#black bull yuno more like best yuno
the-black-bulls · 6 months
Hi there, friend! I heard you were eager to provide us some salt? :D
May I ask for 2, 7, 10 and 15?
Have a nice day! 💖
Salty Ask List
why hello there, ashen! there's no words limit in tumblr so I can go all out with and be annoying 😛 (have a nice day too!)
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
on top of the ones I mentioned in this ask, Magna/Luck is a ship that gives me more BroTP vibes. I find myself enjoying their moments and shenanigans through familial, brotherly lens. I still fw them together as a couple from time to time (especially in my friends' arts and fics), but at the end of the day Magna/Luck's dynamic will always be an important BroTP to me, much like asta and liebe 💖🤝🏻
also it doesn't really count as brotp since I ship them, but Yami and Nacht's bromance is just chef's kiss, I just happened to crack them as exes with nacht getting forced to co-parent the squad he's been avoiding for years 😂
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
fuck clover kingdom honestly I hope someone destroys it from the ground up and establish a new system :)
also fights. I'm tired of going through fights after fights after fights with cliffhangers that don't hit as often. I just want to see everyone talks and interacts and has cooldown moments more, which hasn't been an option for years now with how fast the plot runs. of course hino provided a much needed break, but I wish liebe played bigger part in the arc and I wish the bulls got to visit the land too.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
the anime-only arc not included, it used to be the royal knights arc before zora grew on me (tournaments just bore me ok), but now it's the royal capital arc with it being the least enjoyable.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
it's full of great themes and ideas but with weak execution because the mangaka rarely goes beyond the bare minimum, leading us to have an underdeveloped world and concepts that used to be hyped in the past shrugged off now because the plot moves too fast for the story to explores everything.
alright, this might not be an unpopular opinion, so for something more controvesial... Yuno doesn't belong to the golden dawn, he doesn't fit with him, they're not his friends let alone found family. Yuno has to be slowly stripped off his roots to become someone more fitting of the squad's superior aura and passive arrogance masked as pride. Yuno deserves better, and he can't get what he deserves in such a loveless and friendless environment that only offered him disdain and guilt.
in a better timeline, Yuno will become a black bull.
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loosesodamarble · 10 months
Hello, I was the one who requested a few Nacht head canons that you wrote recently. I loved them so I'm here with one more request. It's a very long one so you can ignore it or take as much time as you want. So here it goes: How would the magic knight squads react if they find out one of their members has a crush on Nacht? How would things play out after that.
Oh my! Welcome back then, Anon! Glad you enjoyed them, despite their timing.
Black Bulls
Everyone would have to pause and go "our Nacht Faust?"
And you'd have to confirm "yes, our Nacht Faust. As if there are any others."
Half the squad would bust out in hysterics.
The other half would be dead silent from shock.
Remember, Nacht's first impression with several members was... poor. To say the least. So hearing that you liked Nacht was an experience for everyone.
Asta and Yami are the first ones to cheer you and Nacht on though.
Followed by the likes of Noelle, Henry ("Henry, don't change the floor plans so their room are together. HENRY WAIT!"), Grey, and Gordon.
Vanessa and Finral would be down to set you and Nacht up on a date. And they'd throw in a makeover free of charge!
Gimodelo and the other devils are very excited to see Nacht get all romantic. They just want their master to be happy!
Don't be surprised if the Bulls start calling you to dinner later than the rest of them and doing the same to Nacht so you both are force to sit with each other at the only empty seats.
And there would be other schemes to keep you two in close proximity.
Really, the whole squad just wants to support their squadmates and friends in the very normal endeavor of starting a relationship.
Golden Dawn
William does his best to show a polite amount of interest in your crush. After Nacht's key role in the Spade Invasion, William feels he owes a debt to that man.
And William thinks that he can repay the debt by setting Nacht up with you since you've taken an interest in him.
At best, William offers you opportunities to visit in the Black Bulls' base (delivering paperwork or parcels) if you want to see Nacht in person.
David is the nosiest of the squad and will ask all the details. How you first met Nacht, when you started liking him, do you plan on confessing, etc.
You might start hanging around Yuno if you weren't already close with him. You know, to ask about Nacht's appearances at any vice captain meetings.
Blue Rose Knights
The ladies of the Blue Rose Knights are going to have your back if they find out about your crush on Nacht.
First Charlotte is blushing over Yami and now you for Nacht? It's like the squads are destined for something greater together!
The other squad members will insist that you and Charlotte have a double date with Nacht and Yami. Let your loves bloom together~!
It actually works out relatively well.
You keep Charlotte from panicking around Yami and in turn, Charlotte gives you plenty of openings to initiate conversation with Nacht.
And don't worry. Charlotte will shut down any egregious meddling from the squad.
Like say, locking you and Nacht in a closet without your grimoires so Nacht can't just shadow out of there.
Puli, the brains behind Operation Get the Devil (Host)'s Heart, is going to contrive of a lot of ridiculous scenarios though... Good luck.
Crimson Lion Kings
Nacht puts Fuegoleon on edge. His practices and demeanor aren't ideal in Fuegoleon's eyes but as a loyal Knight of Clover, Nacht is at least decent.
Fuegoleon warmly encourages you in pursuing Nacht. But he also warns you not to get too distracted.
"I don't have any romantic experiences to speak of but adding to your personal life is sure to give you more to fight for as a Knight."
It's just a nice way of saying that getting a boyfriend might improve your morale for work.../lh
Leopold doesn't know Nacht at all but he'd very willing to be your wingman by dragging you along to the Bulls' base when he goes to visit Asta.
I'm sure if you asked, Randall might bring your name up at a vice captain meeting and gauge Nacht's response.
Don't let Mereoleona catch you waffling on your feeling for too long. If she thinks you're being coward about your crush, then her hand might be forced and you'll find yourself doing volcano training alongside Nacht.
I say not in the sense that Mereo has an interest in romance, let alone others' romances, but I honestly think she'd get pissed off to know that a member of the Crimson Lions is being a coward about anything.
Other members of the squad would generally support you and urge you to do your best with getting Nacht's attention.
Silver Eagles
To me, the Silver Eagles are a squad wherein the members largely keep to themselves. It's mostly polite conversation with a bit of gossip from the noble circles.
Most of the Silver Eagles wouldn't pay much attention to your love life, if I'm to be honest.
However, they are an elitist squad (or at least that's their vibe) and with devil possession being Forbidden Magic, some might raise a brow at your crush.
"Even if he's a vice captain, that Faust man can't be anything but trouble. Especially if he's a Bull."
If Nozel hears of your crush, he'll have mixed opinions.
His opinion of devils and devil hosts is abysmally low due to his own history but Nacht proved himself a worthy ally and so not a horrible pick.
Nozel's bad at showing it but he does wish the best for you in your romance with Nacht. You are a member of his squad after all.
Like Fuegoleon, Nozel warns you not to let your infatuation get in the way of work.
Aqua Deers
The Aqua Deer has the vibe of being some free-spirited folks. Not so much as the Green Mantises or Black Bulls, but with a captain as young as Rill, the squad has learned to be able to accept anything.
"Following the captain's example and falling hard for someone, are we?" some will joke with you.
If you can catch Rill during his free time, he two of you could have a heart-to-heart and help each other sort through your crushes.
"Love can happen so suddenly, can't it?" Rill remarks. "Like bolt of lightning or like throwing a palette at an easel! It's bold and messy and scary too! But that's what makes it so amazing, huh?"
I imagine Fragil being a bit of a romantic so she might have some advice based on a romance novel or dating advice column if you went to her. But that's just what I think of her.
Coral Peacocks
Dorothy will be poking her nose into the business of your crush. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!
She's a bit of a gossip. So uh... prepare for Yami finding out via her loose lips.
In her sparse free time, Dorothy will encourage you to practice confessing to Nacht in her Glamour World.
Only to turn on you and tease you with her imaginary versions of Nacht.
This gif of Shouto form BNHA:
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Dorothy creates a Nacht version of that to tease you. Good luck.
Kirsch will give you advice on how to be "beautiful" for Nacht to fall in love with you.
Green Praying Mantis
The folks in the Green Mantis squad are largely commoners. They're casual and a little wild.
So I'd imagine some of the more interested parties placing bets on how long it'll take for you to confess or maybe even betting on how you confess.
Some of the members might mention that Jack might've known Nacht in the past but going to him earns you the threat of being sliced apart (Jack being twin blind will be a sore spot for him from now on. No, this isn't relevant but I'm saying my piece.)
I dunno why but the Green Mantis squad gives off the vibes of inviting you and Nacht to a bar to let the alcohol break down your walls.
(Although if you're not a drinker of alcohol, that plan is a bust.)
The squad members would probably go out of their way to mess with the Black Bulls to get Nacht's attention for you.
Which... you might be thankful for the support or you might be horrified by their "plan."
They mean well, really.
Purple Orcas
All I can really say for the Purple Orcas is that Kaiser and her wife would be more than happy to give their insight on starting and maintaining a loving partnership.
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silvyavan · 2 months
Yuno Grinbellior: Fall From Class Solidarity Grace
This has been a LONG time coming when it comes to Yuno's character, all the power ups and hellacious writing involved with said character. This actually had me re-reading Black Clover just to compile this callout/thesis/whatever the hell this is.
Hypothesis: Yuno's character arc and symbolic meaning got absolutely ruined in Spade arc, on the entire series premises even, to the point where he went from class ally to class traitor. From "You don't have to have massive capital or a prestigious family to have lots of mana and worth" to "Being born to privilege literally gets you everywhere in life".
And even if its not, Yuno's character arc ends up being "always at the important events, never where it matters the most".
One of the pivotal moments of the early series is the Magic Knights Exam and how it ends. The choice between captains is arguably the best metaphor for how Asta and Yuno's rivalry feels scuffed and represents that, in a world where mana is everything, big mana DOES get you in high places, even if you're unaware of it.
When Yuno gets his turn to see which captains would want him, all of them raise their hands and he even has the option to choose the best ranked squad, Golden Dawn, a squad that is already built upon with SEVERAL noble houses supporting it, including the Wizard King's own support, and with a repertoire of big mana bitches. Yuno, who symbolises the 4 leaf clover and all the mana and perceived pedigree that comes from it, has the chance to go into a squad that is exclusive only to nobles.
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Asta, however, is the more realistic approach of someone who starts from the bottom up and has nothing, as no squads raise their hands because they want him and the only option he DOES have is the squad that's at the bottom of the barrel/with the worst reputation.
This is important because this is aligned with the next instance we'll talk about: Star Festival.
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The Star Festival literally has this shit said outright: even if you take THE worst squad out of the gutter and work to the point of disability and get borderline killed trying to protect your country, the squad full of nobles who have:
1) an environment where its much easier to gain achievements (GD being located in Kiten, near the border between Diamond and often attacked, even getting Spade spies, thus making nation relevant achievements is surprisingly easy),
2) more resources and funding due to nepotism and support from rich family members ( having many noble families who can afford tutors, training, education and even connections into getting into squads, often even allowing immediate medical care in case of emergencies), and
3) implicit connections with the higher ups in the government (William being from the same squad where Julius, current wizard king was, the ENTIRE judicial court of Clover being royalists/pro noble faction, likely having relatives in GD)
will still achieve better results for less effort. Asta still has to work harder than Yuno, just for 2nd place. Black Bulls squad can literally save villages and towns, stop foreign invasions and terrorists and they still don't get as much payback as the squad made up entirely from connections, money and massive mana prowess. Is the GD still also doing the same things as the Black Bulls? Yeah, but if you look at the point distributions, Golden Dawn gets SEVERAL per missions/events, with a Spade Kingdom officer being a whole 5 stars.
It's the most obvious metaphor and it leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth, since one of the key notions that one usually gets from the rivalry between Asta and Yuno is that its a friendly rivalry that isn't inherently favored in one direction. And this, and many OTHER instances shown later in the story are testament that that's not true.
Even though Asta and Yuno both qualify for the Royal Knights position, what happened at the actual tournament, concerning Langris, feels like a statement of Yuno throwing away any attempt of principles. Yuno was THERE when Langris went off the deep end, and this guy is his vice captain. Even agrees with Klaus that something is definitely off. But he makes no attempt to actually stop him. Luck, Magna, Noelle, Charmy and Asta all jump in to try and stop him. EVEN JULIUS comes in to try and stop him, so any statement of "he's his superior, he can't go against him" can't hold ground because Julius' judgement clearly says that hes got issues, so I doubt Langris would have grounds in trying to discipline Yuno for "insubordination".
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Like, maybe it's just me, but if you see your vice captain go off the deep end and try to kill a contestant from a different squad AFTER its been announced he won, you should probably stop him for both their sakes.
Yuno doesn't, NOBODY from Golden Dawn does, what does that speak on what they view as "going too far"?
And when the match between Asta's and Langris' team ends in a draw, and in a show of solidarity, all the Knights come to Asta to support him, Yuno is... not part of the crowd. People like Klaus, Hamon and Mimosa from the Golden Dawn are. So you've got people from ALL OTHER squads, who don't even know Asta, coming in to his metaphorical support. Its almost out of place how he's not even coming over there, compared to the previous volumes where he was, in fact there.
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This just keeps going on until the actual Elf incident, where it feels like Tabata finally remembers "oh yeah, Yuno and Asta are kinda supposed to be friends", and Yuno is immediately worried for Asta in comparison to the previous arcs where he's kind of aloof with him. Can the aloofness be part of the respect for him? Maybe, but this is only because we keep having places where Asta and Yuno are together in a situation. Spade Arc is not like that.
Spade Arc, has, for the major part except for 2 instances, been an arc that keeps hammering in that Yuno is continuing the saga of acting like the first 15 years of his life mean jackshit.
Yuno is now Vice Captain, has a fanclub and seems to be acting like William is some important figure to him. And all of this feels like absolute lip service.
Vice Captain because Langris stepped down and naturally they needed someone reliable but there's plenty of other, more higher ranking and experienced brigade Knights who could have taken over the responsibilities (assuming that the position isn't just some "second strongest in the building" ranking, and has actual paperwork, responsibilities, workload, etc). So Yuno, getting the position when he's been a Knight for only 2 years, feels like a weird choice and doesn't even give a show of "mana may not be the same, but effort is". They just put any big mana bitch in charge. Even some of the GD only refer to his phenomenal magic as the show of good characteristics.
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Yuno and Asta, assuming they both have the same amount of missions and effort put into this, would've had the same position if it wouldn't have been for the Court Rulings and Banishment. And that's what makes Yuno being Vice Captain rather unbelievable or just straight up condescending. Even if the Court Ruling DIDNT apply, it makes no sense for the position to be given to someone who's been in the magic Knights for about 2 years.
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The fan club, again, feels like a superficial way to state that "people like Yuno". Yuno is considered handsome, yes, but a fan club usually can't survive off of being handsome alone. There's no actual show of when, how or why this club formed. It sure as hell couldn't have formed in 6 months, even if they're made up of civilians as well. I know the anime has made some supplementary episode on this, but again, the "we accept you" moment feels backhanded.
We know Charlotte has a fan club, but they're all part of her squad. We're not given any example if there's civilians in her fanclub, or if there are other fanclubs dedicated to other famous magic knights.
Even if there wasn't any animosity, for these people to take like a year to accept a new recruit? This fanclub feels more like a representation of actual Yuno fans than a statement that people like Yuno.
The solidarity between him and William. My brother in Clover, where did all of this come from. I'm pretty sure Yuno would've been more pissed about the fact that William chose Yuno because of the elf soul in him. He's not, maybe he doesn't care, but there's not... a whole lot of ANYTHING. It's another case of tell and not show, but maybe because of the timeskip, it feels a bit fake.
The worst of it is, arguably, the moment where he calls out the Captains for keeping William at arms length for the Elf incident.
I want to remind yall, All Of Yall, that the Elf incident didn't just possess the Knights of Golden Dawn, but also EVERYONE ELSE IN THE MAGIC KNIGHTS. 3 (4 if you count Kaiser) WHOLE captains got possessed, SEVERAL vice captains and many other Knights who started blowing shit up all over the kingdom. Patri "killed" Julius in front of Yami, Fuegoleon got ROBBED AND LOST AN ARM due to machinations of the Midnight Sun, Nozel almost DIED in front of his family during the incident, and Jack pretty much had to go and juggle all this shit as the only other non possessed Captain besides Yami in dealing in this.
Like YEAH, no SHIT that they haven't forgiven him, this affected EVERYONE'S bodily autonomy, health and survival. William, bless this homosexual, is a war criminal and I'm pretty sure the Court Rulings, while politically sane, was the only reason his ass wasn't on trial. It's been 6 months, yeah, but the incident has made everyone's life in some way harder and the kingdom's stability worse. They have the right to be mad about this. Even Yuno admits it, he can't blame them for the animosity but at the same time, he's acting like them being mad about it is unwarranted.
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Yuno, your autism is bad, I understand, but look back, literally less than 30 chapters ago, and ask yourself, would you be mad as fuck at your coworker if they almost killed everyone? Yes? Because as far as I'm concerned, the moment between Yami, William and Tiny Julius was a closed incident, one that did not have other captains involved. They did not see that shit, maybe they were briefed, but the emotional turmoil was absolutely necessary about this. We're not given the briefing of the captains when William would have had to come clean in front of them. Wish we did, considering how it would've made this moment much more cathartic.
But all this is not the worst offence to Yuno's character. The Prince revelation is.
The thing is, up until this arc, Yuno's behavior might be a bit off putting, but he's still technically a peasant who just so happens to have a lot of mana. The talent and mana was more so his and his alone. His talent made from effort, his mana who he just so happened to he born with. No fancy family, no fancy secret heritage. Just pure, raw autism fueled power.
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The Prince revelation essentially smacks it all off of the table and just makes the excuse "of course Yuno is talented and full of mana, he's Foreign Royalty!". Hell, fucking NOZEL makes a "that explains everything" statement.. It's disheartening, cheap and just makes any effort that Yuno previously put into honing his skills feel fake. It is arguably the reason I pray that Asta never gets any secret family bloodline, because its souring the whole character arc and if Asta got that, Tabata might as well cancel the series because that would be a slap to the face for those who wanted Asta to be a winning underdog.
This arc has lasted, maybe a bit over 30 chapters (332-369), and it has made not one good thing about Yuno.
Remember the statement I made previously? "Always in the middle of important events, but never when it really matters"? Yeah, no arc shows it as much as this one.
The start of this arc is Lucius attacking Asta's promotion celebration party, a long awaited party to celebrate Asta getting Senior Magic Knight, First Class. 3rd overall, and first in that ranking, essentially saying that Asta's next position would be Grand Magic Knight. In the same title, Fuegoleon says that Asta and Yuno SHOULD have been on the same ranking as Grand Magic Knights, but doesn't say why. Even so, they're not at a relatively similar position of ranking. Most Knights in this ranking are either captains or vice captain level.
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This is, naturally, an important event. Orsi, Lily and the kids from the church are there! The captains are there! But not Yuno.
It's implied that Yuno got to Grand Magic Knight within the timeskip, and Asta only managed to get Senior Magic Knight after he was pardoned. But even so, Asta went and celebrated and congratulated it with Yuno. We don't see Yuno's reaction. Only the statement that Asta was always ahead of him. It sounds like ignorance of privilege at this point.
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Yuno was out because he, the Golden members and Black Bull members, who have experience with devil activity, were away to investigate it. Unfortunate, but hopeful thinking makes you wonder if he had plans to congratulate Asta after the party, or come in late but still in time for it.
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The reality of the matter is that Yuno showed up after the party, after Lucius went and fought Asta and missing quite literally everything. He even says that the attack Adrammelech planned was a feint. Was he not considering the idea that maybe if this was a feint, then something WORSE is going on somewhere else??? Even more so that he went and obliterated high ranking devils in an instant. Hell, with them all gathering in the min hall, it gives the impression that Yuno arrived to this meeting late enough for everyone to gather.
It's almost as if they're treating Yuno's reaction to the events are more important than, you know, actually participating in the events. Noelle and Nero had experience in devils too, but they didn't participate. They actually went and tried to help Asta when he was down! Even the Captains got out to try and help! And yet for Yuno, he's just reacting to it with the promise of vengeance, when nobody knows if vengeance will actually bring Asta back.
This isn't the only moment either. The magic Knights tournament, the golden dawn massacre, and this is a trend in Yuno being involved in the important and big battles, sure, but he's never in the moments that matter in terms of showing the actual presence of the character or weight to the plot. He's almost like a filler character who only shows up in major incidents at this point. Fucking SEKKE has more emotional weight to the plot at this point (I jest but what if).
The arc is, at this point, still ongoing and MAYBE the current state of Yunos character will change (I pray).
But, if I had to give my two cents, my idea of what would make Yuno's character more solid would be the contrast of Yuno who has all the gifts and Yuno who's only got his effort left.
That is to say, put Yuno in a situation where his efforts and abilities are put to the test by reducing/negating his powerups.
One version of this, is that Lucius somehow gets close enough to reach his soul, Elf Yuno takes the brunt to save Yuno, and now Yuno is down to only his Star Grimoire.
Another version, is that Adrammelech vs Yuno happens.
Yuno vs Adrammelech where Adrammelechs (supposed or proposed) Sun magic cancels out Star magic and his wind magic is entirely limited. A fight where Yuno can't rely on his massive magic to fight Adrammelech and can only use weapons made from spirit magic and wind as agility against him.
"Take away the talent and magic and what are you left with" type of fight. It would also add some zest to Adrammelech if he's fighting Yuno PURPOSEFULLY, to separate Asta and him from the fight with Lucius and make it an Asta vs Lucius Rematch while holding his own rematch with Yuno.
If its not, then having the Lucius vs Asta and Yuno might be more of a redemption scenario to Yuno missing the key moments of the party fight. Like how Yuno on his own is kinda struggling due to Lucius using numbers, Asta on his own needed to have hostages used against him. But if they both show up at the same time, then they can counter each others weaknesses.
Those are just some possibilities, and I have no idea how Tabata is gonna spin this, but fuck! Let's hope he doesn't fumble!
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kharmii · 20 days
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The slutty pose in manga form.
I'm done watching the Black Clover anime so should move on to the manga, but instead I found a bunch of visually appealing Zora panels on Twitter:
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Where they left off in the anime was kind of good but kind of aggravating at the same time. I liked how it was finally revealed who Yuno actually was. That would mean he's not in the running with Asta for Wizard King, like I was hoping they'd be co-Wizard Kings someday. They have that 'Two Halves of a Whole' aesthetic with their one wing on opposite sides of their bodies...light and dark.
They went and introduced new characters right in the last couple episodes. I thought Liebe was cute with his Inosuke voice. Nacht came across a douche. He reminds me of Volo with his smiling all the time but having a contract with a demon (like how Volo has the relationship with Giratina but he's secretive about it whereas Nacht is out in the open). I didn't like how Nacht said he hated the Black Bulls only focusing on their faults without acknowledging their virtues. I'm like...screw you then, Dick Bag.
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Whoa, behind you!
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Look at that sexy mofo. At the end of the anime, the fights with demons drug on too long. I was sitting there thinking, "Ya know...I wish my guy Zora would get more screen time. -Like they could have him in the bath, and Gordon would spawn like a Minecraft creeper saying, 'Hey bestest best friend Zora. How about I wash your back, and then you wash mine?' Zora would reply, 'I'm down..' (Because that's an actual running joke. *eyebrow wiggle*)"
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How many aura points does Zora get for putting his arm around the Wizard King and giving him rizz eyes when they've only just met?
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NOOOO!!!! Don't die Zora!!1!1! -Or maybe the thing just wants to disintegrate Zora's clothes, like, "I've seen most of it, and now I want to see the rest."
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This is a good look for Zora. (Sassy hand on hip).
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Do you mean it like 'back door to Hollywood' you hoe?
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The gang of delinquents.
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Zora's secret base where he puts together the most complex spells ever made.
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I'm guessing that's not a fist bump between bros. Zora has the runes written on his own body, which means he's in real trouble. I hope they animate the rest of the manga someday because it's probably epic, and my guy gets more screen time.
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The Purple Orcas cape covers up too much tiddies.
*A non-Zora related side note* I like how they prettied up the based Praying Mantis Guy (kekek), like I used to ship Jack x Nobody, but he's in the running now.
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
You Like Him! (Black Clover)
Collab w/@giggly-squiggily!
Summary: Asta figures out that Yuno has feelings for Leopold Vermillion, but Yuno isn't willing to admit it without some encouragement.
A/N: AHHHH this was so fun to work on! Collabing with my friend Squiggily is always a fun time! We were both feeling Black Clover lately and decided to do a two-part series where I wrote for her ship and she wrote for mine! I think it turned out really cute!! ^^
To read her story, click here! (There will also be a link at the end of this fic.)
Word Count: 2060
Yuno prided himself on keeping his cool at all times. Never showing if he was flustered, shaken, upset, or anything else. He rarely even showed when he was happy. People didn’t know how to read him, and he liked it that way.
“You’re a tough one to beat, my rival,” Leopold Vermillion said grandly, hands on his hips as he grinned down at Asta, who was sitting beside Yuno. The two of them had tried to take a few minutes to catch up before going back to their respective headquarters with their squads, but as usual, someone had come to interrupt them.
Not that Yuno minded this one. Not that he’d let himself smile up at the redhead who wasn’t even looking at him.
“So are you,” Asta replied to him now, leaning back on his elbows and smirking. “But I won’t quit! I’ll surpass you and Yuno and everyone to become the Wizard King!”
Leo laughed in that particular Vermillion way and gave Asta a thumbs-up, turning to catch up to his sister, who was screaming at him to get back in line. “I won’t forget it – and right back at you, my rival! See you next time.”
Yuno watched him leave, proud of himself for not giving away what was going on inside of him while in the presence of the fiery young noble.
Until he felt Asta looking at him, and he turned to see his best friend squinting at him in that way he did when he knew something was up, he just hadn’t figured it out yet.
“What?” he asked dryly.
Asta stared at him for another long moment, then his lips curled up into a grin that put Yuno on edge.
“You like him!” Asta declared.
Yuno rolled his eyes and darted his eyes away, willing his ears not to burn and give him away. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I didn’t know you liked guys.”
The wind mage hunched his shoulders in an involuntary flinch, turning his head away entirely. “Shut up, Asta.”
“No – wait, that came out…weird. I don’t mind! I think it’s great!” There was a brief pause, and then Asta put a hand on his shoulder and made him turn at least part of the way around so he could see his profile. “Hey, you know you’re my friend no matter what, right? I support you regardless of who you like.”
It was clumsy, but it was Asta, and Yuno felt himself relax. He nodded once in acknowledgement. “I know. Thanks.”
Asta let out a relieved breath, then punched him playfully and reiterated, “But you like him!”
“Again, shut up.”
“How long? What is it about him? I want to know everything!”
“Oh, come on,” Asta whined playfully, shaking his shoulder now in an effort to be annoying enough to get his way. “I’ve told you everything about Sister Lily!”
“Never said I wanted to hear any of it,” Yuno replied with a smirk, and then before his friend could sputter an indignant retort, he shrugged his hand away and said, “It doesn’t matter anyway.”
Somehow, that only made Asta more indignant. “What do you mean, it doesn’t matter?”
“It just…doesn’t.” Yuno glanced in the direction Leo had gone, silent for a moment. “He doesn’t exactly have eyes for me.”
Asta was silent too. Then, “What – you think he likes me? Don’t you think I’d notice if someone had feelings for me?”
Yuno couldn’t help but turn to face him incredulously. Was he serious right now? Thoughts of that royal girl from the Black Bulls flitted into his mind, but before he could dwell on them, his friend was talking again.
“He doesn’t like me, Yuno. And even if he did, I’m pretty sure I’m not into guys, so it’s not like I’d be competing with you there—”
“Shut up, Asta.”
The anti-magic boy was beaming so wide at this point it was a wonder his face didn’t split in half. “You’ve got it bad, Yuno! Pleeeeease tell me about it?”
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“Don’t tell me you’re in denial!”
Yuno resolved that saying nothing was probably the best route at this point. When Asta got fired up about something, the only way to ride it out was to keep quiet until he burnt out his own flame.
At least…that was usually a good enough retreat.
“At least admit you’ve got feelings for him,” Asta tried.
Yuno tensed. This was probably bad. It was probably very, very bad for him. He darted a glance at his best friend’s expectant gaze, then away again. He swallowed. The thing was, he wanted to say it. He wanted to talk to Asta about it. He just…couldn’t. What was the point, when he didn’t know if Leo even liked guys, too?
Asta let out a low whistle. “Wow, Yuno. You’ve got it really bad, don’t you?”
The wind mage wanted to tell him to shut up again, but it was no use. His friend was on a roll now, and he’d lost the battle against his burning ears a long time ago.
The hand on his shoulder was back, and Asta’s voice was surprisingly gentle as he said, “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll help you loosen up enough to get the words out.”
It was a trap.
Yuno turned to look at him again just as fingers pinched his side, making him press his lips together to keep the squeak in, his eyes widening.
“Don’t,” he pleaded even as Asta reached for him again, this time succeeding in getting a snicker out of him. “You idiot, dohohohon’t!”
Asta reached for him with both hands now, squeezing and scribbling into his sides, and despite his best efforts, Yuno couldn’t help but break into a grin and giggle softly. He gripped his friend’s wrists and tried to push him away while squirming out of his grasp, but the second he thought he was getting away, his best friend – who knew him and all of his spots all too well – grabbed onto his leg and squeezed his kneecap.
“Hehehehey!” Yuno snickered, forced to either take it or try to fight him off again and choosing the latter. He leaned forward to push him away, and that’s when Asta really struck.
“Gotcha!” the smaller boy declared triumphantly, tackling Yuno to the ground and swinging a leg over to straddle his, fingers digging into his sides ruthlessly.
Yuno gasped and burst into more consistent giggles, unable to squirm nearly as much thanks to Asta’s weight on his legs. “Ehehehehehehehe! Dohohohohohohon’t!”
The anti-magic boy grinned down at him. “Feeling loosened up yet, Yuno? Hmm?”
“Don’t worry – I’ll get you to admit your feelings eventually.” Asta smirked and slipped a sneaky hand up Yuno’s shirt to scribble at his lowest set of ribs teasingly. Yuno squeaked and arched to try and escape, but it was all for naught. “Hehe, still a good spot, eh? Tickle, tickle!”
If Yuno’s ears had been burning before, they were an inferno now. He instinctively covered up his face with one hand while frantically trying to push Asta away from his ribs with the other. “Dohohohohon’t dohohohoho thahahahahahahat, Asta!”
“Hmmm?” Asta hummed teasingly, pulling Yuno’s face-covering hand away and scribbling into his now exposed ribs at the same time. “Don’t do what?”
“You knohohohohohohow whahahahahahahat!” The wind mage couldn’t help but let out a snort when Asta tweaked his bottom set playfully. His friend’s face lit up like a sunrise, and Yuno whined through his increasing giggles. “Nohohohohoho, plehehehehehehease! Ahahahahahahasta!”
“Just admit it, Yuno – you’ve got it bad for Leeeeeeo~” Asta giggled along with him, scooting up so he was straddling his friend’s waist now, both hands under the taller boy’s shirt to tickle his skin directly. Both of them knew from years of experience that it was a surefire way to get him to give in.
“Shuhuhuhuhuhuhut up!” Yuno pleaded, snorting again, trying uselessly to twist away.
“Nooooope!” Asta was being purposely annoying, and it was only making everything tickle so much worse! “You liiiiiike him! Just admit it and I’ll let you go~”
Yuno was losing his mind. Technically speaking Asta wasn’t tickling him very hard and he wasn’t even going for his worst spot, but the consistency and the teasing were what were driving him up the wall. He wanted to say it…he just couldn’t!
“I cahahahahahahan’t, Asta – plehehehehehehease!” he tried begging, but his refusal only sparked more determination in his never-give-up best friend.
“Oh, you can – and you will!” Asta pressed his thumbs into Yuno’s ribs and began creating tiny, ticklish circles as he teased, “Maybe this will convince you to admit it!”
“Ahahahahahahahasta!” Yuno cried, arms flying down to try and cover himself up, push him away, anything – but Asta only forced his arms to the ground and scooted up even further to sit on them too, rendering him totally helpless and with even less mobility. “Gehehahahahahaha! Plehehehehehehease, stahahahahahahap!”
“You like Leo~” Asta sang at him, grinning when Yuno laughed so hard at the combined tickling and teasing that he began to wheeze. “That’s all you have to say! Just admit it to yourself – you’ll feel better afterwards!”
All Yuno knew at this point was how much Asta’s gentle consistency tickled, and he’d laughed so much his head was a fuzzy warm blanket that didn’t understand the concept of embarrassment or reservation anymore. He whined, and Asta’s thumbnails dug into those incredibly ticklish spots on his ribs, and finally the words slipped out of him without him entirely realizing it.
“I like him! I lihihihihihihihike him! Plehehehehease, Asta!” Yuno tossed his head back and cackled when his friend dug in even harder for a moment just for good measure. “Ahahahahahahasta!”
“Heh, all right, I’ll stop.” Asta let up as promised and climbed off of his friend, leaving him a gasping, giggling mess on the ground. The smaller boy ruffled his hair playfully. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
For a few more moments, Yuno lay there giggling and clutching his ribs protectively, grinning up at the darkening sky. Then his smile flickered and he let out a resigned breath. “I’ve…liked him for a while now.”
Asta crossed his legs and leaned forward eagerly, like they were kids back in school at story time. He nodded encouragingly. “How long?”
“It’s been coming on so gradually I can’t even say. I can’t pinpoint exactly when I realized.” Yuno glanced away again, in the direction Leo had gone several minutes ago now. “But I don’t want to dwell on it too much.”
“Why not?”
“Well…how am I to know if he likes guys or not?”
Asta smirked. “You could always ask him.”
“That would be as good as admitting I have feelings,” Yuno grumbled.
“And that’s a problem because…?” Asta asked. When his friend didn’t reply, he nodded again. “I could ask him if you want.”
“No.” Yuno shook his head and turned to look at him, eyes serious. “I’ll do it. Just…when the time is right.” He paused, then sighed again. “But he’s a noble. They have rules about who they can be with.”
“Leo isn’t next in line for his house or anything,” Asta reminded him gently, nudging him with his foot. “You have a chance, Yuno.”
At that moment, a third voice joined theirs, making both of them jump.
“There you are, Asta,” the royal girl from the Black Bulls that Yuno had recalled earlier strode up to them, frowning at her teammate. “I know you want to catch up with your friend, but Captain Yami is getting impatient. We have to go.”
“Aww, all right,” Asta said, getting to his feet and helping Yuno to his after him. He held out his fist. “Catch you later, Yuno. And good luck.” He winked.
Yuno kept his face impassive now that it wasn’t just the two of them anymore, but he nodded and tapped Asta’s fist with his own – their signature sign-off. “Later, Asta.”
He watched the two of them leave, Asta chattering away and his lady friend trying and failing to look like she wasn’t hanging on every word. He chuckled to himself, remembering his friend’s claim that he’d be able to tell if someone had feelings for him.
You’re just as hopeless as I am, he thought. Then he turned and went to search for his own teammates.
Part 2 by giggily-squiggily!
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aarcanegrimm · 1 month
19. The Dragon Valkyrie
An inside into a new point of view and at last a revelation.
Warnings: None
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Yuno was not a particularly brave person and for as long as he could remember he never had been.
Asta was the brave one, he was his brother, his protector and his best friend but Yuno was the one with magic. It didn’t matter to others that he wasn’t brave enough, it mattered that he had powerful magic and Asta didn’t and he hated it.
Hate… such a strong word but it was true. Yuno hated how people treated his brother, how even Father Orsi and their other siblings acted like Asta was fragile for his lack of Mana when in fact Yuno thought his brother was the strongest person in the world.
Then came the Magic Knight Entrance Exam that Yuno had been determined to only join should Asta get in too- that was the deal, if no one picked Asta he would walk out of the arena and wouldn’t look back, it’s why he’d made Asta go first after all. There they’d bumped into some towering man with a terrifying aura with two other men behind him, one bubbly and the other quiet… and then he spotted a girl, surely no older than themselves with a sweet smile and coppery hair who’s only comment had been to “Aim for the Black Bulls, we’re a lot more fun than the rest.”
So they did. Even with Asta’s urging to show off he still followed his brother when that towering man from earlier raised his hand for both of them and they do not regret it one bit.
Though the Black Bulls had a reputation, even the small village of Hage knew about the mess of misfits this squad was but Yuno had never felt more alive than he did with these people. They were a family through and through and that was all it took for Yuno and Asta to know that this was the right choice and he would write so in his letter back home, Asta’s often tucked in the same envelope.
Captain Yami was blunt, he didn’t care much for what his squad did which left them all with free reign to do as they pleased… Yuno suspected however that he was a lot gentler than he’d ever willingly let on.
Nacht Faust is the vice-captain and his older twin brother Morgen tends to take on his duties whenever the shadow mage is on long missions (does that make him vice-vice-captain?). Lyra, a fire mage who has a DRAGON seems to be dating the light mage while keeping an eye on everything that goes on in the base (Magna lit a kitchen chair on fire once and she appeared out of nowhere to scold him).
Speaking of Magna, he and Luck fought (trained) often enough that even Asta had been concerned, and that’s coming from the boy whose work ethic rivals the most dedicated mages. They seemed nice enough… just a little overwhelming from an introverts perspective. Even Finral opted to save the brothers and portal them away like some protective older sibling muttering things about hurting the newbies or scaring them away.
Grey, Gordon and Gauche Yuno has no opinion on, honestly he doesn’t know a single thing about any of them (and he’s actively ignoring the weird obsession the former conman has with his sister) but Grey he at least thinks is shier than him while Gordon at least makes an effort- he’s just too quiet and Yuno genuinely has no clue what he’s saying.
Vanessa and Charmy were like two peas in a witchy pod, always leant over a large cauldron that Lyra had explained did not exist in the base until a few months ago. They seemed to bounce ideas off one another and were planning some great creation… maybe, when one wasn’t drunk and the other shoving food into his personal space (he won’t complain too much because the food was incredible).
There was also Ella Dreki, he’d been right in thinking they were close in age- in fact she was a few months younger than them. She was brown haired (he could have sworn it was copper at the exam) with a sword on her hip similar to the captain and always seemed to pester him with questions pertaining to swordsmanship that Asta had similarly taken on board in doing before she would get dragged away by the other women of their squad or her own dragon, Alder.
He thinks she is sad because every time Asta flung his arms around Yuno’s shoulder’s something in her eyes made his heart clench. She was sad and Yuno didn’t know how to help that. They weren’t friends at least not yet and even after their devastating first mission he admits he hasn’t tried to reconcile that… but now maybe he should.
He’d passed Ella a few times on the roof, both finding solace in the stars above and the crisp breeze that flowed through and never once would they disrupt the silence like it was some great secret neither was willing to break. Tonight he had assumed it would be the same as he eased himself out of the window leading to the tiled roof, he couldn’t get to sleep and so as he always did he went up (back in Hage Asta would sneak up with him but now Yuno couldn’t even wake his brother who would drop dead tired with all the extensive training he’d put himself through).
There she was, in the same spot as always watching the stars glimmer overhead… but she wasn’t alone- Captain Yami was sat beside her, listening to whatever she was saying, her voice far too quiet and the teen too far away… Yami placed a hand on her head and pulled the girl towards his side as she spoke again, this time just loud enough for him to make out the words that struck.
“I’m scared they’ll find me and hurt me even when I dye my hair and change my na-.” 
He wasn’t supposed to hear that.
He repeated that sentence over and over, the wavering of her voice striking something deep. She was scared of someone-someone’s and for someone he already thought was as strong as his brother.
He wasn’t supposed to hear that.
He was not supposed to hear that.
So quietly he made his way back inside using the ever changing halls as a way to purge the sentence from his mind until he found his room again… it hadn’t worked.
Someone had hurt her, someone had hurt this girl he wanted so badly to befriend, who he thought to be so like his brother. She dyed her hair she changed her… name- she had been about to say name. Suddenly it felt like he was compiling a list, like an investigative mage in one of those old books he used to borrow in Hage’s library… he wanted to help her yes that was all, Ella was in his squad and squad mates look out for their own.
He'd help her. He’d at least try.
Mimosa and Leopold flicked through the pages of the album. Images of varying ages and types printed on its pages. For once Mimosa felt grateful for those magic crystals that captured moments because with each page turn she felt her heart soar.
Every picture of the three of them made her want to weep and leap with joy, something sparking deep in her chest when she looked over the final image… from when they were seven, not quite eight yet.
Noelle and Leopold were either side of Mimosa, their arms looped over her shoulders while hers were around her waist- all three soaked to the bone. They’d fallen into the pond outside of one of the Vermillion manors while playing dragons and each had beaming smiles when Fuegoleon had brought out the crystal, equally happy for them.
Mimosa’s smile dropped as she looked closer at the image, at the pendant around Noelle’s neck, Cordelia had given Noelle that necklace on her seventh birthday and never took it off.
A memory flashed forward, so quick she barely recalled the slim pale hand tightening around a dragon pendant while the echoing pop of a relocating shoulder followed.
“Mimosa?” Leopold bumped his shoulder against hers.
“That necklace…” Tears welled in her eyes.
“Yeah? Cordelia gave it to Elle right?” The fire mage frowned.
“Yeah.” She whispered. “Nevermind it’s nothing… just being sentimental.”
Leopold gave her a smile that said he understood, so she smiled back.
But he didn’t understand, and he wouldn’t until she confirmed it for herself… somehow.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic) - talk about them
Oh boy this is going to be a long one, so Here we go.
The Characters
This is in no order, but these are my favourite. I have only watched up to episode 86.
Finral, this guy is a ride to watch. He is basically the little Brother friend of the Black Bulls and is clearly the only reason why they haven't died yet. His growth as character was a Great one to watch, both in combat as he managed to stall Langris for a bit, creating a New Spell, and even playing the key part of defeating Vetto with Vanessa and Asta. Everyone bullies him and his Rizz is pathetic and I love him.
Charmy is a character that honestly surprised me at how much I liked. I mean she is a gluton, but isn't afraid to share her food. She is easily the kindest of the Black Bulls, but is disrespful and I love her. I Like how her fights are the quickest in the show, with one or three punches and I love her Magic. I love how she wanted to eat Bell all for Yuno. I also think her crush on Yuno is adorable to me.
Luck is so fun to watch. Easily the most fun. His story is quite tragic and the way he was abused and looked down on everyone was sad to watch along. I like his character trait of his constant smile, and when he isn't smiling, you know she is about to get real. Also, his relationship with Magna as besties is so Damn Nice to watch.
Noelle is basically what you want to write with a female character, no joke. Strong? Yes. Important to the story? Yes. Growth both as a character and in power? Yes. Personality? Yes. She is a top tier female character.
Sekke mainly because how much he gets bullied by Jack, Yami and the rest of the cast.
Klaus mainly because he went from "Listen Here Yuno, just because you have a 4 leaf clover and was chosen my Vangence, doesn't mean I Will treat you the same way and you will Listen to me, no matter what." To "Yuno, did you brush your teeth today? Your hair doesn't look as clean as before. Have you eaten anything lately?". Mom friend.
Magna has been a fun character for sure, and the Fact Here has so much growth and trust in his friends. His friendship with Luck is Great, and I think he gets bullied as much as Finral.
Asta is the best New gen Protag and it isn't even close. This man embodies the idea of never giving up. No matter where he is, no matter how much he is down, he Will never give up as his Magic is never giving up. His weakness is his Greatest strength. He isn't special, but that's what makes him special. His fights are so interesting at how he uses his main Weapon and I love his rivalry with Yuno.
Yami is a retired Shonen protag. I mean think about it. He is from a different country, treated as an outsider, he has a rival with a goal in mind, has the Will to get stronger, his mentor becames a leader of a country and he has an unique skill of ki. Not to mention he is disrespect incarnate, disrespecting everyone left and right while he is on the floor.
Yuno is my favourite rival in all of anime. Sasuke is my favourite rival character, but as a rival Yuno is the best at it. He mirrors Asta in every way. He never discourages in Asta, hr has complete trust in his best friend. He looks Like an arrogant prick, but is just some shy, introverted boy who loves competition.
The Ships
For this, I have more platonic than romantic.
Asta x Yuno (platonic) - The best friendship and rivalry in all anime. Grew up as brothers and never gave up on each other and they truly care about each other.
Yami x Julius (platonic) - I Like it because od Yami's loyality to his mentor and friend, the trust between each other and that Julius was the first person to accept him.
Magna x Luck (platonic) - Basically, one who loves prankijg the other and the one that gets prankes, but they truly and deeply care about each other. Also the Fact that Magna was Luck's first friend is cute to me.
Mars x Fana (romantic) - Come on, how can I not? Mars was going to Fana's hot flames, burning up outside and inside, hugging her which was strong enough to break her out of it as they stated at each other for a long time with massive smiles on their faces.
Klaus x Asta/Yuno (platonic) - all because I love the idea of him Being the biggest mom friend to them
Vanessa x Finral (platonic/romantic) - can't really choose. I Like how both of them are so close to each other, and I Like that their main Arcs also feature the other.
Asta x Noelle (romantic) - A good hetero ship that doesn't make the female character the Protag's future baby mama, but instead encourages her to be stronger than ever and go beyond her past and limit? Sign me up!
Yami x Charlotte (romantic) - basically a girlboss feminist that could wreck anyone's shit in love with the closest looking homeless man on the planet. You love to see it.
Yuno x Charmy (romantic) - I just find it extremely cute at how flustered Charmy is around Yuno, how she would fight Bell for Yuno, gives him treats, and that Yuno doesn't think anything badly about Charmy, and how they net was adorable.
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vilandel · 4 months
You're My North
Summary “Your mother was right, it’s okay to feel lost, you can always find north again,” Vanessa whispered, putting the necklace around her neck. “Although, I don’t think that I risk to feel lost anymore. You’re my north, after all.”
A/N Today is Vanessas birthday and it's still Fluffmay, so this is the perfect opportunity to also post this little oneshot I wrote exactly two years ago... And it is a Surfer AU, just because I think that Nozel would be an excellent surfer 💘
Ao3 link
“You’re going to throw a party.”
It wasn’t a question and she got confirmation as she saw her best friend looking at her in surprise before looking away.
“Come on, Vanessa. How did you find out?”
“Oh, I don’t know. You all just weren’t as subtle as you wanted to be. Especially Yami, he didn’t even try and I just played dumb.”
“I’m going to kill him,” Finral sighed, as he was turning the wedding band on his finger.
“You can’t, he’s your boss. Not to mention that it would be a crime, my dear.”
“I know.”
Finral looked over at his boss, the owner of the Black Bulls Motorcycles, who was sitting at the bar, drinking his third or fourth beer and complaining that he couldn’t smoke because the smoking area of the beach restaurant was still under renovation.
“Kaiser seems so unfaced. I know many people who would have lost after just five minutes of Yami complaining,” Vanessa giggled, as she saw the owner of the Purple Orca just listening to Yami while cleaning some glasses.
“He just has the patience of a saint. Well, it was needed to transform this place from a crime’s nest into a little paradise,” Finral just said, taking a sip from his pineapple juice.
Vanessa couldn’t agree more. She liked Kaiser. He was one of the chilliest persons she ever met and since he took over this restaurant, the Purple Orca transformed from a shady bar with hidden criminal activities and the reputation that went with it to a nice place, favourite spot of Raque for inhabitants and tourists, surfers and swimmers. A place where you can having a party or enjoy your evening after a day of work. Or both.
“So, um, Vanessa…”
“Could you please do as if you don’t know? We booked the entire place, Kaiser and his wife helped to prepare everything, Morgen finally managed to catch Nacht so he can be here for the evening, Dorothy has prepared something as well and there will be a lot of people, for a big and nice party, just so as you like them. And Noelle especially seems very excited, so…”
Vanessa hide her smirk. She knew exactly why Noelle was excited.
“Don’t stress, Fin, I will play the surprised birthday girl like it’s expected on me. I’m happy that Nacht will come too and I’m curious what surprise my boss will do.”
Dorothy came from the same place as her. Witchtown looked like a lovely town in the middle of the Forest, but it wasn’t that nice once you knew the background and Vanessa had been at a good place to know that, as daughter of the mayor.
But she chased those memories away. She was already visiting therapy for her past trauma and her birthday wasn’t the day to remember something unhappy.
At that moment, she saw Noelle enter the restaurant, her surfboard under her arm. Vanessa made a sign and the young princess just waved back, before sitting alone at some table near the terrasse. Rebecca, a friend and a teenage girl who worked at the Purple Orca during some of her free time, immediately went to take her command and probably for some girl talk.
“What’s up with Noelle?”
“Oh, she went surfing and hoped to see Asta, but he went to the train station. Yuno is back from Spade, apparently and you know Asta, he won’t miss an occasion to spend time with his adoptive brother.”
“Ah, I understand. Poor sweetie. She still won’t admit her feelings and Asta is so oblivious.”
“Not to mention that she’s royalty. Dating someone out of your circle is difficult when you’re royalty, even in those modern times.”
Oh, Vanessa knew that. Probably better than Finral knew. But that was still her secret.
“Noelle even learned to surf to impress Asta, even though she would never admit it,” Finral continued. “I still wonder who taught her though. She never accepted help from anyone, of course. But someone had to teach her how to surf.”
Vanessa giggled. Oh, she knew exactly who taught Noelle how to surf.
“Don’t worry about Noelle, I’m sure she will gain her good mood again this evening for the party. Speaking of royalty, do you think the prince will come?”
“Yes, he will. Lumière finally found some free time. But you know, he will mostly spend his precious moments with Secre.”
“Ah, young love. They’re so cute together.”
“Yes, but the king won’t accept their relationship so easily. He might be an idiot, but you know that king Augustus is very peculiar on this topic. For anyone in the three royal families.”
“Won’t stop his son to date Secre.”
“No, it won’t. You’re right about that.”
Vanessa finished her drink and let her pay on the table. There was a place she wanted to go and someone she wanted to see.
“I see you this evening, Fin. Greet Finesse for me.”
“Will do. Where are you going, anyway? How many bars you want to drunk run before coming back?”
“None. There’s someone I want to see.”
“Ah, that secret boyfriend of yours…”
Usually Finral wasn’t that cheeky. Only when the topic was about the mysterious man who she was dating for months now. But unlike most of her friends, Finral actually believed that it was real and not some fantasy.
“Yes, that secret boyfriend of mine. I will eventually bring him to the party this evening.”
“Oh, we finally going to met him? Well, that means I won my bet.”
“You did have bets about my significant other?”
“Yep. But mostly if that person was real or not. Only Noelle and I did bet that he was real. Yami and those who made bets were sure it was just a fantasy of yours.”
“Going to prove them wrong, then. It’s not because that I didn’t have the best experience with dating that I’m desperate to invent someone.”
“I know that. Whoever that guy is, he makes you happy and that’s the most important. I’m really curious to finally meet him.”
“You’ll meet him this evening. See you later, Fin. And greet Finesse for me.”
Vanessa waved and practically run out of the restaurant. She was impatient to see Nozel.
Raque was a vacation paradise for bathing and surfers. Even most members of the three royal families preferred to live here rather than in the capital. Well, the Kiras, Vermillions and Silvas had each their own estates in Raque, while they shared one big palace back in the capital of Clover.
Vanessa was happy to live in Raque. But even though she loved the beaches and the noise and everything that could happened on the beaches, often she preferred the hidden, secret creeks and beaches, when she wanted time for herself.
Or spend time with her boyfriend. It was on a secret beach she properly met him after all.
It was their place. Hidden between trees and some flat, round rocks was a little, beautiful white shore, with often the perfect waves for a surfer. Today, on the late afternoon, this little paradise seemed to shine in a pale golden glow. The sun was sometimes hidden by a few passing clouds, but Vanessa didn’t care. A pure blue sky could get boring over time and clouds at least were always changing their shape, telling a new story with each new form.
And there he was. Her silver surfer.
Full of glee, Vanessa dropped her beach bag on the sand just next to his, took her burgundy towel out and sat on it, admiring the talent of her boyfriend.
Nozel was an amazing surfer. It was fascinating to see how each way, each art of riding waves had no secret for him. And almost no one knew about his talent. It was one of his secrets and Vanessa only found out about it when she searched a new secret beach to have some time for herself. By coincidence – or was it Fate? – she chose exactly the hidden shore Nozel used for his surf training.
Like her, Nozel didn’t have an easy past. An absent father who were always harsh once he came home and the terrible accident of his beloved mother, who had been in comatose for years and who was today too weak to take care again, left him basically alone in charge of his three younger siblings. He had his aunt from the Vermillions to help him, of course, but the pression that was always present for royalty even today and other things had make things overly difficult for him, to a point that it gave him a cold mask despite himself. It was only recently that he began to allow to give himself more freedom.
What had been helping him all those years were his secret hobbies. Nozel called them his sanctuaries. Reading books and poetry, history and of course surfing. Vanessa had been ready to keep his secret, if she was allowed to share hislittle beach.
They bonded over time, get to know each other and opened up to their hidden wounds. From friendship something more deep grew between them. Something that over time unmasked itself as love.
It was almost a year since they were secretly dating, with only a few people being aware on this new royal relationship. Secre found out first and soon prince Lumiere too, who was gladly helping his distant cousin with his own romance. Noelle found out by accident and after some shock, she became basically their number 1 fan. Dorothy knew it too and Vanessa suspected Fuegoleon Vermillion, Nozels rival in… a lot of things, to have some suspicion.
It was nice to have a secret like that and Vanessa enjoyed the sweet calm it gave them. Because she knew that once a royal relationship was out in the open, there will be a storm coming from them. She remembered well how the whole country reacted to Lumière and Secre. Paparazzies would find their way to get the best scoop with no respect for privacy, the social media would comment and assume the craziest things and a good bunch of royalty would make faces at a match rather unfit for royalty. Which was a stupid argument, they weren’t living in medieval times.
But Vanessa was ready. She wanted to grow old with Nozel, to share his happiness and burden. They couldn’t hide forever. And most importantly, what was between them was worth those hardships. She saw how it made Lumière and Secre stronger with their bond. Vanessa was certain that it will be the same for Nozel and herself.
The coming out at the party would be the start of it. It was something Nozel and Vanessa decided a while ago.
Also, it was her birthday and unhappy thoughts were forbidden today.
She waited for Nozel to finish his rides and come out of the water. How long before he’ll realize that he wasn’t alone anymore?
Not long for once, he saw her the moment he went out of the water, his surfboard under his arm. And still Nozel took his sweet time to come at her. To prolong the joy, maybe? Or was it because he was in awe seeing her like this, in her new burgundy bikini? For some reason, he was always seemed in a loss or words when he saw her in a new outfit, even if it was just her in some unappealing comfy clothes.
When he was finally at her spot and put his board down, Vanessa couldn’t wait anymore. She jumped up and right into his arms.
“Hello there, handsome. Missed me?”
“Happy Birthday, Vanessa.”
He didn’t answer for her question, nor did he wait for her thanks. Nozel went straight to her lips, giving her a soft kiss, but still passionately.
Nozel didn’t let her go as they parted. Vanessa even had the feeling was holding her tighter. She couldn’t help but smirk a bit.
“Do not worry, stud. We still have hours before the party and after that, we have the entire night. Alone together,” she whispered in his ear and couldn’t help to feel triumphant as her boyfriend blushed slightly.
“Your place or mine?” he still asked, with a glimmer in his eyes that made her heart beating faster.
“Mine, it’s my birthday after all. Don’t worry, I tidied… a bit.”
“And you can be at ease, I haven’t touched the clothes you left in my appartement last time, you’ll be fine.”
“Speaking of, you let your pink hairbrush in my room three days ago.”
“Oh, it was there? That’s why I couldn’t find it, despite knowing my mess by heart.”
Vanessa giggled and Nozel allowed himself to smile.
As they sat down on their towels, Nozel began to search for something in his bag.
“I’ve got something for you.”
“Oh, is it you?”
Nozel stopped searching to look at her, puzzled. “Why would you think that?”
“Well, you’re my boyfriend and the greatest gift I had in years. A gift that I’m going to fully enjoy tonight.”
She winked and laughed as Nozel looked away, blushing again. “Well, thank you… but it’s… something else.”
“You could give it to me at surprise party, like everyone else.”
“I could, but… I prefer to offer you my gift now, while we’re alone. It’s… well… Let’s just say I don’t want Yami to tease me. More than he would, after we’ll announce our relationship.”
Vanessa could understand that. She was sure that Yami wouldn’t let an occasion slip to tease Nozel. He’ll already tease her boyfriend endlessly when they’ll come out of secrecy and to be honest, she didn’t want to give Yami anymore reason to tease Nozel today. Not on her birthday.
Nozel finally gave her gift. It was wrapped nicely in some silver paper, with an elegant marine ribbon. It was almost a waste to destroy it, but Vanessas curiosity won over her admiration.
Still, she carefully pull the ribbon away and gently teared the paper away, only to reveal a simple black box. She looked at her boyfriend, but he simply nodded his head, a small smile on his lips.
As Vanessa opened the box, a strange and beautiful necklace appeared. It was a round silver pendant, decorated with arabesques and holes in form of stars. It looked old and not at the same time.
Vanessa took the pendant in her hands to observe it better, only to realize that she could actually opened it, so she did.
Inside was a compass. Old-looking and elegant, like the ones maybe corsairs used centuries ago. Vanessa was actually in awe, because it was really nice handwork. She never thought much about compasses before, but this one was very much for her liking.
“Nozel… it’s beautiful. Thank you.”
She wished she could say more, but she couldn’t find any fitting words to express her gratitude. Nozel only smiled as he tugged one of her locks behind her ear.
“You’re welcome. I’m happy you love it.”
“I still do wonder… why a compass? Does it have some deeper meaning?”
“It does.”
His eyes went towards the sea, where the waves crashed beautifully on the sand. He looked like he was lost in some past memories. Vanessa wondered which ones. Recent ones, like the hours he spent here with Noelle to teach her how to surf? Or older ones, when it was his mother who helped him learning the art of riding waves.
He took his time to answer, but Vanessa didn’t pushed. The moment they shared right now seemed too precious to be distraught.
“When I was little, I had a huge fight with my father. Well, it wasn’t really a fight, but we had some heavy disagreement. I don’t remember what it was about, just that in the end, I was sad and angry. Both at my father, because he was never proud of me, and at myself, because I still longed for his attention, despite knowing better.”
Nozel sighed deeply before continuing, “My mother came to comfort me. That day, she gifted me a compass, similar to the one I gave you. She told me that it was okay to be lost from time to time. All I needed to do was to find north again. My own north, as she said. I just… well… I wanted to give you something similar.”
He looked away, clearly embarrassed. It was so adorable.
Vanessa smiled as she looked back at the compass. It was a beautiful story, like every one which include his mother. She wished that she could one day finally meet Acier Silva, once she would feel a bit better.
“Your mother was right, it’s okay to feel lost, you can always find north again,” Vanessa whispered, putting the necklace around her neck. “Although, I don’t think that I risk to feel lost anymore. You’re my north, after all.”
Nozel looked at her, puzzled but smiling. Vanessa didn’t let him say something though, as she went straight to his lips to pull him into a soft, passionate kiss. Which he returned immediately.
As she lied in his arms, enjoying his company, Vanessa felt that it was a perfect birthday indeed. She would spent the rest of the afternoon with Nozel, cuddling, kissing, maybe they might even go to swim or he would surf with her. Once they got a call from Noelle, they would leave their beach and quickly make a stop at her appartement to make themselves fresh, before finally going to her surprise (not so anymore) surprise party at the Purple Orca. And after that, they would have the entire night for them.
Vanessa smiled happily. This plan sounded perfect, just as it should be for her birthday. Looking at Nozel, she couldn’t help but think that her own north was not only good-looking, but also the sweetest boyfriend someone could ask for.
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the-black-bulls · 6 months
HI CY, how’s it going? :3
1, 2, 4 and 27 for the salty ask :3
Salty Ask List
HI LUCA! it's a lovely day :D
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
To add on my other answer, Yami/Finral is fan favorite amongst the writers on ao3 which just goes against my personal vision of yami's dynamic with the black bulls. I also dislike how finral's often put on some higher pedestel above the rest of the squad a trend with his character that always rubs me the wrong way. I like the bulls when they're all equal with yami as their leader/parental figure.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
there's Asta/Yuno which is self-explinary, but can I say Asta/Noelle without getting people sending me hate asks? 'kidding. I'm actually neutral with everybody's favorite canon ship, but it hurts me to see noelle pull a page from charlotte's book and avoid asta for a year or more. I dislike this kind of tropes, and I miss astelle when they were more friends than lovers and still show some of the most precious, mature and best shippy moments ever.
likewise but a bit different, Mimosa/Yuno, see I don't ship mimosa with asta nor do I care about her friendship with him, but it doesn't mean I ship her with yuno - nah, I think they're better off as friends rather than paired as astelle's leftover.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
back to Yami/Finral which is at least popular in ao3, I call it a NOTP because it ruined the platonic/familial dynamic between yami and finral for me, another ao3 popular NOTP is Zora/Kirsch cause I'm a zora/royalty hater and a black bulls gatekeeper lol.
27. Least shippable character?
to add on this answer, Nero... unless it's luminero I have a hard time shipping her and I just know in my heart that the only people worth loving for are the bulls platonically as well as the coffee that will help her power through the rest of her long-as-heck life.
Nacht too outside of yaminacht because yaminacht hit the exes to married trope right, otherwise I fear nacht is too suicidal for anybody to realistically handle him.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Can I request for Finral and Langris for your new ask game?
Absolutely, Anon-friend! I have so many songs for them, you have no idea lol. 😅
Your song and headcanon are below the cut. Thank you so much for asking about my boys 💚💙 and for playing my song + headcanon game!
I have posted about several of my favorite Spatial Mage Brothers songs here already, but for your ask, I've chosen a newer one (at least for me) and gone with "Never Love An Anchor" by The Crane Wives even though it is somewhat of an angsty song.
In a lot of ways this is probably a Langris song just in general since there is something about lines like "There is love that doesn't have a place to rest, but it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders" that just scream Langris Vaude to me. He has such a deep and intense capacity for real, selfless love and devotion for the select few he chooses to care about (his brother, Finesse, William, Yuno ect.), but it's very difficult for him to express that, especially to Finral (i.e. "These hands of mine were clumsy, not clever. And I tried to do the best that I could, but try as I might, I couldn't bring myself to hold you"). There's this element of wanting to protect himself from getting hurt (i.e "Do you ever think of me and my two hands? ...And wonder why they never had the chance to lose you?"), but at the same time there is also this element of wanting to protect his loved ones, in this case Finral, from getting hurt by him because he sees himself as "selfish," "broken" and "cruel." There is something about that line "you'll never see the reasons I had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you" just gives me chills when I think about it in the context of Langris and Finral's strained sibling bonds.
Also, I think there is something so fitting in this anchor and ship analogy for Langris and Finral given their personalities and the paths they have chosen in their lives. Finral really is like a boat leaving the "harbor" of House Vaude and all the duties and responsibilities that being part of a noble house entailed, joining up with the Black Bulls, and finding a new life for himself, whereas Langris is absolutely the anchor--steady and tethered unquestioningly to the life that is expected of him: bound by his duties and responsibilities. I think in a lot of ways, Langris does worry that "a ship could never really love an anchor" and so I think he really did "sever the rope to set [Finral] sailing from [his] harbor" and tried to close of his heart to his brother--afraid that he would one day just leave him (again). The poor boys...if only they would talk about this, but alas... (I still have hope for them yet though💙💚).
Never Love an Anchor (Lyric Video) - The Crane Wives - YouTube
Related (somewhat angsty) Spatial Mage Brothers' headcanon:
Though Langris would never admit to it, he did think of Finral after his brother left House Vaude, if only on holidays or Finral's birthday (but more often than not, other times too just painfully reminded of him and missing him more than he cared to admit). There were many times he wrestled with the idea reaching out to him for his birthday or a holiday, but he always stopped himself--could never bring himself to do it since he was too scared of being abandoned and rejected again.
Meanwhile, he received a card from Finral on each and every birthday, major holiday, or other big occasions. He never opened them, but he couldn't bring himself to throw them away either, so he kept them in a box and someday (in the future) when he is strongly considering permanently reconciling with his brother, he pulls them out and reads them until his eyes start to grow misty with the realization that he brother really had loved him all along even when he was away.
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lyranova · 1 year
Hiya Lyra! Hope you're doing well. 💖 For you BC opinions game (I hope this one hasn't been asked yet), but what do you think about Henry? I feel like he is one the Black Bulls who is talked about the least (even by myself) so I am curious.
Also, (if this counts?) which canon character in the Golden Dawn squad do you think Zera would get along with the best (besides William of course)?
Thanks, dear! Congratulations, and best of luck with your events! Cheers!! 💕
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Hiya Acacia 🥰!
This hasn't been asked yet no worries, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer this, I've been wrapped up writing and trying to catch up on my other series and the event 😭!
Now to answer your question~!
I really like Henry even though I don't think about him very often, he's a very sweet character who we don't get to see very much! Sometimes I do wish he spoke a little...faster? But at the same time him talking very slow doesn't bother me either (my mom jokingly calls him a, er, "stoner" because he talks and reminds her of one of her old school friends who really liked the "lord's lettuce" but she also likes Henry 👀😆).
I wish we got to see him more in the manga and anime, because while he's very sweet he's also very cool and has interesting magic and is very protective of the other Bulls!
Now onto the Zera question 🥰!
Out of the Golden Dawn I think she would get along with Mimosa, Klaus, and Yuno the best.
Mimosa because they have the same magic and are somewhat similar in personality, except I could see Zera trying to encourage her to not be so "sweet" all the time, and that she can get annoyed at others besides Kirsch 😆!
Klaus because he's always so serious that he reminds her of one of her brothers, he loves and cares for his squad even if he sometimes has difficulty expressing it, and she would probably encourage him to relax and not be such a "mother hen" 😆!
Yuno because he's so...hm, "emotionally closed off" and kind of just brushes people off, again similar to one of her brothers. But she knows that under that cold and aloof exterior that he actually cares deeply and is very kind, and she would probably encourage him to show that side of himself more often 😁!
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seeyounexttime · 1 year
There is something off about Dante and Lucius having wildly different goals and world views.
I can imagine that Lucius kept his cards close/kept his true plans secret from his siblings. Because Dante and Vanica were so enthusiastic about a world filled with hate and chaos so they might whine or straight up fight against Lucius.
But his plan isn’t a secret to them
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(chapter 310)
Also as I pointed out in my post, Dante includes (what seems to be) the coup and killing the king in his flashback of being bored and tired of everything. He already had devil power at that time as noted in the flashback Ralph shows Yuno
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and in the Zenon’s flashback during Lucius’s talk.
Was the coup Lucius’s idea?
Considering how much more content Dante is when he pulls up on the Black Bulls, and his apparent dissatisfaction with the coup -- something happened in between. At some point Lucius must have left Spade to go to Clover right? (if you do the math, Julius met Yami and William about 3 years after the coup)
idk seems like Dante went “fuck it” at some point and...like had an epiphany or something clicked in his head...and finally started to get some enjoyment out of his life?  
Maybe the Qlipoth thing is actually Dante’s idea because he wanted to fuck shit up?
Because opening the gates is so messy and convoluted (and kinda bullshit) if it was to further Lucius’s goals. Naamath and Lilith are *this close* to ruining everything (which I actually made fun of years ago here). Lucius already has Astaroth and soul magic, and apparently has the means to go down into the underworld and come back out. Couldn’t he like...go down there, fight Naamath and Lilith, eat their hearts, gain power, go to level 2 (well I guess he’d leave Adrammelech alone), go to level 3, fight that devil, eat their heart and so on and eventually he’d be ready to fight Lucifero? Shit, Dante and Vanica would probably be down af to fight Naamath and Lilith for the thrill
“Vanica, sweetie, do you want to go on a fieldtrip to the underworld and fight some supreme devils to the death?”
“Fuck yeah I do!”
(with all the bullshit that curse-warding can do, maybe it’d help fight off demon ice and fire? idk)
But if the Qlipoth thing is Dante’s batshit idea because he wants to fuck everything up and he stopped giving a shit about Lucius’s plans... and Lucius just had to roll with it the best he could?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idk I mean the idea that he couldn’t make plans about Asta is inexcusably stupid considering there are actual reports from the Black Bulls concerning how their missions went and Julius LITERALLY HELD ASTA’S GRIMOIRE AND DEMON-DWELLER WITH HIS OWN TWO HANDS
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you don’t need future sight to put together that Asta could become a problem
or was Lucius asleep when Julius was running around as wizard king? then how could Lucius make plans (on events that sometimes only went well in the literal last-second) if he was asleep?
well whatever, Dante hating Lucius’s ideas and finding them lame and cringe is now my new muse and I will be making more memes/comics about that :)
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I have been wondering what kind of relationship doe she coral peacocks have. Idk why but I think the squad is rather chill and have a warm atmosphere -not to mention their captain- kinda similar to the black bulls but less chaotic.
I honestly wish tabata gave more info on the squads cause ain't no way the BB and GD are the only squads that r family.
I'm kinda saying nonsense at this point.
I also was wondering if there was a friend group outside of the squads? (Similar to Asta, Noelle, Yuno and Mimosa)
Or maybe the black clover world is depressing.
What do u think
-sincerely anon
Hiya! ^^
No I get you, it'd be nice to have a bit of insight to the other squads as well, when we now pretty much only have a good picture of the two extremes when it comes to the knight squads. The Golden Dawn (The "overachievers" or the "golden kids") and the Black Bulls (The "failures" or the "chaotic rascals").
But I do think that it's reasonable to think that all the squads have at least a kind of unity, or "family feel" to them. While the Bulls probably have the strongest squad spirit, because that's what's special about them. They work together because of the amazing, deep bond that they have. And the further up you go in the "traditional ranking", the more the knights grow to be individuals rather than working together as a squad. Of course they probably have protocols and scenarios where they are instructed to work together, because sometimes it's necessary, and any squad does need to have a cohesive plan of action that utilizes the chain of command. Though... the Bulls would probably not listen to the plan, and end up winging it in any case when they're in such a situation, which is why Yami doesn't bother (imo).
Anyhow, I do agree that the Coral Peacocks probably have a pretty leisurely atmosphere. Kirsch is the VC, and is quite likely to be the one to make a lot of the verbal commands due to Dorothy being asleep. However, he probably has a group of Senior Magic Knights with whom he discusses things if he can't understand Dorothy's "zzzz" and she won't wake up for a decision. They've learned to manage through, and Dorothy doesn't seem like the type to nit-pick on things when she is awake. So, the Peacocks try their best, and if there's a need, then make corrective manoeuvres when Dorothy is awake.
I also do think that people have friend groups in the BC universe. Though people might spend most time with those in the same squad as themselves, I don't think it's unreasonable at all to think that they would have inter-squad friend groups. Think of it like having friends in a different school/uni than from the one that you go to. I have friends who are studying different fields, or are in different schools, but study the same field.
There certainly is a lot of depressing themes in BC (I mean, the world is ending, the family situations are... in a lot of the cases not the best (the BC parents seeming to have found the bar set for parenting and thought it to be a limbo contest) and so on), but... the thing about humans is that they try to find good things, enjoyable things, reasons to smile no matter the setting in my opinion. I can speak from experience when I say that even if the world looks bleak and dark and dreary, there were still little, nice things that I wished for or wanted to get. Whether it's a bag of sweets or sleep in, or anything. People try to find reasons to smile. Sometimes they can't find such reasons, but I think that people do try, a lot more than one might think. And I think that, especially considering the major themes of BC, the characters would try to make friends and keep in touch with people they like, even if they'd be in different squads.
Thanks for dropping by! ^^
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enolacola · 9 months
How To Write A Black Clover Reader/OC
Written by someone who thinks she’s an expert at writing.
I don’t know why but I feel like writing this. Might make this into a series.
Here’s a list of things I’ll be going over:
Character Design
And now, we start.
Character Design
I’m just going to say it write away, do not make your character super op straight away (I already did that and I kinda regret it). Instead, in the beginning, try to give your character spells that are simple and then later on, give them more complex ones. That way, it looks like their character is building up. From reading and writing, I notice that characters who start weak but end up strong are pretty cool.
Also, your character doesn’t have to super strong or anything. It’ll be fun to have them team up with another character from the anime or even a character of your own. Think of the Black Bulls for example. Most aren’t strong alone but when they work together, they’re badass. Try to have a character team up with another character to fight a boss.
I also insist choosing a squad based on your character’s personality. Are they brave and courageous? Crimson Lions. From a noble family with a good heart? Golden Dawn. A strange person? Black Bulls.
Make sure your character has flaws. No one likes a perfect character and readers like a book where you can relate to the main character. Think of Percy Jackson, for example, he’s a character that everyone can relate to some way or another. Flaws can be basic like clumsiness, anger issues, etc.
Whatever you do, peeps, please don’t make the backstory tragic. Instead, make it a simple backstory that makes sense to the story. Like, you don’t want the character’s family to be killed by Magic Knights then have them to go join them, that’s just doesn’t make sense. And you don’t want anything too complicated because making lore is difficult (I literally have a whole new race in my story and oh my god is it difficult). A simple idea is having a noble family who lives in the Commoner Realm or having them move to the Forsaken Realm to live a more simpler life.
If you want your characters to have a similar background to someone like Yuno, then have them be a survivor of an almost extinct clan or even make them a descendant of Licht and Tetia.
If you’re a beginner writer, you should go for a more simpler past with not a lot of lore to it so you aren’t stressed that you haven’t caught up with your lore. But if you’re creative, you could write more to it.
I think this is the most difficult thing people deal with when making a Black Clover reader/oc. So when planning, don’t start with the attribute, instead, start with what kind of magic they have (healing, attack, defence).
A fiery/hot-blooded character? Have large attacks
Kind and generous? How about healing based?
A character who doesn’t like attention? Support spells are perfect
Once you know what kind of magic you want, consider their interests and hobbies as an attribute. I’ve seen a lot of things on Pinterest where they’re like, which element are you? So you can pretty much just go on it and see what sort of element best fits your character.
Honestly, I’m not expert. But if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. Can’t guarantee that I’ll reply since I’ve got school, but I’ll do my best.
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cosmicaura7 · 3 years
Black Clover Reaction : Genshin Impact Reader (Asta)
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Pairings : Asta x Eula Lawrence!female reader
Genre : f/m, fluff, frenemies to lovers au
Synopsis : The youngest member of the L/N clan was definitely not one to be messed with.
"I can't believe that Yuno's stealing my thunder again!" Asta cries out in agony, falling to his knees onto the ground while pointing a menacing finger at his childhood friend and rival's direction. Both Secre and Noelle only shake their heads in embarrassment at their friend's childish antics while the members of the Golden Dawn only watch him on the side with deadpanned looks on their faces. 
"Of course, Yuno is obviously more powerful and shines brighter than you." The wind fairy, Bell, chimes with a snarky tone with her hands placed on her waist. She then proceeds to nuzzle close to the said teenager's face and place small chaste kisses on his cheeks. 
It seems like today's collab mission between the Black Bulls and the Golden Dawn was a huge success. They just managed to defeat and capture some of the Diamond Kingdom's soldiers, who were trying to kidnap some children in the villages located in the outskirts of the kingdom for their sick experiments of magic. Both captains of the squads were trying to communicate with the capital to let them know that the mission was a success and they needed help bringing the detained soldiers to prison. Meanwhile, the magic knights who have partaken in the mission today were trying to catch a quick break before backup arrives. The Golden Dawn members were all huddled together underneath the shade of a large old oak tree, resting to energize their mana and magic while the Black Bulls kept a close eye on the captured soldiers. 
As usual Charmy was keeping herself busy with her chef sheeps in cooking some lunch for the rest of the magic knights with the help of the villagers as a token of their appreciation for their help. Zora is taking a nap on the branch of the oak tree, basking in the afternoon sunshine while he dozes off into a deep slumber after hours of working. Lying face first on the ground was Finral, who was still desperately trying to catch his breath after draining his magic during the mission. On the other hand, Asta was still whining and cursing his childhood best friend for showing off his majestic wind magic again and stole his target right under his nose. Both Noelle and Secre were watching him with deadpanned looks on their faces at how childish he was acting. 
“I’ll work out and train even harder than you, Yuno! I’ll become the wizard king and surpass you!” Asta proudly promises, tightly clenching his fists to prove his point before scurrying on his merry way to immediately do his routine workout while screaming his lungs off. What a workout indeed and the sheer determination that he has is incredibly amusing. 
Due to how busy everyone was at the moment, either trying to take a rest and helping out the citizens of the village, no one noticed one of the soldiers of the Diamond Kingdom had successfully freed themselves from their bounds. They just have managed to summon out their grimoire and cast an attack onto the magic knights that have defeated them. Pure rage and vengeance evident in their tone as they chant their magic spell towards the unsuspecting Asta, who was still caught up in his work out routine. 
With their sharp senses and instincts, Yami and Nozel instantly took notice of the attacker and warned their fellow magic knights to stay on their guard. Though before they can even react to what’s happening around them, the soldier has already released the spell and aimed it towards Asta who just happened to recover from his intense exercise and leaping up to his feet. He didn’t have the chance to summon his grimoire to defend himself from the attack nor did his friends have the moment to do the same and save his ass from the oncoming onslaught. 
Until suddenly...
“I condemn you!” An unfamiliar female voice sternly announces, which caught the attention of the attacker and whips his head behind him only to see a female wearing black leotard which has a silver symbol of her clan at the sides of the bottom, and the back cut out, with the center translucent and the upper body and sleeves, which ruffles out into blue, colored white, which have the sides of the shoulders cut out, held by a belt strapped below her breasts. Additionally she also wears a blue tie, a pair of black gloves with blue palms, and blue stockings with thigh-high boots accented with silver with an additional strap, silver heels with spurs and blue soles. In her grasp is a royal blue and silver claymore with hints of snowflakes design painted on it as trails of what seems to be snow exudes from it whenever she wields her choice of weapon. She harshly pushes the silver haired brat behind her and deflects the magic attack with her claymore.
“Freeze to the core, you imbecile.” Y/N L/N, the leader of the reconnaissance group of the Golden Dawn, hisses at the soldier before tightening her grip on the handle of her claymore and using it to knock them unconscious as her boot-cladded feet kicks away the grimoire in their hands to avoid any more sudden attacks from them. Meanwhile, the rest of her group have come to the rescue alongside her before confiscating the grimoires of the captured soldiers and making sure the magic knights are safe and alright. 
Shaking her head in disappointment, Y/N only sheathes her claymore back to the leather holster strapped around her shoulders and resting it on her back while she goes to chat with her captain about what recently went down on the site. Though before she could move from her spot, she felt something wrap around her legs and pulled it into a tight hug. With confusion and strings of curiosity plaguing her mind, she peers down only to see the silver haired boy that she pushed away earlier and protected from the attack. Before she could even ask him what the fuck his problem is, she was cut off by his childish screams. 
"PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO WIELD A SWORD!!" He blubbers out in admiration as he stares up at the lady whose legs he’s currently trapping in a hug. He didn’t mind the fact that he looks incredibly pathetic at the moment with snot and dirt decorating his face and hugging a lady's legs, because he just wanted to learn from a professional that wields the same weapon as him.
Asta's teammates and friends were clearly baffled by his embarrassing actions as they try to pull him away the young senior magic knight of the Golden Dawn, before she could even try to murder him for carelessly touching her without permission. Upon seeing their interaction, Captain William only shakes his head in amusement as he silently prays to the Gods above on what punishment and revenge his fellow magic knight might bestow on the Black Bulls member. Yami, on the other hand, was clearly amused at how this scene would turn out and possibly keep him entertained while they clean out the scene and accompany the soldiers back to the capital. 
"You dare lay your hands on me without my consent and force me to train you even though I don’t have a single clue on who you are? I think this just calls for vengeance.” Y/N narrows her eyes at the Black Bulls member before shaking him off her, making him stumble and fall on his back. She sees some of his friends in the squad come to the rescue and check up on the silver haired teenager, along with scowling and glaring at her for her rude actions. Though she wasn’t phased by it all as she was clearly used to the usual scowls and glares being thrown her way everyday she walks along the streets of the capital, instead she only proudly rolls her eyes and slightly raises her chin before turning away from their cold hard gazes.
“Ahh, senpai. You’re finally here.” Yuno nonchalantly greets her, still wearing the usual stoic expression on his face. Meanwhile, both Klaus and Mimosa politely bowed their heads in greetings before straightening their posture, which made the Black Bulls members who came to Asta’s aide confused at their sudden professional facade. On the other hand, Noelle instantly recognizes that this young lady was indeed from a noble family whose name has been long tarnished and cursed upon.
“Lady Y/N. I’m surprised to see you in the magic knights. Nonetheless, in the Golden Dawn.” Noelle practically snarled at the h/c teenager, folding her arms across her chest before tilting her head in question towards her. Her tone was clearly filled with anger and disgust, almost as if she’s trying to insinuate that the teenager before her did something bad. But Y/N wasn’t at all phased at her terror glare and only returned it back to her, only it was ten times harsher.
L/N Y/N already has an idea on why the youngest daughter of the Silva family is acting this way. Considering how the misdeeds and nasty attitudes of the members of the L/N clan have spread through the entire Clover Kingdom like wildfire, along with hurting many people and betraying other royal and noble families for selfish reasons, there was no denying that they have made the entire kingdom practically their enemy because of it. Only Y/N and her late grandfather were the only members of the clan who were left in the light and stayed in the Clover Kingdom, despite experiencing long years of discrimination against their family name. She even managed to become a magic knight and climbed up the ranks, becoming the leader of the reconnaissance group of the Golden Dawn.
“Lady Noelle. I’m quite surprised to see you in the magic knights as well, especially in the Black Bulls.” Y/N didn’t hesitate to retort back, placing her hands on her hips as she stared down at the royal magic knight. Considering she was much taller than Noelle and appears to be more mature and daunting, the young Silva couldn’t help but feel somewhat intimidated in front of her presence. Though before the situation could get any worse with them throwing insults at each other, both Asta and Yuno decided to step in between them and hold them back against each other.
“Noelle-san, please calm down.” Asta gingerly tries to calm down his teammate by massaging her shoulders and attempting to steer her away from the Golden Dawn senpai. As much as the water magic user was quietly enjoying the attention that her friend was giving her, she was still feeling quite annoyed at the lavish life that this lady in front of her was having. The lady from the same bloodline who betrayed the royal and noble families of the Clover Kingdom just for rare treasure and to raise their reputation above everyone else. 
On the other hand, Y/N only held up her hand to stop her kouhais from nagging and preventing her from arguing even further. Her dark cold e/c eyes burning a gaze through the souls of the magic knights of the Black Bulls before summoning a strong gust of chilling breeze to further intimidate them, and preventing them from interacting with her furthermore. Visible snowflakes can be seen fluttering down with her every step and move. Not having the energy nor the care to actually waste time yet again trying to prove herself to be on the good side of the kingdom, Y/N merely rolls her eyes and turns on her heels to approach the two captains and make a report on what happened during their mission. 
“Be sure to improve your attitude, Lady Noelle. Just like how you’re trying to improve your magic. I wish you good luck with your journey.” Y/N politely remarks towards the young Silva before continuing on her merry way to do her job, ignoring the nosey stares and glances of the magic knights around her. Her dark cold e/c eyes burning a gaze through the souls of the people around her before summoning a strong gust of chilling breeze to further intimidate them, and preventing them from interacting with her furthermore. Visible snowflakes can be seen fluttering down with her every step and move.
The awkward tension was clearly evident in the air after the interaction of the two young ladies from each squad. Though some of the Golden Dawn members were already used to her stone cold attitude and weren’t even surprised at how she interacted with anyone outside of their squad. Even the captains of each squad only shake their heads in amusement at the turn of events before letting Y/N approach them for her report. 
Finral, being a senior magic knight in the squad, was already acquainted with the captain of the reconnaissance team for some time now. He truly admires her beauty as much as he is also madly afraid of what her magic can do, though that doesn’t seem to stop him from trying to simp for her. Though as far as he knows, Captain Yami trusts her and respects the work that she does despite constantly getting shit on by other people. 
Zora was already acquainted with Y/N as she had once mistaken him for a villain and tried to arrest him. But after she had learned the reasons for his doings and has come to realize his morals about the magic knights, she expressed her respect towards him and promised to help him out if he ever needs help in the future. In return, he learned about her history and soon came to respect her which soon led to a close friendship between them.
And of course, Noelle was already familiar with her and her family’s history as it practically became a bedtime story amongst nobles and royal families around the kingdom. She doesn’t personally know Y/N outside of being part of the L/N family and doesn’t have any intention to befriend her either. It may be because of how blinded she is towards the nasty L/N family history that had affected her family.
On the other hand, both Secre and Asta were not at all acquainted with her at all. But Secre had met Y/N’s ancestors before with the first Wizard King and has always had a bad feeling upon meeting them. Though she was not that surprised upon hearing the downfall of the noble family hundreds of years later due to their selfish and arrogant attitudes. Meanwhile, Asta has no absolute clue on who she might be but he can tell that she’s noble due to how she behaves and speaks. And after witnessing a small performance of her magic and her expertise in wielding a claymore, he immediately became a huge fan.
“Yuno! Please introduce me to her! I wanna learn how to be a badass like her and kick ass with our swords!” Asta dramatically cries out towards his childhood friend and rival, stars shining brightly in his eyes as he continues to plead at the Golden Dawn member for a favor. Yuno only nonchalantly takes a few steps back, not wanting to deal with his childish antics today. 
“Lady Y/N!” Asta then shouts as he calls out to Y/N, pointing a finger in her direction where she’s currently talking to both captains of the magic knight squads. He was just about to demand her to train him or maybe even challenge her to a fight just so that he can gather some tips on what he can do to improve his sword wielding skills. Though the words soon crumbled down his mouth into utter babbles upon seeing her deadly glare and an even more intense blizzard surrounding her. 
“You dare to raise your voice at me? This also counts for vengeance. Mark my words chibi-san, I will make you pay.” 
“Ehh?! What do you mean revenge?!”
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
Happy birthday Kcuf, I hope your day is full of all the things that make you happy. I like to read your story and headcannon for yuno and charmy relationship. I would like to ask for your headcannon regarding the gifts that Yuno will receive from his friends. Thanks!
Eyy, thanks man, happy to hear that.
Yuno has Like...4 friends in Canon if you don't include Asta, so I will have Black Bulls and the Golden Dawn give him a present each.
William would give him a bonsai tree.
Yami and Vanessa give him Sake and Wine
Langris and Alecdora give him a Do Better card.
David would gift him a Wind Style Dice with Letoile shaking her head.
Siren would probably make him a statue of Hage Village.
Hamon would give him a cookbook of all of his favourite food.
Klaus and Mimosa would go out of their way to make the best possible gift, something for him to enjoy and they gift him a locket od the Golden Dawn and one more for someone else.
Gauche will let him look at a picture of Marie for 10 minutes.
Gordon would make a puppet of Yuno For himself, and give him a copy and the rest of the Black Bulls.
Zora would prank him by throwing a stinkbug at him.
Magna gives him brass knuckles
Luck just wants to Throw hands with him and so they do with Yuno being the one that won.
Secre gives him a picture of Tetia and Licht.
Grey would just freak out and transform into Father.
Henry would just be chillin
Finral would gift him a handwritten letter that he made everyone sign.
Nacht would give pictures of Loyce and Ciel
Asta would give a friendship locket for his rival
Charmy? Charmy would make the biggest cake known to mankind, the size of the Raging Black Bull with every flavour he likes as its own layer and on top would be the most beautiful sculpture of Yuno on it
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