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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 8 months ago
Throwback to that time that one of my lecturers told us that Google is free so he wasn’t just going to throw a bunch of facts at us, and I said (to my friends) ‘why are we paying for him to teach us if we can just be taught by Google?’ and then approximately ten minutes later had to take it back, because Google would not have BROUGHT A PLASTIC TAKE OUT BOX FULL OF DEAD PARASITIC WORMS INTO THE LECTURE THEATRE AND STARTED SHOWING THEM ROUND AND THROWING THEM ABOUT
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rocaillefox · 1 year ago
at home with my gender being fucky and changing. who even knows whats going on with it? i know what it is* and where its been but where its going? no clue. it used to be cat, now its fox. before it was cat, it was dog. its been boy, but not now. its been girl, but not now. its been purple lately, and maybe red- but its been red for a bit, and sometimes orange but not usually. blue on some days too. sometimes it isnt there at all! and thank you to the people that understand
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idiotdriftinginspace · 10 months ago
(if I'll ever finish this, it'll most likely be next may, ops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
this is updated version, i hope
Well, this is what happens when my brain just combines the two things i like into one... I mean, you can't blame me, 'cuz it's TRANSFORMERS AND SUBNAUTICA! How could I NOT combine these two things?!
So behold: Unicron And Earth as merformers? is that a word? term? I just for whatever reason decided to Play with their designs with alien fish. Anyway- these two belong to @lets-try-some-writing
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and some rambling under cut, good luck, you'll need it
Uhhh spoilers for Subnautica ig
So the moment i let my mind wander, I get hit with this kind of ideas. Why Subnautica of all things? BECAUSE I LOVE THAT GAME AND THE REAPER LEVIATHAN AND SEE EMPEROR FIT PERFECTLY-
Ok, so the idea of a beastformers that turn into Subnautica fauna (and i guess flora as well, thank you Botanica from Beast Mashines for existing), was spinning around inside my head for quite some time now - JUST YOU WAIT, I WILL DRAW THEM, so many OCs to make, hopefuly this summer break.
UNICRON- my initial thought was just Reaper Leviathan: the mandibles on his back instead of wings, something similar to Tarantulas, mmm yes. Both he and Earth have four eyes only because both reaper and see empress four of them. All of them are aliens and have natural glowing body parts, so why not, my brain just said let's go crazy and didn't wait for an answers besides WE NEED MORE TRANSFORMERS WITH 4 EYES.
But then i rememberd that there's a bigger fish- THE SEA DRAGON. He dose have these matching spikes on his body, and the back appendages? tentacles? Are similar to Sea Emperors and is living in the deepest parts on the map. However, Sea Empress os the biggest alive creature in game (for aby fellow Subnautica nerds, o know that Gargantuan Leviathan i WAAAY bigger, but his design is eh, probably not the best here, maybe the colar thiengies could be like a cape?). But then i hit me- UNICRON CAN BE A REAPER AND SEA DRAGON HYBRID! It basicly gives me the ability to put all the parts of both fishes that match Unicrons og body the best and a "logical" explenation as to why he would be always bigger than Earth. With hybrids, sometimes they are bigger than parental species, so as hybrid he could be unnaturaly bigger, and with Sea Dragon parts he can live in the deepest game bioms.
EARTH- the Sea Emperor because yes. Also In game it's te Sea Empress babies that produce enzyme 42, the only thing that managed to destroy the deadly bacteria (GREEN BACTERIA, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS GREEN? TOX-EN) and save/give life to the entire planet again, and she is a curious, young, litle thing like the hatchlings; i'm guessing that's why she's so small in authors drawing. She's a baby
(huh now that i'm thinking about it, maybe Primus should be Sea Emperor, Unicron just a Reaper and Earth a Sea Dragon, after all wild fires are a recurring events...version 2 ig?)
I really wanted to have it done by the end of may, but uhh i'm working on some other thing, that was suposed to be just a sketch, and instead it just grew bigger, and my brain is just demanding full render XD And it will now take even more time despite it being almost finished, because the moment i discovered tha faster and easier method for shading and lightning throu clipping masks, i knew I'd use it there, so XD But hey at least i know it'll look better now ( ≖‿ ≖ )
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groggygrimalkin · 4 months ago
Fansession rambling time before I go back to sleep!!!
Lusii and Carapacians in my fansession have formed a mutualistic bond on post reckoning Alternia and the two races often aid eachother. My headcannon is that Lusii can project their voices but cannot read minds(save for some species I'd imagine) and most have adapted and learned to speak carapacian!
Lusii on post reckoning Alternia are revered by its Carapacian inhabitants because instead of a desert biome,the land is pretty much the same but overgrown and wild meaning all of the dangerous flora and eventually fauna are deadly to those who don't know their way around. So the lusii guided the Carapacians and in turn both parties gained companionship, protection, and shelter(Example:Surly Milkmaid and Playful Nanny, SM provides shelter and care for PN who provides companionship and milk to sell)
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It's not unusual to find carapacians wearing headwear and or armor fashioned after lusii after being on Alternia. Most commonly this is done for good luck but can mean many things(Example: EM in her Derse attire has headwear fashioned after a tiger lusus because she admires their ferocity and cunningness)
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But it's also common for headwear and armor to be fashioned after lusii companions past or present! In turn most lusii will adorn themselves in the colors that their carapacian companions wear.(Example:Loyal Steed wearing barding in the Dersite colors that Daring Courier wears)
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However not everything is perfect, due to the insane amount of outer god tampering and influence on the session there is the presence of cult activity(these cults are not only on post reckoning Alternia but hold a very real danger for it's unknowing inhabitants.) Lusii will sometimes be coaxed in by cultist who will provide them food and shelter and promises of companionship before sacrificing them to their god of choice. Ectobiology machines in my fansession are almost all infected by fragments of horrorterrors, most of which feed on blood, meat, and negative emotions. So the machine will not work without a blood offering. All of the carapacians generated in this session are sterile so they depend on these machines to keep going when people die, but most people don't know how they really work since the holy machines are protected and hidden by churches away from the public, many of which have fallen into outer god worship.
However some churches don't contain cultist and members will willingly sacrifice themselves in order to create more carapacians. It's a somber event but also a grand celebration is held for the person beforehand. Their favourite music is played, their favourite food cooked, and they are embraced by everyone before leaving. It is seen as honorable and brave that they are willing to give up their live for others to have a chance but the person will not be shamed or judged if they change their mind.
Okay to wrap this up lol many Alternian tech is still present, not all of it works but some are still functional. It's not uncommon to find a radio in someone's home or even TV's and VCR's. These are seen as valuable and groups of carapacian and lusii will venture out together to collect working tech to sell or use. While the setting is medieval its completely normal to spot adventuring parties gathered around tablets for entertainment or Inns and Pubs playing old Troll movies and shows from cd's on refurbished TV sets
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cadaver-callum · 5 months ago
Animal language
More so a thought than anything else but I find it super cool that depending on biomes certian language aspects in animals is carried over cross species as a survival strategy or hunting method. How cats mimic bird chirping or butterflies have eye spots on their wings. Both are very good at taking language from one species to another. It also in some way explains what fears other animals may have or what they love the most by another species picking up on that.
Possums playing dead is fascinating to me as its just confusing enough for predators to leave them alone and it works so well they're the only marsupial im north america
I also feel domesticated animals have different tones or outright languages compared to wild animals that I find annoying sometimes cause well it reminds me of humans which i think is funny.
I think from hands on experience i relate most to raccoons, possums and chickens. Ungulates lately was something i understood language wise clearly at first but i think i had novice confidence and now i feel i know nothing. Raccoons completely confused me at first but now im beginning to understand why they act the way they do.
They are noteably extremely aggressive to animals their size and sometimes bigger if the opportunity is right. They will dominate smaller animals if they can at any chance. I find their resiliency and unyielding aggression admirable even if it means they will rip open a metal cage like a tim can to eat the heads off of baby possums (true story, thats why you need to secure enclosures SUPER WELL)
If i could hypothesize, i would suggest that this behavior is an extreme version of opportunistic behavior where they take every resource they can even if they dont need it or even if it only lowers competition slightly because they already have to deal with hawks, owls, coyotes, ect. Raccoons makes holes to ecosystems to fill them so to speak by killing as many possible competitors as possible.
They aren't the only animal that does this but what makes raccoons stand out to me is their ability to adapt to niches so quickly and readily. They can adapt to a skunks niche, possum, squirrels and other small mammals while not perfectly the same they can still find ways to compete with all of them.
Raccoons have a habit of picking an area and staying in it to use every resource if they can find a place to sleep and food to eat consistently they will wipe the floor with anything else their size that already lives there.
Tldr: raccoons are cool
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deb79ful · 3 months ago
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The Blueberry Academy Terarium has an interesting choice in having a number of classrooms spread out across the three biomes. You have to wonder, do the Pokemon sometimes commandeer them in the periods between classes? I'd like to think so, and that leads to scenes like this happening! These can probably go on for a while before the offending 'mons are encouraged to leave so an actual class can start—which might be a relief depending on which 'mon is playing the teacher role. Featuring a quintet of my Indigo Disc Pokemon! From the right clockwise (and using their fully-evolved species names), we have Prásinos the Golurk, Roneta the Araquanid, Scheele the Muk, Ferro the Golem, and Tourmaline the Flygon (Previously seen here in Trapinch form!). It's become a running joke among my friends on Discord that Prasinos is a bit of a chatterbox compared to my friends' more strong-and-silent Golurk characters, leading to him getting shushed or called a nerd on more than one occasion. Definitely a fun characterization for something normally seen as stoic! The rest don't have too-defined personalities yet, but Scheele has the Intellectual Mark; hence why his coloration is different from most Grimer. Alright, that's enough rambling from me—whew! Life imitating art, I guess—If you want to view the timelapse for this piece, simply click below!
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bonefall · 2 years ago
i remember seeing one(maybe two(?)) of your posts about gods and how humans used to have their own gods (iirc there was also something about how humans interact with nature but i forgot)
but i saved it to read later because i needed to sleep but now i cant find it and I'm starting to think it was a dream ksksjsjsj
I remember that post! I still think about it. Thinking about leeches made me get really emotional about ecology lmao.
Leeches rely on human livestock. Many trees live longer when coppiced and pollarded. Moorland is a biome that thrives through management, if the gorse is left too long, it simply scorches the land to ash.
I just... god it's so beautiful. How humans are part of nature. The connection between culture, religion, and land. We're not separate from it, humans are a keystone species and this part of the british ecosystem evolved to accommodate early hominids.
Since that post I've learned a lot more, to become more furious at the exploitation, extinctions, and botched management of the ecology of this region.. But that's exactly it. Botched.
There's nothing inherently evil about humans and the only reason why it can't go back is because that's being PREVENTED by selfish interest. The problem is unsustainable agriculture and bad building practices, by way of greed or by ignorance.
Ignorance we can fix. Greed we can beat. It'll never be the same and that's okay!! It's not too late to MAKE IT BETTER!
Initially I'd approached the spirituality of the project as making the gods "beyond" the mortals in the setting, like older things of some pristine, bygone era. I now believe that's actually a bad mindset. What are gods? What is religion? An extension of ourselves. The collective dream of human belief.
You're part of nature. Spirituality is a part of you. Nature is part of spirituality. All of these things have an affect on each other... or, they should.
And, y'know, I know it's Battle Cat Fanfiction, it's inherently a bit silly. But, funny as it may be, it's my art and my passion.
So anyway with humans and the clan cats, I really write clan cats like small hominids with a carnivorous diet. It's looking at canon and going, "Yes And," because they absolutely don't write with realistic biology in mind haha. I hope that I'm teaching people some cool things about this environment. And I hope that I can get people to think about the changing nature of culture.
In this setting, I think that humans used to have many gods of their own, and there still exist many beyond the scope of the setting. But in this region, human spirituality is being severely neglected. Various cultures of cats are keeping these sorts of beliefs alive, right under humanity's noses.
Big ramble but... *Shrugs.* Just stuff I think about sometimes.
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id0what1want · 3 months ago
Me: Ohmigod I love this oc and she's been on my brain nonstop for literally a week and a half straight! Also Me: So you can describe her in words, right? Me: Describe her in what Anyway
Tetra is my Elite Four concept I mentioned earlier, the Rank 5 trainer before Kieran moved all the ranks down by taking first, pushing her out of the Elite Four
She is an Ice type specialist! I'll make her team post at some point (so excited for that, I ran numbers on it and EVERYTHING, ya girl studied)
She is the most reserved of the original Elite Four. She will stand behind the others on purpose cuz being the center of attention is off-putting to her
She is from Humilau City because I think I'm funny by making the Ice type specialist from tropical central. Her older brother is Marlon, the Water type gym leader from BW2. They obviously have very different demeanors, this comes into play!
Tetra's name comes from the fish and also the concept of four cuz she's the fourth of the Elite Four. In other languages her name is a variation of Typha which is the genus for cattail, a reference to Marlon's name in English being a fish but in every other language being a species of clubrush!
She seems reserved but is actually quite a yapper and rambler. Girlie is actually bursting with energy but forces herself to sit still, making her very fidgety. If she shivers it's never because she's actually cold, she just has a lot of unused energy. This theme of unseen potential is very recurring in her themes and design (You could say what we initially see of her is just the tip of the iceberg, haha. I apologize)
Though pretty awkward at first, she is very strategic and THE thinker. Because of this, she actually turns down battles a lot if she believes the challenger isn't ready. Her rank is low in part because of this, since she turns down battles a lot more than she takes them on. She will also avoid challengers since it makes her anxious. Lacey has to drag her to the court sometimes
She is actually pretty sweet in her own way. She's very thoughtful and while she might seem cold or blunt, she's very silly and friendly once you get to know her. There's some Marlon resemblance there after all! (The BB League had a mystery prankster for a long time that turned out to be Tetra, she got away with it for so long despite being a horrible liar cuz she's so quiet and no one expected it to be her. Very mischievous and struggles not to snort or smile, which is always very sweet to see since she's usually got a resting nervous face. Gets excited when something she plans works but tries to hide it horribly)
Pretty good friends with the whole League. She's their weird cat. She sticks around Lacey cuz Lacey helps ground her in the common event where she overthinks. A bit envious of how put together Lacey is. Lacey thinks that Tetra is a funny bird and enjoys having her around. Tetra tends to notice things the rest of the League doesn't.
Drayton enjoys messing with Tetra cuz her reactions are so funny. When he was Champion, he put her in the Coastal Biome on purpose to mess with her (Lacey was in the Polar, another reason they hung out all the time). At lunch, Drayton consistently sits next to her, so they seem like good friends, but Tetra is secretly very annoyed by this yet doesn't say anything. Drayton deliberately does this; he really likes pushing her buttons. She's funnier to mess with than Carmine because she's really fun to figure out.
I think that's enough rambling for now!! DEFINITELY expect more about her, I love Tetra forever. She's my silly goober <3
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aquaquadrant · 2 years ago
just finished reading part 7 and the patho/dbubs ficlet and. i know it's not the main point of part 7, but when patho was talking about how the hels players are basically the worst parts of their overworld counterparts, i couldn't help but think about timmy, and how he's arguably the kindest and most genuine hels player (that we know of). in my mind he's very much the type of person to keep helping others when it doesn't help him, or even when it hurts him sometimes, because he's Like That /pos.
also, i'm absolutely obsessed with patho and dbubs and their dynamic. not sure if this is something planned for a future chapter or whatever, but i know i definitely want to know more about both of their backstories! especially dbubs and the jungle, and how all of that came to be/how it works.
a question if you're willing to answer: how do updates to the game work, when new blocks/biomes are added? does hels receive the update at the same time, or will bravo have missed out on 10 years' worth of updates?
thank you for listening to my rambling lmao, and thank you for the au in general! it's an amazing read and i can't wait for more :D hope your morning/day/night is going well!
exactly. another reason bravo and atlas’s thinking is flawed is that the ‘worst’ trait of every player is so subjective. for timmy, it wasn’t cruelty or viciousness or anything of the sort, it was jimmy’s ‘wet cat’ pathetic-ness.
i’m glad u liked the lil pathbubs oneshot hehe but unfortunately they aren’t really gonna feature in ‘from eden.’ patho’s role in the main story is done. howEVER that doesn’t mean i won’t once again be possessed by the ethogirl spirit and decide to write more drabbles of them in the future. they compel me.
and as for ur question about updates. long answer: this older ask. short answer: *waves hand vaguely* it’s not something my dumbass considered when initially worldbuilding so at this point i’m just uhhh kinda ignoring it LOL behold, the consequences of my actions,
thank u for the kind words <3 take care, have a good day.
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consumeroflemoans · 1 year ago
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Dino pride flags here
Subnautica biome
Ocean userbox
Hello traverser of the internet! Welcome to my little corner of gay hell.
This is probably going to perpetually be a WIP until I manage to draw some intro
My name is Lemon.
Pronouns He/Him only please!
Proud Vilidia and Aventio enthusiast
Tragic yaoi obsesser
Mythological worldbuilding enjoyer
Requests are open (for both art and writing but I will take longer with writing)
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Things you might find here:
Art! My tag is #lemon arts
Writing! My tag is #lemon writes
Feel free to send me asks as well, I’m always happy to say hi and will probably do requests if I have enough brainrot for it (:
Obligatory DNI if you are: Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, a Pedo, or a generally bigoted person.
Go to #vilidia or #leoper to see me ramble about ships that rot my brain
For OC content check out #lemon’s freakshow and #random fox becomes a superhero (not clickbait) For anyone insane enough to read the superfox masterpost here it is My Projects: Alien Stage x Bungo Stray Dogs series
For a small warning I do sometimes discuss suggestive and nsfw content, but it is fairly rare. Feel free to block if that makes you uncomfy!
Feel free to check out my Ao3 at ConsumerOfLemons
And my Bluesky
Main Fandoms atm:
- Bungo Stray Dogs
- Honkai Star Rail
- various danmei (mostly mxtx im slowly reading more trust)
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I’ll also occasionally post about
Genshin Impact
Wuthering Waves
Zenless Zone Zero
Jujitsu Kaisen
Undertale + AUs
The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocol
Twisted Wonderland
Alien Stage
Math apparently
And probably way more others I’m in too many fandoms
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Specialized Tags (partially so I don’t forget lmao):
#my favorite blorbo - Tavi!!
#nashed potatoes - Nash!
#leuchtturm - leuchtturm anon!
#president I lie with - Jade!
#best puppygirl - Zoe!
#smollest of them all - Smol!
#mr olive - the food anon!
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quirkle2 · 2 years ago
nobody asked but im typing out all the gripes i have w totk . they're mostly nick-picky tho i loved this game. complaints first, praises after
single biggest gripe i have with totk is that the main selling point of the game, the sky, does not feel nearly as expansive as it should. i feel like there coulda been waayyy more islands up there, and Bigger ones, like the one u start out on. i want bigger pieces of land to explore, not these tiny little rocks. it feels i've seen everything there is to see the moment i land. as far as i remember, there's no biomes in the sky islands either, except for the great sky one. there's no differences, and many of the islands are copy-pasted. still fun to explore and still beautiful, but i was expecting... more
while i love the depths with all my heart and being down there is an Experience, i do think it could've been improved with a little bit of variety. it looks the same wherever u go, with the exception of the eldin region and a few other lavafalls sprinkled about. i think some different biomes woulda been so cool
no post-game. i don't even necessarily want a fully fleshed out post-game, i literally just want the game and the world to acknowledge i beat ganon instead of dumping me back in time moments before the fight i just started. this is a common thing, i know, but i Hate the practice
u can't pet th efuckign dogs
what the hell happened to ganon's face in that one scene . i thought we were past weirdly impossible expressions like that one midna grin. why did it happen again in the year 2023.
why did ganon's intro scene before the final fight pan to his feet so much
kinda predictable story, in the sense that zelda turned into the light dragon. saw it comin a mile away, but this is just me being bitchy the story itself is still very fulfilling and good. just predictable, which isn't necessarily a bad thing
okay that was 7 complaints 2 of which were memes now sit back as i ramble abt the good stuff. already made a thread abt the little stuff i liked now it's the bigish stuff
the music in some of the areas is genuine fucking art. some of my favorites are the wind temple theme and it's approach track, the construct factory theme, dragonhead island, the bits of the calamity ganon theme in this game's final boss track, frozen rito village,,, so many pieces of genuine skill and talent
the wind temple is absolutely one of the best experiences i've had in a video game, not because of the puzzle design, but the temple design. the moment where you look up into the clouds with tulin and you see a giant airship silhouette highlighted by lightning,, the approach track that plays when ur getting higher into the air had chills running down my spine. what a cool fucking concept for a temple
there's already a post somewhere on tumblr abt this, but i love that the citizens of hyrule don't follow the typical "every man for himself" apocalyptic mindset. they help each other, constantly. they seek out people to help in their spare time. they shelter each other and volunteer to do hard work for the sake of everybody else. i just think that's rly endearing n nice. a good message
the entire fuse and ultrahand mechanics are SUPER fun. so endlessly creative. and i love that a lot of the time, the game doesn't hold ur hand. it doesn't even Grab ur hand, it pushes u off the ledge to teach you how to fly. it Makes u get creative with ur solutions. it makes u feel stupid a Lot, but sometimes it makes u feel like an absolute genius (anybody else have trouble with that one rail shrine? anybody else just launch themselves across the pit and rail grind to skip the thing entirely?)
the vibes of the thunderhead isles were Incredible. i went up there before the clouds cleared, and i gotta say, even if the game Wants u to go up there later in the story, exploring those islands while the storm is still active is an entirely different experience, and i recommend it. if ur reading this before you've finished this part, just don't go to the actual dragonhead island . leave that for when it prompts u, trust me.
ganon's dragon design ? fucking killer
a lot of the new armor pieces are really beautiful. the miner's set looks so fuckin stupid but the headpiece is cool. all the torso pieces for the elemental dragon sets r Gorgeous
loved that the first half of the final boss took place in the depths, and the second half took place in the sky. nintendo has always been good at linking game elements with stories and this is no exception imo
LOVED when ganon's health bar stretched super far to the right. that was so silly and intimidating
in the final fight, the way ganon would only be affected by flurry rushes at first and not any random attacks, but then random attacks were the only way to hit him later. i know it was scripted, but it genuinely made it feel like he was learning to fight link better
the theme of cycles and the circular nature of time throughout this game is wonderful, and how it's mirrored in the first/last settings of the game is genius. how the game starts in a cave, and then part of the ending is in that same cave. how link dived alone into that pond below the great sky island at the start, and then at the very end he dived For Zelda in that very same pond
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straightlightyagami · 1 year ago
I feel similarly regarding patriotism. I have lots of criticisms of how my country is run, but I think we have some good principles/values and I'm rather attached to the natural landscape of the place where I grew up (not so much where I live now).
You or other people reading this may disagree with my political beliefs that’s ok this is just… ramblings of questionable coherence on various adjacent topics…
I feel pretty complicated about it because I don’t see the people in my country as any more important that anyone else, and I don’t feel at all obligated by default to be loyal to the government. On a political level, nationalism is opposed to my beliefs, but national identity can in theory be useful as a propaganda tool and in the context of national liberation. Ultimately patriotism as a political tool is entirely constructed based on your usecase. (Idk whether patriotism can be used as a progressive tool everywhere though, in the US that would probably be pretty hard and you would have to redefine most of what it means to people. like the whole american nazbol inspired “patriotic socialism” thing is shit)
The original post was just based on my observations of many people saying things like they don't feel any connection to their country or whatever and I wanted to say I feel differently.
Re: nature, I’ve had the pleasure (or sometimes displeasure..) of living in a number of extremely different biomes and I must say all of them have something beautiful but those from my part of the world evoke special feelings.
I mean, in terms of principles/values, idk how much those can be attached to a country as opposed to a given government (eg in my country the “values” varied wildly depending on who was in power). If interpreting it as traditional values of a culture, I’m not really a fan of what people mean by those either. If it means like conservatism or “family” or religious values I’m not in favor, if it means like. the idea of “helping each other” or vague sense of “collectivism” (ie most societies on earth. not that I think that distinction is particularly meaningful in most cases) I guess based on my political beliefs one could guess I think a measure of that, under a certain definition, is fine.
Traditional folk culture eg clothing, songs, food etc. is good though. also partial to my native language but I do have complicated feelings about that due to my family’s previous generations (in living memory, not 500 years ago) being minority language speakers and me not even understanding those languages.
Thank you for the ask btw! Sorry for the long rant, when you send me an ask it’s either this or I answer two years later with an even longer response. If anyone read all that I thank you for your time
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seven-thewanderer · 9 months ago
lil ramble cus I wanna summarize my original species over on @floserd-theflowercows (and also on the site I made)
Firstly, it’s an open species, so anyone can make a Floserd!! :3
Basically they’re like… living cow-shaped plants that walk and talk (sometimes) and eat and stuff!!
They don’t really have a religion (cus I’m not gonna make up a religion), but they do have some holidays, one of which they celebrate the creation of the Floserds (basically anytime there’s a Solar Eclipse), which they celebrate with stories and food & fun games!! They also (mainly the Plain Floserds) decorate themselves with smushed fruit (they use smushed fruit like paint to tell stories, so when they decorate themselves with it, it’s like… face paint to celebrate the long story shared through time)
but anyways, speaking of “Plain Floserds”, there are 5 variants: Plain Floserds, Tundra Floserds, Desert Floserds, Water Floserds, & Parasitic Floserds
starting from reverse (for funsies & why not), Parasitic Floserds, who are typically the shortest of the variants (typically around 2 ft, can sometimes be a bit taller (or shorter)), and are like… tiny quokka vampires? Minus the whole… dropping-their-baby-so-they-can-safely-escape thing that quokkas do. But the parasitic Floserds tend to be shorter, and I guess more… aggressive? But they are small, fast, and are like tiny leeches if they latch onto another Floserd, and… take nutrients from them (any other wording sounded weird so take the confusing sentence instead). This variant also has the chance of having a pouch instead of udders (so either udders or pouch, that’s their options), due to how they tend to move quickly, compared to regular Floserds
Next, Water Floserds are like… the mermaids of Floserds, and are water plants/flowers, and they don’t really have a set size. They’re kinda like… that thing about lizards(?) growing to the size of their enclosure, or a goldfish getting really big if released to the wild (which from what I heard I think ur not supposed to do that), but Water Floserds can go from really small sizes (probably pond or stream), to really reaaaally big (ocean). Water Floserds tend to be more playful & curious, and are usually the more carefree ones. However, they’re mainly bound to the water, as they get their oxygen from the water, and their nutrients and everything else they need is in the water. They also just.. don’t have legs, so they can’t even function on land. They’re like manatees, honestly.
Then, there’s the Desert Floserds, which are the second-shortest Floserd (but still taller than the Parasitic Floserds). They’re kinda like… the strong ones? Idk. But they have tough paw pads (which I forgot to mention Floserds have paw pads. May seem weird but hey camels actually have padding too so. Yeah.) and dull hooves, and are pretty good at climbing and such. They also like cactus fruit (not a requirement that they all have to like cactus fruit, just they’re basically the only variant really with easy access. Except for the Parasitic Floserds that live in the desert too.). Desert Floserds are also like… the main fighter Floserds, as they can have strong hits with their tough dull horns & hooves. (also to specify here: Dull as in blunt, not as in bland)
Then there’s Tundra Floserds, the tallest Floserd variant, and also the only other variant with the ability to swim (besides Water Floserds, who live in water, and besides certain Parasitic Floserds). They live in snowy areas, and are extremely floofy to keep themselves warm in such areas. They are the ‘chill’ ones (get it? get it? okay I’ll stop XD), and are more relaxed, but still try to keep on guard, to make sure they don’t get attacked or anything. Their hooves and horns are sharp, and their hooves can (eventually) crack ice, so they wouldn’t hesitate also if self-defense is needed.
Finally, there’s the Plain Floserds, who are kind of just… plain. They’re found in biomes like grasslands, forests, etc etc. they’re kind of like… the story-teller variant!! They like to paint their stories with berries, they like to explore and share their tales, they’re also the most social variant!! I… don’t have much to add about them sorry XD
But ye, those are the variants!!
Also from height:
Tundra - average 7 ft Plain - average 6’’5 (don’t ask why it’s specific it was the vibe for me) Desert - average 4 ft Parasitic - average 2 ft Water - no average (based on body of water)
Also, to specify:
Floserds are not me claiming over every flower cow (for example, I’m not claiming Mooblooms as mine.) Floserds are flower cows, yes, but their main defining traits are that their tails are flowers, and that they’re just large living walking plants
(…also there can’t really be any Mushroom Floserds, cus mushrooms are fungi, not plants.)
But yeah I’ll leave it at this!! If anyone wants to ask more about Floserds, I’d be really happy to answer!!!!!
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veryflirtytransportalate · 1 year ago
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"Fortunate is he whose mind has the power to probe the causes of things and trample underfoot all terrors and inexorable fate." - Virgil... I'm told
I shrugged through the opening fields and ruins of the Glowing Sea! It was... pretty fine! I sometimes forget how utterly invincible I am with the power armor, but I also suited up a couple of people in hazmat suits to come with me and stocked up on RadAway and Rad-X. It was fun, actually - we got attacked by some weird rats that I didn't want to hurt but had to, then some feral ghouls which the entire Commonwealth community seems to deem a free space to go wild with the murder so woopie to that, and then we got to a crater full of those absolute weirdos in that cult. No, not the Brotherhood, and no, not the Enclave, and no, not the Institute, but the Adam ones. I at one point became violently ill after I spaced out standing and talking to one of them and didn't realize that my power armor wasn't doing a very good job dealing with the rads - next thing I know I'm on the floor, hyperventilating. It happens! You know how there's a culture of people stabbing each other with the Stims? I think... I think Dogmeat stabbed me to life.
Overall great trip. Terrible that this whole place is a noxious wasteland that tears through metal and PVC alike - if only some group of people with a massive collection of pre and post war technologies could come in and do some ecological work here. You know, how back in the day human beings would clean up the results of radioactive disasters? How that existed? Just spitballing here. Would be of tremendous material and political value and would profit the perpetrator massively, especially if the work force is rad resistant. Might be a good use for... maybe an endless supply of synthetic human beings or something but again just spitballing here.
(More ramblings and a picture below the cut.)
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No extra pics from this photo set, actually! Usually one or two get relegated to the below the cut spot, but not today! So here's Sizz'el in a nice green dress.
The Glowing Sea was new for me! Never went before, not even once. I don't know if it's obvious from my descriptions but I kind of hate Fallout 4 - I have a very grognard-esque old school centric view of the Fallout series, but I'm also open to the idea that Fallout 4, when you wash off the blood and sweat of the crunchatized developers, executes on the mechanical experience of the Fallout games with aplomb. Someone I listened to said there are no games that are Fallout-likes, and play like the original Fallout. I think FO4, mechanically, is exactly a FO2-like, but I don't have the space to argue that here.
Anyway, Glow-C. It was an interesting outdoor dungeon design. I only did the first leg of it, out to the Crater of Atom, but I thought it was a well considered experience: players explore the first part of the Sea and perhaps realize that the biome is dangerous enough that they're going to have to come up with a plan of attack. If they push hard enough out of spite, they have a halfway-ish, one third-ish checkpoint to stop at with the crater. There, they can learn where Virgil is more specifically, fast travel out to Sanctuary, and reconsider their options. Dump junk, repair armor, etc., and enter the truly grueling part of the dungeon fully prepared.
I did actually die a couple times because of the radiation at the crater: I (surprise) downloaded a mod to increase the radioactivity of the entire Glowing Sea by... 5x? 3x? Can't remember. I think it's this mod by CrimsonKnight77 (opens in new tab) but that only affects storms. I'll come back to this. Or not. It's a game.
Anyway I was standing talking to who's-her-face who tells you Virgil's exactly GPS coordinates, got up to get a snack. I come back to find everything rewound to the beginning of the conversation and a pop-up. Why did I load? What? I hit the pop-up. I talk to the lady. I'm thinking how to respond. Suddenly, dead. Power armor just flumps to the floor. I load. I'm looking around. I see the rads. I get it.
So yeah, that got me not once, but twice. Sneaky. Gonna be a pain if I ever go out to Lost Lookout or Lookout Point or whatever the DLC is called.
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A Rant About Agriculture.
Hi. first off welcome to my blog about world building and the narrative of my book writing project. Figured I'd start off right with a thing I wrote in Discord. So sorry for rambling. And Thanks! Y'know for reading it.
Anyways there’s this one city(and much of the greater populous of the continent)that lives in like mountainous or foothill terrain, the rest is massive plains or coastal biome. So the massive majority of walled cities have agricultural land in the mountain zones because thats the natural impregnability of that area. now a lot of their agriculture is rice like wheats, and load bearing fruits and their trees. 
Now the wheats do well anywhere, so they do rotational fields with tubers in massive tiers built into the mountainsides, that they flood in preparation for the harvest and then replanting for the tubers which grow through the dry seasons. 
The really cool engineering of these fields is that to keep the fields at controlled flood levels they waterfall down the mountain into each other and a massive reservoir. also theres a lot of care taken in making it so that the offshoots for irrigation for run off can open up based on rainfall and that theres always more water capacity that can be filled. This is aided by magical functions carefully monitored by farmers and engineers alike. 
Amongst these fields of which there are sometimes thousands in a single mountainside there are grazing fields for a cattle like creature that can be air borne but tend to graze too fat on the resting fields. They supplement a dairy and meat role in the economy, though it is noted that skins and bones are used in medicine for sterilization and light weight fuel. (Medical garb for a natural sterilization property via innate magic in the creatures.) (Fats used in lotion like products.) But also these things are stupid. Like can't survive in the wild for two hours stupid, they get taken out by no predators, just themselves. So the joke is, “We need to pass a vote on the funding for more fences on the upper paddies to better stop roof damage."
Cause they fly fifty feet and drop into someones house.
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cnestus · 2 years ago
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this is nowhere near the total number of beetles i've identified over the past couple months but it is at least a decent majority of specifically the cerambycid beetles i worked on in that period, all of which i finally put proper ID labels on today in an insomnia-induced 12 hour mini-manic episode. not shown are at least several hundred more that i previously finished curating and put away. some ento rambling below the cut.
i've been bouncing between the three major woodboring beetle families, Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, and Scolytidae (do not correct me about them being a subfamily now i will literally never learn or change my ideas about them), and altogether have probably identified at least several thousand specimens to easily over a hundred species since i started my project to work through the insane backlog of donated/abandoned specimens in my lab and move them into our collection proper. i kind of regret not keeping track of the total number of specimens and species i've gone through but whatever. it's a lot and i'm proud of myself.
of the three families i'd say the 'bycids are overall the easiest, though there are some extremely obnoxious genera to key to species, and a few groups that are pretty much impossible, like the series of Methia specimens from southern california that not even larry bezark the extremely friendly keeper of the new world cerambycid catalogue was willing to help me with. they were silly as hell though
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scolytids, bark beetles, seem like should be the hardest group to identify on account of being by far the smallest on average. for example here's a few different BBs compared to a pinhead:
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BUT i have a very good work microscope and the species keys are generally well-written and thorough and more or less modern, whereas the goddamn buprestids are a complete fucking nightmare. in part because A) while there's far fewer genera in the bup family than the other two, at least in north america, a few of those genera have a fucking ABSURD number of species in them, primarily Agrilus, Chrysobothris, and Acmaeodera
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all of which have over a hundred north american species often with highly-overlapping and variable appearances, sometimes literally only reliably differentiated by the morphology of their dongs and/or knowing the species of tree they came out of and god help you if you have a female or your specimen came from a flight trap without recorded biome data, and B) the keys to those species were all written literally over a century ago and are, frankly, kinda shitty! and severely out of date! surprise! that said i have still been plowing through hundreds of Agrilus and Chrysobothris specimens and with the exception of some particularly nasty species groups i've gotten decent-ish at IDing them. you literally could not pay me enough to fuck with Acmaeodera though. fuck those guys. hairy little polkadot bitches.
anyway i didn't really have a point to all that. as a reward for reading my insomniac rambling here's a bonus Bup, Bycid, and BB:
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love my job
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