#bitch ass of a feral cat deity
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heykellz · 23 hours ago
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A Relationship
(it's not like that)
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felswritingfire · 5 years ago
Could you write some Macan relationship headcanons, please?
Fucking- I love Macan- he’s a whole ass boy
Contrary to what many people might think- Macan actually knows about the ins and outs of “dating” and by dating I mean the pursuit of getting a mate
He lived in the jungle and had a pseudo teacher, I’m more than positive that they explained, or at very least, mentioned sexual partners and the joy that they can bring
So, he has an idea of what attraction is 
Also there’s the fact of natural animal instinct (bitch be feral) 
He’s just never… thought of going through with it. Like sure, he debated with Nomad before, but he decided he liked the thought of him being more of a brother figure than an actual romantic interest, but he had never found anyone else worth going after in a relationship
That was until he met you
You honestly probably managed to gain his respect first by being able to keep up with him in a fight or he saw you fight with someone else and he was like, “Hey, I’m down to eat that person.”
And then you two began to get to know each other and soon enough he was like, “heart eyes, motherfucker” and that’s how your relationship blossomed
You’ll have to explain you concept of dating to him and he’ll work with it from there since his version, is- ah- much more primal
AKA: You two get it on and have like, a horde of (metaphorical or literal) little Macan’s running around
You gotta explain that you two have to build up to that  
And he’ll respect your explanation and try his best, but remember, he’s a rambunctious boi so you gotta be firm with him once in a while- other then that, he’s like a huge ass puppy (Haha) with you: always looking for your praise, touching you in anyway possible, always following you around- all that good stuff
Speaking of him touching you- he likes to randomly wrap his hands around your waist, doesn’t matter how much or how little pudge you have, he likes the way your waist curves when he squeezes. He also hyper fixates one the way your thighs fit in his hands (paws? ah-); he really likes to hold your hand in his and will often run his fingers over your knuckles
He loves giving surprise hugs- just hugs in general 
If you’re dating him, he’ll introduce you to Nomad if you don’t already know the guy- he always ends up slipping you some good food as thanks for keeping the big oaf busy 
Macan isn’t really a guy who’s masterful with words and usually shows his affection through his actions- he’ll get things when you ask him and he’ll actually listen to you when you’re talking, he’ll actually sit and just… bask in the presence with you
You have a strange way of calming him down and are one- if not- the only person who can get Macan to snap out of it when he goes into his berserk mode
His fear of hurting you is that strong
He’s pretty docile around you and honestly just wants to spend time with you
So he’s usually working out in some corner of the room while you do something else, that or he’ll do some push-ups and you’ll be sitting on his back (and no, it doesn’t matter how much you weigh, this boi can lift you- you see all that tittie? That ain’t no bitch tittie, he can lift anything if he puts his mind to it)
He’s really protective of you- like, uber protective- but he also has the state of mind that you’re a strong, independent person who can handle themselves. That doesn’t stop him from glowering at people from behind you though
Usually, if someone is trying to put the moves on you, he can just flash some teeth and give them a glare and they’ll be running with their tail between there legs (sometime literally); very rarely do you get the actually dumbasses who roll their eyes and keep pushing their luck- now that’s when Macan will really puff up and you have to keep him from actually killing someone because a) illegal and you’d prefer Macan not to go to jail and b) we don’t want to be traumatized by Macan legit ripping someone’s spine straight from their back 
His ideal date is literally wherever you want to go, he’d probs just mention going to a gym though because that’s one of the only things he ever thinks about, aside from you, so if you do end up taking him to the gym, he’ll be forever grateful to you and he’ll probably lick half of your face
Speaking of licking, this dude does not do kisses, he does licks- he doesn’t really see the point in kisses, they don’t really do anything except show affection and that’s it. Now with licks you get the best of both worlds: affection and baths- now that is what he is TALKING ABOUT
You’ll have to, honest to whatever holy deity you may or may not worship, have to work with him on that- otherwise he’ll just, randomly start grooming your hair in the middle of a conversation with one of your friends, ruining whatever work you’ve done on it 
The first time you explained french kissing to him, Macan grabbed your face with one hand and shoved his whole ass tongue down your throat and you almost threw up. You laugh about it now, but holy fuck you thought you were going to die because he let his tongue just sit in your mouth while he looked around the room
He just needs a lot of work in the kissing department is all
He likes to bite you as a way of marking you. It’s not even sexually- you could be just hugging and he’ll catch a sliver of your shoulder peeking out from the shirt you’re wearing and his eyes will do the cat thing where his pupils will blow wide and he’ll just- *nom*
He did this once in front of Nomad where he started nibbling on your cheek and he freaked the fuck out and ended up knocking out Macan in one hit because he thought that he was trying to eat you- it was actually really flattering, but you had to explain to him that: no, Macan isn’t trying to eat me (you hope). He’s just doing that weird Macan thing where he bites you to show affection-
Oh, if you thought that you would be sleeping by yourself once you got with him- YOU’D BE WRONG 
He likes to sneak into your bed and snuggle up to you. At first he tried to sleep on top of you, but quickly learned that he’s… a little too heavy to just be casually be sleeping on you- so instead he’ll rest his head on your chest and wrap his arms around your waist and drift to sleep listening to the sound of your heartbeat 
He loooooves when you style his hair- go crazy with it- he’ll show it off proudly, he don’t give a fuck. That bright ass pink bow with that rhinestone in the middle of it that you put in his hair??? Fucking flaunted. You decided to curl his hair? Bet you bitches are jealous, huh? You decided to put a flower crown on his head? THIS IS MY TRUE CROWN NOW, PEASANTS, MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY CLAUDE-
This guy just loves you a whoooole lot, my dude
(Please, someone ask for NSFW, I had to fight with myself to not add them because I wasn’t sure, but PLEASE I HAVE- I HAVE SOME IN MY NOGGIN, P LeA S E)
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