#bisexual nakia supremacy
yelena-belovas-gun · 8 months
Confessions (Nakia Bahadir)
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Summary: You walk in on Nakia figuring out how to confess to you.
Nakia Bahadir x fem!deaf!reader
Note: the ending is kind of shit because...well- i'm sorry my little bao buns-
Warnings: None.
Six Months Ago
You were nervous, to say the least. No one in this school knew you were deaf, and definitely did not seem to know sign language. You looked down at your schedule, and heaved a sigh of relief. History.
You stood outside the door, a pit in your stomach. What if you threw up? What if you forgot how to sign? What if, what if...?
You felt someone tap on your shoulder, which broke you out of you spiralling thoughts.
It was a girl with gorgeous dark eyes, and a kind smile, who's hair was neatly tucked under a blue hijab with an intricate gold hemming. It looked quite lovely. You felt your hands tremble as you smiled back.
She spoke to you, asking something. Your ability to lip-read was thanked profusely internally as you nodded. She'd asked you if you were new there.
You decided to rip off your metaphorical band-aid and then sheepishly pointed at your ears, then made a cross with your fingers. I'm deaf, you implied, not using formal sign language, assuming as always that she might not know.
"I'm sorry," she signed, much to your surprise. The smile never left her face, as she added, "I'm Nakia Bahadir."
You must've looked a bit too shocked, because she frowned a bit in concern, signing, "Are you okay?"
"You know ASL?" You asked, your jaw practically on the floor.
"Only a little," she laughed a bit. "I've been learning..." she paused and decided to finger spell her way through the rest of the sentence, "...how to sign just in case I meet a deaf person. I understand more than I speak."
Her spelling was fluid, rapid, and natural, which shocked you even more. "I could teach you," you signed, staring at her.
By the gods, she was gorgeous...
"Thank you," she smiled. "What's your name?"
"Y/n," you spelt out as you pushed open the door. "Y/n L/n."
"Nice name," she signed. "You can sit next to me, if you'd like."
"Thanks," you smiled and sat beside her. "I'll be needing help, anyway."
Six Months Later
Nakia stood in the bathroom, freaking out a little. The past six months had been the best ones of her life. She'd gotten to know you better, had learnt how to sign more than she knew, and, unfortunately, had developed feelings for you.
How had she gotten here?
You, her, Kamala, and Bruno were just sitting and eating lunch, when she saw you laugh at something Kamala messed up signing.
"You just said you wanted to eat me," you signed, looking at her, scarred. "I think what you meant was you wanted to thank me," you showed her the sign for it, smiling.
God you had a cute smile.
Nakia tapped on your shoulder to get your attention. You turned to look at her with those adorable, expressive, deep e/c eyes.
"How do you say 'like' in ASL?" she finger-spelt 'like' so you'd understand.
You had to think for a moment and then showed her the sign. You placed both your right thumb and your index finger close to your chest, extending your other fingers. As you moved your hand forward slightly, you brought your thumb and index finger together.
"Like," you mouthed, smiling. "Anything else?"
"No, no," she shook her head and signed. She suddenly got up and walked away, indistinctly signing something about a bathroom to excuse herself.
So that's how she ended up here.
In a graffitied bathroom.
Her hands shaking too much to practise a simple, three-word sign in front of the clouded mirror.
She heard the door swing open, and there you stood in all your cuteness, smiling at her in slight concern. "You okay?" you signed, coming closer to her.
Her hands froze, she couldn't speak. Her heart was racing, and she had no idea what she had to sign. All the hand movements had vanished from her brain so all she could bring herself to sign was 'beautiful'.
"I know you're beautiful," you signed, laughing a bit.
She knew you couldn't hear how you laughed, but honestly, she had to say that it was the most amazing thing she ever heard. The way it would burst out of you in short waves was just what was so endearing about it.
"No," she shook her head, "Not me, I mean you."
"You want to say that I'm beautiful?" You asked, your head tilted in slight confusion.
"Yes," she said. "I..." her mind blanked again, and she took a deep breath in, remembering the signs. "Y/n, I think you are beautiful, smart, and funny. And I want to say that I...like you."
You smiled at her, "I like you too, Nakia. You're a good friend."
"No, no," she shook her head, her heart still racing. Suddenly the light fabric of her hijab draped around her neck was feeling a bit suffocating. "I mean that I like you than a friend."
Your cheeks, she noticed, went absolutely red at her revelation.
"Are you being serious?" You signed, looking at her with wariness. Clearly this had been done to you before and wasn't true, because you genuinely looked very scared for her reaction.
"Very serious," she said. "Do you like me back?"
However, before she could add the traditional 'it's okay, don't feel pressured or anything,' you had already tackled her into the biggest hug she'd ever recieved. And that was definitely saying a lot. Nakia's heart raced, her palms went numb, but she focused on first hugging you back.
You pulled away and smiled, winking in a lopsided way as you signed back, "I like you more than a friend too."
"So...be my girlfriend?" She smiled a bit awkwardly.
You rolled your eyes and signed back, "You thought I'd say no?"
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pantherandtheseagod · 2 years
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