kiyblackmoon · 3 years
Witches Herbal Code
Heart- Bud or Seed
Beak, Bill or Nose- Seed, Bud or Bloom
Tongue or Teeth- Petal or Leaf
Head- Blossom
Tail- Stem
Hair- Dried Herbs or Stringy Parts Of Herbs
Privates, Genitals Or Semen- Seeds Or Sap
Blood- Sap
Guts- Roots or Stalk
Paw, Foot, Leg, Wing or Toe- Leaves
Adder’s Tongue: Dogstooth Violet; Plantain
Ass’s Foot: Coltsfoot
Bat’s Wing : Holly Leaf
Bat’s Wool : Moss
Bear’s Foot: Lady’s Mantle
Bird’s Eye: Germander, Speedwell
Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap
Blood from a Head: Lupine
Blood from a Shoulder: Bear’s Breeches
Blood of a Goose: Mulberry tree’s sap
Blood of a Hamadryas Baboon: Blood of a spotted gecko
Blood of a Snake: Hematite
Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall
Blood of Ares: Purslane
Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood
Blood of Hestia: Chamomile
Bloody Fingers: Foxglove
Blue Jay: Bay laurel
Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn
Brains: Cherry tree gum [this phrase usually designates any fruit tree gum]
Bull’s Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound
Bull’s Foot: Coltsfoot
Bull’s Semen: Eggs of the blister beetle
Calf’s Snout: Snapdragon
Capon’s Tail: Valerian.
Cat: Catnip
Cat’s Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy
Clot: Great Mullein
Corpse Candles: Mullein
Cuddy’s Lungs: Great Mullein
Crocodile Dung: Ethiopian Earth
Crow Foot: Cranesbill, wild geranium, buttercup
Devil’s Dung: Asafoetida
Dog: Couch grass
Dog’s Mouth: Snapdragon
Dog’s Tongue: Hounds Tongue
Dove’s Foot: Wild Geranium
Dragon’s Blood: Resin of Draco palm
Dragon’s Scales: Bistort leaves
Eagle: Wild Garlic of Fenugreek
Ear of an Ass: Comfrey
Ears of a Goat: St. John’s Wort
Englishman’s Foot: Common Plantain
Eye of Christ: Germander, speedwell
Eye of the Day: Common daisy
Eye of the Star: Horehound
Eyes: Inner part of a blossom; Aster, Daisy, Eyebright
Fat from a Head: Spurge
Fingers: Cinquefoil
Five Fingers: Cinquefoil
Foot: Leaf
Frog: Cinquefoil
Frog’s Foot: Bulbous buttercup
From the Belly: Earth-apple
From the Foot: Houseleek
From the Loins: Chamomile
Goat’s Foot: Ash Weed
God’s Hair: Hart’s Tongue Fern
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass
Graveyard Dust: Mullein
Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye daisy
Guts: The roots and stalk of a plant
Hair: Dried stringy herbs; ripe male fern
Hair of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed
Hair of Venus: Maidenhair fern
Hare’s Beard: Great mullein
Hawk: Hawkweed
Hawk’s Heart: Wormwood seed or wormwood crown
Head: Flower of a plant
Heart: Walnut; bud, seed, or nut
Hind’s Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern
Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot
Horse Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern
Jacob’s Staff: Great Mullein
Jupiter’s Staff: Great Mullein
King’s Crown: Black Haw
Kronos’ Blood: Cedar
Lamb: Lettuce
Lamb’s Ears: Betony
Leg: Leaf
Lion’s Hair: Tongue of a Turnip [i.e., the leaves of the taproot]
Lion’s Tooth: Dandelion aka Priest’s Crown
Lion Semen: Human Semen
Man’s Bile: Turnip sap
Nightingale: Hops
Paw: Leaf
Physician’s Bone: Sandstone
Pig’s Tail: Leopard’s Bane
Privates: Seed
Ram’s Head: American Valerian
Rat: Valerian
Red Cockscomb: Amaranth
Seed of Horus: Horehound
Semen of Ammon: Houseleek
Semen of Ares: Clover
Semen of Helios: White Hellebore
Semen of Hephaistos: Fleabane
Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket
Semen of Hermes: Dill
Shepherd’s Heart: Shepherd’s Purse
Skin of Man: Fern
Skull: Skullcap Mushroom
Snake: Bistort
Snake’s Ball of Thread: Soapstone
Snake’s Head: Leech
Sparrow’s Tongue: Knotweed
Swine’s Snout: Dandelion leaves
Tail: Stem
Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Juice
Teeth: Pine Cones
Titan’s Blood: Wild Lettuce
Toad: Toadflax; Sage
Toe: Leaf
Tongue: Petal
Unicorn’s Horn: False Unicorn Root; True Unicorn Root
Urine: Dandelion
Weasel: Rue
Weasel Snout: Yellow Dead Nettles/Yellow Archangel
White Man’s Foot: Common Plantain
Wing: Leaf
Wolf Claw: Club Moss
Wolf Foot: Bugle Weed
Wolf’s Milk: Euphorbia
Woodpecker: Peony
Worms: Thin Roots
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it-starts-with-an-a · 4 years
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via witchoftheforest (ig)
Personally, I would love to have the officespace dedicated to my practice. While I have safe items throughout my home because of my lifestyle, I’m looking forward to a petfree/childfree-proof area of my own 🖤
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queentahtahme-blog · 7 years
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From the Hoodoo Queens series! Here we have Pearl Primus the dancer, lithely dancing among candles, surrounded by flowers. What’s not to love? 🌹🕯️🌹
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dzdjewelry · 8 years
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🌚more Wiccan Wisdom for you starting with #monday #wicca #wisdom 🌜The day of the Moon. 🌛
Any rituals focused on creativity, insight and hidden 
wisdom are 🔮reccomended.This is also a good day to 👸🏻
attune with the Goddess and her energies. Other correspondences for Monday are:
Moon Rituals: 
Conceptual, Self-Inspiration, Psychic Ability, Inspiration, Change. ✨ Element: 
Water 🌊 Colour: 
White Number:
9 #wiccansofinstagram #witches #wisedom #witchcraft #pagan #blackwitch #blackwiccan #blackwicca #brwngial1970 #followme #likeme (at Evanston, Illinois)
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
Book of Shadows
A BOS is a personal book of magic; It includes records of all magical workings, dreams and their meanings, rituals, etc.Your BOS is like a diary or journal so it’s ok if any mistakes are recorded. It’s a way to figure out if the spells you personally created worked or failed . Record failed as well as successful magick workings . I personally use for shadow work and manifesting. You may also use it to record dreams of you don’t already have a dream journal. If you do not keep a Grimoire, it can also include spells and other magical information needed to perform magick. Your BOS should be buried with you when pass to summerland. If you choose so.
A Grimoire is like a BOS, but not as personal. It holds information about rituals, spells, potions, and how to prepare magical tools. It also contains lists of correspondences and magical properties of herbs, gemstones, food, colors, etc. Basically, it contains all your magical research. It does not contain personal information or records of magikal workings. If you want to keep a better record of all of you successful working and information your Grimoire is perfect for that. For a Grimoire something with removable pages. That way you can add and remove a pages , making it easier to add information or instead of taking your entire book into a ritual where it may be damaged . Also it makes it easier to organize. Your Grimoire may be passed on or left to someone after your pass over to summerland.
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
A pentacle is a star with circle around it. It is used by many adherents of Wicca. This symbol is generally placed on a Wiccan altar to honor the elements and directions.(North, South, East, West and the Spirit)
is a talisman that is used in magical evocation, and is usually made of parchment, paper, cloth, or metal (although it can be of other materials), upon which a magical design is drawn. Protective symbols may also be included (sometimes on the reverse), a common one being the six-point form of the Seal of Solomon.
is used to focus and direct energies in magick and also to protect you. Nothing can compete with the absolute protection that a pentacle gives you. Use it to keep negative energies, evil spirits, and demons out during your rituals and spell casting, while you at your most vulnerable. It even gives you the power to command and control the forces who are seeking to harm you.
If placed outside your residence, the pentacle will protect the house and everyone who lives in it.
In tarot decks, the suit of pentacles represents the element of Earth and is often visually illustrated to look like a coin to symbolize earthy desires.
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
Wiccan Tips
For Melanin Wiccans
Obviously most of the deities in Wiccan culture are not of color. But did you know the way you see the Goddess in God or the Lord and Lady is how you see them.
For example if you’re a patriot God and Goddess is Persephone and Hades and you are a person of color and practice wicca they may look something like this…
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And that’s ok ! But if prefer the Olympus Lore version of the two that is fine as well.
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This helps identify and relate to your deity.
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
Wiccan Tips
Pt2. Deities pt2
There is no supreme force of evil in Wicca.
The God is seen as the masculine form of divinity, and the polar opposite, and equal, to the Goddess.
The Goddess is especially connected to the Moon and stars and the sea, while the Horned God is connected to the Sun and the forests.
The Goddess is often seen as having a triple aspect; that of the maiden, mother and crone. The God is traditionally seen as being the Horned God of the woods. A key belief in Wicca is that the gods are able to manifest in personal form, either through dreams, as physical manifestations.
Some Wiccans are polytheists, believing in many different deities taken from various Pagan pantheons, while others would believe that, in the words of Dion Fortune, "all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and all the Gods one God". Some Wiccans are both duotheistic and polytheistic, (and sometimes a combination of duotheism, polytheism, and pantheism), in that they honor diverse pagan deities while reserving their worship for the Wiccan Goddess and Horned God, whom they regard as the supreme deities.
The God
The God is traditionally seen as the Horned God, an archetypal deity with links to the Celtic Cernunnos, English folkloric Herne the Hunter, Greek Pan, Roman Faunus and Indian Pashupati. Horns are traditionally a sacred symbol of male virility, and male gods with horns or antlers were common in pagan religious iconography throughout the ancient world.
Horned God of hunting, death and magic who rules over an after-world paradise often referred to The Summerland
In Wicca, the Green Man is also often associated with the Horned God, though he does not always have horns.
The Goddess
The Goddess is seen as the Triple Goddess, meaning that she is the maiden, the mother and the crone. The mother aspect, the Mother Goddess.
the Great Mother who gives regeneration and rebirth to souls of the dead and love to the living.
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The divine couple in Wicca, with the Lady as Hecate, the witchcraft goddess, and the Lord as Pan, the horned god of the wild Earth. The lower figure is Mercury or Hermes, the god or divine force of magic - as shown by his wings and caduceus.
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
Bewicked Witchy Tips
Parchment used for spells can be substituted with paper bags.
Let me explain. Not the whole entire paper bag. That would be a waste . Rip a piece off of a paper bag and write your spell/wish/petition.
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
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Check out my new YouTube channel
The Wicked Life of Kiyla
Come chill and vibe with me as a vlog about my life as a out the broom closet. Also about my life as a mom, fiancé and being plain old weird me .
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kiyblackmoon · 3 years
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