#black sapphire is absolutely the first to find them what with him being the rumor mill across the continent even back in crispia
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cryptidmickle · 7 days ago
dbl amnesia au in which when shadowvanilla settle down for the cottage lifestyle, everyone is, understandably, out looking for them. Two powerful beings gone? In an instant? At the same time? Soemthing *mustve* happened. And I think of all the people to find them first, Black Sapphire would stumble upon this, realize quite quickly that neither of them remember anything, and actually, kind of just
 keep quiet about the whole thing. Hell, he might even settle nearby to keep an eye on them and see if smilk remembers anything by seeing or interacting with him, but all he sees is a man who is very happy with his new situation with no hints that he might even recall who he might’ve been beforehand.
if anyone else comes along, depending on who it is that arrives, black sapphire may even run interference to make sure others don’t mess with them and try to purposefully jog their memories since whatever they’ve got going on seems to be working for them, even IF he really wants his master back. And I’m sure smilk isn’t entirely unlike his old self
 he’s just different now. Calmer. Happier for sure with pure vanilla being the optimistic cookie he is.
Speaking of, shadowvanilla probably make for fairly nice neighbors, and they play off each other like an old couple with their fond bickering. Probably like the grandparents people wish they had: a doting pure vanilla who’s more than happy to share extra produce and bring over food, a silly smilk who’ll happily spin yarn and tell stories about whatever he’s made up and who’ll take your side in arguments, and the both of them will sit out on their porch for tea for break or in the evening and be sociable to anyone who passes.
They deserve their peace and their homey habit even if it only lasts for a little bit, and it’ll be something they surely won’t be able to forget should their original memories ever do return
hi im in love with you
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years ago
The Royal We
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Written for: @star-spangled-bingo​ 2021!  Words: 1699 Square Filled: Modern Royalty AU Pairing: No Pairing, general fic.  Cast of Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers w/ Reader Warnings: none.        Summary: It’s Coronation day for Prince Steve and though Rumor’s circulate around the kingdom, and the tabloids, about he and Duchess!Reader, she has her eyes cast in another direction entirely. 
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“Ah, there she is, My absolute favorite Duchess!” Prince Steven Rogers greeted you with his most charming smile. There was a pair of foreign dignitaries in the receiving line just ahead of you. They turned to see who Steve was talking about. They smiled when they recognized you. It was no secret, thanks to the internet, that you and Steve were good friends. Many tabloids and Twitter accounts also suspected you may be more than that.  
The truth was your father had been the most trusted confidant and Chief of Security to Steve’s father, the late king. Both your fathers had been killed on a plane crash when you were just thirteen. Since your father had died while performing his duties for the crown, Steve insisted you and your family be taken care of financially. He may have taken things a little too far by gifting you a Duchy for your eighteenth birthday. The rumors only snowballed from there.
Steve was a good friend, but you had no interest in him romantically. He was kind and honest which would make him a great King. He just wasn’t the kind of person you wanted in a partner. While Steve had his moments where he’d throw caution to the wind, he could also be stiff and reserved. The after effect of growing up on the public eye knowing he’d rule someday.
“You shouldn’t say things like that.” You chastised him with a whisper. You dipped down into an elegant curtsy. “Especially since you’ll be King in a few hours. You know how they talk.”
“Let them talk.” Steve laughed. “If not us they’ll find something else to criticize me for. But I’d watch out for The Dragon if I were you.” He nodded his head slightly indicating somewhere behind you. You didn’t bother looking to see where, you knew who he was talking about, his fiancĂ©.
Steve had been engaged since his tenth birthday to a very beautiful woman who seemed to truly love him and your kingdom. Though she was a princess from another smaller kingdom, she would often visit for extended periods of time. On her visits she did a lot of volunteer work and help with local beautification projects. Her special interests were conservation, helping orphaned children and hating you. Yes, the soon to be queen of Brueklin wanted you as far away from her fiancé as possible. Despite your best efforts to show her you had no interest in Steve, she seemed to believe her social media feed over you.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be on my best behavior.” You rolled your eyes. “I’ve got to go find my table which is no doubt on the other side of the room in a nice dark corner. Give The Dragon my best.”
You curtsied again before exiting the reception line. A page slipped you a small card with your table number on it. You walked off to your assigned table and immediately recognized two of your tablemates and their security details. The other two thirds of what the press called The Royal Rogues and Steve’s other two best friends.
Duke James Barnes had inherited a sizable Brueklinian duchy when his father retired two years ago. He’d spent most of that time gambling and partying with his checkbook close at hand. He was dressed to the nines for the royal coronation. He was sporting a charcoal grey tuxedo, blue waist coat, a complimenting tie and a black silk shirt. He was leaning back in his chair so that it rocked on two legs. He grinned mischievous when he spotted you.
Prince Samuel Wilson was the heir of a kingdom so small it was hardly visible on most maps. He’d been training to broker peace treaties since he first met Steve and Bucky as teenagers. Sam was dressed in the ceremonial uniform of his country. Even in the far back corner of the room couldn’t dim the bright color of his crimson red waistcoat and tails. His white pants were crisp and clean, his boots shinier than ever. Sam never showed up to a royal event looking less than perfect.
Sam got to his feet as you approached. He welcomed you with a smile so earnest it nearly made your heart stop. He kissed you on the cheek, a familiar greeting shared among all royals in his country and pushed your chair in as you sat down. You’d never confess as much out loud, but it was Prince Sam your heart had set itself on.
“[Y/N], arriving fashionably late and decked out in Brueklinian Blue.” Bucky appraised your sapphire blue gown, drawing your attention away from Sam temporarily.
“I’m not late!” You gasped. “I’ve been waiting in that reception line forever. Still it’s nice to see you two relegated to the kids table too.”
“Yeah, the cool kids table.” Bucky smirked. He swirled the glass of wine in his hands for a few seconds before taking a drink. “No doubt this is the work of The Dragon.”
“Why do you guys call her that? Roxanne’s nothing but nice.” Sam shook his head.
“Oh, so she’s Roxanne?” Bucky laughed, he leaned forward so his chair was on all for legs. “Of course, she’s nice to you. You’re a Prince, if she offended you it could lead to an international incident. While [Y/N] and I are but a common Duke and Duchess.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.” Sam shook his head. “The fact that she knows you both don’t like her has nothing to do with it.”
“Also, not to be that guy but you kind of have to be team Roxanne or Team [Y/N]. At least if the tabloids are to be believed.” Bucky shrugged.
“Don’t worry, I’m firmly on Team [Y/N],” Sam assured him. Which caused your cheeks to flush.  â€œI’m just saying everyone knows that Steve values the opinions of you two more than anybody else’s. Make it easier on the guy and stop giving his future Queen such a hard time.”
“Ah, but you’re assuming she’s still our future Queen! There’s plenty of time for [Y/N] and Prince Charming to elope. True that once he’s crowned king it will be harder for him to leave the Dragon, but it could happen. Maybe his first act as King will be to disband the engagement. Wouldn’t that be something?” Bucky sighed hopefully. He sipped from his glass again.
“There’s no way he’d end that engagement.” You insisted. “It was practically his father’s dying wish to see the kingdoms united. There’s no way Steve would ever go back on a promise he made to his father.”
“Are all Brueklinians such downers or am I just lucky enough to be friends with the Kingdom’s two biggest pessimists?” Sam question. “I know it’s a coronation, but it’s still a party! Tell you want,” Sam quietly slapped a hand on the table before getting to his feet. “I’m gonna go get us some more drinks. When I come back, I want smiles on both your faces.” You watched Sam disappear from the ballroom to the garden outside where drinks were being served.
“Of course, Princess Roxanne made sure they got a front row seat to the action.” You looked to where Bucky nodded to see T’Challa, the King of Wakanda, and his sister Princess Shuri. Wakanda was Brueklin’s largest and most profitable ally.
“Keep your friends close and the money closer.” You commented.
“Speaking of money, how’s the Duchy doing?” Bucky asked, frowning at his now empty wine glass. “You know, rumor has it your ports need some serious upgrading. I’ve heard you’ve asked the crown for a sizable relief check.”
“Oh, did you hear that from a very reliable royal source?” You assuming he talked to Steve.
“Sorry Duchess, that information is classified.” Bucky smirked. “But you know my Duchy has plenty of money
“Are you proposing a loan? Because I imagine your interest rate is a lot less than the National Council.” You supposed.
“Actually, I’m proposing a lot more than a loan
” Bucky began to explain. He was interrupted by Sam who’d returned with your drinks. He placed a wine glass in front of Bucky and a cocktail in front of you.
“Sam, this drink seems very tropical and barely appropriate for a coronation.” You observed sniffing the coconut and pineapple frozen beverage Sam had ordered for you.
“It’s a Pina Colada. You couldn’t stop drinking them when we were on that Yatch to Paris.” He commented sipping from his whiskey glass.
“That was over a year ago!” You exclaimed. “I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Yeah well, it’s gonna be a long day, I figured you could use a pick me up.” Sam winked. “Now what did I miss?”  
“We were just discussing some financial stuff. Boring.” Bucky shrugged. “Say [Y/N] could you do me a huge favor? Could you get me a glass of water from the bar? Like his Royal Highness says it’s going to be a long day. I’ve got to stay hydrated.”
“Sure. It’ll give me a chance to hide from The Dragon’s watchful gaze for a few.” You wandered off to the bar where Sam had just returned from. Bucky waited until you’d gone before looking to Sam.
“You know I think it’s about time [Y/N] upgraded from Duchess to something else.” He commented simply.
“Man, you’re still on this?” Sam rolled his eyes.
“You have to admit that Princess [Y/N] has a nice ring to it.” Bucky insisted. “Now we know Rogers is taken, but if only there was another Prince who was madly in love with her
” Sam laughed so loud he drew the attention of nearby tables.
“Has anyone told you that you’re a serious liability to your country?” Sam lowered his voice so that only his friend could hear him.
“Yeah. Lots of people actually, including you several times.” Bucky chuckled. “Now listen she’s going to be back soon so I need to know how many more years of sideways glances, giggles and little inside jokes you’re going to make me suffer through before you finally summon up the courage to ask [Y/N] to marry you or at least have a secret tryst?”
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wolfofwinchester · 4 years ago
💘 / I'm getting to ours but I'd like to see what you have in mind uvu!
send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
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where they first met and how
When Lord Phantomhive brought home his bastard, a few key villainous nobles were present to meet her a few days after her arrival. The Undertaker was among them, although he was hidden away and out of her eyesight so she never really seen him outside of flashes of silver and a flow of black. Inevitably, it turned into The Hunt of her trying to find out who this mysterious “Aristocrat” was.  
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
I could see playful flirtations being part of their aesthetic. It fits, I think! Never serious before and they knew it, they were just messing around with winks and flirtatious comments, sometimes getting a rise out of the other, other times pretending to be one another’s significant other for reasons of their own (let it be getting a free meal for Valentine’s Day or for a cover-up where they’re both in disguise). As such, I think the playfulness went on for a gooooood while, some years of cozy play before things got r e a l.
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
To even their writers, I feel this is meant to be ambiguous. 🙊 They’re That Kind of Couple.
where their first date was and what it was like
I think they both thought it more comfortable if it was a private affair; nothing so public as a dinner at a restaurant, and nothing so closed-in as the manor. I think their first date was something of a very elegant and rich picnic somewhere in the countryisde, lost from civilzation and farm buildings. A little peace of solitude where they got to enjoy one another’s company while Lilac chased the hounds around the rolling fields of green. 
A picnic and just wiling away the hours talking, huddled up side-by-side and safe from blinding light beneath an enormous willow tree. After that, I think they went back to Azrael’s Funeral Parlor and spent the rest of the evening there just having laughs and wine. Just a really long, and really good day that ended with both of them snoozing in Azrael’s coffin. It’s not made for two people, so Claudia slept on top of him and he held her the whole night through. They woke to find Lilac sleeping on top of her and a floor flooded with hound dogs + Gelert. 
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
Azrael steals first proclamation of love and kiss, but Claudia steals these moments. She made the first step after their confessions, asking with a sly grin if he’d like to have dinner with her. It was done very smoothly while they were still in the afterglow of requited feelings, when they were both basking and feeling that glowing mirth. An hour or so after that, I believe. 
who proposes first
Claudia, absolutely. Marriage is never a concern of Azrael’s, he’s fine with things as they are! It’s never a required step in his mind. He goes with his lover’s flow.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
Claudia’s rebellion in the Watchdog role succeeded into her relationship. Azrael’s vigilant and he wants them to stay a secret for Claudia’s own good in her public image, but Claudia’s ambitious nature to not let this life control her gently tussles with that. As such, the public sees them as a very odd pair, not there’s no confirmation of their relationship. They’re a forbidden romance waltzing in plain sight who have rumors spark up that end up hushed immediately.
“We’ll be discovered,” He whispers into her lips, earning a sharp-toothed grin that nips his bottom lip. â€œAnd so what? I’m already goin’ down in history as the most notorious Bastard of Phantomhive. â™Ș”
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
It wasn’t precisely the ideal or dreamy, romantic proposal Claudia wanted it to be. For over a year, she’d been secretly working on the perfect ring for Azrael in her workshop, and it’s led to many rejects she felt were never perfect. The frustration of an artist led to art block, and that clashed direly with her desire to propose to the man! Lots of ring rejects! Despite them all being quite lovely, she never felt they were correct. There were strings of rings around her workshop at this point that she turned to for inspiration.
Finally, she had the perfect ring. Polished, and just right. The hyper glory of having perfected the ring after this long led the very tired, frazzled and disheveled woodworker zipping on horseback into London to that old Funeral Parlor, throwing open the door, finding a VERY befuddled Azrael who hadn’t seen her in days, and proceeding to capture his wedding hand.
For a solid minute, Azrael swore he seen his unlife flash before his eyes with how fast she approached him! He thought he did something wrong, or was falsely accused! You’d never seen a more bewildered man be proposed to by a very exhausted but very passionate woman. From an outsider’s point of view, it was hilarious before it became very tender and quiet. ???? WHAT’D I D- oooh?
It wasn’t scenic, but it was full of heart. Claudia apologized for storming in, but she had to do this right away because she couldn’t hold herself back another minute. She told him how important he was to her, and how important he’s been to her. He’s been her sole companion who didn’t need to be by her side, but he chose to be, despite how dangerous her life is and how loony of a woman she is. He’s been her trusted companion, and in this life, he’d come to be her best friend over so many years of them knowing each other. 
It went from flighty to quiet and emotional. She asked him to marry her, and whattaya know, he accepted.
if they adopt any pets together
They’re pretty happy with their fuzzy family already, but I think Azrael’s tendency to take in strays leads to them having a few kits down the road. Any cat of his at this point is extended to being auto-adopted by Claudia.
who’s more dominant
They’re.. both dominant. Unless Claudia’s having a low energy day where she gives Azrael the full reins (which he loves), she’s right there tussling for control and they’re both playfully wrestling and nipping! They both get their time on top before someone gets coherent enough to flip, and the cycle continues.
where their first kiss was and what it was like
It was very cute. Like the rascals they are, they were chasing one another in the forest behind Phantomhive Manor, a fox chasing a wolf. It was Autumn, and the sun was creeping across the sky. There was a chill in the air enough to see one’s breath. Azrael caught up to Claudia and towered over her after she’d hid behind a tree, and they shared a laugh.
The Fall light was hitting her so sweetly, though. The way the orange light danced across her sapphire eyes and skin as she beamed up to him so slyly. He had to kiss her, and it stunned her entirely in the best way.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
“If lost, return to [x]” shirts for the modern age, definitely. For a more time appropriate thing, they have matching hand mirrors that they’ve poured their hearts and soul into enchanting. It’s an imperfect enchantment, but it lets them see the other so they can check on one another throughout the day. 
They’re mirrors bound with their love. When Claudia died, all other hand mirrors they’ve ever used to communicate their secret messages through shattered, but Azrael’s enchanted hand mirror, and Claudia’s, survived. 
On a more casual level, they both have matching sleep shirts. Black poet styled shirts that are very big and drape on their persons so they can effortlessly wear one another’s without issue!
how into pda they are
They’ve always been a connected duo, so it’s not out of the park to see the with joined arms or holding hands. They’re constantly cuddled up, although Azrael becomes very aware of how affectionate they’re being time-to-time, only to be consoled back into comfort by Claudia. 
They’re very PDA, but Azrael is sometimes wary when things like kissing begins. They oft hide behind Claudia’s fan for things like that. He’s a lot more eased into the intimate affections when Claudia’s under a glamour or heavily disguised. 
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Azrael’s taller. He tends to ask for Claudia’s parasol and holds it for them both, which leads to her ribbing him gently and grinning. â€œSuch a gent!”
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
In one of their old threads, Claudia brought up an inconspicuous B&B that was in the more rural setting outside of London. Way out of the way of city limits and seeing only light traffic. I think this would be a neat “date spot” for them, as well as a safe location for exchanging information. No one can peep on them, and they both know the owners well enough to know they keep to themselves and give their guests privacy. There’s no reason for either to be nosy about Claudia&Azrael either, they’re just friendly faces who return for a spot of breakfast, lunch or dinner before heading out. 
who’s more protective
You’d expect the Immortal to be more protective, but the fact of the matter is, it’s equal. Azrael is protective over Claudia, and she is the same over him. They’re both very heavily laden with grief and know great loss, something that’s a deep level of understanding with them; grief is part of their character, and that’s made them both very guarding individuals who protect the other with everything they got and a fierceness that will, and has, spilled blood.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
Sharing a bed is nothing unusual; platonically, they’ve taken many naps together before and one has flopped on the other when finding them in a moment of rest. They’re not stiff and awkward about it, and it flows pretty easily when they enter an intimate relationship. They are THE HUMAN KNOT. 
Intimacy, however, is not something they immediately leapt into, especially when Claudia mentioned she’d never been with a man before. Although there’s certainly tension, it’s a good while before they actually do anything outside of kisses and frisky touches, which is fine with both of them. When Claudia’s ready, Azrael makes a very comfortable and romantic scene in the upstairs bedroom she’s fixed up so well for him over the years. It’s a very slow and tender first time. 
if they argue about anything
They don’t argue, they have disagreements, even when those disagreements happen to be about something they’re both very passionate about and clashes with their moralities. They don’t escalate into something so careless and uncontrollable as screaming and yelling, accusations and blame. They don’t do that. Claudia’s upbringing and Azrael’s calm stance come into agreement here, and they’ve agreed-to-disagree before, and both agreed to air out the tension by spending a little time away from the other to let the feelings subside. 
They’re very mature about this, which is more than can be said for a lot of relationships. Wild individuals them both, but very conscious and thoughtful ones. They’d never seek to hurt or jab at the other.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Claudia. Without a doubt, it’s Claudia. She loves to mark him up with hickeys and scratch marks, but seldom does anyone see anything due to his cassock riding high in collar. Sometimes, someone might see a mark, or a purple lip stain, peeking from above the white though, if they’re perceptive enough.
Also, she just loves to pelt him with kissy marks. That man oft has to clean his face from mulberry lipstick when he leaves her! 
who steals whose clothes and how often
Claudia’s more curvy than Azrael (lanky boy) so his clothes don’t exactly fit proper, but that doesn’t stop her from slipping on his shirts and leaving a few buttons undone. Azzy, on the other hand, enjoys stealing a plethora of her shirts because they fit him without issue - baggy on him, if anything! They’re very cozy and he enjoys the fabric, from cotton to silk! He has more of her shirts in his dresser than she does of his.
However, they do tend to swap their coats whenever Claudia’s on Watchdog duty and wears her leather duster. His is more flowy and baggy, hers is more protective and thick, but no less stylish with a popped collar. They look really good when they swap. 
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
Absolutely mushed and tangled together, preferably laying down because Claudia can throw a spanner into the height gap that way. They’re usually face-to-face, noses nuzzled and forehead crowned together. It’s easier to smooch (and bite) this way! 
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
The world can burn and fall to ruin, and they’ll be sweeping through the flames with their transcendental waltz undeterred. Dancing is, and will always remain, these two’s thing. They’ll dance through Death and they’ll dance through Spring, making Persephone & Hades proud.
If you can get them to stop for two seconds, they also enjoy traveling and seeing what the world has to offer two wicked goblins like them. Wanderlust is something they both share, or perhaps it’s something Claudia’s infected Azrael with! But they do like getting out of the country.
how long they stay mad at each other
Not long at all. They’ve had their moments of clashing before, but the anger doesn’t really last that long at all. They step away from one another to let the other have their space as I said before, to let the feelings subside since they’re both passionate individuals who do not budge at all, but.. they just don’t stay mad at one another. They’ve gone to bed before without meeting up right away due to their lives preoccupying their time, and every morning afterwards they’ve found one another’s company. 
I just. cannot see them as a couple who stay mad at one another for a long time, or carry anger. Individually, they don’t strike me as the personalities that do that with loved ones, and they certainly don’t do it together. Distance makes the heart grow fonder? It makes them a little anxious, to be honest. Just a little. They get a little jittery when life circumstances keep them from coming back together after a disagreement.
Very attached couple. But of course, I could be wrong about this for Azrael! I don’t want to assume. Claudia definitely gets a little jittery for sure.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
They’re an order you’d prefer not to mix up on the general. Claudia likes three spoonfuls of sugar with a hint of rosemary and no cream in her pine-needle tea, Azrael likes two drops of cream and no sugar. They will notice immediately and kind of swivel their heads like, â€œWhoa!”. One’s too sweet, and the other’s not nearly sweet or pine-y enough!
if they ever have any children together
They are a happy conjoined family with furbabies, thank you very much! 
if they have any special pet names for each other
Claudia is notorious for pet names. â€œMr. Callows” always remains the first affectionate term of endearment that has evolved through the years from platonic to romantic, and she never drops it when addressing him. For Azrael, it’s always a sweet french pet name woven with â€œwolf”. She thinks that is absolutely precious, by the way. Loves it.
However, for fun, a list of pet names she’s made for him so far
if they ever split up and / or get back together
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
Azrael’s cottage out and away from everyone is pretty much the perfect insight to how their living style is mashed together; it’s incredibly rustic and you’d swear you walked straight into a witch’s cabin, which is only half true! Dried herbs hang around the place, acting as passive aromatics mixed with the lovely scent of pine incense, but it’s all very light as they keep the windows open to allow for a nice breeze. There’s wicker baskets filled with mushrooms, berries and other foraging goods, there’s dried & salted meat hung up in the kitchen area, and a cauldron that always seems to be bubbling with something delicious.
There’s chairs Claudia’s made for them both around the Hearth, covered with knitted blankets they’ve made with forest embroidery - foxes and wolves, cats and hounds. Baked apples or some sort of fruit lay beside the fireplace on sticks. Azrael has Lilac’s area primmed and proper here, her own cozy corner with little feather toys the couple made. 
It’s clean, and it’s a cozy clutter of goods. They’re not suffocated, but it’s obvious they have treasures here and lots of stuffed shelves. Outside they have a hammock they both made from scratch. :’)
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
Azrael never really knew how to celebrate the Holiday, and never really had reason to in earlier years until Claudia pulled him along for the ride of Yule, and this was long before they were ever an item. She taught him tradition, she’s taken him hunting for the perfect Yule log, they’ve sat side-by-side making wreathes and making feasts with their own two hands in the manor, and they’ve both kept the log burning while hanging bits of evergreen around. Not to mention, the fun of decorating a pine and the tales of how they’d hang treats and food on the branches for spirits to nibble on in good favor. 
However, their first Yule as a couple allowed Claudia to sneak in the cheekier tradition of Kissing Boughs. For the first time, they made little doll versions of Claudia & Azrael to hang in the middle of these boughs, and entwined mistletoe at the bottom as is tradition for making. Every berry on the mistletoe is a kiss promised, and one plucks off a berry for each kiss given. They both had to do their damnedest to not pluck off every berry right away, and it’s become one of their favorite parts of Yule. The purposefully look for mistletoe with the most berries because of this!
what their names are in each other’s phones
On Claudia’s phone: â€œMr. Callows âš°ïž đŸ–€â€ / â€œBig Spook đŸ‘»â€ /  “Love Goblin 1 đŸ–€â€ł On Azrael’s phone: â€œMa louve đŸș đŸ’šâ€ / â€œLittle Spook đŸ‘»â€ / “Love Goblin 2 💚“
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
The escape to Azrael’s cottage is absolutely tradition, and prized at that. Come Hell or High Water, they will have their time where they escape the life as Countess and Informant to be domestic - to live a slice of a normal life together, no matter how short-lived. That time is so precious to the both of them. Normalcy, peace, togetherness, and no one else around to tarnish their Elysium. It’s good for their critters, too. <3
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
Claudia falls asleep first, but she’s always the first to always wake up, too. Azrael tends to sleep in and has his small wife peppering him awake with kisses and bites, leading to a grouchygami who tries to trap her in bed and snuggle. He can never win against her wake-up calls. v_v
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
It depends! They both are fans of switching. Sometimes Claudia will be found with Azrael curled up as small as can be, tucked away in her frame with his face in her neck, hugging her waist and humming delightfully as she nuzzles into the top of his crown and covers it in kisses, holding him very tight and very protectively (as she loves to do). Other times, you’ll just see Azrael curled up around something because she straight up vanishes beneath all that hair and the long overcoat LMAO. He hides his smol spook very, very well, and she does like that.
who hogs the bathroom
Claudia has to spend quite a while when it comes to fixing her hair in the morning; straightening it and then putting it in a braided bun with all those pearls takes time! Meanwhile, Azrael has a lot of hair maintenance of his own. I think they just make it work in the bathroom, no matter how crammed it is LMAO? Even if the mirror is itty bitty they just. make it work! It’s chaotic when they’re using the tiny bathroom at Azrael’s place, but they do it! With playful nudges and hip bumps, of course. Outta the way, you’re hoggin’ the mirror!
And with showers / baths, I still stick with an old way I answered this question; Without warning, Claudia hops in and joins, especially if she’s in a rush. Azrael’ll be minding his own business when OH HELLO NAKED WIFE FANCY MEETING YOU HERE.
There’s not as much hogging as there is Invasion.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
It’s a fucking race to who gets it first. Will Azrael eat it first, or will Claudia swipe up the little eight-legged nightmare and whisk it away outside? IT ALL DEPENDS, especially when they both spot it!
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ask-rodentblood · 2 years ago
character descriptions/lore for the main leaders/bosses of Violent Tendencies  will update their TH profiles with this later but for now:
Big Daddy -  A large dragon who came to Emerald city and worked as an unground fighter to earn his keep. He made a name for himself for being the most brutal fighter and quickly rose in the ranks to be top dog. He grew addicted to a magical drug called Corazon de Diablo which is an herb that massively increases libido and pleasure senses. This caused him to be well known throughout Emerald Cities various strip clubs and every hooker in the town knew who he was.  As time went on his addiction to the drug and sex grew more and more and he eventually started buying out the strip clubs to have himself constant access to the girls he fancied.  With the prolonged use of the drug, the fighting and brawling Big Daddy eventually started making a lot of enemies. Those who he out ranked in the fighting arena and those whose business he had taken over. This lead to many attempts on his life in the form of cursed jewelry, which he wears now proudly as a fuck you to those who tried to kill him.  No one is sure how he managed to stay alive with so many cursed items on him but it’s rumored his drug use along with his own dragon magic is providing a safety barrier.  Unlike most dragons Big Daddy doesn’t use his magic much, preferring to use his physical strength. He also doesn’t use weapons when fighting.  He’s a water dragon hybrid though no one knows what his other half is, some say he’s not even full dragon but a hybrid of a more powerful magical creature.  Due to his lack of practice he can barely control small amounts of water.  In the copy of the game Vermin is in Big Daddy’s desires lead him to not only take over Emerald city but all the surrounding cities as well. Fighting and breaking down the bosses of the other regions he’s gained almost full control of his game. Most of his underlings truly despise him and are always looking for ways to usurp him.  He’s a very self centered asshole, with a constant desire to fight or fuck, sometimes both if he finds the right partner. He’s rough and violent with everyone and treats others as play things. He takes what he wants when he wants and doesn’t know the meaning of the word â€˜no’. He’s a vile creature through and through and he’s not ashamed of it at all. 
King -  A beetle dragon hybrid native to Diamond city. He’s was born into the wealthy family ruling and was raised to be a gentleman. His family is in the healing business and uses the plants that grow in their hometown to create remedies for all sorts of ailments.  King was taught how to identify all types of plants and knows how to properly use all variety of foliage to get any effects he wants with his potions and elixirs. He was also raised how to use a sword and fights expertly with his long sword. King is the most gentle of the games bosses and rarely fights unless absolutely necessary. He was the first to bow down to Big Daddy when the other made a move for his land.  Because of his trustworthy nature he’s the only of Big Daddy’s underlings that he trusts.  King isn’t interested much in the sex side of his game and much prefers to enjoy time with the geishas from his village. Having tea with beautiful women and hearing them play the shamisen is more than enough for him.  He’s also the only of the cast who prefers a monogamous relationship. 
Emperor -  A massive black cobra naga who rules the Sapphire Sands. Emperor is older than Big Daddy but only technically. He was sealed away for hundreds of years in a tomb for destroying his homeland and for his work with dark magic. He was set free when explorers discovered his tomb and released him and he was back to rule his kingdom once again.  The time spent locked away had blackened his soul further and he’s become a cruel violent creature who lashes out at anything and everyone who dares step in his path.  He hoards a massive wealth and guards it with his life, some are insistent the he has to be part dragon due to his greed but he’s not.  He uses his body to wrap up his prey and usually consumes others whole.  While he has massive fangs they’re actually incredibly weak and can shatter easily if he’s not careful which is why he prefers to strangle his foes.  He dons several bits of jewelry that amplify his power over the sand which he uses as a cloaking device to help hide his home from those who would attempt to steal what is his. The sapphires also provide a cooling aura that help him withstand the blazing heat of the desert.  He goes through partners quickly as most tend to find him unbearable and difficult to accommodate. So far he’s only been able to keep Mei Mei the cyclops hare as a partner for any length of time though the two are often butting heads and arguing.  He truly despises Big Daddy and has tried to murder him on more than one occasion. Despite being bested each time he refuses to give in and when the two met it always starts a brawl. 
Her Highness - Royal ruler of the insectoid fairies that live in the Quartz Caves she’s the eldest daughter who took over the throne after killing her mother. She resembles a massive blue wasp and is fierce and cunning. Like all the fairies in Violent Tendencies she has a strong sense of pride in her ability to fight and will take on foes much larger than herself without hesitation. She governs her home with an iron fist and is quick to punish anyone who doesn’t pull their own weight.  Her preferred weapon of choice is a spear tipped with a purple quartz that was dipped in her own venom which amplified it’s toxic properties. She also uses small daggers with similar magic gemstone and toxins depending on the situation.  Her Highness was the second to fall to Big Daddy’s tyranny but did not succumb to him as easily as King. The two brawled for six days straight before Her Highness finally collapsed from exhaustion and kneeled before Big Daddy. While she has her pride she knows when she loses a fight and accepts defeat gracefully.   She like King does not attempt to usurp Big Daddy as she lost to him fair and square and holds respect for the dragon.  She’s graceful but hardworking and rarely indulges in any recreational activities though she says no when offered a drink of mead. She also has a massive sweet tooth and will instantly accept any offerings of honey. 
Mimosa - Cyclops beast ruler of the yet unnamed section of Violent Tendencies.  Don’t have much for her yet just that she’s a BIG woman (9ft tall) and is a cunning trickster who likes to mess with others for fun. She uses illusion magic as do all cyclopes in Violent Tendencies and uses it to her advantage to sneak into places she’s not supposed to be.  She’s got a sweet face but is very quick to turn on people.  She has a great hatred for Big Daddy and has made several attempts on his life over the years. 
That’s the five main leaders, there’s a few other character I’d like to post what I have written about them but this post is long enough as it is lmao so I’ll make another one with that info later. 
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decadentrpg-blog · 6 years ago
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Admins Note: i was absolutely floored by the clarity and conciseness of your take on Ophelia. I love how you’ve really considered all the facets of tragedy she’s facing. How terribly beautiful and broken she is - I can’t wait to see you develop her and grow her, where she shall become more than the melancholy she has been forced to be. Perhaps Ophelia shall find her own happiness and hope in a way never seen before! Congratulations on your acceptance again, please make sure to head your way to the checklist and submit your account within the next 24 hours!
Out of Character
Name / Alias: Avi Pronouns: She/Her Age: 24 Timezone: CST
In Character Application
Full Name: Ophelia Prewett Sexuality:  Heterosexual Gender/Pronouns: Cisgender Female, She/Her Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Before the Fall.
They say school days are easily missed, easily the best time of your life 
 and she should’ve listened. Ophelia didn’t think too strongly of how her life might drastically change given the company she kept – how she would turn from burning sapphire, to rouge, to black. Before the decaying transformation, she was simply spoiled. Clueless about the world around her, about how money couldn’t save her from the troubles that brewed. She was sheltered, and somehow convinced to believe that everything would go as she had intended; people would walk to her tune, they would bow, they would dance as she instructed. The world was her dollhouse, and Ophelia played with it to her delight. The spoils of luxury were her first love, after all.
Cupid’s Arrow.
With riches at her fingertips, it was no surprise that she couldn’t buy love. In fact, she had never encountered such a thing before – something that required effort to obtain. Something even her own name, and status, couldn’t bend or break. It was new, it was exciting. What started off as an interest soon morphed into infatuation 
 only to crumble into an obsession ( a beautiful decay ). Why couldn’t Zion Potter love her? What could she have possibly lacked? The questions were endless as her patience shimmered – it was suffocating. These feelings, this sense of desperation. Love, in all honesty, hurt 
  and no amount of money could stop the pain. It felt as if little knives were piercing into her skin, trying to salvage something from the boy she couldn’t have; from the boy that didn’t want her.
Marriage of Convenience.
Perhaps it had been a moment of weakness, a shot in the dark. She tried everything to win over the heart of another 
 then this strange opportunity had waltzed into her lap, willing. Aelius wanted to marry her, and anyone without an ailing heart would’ve instantly said yes. After all, the Malfoy family had been well respected, well recognized – while her own family might’ve disowned the redhead had she refused. But 
 there were more reasons to accept than decline this opportune match. It was the hope that maybe, just maybe, her prince charming would come save her. That the entire thing would implode in his face, and he would declare his undying love ( as she ran into his arms, the sunset glowing in the distance ). It was the perfect plan 
 until it wasn’t. The walk down the aisle couldn’t have been avoided, neither could her shattering heart. And Ophelia was left to wonder if she had been lied to, been fooled 
 because weren’t all love stories supposed to have a happy ending?
Like a boiling pot of water, everything seemed to pop! The fairytale wedding quickly turned into a grim marriage – one filled with screaming, and distaste, and regret. Ophelia couldn’t help herself, she couldn’t stop from falling ( from turning into a broken being of sorts ). Her agony was released on her husband as he tossed it back at her, with full force. They fell apart before there was a chance to even be together. While she carried the blame partially, she also carried bitterness. None of this would’ve happened if their alliance had been avoided. None of this heartache would’ve unearthed if Zion didn’t 
  look at another in that manner. She was jealous, she was fragile. And in the depths of emotional turmoil, she declared that Aelius would suffer too. He would feel her pain as she intended to never let him go. He would feel the emptiness of loving 
 and being unloved in return.
Summary / Why this character?
I wanted to get out Ophelia’s thoughts, and her feelings, about her messy relationships. Primarily focused on Zion and Aelius, but also her character as a whole. From being a girl who had everything 
 to having almost nothing that she truly wanted, it’s quite a tragic depiction. Her name is also something that speaks to her character, because it reminds me of Ophelia from Hamlet, who essentially drowned to prove her love’s worth. It’s symbolic, and dark, and you can see it reflected across a woman who has had such a difficult journey with love. I’m mostly curious to play her because I want her to embrace some self-love, and care, even if she can’t let go of these feelings that haunt her. If anything, she must learn how to cope and manage these relationships. Not to mention, Maxima and Genevieve seem to offer a breath of fresh air that her two boys cannot. She’s an intensely broken, yet powerful character. And I cannot wait to see her bloom in this world.
As a teenager, she would wear a plethora of color – the latest fashion trend easily obtained by her request. It was fun, being able to express herself ( and impress others ) by the clothes that hugged her skin. Not to mention, it only played into the hierarchy of pureblood status; people in her social circle didn’t dress like peasants.
However, during her marriage, Ophelia wore mostly dark colors. It reflected her thoughts, and feelings, about the people around her. About herself. Bright colors irritated her, reminded her of the blissful past where nothing had haunted her ( where her feelings hadn’t unraveled ). Her wardrobe, at one point, probably mimicked a clothing shop specifically tailored for funerals. And the one thing that stood out amongst the shades of gray 
 was her white wedding dress. Mocking her.
These days, she’s slowly introduced some patterns back into her life. Some semblance of control. Sharp edges and fabrics that brought attention to her form, attention to herself. Perhaps it was a way of deflecting that sad, little persona that Ophelia had embodied, and carried, for years. But it was time for a change – and why not freshen up her wardrobe in preparation?
Drinking. (tw: alcoholism)
There were many ways to numb the pain, but there weren’t many ways to shake up her mind, scramble her thoughts so hard that Ophelia couldn’t think straight – couldn’t think about him. Drinking a glass of wine every night wasn’t anything worrisome, not within her family. However, drinking more than a glass on the bad nights had somehow turned into a routine. It only amplified upon her marriage, upon everything else that had followed. Perhaps it even contributed to her madness. A mimicry of Icarus falling 
 for she had no wings to carry her, and no lover to hold. Liquor would have to simply suffice instead.
Ophelia had always loved indulgence, especially during her younger days. It led her to fantasize about having her own mansion one day, with beautiful pillars that highlighted a grand entrance. She would often think about her ideal closet, and the amount of clothes and jewelry that would fit inside of it. She would sit and imagine all sorts of things, and wonder more importantly about family. While she never thought about children from a motherly perspective, the redhead always assumed them to be living dolls. Things she could play with, dress up, show off. Children weren’t something she was dying to have 
 and especially not once she got married. In fact, her ideal fantasy had shattered the moment she grew older and realized that happy endings didn’t exist – pity. She should’ve kept her eyes shut, kept her dreams flowing.
The journey to the United States wasn’t something she had planned or felt excited about – Ophelia simply had wanted to get away. Perhaps part of her had hoped that a change of scenery would shake all her troubles away, the ones that brewed with unrequited love and the union of marriage. At least her friends would be nearby, knowing that the loneliness that ate at her heart surely couldn’t grow much more. However, the change of pace and faces did nothing to appease her. If anything, it felt like a lost cause – one she couldn’t escape either. If Aelius chose to stay, she would stay too. She wouldn’t let him off the hook so easily ( nor could she turn away from Potter’s presence ). It had been a strange prison of sorts, because in hindsight, she could very easily leave. Start fresh, start anew. Except Ophelia felt compelled to drown further 
 and reawaken in the very city where she had fallen ( a rebirth that required rising from the ashes ).
In Character Paragraph:
Ophelia stared at her reflection in the mirror, noticing the way red lipstick seemed to bring some life back into her skin. It had been two weeks since she had stormed off, the separation between her husband only growing with each passing second. Oddly enough, instead of feeling panicked, she felt 
 calm. A sense of ease had settled into her mind ( and she wanted to cherish it ). In fact, the only thing that did feel out of place was the written invitation that sat on her vanity, reminding her of tonight’s affairs.
Pureblood Society would be having a nightly soiree, a gathering where chatter and formalities would be exchanged. Some would call it a chance to socialize 
 but Ophelia felt as if it had been a chore that she purposely ignored. Until time slipped out of her hands, forcing her to address the situation. It wouldn’t surprise her if that rumors had spread like wildfire – the ones that circled around her estranged husband. The death of a marriage. And yet, she refused to dress for its funeral.
No, not this time.
Upon her entrance, they wouldn’t talk about something that couldn’t be reflected in her image. No more bloodshot, red eyes from crying. No more hoarse voice from the impact of screaming. Nothing about her appearance would suggest otherwise 
 and they would all look and turn, the loss of words cutting into their throats. Ophelia had a perchance for rage, and vengeance, and tonight 
 she wouldn’t let anyone speak ill of her.
Not in the presence of her so-called estranged husband.
Adding another touch of powder across her cheeks, the redhead stood up, admiring her appearance once more. She hadn’t felt this dolled up in ages, knowing Genevieve would have to be thanked later ( after all, it was one of her oldest friends that had extended the invite ). Walking away from the mirror, Ophelia felt herself realign, and reawaken, as her heels tapped across the floor.
Despite the short journey, she found herself pausing for a moment in front of the door ( gathering herself again, reaching for the pieces that hadn’t entirely fragmented ). Her jaw tightened, her eyes hardening as gloved fingers pushed through – the slight creak of the door indicating her awaited arrival.
Ophelia smiled, the same smile she had practiced in the mirror. The same smile she had learned to wear throughout her marriage.
The very same smile 
 except, this time, it felt real.
Wicked Game by Ursine Vulpine ft. Annaca Night by Einuadi Ludovico Waiting Game by BANKS Radio Silence by James Blake Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
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dyketectivecomics · 7 years ago
(note: y'all already KNOW this a magic fam thing. got a part two & maybe 3 depending on how long it gets that’ll drop soon too. first meetings/introductions are fun, right?)
Constantine's recovery from the blast was quick. These kinds of theatrics were par for the course when requesting an audience with a being from one of the Inner Circles of Hell, and this summoning ritual was but the latest in a series of attempts to recover Astra's soul from that realm. The inspiration for which struck less than a month ago, John had become a bit obsessed with the endeavor. Having chased a rumor that one of Hell's up-and-coming demons was causing yet another schism in their convoluted politics, John was holding tight to the hope that in the chaos he'd be able to gain favor, through whatever means necessary, to finally right one of his longest-running wrongs.
But with all of the horrors he knew to expect, nothing surprised him more than to see the form of a small girl take shape as the smoke began to thin. It was unconventional by most demons' standards, to say the least. And John was all the more caught off-guard by the first thing she said to him...
"You're not my father," she said. Well, more so accused, he thought.
"And you're not the demon I was trying to summon," he shot back between fits of coughing, the smoke and incense was still thick in the room. "But life is full of disappointment, luv."
Constantine watched her carefully for a moment. She was obviously very young. Much, much younger than Astra was... and younger still than Chas' daughter probably would be now. (How long had it been since they’d had a decent chat, anyway?) The white robes she wore were tattered at the edges, burned as if the journey she had endured by her accidental summons had been a rough one. But not dire, no, she seemed relatively unharmed.
Her black hair was chopped in a bob style and extremely uneven. He noted how choppy it looked in the back as she turned her head to take in the room she was in, one of many libraries that John had made use of over the years, this particular one being the result of his hoarding one too many arcane books and leaving them in his apartment. (After all, demons were easier to trick if you flattered them with some hospitality. And if the meeting went south, he'd at least have a home territory advantage.) The front of her hair was just long enough to stay tucked securely behind her ears, keeping it out of her face.
And Lord above, her cherubic face... Her eyes were piercing and blue, as sharp as freshly cut sapphires, flashing something dangerous for the briefest of seconds as she turned her gaze fully to him. It made John think twice for a moment. Maybe he had succeeded in summoning a demon after all? Because there was certainly something there just beneath the surface. And it was red and angry.
"And just... who might you be, then?"
"Nu-uh. You're a stranger," she said, shaking her head back and forth slowly at him, her eyes flickering something more violet now, "I'm not telling you my name."
"Well then, what may I call you, luv?" he bargained. If there was something John tried to have in spades, it was his charm and skills of persuasion. A magic all on its own, really. And one that often came in more handy than not. 
The girl looked him over a moment longer, as if gauging him and his trustworthiness. The longer those deep blue eyes stared into John's own pale ones, the more hypnotic they seemed, especially as they began to even out into a rich navy. John felt calm, a sense of ease washing over him.
"Raven," she said finally, finding something that evidently made him worthy enough. Her voice snapped him back to reality, out of the trance that her eyes had set him in. "Call me Raven."
"Alright then, Miss Raven," he rose from where he had been knocked off his feet, and offered the girl his hand. Making sure he kicked the salt away from the binding circle she was in (not that he was absolutely certain by now that it'd have held her, at any rate), he helped her up onto her feet and led her out of the room. "Why don't we see about sending you on your way, hmm?"
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drabblewatch · 8 years ago
Headcanon Request (x3):  Whats your headcanon for what the overwatch crew would look like if they were mermaid/mermen? 
Note: A couple of these were inspired by some merfolk au art that @morianrhod drew some time back, you can find them on the blog here!
Also, Bastion, Zenyatta and Orisa weren’t included, as they are most likely some sort of omnic-equivalent in this merfolk AU, similar to what they are now but adapted for life in the water. Mer-Omnics anyone?
McCree is of the seahorse subspecies of merfolk, his tail dark brown in color and scarred from his years of battle. Though he may not be the strongest or the most graceful swimmer among the bunch, he can certainly hold his own territory without too much difficulty using the small barbs along the sides of his tail that, if they pierce skin, would render intruders wracked with pain.
Pharah carries much of the appearance of the swordfish subspecies, though it’s hard to say if her heritage is mixed or not. Regardless, she’s without peer in terms of grace and speed in her swimming, easily able to outpace and out-maneuver many people who think they are good enough to challenge her. Her fins and tail are striking in the mixture of blue shades, often making her naturally hidden in the deeper waters.
Hanzo + Genji are both koi fish, with beautiful marking very much tied to their family line. Genji has taken on much of his father’s color (a brilliant jade) while Hanzo took much after his mother (a sapphire blue). Though neither are venomous, they certainly make up the lack of anatomical defenses with their skills in hand-to-hand combat within even the murkiest, darkest spots of the ocean.
Reaper is a bit of a mystery, hidden by layers of personally-tailored clothing made of seaweed and kelp. Some say that he was some tropical subspecies from the west-coast, but others disagree. For the very, very few who have gotten a peak of him beneath the mask, they claim he has the striking, almost terrifying appearance of an anglerfish. The only tell of his hybrid or mutated background is the slight gleam of teeth beneath his mask or the sharp glare of his eyes.
Soldier 76 doesn’t really know what he is anymore. Some people say he looks plain, with scars covering most of his body from years of battle. Medical experiments from years before has left his body a mix of species, many of them lost in memory or never told to him in the first place. His scales are nearly bleached of color, but his tail is long, his fins graceful--if someone didn’t know him well enough, they might call him some tropical, show-boaty sort, but don’t let that fool you from his raw physical speed and strength.
Sombra is a blackfin snapper, though instead of red scales, hers are a glistening, royal purple that seems to seemlesly meld into her skin. While she may seem harmless at first, her extensive cybernetic enhancements would quickly prove otherwise, a mistake that most people wouldn’t live long enough to realize. It is said that she collects secrets on almost all of the most prominent merfolk of all the seas.
Tracer is a butterfly fish! She’s small, but she’s fast and energetic, her personality only furthered by the bright yellow and orange colors that cover her body. She may be small, but she’s very talented in battle, knowing how to use her size and speed to her advantage against other, particularly larger, opponents.
Junkrat + Roadhog are very hard to place, largely due to the huge dosage of radiation that bathes the Australian waters. Roadhog is very hefty, his tail long and powerful, and his coloring is mildly reminiscent of a black marlin, while Junkrat is nearly impossible to place with his muddled brown coloring and smooth, scale-less tail, his fins tattered and ripped from years of being careless.
Mei is a seal! Specific subspecies is hard to tell, but she certainly is from a colder climate. She’s very energetic, but isn’t the fastest or most graceful swimmer, especially when she’s in a warmer climate. 
Doomfist is a mantis shrimp. You know, the shrimp that can punch their prey so hard that they create airbubbles with hundreds of pounds of force? He’s an intimidating-looking guy, though not as used to the wide-open spaces of some patches of the ocean. Nevertheless, you do not want to pic a fight with this mer, he will completely ruin your day and probably punch you into next week.
Torjborn is hard to tell, especially since he doesn’t much talk about his family background. Nevertheless, his short, muddy-colored tail is a slight tell that he reins from some coastal-born subspecies like a frogfish or mudfish. 
Widowmaker may seem at first like some deep-sea fish in origin, with her pale body and ghostly-shaped fins, looking more like the whisps of a spirit than anything else. For those who are close or observant enough, you may slowly realize that her body shape matches far more closely to a goldfish, maybe even something akin to a koi or other carp subspecies. For someone who seems to cold, she has a brilliant, tropical background.
D.Va doesn’t like to talk about it all that much, but she’s a finepattern pufferfish. She doesn’t like to talk about it much because, as a kid, other mers loved to make her angry so she’d puff up--it took a long time for her to calm down each time. She’s learned to control it to an extent and is more familiar with using an exoskeleton suit as a weapon, but still uses the barbs on her body to ward off predators if it comes to it.
Reinhardt is a lionfish. Bold, awe-inspiring, but extremely venomous when provoked, which led him into being a top-notch fighter for his native ocean-country, and subsequently Overwatch agent. He’s made strides to keep his barbs short and avoids accidentally pricking those he cares about, but it can sometimes be hard to manage when he’s otherwise an extremely excitable mer.
Winston is an absolute mystery. [If someone can offer their thoughts, I am totally happy to add it here!]
Zarya isn’t hard to identify as an orca, with her distinct black/white color scheme. She’s big, she’s powerful, and she’s ready to defend her home from anyone who dares to threaten it. Rumor has it that she once sunk a human ship that got too close to her ocean-country’s territory.
Ana is a cichlid, specifically black and blue-striped. Don’t let her dainty, tropical looks fool you, she gained the notoriety of being a leader of Overwatch for a reason, particularly for her stubborn, aggressive yet passionate nature for protecting those she cares about. 
Mercy is, as one may guess at first sight of her, a freshwater angelfish. White and gold in color, she’s not so great in any sort of battle, but she’s pioneered a lot of medical treatments for many species of mers. She’s very well-known for her contributions to nanotechnology and the aid in acclimation of freshwater and saltwater fish to either environment.
Symmetra is a tropical fish from the warm, colorful ocean waters. It’s not clear what specific species she is, if any, but her beautiful bodily design of blue, black and gold is definitely enough to catch anyone’s attention, if her skills in hard-light technology isn’t enough. It’s very hard for mers to capture such a skill, but she seems to have a natural affinity for the incredible material much akin to her almost royal-looking appearance.
Lucio is a bit of a mixture of several subspecies of mer, but he certainly has a fair bit of frogfish in his background, aiding in his ability to camouflage himself in most environments. His tail and fins are a muted, dark green. 
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sampagu · 6 years ago
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            Is megan fox bisexual?
28 Stars You Might Not Know Are Bisexual
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Sharon Osbourne recently made tabloid headlines for coming out as bisexualafter she opened up about her sexuality on "The Talk." The only problem? She never actually said she was bisexual. 
The incident highlighted just how much confusion there can be around sexual identity and also served as a reminder of how little many people know about what it really means to be and identify as bisexual.
When they aren't being forgotten about, erased or misunderstood, bisexuals are often characterized as greedy, hypersexual or indecisive in mainstream culture, the media and in the queer community.
But bisexuality absolutely is a valid sexual orientation, and one just as worthy of celebration and visibility as any other identity.
One way to foster more discussion and understanding of the identity is to highlight the lives and experiences of bisexual people, especially highly visible ones. Below, check out 28 celebrities who have spoken out about being bisexual.
For more info and resources about bisexuality, head here.
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1 Megan Fox
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In a 2011 Esquire interview, Megan Fox confirmed her bisexuality, stating, "I think people are born bisexual and then make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."
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2 Billie Joe Armstrong
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The Green Day front man opened up about his sexuality in a 1995 interview with The Advocate: "I think I've always been bisexual. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in. I think everybody kind of fantasizes about the same sex. I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't.' They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing."
3 Margaret Cho
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Comedian Margaret Cho has long been open about her sexuality. In August 2013, Cho discussed the semantics surrounding her open marriage to artist Al Ridenour, saying that she's "technically not able to stay with one person sexually because I’m bisexual,” and joking that she just “can’t stop up that hole.” She also identifies as queer, and opened up about her sexuality in an interview with HuffPost Gay Voices Editor-At-Large Michelangelo Signorile.
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4 Clive Davis
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Twice-married record executive and music mogul Clive Davis came out as bisexual in his 2013 memoir, The Soundtrack Of My Life. Davis opened up about two long-term relationships he had with men after his divorce from his second wife.
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5 Anna Paquin
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Anna Paquin is adamantly open about her bisexuality. The actress told "Zooey" magazine in a 2009 interview, "For me, it’s not really an issue because I’m someone who believes being bisexual is actually a thing. It’s not made up. It’s not a lack of decision."
6 Megan Mullally
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After telling The Advocate in 1999 that she was bisexual, Mullally clarified her statements in an interview with Queerty, telling the blog: "I said that I thought that everybody is innately bisexual. I think there are different levels of awareness attached to that, so I may believe that everybody is innately bisexual, but somebody who is very homophobic may not see that quality in themselves in any way, shape or form. That’s on a very philosophical or even metaphysical level, you know what I mean? It’s not something that I think people are ready for yet. I think if you ask the average guy on the street if he was innately bisexual, he’d be like, ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ and then he’d punch you in the face. So, we’re not quite there."
7 Azealia Banks
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The rapper has been openly bisexual since the early days of her career: "I mean, I'm bisexual, so it makes sense. But I don't want to be that girl who says all gays necessarily hang out together, of course! I have people say to me, 'Oh wow, my friend is gay, too,' and I'm like, 'Yeah, so?'"
8 Andy Dick
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Many people mistakenly assume that Andy Dick identifies as gay. However, he told The Washington Post in a 2006 interview that, "just because I've been with guys, and I'm bi, doesn't mean I'm gay."
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9 Bai Ling
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Actress Bai Ling is openly bisexual -- and the identity category has often provided some humorous mix-ups involving her first name. According to GLAAD, she discussed it in-depth in a 2009 interview with Entertainment Weekly: "[A]t first when I was in the United States I didn't always have an interpreter in interviews and I didn't speak English so well. There was some confusion. My name is pronounced 'bi,' so when I was asked, 'Are you bi?' I said, 'Yes, I am Bai.' Do you like men? 'Of course!' Do you like women? 'Why yes!' And later I found out what that means and I said, 'Sure, I am bi!' But I think the interpreters and the reporters thought that I didn't know what I was saying because I was so open about it. They were uncomfortable about it. Such a thing is not important for me."
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10 Carrie Brownstein
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The "Portlandia" star and former guitarist and vocalist for Sleater-Kinney is often assumed to identify as gay. However, she told "Willamette Week" in 2012 that, "It’s weird, because no one’s actually ever asked me. People just always assume, like, you’re this or that. It’s like, ‘OK. I’m bisexual.’”
11 David Bowie
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Though David Bowie has historically played coy surrounding his sexuality, he clarified the subject in a 1976 interview with "Playboy." "It's true -- I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well. I suppose it's the best thing that ever happened to me."
12 Snooki
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The always-polarizing Snooki sat down with The Huffington Post in February 2012and sought to clarify her sexual preference. "I would consider myself bi. I've done stuff with girls before. But I would never be with a girl because I like... penis. But I've experimented."
13 Amber Heard
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Amber Heard has been openly bisexual for quite some time, and discussed this aspect of her identity in "Elle." The model and actress told reporters: "[I] didn't want to look like I was hiding anything."
14 Angelina Jolie
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Angelina Jolie has been open about her sexuality for quite some time, having had numerous encounters and relationships with women. She reportedly told OK Magazine that, "I have loved women in the past and slept with them. I think if you love and want to pleasure a woman, particularly if you are a woman yourself, then certainly you know how to do things a certain way."
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15 Evan Rachel Wood
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Evan Rachel Wood came out on Twitter in 2012: “I myself am bisexual and have always ‘joked’ about Miley giving me gay vibes. Not a bad thing! Just an observation.”
16 Sapphire
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The author of Push, the book that inspired the critically acclaimed film "Precious," describes herself as bisexual.
17 Drew Barrymore
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Drew Barrymore originally came out in an interview in Contact Magazine in 2003, saying, "Do I like women sexually? Yeah, I do. Totally. I have always considered myself bisexual... I love a woman's body. I think a woman and a woman together are beautiful, just as a man and a woman together are beautiful. Being with a woman is like exploring your own body, but through someone else."
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18 Frenchie Davis
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This former "American Idol" and "The Voice" contestant came out in 2012, telling her fans that she had been in a relationship with a woman for the past year and had dated men and women.
19 Vanessa Carlton
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Musician Vanessa Carlton came out publicly at 2010's Nashville Pride, announcing to a crowd of 18,000 that, "I've never said this before, but I am a proud bisexual woman!"
20 Fergie
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The Black Eyed Peas front woman confirmed speculation surrounding her sexual identity in 2009 through an interview with The Advocate: "Q: After you discussed past sexual experiences with women in an interview with 'The Sun' in May, headlines everywhere read, 'Fergie Admits She’s Bisexual!' A: The funny thing is that I was very open and honest about that from the very beginning, and everyone was acting like it was some new trend. Go back four or five years, people, and you’ll see the same answer.‹‹"
21 Pete Townshend
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In his book, Who I Am: A Memoir by Pete Townshend, this musician confirmed that he is "probably bisexual" and cited his attraction to Mick Jagger, calling him "the only man I've ever seriously wanted to fuck."
22 Tila Tequila
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Tila Tequila is not one to shy away from anything. The former Myspace celebrity did several reality shows centered around identifying as bisexual, beginning with "A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila." She was also the girlfriend of Casey Johnson, the Johnson & Johnson heiress, who passed away in 2010.
23 Amber Rose
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Amber Rose has long been perceived to be openly bisexual without actually addressing the way she identifies. In an interview with Complex magazine, the model sought to clarify the rumors: "They label me a bisexual freak stripper that fucks Kanye on a daily basis. To answer that: I’m extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality, but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody, whether they’re heavy-set, super-skinny, if they’re white, black, Indian, Asian, Spanish. I can see beauty in anybody. I’m not into threesomes or orgies and shit like that. If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together."
24 Cynthia Nixon
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Currently married to wife Christine Marinoni, Nixon confirmed in a January 2012 interview with The Daily Beast that she is bisexual. The "Sex And The City" star stated, "I don’t pull out the 'bisexual' word because nobody likes the bisexuals. Everybody likes to dump on the bisexuals... We get no respect."
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25 Jillian Michaels
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The first lady to ever come out in "Lady's Home Journal" as bisexual, "Biggest Loser" coach and personal trainer Jillian Michaels told the magazine in 2010: “Let’s just say I believe in healthy love. If I fall in love with a woman, that’s awesome. If I fall in love with a man, that’s awesome. As long as you fall in love
 it’s like organic food. I only eat healthy food, and I only want healthy love!”
26 Kim Zolciak
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Former "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" star Kim Zolciak was in public relationships with both the mysterious "Big Poppa" and DJ Tracy Young before marrying Kroy Biermann. In a 2010 interview with Life & Style, interviewers posed the following question for the reality queen: "Q: Do you feel you're giving a voice to other bisexual parents? A: I'm among the millions of parents who have been in a gay or lesbian relationship. It hasn't been an easy road lately, but I feel there are no mistakes in my life. Everything happens for a reason. To have the opportunity to speak for myself and to have people understand what I'm going through is really special. I myself was confused and scared at first. Being able to speak from my heart and get this all out, it's a huge relief for me."
27 Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga has been open for quite some time about her bisexuality, initially coming out in a 2010 interview with Barbara Walters.
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28 'Mama June' Shannon
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Charles Norfleet via Getty Images
The star of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" revealed that she's bisexual in an "Inside Edition" interview in April 2015. Her daughter "Pumpkin" Lauryn Thompson also came out as bi at the same time.
Correction: An earlier version stated Megan Mullally spoke with The Advocate in 2009. The interview took place in 1999. This has been corrected.
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