice.
❤The battle ended quickly and your body runs off but you didn't object or fight back. It was only trying to help you... right?
❤Your body charges though a monochrome area very similar to the ladies house from before. Your body only stops once to pick up a much sharper knife that gleamed before exiting the place. That's when you entered a large hall with stained glass decorating the walls with a line person standing in the middle, waiting.
❤There stood the man from before, but this time you could actually see his face. His face was decorated with burn marks yet he was still very attractive.
❤You started talking but it wasnt in your voice. It held malace towards the man for being in the way. The man held a calm expression before attacking. Blue flames and bones erupted from the ground, aiming to kill you.
❤Somehow your body dodges all attacks thrown at it and so does the man. It was almost like they've fought countless times before with different stories behind each time but this time was different. Someone didnt follow the rules, someone got involved when they shouldn't have.
❤This would be their last fight together.
❤The man started sweating as your body continued at the same incredibly fast pace. You didn't want the man to die but if your guide said so it must happen.
❤The final blow was dealt and the man felt to the ground clutching his bleeding chest. You felt as if in a different timeline or universe the two of you could've been great friends, lovers even, but this wasn't one of them.
❤You continue to be a passenger in your own body and it pushes on through another set of doors. Not before hearing the man say a final and heartfelt goodbye to the world he called home.
❤That's when the final battle of your journey starts. It was the king this time. You barely had time to look at his face before he was dust.
❤A final push through some doors and you're back in a dark room with the only light falling on a lone flower. You regain control over your body as the flower starts talking but it was interrupted by something invisible cutting it at the stem.
❤That's when you see him. Your guide with the cold eyes and blood red wings.
❤He happily turns to you and grabs you. You felt an unbearable amount of unease as he whispers how he'll take care of you, how no one will hurt you, how he'll always love you, how you could never leave him now.
💔Then everything went black.
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The Void Forge: The Beginning Part 2
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(Warning to those who read, could contain some uncomfortable triggers, capture, torture, dark interactions.  I guess NSFW, but lets face it. . . Laz isnt a nice fella.  Nothing serious, just not a happy story for this random NPC and The Inquisitor.)
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It was several hours prior. . . .
In a stone tomb, secluded from the sunlight radiating from the above; several hundred feet beneath the surface of the cold tundra in Northrend, there came a blood curdling scream that would be heard only by the decomposing corpses of so many that came before.  My how such simple things like sunlight, and fresh air are taken for granted when they are stripped away so delicately like plucking a leaf from an innocent flower.
Displayed on an operating table in the center of this cavernous room were various tools and accessories which seemed to scream an almost horrific sight without
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even uttering a single word or being handled.  Each one was pristine.  Clean to the absolute maximum that something could be cleaned, should anyone ever be close enough to examine the items being used on them before having such heinous acts committed.  Every piece sterilized, and positioned in a way that would make anyone uncomfortable just by seeing them.  One inch apart, pointing north, never touching; never being too far from another.  Polished and sharpened to a razors edge.  Manual cork screws to bore a hole, forceps and pincers, pry bars and breakers.  Each had a purpose; and each seemed far more menacing than the last.  This was the plan, intimidation.
Lazarius had started the evening dressed in full from head to toe in a fine silk robe with violet and gold laces throughout.  A tapestry of snake like scales woven in the robe from top to bottom.  More importantly was the fact that this seemed like an occasion; this was a holiday for him.  There was nothing about
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the Inquisitors body language that said anything other than ‘I am here to enjoy this, you will not.’.
In that dark tunneled room, torches a blaze with the sounds of near deafening silence collapsing down upon them; the dark lord of the Bastille would step toward his latest victim and proceed to introduce him to the situation.  The person being kept here appeared to be Sin’dorei.  He was male, and due to the fact that the chair he had been set upon was bottomless, part of him could be seen dangling.  A tactic often used in many military extractions for information.  Unfortunately for this lad, as with the bottom of his chair; so too were his trousers.  In fact, stripped of all clothing, the young male shivered while he had been tied with his hands behind the seat, uncomfortably balanced over the framework and forced to have his genitals so harshly exposed to the cold of this stone bound prison.
“I must regretfully inform you that this was by no means an easy situation for either of us to unfortunately be in.  You chained to a chair, I being forced to be the greater of two evils . . . not ideal in the slightest.”  Lazarius inched closer.
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The sharp blade on his finger slowly scratching across the metallic tray holding the delightful collection of tools and utensils.  “Do you understand why you were chosen and currently sit in this predicament?”
“Light be my strength, my shelter. . .” The young elf, not nearly even looking to be but a slight bit over the century mark, would continue to mumble and mutter the phrasing over again out loud.
Lazarius offered a bit of resistance as the adolescent began his mantra.  He would keep silent to hear the words repeat over again, a cycle that would be used to try and cleanse the mind of the bound victim.  Though this would not deter him in the slightest.
“Light be my strength, my shelter, my shield. . .”
“Do you understand why I have had you brought here. . .to this place, under these circumstances? I want to know where the buyer is. . . ” The Inquisitor repeated.
Again, without responding to the question, the trance induced boy would continue his chant. “Light be my strength, my shelter and my shield. . . let all who attempt to take it away know thine power is my own. . . “
He would not shake easily, and Lazarius knew that.  He also knew that there were several things that could rile him up.  In the past, someone like this would be met with a terrible fate rather quickly.  His temper growing easily when his victims would ignore his requests.
“Do you know wh-”
“Light be my strength!  My shelter! My shield!  All who prevent me will meet your judgement!”  Yelled the man who interrupted Lazarius as he was asking his question once more.
There was no anger in the next move from the dark lord.  In fact, every action was carefully planned.  This was another trait that was mostly missed during his younger days as a budding Inquisitor.  Most cases his anger would get the better of him before he would be able to think through his actions.  More likely than not, this anger would force him to make rather impromptu decisions such
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as beheading the lad, or killing him in some other horrid manner without actually receiving the information he wanted.  But no, not anymore.  Lazarius was far more advanced than a decade ago.  No longer fueled by rage over his inexperience, but fed entirely by his thirst for power, and confidence growing within his abilities.  The clawed ring stopped its tapping, and let the cold steel of the blade rest atop a pair of metal spring clamps.  One tap, he knew.
“Light be my strength! My shelter! My shield!”
The Inquisitor calmly removed the clamp and held it up to his vision.  Squeezing on the handle would cause the flat jaws to extend, as if they were the mouth of a toothless crocodile widening to devour its prey.  The pressure from his palm closing around the handle would keep them open as long as he’d wished.  But it was only after releasing, did they close once more.  Mind you not a lot of pressure, but enough to hold. .. perhaps two pieces of wood together while a craftsman would glue them for an extended amount of time.  Uncomfortable if placed somewhere they were not intended.
The young man would know nothing about the situation, he was screaming his chant with tightly closed eyes.  In fact Lazarius had hoped there would be nothing said.  And as silent as he had entered the room, the dark Inquisitor would slip toward the bound man and hover behind his chair. “One last time. . . you are here because you know who he sold them to. . . tell me where and I will spare you this reality only once. . .”  Despite his effort to offer salvation to the man one final time.  He knew that the answer was going to be the same.  A resounding repeat of the captives previous saying would shout louder into the room.  Echoing off the walls and piercing the ear drums of the Inquisitor, he’d speak nothing of the transaction.  That was certain.
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Lazarius bent down, in one hand was the clamp and in the other; nothing, yet less empty very soon.  He grabbed tightly to the mans scrotum.  This was enough to silence the mantra being shouted, to shift attention and cause a pointless struggle that only rocked the chair slightly.  “Let me go! No! Stop! Please!” Lazarius did nothing of the sort, in fact, the mans genitals would be pulled down enough so that the flesh coming from the base of his body where they descended was stretched rather thin.  The spring clamp in his other hand was then closed around the skin, cutting off the circulation from his testicles to the rest of his body.  A painful chilling pinch squeezed around the small fibers and inner parts of the mans insides, no doubt a pressure would be forced into his lower abdomen.  Shrill pain manifesting in his kidney and sides while the pressure; that mind you was not intense at all, began to grow with each passing second.
“Let us think about what exactly you wish to say next. . .”  Lazarius motioned to the swinging pendulum on the wall.  The arm rocking back and forth to help pass the time as the small second hand twirled around the face.  “Youve twenty six more minutes to do so, perhaps it will yield a better result.  Clarity over time, to help us find the answers we seek.”
And that is where he left him. 
The lord of the Bastille often did not choose to indulge in his twin sisters habits.  But Vari had been far more active these days, which was good for him; bad for so many other who dared defy them.  And her tendencies rubbed off.  Lazarius had returned to the table where he kept his tools. 
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Beside the equipment was a single candle and three hand rolled tobacco cigarettes that were given to him by his twin.  All the while, the young elf screamed in a high pitched echo, trying to somehow get through to the sadistic man.  But Lazarius would only sit, arms dangling over the edge of the chair while watching the mans scrotum change to a darker shade due to the blood flow causing the oxygen to plummet in that area.  He inhaled from the cigarette, all the while watching the scene unfold despite the kicking and screaming from the victim he held.  It appeared as though none of this even phased him, the lack of empathy toward him, heartless, cold. . . and calculated.
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Time has caught up with Lazarius and his prisoner. (We rejoin from Part 1)
Blood pooled on the floor around the chair that was holding the young elf captive all this time.  Parts of him were scattered along the cold stone where Lazarius had been given no choice but to remove them.  The information kept in the mind of this elf was far too precious to keep hidden, yet he was persistent.  His resolve was fierce.  Yet by this time things had gone from bad, to worse and then turned far more bleak.  
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From the looks of the tool set on the table behind them, plenty had been sullied by the mans blood.  Most were out of place, many were used and still clung to small bits of flesh with little metallic hands.
“The location of the Mogu artifacts. . . I want to know to whom they were sold.”  Lazarius hissed at the man who had been so far, holding strong to his resolve.  But at this point.  He was falling into that sleep like state of near death.  “And where they are now!”
“It. . .d-doesn’t matter. . . you-you’re. . . to late.”  said the elf in a hushed tone.
Lazarius plunged his fingers down into the thigh muscle of the man, digging around with sharp fingered nails and pushing through the sinew to aim for his tendons and ligaments. “Don’t try to divert me with your warnings. . . “
“T-they are already g-gone. . .”  spat the captive as he coughed up a large amount of his own blood. “Sent far from anyone l-like you. . .”
The dark lord would pull his fingers from the open wound and slowly wipe them across the brow of the beaten man. “I will determine if my time is being wasted not you. . . you only need worry about your own fate, and your. . .sisters fate,  tell me the location and I will make this quick and she will not suffer like you have.” Lazarius slowly made his way around the man in a circular fashion, pausing right before him and leaning in almost face to face.  His words were soft, and yet somehow even more menacing now.  “The last thing you want, is for me turn around, leave and lock that door behind me, because I will ensure you, that I will keep you alive--for as long as it takes to find her.  The festering wounds and septic shock that will set in will be nothing compared to what will come.. . sickness, surgical amputation, starvation. . . let us not forget the rodents gnawing at your flesh while you sleep, unconscious to your surroundings, unable to fend them off. . .and when you finally do meet your end, it will be her starring back at you one final time to remind your dying brain that she will endure something far worse. . .she will have turned against you and her revelation will be getting what I wish to know from you through any means necessary. . .”
There was silence now.  Perhaps the man had finally given up and collapsed from the pain.  Perhaps he’d passed.  It was only a moment later that he coughed again, drooling a stream of saliva mixed with his own blood along his chin.
“Sold. . . to a man Dargon Blackiron. . . Dwarf out of Dun’ Mor. . .”  His breathing began to quicken, while he coughed again. “Wrathion sold them. . . to be sealed in G-grim. . B-batol. . away from mortals, away from people like you. . .”
Lazarius listened while the man spilled the information.  Whether it was true or not, it was a lead.  And at this point, several hours into his nightmare, would lying be worth anything?  Perhaps.  He knew that it could be a wild chase, but something about the mans answer held truth behind it.  The threat to his sister may have done it.  Lazarius had known where she was.  Given this man was one of Wrathions Black Guards, it wasn’t easy to score the information.  But he did manage.  This bargaining chip may have been the key, and to be honest; his last chance at intimidating the man.
“Do not. . . let her suffer. . . please all I wish. . . is for her to. . .” 
The Inquisitor didn’t even let the man finish his sentence.  His head fell back as his throat had been cut clean open with the eviscerating claw protruding from his index finger.  Blood spewed from the bubbling cavity along his already ripped apart chest.  It ran down his abdomen, into his lap where it had seemed that his scrotum had been torn all the same.  Blood was heavily staining the ground around them.  Lazarius stood within it, silent, simply closing his eyes as the candle flickered around him.  Pure silence, not a single word or sound save for the final last gurgling noises from the nameless prisoner.   He couldn’t move yet.  But in time Abbigael would come.  His dear, sweet hand maiden who for better or worse, served her master dutifully.  The innocent girl, a child of a previous member of the Nine; would be forced to clear away her masters mess.  But for now.  The dark lord would collect himself in the darkness closing in around him.
To be continued. . .
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