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Check out Bishop Z Kakobe (@bishopkakobe): https://twitter.com/bishopkakobe?s=09 #Ubarikiwe kwa kuwa mfuasi wa #bishopzacharykakobe kwenye akaunti yake #twitter tajwa hapo juu. Jiunge naye kusambaza mahubiri na mafundisho kwa kila kiumbe. Askofu Zachary Kakobe ni mhubiri wa kimataifa wa injili ya uamsho kwa ulimwengu; kama utavyoona na kumtukuza Mungu baada ya kutembelea tovuti ya www.bishopzacharykakobe.org #share & #like4like https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/BgFv8PulUvr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=khcmkgg1bd8l
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essimas2 · 4 years
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Amka Tumsifu Mungu FANS Jiunge nasi katika kutoa maoni, ushauri wako, kupitia Amka Tumsifu Mungu FANS WhatsApp Group andika Namba yako hapa ya WhatsApp @maggiemuliriofficial @chidumulecosmas @essenceofworshipministries @essimas2 @venieleopord @gigwa_mhule @bishopwanjiru @bishopzacharykakobe @johnbagenyeka @deogratius mbona @bishopmaboya @marthamwaipaja_ (at Habari Star TV Tanzania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLi6c3EpO-H/?igshid=1qbm53nto6msm
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THE #BOARD OF IRON SHARPENS #IRON Bodi ya Kongamano la Chuma hunuo chuma inakuletea kongamano la Utumishi na Uongozi litakalofanyika CITY HARVEST CHURCH; Tabata Magengeni. Lini ❓Tarehe 04 hadi 06/Aprili/2019. Muda: Kuanzia SAA tatu asubuhi hadi SAA kumi na mbili jioni. WOTE MNAKARIBISHWA❕ WAHUDUMU KATIKA KONGAMANO HILI:- Mtume Livingstone; Mtume @drvernonfernandes Mtume Paulo( Cameroon); #bishopzacharykakobe Askofu Mwasota. USIKOSE KONGAMANO HILI LA UTUMISHI NA UONGOZI❗️ https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/BvUMPNznekP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4cezp29m1j8v
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MAONO YA MCHUNGAJI MKUU WA KONDOO ZA BWANA MUNGU Mchungaji mwenye akili ni lazima atatendea Kazi maono ya Bwana Yesu, kwa kutafuta na kuchunga kondoo wa zizi hata walioko zizi jingine kwa utukufu kama ilivyoelezwa katika Kitabu cha #YOHANA 10:16: Na kondoo wengine ninao, ambao si wa zizi hili; na hao nao imenipasa kuwaleta; na sauti yangu wataisikia; kisha kutakuwako kundi moja na mchungaji mmoja. [AMP] - John 10:16 And I have other sheep [beside these] that are not of this fold. I must bring and impel those also; and they will listen to My voice and heed My call, and so there will be [they will become] one flock under one Shepherd. Kwa msingi huo, kanisa la #Full_Gospel_Bible_Fellowship lina wafuasi maelfu elfu kama nyota za mbinguni, zilizo sambaa katika kona nne za Ulimwengu. Shetani hataki ifahamike kwamba, #bishopzacharykakobe ana wafuasi ndani na nje ya kanisa analoongoza pamoja na Huduma ya #bzkim (Bishop Zachary Kakobe International Ministries) inayotenda kazi ya kuhubiri Injili kwa kila kiumbe ili yamkini mataifa wawe ni wanafunzi wa Yesu kwa kuyashika mafundisho ya Kristo kama yanenavyo maandiko matakatifu kwenye Biblia. Ndugu ! Iwe Jua au Mvua; tumwamini Mungu na mtumishi wake , kwa kuzidi kumtegemeza Baba askofu Zachary Kakobe na familia yake, kinyume na mawazo ya kuzimu na majeshi ya Ibilisi yanayoibuka kila itwapo leo; tunaposubiria parapanda ya kulinyakua kanisa (watakatifu) katika siku hizi za mwisho wa dunia zinapokaribia. https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/Bdm1VT-FXiD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gu9ug0md1nk7
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Mtumishi wa Mungu #bishopzacharykakobe anatekeleza kwa uaminifu mkubwa agizo kuu la Bwana wetu #YESU kwenda ulimwenguni kote kuhubiri #injili kwa kila kiumbe kama ilivyoandikwa #Mark16:15-20 na kuwafanya #mataifa kuwa wanafunzi wake #Kristo kama ilivyonenwa katika #MATHAYO 28:18-20. ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳ Hii hapa ni Orodha fupi ya #ziara alizofanya Askofu #Kakobe katika nchi mbalimbali ulimwenguni kupitia huduma ya #BZKIM ( Bishop Zachary Kakobe International ministries: Korea Kusini (2006), India, CongoDRC (2010), Zambia(2012), Burundi(2012) Sri-lanka(2012), Canada(2013) Australia(2016), USA, Denmark( 2016) Belgium (2016) Netherlands(2017) na Sweden (2017) na nchi nyingine ambazo utaziona kama ukifungua tovuti yake >>> www.bishopzacharykakobe.org 🚀✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈✈ Maelfu elfu ya watu wameokoka na kupokea miujiza mbalimbali kote duniani kwenye huduma ya mtumishi wa Mungu Askofu Kakobe akishirikiana na kikosi Kazi chake (#patners) kuhubiri Iniili ya Kweli kwa mataifa yote. Shukrani pia zimetolewa kwa waliopokea miujiza hiyo kutoka nchi nyingi kama: USA, Lebanon, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Japan, SouthKorea, Australia, UK, Ireland, UAE, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia, Angola, Niger, Cameroon, Sudan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Maldives, Madagascar, Guinea, Newguinea, France, Germany, Netherlands, na Sweden. Kwa neema ya Mungu, washirika wa kanisa la Full Gospel Bible Fellowship (#FGBF) Tanzania, #wanashiriki kikamilifu kwa #sadaka na matoleo mengine mbalimbali kwa ajili ya kuhubiri injili. Yesu Kristo yupo kazini wakati wote na watumwa wake, kuhakikisha hakuna wa kuzuia #kazi ya Injili katika Jina la Yesu. "Naam, tangu siku ya leo, mimi ndiye; wala hapana awezaye kuokoa katika mkono wangu; mimi nitatenda kazi, naye ni nani awezaye kuizuia?" (Isaya 43: 13) Ni #ole wake anayezuia upanga wa Bwana usifanye kazi. ***** Sema #Amen ****** https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/BeFqKPkFGkX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=145lruyxmawgt
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YOU ARE MUCH MORE VALUABLE THAN A SHEEP! Beloved, you are much more valuable than a sheep! "And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?" - that they may accuse Him. Then He said to them, "What man is there among you who has one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out? Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep? Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." Then He said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other" (MATTHEW 12:10-13). Beloved, have you fallen into a deep pit of AIDS, Cancer, or any other terminal illness? Have you fallen into a deep pit of sin, physical pain, financial hardship, emotional despair, loneliness, barrenness, relationship crisis; or what have you? If so, listen to this: There is no pit so deep that Jesus cannot reach down in it and lift you out! "Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save.." (ISAIAH 59:1). The Psalmist fell into a horrible pit, but when he cried to the LORD, He heard his cry and lifted him out of the deep pit. Listen to his testimony: "I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit.." (PSALM 40:1-2). When Peter began to sink he cried out, saying, "LORD, save me!" And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him (MATTHEW 14:22-33). Beloved, this is your turn to cry to the LORD, and say to Him, "LORD, save me!" He will surely hear your cry and lift you out of the deep pit! #share https://twitter.com/bishopkakobe/status/705540840899399680?s=19 #bishopzacharykakobe https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/Bg7xUI0FrFw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mbyvysk41fc0
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JESUS CHRIST IS WELL AND ALIVE TODAY !!! #bishopzacharykakobe ALLELUIA ! ALLELUIA ! ALLELUIA ! ALLELUIA ! ALLELUIA ! ALLELUIA ! ALLELUIA ! Jesus Christ is not on the cross anymore. Even the grave could not hold Him bound, He arose from the dead on the third day, as He said; and after forty days He ascended into heaven. Jesus Christ is well and alive today! If you are a born again Christian, He also lives in YOU! (GALATIANS 2:20). Therefore take heart, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1JOHN 4:4). CC #pastorhellenkakobe #fgbfchurch #full #gospel #bible #fellowship #church #bishop #pastor #leadership YESU KRISTO YU HAI LEO!!! HALELUYA ! X 7 Yesu Kristo hayuko tena msalabani. Hata kaburi halikuweza kumshikilia, siku ya tatu, Alifufuka kama Alivyosema; na baada ya siku arobaini, alipaa juu mbinguni. Yesu Kristo yu hai leo! Kama umeokoka, Yeye pia anakaa ndani YAKO! (WAGALATIA 2:20). Changamka basi, kwa sababu Aliye ndani yako ni mkuu kuliko aliye katika dunia (1YOHANA 4:4). https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/Bh5c4APnCLw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vy5b7haxjegq
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Leo nakukaribisha kutembelea tovuti maalum ya Kanisa la Full Gospel Bible Fellowship ambayo ni www.fgbfchurch.org Pia, Askofu mkuu wa kanisa hili ni #bishopzacharykakobe ambaye amekuwa baraka ndani na nje ya kanisa na Bishop Zachary Kakobe international Ministries ambayo tovuti ni www.bishopzacharykakobe.org #shareforshare & #likeforlikes #fgbfchurch Welcome to the Official Website of the Full Gospel Bible Fellowship Church (F.G.B.F) which is committed to teach Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord (HEBREWS 12:14). This Church is Pentecostal in its theology, and was founded on April 30, 1989 in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania; by Bishop Zachary Kakobe, who is also the Church's General Overseer (G.O). FGBF Church Dar es Salaam He started pastoring the Mother Church in Dar-Es-Salaam with 13 faithfuls, and since then the Mother Church has grown into a megachurch and has given birth to more than 1000 branch or daughter churches scattered across all the regions and districts of Tanzania mainland. Bishop Zachary Kakobe pastors the megachurch in Dar-Es-Salaam and from there, he oversees all the branch churches in Tanzania. Bishop Zachary Kakobe is also an International Revivalist, who reaches out to other Nations of the World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his international ministry, the Bishop Zachary Kakobe International Ministries (BZKIM), which is registered in U.S.A and CANADA. Through this international ministry, he reaches out to the uttermost parts of the earth by working in partnership with the Global Body of Christ, empowering, equipping and supporting the local churches in the various Nations of the World, to fulfill their mission. https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/Bondnu-lPng/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dfz1hapn0vna
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DON'T GIVE UP ! Are you discouraged due to deteriorating health, failure in business, relationships, exams, career, politics and what have you; to the extent that you don't want to live anymore? Don't give up! Great men and women who succeeded in life were persistent people. The Bible says, there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses (DEUTERONOMY 34:10-12). One of the keys to the success of Moses, was his unyielding persistence. Moses confronted Pharaoh again and again without giving up until he succumbed to his demands. Likewise, the Great Apostle Paul labored more abundantly than all the apostles (1 CORINTHIANS 15:10), because of his unyielding persistence. No matter what happened to Paul, he never, ever gave up (2 CORINTHIANS 11:23-33; ROMANS 8:35, 37-39). All great men and women from all walks of life who changed the world for the better like Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Orville and Wilbur Wright, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, just to name a few; were similarly persistent. DON'T GIVE UP ! Your breakthrough is just around the corner! CC: #bishopzacharykakobe #fgbf #church #pastorhellenkakobe https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/BrdoLsvFcoX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m46de9ueieri
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Rev. dr. vernon fernandes:- Another time to meet precious saints that stood the test of LIFE. A faithful servant of God. It was a pleasure to sit and chat with a longtime friend #bishopzacharykakobe ( Bishop Zachary Kakobe) . . Kuna watu wachache wanaojua historia ya Askofu Zachary Kakobe. Ipo siku utaisikia katika kituo cha ATN https://www.instagram.com/kongwastone/p/BsjAA6wFgM8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sjethgd0vg14
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Video: LADY CRIES TEARS OF R RECEIVING MIRACLE HEALING AT THE MELBOURNE-AUSTRALIA CRUSADE; 29/MAY/2016. BISHOP ZACHARY KAKOBE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES. [www.bishopzacharykakobe.org ] "I was a great burden to my kids at home,because I couldn't do anything. My kids will be very happy ❕" a lady testifies, as she cries tears of joy after receiving miracle healing at the Melbourne-AUSTRALIA Miracle healing Crusade; 29/May/2016. By #bishopzacharykakobe
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Yaliyojiri Brisbane AUSTRALIA katika Huduma ya #bishopzacharykakobe Date: may/2016
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Yaliyojiri Adelaide miracle #bishopzacharykakobe
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