#black car service coquitlam
moonlightlimos · 11 months
Make Your Child's Birthday Special with Limo Service
Birthdays are special moments that provide you with boundless joy and excitement. Every parent looks for different ways to bring uniqueness to these cherished celebrations. Hiring a limousine service to add a touch of glamour and style to these celebrations has become the latest trend. A limousine ride will transform a special day for your child into an extraordinary and memorable one, leaving a lasting impression.  
Let’s get started  
Enchanting Arrival:
Imagine the sheer delight on your child's face as a beautifully decorated limousine adorned with balloons and flowers arrives at your doorstep. This enchanting entrance sets the tone for a grand celebration, making children no less than a true celebrity. Such magical moments spark instant excitement and create unforgettable memories.  
A limousine offers the world of luxury and entertainment. Splendid interiors, comfortable seating, and state-of-the-art entertainment systems will transform the birthday experience.  As children step into the limousine, celebrations start at that very moment. Dancing to favourite tunes, enjoying gossip with friends, and engaging in games within the limousine creates an atmosphere of joy and liveliness.  
Safety comes first when considering celebrations involving young guests. Limousine services prioritize the safety and well-being of their young passengers. Professional chauffeurs, well-versed in handling driving, ensure a secure and enjoyable journey. Parents can rest assured, knowing their children are in capable hands. The courteous behavior of the chauffeurs reassures families that their little ones are receiving the utmost care.  
Lasting Memories: Limousines offer endless memories that remain hidden in your heart to be cherished for years to come. Guests and family members can capture the delightful moments through photographs and videos, preserving the essence of laughter that define a limousine birthday celebration. These memories, filled with laughter and joy, become a cherished treasure that resonates with nostalgia as time goes by. The luxury, style, and comfort of a limousine leave a deep impression on young minds. When planning your child's next birthday, consider the enchanting charm of a limo service in burnaby.
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mybukz · 5 years
Work-in-progress: When Plan's Stolen by Fate by Deborah Wong
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Image by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
When Plan’s Stolen by Fate (Novel excerpt from “One Maple Summer’) By Deborah Wong
It’s July 2010. I’m praying the germ-infused Boeing 777 will land in one piece at Vancouver International Airport, and my Nokia 1202 from back home will function. The Pacific Coast forces may have stolen a bit of my luck as I now have no signal—the battery was well-fed and ready to kick ass.
“If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to call me,” Sandy, the UBC accommodation officer says. Her smile shines sunnier than the Kellogg’s TV happy family commercial.
I thank her and she hugs me.
“Is there a public phone I can use around this area?”
“There’s one at the concierge but it’s under repair. You can try the one at the Student Centre, about ten minutes walking distance.”
“Alright, thanks for the info.”
“No worry. Take care.”
My heart sinks faster than the Titanic; my headache from the jet lag keeps me up like synchronised car hydraulics coupled with Eminem’s rap. To make matters worse, I’m unable to call my parents about my safe arrival—thanks to my dead phone. Sitting here alone, I want to throw myself off the bouncy comfortable bed, snooze off, and let the tantalising air joyride into a lullaby. No one would yell at me for falling asleep; I smell like an overripe durian.
The digital clock in black and white on the wall states 4:44pm.
With a foggy light brain, I try to balance and change into a fleece hooded sweater and denim shorts. I have no choice but to head to the Student Centre. I hope to stumble—miraculously—onto a phone booth. I roll my Holy Rosary in my pocket.
I step out of the dorm and lock the door like an infant experiencing the glaring evening sun at the foreign land. The cold breeze sweeps onto my face and penetrates my head and whole body. I solemnly declare my brain frozen without the help of immense scoops of Haagen Daaz.
I hear thumping footsteps. I brace for the worst. My hand grips the tree, and I prep myself to fly kick à la Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon.
As the footsteps get closer, I punch out my left fist and yell.
When I open my eyes, a man in glasses frowns. “Are you okay?”
I clear my throat and adjust my hooded jacket, embarrassed. “Of course, I…was practising my Kung-Fu.”
He smirks. “You picked the wrong place. What if I carried a knife and I stabbed you as self-defence? You’re lucky I’m not a pervert. You never know what a motherfucker will do. Next time don’t hide behind the tree.”
“Okay, thanks for your advice.” I choke as I feel my face heat up like a red lobster.
“Have a pleasant day and a great summer.”
“I know this sounds crazy but if you don’t mind, could you please lend me your phone? I need to send a text home.”
He turns and studies me.
“I know this sounds weird but I just got here and my phone isn’t working. I really, really need to send a text to my dad back in Kuala Lumpur, to let him know I’ve reached here. Why don’t I pay you a dollar?”
He thinks for a while. “Alright, I won’t charge a cent.” He takes out his Blackberry. “You want to type it yourself?”
“It’s better if you type it for me. It’s your phone anyway.”
“Okay.“ He types like a world champion, listening to me. “You may want to take a look before I send the text.”
I quickly read it. “Okay, you can send it now. Thank you.”
“That’ll be fifty cents service charge.”
“Hey, I was joking. I may charge if you’re texting your boyfriend. Anyway, welcome to Vancouver and UBC. I stay in Pacific Crescent.”
“Where is that?”
“Go straight from here, right behind the Asian Studies building, near the Nitobe Memorial Garden.”
“That place looks posh. I’m sure it cost you quite a bit.”
“I have friends coming over very often; hence staying in a dorm isn’t a smart choice. An apartment feels more like a home to me.” He glances at his gunmetal watch. “I need to rush to the convenient store. It’s a great pleasure knowing you.”
“Do they sell any sandwiches or pastries?”
“They only have selection of sandwiches, instant salad and packed sushi.”
“Great, maybe you can show me the way?”
“Sure, no problem…”
“I didn’t get your name.” I walk beside him.
“I’m Jun Nakamura.”
I have not been in this foreign land for twelve hours and I’ve been invited to this house party. Jun tells me Mansfield Heights is the most eventful student housing area in UBC, coming alive only in summer.
There’re blue poles along the cemented walkway and red lightings at each corner. If anyone looks suspicious, ready for misdemeanour or voyeurism, one presses the emergency intercom, a safety object for students, a deterrent. On the other hand, if I were in such situation, I’d run for my life and be sure to look out for this emergency button.
“There’s surveillance camera installed in each lamppost for supervision that links directly to the Vancouver Police Department,” Jun says. His hair is ruffled into pointy soft spikes. He is wearing peasant’s crinkled cut washed jeans and a white t-shirt that reveals his fine avid gym-goer chest.
“So, what kind of party your friend’s having?”
“Booze drinking, cigarettes smoking, chatting and whole loads of eating; take a look around you, it is Friday night but we have to clear the coast by midnight.“ He stops and studies me. “Have you been to any house party before?”
“I did but it was long time ago.”
“How long is long time?”
“I think about fourteen years ago.”
“Whoa, that’s like immeasurable yards away. Anyway we’re here.”
Jun ambles to this NHL nightclub bouncer lookalike, except he has a crimson face and dirty blondish hair. Their greeting is front and back palms slapping and then fists punching like the ghetto Harlem boys.
“Oh c’mon, we don’t welcome underage here.” He stares at me.
“I’m already twenty-eight.”
He laughs. “Sorry, my bad…But you don’t look like your age.”
“So, am I invited?” I raise my brows.
“Of course, you PYT, I’m Montgomery Peterson. Everyone calls me Monty.”
“I’m Maxine Cheong, nice to meet you, Monty.”
Out of nowhere, a girl hops into Jun’s arms, giving him a bear hug, and a quick peck on his cheek. She has porcelain skin and raven shoulder-length hair. “You’re late!”
“Kendra, I want to introduce you to Maxine from Malaysia.“ Jun lets go of her.
“Oh, how un-fucking-believable…” She covers her mouth and smacks his arm. “So, you decided to change your taste for the better, huh?”
“Well, I’m not Jun’s girlfriend,” I smile, curtly.
“Don’t be so serious and spoil the party, or else I’ll throw you out.”
I turn to Jun. Everyone seems to have gone quiet.
“I was just joking. I’m Kendra Choi.” Her tone becomes friendlier.
“Maxine Cheong.”
“You have the coolest name here in Vancouver so far lucky-lucky you.”
Jun returns to the crowd after answering a phone call. “It’s Makoto and he’s stranded at the guardhouse with Yosuke and Paul. The security guard refused to let them in, despite their party invitation pass.”
“Speaking of that guard, he kept calling me a Mongolian and asked whether my family slaughtered horses for a living,” Kendra says.
After Monty and Jun leave to rescue their friends, Kendra and I bump past party-goers before reaching the house living room. She speaks into my ear. “Sorry to disappoint you but it’s still too early to spot a drunkard.”
“I guess they’ll become Intoxicated Cinderella by midnight.”
All the seats are occupied. I have to sit on the carpeted floor, among vinyls of Ozzy Osborne, Green day, Dave Matthews Bands, Cypress Hills, Queen, David Bowie, Rage Against The Machine, just to name a few. Kendra has returned from the washroom.
“Monty once formed an indie rock band during his teens. The band was quite a success from Port Coquitlam to White Rock. But then a fight broke out a day before they were supposed to sign a million-dollar record deal. You wanna know why? The bassist caught the lead guitarist fucking his girlfriend in their trailer. Hell broke lose. All the instruments were damaged by the bassist who ran amok. Worse still, the boys have to pay off the loan and the damaged instruments to the music shop.”
“What instrument Monty played?” I refuse to accept an opened cap bottled drink from a random guy.
“Drums and percussion. He was also a turntablist,” she says with a shrug and a snort, “but one lesson that no other guys will ever learn: do not let your girlfriend join the band practise. Girls fall head over heels with men who play guitars or drums.”
I grab a can of Dr. Pepper from the refreshment bar, while Kendra fills up a plate with finger food. A guy by the banister eyes us before taking up with a girl. Both head upstairs after the guy winks at me.
We spot a three-seater sofa.
“These seats are meant for both of you, my exotic princesses,” says a Hispanic-looking man. He has been feeding another man with bacon stripes.
The Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged record is spinning in the vintage oak wood player. I’ve always been mesmerised by Kurt Cobain’s baritone voice.
“I don’t like his grinding dick voice.” Kendra walks to the player and lifts the needle with the cue lever. “Thanks to Janis Joplin, Joan Jett and Amy Lee, rock music is in my blood now.” She puts on a vinyl of The Runaways, that Cherry Bomb song filled with chattering noises and perfumed muskiness.
“I love X-Japan. Do you like them?”
“Me too!” We do a high-five. “But if you want me to wear a hanbok and play the gayageum in front of Korean men. No way José! Over my dead body! It looks damn submissive. I’ve been referred as a ‘leftover woman’ for not yet being married.”
“You’re not alone. I hear that very often. It happens to me as well. And what a cruel term is that? Nowadays in the Asian community, single and unmarried women are hiring men online to be their boyfriend to please their folks during festive seasons, or to attend their friend’s wedding.”
“Women have the earning power and are financially independent too. Some will have to succumb to the social pressure of not wanting to be called ‘leftover’, hence they get married and start a family, work their peachy-butts out, struggle to get promotion at work, earning more monies for the sake of their children. In the end of the day, it’s always easy to say. But to preserve such feminist though is difficult.”
“I’m in my thirties and not looking forward into getting married,” she says.
“Let’s make a toast to both of us, the most attractive leftovers.”
I raise my paper cup.
She pokes her nose. “Damn, how come I don’t even know you’ve been drinking orange juice? Let’s get you a beer.”
“I’m still recovering from jet lag. Sorry.”
“You should come over to my place one day and we’ll cook up a storm.” She stretches to grab two bottles of beer. “I invite Jun along too. He’s good at ramen, sushi, butter-poached seafood and miso soup.”
“Isn’t that…a big task for him?” I take a bottle but put it aside.
“Give me a break. That guy’s a chef.”
“Jun…is a chef?”
“That smoochy-bear, he is freakingly dedicated and talented. He has worked in Washington DC’s Marriott for couple of years, and then quit after he was promoted to an assistant chef. As to why he quit, well, Jun doesn’t talk about it.”
“…must be those shitty management politics.”
“I still think teaching is the best work so far. Less office politics.”
“You’re a teacher?”
“I teach English to adults and young adults in Tokyo.“ She wipes bread crumbs from her mouth. “And I know this is something uncommon. Even my grandparents are strongly opposed to anyone of us working there due to the Japan-Korea Disputes. So what’d you do for a living?”
“I’ve worked in an insurance company’s claims department for three years. It’s a huge department but most employees quit after the three-month probation. I handle mostly personal accident, employees’ medical bills reimbursement and at times on workers’ provident fund dispute.”
“Any weird cases you’ve dealt with?”
I lean my head on the sofa. “I was reading a decomposed body autopsy report in the food court and a waiter cringed when he saw those bloodied photos of torn phalanges on the claim file. He asked whether the man’s still alive. I said he should be lucky that his fingers didn’t fly into his colleagues’ mouth. His reaction was like this…” I imitate the painting from The Scream.
“Your work is very CSI-ish, so to speak. By the way, I’m curious as to how Jun and you get to know each other.”
“I bumped onto him when my cellphone isn’t working and he helped me to send a text message home.”
“I think you’ve missed the most crucial part.” Jun is walking toward us with a bottle.
Kendra sniffs Jun’s neck. “You smell like fresh from the crispy oven.” She puts her arm over his waist. “He is always so helpful, but inviting you to his friend’s party is his first time. Lot of girls are trying to get their hands on him too.”
Jun whispers to me. “She’s out.”
She clutches her beer bottle, a smile forming on her face. “But you serve a good impression on me, but my experiences taught me not to trust an acquainted human girl too much.”
Later that night, Kendra follows me like a puppy afraid to lose direction. Her eyes stay on Jun whenever we’re engaged in an ear-to-ear conversation because of the loud music at the DJ stands. She puts three Budweiser in front of me. “You have to bottoms up. I don’t care.”
I still have those butterflies in my stomach and don’t have much appetite. But towards the second bottle, Jun pulls Kendra to the kitchen area, and asks Makoto to bring her more food.
Approaching midnight, Makoto offers to drive me back to the dorm, even though it’s only ten minutes walking distance. I’m unable to find Monty to bid goodbye. Jun tells me he’s already passed out near the toilet bowl, and he carries grumpy Kendra into the back of Makoto’s car. I wind down the window, inhale the gentle ocean breeze as the car moves along Marina Drive, but the tranquillity ends with Kendra counting chicken and sheep in a slur.
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Deborah Wong: "My works have been published on numerous online journals and paperback magazine, including Crack the Spine, Rat’s Ass Review, Eksentrika, Thought Catalog, Liquid Imagination, Strange Horizons. Some are forthcoming from Frozen Wavelets and Seagery Zine. I have performed at local reading groups and open mic poetry sessions. I am currently working on a fictionalised travel memoir and some speculative poetry and fiction. I have an ongoing artwork-poetry crossover project with an emerging Australian artist on Instagram. You can follow me on Twitter @PetiteDeborah ‘When Plan’s Stolen by Fate’ is the first chapter of my work-in-progress semi-autobiographical novel ‘One Maple Summer’. The novel is about my intensive creative writing workshop at the University of British Columbia in the summer of 2010. At 28 I traveled for the first time 12 thousand kilometers to the other side of the continent. My debit card and cellphone failed, and the one-month stay at a pen pal’s place turned out not as imagined. However, things navigated otherwise when I received accolades from my creative writing course instructors. Discovering the melting pot of diverse cultural background of acquaintances made traveling worth a lifetime.”
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cmagency-blog · 4 years
SEO Services And Its Myths
SEO services are an integral part of an online marketing strategy equipped for your business. The SEO service providers can list your site to the initial pages of Google and other renowned search engines. However, you would find several scammers guaranteeing you that they can bring your site to the page one listing on the search engine ranking pages. But SEO is not something mystic or the so-called black art although involves some black hat SEO services which can be analyzed if paid a little attention to the techniques. The scammers would never discuss the strategies in detail. Hence it is necessary that you be very careful while you get into the selection. The honest service providers would give you a vivid picture by demonstrating every detail and explaining the pros and cons of the strategies. Hence delve into a thorough discussion before venturing out on a service so as to boost your website presence on the web.
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Is SEO Service is a tool for ROI?
The website is a virtual face of your business and a marketing tool at the same time. It helps in increasing your brand awareness heading towards making more sales. It can only be done if the website could be ranked in a good position. This procedure when done aptly will increase the conversion rate and thereby the ROI. On continuing with efficacy, the process will ensure a high Google ranking. Therefore it is very important for you to find skilled SEO professionals to get a result oriented service because SEO is not a magic wand and cannot change things within a day or two. It requires a continuous pro practice to get the desired results.
Hiring SEO professionals is of several benefits. They are experts and work for achieving your business goals. Most often than not, they explain all the aspects of SEO and especially the ones that you require for your site. You may need the whole service or just a specific part of it. But the discussion with the expert will enable you to understand where you lag and that if you should try out something else. You can, therefore, pick up the best SEO services according to your choice and pay for it or get into a detailed analysis to know more.
Each and every company has its own aims and objectives. Hence, it is not ideal to choose the one size package for aiming your targets. Instead, curtail and add if you want to have a customized service. This leads to a better output based on the domain of your business and services and products that you offer. An expert first analyzes the type of business you are into then build the strategies accordingly to suit your basic, fundamental and advanced requirements.
But SEO service is not an onetime process and that if you once rank top, you might get replaced the very next day if you stop practicing it regularly. In order to simplify, think of your car. In order to keep it running, you have to top it up with fuel, oil, and water almost regularly. SEO is the fuel of a website. To keep it running and doing your job, you have to carry on with the best SEO services as long as you want to achieve the surplus of profit from your business. Hence, be careful, if you do not want to lose your business, hire the best SEO services, and keep your website rolling.
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Airport Limo Service
Limousines are huge cars with the long body; which you may have probably observed being utilized by “the Rich.” Most of us feel that limousines are meant distinctly for royal families or rich individuals. The first thing you see while seeing a limousine would be its long body and large wheels are giving a rich look. Limousine car was first developed in 1902, and the 'Stretch limousine' was presented in 1928 by Smith Arkansan. There are two kinds of the limousine; traditional and modern, where traditional limousine takes after an extended large car. The air terminal limo services offer limousines owned either privately or by the legislature, and for the most part, come in black and white shades.
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In the event that you wish to have a comfortable, luxurious, simultaneously reasonable airport limo service, you can easily rent these Limos. You will feel the quality of very particular and unique client service and dealings when you receive their service. You will feel yourself being treated as the king. The client loyalty of these limo services begins directly at their office when you go to lease the limousine for your journey. You will get premium treatments at their reception, and also when you profit their service, until the time you say, you need to end their service. 
The air terminal limo service has limousines that are licensed and registered by the road transport authorities. These limos get you from the place you inform them to, and drop you at your goal, giving you the feel of being moved in a royal vehicle with the royal courtesy. Presently both the rich and the middle-class people prefer transportation to and from air terminals with this airport limo service, as they are far superior and worth the money paid than usual taxi service. The limousine is driven by experienced escorts, who are given the best training driving royal limousines. Recruitment will be done simply after different authority conventions like test drives, client caring aptitude tests, and so forth. Accordingly, you will feel treated as superior when you are in the drive. The staff provided by the airport limo service will be taking care of the loading and unloading of your baggage, and also with the formalities at the airport until you get onto the flight. The escorts are often friendly and trustworthy, treating travelers with supreme care; particularly senior travelers and youngsters.
In short, to enjoy the full worth of your payments to airport transfer services, you should hire the airport limo services. Apart from having a complete worth of your money, these give you the best possible airport transportation services. So, what are you waiting for? Place the deal now with the limo service, for your next trip abroad.
For more information, about the airport limo services contact us at (604) 229-9976 or visit our website https://northstarlimos.ca/port-coquitlam-limousine-services
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tomsautobody-blog · 8 years
Alex Wardle Tom's Custom Autobody http://tomscustomautobody.com 604-931-3441 1830 Kingsway, Port Coquitlam, BC [email protected]
Mark: Hi it’s Mark from Top Local, we’re here with Alex Wardle of Tom’s Custom Autobody in Port Coquitlam. How’re you doing this morning Alex?
Alex: I’m doing great on this snowy Wednesday.
Mark: I’m sure, you’re just happily loving this weather as all the rest of of complain about it. so we’re going to talk about a BMW X5, what was going on with this vehicle?
Alex: Well this is a 2016 BMW X5 35D, so this is the last generation of the diesel that BMW is going to make and so what we’ve got here, I’m just going to bring up some photographs of it.  So what we’ve got here is, a customer of ours that in December had been sideswiped by someone and so this is a very busy individual and we actually have a valet estimating team that went out to his office, took a look at it and out initial shots show here that we’ve got a damaged door and there was a little bit of damage on the rocker panel. So we went back to the shop, did up the estimate and found out that the rocker panel was backordered, so we ordered that in from Germany and we scheduled an appointment for him three weeks later. He and we discussed that it was probably better for him to drive his nice X5 instead of one of our courtesy cars, not that our courtesy cars are bad but not much beats his X5. And so he stayed in his car for three weeks while the part came from Germany. So this is a photograph of the the truck here in one of our stalls here in the store and as you can see here, the driver’s side door shell is crunched and the body lines by the arrow there don’t match up and so our assessment on the road was right. We had a new door shell and with BMW’s you actually don’t replace the outer skin you’ve got to replace the door shell. This door shell was to the point where we really didn’t want to give the customer the car back with the door repaired and filled with Bondo and just wasn’t going to make for a nice repair, so we ordered a new shell from BMW. We also took a look at this rocker damage and you can see here that the lower portion of the door, where the black arrow is, was damaged, and that was the piece we had backordered. So when we start a repair, a couple things to note that when we start repair on something like this we use a large welding blanket there just to protect the interior of the car from any sparks or any Bondo or anything getting in the car. We also noticed that when we pulled off the rocker, you can see down here there is some bare metal scraped in here, on the very bottom of the rocker panel and that shows that there was actually hidden damage in behind and so we actually ran into a couple of parts that we didn’t for see that also had to come from Germany. So those came in. There is only so much x-ray estimating that you can do when the car is in until you get it torn down. So those came in and you can see here that we actually had to pull the rocker back out and then we repaired it and then refinished it. One of the big things with this car is with this white, is that we were not only are we painting the door, but we were then refinishing the fender and the rear door, just to ensure that the colour match is perfect when it goes back to our customer. So after a week of waiting in the store while we had the parts come in, we have a finished product here, this BMW X5, you can see here the body lines on the door are all lined up and we’ve painted the rear door, front door and the fender and got this car looking back to brand new. This X5 only had 3000 kilometres on it and so we got it back to our customer looking great and he’s happy and that was it. So this is a picture of our new store in Port Coquitlam, I thought I’d include this today and that just shows you this is where this vehicle went. We specialize in high end vehicles at this store which would be Lexus, BMW and Mercedes and that was the story of that vehicle.
Mark: Awesome Alex, so if you’re looking for high end repairs on your best vehicles or just good repairs on your solid everyday beater that you need to keep running, these are the guys to call. Tom’s Custom Autobody in Coquitlam, you can reach them at 604-931-3441 or check out their website tomscustomautobody.com. Thanks Alex.
Alex: Thanks very much.
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moonlightlimos · 4 months
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