#bjp sucks
I've seen many people on tumblr and twitter go: anyone who celebrates ram mandir is a hindu nationalist. I'm laughing at that. On a more serious note though, do you guys understand how harmful and untruthful that is, like?!!?
I think that's a stretch. A VERY big stretch.
I suppose being a hindu nationalist would mean a person who considers India a Hindu state and who would want to assert Hindu dominance over the political and social landscape of India, blatantly disregarding, and in some cases, even trying to harm people following different faiths and their ways.
But guess what, a person can celebrate the consecration of Lord Ram without wanting Hindu hegemony over the country, without wanting to undermine the equal claim that other faiths and cultures have on it.
Anyone familiar with the Hinduism would know the respect and admiration Lord Ram holds in hearts of a lot of hindus. People see him as their idol, as their protector. NO WONDER they're happy about a big temple being built for him in his janmabhoomi or homeland, Ayodhya, according to the scriptures. And saying that someone wants Hindu supremacy in India just because they're excited about a deity being established is plainly ridiculous, one dimensional and retarded.
I'm not going to say that this isn't an attempt (and a rather successful one at that) by the BJP government at securing the hindu vote bank. I think even a blind person can see through it. Like, seriously, establishing the idol in a half-made temple? declaring a nationwide holiday? disturbing students by blasting bhajans? That's really too much.
And I'm not going to say that some people celebrating on the January 22nd are not Hindu nationalists, cause I've seen my fair share of them.
Like, what did you expect from around a billion hindus who have been hoping for a proper and official place of worship for decades? Silence? Sorrow?
Cause if you did, then I have to say you are deliberately delusional and thick.
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artcinemas · 8 months
*a post rightfully criticising m*di’s pro israel stance and saffron politics that only benefit the fucking uc savarnas*
“exhibit xxx” appearing to defend bibi’s bestie:
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slicedblackolives · 1 year
you know two things can be true at the same time right? you can still be proud of the fucking scientists who poured in their blood sweat and tears in this, while also being mad that it got taken over by Modi right? or are you just too set in your ways
are u gonna bully me for not standing up for the national anthem next
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tiredguyswag · 8 months
shut up about the ram mandir im genuinely gonna start crying
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look before the elections i thought bjp would win just not over 400. you can't show me india alliance has a fighting chance n then have them LOSE. AFTER ALL THIS.
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eternallysetinstone · 4 months
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thelunaticghost · 4 months
UP did a surprise (I'm so pleased)
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
your throat has GOT to hurt from sucking all that bjp dick come on now
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dougielombax · 6 months
Here’s an idea.
How about you don’t use solidarity or the idea thereof as a pretense to sneak bigoted views about other people and groups into the minds of others.
You know?
Let’s not use it to try indoctrinating them into believing your personal prejudices!
I’ve seen this done a thousand times in many different circumstances and it never fails to sicken me.
I saw a post on here a month or two ago about solidarity between Jews and Hindus which looked harmless at first.
But when I got to reading it, it proved to be nothing more than a delusional tract FULL of Islamophobic bigotry and Hindutva revisionist BULLSHIT!
Full of BJP-type myths and lies and it was horrible to behold!
Right down to fearmongering about demographics and all the usual Hindutva fascist bullshit.
I’m not Indian or Jewish myself but I know what that kind of stuff looks like. This particular instance was hiding under a veil of coexistence and solidarity.
And it sickened me!
Simply USING the idea of solidarity to spread some of the most vile, conspiratorial bullshit I ever did read in years.
Despite initially appearing harmless and sincere.
Rambling on about how Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to live in India and should all be expelled, bitching about leftists, something about Pakistan and Palestine having no right to exist, vague mentions of George Soros and some sort of plot, and so on. I’m surprised they didn’t invoke QAnon as well!
I noticed this crap right away and it troubled me deeply how many more people couldn’t even see it!
I saw right through that shit immediately!
I’ve seen this happen a thousand times before with other topics and it never fails to sicken me!
So kindly stop it!
Starting yesterday!
Anyone who willingly falls for that, be they a Jew or a Hindu or any other such group, is no better than the crank leftists sucking up to Hamas.
*it’s especially troubling since the Hindutva crowd is known for being friendly with actual Neo-Nazis*
They are EXACTLY the same kind of idiots!
Exactly the same!
And just as dumb!
Enough of this bullshit!
*Feel free to reblog*
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Ohh not the constituency obviously I just meant the political party! Sorry for the confusion!
No issues if you don't want to talk about that either it's completely understandable
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See, I believe that thinking about the lok sabha elections as if we're directly voting for the prime minister of the country is flawed. We're not. We're voting for the people who represent our constituency. We don't have a direct line to the prime minister. I know the ruling party has made the political atmosphere such that we care about the Brand of One Person who happens to be our prime minister but that's really not how this works and we all need to snap out of the cult of personality thing and not fall into that trap.
Of course I'm not telling you to not take into account which party you're voting for as whichever party or coalition of parties wins the majority seats will decide who the prime minister is. But also I don't think that's the only factor you should consider. Consider the profile of the candidates at least. All Indian political parties try to make it pretty hard to look into the candidates' history but you can find out with a tiny amount of research. You don't even need to do much.
We've historically never shut up about our distaste for the BJP and their shitty governance and we won't shut up about it now either. They suck. So do the other parties, let's be honest. Politicians are just like that. Sometimes it can come down to picking the least evil option, or in this specific case, the least harmful option.
I, for one, am sick of having a one party majority in the parliament. They've always ALWAYS been the worst governments in the history of our country. I just want a change. I'd prefer it if we had a coalition government again. But that's just me.
You guys are smart people and I trust you'll make decisions after thinking about it and doing some research.
P.S. If you need something immediate that can help you choose the parties you wanna vote for, please look at the recently released ELECTORAL BONDS data. That's huge.
- Mod S
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artcinemas · 8 months
if bjp wins the general election i might actually start doing tax evasion for reals this time
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shehzadi · 2 years
tbh as an indian , i still hate india bc of how racist and islamophobic it is. especially where my family is originally from, its very islamophobic. my mom herself says that she doesnt really want to go back to india anymore bc of how bad it is. but we still love and hold our culture and language very close. but its not like i love where i live rn either it sucks here too so im just conflicted tbh lol
i feel the same way! my mum is hesitant to go back to visit because it’s not as safe as it used to be (pre-bjp) but chances are we will go to visit soon anyway because it’s been years and we miss family & clothes & jewellery & the food. we also hold our culture close to us and i’m practicing my urdu with my parents so that my pronunciation improves (i’m pretty much fluent). i’m also not really happy where i live & i inshallah want to move to a mediterranean country or somewhere in the uae. praying that things get easier for us & all other muslims 🤲 inshallah
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Oh hey yknow the reason countries become more intolerant as history went on was colonialism.
Ancient Africa was very gay and genderfluid, after colonialism Africa is one of the most intolerant continents.
Ancient India, while having rigid caste systems, also had protections for the Gender Non-conforming/Third Gendered Hijras who had their own protected territories, and ancient India had various genders. Post colonialism. Hindutva is spreading more and more in India, an idea founded on facism and Aryan race pyramids. Public lynching of Muslims become more and more prevalent and sanctioned by the government itself the press is suppressed we're in an authoritarian state. The Indian constitution was founded on Secularism, Inclusion, Democracy, Freedom of speech, religion. The freedom to spread religion and preach it. Trans protections are reducing every day. 1 million people of 1.4 billion hold 80% of India's wealth. Poverty might be low but only because the BJP changed the definition.
Colonialism sucks. End of discussion.
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yeastinfectionvale · 4 months
it does suck major gaand because in continuation to that, it was “nothing better expected from a pro congressi” and the hindutva bjp support like?? what. the. fuck.
I don't think you've missed any major red flags, maybe dodged a bullet yes. As much as we hope we know our friends, sometimes unfortunately we don't and times of pressure, the facade cracks.
That really sucks I'm so sorry.
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reinedescauchemars · 9 months
i am not white. i may look white, i may pass as white in almost every single way, but i am not white
this is a very important fact to remember for people who try to erase my perspective on current affairs in india. it sucks that you want me to shut up because it’s “none of my business”, but oh? what’s that? it’s my “i’m as desi as you are” card because neither my multiracialness nor my white-passing body nor my diaspora upbringing mean that i can’t have an opinion on oppression that affects desi people! try again a bit harder next time, the pro-bjp rhetoric was sickening to read, but your head was so far up your ass it was pathetic and made me sad you really earnestly believed all that. all you did was get me to block you, which wasn’t what you wanted at all. sorry not sorry about that
anyhow, pro tip: if you want to encourage political discussion and get someone to change their stance, don’t call them uneducated. that makes you look like a coward who can’t think critically
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