fiddlergeppo · 7 years
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Prima birra nella casa nuova...#birrificiodilambrate #blackgrog #smokedporter #beer #birraartigianale #birrartigianaleitaliana #picoftheday
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toomanycharr · 7 years
01 for all or as many of your characters you want
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?Putting under cut because I’m gonna do every name!
Xyx Black-name - Xyx’s name was originally Pox in pre-game days. I absolutely hated that name, and have no idea why I was doing to call them that, but once when I was walking to work I saw a car numberplate that said ‘XYX’ at the end and I thought that was a much better name than Pox. It stuck. Probably the strangest place I have gotten a name from. All of the surnames are random- Black was just an ash warband I dreamed up in beta days.
Nenqe Furywatch - Nenqe means vulture in an African language (I honestly cannot remember which one, I am sorry.) I like to name my characters vulture-y things. She was made to start up Fierce Warband on EU before the terrible idea of starting VI, so was Fiercewatch for a while- watch came from her protective and nurturing nature, and how she would keep watch of those she cared for. After some shit went down in VI (thank iron I’m out of there) she joined up with Minnar’s Fury warband.
Yaxa Oozemaw - Yaxana, shortened to Yaxa, was a really good World of Warcraft friend. I made her when he got admitted to hospital. Yaxa was always played as a very strong feminine warrior who took no shit, so it was sort of a testament to that character. She bites oozes and is the legionnaire of maw warband.
Apnea Spiritmaul - Apnea is the suspension of breathing, when there is no movement in the lungs. When I made her the idea of her character was that she used mind control and confusion to stop the foe’s lungs from working properly- this was soon after scrapped as I thought that would be a better idea for an air elementalist. She was made to be part of Spirit Warband, and maul was the most blood-legion word I could think of at the time.
Sergi Spiritclaw - Keyboard smash. Made to be in Spirit Warband and claw was the most Blood legion word I could think of.
Tabus The Displacer - I wanted a name beginning with T that sounded bad ass. Tabus came after taking Tea and adding/changing letters.The displacer because he was meant to be a displacer beast fan character but that sort of didn’t go very well- he’s still super cool though.
Mayall Stargazer - Mayall was made to be my fursona at the time in the game. She is named after the galaxy Mayall’s object, and stargazer was my own personal love of the stars, but soon became star warband.
Hoag Starcrusher - Hoag is named after the galaxy Hoag’s object. Made after I had the idea for Star Warband, as the legionnaire Mayall was making Astralasia for. That fell through, but Hoag is still a thing.
Volca Slashthroat - Keyboard smash, Blood legion-iest surname I could think of.
Eris Spiritheart - Eris is the Goddess of chaos and my personal God as a Discordian. Chosen just because I wanted that name. Spirit was originally due to her pure white fur, but became the warband name soon after. Heart because she was imagined as a caring and sweet character. 
Arcturis Spirtmaw - Arcturis is one of my favorite hunter pets in World of Warcraft. He was made as a fan-character but soon became the lieutenant of Spirit warband because of his name and close resemblance of Eris. Spirit because he’s a spirit beast in WoW, and maw because the bear’s maw is the most noticeable part of the pet.
Bess Havocether - I wanted a name that reflected her upbringing. As Aetherblades have a very all-race community-thing, Bess came up as something that sounded both human and slightly charr, with a slight asura tinge. Bess was made for the RP guild Havoc warband. Ether because... Aether.
Seamstress Kombucha - Seamstress because she is a seamstress, Kombucha because I like to name my characters after tea!
Klovan - WvW inspired. Also sounded like a nice charr name.
Artois Earthshaker - I literally have 0 idea how to spell his first name, can you tell? Earthshaker from Flight Rising fan-character. His first name was Earthshaker’s original name before the creators decided to go for easier to remember names. I am so glad they did, because I have so much trouble with his name. I’m 99% sure I spelt it wrong there too.
Auxantios - I was looking at Greek names and Auxentios came up- it was taken, so I changed one letter and got that!
Aries The Obstinate - I am an Aries, hurr hurr. I really want to change her title. One day.
Luluzure Vividwrath - BECAUSE, NO, LUCY, I AM NOT CALLING MY CHARR YIFFA BUTTCAKEKangra Silverbrew - Keyboard smash.Calix Glenwalker - Calix was keyboard smash. Glenwalker was stolen from a good friend who gave me his fursona when he stopped being a furry.
Speldan - Another WvW name. I wanted to make her, go into WvW and say ‘TAKE ME’ in /w but that never happened, hah. 
Congou - Another tea name! I was amazed this wasn’t taken.
Tamika Dustshot - Tamika is named after Tamika Flynn from Welcome to Nightvale. Tamika Flynn is a badass. Dustshot was random.
Temac Gemstrike - (T)E)M(A)C TEA as my name, And TMC, standing for Too Many Charr. Smart, eh? Gemstrike was random.
Rauch The Brusque - More google names. Apparently it’s German for smoke- even better! I will be changing the title one day. I don’t like it.
Taube Lunargleam - Taube means pigeon. I love pigeons. Lunar for Lunar warband, and Gleam was the only guardian-like word I could think of that looked okay with Lunar. 
Kallisti Smokehunt - Kallisti is another Greek/Discordian thingger, meaning ‘The most beautiful.’ She is pretty. It works. Smokehunt was random.
Tuocha Blacksnow - Another tea name! (I spell this one wrong a lot too.) Black because Black warband (There will be a lot of hose now,) and snow because of his snowy white fur and birth in the Shiverpeaks. 
Teague Blackblade - Random name, because it has Tea in it. He was originally made for Blade warband in VI, but Blade never happened and I became not a part of the guild anymore, so he stuck and I changed his story to be ex-Black warband.
Worina Blackweld - Keyboard smash/Black Warband/random
Galao Blackcandle - I thought I would have a break from tea names and have a COFFEE NAME. OOOOO. Black Warband. Candle was random.
Malaya Blackheart - Malaya is a place that grows a lot of tea, so.... Tea name. There’s a theme, as you can see.Black Warband/random
Breve Blackeye - Random first name. Think I got it from a name generator. Blackeye is both Black warband and how he is always getting himself into trouble.
Spinel Blackcarve - Spinel (gem) is pretty, Spinel (charr) is pretty. Also the most charr-sounding gem name I could find. Black warband/random.
Kallias Blackgrog - Keyboard Smash / Black Warband / Random
Geier Hearthhew - Geier means vulture. Hearthhew was me trying to think of a name that ould be both Flame and Iron, as I had an RP plot in my head where he was saved from Flame by a bunch of Iron charr. That never happened.
Syn Thunderstalker - Syn... Well, that’s a story. An actual story! One time a long time ago I was hypnotised (yeah, I play around with that,) and I can’t remember exactly what happened, and even if I could, it wouldn’t be safe for this blog, my head somehow made a huge.grey Flame Legion charr named Syn. No idea where the name came from, but that was the name he came from. He became my ‘fursona’ for a while, and took my fursona at the time’s (Shera Thunderstalker) surname. (Please note this was before we knew how bad Flame is to ladies.) All in all the whole character of Syn is pretty much me hating myself at the time I had him as a sona, because a lot of shit went down in that time.
King Tyant - I wanted a charr called King. Tyant was keyboard smash,and no, has nothing to do with tyrant.
Falk Doodlesnugs / Blazebane - Falk was random. Doodlesnugs because he was never meant to be serious, he was never meant to have this much effort put into him, I made him to have big colourful hair. But he became serious. He got the effort. Recently he has changed to Blazebane after King was taken back to the Citadel and he vowed to be more of a charr, to get back his father, and to kill his blood-sire before he killed King.
Tiffany Salter - I got a friend to look through her facebook and pull up two names for me. Tiffany Salter was what came up. I like it, because I am salty. Hurr.
Theo the Serpent - Theo because... It’s what I was gonna be called so??? He’s not at all like me so I’m not sure. The serpent because LUXON LORE
Tea Apnea - It’s literally me. I liked the name Apnea, so used that too.
Aries Hellebore - Aries because stars and stuff, Hellebore is a plant, but mostly a google name.
Tea Ursinnehare - It me again. Surname means Anger rabbit which I found hilarious.
Badly made fursuit - ...
Badly made murrsuit  - ...................
Cant be charrsed - I made the character in the PoF beta when I’d already done the story, and I was amused at the name, so kept it.
Overdunked Rich Tea - Part tea name, part delicious biscuit, part disappointment.
Salty Tea - Salt.
Spoopy Booplesnoot - Spooky Bunny
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toomanycharr · 7 years
Character list (WIP)
Character list, will have bios added at some point. Not currently complete, I have forgotten a few. ((Edited 07/10/2017 - added genders.) Really should add all my characters but there are just so damn many)
The Xyx Brigade
(Xyx is my favourite and main character, and I have many AU versions of them. Oop. All Ash Legion.) 
Xyx Blacklunar (main) - Male. Lieutenant of Lunar warband. Lazy ranger who gets his bird (Rat) to do all the hard work.
Xyx Blackrune - Agender. The ‘real’ Xyx. A Gladium ranger-turned-engineer who makes tiny drones and dreams of being something more than she is. Puns, self-depreciating humour, and mental illness.
Xyx Blackbrand - Female. WIP, really. I just made her for renegade, tbh.
Xyx Blackruin - Female. Young Xyx. A naive charr ranger who doesn’t quite know how hard a soldier’s life is, just yet. Weak as hell. 
Xyx Blackjaeger - Female. Sentinel. Very high opinion of herself, and not without reason. She could probably benchpress you. Ruthless on the field.  Xyx Blackbriar - Male. Chronic pain and cooking
Blood EU
Nenqe Furywatch (Main) - Female. Iron-Blooded Soldier of Fury Warband. Adamant guard hater - Guitar maker / player - Blacksmith - Shield Enthusiast - Fatty fat.
Yaxa Oozemaw (Secondary) - Female. Angry Legionnaire of Maw warband. Anger issues - Mesmer - Focusing on illusion and heavy-handed attacks.
Apnea Spiritmaul - Female. Pretty charr, will kick your ass. Flirtatious and egotistic. Spirit Warband’s Scribe.
Sergi Spiritclaw - Female. Probably the mother of half of my charr. Old asshole, hates most of her cubs. Became an adoptive warband mother of Weirdfolio’s Lirae, treats her like the perfect cub she never had. Forced into Spirit Warband by her Centurion, hates it.
Tabus The Displacer - Male. He looks cool? No character as of yet.
Mayall Stargazer - Female. Soldier of Star warband. The ‘good cop’ of the duo, being very friendly and approachable.
Hoag Starcrusher - Male. Legionnaire of Star warband. Not a nice guy, and does not give a shit about you or your opinions.
Volca Slashthroat - Long Bio - Female. Centurion and Professional arsehole. 
Eris Spiritheart - Female. Half-Legionnaire of Spirit Warband and twin of Arcturis, has never gotten over losing her girlfriend, Vanessa. Sort of depressed, and learnt the way of the Revenant so she could perhaps one day speak to her beloved once more. A lot of Spirit’s think this makes her unsuitable for the role of legionnaire, so she shares the duty.
Arcturis Spirtmaw - Male. Half-Legionnaire of Spirit Warband and twin of Eris, A worry-wart and mom-friend. Will always be there for his friends, and will always chop off someone’s head for them, too. 
Bess Havocether - Female. Soldier of Havoc Warband. Cannoner and child of two aetherblades. Grew up on the ships, but got herself lost on a mission- saw what the Aethers were doing and was disgusted, so deserted to the Legions. Very untrusted, still.
Seamstress Kombucha - Female. A tailor, making a living selling garments to any cloth-wearers that may want them.
Klovan - Male. Gladium scum. He tries so hard to get into a warband but no one will take the poor bugger.
Artois Earthshaker - Agender. A charr elementalist who became slowly encased in stone. Now looks more like an earth elemental. (Sort of not RP)
Auxantios (Secondary) - Male. Alchemist. Knew killing the elder dragons was a bad idea, is very ‘told you so’ about that fact. Makes poison and stuff. Probably the ash-iest iron legion ever.
Aries The Obstinate - Female (MtF). Transgender charr lady, and guard of Stonemist castle. Dies a lot, but hey, she’s already in hell the mists.
Luluzure Vividwrath - Female (MtF). A pretty charr with no real lore. I didn’t even make her! Probably something simple like a farmer. Kangra Silverbrew - Female.
Speldan (Main) - Agender. Part of the Tyrian Expedition Companionship, often ends up as the cleaner. Spends most of her time cleaning the ships and lugging around heavy materials. Has a pet moa named Screech, who is a noisy little bugger, and talks to him a lot.
Congou (Secondary) - Female. An eccentric drake-breeder who has a lot of wanderlust and no self-control. Often ends up who-knows-where in search of new breeding stock.
Tamika Dustshot - Female. Bullied by her peers due to her low, smooth voice, Tamika moved to Divinities Reach where she now is a renowned jazz musician. Very well groomed, pretty rich, and mostly liked. Close to Xyx and Temac, and has shelled out a LOT of her money to keep Temac safe.
Temac Gemstrike - Female. Thief of the notorious Gem warband (Which is more of a thieves guild?) Out to steal the rarest and finest, sell it on, split the profits. Also runs a shop where she sells seedy stuff and also rare, expensive stolen items. She does not know it, but Tamika buys most of her stolen stuff and returns it to keep her out of trouble.
Rauch The Brusque - Intersex, she/her. The loneliest charr. Lost in Magumma after the passing of her warband, Rauch hopes for nothing more than to feel the closeness she once had. She won’t let it be known, though.
Taube Lunargleam - Male.   Medic of Lunar warband .Guardian and battleaxe nurse. Will cut your leg off and scorch it until it’s not bleeding if you tell him you got a bruise. Doesn’t really understand that other people feel pain- doesn’t do what he does because he’s evil, he just doesn’t understand. How he got to be medic, no one knows. (Please replace him I don’t want Xyx to have no arms or legs)
Kallisti Smokehunt - Female. Another pretty charr with no real lore. Oops. 
Toucha Blacksnow - Male. Soldier of Black warband. Born and raised by charr adventurers in the shiverpeaks, sent to serve the legions in the citadel. It’s ALWAYS too hot for him.
Teague Blackblade - Male. An old, scarred sentinel who suffers from PTSD. He has retired to a farmers life, and tends to ramble.
Worina Blackweld - Female. Legionnaire of Black Warband. An old guardian with a hatred of, and unfortunate knack for, healing. 0 sense of humour.
Galao Blackcandle - Male. Quaestor of Black warband. is usually found cooking for his warband on missions, and seldom fights. When he does, you wouldn’t guess he is not a fighter- specializing in stunning and taking a foe out quickly.
Malaya Blackheart - Female, we guess?? Soldier of Black warband. A silent thief, who tends to follow her legionnaire until there’s a fight to be had.
Breve Blackeye - Male. Disgraced soldier of Black warband. A drunken hobo whose unfortunate past lead to a hatred of asura. Extremely volatile and unpredictable. Drinks to forget the horrors he faced whilst being an inquest test subject.
Spinel Blackcarve - Female.
Kallias Blackgrog - Male.
Geier Hearthhew - Male. Cub.
Syn Thunderstalker - Male.
Legion Deserters
King Tyant (Tyant Flayclaw) - Male (FtM).
Glistertooth - Male. HALLOWEEN 
Falk (Missing) - Male.
Tiffany Salter - Female.
Theo the Serpent - Male.
Tea Apnea (Non-RP) - Agender.
Teacae - Agender.
Aries Hellebore - Agender masc???
Tea Ursinnehare (Non-RP) - Agender.
Non-RP / Jokes / Memes
Badly made fursuit - Female.
Cant be charrsed - Male. (Actually a really good looking character hot damn I wish I could RP him.)
Overdunked Rich Tea - Intersex.
Salty Tea - Female.
Spoopy Booplesnoot - Male.
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