catharticscream · 6 years
bittertwee replied to your post “I think I'm gonna do what I always do every year when I realize I put...”
I just threw on everything black I own. I guess I'm.. spooky?
I used to put on a fake goatee with the cape and be “evil Scott”. Now that I have facial hair already though it doesn’t work.
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socam · 7 years
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@merriweatherpostpavilion waiting for Spoon and B&S while downing g&t's & j&g's and pork pops
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pablo-neurotic · 7 years
bittertwee replied to your post: Dear internet (both actual friends and anonymous...
everything is so terrible it’s hard to even keep track anymore
But at least this is a golden age in terms of streaming video content. 
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shoesandsocks · 6 years
some day I’ll re-read that one Iris Murdoch novel I had to buy, in college, and I’ll write an essay about it
“The Old Man and The Sea, The Sea”
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joanpeel · 3 years
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Currently on rotation…thx for tagging @nnvl 🌹
Always interested in what you’re listening to @arugularocks @ivory-gull @jb-blunk @jvtng @pale-interior @bittertwee @secretcommunion @distant-morning @thatsmyleaf ❤️
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planned-planethood · 3 years
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Tagged by @nothing-to-stop, here’s my mug at a wedding recently in New Hampshire
I’m tagging @stonethrowingdevil, @goddess-particle, @nobodylistenstolucy, @symphonyofmars, and @bittertwee to show their mugs!
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skatalite · 4 years
tagged by @ambientangel 🦋
tag 9 people you would like to know more about
last song: moral - involuntary position
last movie: ..........gremlins (it’s xmas time come now)
currently watching: the oblongs
currently reading: outer dark by cormac mccarthy (fun stuff u know)
currently craving: marzipan...and pignoli cookies....
i tag @desertedvault  @cryptcore @stewedangelskins @decemberseve @fourcalendarcafe @pinksoftsoap @hark-sounds @ambientbruh @bittertwee
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kmtam · 5 years
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@bittertwee is that you?
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hullahbaloo · 4 years
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I was tagged by @bittertwee to post 10 photos of like a theme (?) so anyway my theme is 2020 I guess haha. These are all photos from the past 4 and a half months.
1. A couple of days ago - going on my daily quarantine walks and trying to social distance as much as possible. Saw this chalk drawing and thought it was interesting. Aliens are real!
2. Last month - got into the idea of baking cuz of you know. I made a focaccia and it wasn’t half bad! But it was not the best it could be. Need to experiment more.
3. Last Month - got this mask! Wanted to replicate the masks worn by Yellow Magic Orchestra but it doesn’t look so good 😅😅. Also attempting a face covering here but I look more like a bandit than anything.
4. Two days before full lockdown - this is when the most surrealistic nightmare vision of what this all meant looked like to me. Plenty of fear and panic. Glad we’ve all mostly calmed down (except for those fuckers clamoring haircuts).
5. Mar 6 - my friend Nikkis birthday. We spent the day in Santa Cruz and it was magical! Loved this number and the paint and just a really beautiful sign.
6. Sometime late Feb - there’s a really beautiful bar called the red room in Santa Cruz. It’s in what used to be a former hotel from the early 20th century. It has that old charm and it’s completely red inside. They decorated for a party and it looked a lot like the Shining.
7. Mid-Feb - this is a little painted mural on the side of the Children’s Discovery Museum in San Jose. I was getting really into the idea of digital photography using old digital cameras from the early 2000s. Trying to see if I can put Brian Eno’s aesthetic of failure theory to good use artistically.
8. Early Feb - I had a nice day with my friend Jordan in Alviso (in SJ). That part of town looks like something out of the 50s. It is really underdeveloped compared to the rapidly gentifying San Jose. There is a nature preserve right on the edge of Alviso. In there, there is a train track with an active train that you can cross to get to a ghost town called Drawbridge. It’s completely closed to the public and carries a massive $500 fine if you’re caught trespassing. Also the train is dangerous and you can die very easily. So naturally my friend and I wanted to go! But we chickened our. Alviso is pretty tho.
9. Late Jan - Stephens Meat Products sign. I started walking home from the train station back then instead of getting an Uber l. It is 2.5 miles from my house. I’d always pass this sign which is the only remnant left of the business. Neon signs in San Jose are our trademark. We don’t have much but we have that. There was talk of tearing this sign down but the community wanted it to stay put so it is safe I believe. I find it to be lovely but also the patina of time really turns signs like this from garish displays to something having meaning.
10. Jan 1 - my friends and I took a hike this day to celebrate the new decade. We saw this abandoned house and I wanted to check it out but decided otherwise. This day had so much promise like new decade is here, we can do anything and really change the course of our lives. I still believe that but this whole pandemic really is testing that belief.
I am tagging @gatesovheck @hark-sounds and @cerulean-blue but really whoever!
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clioandhobbes · 4 years
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@lunar-sonority tagged me to post my lock screen and last song played... Mine’s not as cool as hers lol
Lock screen has been this dumb pic for like 3 or 4 yrs now. And I’ve been so busy at work I haven’t listened to music in like 2 weeks so I just threw my (excellent) skiing playlist from this year on shuffle and it’s gifted us a classic banger, my dudes.
Tagging @kinggizzard, @bittertwee, and @grandma-pirate because I trust your music takes and @nicejewishguy because I’m curious about yours :3
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bellsofrhymney · 5 years
@catastrofewaitress tagged me to share ten songs i've been listenin to lately! well here they are:
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - the rainbow
talk talk - such a shame
great stuff. i'm gonna tag @hullahbaloo @catharticscream @bittertwee and @tearsarecool
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catharticscream · 4 years
@justfornowokaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tagged me to do the bill Clinton thing with what I've been listening too lately.
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I tag @declanmacmanus @bittertwee @kickerofelves and anyone else who wants to go to billclintonswag.com and make one
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10 Songs
I was tagged by @semperama to post 10 songs I’ve been listening to lately. I’m still working on my backlog of things to listen to from 2017, and I’ve been obsessed with Jonathan Bogart’s 1980s Europop mixes for months so most of these aren’t new songs per se. Perhaps they’re new to you? Links are youtube or bandcamp because spotify linking confused me, but most of these are probably on there too.
1. Alaska y los Pegamoides - “Bailando”. It’s a dance party, just like it says on the tin.
2. Babaganouj - “Hoping That It’s You”. Ooh ooh ooh.
3. Filthy Friends - “Any Kind of Crowd”. The Lady Corin Tucker + jangle.
4. Mercury Girls - “Holly”. Amplify my persistence.
5. Judee Sill - “Jesus Was A Crossmaker”. Sweet silver angel.
6. Lorde - “Green Light”. Yes, still.
7. Martha - “The Winter Fuel Allowance Ineligibility Blues” This song is true in reverse for me; heat is included in my rent but using a window a/c means the electric bill goes waaaay up in summer so you know I love you if the a/c’s on.
8. Tullio de Piscopo - “Stop Bajon (Primavera)” Classic beat like damn.
9. Girl Ray - “The Way We Came Back” Saw them live last month and they were incredible, fantastic range.
10. Monomyth - “Re: Lease Life (Place 2 Go)” Slice of wandering life.
Tagging @red-hot-moon @dyatica @princeofsparkles @katejeevas @bittertwee and anyone else who wants to!
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pablo-neurotic · 6 years
I mean what kind of American would travel to RUSSIA simply because they have an "interest" in Russian language and culture??? Umm, lol, likely story... Clearly such a person would be hiding something shady and/or illegal!
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shoesandsocks · 6 years
@bittertwee posted a 2014 version of RH covering this song. I got to thinking, “boy, this really reminds of stealin’ records on Napster, living in that terrible apartment in S. Tampa.” 
To my surprise, that download is nowhere to be found in my archives. Went to YT to poke around and found it. Comment from a mere 5 months ago suggests I(’m) wasn’t(not) the only one...
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r0byntn · 7 years
on twee
“In 1986, the British music magazine NME released the cassette-only compilation C86, a collection of songs by indie bands from across the UK. The bands represented on that tape — Primal Scream, the Pastels, the Soup Dragons, the Shop Assistants, the Wedding Present, the Mighty Lemon Drops — were all young and hungry, and taken together as a whole, they showed that something new was happening. These bands might have taken inspiration from the punk and post-punk explosions, and their thin, lo-fi sound was both an economic necessity and a holdover from that period. But they were interested in sadness and longing and sweet melodies and jangling guitars. They helped usher in a period of hazy, shimmery, heart-on-sleeve underground pop that came to be known as twee. That music helped kickstart underground scenes on both sides of the Atlantic, and pretty soon it became a genre and an aesthetic and then, eventually, a bit of an epithet. In time, it came to apply to bands like Belle And Sebastian who made lush, cinematic music that was connected to those C86 bands in spirit but not in sound.”
I do like this account of “twee.” From Stereogum’s review of Girl Ray’s Earl Grey (out 8/4). @bittertwee, what’s your take?
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