cardinalfang · 1 year
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Some more reference sheets for @cliffsidewarriors-rp characters! This time, both characters are mine -- here we have my beloved Coppershade of GorgeClan (designed by TJ) and newly-minted ValleyClan apprentice Bitterpaw.
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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loudclan-clangen · 7 months
Loudclan — Moon 5:
Bluepaw succumbed to the infection at 9 moons old.
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(Let’s all just do me a favor and pretend that I wrote Bitterpaw instead of Peakpaw in Siltsplash’s speech bubble)
Peakpaw is apprenticed to Chickadeeblur while his brother Bitterpaw is apprenticed to Siltsplash.
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First Moon
Next Moon
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oddclangen · 11 months
36 Moon - NewLeaf part 1
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Pumpkineagle is a wierd boy. He doesnt like much cats in the clan except for Yellowfur (his mentor) and Bitterpaw. And Maybe Bigflip.
He pretty much ignored his mother Timberwater preferring her company to anyone else.
He graduated at 13 moons and was honored for his compassion. (This guy does not scream compassion)
Pumpkineagle is such funny name, but i am keeping it out of principle.
35 moon - 36 moon p2
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florida-star · 2 years
my clangen is a disaster
the leader and deputy are former mates and fucking hate each other, we lost two cats to twolegs(come back sorrelfreckle and bitterpaw i miss u...) we have THREE medicine cats, one couple and absolutely no kits or apprentices
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GraveClan Cats: Sweetpaw
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Sweetpaw is a black-and-white tom with a face split between black and white and one amber eye and one blue eye. He is based on Prompt #31, Treats. Sweetpaw and his twin brother Bitterpaw were found on GraveClan borders as kits beside their deceased mother. They were raised by Scarredface, who was himself a parentless kit adopted into GraveClan, and both consider him to be their father. Sweetpaw is the inverse of Bitterpaw not in only appearance but personality as well. He is gentle, sweet, and caring. He is almost always perfectly subordinate to authority figures and seeks out validation from them often. He is very talkative and will talk a cat’s ear off once he gets overexcited. He adores his mentor Duskleaf, and he is Sweetpaw’s favorite target for his long rambles and antics. He also enjoys following his brother around to mess with him, too.
He and Bitterpaw are littermates.
His Warrior name will be Sweetheart.
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pikaclan · 3 months
Moon 574
Season: Leafbare
Overarching Events
Not enough medicine cats!
Cinderstar rests their muzzle on Clawlightning's head and declares them to be a full warrior of PikaClan, honoring their daring
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Bitterpaw's advice has helped many cats throughout their days as an apprentice. Even Cinderstar has sought them out at times. Cinderstar has no doubts in their mind that Bitterpaw is ready to be a warrior, and names them Bitterpuddle, honoring their foresight
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Cinderstar stands above the Clan and proclaims that Chasmpaw shall now be known as Chasmbat, honoring their insight
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As Toadpaw touches noses with Cloudbeam, they hope they'll get to do something that will really impress the Clan on their first day. Maybe they could catch a big, fat rabbit? Or chase off a fox! That'll show the Clan they're the best apprentice anyone's every seen!
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Iciclepaw can't seem to sit still as they bounce up to touch noses with Fleckflit, swearing they'll be the best warrior the Clan has ever seen
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Driftsong was seen speaking calm;y to a cat from SplinterClan. The border was crossed
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Chervilkit falls into a river, but is saved by Pheasantprickle
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Cinderstar recovers from birth Cloudbeam's shock abated Gorseflight's whitecough abated but slipped and dislocated a joint Levi has phantom pain Whiskerburr's shock is gone Shrewlight got a running nose Carnationflow fought a big dog and was injured Chasmpaw's cut healed Bristlewing got greencough
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voiceless-people · 3 months
Also Blessedpaws name is pronounced bless-Ed not just bless-d. lol
Masterlist. Chapter 1
The snow was thick, crunching underneath their paw pads as they trudged their way further up. They passed many boulders and tall trees, Cacaoclans vast territory seemed to have no border as the two cats made their way closer to the mountains peak.
"Should we even be doing this? Hawkaim and Kaggedwolf are going to find us." One of them pants. He was a kit, days away from his apprentice ceremony. "Serpentpaw. . . Serpentpaw!" He cried out.
"Yes Bitterkit. We must see this. Now hurry, or we'll miss it!" Serpentpaw leaped forward over a log, Bitterkit dug their claws into the bark, but couldn't lift themself over it. Teeth grabbed at his scruff and lifted him over. The apprentice chuckled. "You don't need me to carry you, do you? I'd expect more swiftness from the Coffee tribes kits." Bitterkit growls at him.
They keep wandering upwards. Bitterkit could feel a thumping in his near-frostbitten paws, and blood was rushing to his icy ears. His long and dark pelt was keeping his body warm enough, but his face ached from the cold.
"There- I see his pawprints!" Serpentpaw began to bound further ahead. Bitterkit reluctantly followed, after all, he had already come this far. Up ahead was a cliff, the moon shining above. Bitterkit looked straight up, seeing silverpelts brilliant stars gleaming down upon the two cats.
There at the cliff stood Cacaostar. He was huge, like the leopards of old. A thick stripe of white ran from the tip of his tail up to the backs of his ears, splitting into two like a snakes tounge. Bitterkit held his breath. Serpentpaw gasped in amazement. Cacaostar was speaking, murmuring to the sky. His voice was too quiet to hear, and if anything replied, the two couldn't hear it.
The clouds above began to move, swirling into forms unknown. Cacaostar simply watched. The stripe down his back began to wiggle in the wind, until a great whoosh ran past, and the white flew straight off his back. It coiled in on itself and writhed into the sky, until a mighty snake was staring down their great leader. As the wind died down the vision faded.
Cacaostar let out a shout, not of anguish or rage, of frustration. He whipped around, not catching sight of the two younglings. The leader lumbered down from the cliff and bounded down the mountain. Once he was out of sight, Serpentpaw squealed and leapt out of the ditch he hid in.
"BITTERPAW! YOU SAW IT! YOU SAW IT, DIDN'T YOU?!" he pranced in a circle, turning to look up at the cliff. Bitterkit weakly lifted himself up from the ditch, his vision blurry. "Oh starclan.. Bitterkit could you imagine it?"
He licks at his frozen feet.
"One day I could be up there, talking with our ancestors. Getting my nine lives. And you could be my deputy!" Bitterkit gulped. "Or my medicine cat?" Serpentpaw offers. The moon crests overhead.
"I'm not sure if I believe in the whole starclan thing. . ."
. . .
"What?! Why?!"
Two apprentices sit in a clearing, sunlight shining down. The one apprentice, loudly protesting is coloured a light cream. His eyes are a piercing sky blue that stare right at the other apprentice.
"What are you talking about Acornpaw! Starclan- they run everything around here!" He motions to a squirrel further away. "The prey we catch, the kits that are born, it's all a gift from Starclan." The feline proudly claims.
"Blessedpaw. I just- I don't know." Acornpaw rolls their eyes. He lays down on the grass, it's still coated in morning dew. Birds are chirping and the solemn coo of the mourning dove occasionally rings out. "Let me think about it for a moment."
Blessedpaw nods and stretches himself out, fluffy tail curling upward. He lowers his haunches and slowly stalks towards the squirrel a few fox lengths away. With a silent leap, his heavy paws pounce on the prey, catching it easily. Acornpaw watches without a word, his mind wandering. When Blessedpaw pads back he speaks up.
"I just mean, that if starclan was real, wouldn't things be different? Wouldn't Pebblekit be better?" Acornpaw flicks his ear and lowers his head to the ground. The other apprentice drops his fresh kill nearby. ". . . Aren't they older than us? And we get apprenticed before they get to. How is it fair for Starclan to do that?"
Acornpaw rolls onto his back, belly facing the sky. Blessedpaw joins him, looking up at the trees and birds.
"I don't know." The large cream cat raises a paw upwards, spreading his claws open before sheathing them again. "You should probably go back to the Magic Republic."
"I suppose. Have fun at the Creme Republic."
Blessedpaw rolls over and gets up, walking away with his prey. Acornpaw lays there for a bit longer.
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emeraldprophcomic · 5 months
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Coralpaw's sisters; Milkpaw and Pikapaw!
Milkpaw is blind, but she's full of big dreams and ambitions for the future, despite their environment. She's close with Bitterpaw particuarly
Pikapaw is quiet, prefers to observe rather than converse. She doesn't have many close friends within their generation as a result.
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mouselobite · 1 year
I rule that she's too busy to sit down!!! She slays too hard standing!!! It's not like I'm struggling to remember how to do muzzles and just don't want to deal with side views or anything!! Sobbing- I'll figure it out in like... 3 months
Ooh... Considering if Crystalshard has been super mad at Bitterpaw because he's been super on his dad's side (they had a great relationship) and accidentally killed him when she got too mad... The DRAMA!!! These pixel kitties need to go to marriage counseling... They won't- But they need to!!
FELT MOMENT. I do that too... On all sides. Emo wolves were the BEST. I had a self-insert wolf who looked like Blackstar - unintentionally, but it probably says something about me lmao - and her sister was named Nova. Their battles to the death looked horrendous, but it was more important thank you very much
Hey, I'm WikiHow anon from this burning planet and you're not watching Disney Channel
EXACTLY!! like shes sitting because she felt like she had to not that i forgot how to draw poses or anything like that riiiiiight????
AND YEAH!!! love when this game gives me something random to work with and im like "hmmmm. yes!!! its all coming together now!!!!" like cat mysteriously dying and another cat being shady? i can put this all together!!!!!!
YES!!!! emo wolves were so fun i was living my life with my brown wolf with purple hair while I sat in the back of class like "this is so me...." ESP THE LORE I GAVE THEM it was so silly but i had a blast doing it as a kid therefore it shaped me as a person
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yarnclan · 1 year
CrystalClan part 4
Soooo many apprentices....... Rosy/Thorn kits and Ridge/Racoon kits, and more.... And a Sharpstar and someone’s ;} kit...
Under a cut cause it got way too long:
6th Newleaf
Newleaf is slow to really break the chill his year and Forestkit and Hazelkit catch greencough. Several other cat catch it, or whitecough as well.
It becomes obvious that Sharpstar is pregnant. Rumors swirl around the clan as to who the father is. Some think it could be Braveblaze. But the secretive nature that she takes with the whole thing mostly confirms to everyone paying any attention that the father is Turbofoot.
Thornwater and Rosypelt’s kits are apprenticed, joining Bigpaw, Applepaw, and Riverpaw in the apprentice’s den.
Fringepaw is not super thrilled to have Stoatplume, the reject deputy, for his mentor. But he wants to make his parent’s proud so he vows to do his best.
Thornwater takes Spotpaw on as his own apprentice, wanting to guide his very odd daughter, and is happy she chose the path of a warrior, despite her trepidations and odd daydreams.
Chasingpaw is apprenticed to Vineshell, who remarkes that she reminds her of her own sister Egretwing. And helps her makes sure to focus on her own training, not just the training of her siblings and contemporaries.
Berrypaw has a bit of an embarasment at her apprentice cerimony, crashing into Midnight pretty clumsily. She's mortified, but Midnight laughs it off, and helps her relax, open up, and have a good time.
Forestpaw recovers from greencough right in time for his cerimony. He is apprenticed to Shineclaw, who starts taking him of border patrols and herb gathering excursions with Spottedmint right away.
Racoonsnout and Ridgetalon’s kits are also apprenticed a moon later
Gustpaw is apprenticed to Roachfoot and bombards her with questions about her old clan and life outside the clans.
Hazelpaw is an egar apprentice for Plumflake, who often has trouble matching his energy. Hazelpaw is fueled by a desire to impress Berrypaw, as he's developed quite a crush.
Pansypaw is most reliable and easy-going of his litter, he makes a good match for his father, Ridgetalon, to be his mentor. He has Racoonsnout's patinece and is used to Ridgetalon's hovering.
Bitterpaw is the other "responsible" kit. But deep down yearns for adventure. And so is over joyed when Rosypelt steps forward to be his mentor.
6th Greenleaf
Glowkit is born to Sharpstar. And with Turbofoot visiting the nursery as much, or more, than he did when Cricketspeck and Plumflake were kits. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who the father is. It confirms suspicious that Sweet Marmalade held for a long time. She mostly just feels empty. And can hardly bring herself to care or react. She has her kits that she loves, and many great friends in the clan. She doesn't really need much else.
Suntree, Spottedmint and Goldcreek find a dying queen and three kittens. Unfortunatly, only one kit survives, Wisteriakit, and is taken in by Sharpstar.
Gustpaw realizes tom doesn’t describe how they feel.
Bigtail is welcomed as a warrior of the clan. He’s grown to be a surprisingly reserved and considerate cat.
Stonewhisker gets skunked again. Hilarious
Stan attempts to resolve boundary disputes with ShineClan, but fails.
Applepounce and Riverstone are made warriors. Egretwing has helped the very reserved Riverstone open up a little bit. Though he remains rather aloof. He likes to challenge others with riddles and often speaks in an intentionally obtuse way. Sharpstar has at times been more than a little frightened of just how smart he seems to be. Firflutter is very happy and supportive of Applepounce.
Applepounce falls into a sink hole and dies. He's confirmed dead by Goosetooth. Who seems oddly extra apologetic about the whole thing. Truthfully, Goosetooth had had a premonition of Riverstone falling, and for his own reasons had wanted the cat dead. 
Spotpaw realizes they aren't really a she-cat. they aren't sure what though. Thornwater, having gone through something similar, talks them through their feelings, and helps them realize they are nonbinary.
Fleas ravage the camp. Shineclaw was patient zero and gets ride of them just after passing them to everyone else.
Berrypaw’s eyes are damaged by “the biggest hare ever” according to Hazelpaw. It’s difficult to treat eye injures, and it’s questionable what will happen to Berrypaw’s eyes.
Frustrated with Stan’s failure with ShineClan, Star decides to become a mediator.
A kittypet named Petya joins the clan. She’s very cute.
6th Leaf-fall
Turbofoot leaves the nursery for once to go on a walk. He’s killed by a fox. Plumflake, always forgiving of his father, grieves. Cricketspeck and Sweet Marmalade watch on, not really sure how to feel. Sharpstar is inconsolable. Life without Turbofoot feels pointless, empty, and she still has all nine lives.
Plumflake injures his leg pretty badly in a trap.
Glowkit, having kinda been left to fend for herself, catches kitten cough. Despite her mixed feelings on the origins of the kit, Cricketspeck steps in to look after her and Wisteriakit.
Thornwater finds himself in a very difficult position. With Sharpstar unable to lead, he’s been having to lead the clan. Something that has confirmed it’s not a position he wants. He worries what will happen if something happens to Sharpstar, yet as things stand there is no way he can step down and ask someone else to take his place.
Chasingpaw is one of the few cats who seems to love talking to Riverstone. He welcomes the intellectual challenges Riverstone comes up with, and the two form a highly philosophical friendship.
Marbletail and his kit Jadekit join the clan. Jadekit is around the same age as Glowkit and Wisteriakit
Spotstripe, is made a full warrior, the first of their litter to be made a warrior, Gustclaw and Pansypetal are made warriors at the same time, mostly quelling rumors of Thornwater’s favoritism. Thornwater does carry out the ceremony, citing Spotstripe’s initiative and courage, Pansypetal’s enterprise, and Gustclaw’s thoughtfulness. Gustclaw is more than a little annoyed at both the shallowness of this assessment and the fact that the deputy and not the leader was the one to carry out her ceremony. Pansypetal is just happy to have a reason to party.
Spurred by the fact that she left one of her most important jobs to her deputy, and frustrated by her own weakness, Sharpstar decides she can’t let the feelings consume her. She’ll just have to deal with it for her clan.
Berrypaw’s eyes have healed enough for her to return to her training, but she has only partial vision.
Glowkit heals from their cough, though Cricketspeck keeps looking after her.
A loner named Web decides to settle in the clan. She’s crossed paths with the medicine cats a few times and traded information. She’s older now and offers her healing skills and a place to live out the rest of her days in peace. She has a frighteningly good memory though, and knowlage of far more than just herbs.
Petya finds an abandoned kit and names him Quietkit due to the fact that she almost tripped over him, rather than hearing or seeing him.
7th leafbare
It’s a warmer leaf-bare than normal, torrential rains seem to fall constantly, turning the ground into a treacherous sea of mud. Also I think somewhere along the way I messed up the numbering system. The clan is currently 60 moons, aka 5 years old. I think this should technically be the 6th leafbare, and I jumped in numbers somewhere probably because I started in leafbare but keep thinking that newleaf is the “new year”
Duskspot has managed to find his way home at last! Rosypelt, Sharpstar and Ridgetalon are especially overjoyed. Thornwater /hjs that he can be deputy now if he wants. Duskspot is truly a little overwhelmed with how much the clan has grown and changed. There are so many new faces, and he hadn’t quite realized just how long he’d been gone.
Wiggity Wacks decides to retire. 
Many apprentices are made warriors:
Fringepelt has chilled out a lot with age. Getting to know Stoatplume better he comes to respect them for the cat they are, and develop a better sense of empathy. He develops a great sense of humor, and is well-liked for his ability to come up with very clever jokes and funny stories.
Vineshell's careful training of Chasingcloud allowed her to develop into a careful and kind cat. She's very altruistic but aloof in her own way, and frighteningly observant. Riverstone remains her favorite conversation partner.
It was sometimes joked that Forrestpool might as well have been a medicine cat apprentice for all the times Shineclaw took him herb hunting with Spottedmint. His apprenticeship gives Forrestpool a pretty unique perspective, something he seems to have appreciated... He's very methodical, and seems much older than he is.
Bitterheart (the game gave him this name lol), having had his fun apprentice adventures, thinks that he must now be a responsible warrior, and follow the warrior code to the letter. 
When it's time for him to be made a warrior, Hazelholly feels very bad about leaving Berrypaw alone in the apprentice den, the last of their group to be made a warrior. But she asks him not to insult her feelings like that, and insists he does it.
New apprentices do join Berrypaw in the den soon enough, and she’s happy to tell the stories and help guide them in their training. And tell them about the worlds biggest ever hare.
Glowpaw hopes Turbofoot is happy and watching over her as she’s apprenticed to Cricketspeck.
Wisteriapaw is apprenticed to Warblerfall, and the two certainly make quite a contrast. Wisteriapaw having grown to be quite outgoing and brave.
Jadepaw is apprenticed to Riverstone, with the hopes that the intelligent cat will give Jadepaw the wisdom to support his cautious instincts.
Halftalon dies in a burrow collapse. Roachfoot is distraught to live past one of her kits. Warblerfall carries on, but is deeply saddened. Even after he’s dead Vineshell feels his presence, and tries to ignore it, and her conflicting feelings of relief and grief.
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Rosypelt announces she’ll be having kits. Thornwater is quite happy, and seriously considering giving up his position for the upteenth time.
Glowpaw gets greencough, a sign that she might be a little more susceptible to illness than other cats. She gets to know Jadepaw a little better since he’s also stuck in the med. den with whitecough.
Bitterheart died from a nasty bite-wound he got from a rouge. Ridgetalon is extremely upset. And starts being very over-protective of all his kits and most of the clan too.
Riverstone gets bit by a snake and survives. Goosetooth seems weirdly disappointed he didn’t die. Snowmane and Goldcreek especially take over caring for him.
Hazelholly has thus far been wanting to patrol and hunt with Berrypaw and Midnight Goddess. Midnight voices her concern that he may be a little too distracting to Berrypaw, who is egar to have her final assesment. Hazelholly does back off a bit. Berrypaw and Midnight go on a hunt, it possibly being her assesment. Midnight is drawn towards some twolegs, wondering if they are the friendly sort she used to live with. But she is captured in a net and taken away. Berrypaw is very upset, but tries to be strong. Duskspot made it back, so Midnight certainly could as well. And when she does Berrypaw will be a strong warrior and make her proud.
7th Newleaf
The rain continues into newleaf, herb stores are a struggle to keep fresh and dry.
Duskspot retires, happy he can do so in his home where he belongs, and happy that the clan has so flourished. Braveblaze also retires, Glowpaw gives him some holly leaves as a gift.
Berrypaw is finally welcomed as a full warrior, and named Berrylight, honored for her dignity and optimisim. Rosypelt and Thornwater are bursting with pride. 
Rosypelt and Thornwater welcome Lightkit, Duskkit, and Spikekit into the world.
Sweet Marmalade moves on from Turbofoot. For her own sake. She knows that when her time comes they will not be together in StarClan. But she does not feel lonely at all.
Star died from yellowcough :< Sweet Marmalade is very upset and cares tenderly for her dead friend’s body. She also trips and hurts her paws again.
Riverstone died from the poison from the snake. Goosetooth seems relieved. Goldcreek, finally presses the issue, why was he so frightened of one cat, who was a little strange, but never did anything to hurt anyone. Goosetooth explains that long ago he’d had a vision of a cat with one yellow eye, and one blue eye killing a white cat. Goldcreek is sympathetic, as he too has prophetic powers. But he knows they mustn’t ever let those visions impact how they treat their clanmates. Goosetooth is regretful, and is truly saddened he never got to know Riverstone, as they probably would have gotten along.
Chasingcloud is despondent after Riverstone’s death. She never got a chance to confess the extent of her feelings.
Both Braveblaze and Duskspot decide to become mediators. Duskspot feeling like it’s a great chance to get to know all the cats he missed out on growing with.
Quitepaw is apprenticed to Petya, mostly because she’s the only cat he’ll speak more than two words too. And Jadepaw is reassigned to Spotstripe, and seems very moody about the whole thing.
An injured loner named Mottledkestral is found and taken in.
Seizing on the oportunity to ask a question that’s been burning in his mind, Jadepaw asks Spotstripe how they knew they were, “ya know, different”. Spotstripe eventually catches on to what they’re asking, and talks them through her feelings.
After helping to console her sister, Berrylight knows feels a sense of determination come over her. She’s been aware of Hazelholly’s feelings for a long time. And feels deeply fond of him as well. She decideds if he’s not going to do anything about it, than she will. She confesses, and the two happily become mates. Though keep it on the downlow.
A kittypet named October joins the clan. They look odd, with large ears and a slim build, and has a strange voice.
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hoodiedmenace · 2 years
here is my warriors oc, Mothscript, yelling at his new apprentice, Bitterpaw.
Moth means well, but every little mistake she makes has him on edge. And her excitable attitude grates on his nerves. However, eventually he learns not to crush her spirit and to work with her attitude instead of against it. And stars forbid anyone comes after Bitterpaw with Mothscript around.
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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loudclan-clangen · 6 months
Loudclan - Moon 11:
[Nothing of note happened Moon 10]
Peakpaw and Bitterpaw have earned their warrior names! They are now Peakpatch and Bitterpelt.
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Tundrafrost brings a healer named Weed back to the clan.
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First Moon
Next Moon
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goatpaste · 3 years
Ok but I must wonder; what's the Bunyip in this other Gloryclan story?
mm im not 100% sure atm, i just know for right now it be a name for a creature/myth that Gloryclan cats could have,,,
maybe a story about an older generation of warriors of Gloryclan and stuff
oR or, because i know in my stories after the events with Tranquilstorm and Agonypaw, all the leaders and medicats were given prophecies voguing about danger within the clans. and this ended up effecting apprentices from all three clans, Decker, agony and Eveningpaw all end up nearly getting killed by Tranquilstorm.
And between these events in general and after Tranquilstorm disappeared all the clans are on edge and have begun to pull away from their IMMENSE trust with each other. My clans are all very close, very ok with cats transferring clans, and cats even visiting other's clan territory for friendship, romances or even events held by the clans, like loyalclan holds what is basically a like a get-together where cats meet on the half moon and share stories, sing songs and catch up with friends.
But after the Tranquilstorm events everyone is on edge for moons, and the clans trust in each other is falling apart
and i'd want this to be occurring and the clan drifts widening over the course of both a after the events of agonypaw's story but with Deckerpaw as a warrior finding his heart longing for something in the marshlands but having so much in Honorclan keeping him there
as well as Bitterpaw's story, and dealing with this new age with the clans falling apart and distrusting each other because of Tranquilstorm... like between wanting to live up to their late mother Bittertounge's name, and having some bitter feelings about Tranquilstorm and Agonyheart and the whole deal with that.
MAYBE maybe.. Bitterpaw thinks if they can find Tranquilstorm and bring some form of justice down on her it would make up for.. something? the stars know if he could ever tell you exactly what
Maybe finding Tranquilstorm out in the marshes far from home, and getting caught up in her hunting a cat eating beast call the Bunyip and how she's trying to stop it from attacking Gloryclan, and doesnt know Bitterpaw is from Gloryclan. Tranquilstorm and Bitterpaw spending time with her sorta training him begrudgingly to hunt and kill the Bunyip and protect Gloryclan, maybe Bitterpaw learning the multiple facets of Tranquilstorm and getting more conflicted with their emotions about her. and in turn Tranquilstorms feelings about training and letting someone close to here, especially someone young like her old apprentice and the baggage that comes with
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just a little story about the swirling emotions about people of your past and how you have to process what you've done, who you are and who you want to be. all while hunting down a beast with the cat who killed one of your parents
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floatingdandelions · 7 years
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Fan art for a good friend of mine. It’s her character Bitterpaw, who is currently training to be a medicine cat apprentice. Yet, Bitterpaw isn’t your typical medicine cat apprentice..
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