#bition gang
grosutina · 1 year
Gang i feel very alone being fully obsessed with whatever energy The Fix and the M Bition have going on. The angst. The mind wipe. The. I don't know. Please tell me I'm not alone. FixPasha is adorable and all but [muffled scream]
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saingirl101 · 1 year
Mentopolis Episode 5 Liveblog as Gifs (SPOILERS)
Man I can't believe next week is the series finale for this show. legit been one of my most favorite seasons of D20 and 6 episodes were absolutely not enough. Like this cast is so so so good. I can't believe how quickly I have grown to love and care them all. But all good things must come to an end I suppose and theres at least one more episode after this.
As always spoilers below:
Hunch giving bluh reaction to a tension giving him a hug after he gives her the occulus:
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Hunch proceeding to be the most insane detective man wo ever lived with Mr. Thalamus:
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Alex realizing that the drawing of a snake Dan fucks found with the initials R.R. stand for ronnie reptile:
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the gang putting together that Norrell destroyed the keyhole to protect the big guy:
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Conrad not knowing what a palooka is:
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Finding out gobstopper definitively being used as a weapon for mind control:
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The Fix intimidating frank freeze into telling the PIs where all the keyholes are:
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The gang splitting up again:
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Frank finally deciding to do something and that something being changing elias' pants:
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Imelda winning the standoff between H. V. Lance and them kissing and having a marriage proposal:
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A Tension and Danny fucks trying to convince the judge fusion that danny should be the mayor:
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A Tension getting a 19 snoop after her impassion statement that Mark Ambition got a campaign check from Don Avarici:
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A tension and Danny getting coerced into a car with Don Avarici:
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The Fix telling Madam Loathing to shut the fuck up:
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Finding out Madam Loathing is siblings with Self Doubt:
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The fix giving ronnie a snake fact and then we jumpscaring to shadows downstairs:
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Hunch and Fix failing to convince justin to come back to their team:
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Conrad growing because Imelda had the big guy do the right thing for the first time in awhile:
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Me seeing Fanny and wanting to marry her:
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Anastasia easily getting the Key from Fanny:
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And then losing a key to Flight:
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Danny and avaricci having a flirty mode:
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Fuck having moral quandries about what avaricci is offering vs not letting conrad be killed:
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A tension figuring out Flight is stacy fakename:
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Us after that jam packed episode and there only being one episode to wrap this all up:
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Brennan leading us into the finale:
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gaogrotesque · 4 months
今天只能說感謝藝人們讓這一切值得 🥹👍🏻
彩排 結果只彩了不到15分鐘吧XDDDD
具昌謨:Taiwan beer 難波萬 / 保羅:18 days 18 days 請問有收代言費嗎 🤣
第一首歌就來〈BAND〉殺得我措手不及(?)前奏一邊下,有人見縫插針秀中文:台~灣~(用唱ㄉXDD) 聽聲音好像是具昌謨XD
中間的ment也是各種見縫插針秀中文 😂 文仁燮真的是雜學大師XD 他感覺信心滿滿自己學很多 要當中文小老師(X)殊不知他孝恩哥才是鴨子划水(?)惦惦呷三碗公 文仁燮:(跟他的小夥伴們解釋)朋友(中文)就是親故(韓文)的意思 韓惪光:(感嘆)你好厲害啊~ 尹辰煐:BITION朋友~ 96和99ㄉ 親故擊掌(???)感覺AMB的台灣官方fan club可以叫做BITION朋友(X)
保羅還先問:潑水下去也沒關係嗎? 真的很溫柔ㄝ…🥺
我真的不明白文仁燮為什麼要對著台下粉絲大喊「小籠包!」 XDDDD
尹辰煐真的很愛搶別人/朋友的歌XDDDD 想起了當年的超級新人巡迴 得到了台灣限定版·〈Summer〉ft. Ash Island 我當然是很開心XD 雖然在原版的音軌覆蓋下幾乎聽不到他的聲音 😂
剛好就在不久前請朋友推薦我BE'O和保羅的歌,那時候聽到〈Summer〉就一直揮之不去(?)想不到這麼快就能夠聽到現場了,這點也好開心 然後文仁燮在我們面前拿著水要撒不撒的在那邊晃(?)真的好煩wwww
然後畫風突變成EDM大舞廳(?)我也是沒想到XDDD〈METEOR〉電音版XDDD 文仁燮看起來關節都僵硬ㄌ(幹) 但95線以前的哥哥們都很能catch this vibe(?)(+背景音·尹辰煐:台灣!台灣!台灣!)到底是台啤的威力還是熱昏頭ㄌ 文仁燮被他相龍哥打敗(?)看著哥的復古舞動笑到扶額蹲地也好好笑XDD 雖然他看起來有小小嘗試了一下要加入舞動但最後看來還是被羞恥感(?)打敗ㄌ 尹辰煐真的 就是在憨笑,拿著麥克風ㅎㅎ 大家都聽得到的那種XD
第一位上台的是 ZENE THE ZILLA ,雖然知道他很久了、但沒有特別關注?(也可能是因為之前當兵中斷關注ㄌ)應該也是第一次看他現場 LIVE很有魅力,是那種看完現場之後回去再聽音源,想起LIVE的回憶會增色不少的類型 🤣 真的很會做公演,和台下的互動感讓人很愉快、本人的stage manner也很帥(會跳舞的人韻律感就是不一樣XDD) 但看著他身上的黑色厚厚棉T,我一直在想:果然這就是Rapperㄇ?手凍僵人感冒都要喝冰美式、太陽再大都要穿長袖XDD by 崔原宰〈flex〉 所屬crew是YTC4LYF…不知道為什麼我老是會跟MBA搞混 😅
意外的(?)覺得講話聲音和語氣都好帥喔(?)果然是吃聲音這行飯的人才(?奇怪的感想XDDD) 聽到〈귀감〉很開心,是我在Q這張專輯中最喜歡的歌之一
把歌詞中的地名改成台北/台灣這種小細節真的是永遠都會讓我心動警報 💘
The Quiett CD 사서 듣던 놈은 결국에 買The Quiett的CD來聽的那小子 結果現在
quiett heaven (台北) 에서 이 훅과 벌스를 녹음해 在quiett heaven (台北) 錄唱這首歌的hook和verse
不是、我們是什麼能夠和Q老大的錄音室相提並論的地方嘛! 🥹
居然還能聽到未公開的新歌 「特別為了各位帶來的」這種話就算知道是話術聽了也很爽啊
ZILLA:各位聽聽看覺得如何,喜歡的話請好好享受,不喜歡的話我就再多努力吧 沒什麼、就這句話講得太出人意料的 誠懇?XDDDD 我莫名的被戳中ㄌ,又可愛又好笑又認真,整個好感度蹭蹭蹭往上飆XDD
新歌很嗨…很GANG…等音源出來時我一定會遙想525好好收聽ㄉ 🥹
在朋友的影片裡看到一個很GANG地比愛心的小片段XDDD 由於表情太GANGㄌ還想說有沒有看錯XDDD &我一開始還在想 對這些KHH人比愛心有用嗎(?)結果他們大比特比,讚啦。👍
說到很熱,台下大家以一種狂熱的程度開始大喊「脫掉!脫掉!」我真的是有股羞恥感湧上來XDDDD 但我也愛看謝謝(幹) ZILLA:現在還不到時候(?)等等之後說不定在不知道什麼時候(就會脫ㄌ) 男子漢說到做到!
〈Way Too Bad〉真的超好玩!ZILLA自己還先教學真的有夠可愛…
〈뜨거워 완전〉也超好玩…!!(他的舞台有哪首不好玩 🤣)果然是帶動跳哥哥嗎(X)看他的舞台都玩得很開心耶 🤣
而且LIVE也真的唱得好好…聲量、音準都好穩定,我記得還有一小段清唱 --是哪一首我實在不知道歌名希望有人指路一下XD-- 當下完全被帥到咪咪貓貓 🥺
總結:ZILLA就是那種雖然不是我擔,但站在面前的時候會覺得好帥的男子 &整個舞台跑透透,粉絲站哪都零風險(?)
相較之下第二棒選手(?) Hash Swan 完全是極與極XDDDD 但惪光的可愛可以戰勝一切(幹)
〈Wang Like Alexander〉的這張專輯我全部都好喜歡QQ
我:哇這是第一次看Hash Swan現場…嗯?好像不是。 🤨 等等、突然驚覺 跟2018年底看他的時候感覺差好多XDDDD 那時候感覺是冷冷的很chill的高冷美少女(X) 這次看只覺得好可愛?講話語氣也很可愛…是因為長大了個性有所改變、還是因為18天喝多ㄌ(。
看了一下當年的repo,那時候聽的也是〈Wang Like Alexander〉和〈MA$HIMARO〉🤣 果然是說自己最近也沒發什麼新歌的實誠人(幹)
(五六年前發的專輯還好好收藏著、帶到現場的人真的是真愛吧…看到有被簽到名我也覺得很開心XD)Hash拿在手上拿到忘記簽也好好笑XDD 可愛 說會在舞台上邊繞、邊盡量簽他有看到的專輯也好好
正在想他LIVE也真的好穩的時候,唱〈Francesca〉就忘詞?嘴ㄆ一ㄚ惹 嚴重懷疑是他手上18天的鍋 🤣 不過這種程度的小失誤可以給過
除此之外都覺得好強!好像不用呼吸換氣一樣,而且flow、tone都維持得好好 結果一到ment:「我現在好像快死ㄌ、好累,因為太熱ㄌ 」語氣突然生動ㄌ起來 🤣 講到熱,台灣粉絲們當然就會回那101句:脫掉啊!! 🤣 Hash:不行~不能脫啦…先考慮一下(0.01秒)但還是不行…讓我再想想(懊惱的聲音XDD) 扣子開到那麼低已經是惪光最大ㄉ妥協 🤣 真ㄉ好可愛。 還說跑公演已經有大概三年沒像這樣大爆汗過了XDD
〈Dante〉也好喜歡 💜
Hash的整個氛圍就是chill又trendy的感覺,雖然不會像ZILLA那樣跟台下互動,但跟觀眾的連結感也好強…!會很沉浸在他的嗓音和歌曲裡 然後完全沒有撒水XDD 雖然在表演中不太會跟台下觀眾互動(?)但有整個舞台走透透,不管站在哪個方位(?)應該都可以好好欣賞Hash認真演出ㄉ樣子 💜
最後結束的時候也跟五年前看到他的時候一樣XDDD 一唱完就直接瀟灑地往後台走了XDD
(啊其實有點可惜沒能看到我心目中最次文化美少女的造型XDD 不過剛好在來台灣前不久剪了頭髮又染黑,也是很好看)
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colde94s · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀changmo icons
like/reblog if you save/use!
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minsikluv · 4 years
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leellamarz changmo ash island
like if you save!
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yema-gh · 4 years
ChangMo all black attire
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📍plz like if you use or repost
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wonderlandpack · 4 years
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Changmo Lockscreens
♪ fav / rt if you saved
♪ don't go over saying it's yours, be honest please
♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack
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hippop-produseur · 5 years
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Ash Island
⤷ icons
i guess is an Ash's birthday special, this boy just turned 20 this is what he deserves
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no one:
ash island's next merch design:
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h1ghrbition · 5 years
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look at my bby 🖤☄
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pressforlove · 4 years
i was provoked into these thoughts bc got7 went on idol radio & beom was wearing changmo’s meteor hoodie
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f-ngrl · 4 years
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2020.12.31 ambition_musik 비션갱 2021년 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 언제나 태양은 하늘에 떠오른갱 
[Bition gang Happy new year 2021. Whenever the sun rises in the sky gang]
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no-openflames · 4 years
Bruh I just found your blog and BAND was in my head (bition gang apparently live there now), and I saw your description as I reached that line in my head and I... Cannot.
the same thing happened to me which is why it’s in my description 😂😂
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ambeann · 5 years
Loopy - G.O.A.T (Feat. The Quiett) Lyrics
Loopy - G.O.A.T (Feat. The Quiett) Lyrics
[Hangul + Romanization] Loopy - G.O.A.T (Feat. The Quiett) Lyrics [Single] G.O.A.T Artist: 루피 (Loopy) Genre: Rap/Hip Hop Release Date: 2020.02.26 ℗© MKIT RAIN Lyricist: 루피 (Loopy), The Quiett Composer: 터널넘버파이브 (Tunnelno5) Arranger: - Romanization Yeah Not Okay Raingang on this bish Okay GOAT da ssageuri seokgin Juice I sippin' junbidoen mumblin' Louis nae jacket Gucci ni pocket No need a couple ring Amiri baji Chaneli bal wi jangsikhae Vogue ssageuri seokgin Chandon he sippin' urin da igyeo Double cup go like brazy mareun an hae nan wonhae pay me Serious haji neon i gamei I just want the Qhyeong maybe (GOAT) illigaeng only reingaeng only There'll be a lotta groupies nae sonmoge Rollie 2 chaineun lonely Think I need a new AP (Bust down) twieo da boyeo nae angyeongeun Dior arado moreun cheok han daneoneun biyong yuhaengeul sikyeo nae serveneun quick wait mojaneun sel su eopji wait mojaran saekkieui wishlist hada boni yeogiya wi check We the CEO shit yeh Business on my feet yeh nan only cash daebubuneun baemgatae tahyeophaneun daesin goin' my way geureoni da ppijyeo Dok2 you were right jurukjuruk bireul naerigoneun got shit done neo seuseuro tteuji moshaneun raepeona gomangomanhan pdneun ttaeryeochigo right shit done daebubuneun silpae Somebody make it swipji anheun badak yeh yeh swiwo boiji ige geureom nega haebwa Right away ting ting twinggyeo eorinsaekkideul try me with your shit eogeuro kkeureo 1nyeonjjari urin Greatest all the time yeojeonhi doni on my mind (GOAT) <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ]]> da ssageuri seokgin Juice I sippin' junbidoen mumblin' Louis nae jacket Gucci ni pocket No need a couple ring Amiri baji Chaneli bal wi jangsikhae Vogue ssageuri seokgin Chandon he sippin' urin da igyeo Double cup go like brazy mareun an hae nan wonhae pay me Serious haji neon i gamei I just want the Qhyeong maybe (GOAT) illigaeng only reingaeng only There'll be a lotta groupies nae sonmoge Rollie 2chaineun lonely Think I need a new AP (Bust down) I think i need a new rollie I'm bout to cop a new white whip Welcome to the scarface lifestyle chuun seoureseo honja dubai shit Boxes came from nike olhaedo beoreotji manhi nae insaeng beolgo sseuneun ge jeonbunde eojjeogesseo don jarangi bulgapi Make it rain gang, bition gang, busy gettin' jipye No party on the weekend LAXe naerijamaja rodeo drivero baro jikhaeng nae flexin'eul yokhaneun nomdeureui sigyen seiko animyeon nixon i jasikdeureun swipge geobeul meokjiman uriegen amugeotdo anya silpaen geu nugudo mitji andeon kkumeul naega yeogikkaji deryeowatji geu gwajeongeun jom oerowotji simjieo nae jigwondo mitji anhasseotji nae mal Then i said u better watch sureun siljiman oneureun deureoya hae chukbae cuz it's a good day ne baetsalmankeum neureotgeodeun stackseui dukke Let em' know again Loopy (GOAT) da ssageuri seokgin Juice I sippin' junbidoen mumblin' Louis nae jacket Gucci ni pocket No need a couple ring Amiri baji Chaneli bal wi jangsikhae Vogue ssageuri seokgin Chandon he sippin' urin da igyeo Double cup go like brazy mareun an hae nan wonhae pay me Serious haji neon i gamei I just want the Qhyeong maybe (GOAT) illigaeng only reingaeng only There'll be a lotta groupies nae sonmoge Rollie 2 chaineun lonely Think I need a new AP (Bust down) Hangeul Yeah Not Okay Raingang on this bish Okay GOAT 다 싸그리 섞인 Juice I sippin' 준비된 mumblin' Louis 내 jacket Gucci 니 pocket No need a couple ring Amiri ���지 Chanel이 발 위 장식해 Vogue 싸그리 섞인 Chandon he sippin' 우린 다 이겨 Double cup go like brazy 말은 안 해 난 원해 pay me Serious 하지 넌 이 game이 I just want the Q형 maybe (GOAT) 일리갱 only 레인갱 only There'll be a lotta groupies 내 손목에 Rollie 2 chain은 lonely Think I need a new AP (Bust down) 튀어 다 보여 내 안경은 Dior 알아도 모른 척 한 단어는 비용 유행을 시켜 내 serve는 quick wait 모자는 셀 수 없지 wait 모자란 새끼의 wishlist 하다 보니 여기야 위 check We the CEO shit yeh Business on my feet yeh <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ]]> 난 only cash 대부분은 뱀같애 타협하는 대신 goin' my way 그러니 다 삐져 Dok2 you were right 주룩주룩 비를 내리고는 got shit done 너 스스로 뜨지 못하는 래퍼나 고만고만한 pd는 때려치고 right shit done 대부분은 실패 Somebody make it 쉽지 않은 바닥 yeh yeh 쉬워 보이지 이게 그럼 네가 해봐 Right away 팅 팅 튕겨 어린새끼들 try me with your shit 어그로 끌어 1년짜리 우린 Greatest all the time 여전히 돈이 on my mind (GOAT) 다 싸그리 섞인 Juice I sippin' 준비된 mumblin' Louis 내 jacket Gucci 니 pocket No need a couple ring Amiri 바지 Chanel이 발 위 장식해 Vogue 싸그리 섞인 Chandon he sippin' 우린 다 이겨 Double cup go like brazy 말은 안 해 난 원해 pay me Serious 하지 넌 이 game이 I just want the Q형 maybe (GOAT) 일리갱 only 레인갱 only There'll be a lotta groupies 내 손목에 Rollie 2chain은 lonely Think I need a new AP (Bust down) I think i need a new rollie I'm bout to cop a new white whip Welcome to the scarface lifestyle 추운 서울에서 혼자 dubai shit Boxes came from nike 올해도 벌었지 많이 내 인생 벌고 쓰는 게 전분데 어쩌겠어 돈 자랑이 불가피 Make it rain gang, bition gang, busy gettin' 지폐 No party on the weekend LAX에 내리자마자 rodeo drive로 바로 직행 내 flexin'을 욕하는 놈들의 시곈 seiko 아니면 nixon 이 자식들은 쉽게 겁을 먹지만 우리에겐 아무것도 아냐 실팬 그 누구도 믿지 않던 꿈을 내가 여기까지 데려왔지 그 과정은 좀 외로웠지 심지어 내 직원도 믿지 않았었지 내 말 Then i said u better watch 술은 싫지만 오늘은 들어야 해 축배 cuz it's a good day 네 뱃살만큼 늘었거든 stacks의 두께 Let em' know again Loopy (GOAT) 다 싸그리 섞인 Juice I sippin' 준비된 mumblin' Louis 내 jacket Gucci 니 pocket No need a couple ring Amiri 바지 Chanel이 발 위 장식해 Vogue 싸그리 섞인 Chandon he sippin' 우린 다 이겨 Double cup go like brazy 말은 안 해 난 원해 pay me Serious 하지 넌 이 game이 I just want the Q형 maybe (GOAT) 일리갱 only 레인갱 only There'll be a lotta groupies 내 손목에 Rollie 2 chain은 lonely Think I need a new AP (Bust down) English Translation N/A Source: Genie Music Romanization: K-Lyrics For You English Translation: N/A K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from Loopy - G.O.A.T (Feat. The Quiett) Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2020/02/loopy-goat-feat-quiett-lyrics.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea Loopy - G.O.A.T (Feat. The Quiett) Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2020/02/loopy-goat-feat-quiett-lyrics.html
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theissuecollector · 5 years
[KEYNOTE Playlist] 1월 넷째 주 힙합|창모, 사이먼 도미닉, ZENE THE ZILLA, Hash Swan, 팔로알토, 김효은, ASH ISLAND, 라비, 조우찬
[KEYNOTE Playlist] 1월 넷째 주 힙합|창모, 사이먼 도미닉, ZENE THE ZILLA, Hash Swan, 팔로알토, 김효은, ASH ISLAND, 라비, 조우찬
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0:00 ZENE THE ZILLA – 세잎클로버 (Feat. KOR KASH & Luka Lavish) 2:34 Hash Swan & ASH ISLAND & 김효은 & 창모 – Bition Boyz 6:41 사이먼 도미닉 – ya ain’t gang (Feat. JayAllDay & SIMO of Y2K92) 10:41 라비 (RAVI) – ZOMBIE (Prod. by Flash Note) 12:55 조우찬 – 현실자각타임 (Feat. Dok2) 15:27 팔로알토 (Paloalto) – Get It 18:22 Los – EA$Y
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minsikluv · 4 years
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