#bkdk gift exchange
How the Event Works
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We will supply a google form for participants to fill out, which will ask you for 3-4 ideas to give your gifter, a section to tell us what you will not create content wise, and the best way to get in contact with you.
Make sure that your ideas are as detailed as possible, and if you prefer a specific medium (art/writing) to mention what medium to prefer, and to keep that in mind when writing your idea.
There will be an opt-in NSFW section, but you must be over 18 to take part.
You will be contacted about your giftee and receive their list of prompts.
There will be two check-ins in the course of the event, one in November and one in December.
If/when participants drop out, pinch hitters will be contacted.
There will be an optional discord server for you to join! (More details to follow)
Posting will begin in late December. You will have a window of several days to post your gift. We will have a tag to use on tumblr so that we can find and reblog all gifts, as well as a collection to post to on ao3. You will need to either @ or contact your giftee to make sure they receive it.
Do not reveal your giftee until it's time to post.
Do not post your gift early.
If you participate in NSFW and the mods have found you lied about your age, you will be blacklisted for any future events held by any of us, separate or together. If we find out prior to the end of the event, you will be kicked out and replaced by a pinch hitter or a mod.
If you need an extension or to drop out of the event, you must contact the mods as soon as possible so we can make accommodations.
Please respond to any mod messages within two days of receiving them. If we do not hear from you within the week, we will have to assume you no longer wish to participate.
We will have gift requirements that will be shared by the time sign-ups open (ie. fic length, and level of art completion)
Interest Check form is still up!
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a-sentimental-man · 1 year
man I'd love to participate in bnha fandom events but they're all kinda exclusionary ngl. all of the popular ones i've seen are zines and don't get me wrong!! i love zines and all the people who organise them!! but i really wish there were more fandom events where people get to just. participate without everything being for-profit, especially for people who are new to the fandom who haven't gotten a hang of the characters yet, or people who just want the sense of community without participating in things for the money
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dielitschi · 1 year
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This was my gift to @hallowinspirit for the bkdk white day exchange (bkdkwhiteday on twitter)!
(contains a tiny bit of kaminari/jirou and kirishima/ashido)
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lavenderauthor · 3 months
Masterlist of My MHA Fanfics Minus One (Always Read The Tags)
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia
Tale of a Vigilante and a Hero, T, 7.9k: (BKDK) Katsuki has been keeping an eye on his childhood friend, usually delivering food and other supplies at varied intervals. It helps that Inko and Mitsuki have been helping given Izuku was sort of wanted for vigilante activities.
Currently, he has a deal with Izuku: If he gives Katsuki information on the villains they need and not go out hunting them himself, he gets a visit with supply deliveries and sometimes a kiss, if Katsuki wasn't busy. He added a bite mark to the list but anything to keep him safe.
Katsuki's Beast, T, 5.9k: (BKDK) Honestly, you couldn't fault Katsuki for what happened. Kids were known for making promises and telling their name for anything to anyone and he was not told about these things.
When Katsuki was two, he accidentally made a deal with a demon his age.
Neither really understood their situation, happily playing until their mothers arrived and had to explain that they were now bound to their promise and bound together by their souls. The latter had them excitedly talking about now being "soulmates" and Katsuki proudly exclaimed he will keep "his new friend Deku" safe.
I'm Not Afraid of Bakugou, I'm Afraid of Izuku, M, 3.8k: (BKDK) Denki and Mina had begun light-heartedly teasing him about being scared of their hot-headed classmate, but usually dropped it after Kirishima agreed that Katsuki was terrifying.
Today was one of those days where they were left back at UA while Katsuki and Izuku were on a date. Of course, they were teasing the unnatural red head when he told them the truth. It made the gossip group pause and look over at him.
"What? Kiri. Come on." Mina laid a pink hand on his knee. "You know we don't actually care if you're scared of him, right?"
Sero threw an arm over his shoulder and bonked their heads together. "Yeah, man. Bakugou can be a bit terrifying at times, especially if we mess with his night-time routine."
"Or enter the kitchen while he's cooking!", Denki added from the floor with a charger in his mouth.
"Sorry if it seemed like we were bull-"
Kirishima cut Jirou off with a long sigh as he ran a hand over his face. "I'm not scared of Bakugou!…anymore. I stopped being scared of him sometime in first year, but I'm…I'm petrified of…I am terrified of Midoriya."
Overgrown Puppy, T, 6.3k: Wolfman was an unoriginal and annoying villain, according to Katsuki, who had a bad history of successfully evading capture. She was fast, vicious in her attacks, known for avoiding conflict/interaction wherever possible, and currently one of Izuku's favorite villains to analyze whenever she cropped up.
Izuku happened to also have a stupidly large heart with no common sense and practically adopted the young villain upon first fight given she was only eleven, dragging his classmates and pro-heroes he's partnered with into countless attempts to capture her like she was a stray cat he wishes to earn the affections of. This was, unfortunately, something Aizawa taught his class.
This meant, despite now being third years, they were willing to follow Izuku into his latest attempt to capture her with their own pro-heroes in toe. The classmates who decided to join him, if not to help with his self-imposed mission but to keep him out of the hospital, were Dynamight(Bakugou Katsuki) with Best Jeanist, Uravity(Uraraka Ochako) with Snipe…and Hawks, who had been nearby. He didn't have a classmate with him today as Tokoyami was sick.
Technically Not a Sugar Daddy, T, 13.3k: (BKDK) Neither knew how it happened. Katsuki had been giving Izuku money and gifts since part way through Middle School in exchange for the green-haired boy to stay away from Katsuki, but eventually, it slowly changed to be deals that if Katsuki gives Izuku money, he had to do XYZ.
Essentially, Izuku walks up to Katsuki and asks him about some merch he wanted and Katsuki gave him the money for it in exchange for him to do various things like triple check his homework, go to bed at a reasonable hour, stop eating unhealthy food for X amount of days, etc. This didn't change when they entered UA, the two used to being subtle about this unique aspect of their relationship.
Little did they know that their classmates were more aware of their surroundings than their Middle School classmates and had begun to notice the odd interactions between the two followed by Izuku being ordered around by Katsuki.
Accidentally Smitten: A Childhood Engagement Story, T, 9.5k: (Sequal to Technically Not a Sugar Daddy) It was embarrassing, really embarrassing. Hell, it was a miracle neither of the three parents brought up their childhood engagement since they entered middle school.
It all happened one day after kindergarten when Mitsuki came to pick the two boys up. Katsuki, holding Izuku's hand with a wide smile, loudly told her he was going to marry Izuku who, with red cheeks, just nodded. He wore a blinding smile when she asked him if he really did want to marry her son.
The two just looked so happy about marrying each other that she couldn't help but play along, telling Inko and Masaru all about it so they, too, could play along. The kids even asked all three parents about their weddings and happily chatted about the photos they were shown.
Mitsuki, Masaru, and Inko believed it was a fading interest that they had stumbled upon because their teacher had recently gotten married. Unfortunately, the three forgot how obsessed their sons get about topics that catch their attention and how they never give up on those topics.
Hawks Like it Hot, E, 6.3k: (DabiHAwks, EnHawks) Hawks gets hit by a quirk while on patrol with Endeavor that forces a very suppressed desire (especially when he learned the truth) of his to come back with a vengeance and sends him into a near delirious state until it's fulfilled. Thankfully, his ex was forced to stay with daddy-dearest(court ordered) and allowed this quirk to be dealt with. Now if only they'd stop arguing while in his ass and just get to it!
Danger Sense Doesn't Activate Over Boobs, T, 2.9k: What if Katsuki was the, accidental, reason behind Izuku's fear of boobs? (Lots of Angst, Boys are traumatized and Aizawa is exasperated)
Submissive Stress Relief, M, 8.3k: (Sort of BKDK) 5 Times Class 3A Theorized About Izuku's and Katsuki's Relationship + 1 Time They Were Told
Given the state of Katsuki's and Izuku's friendship, when they first arrived to UA, it wasn't a shock that it took months for them to make up and patch up their rocky relationship.
They needed to take things slow and work through their personal issues, whether that's in- or outside of mandatory daily counseling sessions– something that only happened after Katsuki exploded and accidentally revealed his true feelings during a lecture from Aizawa –with Hound Dog and an outside relationship counselor.
However, it was around the end of the second term of their second year that their relationship truly started to more obviously change in day-to-day life. Training stayed the same, of course, albeit going a bit smoother not that they seem to be communicating better, but it was in their everyday lives that were visibly different. To the point that even those not in class 2A noticed.
Felon BF Discovered? Oops!...C'est La Vie, T, 2.4k: (BKDK) Out of curiosity and worry, Rumi decided to "break"(She has a key) into Keigo's apartment to see what he's been cagey about. She enlists the help of two other blonds who seemed to be only others who Keigo deemed friends though neither were expecting to find a heavily tattooed and pierced man walking out of the hallway in nothing but a shirt and boxers, fresh from a shower. They also were not expecting to see an ankle monitor.
Kacchan's Special Lunches, T, 4.2k: (BKDK) During a villain attack, a civilian doctor accidentally activates their quirk and uses it on Katsuki, much to his annoyance. Said quirk causes the one who is hit to lactate upwards up a few months but as it was an accident, he was stuck lactating for only 24 hours.
Puberty for an Incubus Hurts in More Ways Than One, G, 2.9k: Though succubi were well-known and feared due to rumors of them only feeding off of sexual energy and feeding off people's life-forces, even if that was technically true in the very distant past, they lived rather normal lives and often only created other succubi or human boys. Very rarely did one ever create an incubus, happening once every three hundred years. Izuku was that incubus though wasn't born the healthiest.
Unfortunately, his puberty hit him earlier than expected. He went to bed early, pain hitting him as he got under the covers. When he wasn't ready for school the next day, his friend tried to see what was going on only to hear his muffled screaming as pain wracked through his hot body and his stomach felt like several broken bones all at once.
Aizawa was called, his room was entered, and he was rushed to the ER with fanged teeth latched tightly around the hero's capture weapon as he was wrapped tightly in his blanket.
Fun Games In The League of Villains, T, 8.4k: Mostly out of boredom, and partially because none of them had grown up exactly healthy, the League of Villains found ways of…entertaining themselves when they were making plans. And of course, Hawks knew they'd have strange behaviors based on their info sheets alone. He just hadn't expected them to be so…violent?
Hawks discovered five games, in particular, that caught his interest and wasn't sure if he should tell the Commission. Were these games even important information?
Mr.Pro-Hero Man: Never Meet Your Heroes, T, 3.7k: All Might was everything Izuku wanted to be! He was big and strong and saved people with a smile, a beacon of hope. The Symbol of Peace. So imagine how Izuku felt when his hero, one of his reasons for wanting to be a hero, offered him a chance at being just like him! How could he not jump at that chance?
Now though? Now, at sixteen, dragging his feet on his way home after yet another lecture about how he made a mistake during training, Izuku wanted to smack his younger self.
There's a reason they say to never meet your heroes…
Dabi's Dancey Dance, T, 3.8k: (DabiHawks) Dabi, out of curiosity and because he wanted to mess with Hawks, decided to give the hero a little dance that's similar to several mating dances he's seen when researching some bird habits, albeit deciding on a combination of samba and salsa. He even practiced it a bit as to not cremate the bird hero and planned to use his quirk a little extra intrigue as he didn't have colorful wings but did have a colorful quirk.
All he had to do was get Hawks to the warehouse under the guise of their usual meeting, make sure his wings were tucked close, and give him a little show.
Operation: Space Invader, G, 4.1k: Due to growing up with Katsuki, the boy who treated Izuku's personal space like his own, and never really having anyone close enough to correct him, Izuku never learned what personal space was thus leading to his interesting encounters at UA once he started to make friends.
Why Don't You Take Me Downtown Anymore?, T, 5.4k: (EraserMic) After listening to Hizashi complaining about Aizawa not taking downtown like they used to for months, even going as far as playing similar songs on his show, the tired man gave in and planned a night out. He even got Hizashi's favorite outfit washed and prepared his own, something different than his usual jumpsuit or sweatpants.
He'll make sure to do smaller outings afterwards, of course, but he'll take the massive hit to his energy to see his husband happy.
Biologically Wired to Think Enji's Eldest is Hot, M, 6k: (DabiHawks) After months of sleeping around(or just making out) with most of the cold-blooded and avian mutant population that frequented a secret heteromorph club, Dabi accidentally gets on the nerves of a specific group who both hated that he A) frequented a club meant for mostly heteromorphs and B) is a non-heteromorph sleeping around with only specific heteromorphs.
Said group, after seeing him at a gathering and easily slipping between partners like usual, made the brash decision to turn the gathering into a hostage situation. They made one mistake, however: they kidnapped Endeavor's eldest son.
Wise Men Say "Only Fools Rush In", M, 16.9k(Incomplete): (DabiHawks) Dabi and Hawks break up after Hawks is stopped from killing Twice and taken before the League could grab him to interrogate him.
Dabi couldn't bring himself to burn what Hawks gave him after the breakup, not even the feather that gently rubbed along his hands during a nightmare.
Hawks couldn't bring himself to take his feathers back from the villains after the breakup and couldn't stop himself from listening to Dabi sleep in case he has a nightmare, can't stop himself from comforting the man and chirp calmly when he felt the warmth of Dabi's quirk around the feather.
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sanshinexx · 11 months
hi :3 you rb'd my addition to a mha post and now I will become a blight upon your blog. here are bkdk hc's in trade for your soul
Despite Izuku's lackluster social skills, he's the one to make the first move. And by first move I mean aggressively shaking Katsuki and telling him he's had a crush on him since elementary. He knows Katsuki, he knows that while the other is incredibly smart, he's also more oblivious than a rock to anyone's emotions to him. Shaking each other becomes a regular thing since they both get cuteness aggression around each other.
They regularly duke it out as a form of stress relief. Like I'm talking no holds bar, sans sending each other to RG's office, beating the fuck out of each other. They laugh about it and share constructive criticism and ideas about new moves afterwards.
They always try to outdo each other when it comes to special days. Katsuki will take days off in advance to plan and cook the most spectacular meals on holidays, Izuku will buy or worse, make him the most beautiful and sentimental gifts he can think of. He'd get into metal working just to hand make Katsuki's wedding ring.
Omg thank you for becoming a blight upon my blog I will gladly exchange my soul for this, please take good care of it it's quite fragile
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bkdk-fan4ever · 1 year
BkDk | Rich!Bakugou Katsuki | Accidental Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby Relationship |. Confussed Class 1A |
Technically Not A Sugar Daddy by LavanderAuthor
Neither knew how it happened. Katsuki had been giving Izuku money and gifts since part way through Middle School in exchange for the green-haired boy to stay away from Katsuki, but eventually, it slowly changed to be deals that if Katsuki gives Izuku money, he had to do XYZ.
Essentially, Izuku walks up to Katsuki and asks him about some merch he wanted and Katsuki gave him the money for it in exchange for him to do various things like triple check his homework, go to bed at a reasonable hour, stop eating unhealthy food for X amount of days, etc. This didn't change when they entered UA, the two used to being subtle about this unique aspect of their relationship.
Little did they know that their classmates were more aware of their surroundings than their Middle School classmates and had begun to notice the odd interactions between the two followed by Izuku being ordered around by Katsuki.
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greyfrey3 · 2 years
Alright… pinned post. My bkdk 🔁 dkbk fics/threads
Ongoing Long Fics
Rhapsody (rating M for now): Reworking into an original novel
I’m not boring!! (rated a hard E): College AU, professor Midoriya, baseball coach Bakugou, bkdk dynamic, this one is pure smut that is slowly developing a plot. Sex comedy. Tissue-use is not because anyone is crying. Two idiots banging their way into a relationship. AO3 link
Six months to make you love me (rated M): Hiatus Precision (rated T for now): Reworking into an original novel
Complete Long Fics
The Servant (rated E): Reworking into an original novel
Undercover (rated E): canon-verse, Izuku takes on an undercover assignment right after graduation that’s supposed to only last three months. He’s gone for a year. When he returns, he’s not the same and it’s up to Katsuki to get to the bottom of things. Angst, hurt/comfort. I really poured my heart into this one. (They are only apart for a few chapters, I’ve had some people tell me that’s why they won’t read it). ~260k AO3 link
Complete One Shots/Threads
Under the bright lights (rated T): actor AU, omegaverse, Alpha Katsuki, Omega Izuku; an exchange fic, Izuku is a C-list actor on his first major film set. He runs into an old rival who triggers some old memories among other things. AO3 link
Takeover (rated T): mafia AU, they’re rival gang leaders and one of them decides it’s time to take the other one out. AO3 link
Of all the bars in all the world (rated M): sex worker AU, angst, Izuku is a sex worker who tries to make a pass at pro hero Katsuki. It does not go well. AO3 link
Don’t piss off the yakuza (rated E): Pro-hero Katsuki has a run-in with his dangerous yakuza boyfriend (Izuku) at work. A smutty dkbk exchange gift for BakuDeku Secret Santa 2022! AO3 link
Winter AU collection (rated T): various winter AU threads (bkdkbk) that I wrote for an event week on twitter. AO3 link
Deep Space Mine (rated T): Toga Himiko x Uraraka Ochako. Ochako is a starfleet officer and pilot of the starship Yuei. Toga is Q (for those not familiar with Star Trek— basically an unpredictable, all powerful being). Toga harasses Ochako, who’s just trying to do her job. One shot. AO3 link Horo-Sha Bridge (rated E): Set in ancient Japan. Izuku Midoriya is on his way home and takes a detour that causes him to cross paths with a mysterious, dangerous stranger. Horror story with a heavy splash of romance. AO3 link
Threads (all G or T): I’ll link them here as I repost them on tumblr.
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addisonryder · 2 years
sugar pills
bnha. bakudeku. 3031 words.
tags: implied drug use, references to drugs, afo is deku's dad, copious descriptions of eyes because I can't help myself
This fic was written for the BKDK Secret Santa 2021 fic exchange, gifted to @sempiternalsolace, based on the song "Sugar Pills" by I Don't Know How But They Found Me.
This was so much fun to write!! Please mind the tags, but know that most of the stuff mentioned in the tags is background and not related to the relationship between bkdk.
Katsuki Bakugou had always known there was something off about Izuku Midoriya. Sure, he’d been friends with the nerd since they were kids, and he’d gotten used to the vast majority of Midoriya’s eccentricities. But there was one he’d never understood.
When they were little, Midoriya used to play the most beautiful games of make-believe.
And then, one day in the summer before the start of middle school, his asshole of a dad declared Midoriya was wrong. Broken somehow.
 And then Midoriya didn’t see his beautiful pictures anymore.
Katsuki Bakugou had always known there was something off about Izuku Midoriya. Sure, he’d been friends with the nerd since they were kids, and he’d gotten used to the vast majority of Midoriya’s eccentricities. But there was one he’d never understood.
When they were little, Midoriya used to play the most beautiful games of make believe. He could paint a scene for Bakugou so realistic, he would still be smelling fresh bread wafting through cavernous palace halls long into the next day.
Midoriya’s mind was beautiful. It was one of the first things Katsuki grew to love about him - not that he’d ever admit that out loud. He experienced the world with such a wide-eyed openness - a passion that excited Katsuki as much as it scared him. And more often than not, he found himself dragged along on these wild imaginations with a lightness in his chest that he’d never known.
And then, one day in the summer before the start of middle school, his asshole of a dad declared Midoriya was wrong. Broken somehow. He made him doubt himself, doubt his realities, even though Katsuki had never known him to have trouble distinguishing before. He said Izuku was dangerous, that his stories and pictures could hurt someone. Katsuki knew Izuku better than anyone - there was no way in hell that kid could hurt a fly. But Midoriya’s father, the tall, imposing man with the inscrutable, blood red eyes, would not be swayed. Katsuki still didn’t know how the asshole got Auntie Inko to go along with it, but then they dragged Izuku to appointments with doctors and put him on pills.
And Midoriya didn’t see his beautiful pictures anymore.
Midoriya didn’t see anything anymore. His smile, the one that used to send his freckles crinkling into the creases of his cheeks, carried a sharp tension now, forced for the benefit of an audience. He moved through the days like he was on autopilot, fingers clutching that damn orange bottle, eyes clinging to engagement with the shakiest tether. It looked like he wanted to drift off, fade into the background of his life, content to let things happen around him.
Katsuki was painfully familiar with that tension - it had settled into his own bones over the past few years. But he never gave up. He tried to bring the beauty back, the pictures, the light in Midoriya’s eyes that had been so ruthlessly stamped out. Izuku was good at playing along, good at pretending he was still the same carefree boy, but he’d been locked behind a wall, forced to turn away from everything he’d loved about life.
By the time they were in high school, Katsuki had begun to fear that nothing short of a miracle would bring Izuku back to him.
If the world wouldn’t provide a miracle on its own, Bakugou would fucking make one.
It was Christmastime, during their first year of high school, when he took his chance. He bundled Izuku in his warmest jacket up because the damn nerd always got so cold, deflecting his questions about where and why and what. Izuku would see soon enough.
He’d spent weeks scouting this mountaintop, coming out during every type of weather, every time of day - if this didn’t get through to Izuku, he had no idea what would. This was exactly the kind of thing Midoriya would have loved when they were little. The crisp night air spiked through him, setting every nerve ending alight. The Christmas lights danced along the city, stretched out below them in a sea of color. Overhead, the stars winked at them, inviting them to wander, inviting them to see.
Bakugou ducked his chin into his scarf, wrapping his jacket tighter around him as he hopped out of his car. Midoriya looked breathtaking in the late evening light, his eyes a sparkling shade of green that almost made Katsuki believe the last years hadn’t happened.
“This is beautiful, Kacchan,” Izuku looked around them, All Might scarf wrapped tight around his face and muffling his voice slightly.
Katsuki watched him desperately, searching for that spark of realization. He’d stopped anticipating it; the disappointment was too much, after a while. It killed him to watch Izuku shuttering himself away, smothering his natural sense of wonder at the bottom of those orange pill bottles. One pill at a time, Izuku was slipping away, and this was Katsuki’s last chance to reach him before it was too late.
So now he stood at the top of a mountain, looking out over glittering lights and hoping like hell this would work. He could see the Christmas silver and gold reflected in Midoriya’s eyes, and he realized nothing could ever be more precious, nothing could ever mean more to him than Izuku Midoriya. Which was why he couldn’t let him slip away.
“Kacchan…why are we here?” Izuku turned away from the view, curling deeper in his coat.
“I guess…I guess I thought you might want to see this or something. I dunno. It…” Katsuki exhaled, leaning back against the hood of his car. “When I saw the view from up here, it made me think of the stars, you know? The ones we used to find shapes in - at the clearing outside the lake house we went to with the old hag and Auntie.”
“Mmm.” Izuku rubbed his gloved hands together, glancing back at the view. “I guess it does look kind of similar.”
“See anything in them?” Katsuki couldn’t help the hope that slipped into his voice.
Izuku closed his eyes for a moment, a long sigh fogging the crisp air in front of him, hand disappearing into his pocket, wrapping around that damn bottle Katsuki knew he brought with him everywhere.
“I know what you’re doing, Kacchan. I don’t - I can’t do that anymore.”
“Why?” Katsuki pushed off his car, closing the distance between them. That tremble in Izuku’s voice - it was the first hint of true emotion that Katsuki had seen in those viridian eyes in years. “Why can’t you, Deku? Tell me.”
Izuku shook his head, and when his eyes opened again, Katsuki’s breath stuck in his chest. Tears. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw Izuku cry.
“I can’t -” Izuku cleared his throat. “Ka-Kacchan, I can’t.”
“Why? What happened? When did you start blocking me out? Deku, please, just talk to me.”
“I can’t, Kacchan!” Izuku’s voice cracked, straining against the fear that Katsuki saw in his eyes. “It-it’s wrong. The way I see things, i-it’s not okay. It’s wrong. Okay? It’s wrong.”
“Did your dad tell you that?” Katsuki demanded, reaching out to grab Izuku’s gloved hand. “He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”
Izuku pulled his hand away, taking several quick steps back toward Katsuki’s car, his head shaking automatically. “These - these things I see, they aren’t real. They’re dangerous, and my dad…he’s right! They needed to stop, I needed to stop!”
Katsuki caught him before he could reach the car, and this time, Izuku fell into his arms, trembling from head to toe. Katsuki blinked, wrapping his arms heavily around Izuku’s small frame, staring at the way the gently falling snow sprinkled in his green curls. He’d been pushing against the supports of Izuku’s walls for years, but apparently all it took was a starlit night on a mountaintop for the wall to shatter.
“Deku.” Katsuki’s voice came out softer than ever before, his chin resting on top of the smaller boy’s head. “So what if they aren’t real? They made you happy. So what if there’s not actually a pirate ship in your backyard, or a dragon’s lair on the school playground, or a fucking romance blooming between the two random extras on the street? It’s not hurting anyone, and it’s definitely not something you need to destroy.”
“It almost ruined my family, Kacchan,” Izuku shook his head, sniffling against Katsuki’s heavy coat.
Katsuki blinked again, looking down at Izuku like that could help him make sense of his words. “The fuck do you mean?”
“Do you remember the summer after your tenth birthday?” Izuku spoke quietly, his voice almost muffled by the way he hid his head against Katsuki’s chest. “When…when my dad took me to all those doctors? He was mad, because…because I played pretend about the wrong thing.”
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed. He definitely remembered; he’d never trusted Midoriya’s father, but he hadn’t been truly afraid of him until that week. The fury in the man’s eyes when he tugged Midoriya by the arm out of Katsuki’s backyard…Katsuki still had nightmares about it sometimes.
“What was it?”
Izuku shook his head again, trembling fingers reaching into his pocket again. “I can’t - I can’t say. I can’t tell you, it was…it was a dumb thing, a stupid, horrible thing to lie about.” He pulled an orange pill bottle out, muttering to himself as he went. “I was selfish. A stupid, selfish boy crying out for attention by making up lies.”
Izuku attempted to unscrew the lid before he fumbled it completely, the bottle dropping into the snow.
“Lies about what, Deku?”
Izuku’s wide, tear-filled eyes met Katsuki’s, looking like he was two seconds away from fainting. “I…I thought I saw him hurt someone, Kacchan. M-my dad, I thought I saw him…I didn’t think I was making it up, but…”
Katsuki paused where he’d crouched to pick up the bottle. “You thought you saw him hurt someone?”
“I thought I saw him kill someone! And I told my mom before he got home, but then he-” Izuku’s face paled and he dropped to his knees in the snow, pleading eyes locked on Katsuki. “You can’t tell anyone, Kacchan, please! You can’t! He-if he hears I told anyone, he won’t - he won’t let me talk to anyone anymore. He-he said he’d lock me up where - where people like me belong, and -”
Katsuki’s eyes lingered on the label of the unassuming orange bottle in his hand.
Take as needed to counteract delusional episodes.
Katsuki froze, reading the prescription label over and over, trying to force his brain to correct what he was reading. This couldn’t be right. There had to be some sort of mistake.
“These are the pills he has you taking?”
“Kacchan, please, just-just give them back.”
These were the pills that had hidden Izuku away behind the rest of the world? To stop him from…from what? From telling the truth about his father? Had this all been a scheme to maintain Midoriya’s father’s innocence? Had he been lying to Izuku this entire time?
“These - Deku, these aren’t…”
Katsuki cursed as he stumbled to his feet, still gripping the bottle in his hand; why was he so shitty with words all the time? Deku was the one that was good with words, not him.
“Aren’t what, Kacchan?” Izuku stood slowly, watching him warily with his hand slightly outstretched in front of him, as if he meant to snatch the pill bottle back.
Fuck, Katsuki didn’t know how to tell him. He didn’t know how to tell him, so he might as well just show him. He opened the pill bottle, ignoring Izuku’s exclamation as he took a pill out before he threw the rest into the snow. It was a small, pale blue pill, looking completely innocent nestled in the palm of his hand.
And then he stuck out his tongue, placing the pill right in the center.
“Kacchan, no!”
Katsuki stepped back out of Midoriya’s reach, drawing his tongue back as he felt the sickly sweet pill begin to dissolve. It tasted like honey, almost, if you stripped away all the varnish and complexity and laid it bare, until you were left with a light, empty, meaningless taste.
MIdoriya watched him in horror, his hand still outstretched toward Katsuki. Fuck, he’d never been good with plans. He’d never been good with words or plans and fuck it, this was the only way he could think of to make Izuku see what was happening.
He grabbed Izuku’s hand, pulling him against his chest as he cupped his cheek with his free hand, pressing his lips fiercely against Izuku’s. The smaller boy let out a startled gasp, which Katsuki took full advantage of, licking into his mouth and rolling his tongue against Izuku’s. Only once he was sure Midoriya had gotten a taste of the sweetness, he pulled back. Just enough to give Izuku room to breathe.
The boy’s chest heaved as his eyes fluttered back open, staring at Katsuki like he’d just been hit with a cinderblock.
“Do you taste that?”
Izuku exhaled shakily, his lips parted as his brain tried to square each circle it had just been shoved through.
“Do I taste - ?”
Silence fell over the mountaintop.
For a moment that dragged on into an eternity, the only sign Izuku Midoriya was still alive were the small puffs of foggy air in front of him as he took breath after breath in quick succession. Katsuki had always loved watching Midoriya think something through - it was like he could literally see the gears turning in his head.
Katsuki gestured to the pills spilled out over the snowy ground. “They’re sugar pills, Deku. Placebos. They don’t - they don’t do anything.”
Izuku shook his head fiercely, wrapping his arms around himself as he took a step back, putting some distance between himself and Katsuki. “That can’t be - that’s not - that can’t be true.”
“It is,” Katsuki promised him quietly. “Your dad didn’t want you telling anyone about what you saw, so he fucking -”
“This isn’t happening - this can’t be happening, this can’t be real! You kissed me!”
“Hah? That - that’s what you’re focusing on right now?”
“You kissed me!”
“Deku.” Katsuki couldn’t help the small chuckle that slipped through. “Focus.”
“Focus on what?” Izuku laughed too, but his laugh was much tighter, and a little more strained. “Should I focus on the fact that apparently my dad has been gaslighting me for years and he most likely did, in fact, kill someone and has been giving me sugar pills for years and making me think I’m insane?!”
The words left him in a rush and Izuku spun on the spot, turning his back on Katsuki and staring out over the stretch of technicolored city below them. Katsuki approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him, watching the way Izuku’s shoulders shook.
“He said I was crazy, Kacchan,” Izuku whispered as Katsuki drew even with him. “Was that…was that even real? Did you really just kiss me?”
Katsuki gently cupped Izuku’s face, turning him to face him. He’d never been good with words, but fuck, for this beautiful boy with tears in his eyes, he would say anything, do anything, be anything. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt him again.
“Izuku. Listen to me.”
Katsuki’s voice finally succeeded in quieting the mumbling. Izuku stared at him with wide, glassy eyes, and fuck, Katsuki hoped he wasn’t about to make a huge mistake. He couldn’t hurt him. And that’s what he always did in the end, wasn’t it? Hurt this angel who had already been through so much. What right did Katsuki have to kiss him, to claim him like he was somehow worthy of him?
How was he fucking up this badly? Izuku Midoriya - the boy who made him see snowflakes in sugar crystals and smell windswept flower fields without ever leaving his bedroom - was scared. Because of him.
“Yeah.” He croaked the first word out, and once it was done, the dam crumbled. “Yeah, it was real. Because you’ve always known what was real, no matter what your father says. You have always seen the beauty everyone else was too fucking blind to see. And you showed it to me. With you, I can see it too, and I know you still can. I know it. Because it’s a part of you and I will be damned if I let your father keep you like this anymore. The world needs you, Izuku. I need you. And this - it’s been in you all this time. Those pills, they’re nothing. Because there’s nothing in you to fix. You’re not crazy. You’re fucking perfect.”
Only when Katsuki needed to breathe did he fall silent, blazing carmine eyes locked on the boy in front of him that was his whole damn reason for living.
“Kacchan. If everything you just said is true…” Midoriya spoke softly, the snow around them enshrouding them, sheltering them until it felt as if they were the only two beings alive.
“It is.”
A faint smile touched Midoriya’s lips, small, barely there, but genuine.
“If what you said is true, that means two things are also true. Things I thought were impossible, even if I always knew, deep down, they were true.”
Katsuki watched him as he turned to look back out over the city. The change in demeanor was a little jarring, but nothing about this conversation had gone how Bakugou expected it to, so he really shouldn’t be surprised.
“One. It means my father killed a man when I was ten. And I saw it. And he’s been manipulating me and my own sanity ever since.”
Katsuki’s stomach dropped. After all of that, Izuku really didn’t seem too surprised. Had there always been doubt? With no chemical changes to the brain, the doubt - the truth - had likely been pushing against his father’s narrative for years.
“Fuck. I -”
Izuku shook his head, holding a hand out toward Katsuki. “I said two things, Kacchan.”
Katsuki blinked, resting his gloved hand over Midoriya’s, watching him curiously.
“What’s the second?”
Izuku’s smile bloomed, his nose crinkling in that way Katsuki hadn’t known he would ever see again. Framed beneath the starry sky, with the Christmas lights twinkling behind him, Katsuki knew he was done for. This breathtaking boy had consumed him, mind and soul. He watched, awe touching his expression as Izuku laced their fingers together, peeking up at him through snow-sprinkled lashes.
“Two. If you meant everything you said, it means you may just love me as much as I love you.”
Find this fic on AO3 here.
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Is there a specific due date in mind for the fest?
Yes and no! I've decided that we're going to have a posting week instead of a usual due date - which should be on the last week of December, with a masterpost with the works afterwards :) I haven't posted the rules and schedule so far because I just wanted to gauge interest for the moment, but they will be up by the end of the week!
Interest Check form is here.
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a-sentimental-man · 1 year
high-key tempted to make a bkdk winter gift exchange 👀 if anyone is interested in being a mod pls lmk
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bakugou-simp · 4 years
This is a gift for @tobythetrashytrash​ and is part of the Twinterstars Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2020. I hope you enjoy it.
Summary: After a tough week, Katsuki finds that he can appreciate Izuku's laughter just a bit more than normal. Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku Rating: None Words: 1,264 Tags: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, kirishima eijirou mentions, Established Relationship, Near Death Experiences, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Protective Bakugou KatsukiTwinterstars2020 It can be read here on AO3.
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mehlbuddel · 4 years
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Prompts: fluff, mistletoe
Me: wonder how much kitsch this bad boy can fit huh
Here’s my gift for @equus as part of the twinterstars bkdk gift exchange 2020, I hope you like it! Thanks to everyone involved in organising this and happy holidays!
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ontheavalanche · 3 years
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My Secret Santa gift for @rrandomtthings for the bkdk chaos server gift exchange!!
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blueaphelion · 4 years
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A New Years exchange gift piece I created. A Last of Us AU wherein BkDk have found a safe place to relax away from the chaos of their world.
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redmomo00 · 4 years
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THIS IS MY GIFT TO @Castellation_ for the  MIDORIYA IZUKU: TROUBLE AT ANY AGE (BKDK Birthday Exchange 2020)!! I’ve been working a lot on this piece and i’m really proud of the result! 
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greyfrey3 · 2 years
Courting You (Again)— my gift fic for the bkdk white day exchange!
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