#bity boys
felrend · 11 months
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He can be so soft
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montydrawsstuff · 1 year
I'd love to see if you have any ideas on how you think Katana and Slushie would first meet or become friends! We've been throwing out some silly ideas already but any call out to you specifically?
(Could be a multiverse thing, could be just your universe's Slushie counterpart, idk)
im gonna try to stick to my universe, just in case i mess something up with hers hehe
would love to write the oc cuties!
Katana huffed in his last "calming breath" before stepping back out onto the floor. It had been quite the lunch rush and he was pretty keen to spend the next 4 hours either staring at a wall or screaming at it. Still, he had one hour to go. One hour of busting his stripey ass and trying not to lose his cool- He never did at work, but today may have been his day.
"Keep yourself in the zone, son. Let your mind be calm as a river.."
That's what his father told him. Well, his river was just about ready for a tidal wave. His last table had done it. He was about ready to slice their whole party in half, or quit.
But surely, he could get through this last hour..
Thankfully, the place was dead. It wouldn't be long before they'd close till dinner, so it made sense, but it was still unusually quiet. Lucy gestured to a booth near the entrance, where someone light furred and fluffy took up most of one side.
Table for one? Okay loser... Actually I could do with some loser time too...
"Hey there! Welcome to the Golden Tiger! I'll be your server, names Katana- call me Kat."
The girl- some kind of fox he guessed- seemed surprised at his greeting. She jolted slightly, but didn't look up.
"Soooooo...... Can I get ya something orrrr... is that seat just comfy?" he asked, trying to keep himself from drifting.
"Umm.. do you have any recommendations? The Red Braised Pork looks good..." she murmured, with a sniffle.
Katana read all he needed from this girl, she was upset about something, probably had been crying. Just wants something yummy to make her feel better. So... in other words- an easy customer!
Or at least not his last customer!
"I mean... people order it? I can't tell ya personally if it's good since I'd die if I ate it but..." he chuckled.
Tell a little joke, show them the smile- god I'm such a good server!
"Is it... spicy?" she asked nervously, glancing up through her bangs, finally. She shot her eyes back to the menu soon after, though.
"yyyeah....? I mean, it won't kill ya but..."
"That sounds good.."
"Okay cool, and for drinks?-"
"-And some scallop pancakes, and extra rice... and the pork dumplings... and the egg drop soup please.."
Katana kind of just paused for a little before writing all that down. "Oookayyy.. You are... hungry. Um.. Drinks?"
"Just... green tea is fine..." she added, shyly sliding the menu over.
"Sure.. won't be long.." Katana gave another wonky smile before making his exit, just in time to see her steal a look.
Great, I'm the entertainment today I guess...
He took a look back at her, then to her order. Dang was it a lot of food, was this girl some kind of body builder? Where did she put it all? The cost didn't shake him, since their prices were pretty good for the quality, but the AMOUNT.
Girl ordered 3 sides and 2 mains dang it! Even with MAD munchies I couldn't do THAT!
He couldn't even be bothered to hand the order slip to his mother by this point, choosing instead to rip the page out and flick the page in her general direction and shout "Reflex test!" before heading back out.
Still dead. Good.
He leaned on the wall and stared at nothing, his mind still not hazed enough for his liking. Nevermind, soon enough he could just make a nest and just...
Do nothing?
He sighed and took a stroll back to the table.
The girl shot her gaze up, this was probably the last thing she wanted- to be berated by her server, the horror. But... Katana was bored, so she could suffer.
"So.. what are you doin' here all by yourself? New here?"
She blushed. "I have a friend in station square... well, she wasn't home, but she mentioned coming here before I think? She said it was... good"
"I mean, it's okay..." Katana drawled back "Yea, Sonic came here once. really put us on the map- brought all his friends"
The girl looked quite surprised at the name drop "Sonic the hedgehog?"
"Yea.. I think he was a hedgehog.. Looked like one... Apparently he's a big deal" he shrugged casually, fully knowing the huge celebrity status he had.
"Wow." she responded, kind of in awe "My friend... might have been with them..."
Katana hissed playfully through his teeth, giving a cheeky smile "Dang, you got famous friends? And here I was thinking I could impress ya with that one!"
She giggled. Haha! Cheering up already!
"Actually, I've been meaning to visit Mystic Ruin for a while. The temples are really beautiful and.." she blushed in a sort of dreamy way "at night... you can't beat the view... so many stars..."
"Oh.. right on. I guess I'm used to it, hehe... You don't get a sky like that in the big city."
Katana looked around nervously, where was this girl's dang food? Why hadn't anyone told him to buzz off yet? Weren't people generally creeped out by lizards, anyway?
"You know I don't think I heard you right when you introduced yourself, so I was surprised when you weren't a cat!" she giggled. Oh, so that's what that look was about.
"Oh, that's cool. I thought someone left their coat in the booth"
She giggled more. Okay, maybe this was a nervous thing now.
"It just sounded like... you said your name was Katana?"
"My name is Katana" he corrected, as if it weren't a strange thing to be named.
"Katana! C'mere! Mom's got the food ready!" Lucy called "Get off your smoke cloud and come get it!"
"Geez, Fine! I'm comin', Batty!" he took his time at first, but remembered he liked this girl now so got his ass in gear. Though he was uneasy at how she stared at him again once his back was turned.
"Okay, that everything? Enjoy! And er... Have a good day!"
"Thanks... by the way.. sorry, you noticed me staring, didn't you..."
Do I make it awkward? uhhhhhh YEAH
"Ya, Don't worry, I know I'm a bit of a spectical.." He remembered the note he got instead of a tip from his last table, growling.
"I can't help but.. be fascinated by... scales... sorry!"
Ooooohhhhhh, she likes lizards! Duh!
Maybe she's dating one hehe
"Oh no worries, enjoy ya meal... errr"
"Seriously?- I mean!- Nice name! Aw man... Well, we're even now! Hey let me know when you want a to-go box, 'Kay?"
Slushie nodded with a silly smile, already dug into her food.
To Katana's utter shock, she didn't need the to-go box
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bootleg-nessie · 11 months
Rating band names based on their accuracy:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
The Beatles: 3/10. None of these people are beetles, they’re just a bunch of fruity guys from Liverpool with matching haircuts
(Edit: changed from 0/10 to 3/10 because John Lennon beat his wife)
Pink Floyd: 4/10. There is not a single person named Floyd in the band, but some of the members do arguably look kinda pink
Nirvana: 10/10. Getting high and listening to Nirvana is roughly what I imagine actual nirvana to be like
Foo Fighters: either 0/10 or 10/10. I have never seen foo in real life so either they’re pretending to fight a problem that doesn’t exist or they’re doing an absolutely fantastic job of fighting it
The Eagles: 0/10. Same as the Beatles, there is not a single eagle in this band. The name is misleading and we have all been lied to
Queen: 6/10. Partial points for Freddie Mercury
Led Zeppelin: 0/10. I don’t think any of these guys have ever even seen a zeppelin, let alone one made of lead. A lead balloon would crash faster than my hopes and dreams
The Rolling Stones: 3/10. There is not a single stone in this band. Some points added because I’m pretty sure they rolled quite a few
U2: 0/10. Despite what the name says, I am not a member of this band
Metallica: 9/10. Naming a metal band “Metallica” is like naming your dog “doggy”
Red Hot Chili Peppers: 2/10. These guys are not chili peppers. They’re not even that hot, let alone red hot
Guns N’ Roses: 0/10. How the fuck could a gun or a flower play music
Backstreet Boys: ?/10. Depends entirely on their current given location
Simon and Garfunkel: 10/10. No notes
The Doors: 1/10. Jim Morrison is kinda shaped like a door tho
Chicago: 4/10. The number of people in this band does not come even remotely close to the population of Chicago. Points added because it originated in Chicago
Earth, wind, and fire: 2/10. This is even more innacurate than Chicago. Points added because wind instruments were often used
Def Leppard: 3/10. There is not a single leopard in this band. Some of the members are probably kinda deaf by now tho
The Beach Boys: ?/10. Accuracy depends entirely on location
The Black Eyed Peas: 6/10. Not sure what the hell an ‘eyed pea’ is but the black part is pretty accurate
Imagine Dragons: ?/10. Depends entirely on whether or not they’re thinking about dragons.
Cage the Elephant: 1/10. Why would you do that. Let the elephant go
Green Day: 0/10. They’re not even green
The Police: 0/10. There is not a single cop in this band
KISS: 5/10. I’m sure they probably kissed sometimes
The Monkees: 0/10. Are you fucking kidding me
We Butter the Bread with Butter: 8/10. I can’t verify this but I have no reason to suspect that they’d lie. Butter seems like the most logical thing to butter bread with
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: 0/10. I got really excited about the concept of a lizard wizard only to be let down. My disappointment is immeasurable
They Might Be Giants: 5/10. I googled everyone in this band’s height, the tallest guy’s only 6’1 so I wouldn’t exactly consider him a giant. Then again, I can’t really argue because the claim was only that they MIGHT be giants
The Presidents of the United States of America: 2/10. None of these people are Joe Biden nor are any of them former presidents. This is incredibly misleading. I’m pretty sure “Lump” was written about my first girlfriend tho so I’ll give them a point or two
Gorillaz: 2/10 Not quite but we’re kinda close genetically so I’ll give them partial credit
The Killers: ?/10. I have no way of verifying if they’ve actually killed before but the fact that they’re not in prison tells me probably not
The Offspring: 10/10. These guys are definitely somebody’s offspring
Arctic Monkeys: 1/10. They are neither monkeys nor are they from the arctic
Thirty Seconds to Mars: 1/10. It takes WAY longer to get to mars than that
Beastie Boys: 8/10. They’re pretty beast on the guitar
Jimmy Eat World: 1/10. Slow the fuck down Jimmy, you’re biting off way more than you can chew
Hole: 9/10. One point deducted because I’m pretty sure they had more than one hole
Rage Against the Machine: 10/10. They did exactly that
Alice In Chains: 0/10. This is illegal. Let Alice go
The Band: 10/10. This could not possibly be more accurate
Nine Inch Nails: 1/10. I can’t find any good pictures of their feet but from what I can tell their fingernails definitely aren’t nine inches long
Bush: ?/10. Not quite sure about this one, felt uncomfortable asking
The Who: 2/10. I’m not dealing with this “Who’s On First” bullshit
Radiohead: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a radio for a head
Queens of the Stone Age: 0/10. This band should be called “five random dudes from the modern era” but FRDFTMA is a bit of a mouthful
Soundgarden: 2/10. Sound does not grow in the garden
Sonic Youth: 5/10. They’re not exactly youth anymore but the sonic part checks out
Talking heads: 8/10. There’s more to the band than just a bunch of disembodied heads but the heads do tend to talk
The Cranberries: 0/10. Decent music but I only added them so that the Beatles and Freddie Mercury weren’t the only fruits on this list
The Wiggles: 8/10. They do tend to wiggle a lot
Blue Man Group: 10/10. Yep!
Weezer: 5/10. They all look like they definitely have asthma
Limp Bizkit: 3/10. While the visual image of baked goods playing the guitar is hilarious, Fred durst is not a biscuit. Points added because he probably has erectile dysfunction
Stone Temple Pilots: 0/10. None of these people are accredited as being licensed to pilot anything, much less an entire stone temple. Stone temples don’t need pilots anyways
Wasted Youth: 8/10. I guess it really kinda depends on how you frame it but yeah, they probably wasted a lot of it
Them Crooked Vultures: 3/10. These are people and not birds but Dave Grohl’s posture is kinda bad and John Paul Jones is so old that his neck kinda looks like a vulture’s so I added some points
Audioslave: 0/10. Slavery is illegal
Traveling Wilburys: 4/10. Sure, they traveled a lot but not a single one of those lying bastards was named Wilbury
D12: 6/12. There were only 6 people in this band
NWA: 10/10. I’m a little too white to safely comment on this one but I’d say they nailed it
Jet: 1/10. A real jet would be way too loud
Goldfinger: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a finger made out of gold
No Doubt: ?/10. I can’t really be too sure how Gwen Stefani felt but I think it’s probably a safe assumption that she had some doubts
The White Stripes: 3/10. I bet if you stripped them down naked and made them stand shoulder to shoulder and squinted really hard they’d probably look more like white stripes
Screaming trees: 3/10. They scream occasionally
Garbage: 2/10. I think they’re being a little harsh on themselves, their music isn’t THAT bad
Butthole Surfers: 5/10. Not even gonna touch this one
Megadeth: 3/10. To be fair, some of the former members are dead but only a little amount of death, not mega death
Dead Kennedys: 2/10. Last I checked Kennedy was still dead but neither he nor his clones are members of this band
Cake: 0/10. The cake is a lie
Cracker: 8/10. Most of them are
Tool: 7/10. I don’t know much about their music but they sure look like tools
Counting Crows: ?/10. Is this what emo kids do instead of counting sheep? Accuracy depends on whatever bird they happen to be counting at the moment
Dave Matthews Band: 10/10. It certainly is
Oasis: 1/10. Their music is the opposite of an oasis
Blur: 2/10. They are not that fast
Barenaked Ladies: 0/10. If I wanted to be this disappointed I’d reestablish a connection with my biological father instead
Meat Puppets: 10/10. Technically, aren’t we all?
Live: 8/10. Apparently they still do live shows but I deducted some points because I’ve only ever heard their music on Spotify
ABBA: 9/10. I’m still not giving any points to Guns N’ Roses but that’s mostly out of spite
5 Finger Death Punch: 8/10 I guess it probably depends on how hard you hit them but this seems to be the usual amount of fingers to punch somebody with
All American Rejects: 9/10. They’re all rejects from America so I don’t really see any issue with this
T. Rex: 0/10. Even if any of these people WAS a T. Rex I don’t think their arms would be long enough to play their instruments
Free: 0/10. Unless you steal their music, in which case it becomes a 10/10
The Strokes: 3/10. To my knowledge, none of them have had a stroke but I still added a few points because the name was probably accurate for other reasons
The Smashing Pumpkins ?/10. Another thing I have no way of verifying but this seems like a waste of perfectly good pumpkins
Therapy?: ?/10. The hell are they asking me for? I don’t know their medical history
Twenty One Pilots. 0/10. There’s only two of them and neither is a licensed pilot
Finger Eleven: 0/10. Leave the poor Stranger Things girl out of this
Fall Out Boy: 9/10. I conferred with an expert on this one who confirmed that they are in fact boys who had a falling out
Cream: 8/10. Considering this was the OG supergroup I’m sure a lot of people did in fact cream when their music came out
Edit: humans aren’t fucking monkeys. Stop saying we are
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screampied · 28 days
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☆ sum. you let him finish inside for the first time and he's never been the same since. toji, nanami, choso, gojo, sukuna.
warnings. fem! reader, unprotected, major breēding kinks, size kink, talks of pregnancy, praise, manhandling, mating press, pròne bone, doggy, pússy drunk men, dirty talk, implied multiple rounds, overstim, choking, squırting, praise, spanks, spıt, biting, bòob fondling, cum... balls... lots of cum
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“p- please,” he swallows, beads of sweat racing down both sides of his forehead. you’ve never seen him so needy before. breathy minuscule gasps leave from his lips after each succulent thrust from your hips. “oh fuuuck,” he whines, your maddened bouncing against him already causing his pretty raven eyes to roll way back into the depths of his head. thin sable tresses of hair stick to his skin like glue as he’s openly glancing at your perfect cunt swallowing him whole every single time. your grip was purely enticing—he clenches down on his jaw as his scarred open palms cling to your rickety waist. “baby, wanna cum inside. wanna give you a-all of me.”
with a sleazy lopsided grin, you lean in to kiss the right side of his mouth. coral pink lips of his twitch at your sudden contact before he moans. “do it choso,” you sweetly coo, continuing to rut your jostling hips against his. your warmth—he couldn’t ever in his right mind fathom how good you felt from the inside. choso fell in love the second he eased his eager cock into your gummy walls. your words were as smooth as silk. “ ‘s okay, baby. you can cum inside.”
“okay,” he whimpers, and as your hips continue to buck, he buries his face into the cute exposed crook of your neck. “ ‘m not gonna miss, promise.”
choso bites down on his lip as he’s continuing to plummet his full balls into raw.
his breath continues to hitch and his head tosses itself back in sweet rapture.
“fuck, fuck, ‘s gonna be so much,” he whines, slick bodies grinding against each other in pure rhythmic sync. he’s just as hot as you—sweltering with perspiring sweat. your drooling chasm continues to grip around him and he’s hungry for more. with the way choso’s black lashes flutter and his hooded eyes droop, you could tell he was visibly pussy drunk. his brows furrow in pleasure as he feels your hands swiftly wrap around his neck. “y- yeah, choke me baby. please, fuck me.”
your bouncing against him accelerates quicker as he’s chasing his incoming orgasm—it’s coming quick and he can barely prepare himself. the pointed tips of his ears burn with parching heat as your plush keen thighs ricochet onto his own, continuously slap slap slapping against his skin. “that’s it, ‘cho,” you whisper, your body swerving back and forth to match his crazed tempo. he’s sitting up, taking in the flawless view of you riding him. so pretty, he’s practically speechless. nothing leaves out from his lips except for sweet melodic whimpers and looping cries of your name. “good boy, jus’ let go for me. make a mess, ‘s okay, baby.”
choso’s heart continues to race at your obscene words and he leans into your touch once your hand cups his right cheek. “y- your good boy?” he mewls, already feeling the slight twinge of tightness engulf around his cock. it feels so good, he’s always been poor with eye contact but at this current moment—his eyes never left yours. this new feeling, he couldn’t describe it. it left a saccharine taste in his mouth and he wanted more.
“my good boy,” you press a wet kiss near his temple, and he’s almost drooling at the spongy texture of your pussy squeezing and hugging around him. he’s getting off to your praises every time—it fuels him. choso’s hands never leave from your jerking waist and he’s trembling right underneath you. “hold my hips, yeah, that’s it,” you coo against the soft shell of his ear. choso whimpers, trying to follow your lewd instructions. he’s awkwardly holding you upright, making you bounce quicker down on his dick before he’s biting into your neck. “baby, ‘s okay, give it t’me.”
“fuck,” he gasps, compressing his pink glossed lips. he feels the pang of tightness that wraps around him and he doesn’t want the feeling to ever shy away. choso’s whining was so loud, it’s like a ringtone that you wanted to constantly hear on repeat. his hands remain on your waist, guiding your movements before he’s getting more vicious. just a tad bit—he’s hearing the sloshing squelches yelp out from your pussy and a large full breath gets caught in his throat the moment he cums. “baby, babyyy.”
there’s a subtle popping in his ears once he finally feels it. the searing hot friction that glues against both sloppy mounds has his silently babbling out more whispers of your name. your broke him—he was an entire sloppy mess and the cute pussy drunken grin that slowly spreads against his lips prove that. you moan right with him, running your tangled fingers through his black loose locks. it was so intense—and as he’s finally cumming, his voice cutely cracks.
“hngh,” he squeezes his eyes shut, now filling you up with such mucilaginous masses of cum. it’s so much, so thick that it’s overwhelming a bit—even for him, and he leans in to kiss you. it’s a wet filthy kiss, he’s not as passionate as he usually is and this time, he’s more sloppy. as his tongue moves in tavern with yours, he’s still shamelessly dumping loads and loads into you, gifting you with such hot amounts of seed. “i- i love you,” he whimpers between kisses, strands of saliva colliding against yours. his heart’s thumping right out of his chest in hurriedly beats as he’s holding you, using his left hand to give your right asscheek a soft needy squeeze. “s- so much.”
“i love you—too,” you moan between unkempt kisses as parching ropes spurt deep into your womb. your thighs were sticky, and he’s panting before tenderly nibbling against your bottom lip. choso was so in love. once your pointer finger runs a straight line down his bare chiseled chest and you give him that look, he’s damn near ready to propose. you had him weak, and he only wanted to fill you up more again, and again. .
choso grows quiet as you both come to a halting pause. his strong beefy arms wrap around your torso and he’s holding you close, devastatingly breaking away from the kiss with a pout. “y- you milked me,” he whines, leaning down toward your neck to seep his teeth into your skin softly. he can’t help but suck against your collarbone, gingerly swirling his warm tongue near your flesh. so sweet, you’ve got him hooked and it’s only been a few minutes. “i wanna—i wanna do it again, baby.”
“of course you do,” you sweetly tease, feeling as full as you’ve ever been. choso came so much that it’s spewing all down your thighs. you’re weakly grinding against him before you cup his face one more time—planting a chaste kiss on his lips once more. “y’know, you could get me pregnant, choso.”
his eyes light up at your words, and a whine leaves his lips once he grabs your ass again. “pregnant,” he repeats in a low voice, his adam’s apple bobbing. “i- i wanna try gettin’ you pregnant now, baby,” and his eyes meet yours. the most feral look he’s ever gave you by far. you gulp, and choso leans into your ear, a hand reaching down toward your cunt to squeeze it. “teach me more. i- i wanna make you a pretty mommy, please.”
“hah, don’t say nasty shit like that ‘n not expect ‘ta get pregnant afterwards, doll,” a gruff voice murmurs from behind you, and suddenly you find yourself flipped over on your back. landing with a soft oof, a big palm swats against your ass and his swollen cockhead slaps down against your sopping leaky slit. toji groans, narrowing his eyes at your wet cunt, flicking a tongue across the notorious scar that always lives down the right side of his lip. the bed strenuously shudders inward from the abrupt weight and he’s slowly easing himself inside. “god, thought about fillin’ this pretty pussy up since i first laid eyes on you.”
“do it then,” you grumble, moaning once his fat fingers drag further down your twitching folds. right at your exact words, he smacks your ass again without warning and you let off a cute yelp. “ngh,” you bite the inside of your cheek, preparing to take even more of hod thickset heavy inches.
toji was always big—you feel your mouth starting to shamefully water at how he’s easily stretching your cunt open. you’re so quiet that you hear yourself squelching and squeaking around him, ‘pop’ after ‘pop’ ringing through one ear and out the other. “quiet, babygirl. this slutty pussy should be the only thing who’s talkin’, not you.”
you moan at the familiar position you were in yet again—his favorite, doggystyle.
toji always made sure you had the most presentable arch for him, and he grunts the second his dick’s stretching you out from the inside. “atta fuckin’ girl, thereeee we go,” he feels you writhing, groaning at the gummy texture of your walls mightily gripping around him tight. toji gnaws on his lip once he sees your ass throwing back into him forward and he snickers once he catches you’re trying to secretly crawl away.
“hey,” he cocks his head, wrapping all five digits around your neck softly. at his grasp, he reels you right back into him and you moan once his cock’s resuming to deeply barrel itself inside until it can’t no more. “you wanted a good fillin’ so y’er gonna take it, not run,” and your cunt immediately pulsates from his lewd risqué words. “got me?”
“y- yes,” you whine, and you can’t help but gasp at the way your legs nearly give out just from his weighty size alone. you’ve taken him more times than you could count, but every time always felt like the first. your hands precariously grab onto the velvet-colored sheets before you bawl them up into your sweaty open palms. “fuuuck, jus hurry up toji. always take so fuckin’ long.”
“caaareful,” he warns you in a gruff voice, and he starts pounding right into you. you almost choke on the saliva that resides near the far back of your throat as his sharp hips pivot. there’s a sly undertone in his words as he speaks—and toji’s cock buries deeper into your soaked cunt until he’s really nice and snug. “you watch how ya speak ‘ta me. for all i care i could stop right now ‘n make you finish yourself off.”
a pout curls against your lips at his words, but his hips were just so mean and sloppy. you’re jerking back and forth against the stained sheets with his crushing weight endlessly hovering right over you. just a few more inches and he’d be literally crushing you for real, pounding into you much deeper than he already was.
“fuck,” you bite down on your jaw, and the bed starts to wail out in sweet agony. the constant creaks were getting hard to ignore, and callused hands of his continue to spank your ass every few seconds. “tojiiii, fuck right there . . please,” and he’s so deep that you feel his jutting dick pump in gummy areas that made your stomach churn. so good, all you could even think about was imagining his cum spilling all down your thighs and flooding your cunt full. “cum in—ow!”
he jibes once his rough bare hands snake between your slick thighs, gifting your slobbering stuffed pussy with a single mean smack of its own. you moan at his touch, and as you’re just profusely sopping wet, you grind your teeth against each other as his rowdy pace becomes even more ruthless. with toji—he could never keep his hands off of you, you’d have to pry them off. he’s touching and feeling you up everywhere, giving you slow yet deep thorough strokes every second.
scarred big hands grab near your tits, massaging the centers of his thumbs against your nipples as he’s now in prone bone. “yeah, that’s it,” he lets out a raspy whisper next to your ear. as he’s slowly swerving his hips into yours, his long tongue flicks against your lobe. “you don’t care about nothin’ dontcha, you jus want a fuckin’ baby, huh,” and he’s still got both hands attached to your breasts, moving his lips to pepper toward your neck. you moan from his hot touch, feeling your cunt eagerly gape up around him. so thick, the stretch always made your mouth water and knees buckle within you. “wanna be my pretty mama, all swollen ‘n pretty jus for me. you want that don’t ya?”
“y- yes,” you nod, his mushroom tip continuing to kiss near the goopy insides of your cunt. toji sinks his teeth into your neck, and he grunts once his rhythm starts to get relentless - he’s snapping into you deep and he’s hitting you raw. your tongue was all lolled out and you were very much dumb from his cock. completely dumbfounded—not a single thought went through your mind, and as he’s tempestuously pumping you full of heavy inches, his head tilts back once he finally cums.
viscous sweaty limbs glissade and rub off against each other as he slows completely down. toji groans loudly, and it’s a sexy guttural bellow that makes your cunt pathetically twitch. “oh fuck,” and as if on que, hot balmy ropes trickle right into you, shooting way into your sweet welcoming womb. toji’s pants grow heavy, and he feels your weak body shiver right underneath him. it’s cute. his big burly arms flex as he wraps each bicep around you whilst he’s still plugged in, giving you ribbons of seed that then starts to tear down each of your trembly thighs.
“ugh, fuckin’ messy girl,” he swallows, and your honeyed slick unapologetically pours right on him, making an even bigger mess. his hips movements were as slow as a snail—and now, he’s just holding you, still propped up from behind. toji groans hoarsely into your ear, hearing your squelching cunt moan out its own desperate pleas before he tantalizingly pulls out. “god, look at this shit.”
your breath grows shallow and shaky as he’s still pressed on top of you—sinking his weight against your own trembly body. the bed dips at the pounds of heavy weight and toji creeps a hand down between your unsteady thighs again, this time brushing a few plump fingers down your clit.
“mhm,” he huffs, a swollen fat thumb scooping up a few excess remnants of cum before bringing it toward his lips. once he spins you around so you could face him, you watch with dewy hooded eyes. you’re panting heavily before he shamelessly laps the mess up with his tongue. toji pops his thumb right into his mouth before pulling you into a sultry wet kiss just for you to taste it for yourself. with two echoing smacks of crashing lips, he pulls away, tenderly rabbing your chin.
with a smug, sleazy grin pulling against his lips, cold viridescent eyes bore into you and he pats your tummy. “you’re gonna be such a good mama for me, yeahhh you fuckin’ are.”
after you let nanami finish inside, it’s almost as if he’s a changed man. he fully submits to you, and once you let him finish inside, he quickly becomes addicted. he wants you to do it again, and again, and again—milk him for all that he’s worth, use him for your pleasure instead of his.
“use me,” he pleads in a gruff voice, his back hitting against the fat cushioned pillows made of cottony fluff. just a few seconds ago at the least, he just came inside and yet, he wants more. he wants to feel more of you, and as you return his lustful gaze, you’re met with the most kindest fawn eyes. nanami still had his work clothes on, barely. his tie was halfway tugged out and his slacks were halfway on. nanami’s tucked out collar had lip stain marks stained everywhere, all because of you. he clings onto your waist as you’re still stuffed with such amounts of cock before he repeats himself, his husky voice cracking and faltering from each sentence. “use me, sweetheart. i need it, need you.”
“say please,” you lean up against his ear, hot breath fanning up against the sensitive shell of his earlobe. nanami shivers, and the blond tresses that stick against his forehead tickle against your skin. you’re so close—you can smell his loud wooden cologne scent, you can even almost taste it. he always wears the brands you really like. nanami groans from your continuous teasing, feeling his own dumps of cum stir inside of you as your hips continue to jostle against him.
with a longing grunt, he sighs. “please, please use me,” and you feel his beefy arms wrap around your body. you teasingly trail a finger down his perfectly sculptured chest, toying with the loose fabric of his tie and watch as his lips squeeze up into a needy pout. your hips—he was never ever a match for them, for you.
nanami stares at your pretty thighs that merely stick together due to such amounts of glutinous candied ropes trying to ooze all out of your cunt. he grows sheepish, scratching down near the undercut of his hair. “m- my love, you’re . . bein’ quite the tease t’night, no?”
“i just like hearing you beg,” you sweetly coo, and his pecs abruptly clench. your pussy’s keeping him so warm that it’s almost not fair. nanami’s panting like a dog as his arms wraps around you. he’s so pretty like this, all defenseless and submissive—the pout that continues to spread across his lips was only the icing on the cake. once you move again, you’re barely even moving your hips and yet you’re still keeping his dribbling seed stuffed inside. it’s thick and creamy, a few droplets start to stream down the insides of your thighs and he can’t help but drag a finger against the tenacious stringy strings of hot perspiring cum. “fuck, you feel it too, ‘ken?”
nanami swallows, and he’s just speechless as he feels himself delicately pumping you full of all that he’s worth—its lewd enough to make his mouth, and his favorite part was to just grow quiet and listen to the harmonic sounds of your sloppy talkative cunt squelch out its final concluding sounds. so sweet, he holds you tight before burying his face right between your breasts, nodding weakly. “y- yes,” he mumbles, and his entire body was hot. all because of you, there’s a sweet lingering taste in his mouth and his eyes continue to grow hooded and low from your gripping sappy folds.
“ugh, sweetheart. ‘m gonna cum again jus from how good you feel,” he warns softly, his tongue gently lapping near your exposed nipples. you gasp, letting off a shivering moan yourself once his faint kitten licks swiftly turn into full blown sucks. he’s sucking on each of your tits tenderly, with care. “mmph,” his mouth was full, and strands of saliva drag out from his lips as he gives each mound its deserved uninvited attention. every few seconds, nanami’s brown eyes peer back up at you and that’s when you deuce to give his head a soft pat. “you drive me crazy, honey.”
“i know,” you whisper, your arms still thrown over his slump heavy shoulders. nanami’s face softens the more he looks at you and oh, he’s so in love.
a twist of a smile purses against his lips as he sees you leaning in. once he sits up again from your chest, nanami’s entire body feels weak the moment you entrap his quivering soft lips with a kiss yet again, taking his shallow breath away once more.
“ ‘s okay, relax,” you purr in a syrupy voice between wet needy kisses, your hips continuing to rut up against him again in soft juddering jerks. he groans in your mouth, scissoring your swollen insides with his flaccidly soft cock. fuck, he was so sensitive. his entire body felt as if it was on autopilot, and your teasing didn’t exactly help things. your pretty cunt’s got him caught and enticed in a trance that he never wanted to escape out of — and that’s when a whine leaves his lips once he realizes that he’s cumming again.
spurts of hot seed shoot into you raw and he pulls away from your lips to gasp for air, digging his stubby nails firmly into your hips. “fuck, fuck,” and even his swear words sounded so pretty. nanami prefers it like this so much—he prefers it without the stupid feeling of rubber getting in the way, he prefers to feel the real thing.
you feel his swollen heavy base sink down from underneath you as he’s pouring such thick viscid clumps inside of you. “fnhh, hold me,” he pleads, and he’s shivering. you raise a brow and he grumps before abruptly rephrasing his lewd sentence, adding on a single word. “. . please.”
“good boy,” you whisper, holding him tight. nanami’s a mess crumbling right within your hold and he gnaws on his lip at the feeling of himself flooding you full. with cute exaggerated deep breaths, he’s languidly dumping in yet another hot load of cum inside of you. buttery white strings tape and glue against the sides of your legs and he feels his heart pulse quicken at your sudden praises. “that’s it, let go f’ me. make a mess, baby. ‘s oka—”
“just marry me already,” he moans, cutting you off mid-sentence. his face flushed and he just couldn’t take it anymore. he needed you, and he was already whipped. nanami can barely comprehend the things he’s spewing out from his wet parted lips but he doesn’t care. his face goes to shove back into the valley of your chest before he speaks in a cute mumble.
“fuck, i need you to be my wife. w- wanna do this every day day with you. please marry me, please.”
“but—but baby please,” he pouts, his bottom lip quivering as he stares at your cute twitching body writhing underneath him.
frosty blue eyes rover down toward your stomach and it’s so cute—so swollen and plump. he’s been filling you up for hours, though of course for satoru, those hours only felt like minutes. his stamina was always equivalent to a horse. when it comes to satoru gojo, he fucks you mean and good at the same time until you’re just a babbling mess with his cum dribbling down your thighs.
like you are now,
he’s got you in nothing more but mating press and his weight’s nearly crushing you. satoru’s hovering over you and he leans in to tenderly suck near your exposed collarbone. “more, ‘m not done. my angel’s tummy isn’t plump enough yet.”
“ ‘toru, you always do this,” you moan, shaky flimsy arms wrapping around his broad pent up shoulders. he returns your gaze, and as the two of you lock eye contact, he’s nothing but feral. satoru’s heavily panting, bottomed out entirely inside of your pretty pussy as you’re trapping him with your sopping wet warmth. you’ve lost track of how many rounds it’s been, all you knew was that you were just as much of a mess as he was. satoru leans in for a kiss and you merrily return it, gasping once he starts to hump on you. he can’t help it, and his big broad hands sneak toward your bouncy tits, grabbing them softly. “ngh, ‘m full ‘toru, fuck.”
“but i wan’ you to get fuller,” he whispers in a raspy tone, and snowy white strands of hair occlude his eye sight from the constant unsteady movements. he’s so pretty, even more pretty up close. satoru’s thrusts become sloppy within seconds, and his fat cock’s emitting out even more slimy ropes of cum.
he grunts, burying his face into your neck as your sappy folds drip with racy filth of its own. so good, you can hear his choking whimpers continue to coo out from the back of his throat as his washboard abs press right up against your chest. “ugh, good girl. take it all f’me, you always take it so good everytime, fuck,” his brows curl up due to the overwhelming feeling of inevitable euphoria. satoru licks a stripe near your neck as he’s still rocking his hips into you slowly, and he grunts. “good girl, make me a daddy. ‘m gonna give you all my kids, promise.”
as he scrupulously pivots his hips further into you, his tremulous pants become more and more raspy. that little subtle detail about the changing patterns of his heavy breathing was attractive. his cock freely rummages through your greedy walls and satoru bites down on his lip, hard.
he was practically bending you, stretching you out as if your limbs were nothing but elastic. “s- satoruuu,” you babble as your cunt continues to clamp on and around him. so sloppy, your own sappy slick juices create a lewd concoction of filth as both bodies continue to move and pulverize against each other. the sharp collision of his hips that repeatedly slams into you leaves you speechless and entirely dumbfounded. he’s so rough, yet his hands were always gentle and tender. satoru loved more than anything to treat your pretty jerking body underneath him like a rag doll. “fuck, slow down ‘m gonna cu— oh!”
his bumpy crownhead vigorously kisses up against your sweetest spot thrice, and that’s when you feel finally yourself letting go. his hips punctuate within each jagged thrust and you don’t even realize that you’re gushing right down his cock. it was a feeling unlike any other.
“mhm,” he raises a brow, feeling a sudden spurt splash against him. satoru’s breathing gets irregular again as the bed resumes to creak until it’s just crying out desperate pathetic mewls. with skin continuing to stick against skin, you two were practically glued to each other. satoru’s throat grows dry once he registers that you just squirted on him, and he’s got the most smug expression. “oh,” he hums, slowly raising up one of your legs. with droopy eyes and a lazily hung open mouth, you watch as he playfully licks your ankle. “my baby jus squirted on me ‘n she didn’t even ask, how rude.”
“s- satoru,” you stammer out his name again, and you’re so feebly dumb from his cock that those same three vowels continue to slither from your lips again and again and again until you sound like a broken record. your body shook underneath him and he softly grabs your chin, still barreling his hefty cock deep inside. a shadowing flush of embarrassment overtakes you as you feel yourself staining the sheets with a grey forming tint. instinctively, your hands go up to cover your face and satoru snickers.
“nuh uh don’t do that,” he sweetly purrs, grabbing your wrists and planting a kiss near the center of your forehead. once his lips ghost against your skin, you feel hot again and he flashes you a cheeky grin despite how he was sweating bullets. “such a pretty girl,” and you moan, feeling him slowly pull out. the slippery piles of cum drool out from your saturated folds and you hear the ‘popping’ squelches slosh. satoru kisses the back of your hand, and he aligns himself once more, leaning up close to your ear.
“but baby, you’d be an even prettier mommy.“
“stupid woman,” the demon snarls, slumping back against his royal throne with you straddling him.
all various crimson eyes of his maliciously bore into you as you’re grinding your hips against him, bucking sloppily into his very being. one of his arms wrap around your waist before he tilts your chin up to face him directly. you’re met with the eyes of the notorious sukuna ryomen, and a thumb rubs against your bottom lip before he scoffs. “tsk. is that what you truly desire? to be stuffed by me until your weak cunt’s all flooded with my cum?”
“y- yes,” you say in a whiny tone, hauling your flimsy arms over his broad shoulders. sukuna’s body was very big, and his frame was even bigger. you had some amounts of mercy since he was sitting down—but if he was standing up, you’d have an another force to be reckoned with.
his warmth frequently envelops your pasty walls as you continue to move in careless sync with his sharply structured hips. but fuck, every time your ass jostled into him, you felt his second cock that’s stacked from behind brush up against your swollen cunt. those brief feelings of gripping friction always makes your thighs shiver and send a school of butterflies to assault inside the pits of your stomach. you moan, secretly wishing you were taking both of him instead of just one. “finish inside, ‘kuna. please, i need it.”
he jeers at your plea, holding you in place as your body continues to grind straight into him—sweet wanton whines slip past your glossed lips as his bulbous tip continues to thrust into you in and out. “what you need is some manners, girl,” he playfully flicks your forehead, and you let off a sweet pouty whimper.
“uh huh,” and he lies further back against his regal throne, sitting upright with his left thigh bouncing to tease you even more. skin roughly slaps amongst each other in such a crude way that it makes all of the hairs near your neck stand up. every sound being made echos through his chambers and you’re just hoping that no one heard. the demon then grabs your chin again, pressing a chaste deep kiss onto your pretty quivering lips. “fuck, ‘m gonna make you my queen. ya gonna give me dozens of demon brats, ‘s that what you want, princess?”
“mhm,” you nod, and he barely gives you a chance to reply with the way his crooked lips slam onto yours. sukuna tastes sweet, he always does.
a rich sugary flavor coats his forked tongue as your own delves straight into his mouth. your body blissfully saws against his in such insane sync that it makes you feel tingles everywhere.
sukuna smugly hums, feeling your cute curious human hands roam down the edges of his silky made kimono. “please,” you croak between sweet needy kisses, his cock repeatedly hammering up against that spot every single time. it was as if his cock was a dart and your swollen pulsating cunt was the target. after each striking sloppy thrust, he’s hitting bullseye every second. with the way he’s hitting you in all the right spots at the right exact time, it scratches a carnal itch in your brain that leaves you utterly stupid for a few seconds. “make me your queen, ‘kuna. breed me, make me f- full.”
by this point, he’s just using you as his own personal—favorite—fleshlight. two wide hands glue to your waist, sharp dark fingernails teasingly stroking against your skin as he’s bouncing you up and down his bulging massive shaft.
you moan, feeling his ruby red eyes stare at you menacingly the entire time, and you’re chasing each drawn out pant of your shallow irregular breaths. “c’mon then,” he snarls, baring a single serrated fang. the both of you were so so close to shooting blanks until it eventually comes. everything comes immediately like a wave. “take it, princess.”
within seconds, you’re creaming down his cock and he’s pumping you full of thick ribbony ropes.
your cunt throbs the second he spills an entire whopping load inside of you raw, and you nuzzle your face into his neck. “s- sukuna,” you stammer, and your walls were forevermore oh so greedy, adjusting to the way your pussy convulses around him. you both cum in torrent and a surge of electricity pulses through each of your veins. it’s a slight feeling of tweaking pangs that efflux through the undersides of your thighs before your entire body erupts with shakes. “fuck, ‘s much.”
“ ‘n ya better take every drop, s-shit,” he groans, suddenly getting quiet once he feels your jittery hips start to pick up its bouncing again. he’s still sensitive, and he hisses before slumping back against his throne, trying to keep up his stern somber façade.
sukuna’s entire body was dipped in sweat, and his pink slit brows arch together in euphoric agony.
silence is his next response, and he’s still holding you by the waist, an oozing dribbling knot plugging into you effortlessly. it’s so warm and sweltering hot, a temperature you couldn’t even describe as well as your pussy ever could. the very pit of you stomach coils in lewd awe as you’re met with his now flaccid cock just stilling inside of you.
“c-curses, fuck me,” the demon shrills, grabbing your hips and bringing you to a pausing halt.
and for a split second, you could have sworn you just heard him, the king of curses whimper. .
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
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He likes to groom my hand when i pet sometimes
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flweurlilac · 1 year
[Part One]
Cod characters react to you rejecting their confession </3
Part One ✦ Part Two
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Character contains : ghost, konig, price, horangi, gaz & nikto
tw : nothing just fluff & maybe a tiny bity angst ♡ reader is poc but i see her as (black) chubby reader bcs my blogs is for chubby gals but i didnt put any descriptions abt readers body (or skintone) so you could have fun with it :) reader is afab btw ^^
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♡ ghost
- big boy is mad
- no seriously he is mad.
- when the time you shook your head his sight whos first is kinda bright is now gloomy than ever.
- he would like give you a code about a question of why would you reject him.
- after he knows the reason, he is just kind of like [ *grunts* ... Fine. ]
- he still have a crush on u though, but he didnt have the courage to ask you again unless u change your mind and willing to confess your feelings for him <3
♡ konig
- blud is sad & angrei 😡
- have this '😡' expression after you reject him. But quickly turned into '😞😔' expression.
- quietly ask you "why.. Why darling?"
- after he knows the reason why he kinda try to make himself move on from you.
- but failed </3
- he still love you but he actually still mad at you for rejecting him.
- but he atleast try an effort to still respect you, but this dude is still over the heels for you <33
♡ price
- this is how his emotions looks like
- ☺->🙂->😐->😕->😞
- would quickly put his ciggarates once he saw you shook your head.
- ask you a question "am i not enough love?"
- he saw you shook your head again and heared you give yourself a reason of why would you reject him.
- after that he just went to like "oh.. Oh well fine then." But... He is still not over from you.
- i mean.. He sometimes try to take a glance at you when you were not looking.
- and trust me — this papa try reaaaally hard to not gawk over you cus umm.. He doesnt want to be embarassed.
- i mean.. This man has a lot of reputation in the military and the 141 group so.. better be patient.
- unless you're willing to change your mind and accept him, he would be over the moon :)
♡ horangi
- literally gave you a '😐' to '😒' stare right after u shook ur head and said the word "no"
- try not to look to angry at you bcs you just break his little tiger heart 💔
- he also try not to BARK when he sees you talking to his other comrades (including konig, bcs he is a jealous tiger)
- he would demand ask his comrades to ask you about why would you reject such a value man like him.
- would give you a side eye 24/7 after he knows the reason.
- but pls dont be mad at him for that, he still have a crush on you he just dont want to be seem as desperate.
- infact, giving u a side eye 24/7 is to get your attention back to him ... 😏
♡ gaz
- oh my god.. His heart is just like a snow that is being crushed by someones hands.
- would looked like a kicked puppy after you said "no" To him.
- would ask you quietly "why....?"
- after he knows the reason his whole mood is just become gloomy no matter how reasonable the reason is.
- bcs he is a shy bean so having him confessing his feelings for someone that he loves/likes require a lot of confidence for him to do it so he is really feeling that butt-hurt feelings.
- he actually still love you but he would never ever admit this again. He is too too shy beanie to do it. (Pls do it for him<3)
♡ nikto
- literally angy and sad
- he is infact big (almost like konig) but once he heard the word "no" From you he almost felt his strong and muscly heart being melted.
- he look at you with shocked expression and ask "why.. was i not enough?"
- after he know the reason he is still gloomy and sad of course. But he is not going to give up bcs he is a really determined man so he is really willing to say it back to you.
- unless this time.. He has more bigger & well prepare.
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♡❀♡ Note : Guyssss this is my first time writing for nikto hcs/imagines, he is another of the masked men in cod and he was really really underrated, many ppl still didnt recognize his appereance (maybe some are but just dont really that care about him.) so i had to add him on this list. I'll make a part two maybe later with alejandro, rudy, valeria, alex, makarov and keegan :) tell me wht characters should i add in the next part! Enjoy!
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bambikisss · 1 year
Through the rain :: W. Dohwan
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[ BAMBI'S KDRAMA BOY COLLECTION : PT 1] boyfriend!WooDohwan
SUMMARY : After a sudden rainstorm seemingly cancels your date night with Dohwan, he decides to push through the storm just to see you
WARNINGS : oral (f receiving), Dohwan being a soft dom, in the car, he's a big romantic boi, Dohwan speaking a bit of Portuguese (only an ity bity), unprotected sex (always wrap it up)
Music : Loveeeeee song - Rihanna ft Future, rain sounds
Bambi's notes :: I maay have over indulged in this one with him speaking some Portuguese, but I couldn't help it lol. Don't worry, I did include the translation
Reblogs and comments are encouraged! \ Not proofread
"The rain will continue to pour down until around midnight tonight, so it's advised for everyone to stay inside"
You mentally cursed the poor weatherman as you listened to his report as you watched the rain pour down in what looked like buckets outside in your work lobby. You knew it wasn't his fault and he was just a messenger, but it made you annoyed. You had plans tonight that were seemingly now canceled.
As you listened to your co workers complain loudly about having to rush to their cars in such a rain storm, your phone buzzed with a text from your boyfriend Dohwan.
Baby: Are you ready to leave work, princess?
You raised an eyebrow at his text, checking the time before you texted him back.
You: Yeah, why?
You were only met with a read receipt from him, which wasn't common for him. Dohwan always replied to you, even if it was just a simple "talk to you later" or something else. Before you could dwell more on it, you saw bright headlights fill the lobby as someone parked outside the doors near the overhead. The car door soon opened to show Dohwan, an umbrella over his head as he waved at you, his smile bright like the cutie he was. You felt your heart melt as at his actions, grabbing your things before rushing outside into his arms. He smiled before opening the car door for you, holding the umbrella over you before he went to the driver side.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were at home?" You asked as he began to drive, smiling as his hand rested on your bare thigh. Dohwan shrugged, motioning to the rain that was hitting the car roughly as he drove. "I didn't want you trying to find a taxi home in this weather, especially not when I'm sitting at home all alone waiting for you."
Dohwan always did sweet things for you like this: bringing you lunch at work when you forgot it, surprising you with dinner after a long day at work. To him, that was his job as your boyfriend: to spoil you till you were sick of it, and then some.
As he drove, his hand that was on your thigh moved to press down more into the inside of your thighs, pushing up your skirt slowly as his fingers slowly made their way to your warm prize. "Looks like the rain outside is the only thing that's wet, baby" You tried to not show any reaction to his words, turning your head to the window as his fingers pushed open your thighs. Dohwan noticed you trying to hide your reaction, chuckling as his fingers pressed harder against your thighs, successfully opening your thighs enough to fit his hand.
"How's your Portuguese lessons going?" You blurted out, trying to distract him from his hand's mission to fondle your wet panties. Dohwan had agreed to learn the language as part of a bet, saying that he could learn it within a month and be near fluent. He had been taking lessons to help further his actions as well.
"Bem princesa, diga-me você. Como está meu português, princesa?" (Well princess, you tell me. How is my Portuguese, princess?) Your eyes widened as Dohwan's deep voice spoke in the language, a confident smile on his lips as he felt your body tense. He knew you had a thing for him speaking to you in different languages, plus his voice helped as he knew you loved it too. With your mind now elsewhere, he took it as an opportunity to let his fingers push your now soaked panties to the side, his smirk only growing when he feels how wet you are. "Meu meu meu, você está tão molhada para mim, princesa. Minha voz está te afetando tanto assim ou você vai negar mais?" (My my my, you're so wet for me, princess. Is my voice affecting you this much or are you going to deny it more?) You tried to once again distract yourself, but your mind had become cloudly due to his voice and his fingers now pushing into you at a leisurely pace as he drove. You tried to speak, but only your soft moans slipped through your lips, much to your boyfriend's delight.
After a few more minutes of leisurely fingering you, Dohwan wanted more of you.
"Hey, Dohwan, what are you doing?" Your mind immediately cleared up as Dohwan pulled into a gas station, parking into a spot that was away from the others and under the darkness of the nearby trees and the pouring rain. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he smashed his lips into yours, adding another finger into you as he did so. The kiss swallowed up your moans as his fingers sped up, curling in you as you tried to keep up with him in the kiss. Dohwan's lips then began to move down your neck, kissing wherever he could as your hips began to move with his hand, rolling your hips as his fingers hit your spot.
"Backseat, princess. I gotta taste you" Dohwan rested back in his seat as he turned the car off, his fingers that were in you now in his mouth as he watched you climb into the backseat of his car. He watched you in the rearview mirror take off your panties and push up your skirt, making him glad that your date night plans were canceled due to the rain storm. He soon joined you, taking your panties from you as he kissed your thighs, placing them into his pocket before he wasted no time in shoving his tongue into your wet cunt. You immediately gripped his hair as his tongue lapped up your wetness, his hands gripping your hips as he continues to fuck you with his tongue, catching any wetness that leaks from you.
"Does this turn you on, baby? Hearing me talk dirty to you in Portuguese?" He chuckled against your clit as you nodded, his lips wrapping around it as he says "Você nem sabe o que estou dizendo, mas você ama tanto. Você é muito fofa minha princesa" (You don't even know what I'm saying, yet you love it so much. You're so cute, my princess)
Your eyes were now closed as you basically rode his tongue, just like you had done to his fingers just a few moments prior. You could feel your own high coming, stars now appearing behind your eyelids as Dohwan sped up his movements, gripping your ass to hold you still as he moves faster. His moans of approval against you pushes you over the edge, your moan echoing in the car as you cum, your thighs shaking against his face. Dohwan smirks as he cleans you up before resting you back against the seat, his strong jaw and bottom half of his face wet as he gently praises you, kissing back up your body before he meets your lips, kissing you so you could taste yourself on his tongue. "Hmm, see how sweet you taste, baby. Do you see why I'm so addicted to how you taste?" You raise an eyebrow at his words and his cheeky grin, gently shoving his shoulder as you try to relax.
Dohwan laughs softly before climbing back into the front seat, turning the car back on before he drives to a gas pump, grabbing his umbrella before he asks "I'm going to get gas while we're here, do you want anything from inside?"
However, his words fall on deaf ears as you're still trying to relax from your orgsam. Hearing your lack of response, he shrugs before getting out of the car, going inside to pay for gas as you crawl back into the passenger seat. You could feel yourself getting tired, laying your head against the window as you listen to the rain hit your car window, slowly lulling you to sleep.
Which gets interrupted by your boyfriend.
You jump as Dohwan knocks on the window, motioning for you to open the door. When you do, he hands you a slightly wet bag full of snacks and random drinks. "You didn't respond, so I just got us a variety that we can snack on later at home" You thank him, closing the door once more as he moves to pump gas into the car. You once again let the rain lull you to sleep, not even waking up when Dohwan gets back in the car and drives you home.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Looks who is finally out of the shower"
You roll your eyes as you exit the bathroom, the steam from the shower pouring from the bathroom while you dry your hair. Dohwan had set up the snacks he had bought along with the drinks out on the bed as he had picked out the movie for you both to watch, holding his hand out to you to join him on the bed. You smile before walking to the bed, sitting with your back against his chest as he puts on the movie.
As the movie plays, you notice Dohwan's hand resting on your hips, his fingers playing with the fabric of your sleep top as the movie slowly becomes background noise with the rain. You place your head back onto his shoulder as he kisses your neck, the kisses starting off soft and sweet to now leaving hickies, his tongue flowing suit to lick behind the marks he's left behind. Your eyes close as he pulls up your shirt more, his hands moving to grab your breasts, which fit perfectly in his hands. Your mewls of pleasure only fuel Dohwan's need for you, grinding his hardening cock against your ass, his boxers and your underwear being the only barrier between you both, his breath becoming hot against your neck.
"Fuck, Dohwan" Your words come out a bit broken as your boyfriend's warm hands fondle your breasts, his fingers occasionally twisting and playing with your nipples as you meet his movements against his hardening cock. Dohwan only smirks against your neck, his hips now moving faster to meet your ass before he couldn't take it, pushing you forward onto the bed so your chest is against the sheets as his hands now rip your panties in half. "I never cared for those pair of panties anyways, baby. I'll buy you better ones that you can wear for me"
You were about to protest when you felt the head of his precum covered cock press against your wet cunt, slowly filling you up as you grip the sheets for leverage. You knew what was coming next, looking behind you just as he tossed away his shirt, his hips meeting the plush of your ass as he completely fills you up.
"Alright, baby, back that ass up on me so I can fuck you so good" You nodded at his words, moving backwards till you both were sure that his cock was deep in you before he pulls out, thrusting back into you with so much force that it rocks you forward. You moan loudly as he grips your hips, driving his cock deep into your pussy. You let the mixture of rain and the sound of your skin meeting his drown out your cries, your eyes rolling back a bit as your boyfriend licks a stripe up your back before cursing in your ear.
"Fuck baby, you're fucking drooling. Am I fucking you so good that you can't think, hmm? Like the cock drunk fucking princess you are for me" His words are rough, letting you know that he's just as close as you are, how movements speeding up as he chases his release, making you moan louder. You grip his arms as you both cum, both of you falling onto the bed slightly as you both feel your wetness coat each other.
After a few moments you feel Dohwan pulling out, laying next to you before giggling softly, his brain now fuzzy due to the orgsam. His eyes soon meet yours, his smile growing wider as he looks at you. "Best date night ever"
You couldn't help but laugh, smacking his arm before you laid down next to him, the sound of the movie and rain once again fighting off the quietness between you and your boyfriend. You lay your head on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his skin as he slowly falls asleep, holding your hand as he does so, you soon following after.
He was right, this was the best date night ever.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Made by Bambi : 7/20/2023
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dreamzenwrld · 1 year
wild thoughts | l.jn [mdni!!]
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genre: smut. just general filth. roommate!au
word count: 1.8k
warnings & info: afab!reader, sub!jeno, hair pulling, unprotected sex (pls use a condom), dumbification if you squint, jeno is blonde, oral (m receiving), reader calls jeno "puppy" a lot, creampie, begging, lmk if i missed anything!
being jeno's roommate was easy enough. he was quiet, always did his share of the chores, and his dumb puppy moments were mostly endearing and oftentimes hilarious.
emphasis on 'mostly.'
one thing that made being jeno's roommate so difficult was how fucking sexy he was. his warm weather wardrobe consisted exclusively of tank tops and muscle tees — sometimes he didn't even bother with a shirt at all. he was so fun to look at; you'd find yourself staring at his biceps while he cooked you both dinner or at the veins in his hands while he defeated you in mariokart. combine his complete lack of self-awareness with general stupidity, and you'd occasionally get that dumbstruck puppy look on his face that was just so cute, but a sliver of the time made you melt into a puddle.
one time, he came out in a pair of shorts (if you wanted to call that glorified denim thong 'shorts') that were obviously yours with the assumption that his own shorts had simply shrunk in the wash. when you explained his ill thought process, he stared at you with this sweet, confused look on his face, but you couldn't stop thinking about the way the muscles in his thighs flexed when he pulled the shorts down from his tiny waist and off of his body to hand you your shorts back. the fact that he had absolutely no idea what he was doing, somehow, made it a million times worse.
so, it was anything but a surprise when jeno barged into your bedroom, shirtless with a frying pan in his hand, ready to defend you from whatever monstrosity was inducing such breathy shouts of his name. jeno quickly came to find that the catalyst for such vocalizations was nothing more than your vibrator and you picturing him in your head.
"o-oh," he stammered. "um, i'm sorry. i thought you were calling out because there was a bug or something."
you laid in your bed, thighs opened with your vibrator (now on off mode) sitting between your legs, your dripping cunt on full display for the blushing boy in your doorway.
"were you gonna kill a roach with a frying pan, jen?" you asked.
his face reddened more, if possible, and he timidly put the pan behind his back. "oh, uhm..."
you shift around your bed, opting to position yourself on your knees. "you know, you are so cute when you act all clueless like that."
jeno blinked. "i'm not pretending-"
"i know," you said, shuffling towards the edge of your bed. "but the way you act just makes me want to fucking devour you."
jeno, at this point, felt like the one melting. "you think about me when you- you know?"
"of course," you said slyly while inching further towards him. "don't you think about me?"
jeno's eyes widened and the pan behind his back hit the ground with a thud. he began stammering incoherent sounds, wiping his clammy hands against his gray sweatpants that perfectly displayed his hard-on.
you smile at his shy demeanor. "why don't you show me what you think about, baby?"
jeno inched towards you slowly, barely making full steps. once he was close enough to the edge of your bed, you pulled at the waistband of his sweats until the two of you were face-to-chest, nodding at him to sit down to which he obliged.
as you placed yourself in his lap to straddle him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he struggled to find a place to set his sweaty hands, opting for one on your knee and one gripping the bedsheet. after making yourself comfortable and ruining his sweatpants with your wetness, you stared down at him only to be met with that same god-forsaken dumb puppy look. you grinned, then proceeded to grind down on his hard dick, watching his face shift from the wide-eyed puppy look to one of pleasure — eyes rolled back, biting his lip to stifle his moans, and eyebrows furrowed.
"is this what you think of, puppy?" you ask him in a sing-song voice. "is this what goes through your mind when you're touching that pretty dick of yours?"
the boy whined, nodding in response. "y-yes."
"that's too bad," you said with a soft giggle. "because i think of something much, much worse."
jeno let out his first unfiltered moan as you continued the grinding and dirty talk. his hand had been navigating upwards away from your knee and up your thigh, the other still gripping the stained bedsheet beneath him.
"i wanna know," he moaned out. "i want you to show me what you think about. please."
you halted your movements and jeno responded with a whimper. "you want me to show you what i think about doing to you, puppy?"
he nodded rapidly.
you removed yourself from his lap, taking yourself down to the floor on your knees without breaking eye contact. your next steps were so, blatantly obvious, but he still sat there with that clueless expression on his face, wide-eyed and cute and with all the feigned innocence in the world.
you pulled down his waistband enough to reveal his cock, the pink tip already leaking precum. you brought your mouth to his dick and you were immediately met with the most pornographic moans you'd ever heard in your life. his hand shifted to your hair, his fingers getting lost in the strands while the other still remained glued to the sheets.
you dragged your tongue along the length of his veiny cock, inducing shaky, moany breaths out of the boy. you wrapped your mouth around the head of his dick and sucked ever so lightly before taking as much of him as you possibly could down your throat. you bobbed your head up and down his dick as tears threatened to fall from jeno's eyes, him already feeling incredibly overwhelmed.
his hips stuttered and his dick hit the back of your throat, which he immediately followed with groans of apologies. you removed your mouth from his dick, eliciting a small whine before you began jerking him off with your hand.
"you about to come, puppy?" you asked teasingly. "or do you just wanna fuck me that bad?"
jeno stared down at you with his wide eyes and red face. he gulped, releasing a breathy sigh, and stuttered a soft "both," before thrusting up once again, this time into your hand.
you removed your hand from his dick and rose up from your knees. you guided jeno towards the head of your bed, pushing his back against the wall and removing his sweatpants and boxers in the process. you straddled him once again, barely gracing your wet pussy over his hard, yearning dick.
"tell me, puppy," you whispered into his ear. "how badly do you want me to fuck you?"
jeno let out a loud, drawn out whine before burying his face in your neck out of embarrassment.
"is my puppy embarrassed?" you asked, lacing your fingers in his white-blonde hair. you pulled lightly at his hair to reveal his face to you. "you need to answer me."
there it was. that dumbfounded look, but this time he looked so fucked out, so corrupted, and so god damn beautiful. he up stared at you with his glossy eyes, swallowing his pride, and mumbled out his response.
"i want you to fuck me so badly."
you tsked, pulling harder at his hair. "i can't hear you puppy."
he moaned, responding again with clearer and much more vulgar words. "please, please fuck me. i want you to ride me and call me your pretty little puppy; i want you to make me cry and scream and tell me how much of a good boy i am and i wan—fuck—i wanna cum inside you so bad, please. please fuck m-"
you cut his begging off with a kiss, his words getting lost in your mouth as you shifted to envelope his dick between the walls of your pussy. he moaned loudly into your mouth as you sunk further down his shaft, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he bottomed out.
“god, you feel so good, puppy,” you groaned out. “you’re so big. you fill me up so well. your dick made just for me, wasn’t it?”
jeno whimpered as he nodded, shifting his hands around until he settled with one gripping your upper thigh and one on your waist under your shirt. you slowly began to move, rising up and sinking down to find the best pace for your and jeno’s pleasure. jeno could barely keep his eyes open, his head writhing around as you fastened your pace exponentially before settling on a speed that had jeno releasing the loudest, raunchiest moans with his eyes squeezed shut and his head thrown back against your headboard.
you bounced mercilessly on his cock, balancing yourself by gripping his shoulders and digging your fingernails into his skin. both of his hands had found themselves resting on your ass, occasionally squeezing as you rode him. his dick reached every pleasure-inducing corner within you and filled you so well. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t struggling to stay sane.
you knew once one of his hands traveled from your ass to in between your folds to rub your clit that he was getting close, and now with the pressure against your clit you were edging close to orgasm, too.
“f-fuck, y/n,” jeno stuttered out. “i’m not gonna last much longer.”
you picked up your pace and grinded against his fingers, chasing your own high. “you don’t cum until i say so, puppy.”
jeno whined and began rubbing your clit almost violently, determined to get you off before he came. you felt the pleasure pooling in the pit of your stomach and your pussy tightening around his dick, signaling you were near orgasm.
“fuck,” you groan out. “need you to cum with me, puppy.”
jeno’s mouth was agape, unable to conjure words, so he responded with a soft nod as you tightened even more around his cock and rode him into oblivion. in seconds you released loud moans as you convulsed around his dick, and jeno ripped out one last groany whine as he released inside you, his cum dripping out of your pussy around his dick.
sticky sweat plagued your bodies as you both caught your breaths. jeno’s once wide-eyed look had been replaced with a drowsy, post-sex glow and his eyes drooped as he fought to stay awake.
“you did so good, puppy,” you said into his neck as you rested your head on his shoulder. “such a good boy for me.”
jeno responded with a hum.
“let’s rest just a second and then we can shower, okay?” you said.
jeno nodded. “that sounds good. oh, and y/n?”
“you have one active ass imagination.”
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deityoftherain · 3 months
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I may or may not be obsessed with Scott Smajor (“We know, Rain,” you all say in unison.) and this was a little thing I splurged on- I’ve had my eye on these little dolls from @marvelousstrings for a while now and I FINALLY GOT ONE EEEEEE
I just requested the default Scott skin design but I requested a flower crown and I’m so happy I did it’s so beautiful well worth the money and horrible shipping costs from the UK to the US pfft
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doberbutts · 16 days
Hi! I love seeing your training pictures of your dobe — would you mind sharing more about that / the personality of your dog outside of working? I just always find the individual personalities of dogs so interesting :)
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Picture of my own boy as payment (he tears apart the blankets for fun. We can’t stop him. He’s a monster)
Well my queue is mostly full thru the end of September with mondioring training photos, so it will be a bit until candids become more common again, but I can talk about how he is outside of bities.
Fenris is largely a demonic entity that was spawned from the depths of Helheim itself, and he comes up with new and interesting ways to annoy me on a daily basis. He's a wild child, a free spirit, perpetually happy, and uncontainable. Life is one big game to him and he is pretty much up for anything except swimming, which is akin to asking him to jump into a vat of boiling acid. I have watched this dog stare at a doorknob or gate latch for several minutes before opening the damn thing himself, like he put together the steps for "door open" in his mind before acting on it.
He is happy happy happy and he's never met a stranger. Barks at the fence but dances when the gate opens and a new friend walks in. I was actually really surprised this weekend, he snubbed a new friend for the first time the way Creed used to (walked right past her without initiating a greeting, acted like she didn't exist). Perhaps he is finally remembering he's a doberman and the standard says "aloof and discerning with strangers" instead of whatever golden retriever ass reaction he normally has.
He's a tad obsessive, iirc he was the most obsessive in the litter, so he does frequently get "stuck" in behavior patterns. This is mostly limited to sucking on blankets and dog beds, and trotting in circles with a toy in his mouth. As far as obsessive behaviors go, these are probably the least offensive to me so I'll happily take them over things like self-mutilation and pica.
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i'm not familiar with your snakes is Fucking Fred his full legal name? like first name Fucking last name Fred? formally Mr Fred? or is he just a dumb dumb so the swear word is there for emphasis?
Fucking Fred is his legal name. First name Fucking last name Fred.
He started out just Fred when a rescue I partner with got him in, but he kept ruining potential adoptions by biting everyone, and eventually Fucking Fred just became his name. Just, like, "aargh, Fucking Fred bit me again!" "Fucking Fred bit another adopter, yeah they're not taking him anymore, great job FRED!" He was probably poorly handled and scared a lot before we got him, and he learned that biting got him put down, and he just never stopped doing it.
Needless to say, I fell in love with this boy and eventually adopted him. We've put his bitiness to good use, and he's my main strike snake in my programs now - that means he's the snake I use to show kids how snakes strike and eat their food. He's a champ but he still is the bitiest ball python I've ever known!
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violetjedisylveon · 11 months
I had a spicynoodles idea last night
It's basically just them in Tangled
LBD is Mother Gothal obvi, MK is Rapunzal and Red Son is Flynn.
Maybe Mei can be Pascal but a tiny dragon instead? Or she's Maximas but badass horse dragon.
King and Queen(I don't think they have names) can is Shadowpeach.
Suggestion from @frikijedai, Freenoodles run the ugly duckling bar place, and I really like that.
I think it also works with Red Son as Rapunzal and MK as Flynn but Red Son doesn't seem like the type to take LBD's bs as much. He does have the hair for it tho
Important Update!
I'm going with the Red Son as Rapunzal version, @py-dreamer had some really good ideas + I get to draw Red Son with really long, fluffy hair.
MK works good as Flynn because he can fit Flynn's story pretty well, an orphan inspired by a popular character in a story he told all the other kids and makes a new image for himself based on that hero.
Mei is a smol dragon that is constantly teasing the boys, she's kinda like the dragon from the Barbie Rapunzal movie, maybe she can turn into a humanoid form but prefers or is stuck in ity bity dragon form.
LBD definitely knows about Mei here but since she's very smol and seemingly insignificant, LBD doesn't give a shit about her, + she keeps Red Son from bugging her too much.
Freenoodles still run the ugly duckling tavern/restaurant thing like in the suggestion from @frikijedai.
The Mayor is still LBD's assistant, I thought about him being the small old man from the tavern but nah.
This isn't strictly sticking to the Tangled story, it's more Tangled + fairytale inspired AU, it has the same major plot points but the details are a bit different.
Red Son's power does not come from his hair, he has the power in him. His hair will glow and hest up when he says the incantation, and he can send the fire through it + it catches fire when he gets too emotional. So his hair is a better weapon cause it can burn people. If it gets cut its very flammable.
MK is still a monkey.
Update 2!
The more I work on this the less it sticks to the Tangled story
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Cheshire's Chase
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《Catlad/Stray x Reader! HEADCANONS》
More Catlad Tim! HEADCANONS! Mini fic at end! Slight Robin Au too!
Tim is obsessed with the Batfamily (Regardless if you are Robin/Vigilante! Reader)
Tim often writes in a small journal about the crime-fighting family!
He looks up to Dick since he met him before at Haley's circus before his parents had became a bit detached.
Jason never met Tim as Robin, but did look up to him! Finding this Robin a tad bit cooler than when the first Robin was taking crooks down.
Nightwing on the other hand babies Catlad when Tim is first starting out! The two would even sneak out from their parents- *ahem* "parental guardians", to get some air and just talk. [Tim just straight-up fanboying and trying to play it cool. He asks questions about Batman, Nightwing, Robin, and etc.
Sighing stupidly at your phone, you felt your cheeks, warm as an oven and your heart all mushy. A small squeal leaves your lips as you twirl about on your way to Wayne manor. A skip in your step without a care in the world as you ring the doorbell.
Instead of Alfred greeting you, Bruce Wayne meets you at the front door. 
"Ah, (Y/N), thank you for arriving in such short notice."
"Of course Mr. Wayne!" You yell, a bit too much excitement in your voice.
The play-boy billionaire eyes you with a questioning look. "Alright.. Well, I must head off now. Alfred and Dick will be back to the manor in a few hours. You know the rules, so I'll be off. Take care of Damien, have a good one!" The CEO waves goodbye as he heads to his garage.
You do a small wave back, soon heading inside the lustrous manor.
Your feet tapping against the cold floor as you wander around the manor for the "baby" you were supposed to be "sitting".
"(L/N)." Damien calls out to you from the stairs to the upstairs bedrooms. Ace and Titus sitting beside him with straightened postures.
You smile at the tiny kid, waving at him to come down. He does so, with a eye-roll and a click of his tongue. The two dogs following behind him like soldiers.
"You seem in good spirits (L/N), more so than usual." The boy said, the two of you outside in the ginormous backyard as you pick up a toy ball for the dogs. 
"Ooohh... Yeah, I-I guess something good did happen today...!" You state, your voice becoming higher pitched and faster. Ignoring Damien's cold stare as you throw the toy ball, Ace runs after it, while Titus looks at his Master for confirmation. Damien nods, smirking a bit at his animal companion as he runs off toward Ace. 
"Well what is it?"
""Scuse me?"
"What made you this "happy" today?" The young Wayne reiterates, petting Ace and Titus once they brought back the ball and another ball?
Where did they find the other one??
"IT-S Uhnnn, teenage stuff, it'll make you SO BOreeed, don't worry about it, kay?!" You grab one of the balls and chuck it so fast and far it flew outside the gardens.
"Damn.. I mean! DANG!" You try to censor yourself, forgetting there was a child present. 
"(L/N), I know what cursing is, your just like Grayson whenever he loses his balance." Damien scoffs, and you chuckle at the oh-so "perfect Garyson" falling on his face whenever he tries to black-flip to impress you and Damien.
"I know, but your still a ity-bity tike! I don't wanna ruin your child like innocence!" You whine dramatically, attempting to go in for a hug as Damien expertly avoids your hug attack.
"Augh, your worse than Garyson!" He hisses, this time changing his route to inside the manor.
"Come on, we need to get that ball back!"
"Fine..!" You groan out, pouting. "But I think it's an accomplishment that I'm worse than him!"
Wandering around the Crest Hill neighborhood, you stare in awe at the pristine houses and ginormous manors and mansions of rich households.
Damien nudged your leg when he noticed the stupid expression on your face.
"You've seen Wayne Manor before, these buildings aren't as amazing. That one over there isn't even old, it's rather plain too."
You eye the one Damien pointed out curiously, "who's home is it?"
Damien shoots you a look, which you could only offer a timid smile.
The boy sighs and names all the residents on the street, explaining to you the reasons he even knew were due to his father's connections with the higher upper-class citizens of Gotham. Most of them attended the charities they frequented.
"The newer building is Drake Manor-"
Damien becomes quiet as he turns around, you following his position.
A familiar teen walks up to the two of you...
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"
Your body trembles in place as you turn around, Damien who notices your frightened stance. Glares at the newcomer that decided to approach the two of you.
"TIM- I-I mean! Hi-! Drake, Tim Drake??" You babble, wanting to find the nearest rock and crush it on your skull.
"Uhm, yeah, that's me.. Why are you in Crest Hill? I thought you... Wait, do you live here?" Tim coughed, realizing his slip up.
"OH-ya see.. I had.. A baby-sitting gig, so that's why I'm here. BU-Ut... No, I don't live here, in this area, or neighborhood."
Tim's eyes don't meet your own, he rubs the back of his neck and apologized for the assumption.
"No! It's fine, really!" You honestly were just more focused on the fact Tim even knew you existed. The two of you didn't really talk with each other, except on the occasional "hi" or nod in greeting when seeing each other. (Which would always light up your day!)
"And the one that does live here is standing beside me." You gestured to Damien, who squares up in front of Tim. 
Not frightened or shy by the lanky looking male in front of him.
"It was nice seeing you, Drake. But we have to keep looking for our ball, excuse us." 
Damien, grabs your hand, trying to tug you away, but you stay rooted on the sidewalk.
"W-well I guess will see each other later?"
" Definitely," Tim said. His slips form into a grin as he walks back to his destination.
"Yeah.." You giggle stupidly. 
Once Tim was out of sight and hearing, you stumble forward as Damien pulls you along.
"Wait! Damien! Calm down! My legs are asleep right now!" You cry out, he ignored you as the two of you find the ball and head back to the manor.
Mini Catlad And Other Batbrats HEADCANONS
Nightwing babies Catlad when first meeting them. Red Hood shoots at him, Robin tried to kill him.
Robin in this Au has a fun rivalry with Catlad, the two often bickering instead of fighting, or both at the same time.
I would like to think Catlad has intentionally flirted with you while babysitting Robin or Damien just to piss off the kid. But I can see that the two respect each other. But won't admit it unless they were both about to die.
"What's wrong?" Catlad smiles evilly at the two of you, or rather, mostly towards Robin. Who seemed fed up with the thief's antics. While you and Damien had decided to go to the museum to check out a new exhibit. (Dick had begged you to take Damien in his steed because of reasons.)
But, the two cat burglars had decided to make an entrance...
Batman was off running after Catwoman, while Robin stood protectively in front of you. Glaring at the cat-themed villain, while you smile at Catlad. Remembering the two of you rendezvous on apartment roof-tops a few days back.
You started to pray for his safety when Robin threw out a flash bomb at your friend.
[Hope you guys enjoyed it! I need to start thinking about making a bat-brats as villain series. Also, hint for the next one, it's gonna be a hoot! Get it?]
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naffeclipse · 1 year
okay, I had this big ol thought:
What if Vamp Y/n/reader had to stay at a hotel? or motel? they would have to go to a very unpopular/unpopulated one, BUT!
what if during their stay (with Eclipse in the room) someone tries to break in and/or kidnap Y/n/reader? without their knowlage that Y/n/reader was a bity fello1?
(note: they ate before this little encounter)
I love the wild and hilarious chance of Y/N and Eclipse needing to crash at a motel for a day and night and the most unlucky, petty criminal in the world deciding to break into their room.
This can go one of two ways:
If the break-in happens during the day, Eclipse kills them on sight, no questions asked. Y/N is sleeping and will get damaged/killed by direct sunlight. They will not risk anyone messing around in the black-out curtained room for Y/N's safety and take care of the mess and body before Y/N wakes up. The boys will tell them about it later.
If the break-in happens during the night, Eclipse and Y/N will sense/smell the criminal coming long before they start picking at the door lock. Eclipse would tease, saying they could let Y/N chase away the criminal since they just ate the night before and it would be good practice on controlling themselves around blood. Y/N takes it as a challenge but it's also really cute to Eclipse to watch Y/N gearing up with their scary face, fangs and all, to surprise this dude just wanting to see if there's any loose cash hanging around. It works out for the most part! Y/N scares off the would-be-thief and Eclipse gets to compliment their boo-ing skills.
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lostchelicerate · 25 days
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Soo Architect sona? dragon also? well somewaht lol. a very bity boi that works as for the protection of his kind
Funny his name is just acronym from my one. Kaiju Beast Gabi :]
Art and character belong to me
About me | commissions page | KO-FI
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kit-williams · 8 months
Barn Anon. "Oh don't worry, he won't bite." I say as my highly dangerous adorable Space Marine looms behind me menacingly.
You're a bit confused. A Blood Angel had been following you home for a few days now. You don't understand why he has been doing so but he doesn't seem to be dangerous. Or at least not to you. He croons to you, seemingly asking what are you doing as he makes his way over to you. He tilts his head, looking curiously at your tray of unbaked muffins.
You push his hand away before he can prod at one. He hovers at your side as you slide the tray into your oven and turns it on. He speaks in that odd language, unsure when you walk away from the oven. As if he's confused about why you're not staying to watch it. You pull on his hand and he follows you, glancing back at the oven now and then.
Large metal arms wraps around your waist, your Blood Angel buries his face against your neck. More words you don't understand. His actions aren't unusual to you however. You shift in his arms to face him, playfully booping his nose. Soft purr-like sounds from him.
He's a lot clingier and affectionate than what most people say their Space Marines are. Though you realize why when he first took his helmet off. He's younger than most of the Space Marines that people find themselves with. Your Blood Angel beams happily when you reach up to ruffle his hair. He's so cute, your oversized ray of sunshine. You can get used to this, letting him nuzzle against your neck, blissfully unaware of how his affection wars with the urge to sink razor sharp fangs into your vulnerable neck.
Sorry if its kinda a funky one I think its because I wrote some Yandere as well today
You look up at the locks of red hair that flow down his shoulders. You get confused feelings sometimes but that's said to be common with Blood Angles and their successors as well as Emperor's Children as well... people get confused and sometimes the Astartes themselves don't help with how they act. Like your pretty boy... whom you've taken to calling Gabriel after the angel.
He is an angel... your angel and you don't see how your Gabriel could be dangerous or deadly as you were told. He brings you pretty items that he makes... the paintings he paints can when he's feeling down look very religious at times with a dying angel in them or very blood heavy like the one you have on the wall... a chalice of blood over flowing with bodies strewn about in the background as there is this angelic figure in all of his what you call "moody" paintings either dying or rising.
You can't help but laugh softly as he snuggles you and is just affectionate though you worry about the way he puts his mouth on your neck... you're warned about Blood Angels getting bity or something about an oral fixation almost. Gabriel coos and trills in his delightful sing songy voice in that language you don't understand as you could get lost in his pretty golden eyes.
But you hear the oven beep and he picks you up eagerly as it seems your little ball of sunshine wants a muffin.
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