#bit of a redesign we gave him big teeth and some extra leaves
cordycepsbian · 10 months
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surprising nobody, we drew gourmand again
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Sonic the Hedgehog
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I never played Super Mario Bros. until I was in college - we were a Sega household or we were nothing. While my friends were busy rescuing Princess Peach and throwing barrels as Donkey Kong (is that how that game works? I have no idea), I was zipping along collecting rings and fighting a mad...robot...doctor? Not really sure what Dr. Robotnik’s whole deal was, but the point is I was a Sonic girl through and through. In spite of feeling a little silly, that means I was genuinely excited about the movie adaptation, which is frankly ridiculous as video game movies couldn’t be less of a cursed movie genre. Even amongst horrifying character redesigns (why the TEETH??) I kept my optimism intact. 
I loved Sonic so much as a child that, as an adult 20 years later, I adopted a pet hedgehog named Hamish. Those of you who know me well have probably met Hamish or have seen his pictures on the internet in his annual Halloween costumes (tiny hats are key). He was most people’s first hedgehog friend in real life, and I delighted in learning as much about hedgehogs as I could so that I could teach people fun hedgehog facts. Despite normally living 1-3 years in the wild and 2-4 years in captivity, Hamish kept right on trucking, running miles and miles every night in his wheel and eating dried grubs out of my hand as a treat for almost 7 years. He got sick a couple weeks ago - stopped eating and drinking, and when I took him to the vet he got some meds and supplies for syringe feeding and it seemed like he might be able to recover. It had been a really stressful few days, and I was constantly worried about Hamish, so I wanted a little bit of escapism - a fun, probably forgettable family movie sounded perfect. And after I got back from seeing Sonic the Hedgehog, I gave Hamish his medicine and food and held him in my hand for the last time. He passed away that night while I was asleep. I’m not usually the type to ascribe significance to coincidences like that, but it felt like there was a reason I saw this movie on the day I did. Was my faith misplaced? Was this a mere trifle or a fitting tribute to Hamish’s memory? Well...
I think the things that I loved about the movie are many of the same things that I loved about Hamish - a playfulness, a sense of humor, and in spite of a silly-looking exterior, a beating heart full of affection and comfort. I was all primed for disappointment - I had high expectations, the studio went through that costly redesign, and I was already in a pretty emotionally tangled up place. Not the best circumstances going in, which makes it all the more impressive that Sonic is one of my favorite films I’ve seen this year by far. 
The basic plot is simple - Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) is an alien who had to leave his home planet in a hurry, and uses magical golden rings to travel portal-like to other planets where he will be safe from any enemies who want to harness his powers. So he’s been hanging on Earth for awhile, hiding out in a teeny town in Montana. Sonic is kinda obsessed with the town sheriff, Tom (James Marsden) and his wife Maddie (Tika Sumpter), who are a nice, normal, kind couple who love each other and their town - all Sonic wants is to be friends with them because he’s so lonely. One night, that loneliness manifests in a big way through his superspeed powers - enough to garner the attention of Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey, returning to the rubberfaced comedy that made him famous). In his efforts to escape Dr. Robotnik, two things happen: Tom discovers Sonic’s existence and subsequently makes Sonic lose his magical rings. So you know what that means - oddball buddy road trip movie time as they go on a quest to get the rings back!
Some thoughts:
Ben Schwartz is amazing in this role. It’s perfect casting, and a great voice performance as he injects so much joy and wonder into every moment. You really feel Sonic’s outsider status, his loneliness, his yearning, and his ceaseless joy at every new experience he has. 
There is a Very Good Dog in multiple scenes of the movie! He is doing the best job!!
Such a fantastic surprise to see Adam Pally in a supporting role as a deeply earnest and clueless deputy. 
And is there any more reliably affable actor than James Marsden? I have never NOT liked him in anything I’ve seen, and he seems like just a general good-natured stand-up guy. His chemistry with Sonic is really great, which is always impressive when you imagine him acting next to a tennis ball or otherwise strange CGI stand-in. 
One of my favorite things about the film is Tom and Maddie’s marriage. Even though Tom is one half of the madcap buddy duo that makes up the bulk of the film, Maddie is his equal partner. They are shown to genuinely like each other, and she is never depicted as the nag or the lame wife who is trying to stifle his adventures or act as the Voice of Reason who is demanding he come back for his safety. She supports this crazy ride because Sonic is in danger and she has a big heart and wants to help him too. I’m particularly glad they didn’t shove her into a subservient nonexistent wife role, or an Angry Black Woman role. I just think it’s so good for kids to see this married couple who are working together to help someone and who love AND like each other.
The biggest highlight is obviously seeing Jim Carrey return to his form as a sort of evil, power-hungry Ace Ventura. He’s over-the-top, his whole body is made of rubber, and he’s having the time of his life. Case in point - he has a dance sequence in the middle of the film that made me grin so hard my face hurt. He’s cartoonishly evil in the best way, and it works because Dr. Robotnik is one of those villains that wants to fuck shit up just cause. That’s difficult to buy into, but Carrey’s madcap performance and his absolute commitment to being the smartest person in any room and hating everyone else for it really makes it work.  
I was so delighted by how tight Patrick Casey and Josh Miller’s script is from start to finish. There’s an actual good reason Tom and Sonic are stuck together. Sonic loves watching action movies (from the bushes outside Tom’s house) so the movie is full of fun classic action movie homages and lines that keep things light and fun even in the midst of some peril. And there’s real emotional and physical stakes here as Sonic tries to find a friend and a place he can call home where he won’t have to worry about running from his enemies. 
Did I Cry? I teared up a little near the end at some very tender friend talk!
There are two extra scenes during the credits - don’t miss them, particularly if you are a fan of the whole Sonic mythos in general!
This movie is sweet, fun, genuinely funny, and just as quick as its namesake. I went into it just for a little escapism, and came out with a movie that will forever be tied to my memories of one of the best friends I’ve ever had. I think Hamish would be proud, Sonic, and I’m glad I got to have the time with both of you that I did. 
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crazyrandomfucker · 4 years
Marichat May Day 10: Can I borrow your miraculous?
Kitty Noire is going to model for Marin, but having to wear clothes over her suit creates some problems for Marin so he asks her a controversia question.
"Finally, the day has come to model for my dear Prince" says Kitty Noire jumping from roof to roof doing her morning patrol. "Aaah, I can't wait to be with him. We'll have to be quite close if he's going to retouch anything from his designs and maybe he'll blush because of that, Marin looks so cute when he blushes".
"Um... Kitty, you remember we're doing patrol right? You can think on your prince charming later, but focus a bit for now" says Ladybug giggling.
"Oh! Sorry about that Ladybug, it's just that I'm so excited!" says Kitty as she does an extra pirouette while jumping to the next roof.
"I can see that, maye even Hawk Moth can see that" says Ladybug. "But I can relate to that. How about we finish earlier today's patrol? There's barely anyone in the streets on a saturday morning and I could use the sleep".
"Of course! After all, m'lady has to have her beauty sleep to be even more beautiful and woo her mysterious precious boy" teases Kitty Noire.
"Actually, it's because I'm usually sleeping at such unholy hours" replies Ladybug.
"But it's half past nine already" points Kitty.
"I wake up barely before eating on my free days" says Ladybug.
"My, my. I never thought LB would be that much of a bedbug" says Kitty smirking. "But again, you eed to sleep to dream with your lovely boy".
"As if, I used to daydream whenever I saw him" says Ladybug. "Now it's not that bad, but I still do it from time to time".
"Such a pure maiden in love" teases Kitty smirking.
"Hello kettle, I'm the pot" says Ladybug rolling her eyes
"But you're red and I'm black" says Kitty. "So I'm not a kettle calling a pot black".
"You're so ridiculous sometimes" says Ladybug miling.
"That's part of my charm, isn't it?" says Kitty teasingly.
"It surely is, along with your unrivaled beauty and your kindness" says Ladybug.
"Unrivaled beauty, says the most beautiful heroine" comments Kitty.
"Please, you're gorgeous Kitty, you're definitely more beautyful than I am" says Ladybug.
"Bug, you're definitely the cutest and most beautiful between us. You have more fans because of that" says Kitty.
"Let's agree to disagree for now. We've already finished patrolling and I'm sure you'll want to take a shower before modelling for Marin" says Ladybug.
"Thank you for your consideration m'lady, I'll take that shower gladly, it's been oddly hot in the mornings lately" says Kitty as she leaves.
After having taken a shower, put on some cologne and make sure that she didn't even have a speck of food left on her teeth; Adrienne calls upon her transformation and jumps out of the window, heading towards the Dupain-Cheng household with quite a gleeful demeanour. In no time, she gets to Marin's rooftop and Marin immediately greets her with a big smile. Marin opens his trapdoor and let's her go first, recieving some light teasing from Kitty Noire, who is secretly enjoying herself perhaps a bit too much. Marin follows her inside but leaves her alone on his room for a moment while he goes to pick from Marinette's bedroom a seamstress tape because he can't find his.
When Marin returns, he measures Kitty's height to make sure that his designs will fit her, even if not they wouldn't fit because of her height. He gives Kitty Noire a couple of shirts to pick from and a skirt, after which he let's her change behind his room divider. She puts on a white sleazy shirt paired with a light blue skirt and shows it to Marin, who doesn't seems quite convinced about it and tells Kitty to try a dress instead. She puts on the dress and shows off to Marin again, but there is something wrong with it since Marin burrows his forehead and puts his hand on his chin, as if he was trying to solve some sort of mistery about Kitty. Suddenly, his face lits up and then goes back to his previous state.
"There's something wrong Marin" asks Kitty a bit worried.
"I'm not sure..." says Marin pensative. "The color of your suit kind of fits nicely enough with my designs, but there's something bothering me".
"What is it? Can I help you in any way?" asks Kitty.
"Can I borrow your miraculous?" asks Marin suddenly, with a bit more of determination on his face.
"My miraculous? What do you need it for?" asks Kitty confused.
"The thing is that your suit doesn't fits with the clothes you're wearing, but I'm not sure if it's because of the clothes or if it could be because of the miraculous" explains Marin. "So I thought about trying some of my clothes while wearing your miraculous to see if the problems are the designs or the suit".
"I would gladly do a lot of thinks for you Prince Charming, but I can't reveal my identity even if you ask me with that pretty face of yours" says Kitty Noire, a bit disappointed because she lowkey wants to see him as a hero.
"Well of course I wouldn't ask you to reveal yourself to me, I thought of giving you some clothes and a mask So I won't recognise you" says Marin. "Plus, maybe it will be more comfortable for you to try on my designs like that. I saw how you looked at your nails when I gave you the dress".
"Well, well. Aren't you considerate now? Or should I think that you're secretly Hawk Moth?" says Kitty a bit nervous, not registering what she says.
"Oh no! You got me!" says Marin dramatically. "I was planning on stealing your miraculous to become a catty butterfly and conquer the world. Look, I'll even transform in frot of you so you can see the miraculous all the time, I won't change in another room or anything as well".
"Silly, I was just messing with you. But the miraculous aren't things one should easily lend you know, not even to handsome boys like you" says Kitty. "I'm sorry but I fear you can't borrow my miraculous".
"Don't worry, I understand it" says Marin. "Then we're finished for today, I'm going to make some modifications to the designs so they fit your suit. Can you come by next week?"
"Wait, we don't need to stop now. Don't bother changing your designs" says Kitty. "I can still do the detransforming thing with a mask".
"Are you sure? I really don't mind redesigning" asks Marin.
"Yeah, I'll just need a bit of cheese, brie if possible" says Kitty a bit relieved.
"Ok, I'll go for it in a sec, let me get you some a bag for your own clothes, some clothes and the mask so you can detransform and everything" says Marin before handing her what she'd need.
"Okay, I'll be preparing myself" says Kitty as she goes behind the changer.
As soon as Marin leaves, Kitty detransforms and Plaggue gives her an inquiring yet amused look. "Well, well, well. Daring, aren't we? At least you didn't lend the miraculous to the baker boy"
"Of course I didn't. I'm in love, but I'm not stupid" says Adrienne as she changes her clothes and folds her own.
"Is that so? I think I saw you doubt for a second back there" teases Plaggue. "Lucky you that Prince Charming was so comprehensive".
"Of course he was, he's probably as wity as Lordbug if not more" says Adrienne.
"Poor Buggyboy, being udervalued just because his oponent is your beloved" teases Plaggue. "I still think you should give him a chance".
"Plaggue, we've talked about this milions of times, Lordbug doesn't likes me. Well he doesn't likes me anymore, he said that he was dating someone" points Adrienne.
"Didn't he also said some time later that they broke up because it turned that the girl was lesbian but she didn't knew?" points Plaggue.
"Yeah, that was a bit funny because it was quite similar to what happened with Marin and Sakura, if it wasn't that Sakura discovered she was lesbian after breaking up and then talking with Marinette" recalls Adrienne.
"That was hilarious, though baker boy seemed rather relieved after breaking up, he was a bit hurt, but not to the point of doing typical post-break up things" points Plaggue. "I would even dare to say that he paid some special attention to you afterwards".
"Don't be silly Plaggue, it's just that he's very selfless" says Adrienne as she puts on the mask. "Maybe I should do my hair?"
"Yes, you should. I'd recommend a tendril twist" says Plaggue."Give me some rubbers and I'll do it for you".
"Thak you Plaggue, you're a lifesaver from time to time" says Adrienne thankful.
"Well don't expect too much from me, I'm not always in such a good humour like now" says Plaggue doing Adrienne's hair.
Someone knocks at the door. "Can I enter?" says Marin.
"Sure! Come in" says Adrienne. "My kwami is doing my hair right now".
"Good idea, that way  I won't recognise you for you hair" says Marin entering to his room. "I've got the cheese. There was just a bit of brie, so I also brought some roquefort just in case".
"That boy is good" says Plaggue. "I'll make sure to treat him well".
"You always think with your stomach Plaggue" says Adrienne giggling.
"You sure get along with your kwami, don't you?" says Marin smiling.
"Just whenever she's not talking about a certain someone" says Plaggue snickering.
"Or when you're not pestering me for cheese" replies Adrienne.
"So your kwami is also your confident?" says Marin. "Must be good at keeping secrets if you tell her about your boyfriend".
"He's not my boyfriend!" says Adrienne nervous. "Not yet".
"Oho~ Determined, aren't you?" says Marin chuckling. "I guess you'll be coming less once you're dating with him".
"Why should I?" asks Kitty.
"Well, it'd be weird if you were alone with another boy quite often" points Marin. "Plus, you'd have less time".
"Hey, you should date baker boy, that way you'd have more reasons to come often" says Plaggue chuckling. "Don't you sometimes call him Pretty Face?"
"This and that are different things" says Marin. "But I think that even if it was an honour, Lordbug and Ladybug wouldn't be quite happy about ti because I know their identities".
"But if that wasn't like that, you'd date her" points Plaggue smugly.
"Plaggue, stop with the teasing and finish my hair" says Adrienne.
"But I finished some time ago" says Plaggue.
"Then tell us sooner!" says Adrienne. "I'm sure Marin has other things to do instead of hearing us".
"Don't worry, it's lovely to hear your banter" says Marin smiling. "Besides, the other thing I have to do is perfectionating my designs".
"Well then, I'll be eating the cheese" says Plaggue.
Kitty goes out of the changer with a Kitty mask, beige jeans and a simple white shirt without sleeves. "How do I look? Would you recognise me if you saw me on the street?"
"Without the mask? Nope. But I must say, you look incredible like that" says Marin after some time he spent being speechless. "You're just like Adrienne, my model friend. You both can wear lots of different style and look great on them".
"Well thank you, I'm flattered to be as cute as a model in your eyes" says Kitty while she melts internally.
"This kind of simple countryside outfits look good on you, I wonder if I could experiment some more to find which style fits you better" says Marin pensative. "Well, for now, let's see how well do my designs fit on you".
"I like the simplicity of this one. Perhaps you should recommended to your model friend, if she's like me she'll probably like it" says Kitty.
"I don't know if her father would allow it, but I could consult it with him. I'm her particular designer for the moment. It's like an apprenticship, but only until I'm 18 because her father wants me to be his protegeé" explains Marin.
"Well, maybe if you manage to make a sort of collections you'll convince him" says Kitty. "Isn't that what you should do on an apprenticeship?"
"You know what? I'll try to. This beautiful simplicity remembers me of... Greeks! Greek myths like the goddesses or the nymphs didn't have complex dresses and yet they irradiated beauty" says Marin.
"Oh my, are you saying that I'm your goddess?" teases Kitty.
"Obviously" says Marin winking. "Though maybue you're more like a muse, since you give me this wonderful ideas".
Kitty blushes a lot and Plaggue burst into laughs. "Oh my god kid! This boy is way too much" says Plaggue cackling. "Hey boy, you'll make my kitten fall for you if you keep being this smooth".
"Plaggue!" complains Kitty.
"Don't worry, I know she's just teasing us" says Marin. "How about I give you your next outfit?"
"Sure! If it's as cute as this one I might consider taking one of this home" says Kitty joking.
"I could make you something, you know" says Marin.
"You could make me the happiest girl if you proposed to me" thinks Adrienne.
After changing into the next design, Marin gives his thumbs up and keeps giving clothes to Kitty for her to change into. With each new design, they banter for a bit about the style of the design and other things, teasing each other and enjoying the moment. Outfit after outfit, they spent gleefully their time and even Plaggue had to admit that she was having quite a good time. Unfortunately, everything had to come to an end at lunch time, specially because Adrienne had to go back home for lunch since his father had decided that it would be a good day to act like a father for once and eat with his children. With a bit of disappointmet, both of them said goodbye and parted ways.
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