#bittersweetart gallery
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Purity recycling
Oil on canvas
Sergiu Grapa
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Program H23SG
Oil on canvas
Sergiu Grapa
#painting #oilpainting #surrealart
#surrealism #artfantasy #fantasy #sciencefiction #sfart #art #artwork
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Paul Adrian Chis
Digital artwork
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bittersweetartgallery · 9 months
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Deep illusion
Ink on paper
(80x60 framed)
Sergiu Grapă
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bittersweetartspace · 2 years
Paul Adrian Chis
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Paul Adrian Chis - Bloody Rain
Digital Illustration
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Sergiu Grapa - Bittersweet 11, 2019
Digital painting - Limited edition of 40 signed prints.
Available in archiv print quality on photo paper or canvas, up to 2A0, through our shop: https://bittersweetart.gallery/shop/
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Sergiu Grapa - "Iluzie optica" (optical illusion) artwork presantation with details
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Paul Adrian Chis - Neo Baroque 2021
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Prof. C. Crenganis - Dualitate (Duality)
Original description, Romanian - Prof. C. Crenganis about his work
A încerca să trăiești într-o lume în care “adevărul” trebuie de multe ori ascuns, trunchiat, este povara cu care trăim propria existență. Să privești și să ieși în lume de cele mai multe ori cu dublura ta și să încerci să o prezinți celorlalți ca fiind tu cu adevărat, ne face să plecăm cu îndoială, cu convingerea că lumea în care trăim este lupta continuă între adevăr și minciună, între dragoste și ură, etc.
Description translated in English
Trying to live in a world where the "truth" must be frequently hide, truncated, is the burden with which we live our own existence. To look and to go out into the world most often with your double and to try to present it to others as It would be truly you, makes us leave with doubt, with the conviction that the world we live is the continues fight  between truth and lie, between love and hate, etc.
Beschreibung übersetzt ins Deutsche
Der Versuch, in einer Welt zu leben, in der die „Wahrheit“ häufig versteckt, gestutzt werden muss, ist die Last, mit der wir unsere eigene Existenz leben. Zu betrachten und raus in der Welt zu gehen, meist mit deinem Doppelgänger und zu versuchen es anderen als sein wahres Ich zu präsentieren, bringt uns dazu mit Zweifel zu gehen, mit der Überzeugung, dass die Welt in der wir leben, den fortwährenden Kampf zwischen Wahrheit und Lüge, zwischen Liebe und Hass darstellt, etc.
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Sergiu Grapa - Bittersweetart 10, 2017
Digital painting - Limited edition of 40 signed prints.
Available in archiv print quality on photo paper or canvas, up to 2A0, through our shop: https://bittersweetart.gallery/shop/
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Sergiu Grapa - Bittersweet 13, 2021
Digital painting - Limited edition of 40 signed prints.
Available in archiv print quality on photo paper or canvas, up to 2A0, through our shop: https://bittersweetart.gallery/shop/
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Sergiu Grapa Lost In Finding 2017
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Sergiu Grapa Head 2017
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bittersweetartspace · 3 years
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Sergiu Grapa, Bittersweet 6 detail
Take care what you desire, you may get attached to it!
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Happy new year, wishes you Bittersweetart Gallery, starting the year with discounts (enter the coupon name in your cart before paying)
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