#biological chemistry 7th
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vaishaliiiii · 2 years ago
7th august in the medical history
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I. Introduction
Jöns Jakob Berzelius’s death in 1848 signalled the end of an age for research in chemistry and medicine. The life’s work of this distinguished Swedish chemist, who was born in 1779, highlighted the complex web of matter and its interactions and helped lay the groundwork for modern chemistry. Berzelius made numerous important contributions, including the creation of chemical symbols and notation, the atomic theory, ground-breaking electrochemical research, and paradigm-shifting understandings of organic chemistry. His work had an impact outside of the lab as well, as his rigorous analysis and theories were used in medical research, diagnostics, and the understanding of physiological systems. The relevance of Jöns Jakob Berzelius’s work is revealed as we examine his legacy and examine how it still influences modern scientific inquiry in both chemistry and medicine.
II. Early Life and Education
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Jöns Jakob Berzelius, born in 1779 in Sweden, embarked on a journey of scientific discovery. His pursuit of education drove him to study chemistry and medicine as a result of his upbringing in a stimulating intellectual environment. Early exposure to scientific thought paved the way for Berzelius’ later successes and enabled him to make ground-breaking discoveries about matter and chemical reactions. He developed a love of learning and a dedication to solving the mysteries of the natural world during his formative years, which led him to a spectacular career that would change the face of both chemistry and medicine.
III. Scientific Achievements and Contributions
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Chemistry will never be the same because of Jöns Jakob Berzelius’ contributions to science. He pioneered the development of contemporary chemical symbols and notation, laid the groundwork for the atomic theory, conducted ground-breaking electrochemical research, and made ground-breaking advancements in organic chemistry, among other revolutionary accomplishments. Our knowledge of matter, elements, and chemical processes has been greatly enhanced by Berzelius’ rigorous experiments and innovative insights. He made contributions to the medical area as well, helping to shape disciplines like pharmacology and diagnostics. The significant influence of Berzelius on modern science continues to this day, motivating future generations to delve deeper into the complex web of the physical universe and advancing chemistry’s symbiotic relationship with medicine.
IV. Medical Applications of Berzelius’ Work
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Jöns Jakob Berzelius made revolutionary contributions to medicine that went beyond chemistry. In medical research, diagnostics, and the comprehension of physiological processes, his rigorous analysis and original theories found critical applications. Because to Berzelius’ chemical findings, pharmacology has advanced, allowing for a deeper understanding of drug interactions and compounds. His emphasis on precise chemical analysis aided medical research by making it easier to identify the components of biological systems. Berzelius had a significant impact that is still felt today, promoting a link between chemistry and medicine that is still present in modern medical procedures and scientific pursuits.
V. Legacy and Influence
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The legacy left by Jöns Jakob Berzelius is a shining example of advancement in science. His significant impact continues to resonate today, influencing the very foundations of modern science and medicine. Atomic theory and chemical symbols are just two of Berzelius’ ground-breaking innovations. His groundbreaking work paved the path for greater comprehension of matter and sparked innovations across a range of disciplines. His legacy continues to inspire scientists to pursue new knowledge and push the limits of human understanding. Through fostering connections between fields of study and fostering transformational advances in science, Berzelius’ exceptional imprint has had a lasting impact on innovation.
VI. Conclusion
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In conclusion, Jöns Jakob Berzelius’ contributions to chemistry and medicine, as well as his legacy as a trailblazing scientist, have had a lasting impact on the advancement of science. His forward-thinking ideas, ground-breaking techniques, and unshakable commitment continue to influence how we perceive the natural world. Additionally, the Qme Healthcare System Software is a living example of how scientific disciplines continue to be combined in the modern world. This program exemplifies the harmonic fusion of technology and healthcare, much as Berzelius bridged chemistry and medicine, demonstrating the ongoing spirit of innovation that Berzelius himself embodied. His legacy serves as a source of inspiration as we look to the future and are reminded of the limitless opportunities that lie at the nexus of knowledge and exploration.
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ebooksforstudents · 2 years ago
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General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, 7th Edition (Solution Manual & Test Bank)
Product details:
By H. Stephen Stoker
Publisher: ‎Cengage Learning; 007 edition (January 1, 2015)
Language: ‎English
ISBN 10: 1285853911  
ISBN 13: 9781285853918 
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ghostofnibelheim · 4 years ago
Project S
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Name: Sephiroth
Species, World, Nationality: Human (Genetically Modified), Gaia, from Nibelheim
Date of Birth: November 7th, Δγλ 1978
Roleplaying Age: 22 (default), any other age if specified.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (Squaresoft / Square Enix)
Fandom Genre: JRPG
Open for AU / “What If”s: Yes.
Wiki Link: Here.
Covered Sources: Final Fantasy VII (1997), Final Fantasy: Advent Children, Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-,  Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts.
Available for ships: Yes, but selective. Chemistry must apply.
With Canon Characters (CC);
With Original Characters (OC);
With Cross-over Characters;
With Same-Muse Characters.
Prior to his madness, as shown in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, Sephiroth maintains an outwardly aloof and professional demeanor during his time at Shinra, known for hardly mingling with anyone but his friends, and being indifferent toward his fans. He can act humane and caring in contrast to his reputation. Sephiroth is intelligent and respects those he deems worthy. Well-spoken and graceful, Sephiroth is calm, collected, and in control, and has a dry sense of humor. Rarely, he can be frustrated and caught off-guard. As the strongest SOLDIER alive, Sephiroth is confident to the point of arrogance, yet has no interest in personal glory.
In crack roleplay and comedic situations, Sephiroth can appear a bit dense, tending to take words in their most literate sense. Due to the unhortodox way in which he was raised, he has very little knowledge of the world outside the ShinRa headquarters, appearing sheltered and out of touch in most aspects of ordinary life that normal people would consider as mundane. Sephiroth has an excellent knowledge of biology, having read all of Dr. Gast’s books, who he admires. Unfortunately, being book smart does not translate to being street smart, and a lot of nuances are often lost to him. Also because of his little experience in socializing, his emotional intelligence is a little stunted, and he can on occasion express childish behaviors such as curiosity or impatience.
After learning of the experiments that led to his birth, Sephiroth falls into insanity, becoming murderous, ruthless and vengeful, yet retaining his calm and cold demeanor. He develops a messiah complex, proclaiming to be "the chosen one" destined to lead the planet. He becomes sadistic and enjoys mentally torturing Cloud. Sephiroth is devoted to Jenova and her cause, even though her body serves as little more than his avatar. He has become an agent carrying out Jenova's will.
Note: This muse is written following the canon timeline of the Final Fantasy VII series events, abiding to the original continuity.
Δγλ 1978-1990: Project S
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Contrary to everyone’s belief, “S” was conceived from the union between Lucrecia Crescent and Vincent Valentine in January 1980, prior to their fallout and the woman’s following relationship with Dr. Hojo. The child was born overdue, after a 11 months pregnancy which caused the mother to believe Dr. Hojo was the biological father.
Lucrecia’s extended pregnancy was undiscovered by all parties involved until much later once Hojo did some further tests on the newborn. This is why nobody suspected the possibility of Vincent being involved in the paternity, as Lucrecia would have thought the pregnancy to have lasted only 8 months, from when she went to Hojo.
Unfortunately, the child’s overstay inside Lucrecia was a major cause to her sickness and illness, which protracted with pain and horrible visions even after the delivery.
The newborn was labeled simply as “S”, Hojo refusing to name him in full until he was sure the experiment could be deemed as a success. Immediately separated from his mother, S grew up in near total isolation, especially after the mansion was mostly abandoned in 1984. 
Kept inside by his own and monitored mostly through cameras and sparse visits, S grew up fed with lies. He was told that his mother was named Jenova, and had died shortly after his birth; that he was sick and couldn’t go outside nor have any contact with the people of Nibelheim until he ‘got better’. The tests performed to evaluate his Cetra abilities were disguised as attempts to diagnose and treat his ailment, to which S partook with discipline and patience. Recurring tasks included growing plants to see if he could manipulate the Lifestream as the Cetra did, and to keep track of his dreams, Hojo hoping the child would eventually receive visions of the Promised Land and commune with the Planet. S never knew about the Ancients or the true nature of these tests, and always failed in delivering the hoped results.
Δγλ 1991-1999: Sephiroth, the War Hero
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When it appeared clear that S was not, in fact, an Ancient, Hojo was all about ready to scrap the project. But in lieu of extraordinary developements in the child’s physical prowess and steady reflexes, it was instead decided that he’d be assigned to the newborn SOLDIER program and turned into a living weapon at the President’s bidding. At the age of 13, S was transferred to Midgar to begin his formal training.
Following his SOLDIER surgery involving the transfusion of Mako in his system, S was afflicted with amnesia and forgot almost everything about his early childhood. Officially named “Sephiroth”, he was pushed to quickly rise in ranks and deployed to participate in the Wutai War.
On the battlefield, Sephiroth carried out his missions with diligence and detached ruthlessness, his achievements soon making him to be considered as a hero to the world. The company put him on a metaphorical pedestal, using his face as the image of SOLDIER to inspire and intimidate the population, though Sephiroth showed no interest in his own popularity and glory, keeping to himself and acting as little more than a weapon, striking at the pointed enemy and returning to standby.
Soon, he was assigned two team mates with whom Sephiroth often worked in joint missions: Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley. The forced company with these two young boys whose abilities closely compared to his own helped young Sephiroth open up a bit, and eventually he’d come to consider them his only friends.
Δγλ 0000-0002: Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-
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The events of the game take place from here, at the end of which Sephiroth is officially considered to have passed away.
More to be added through roleplay and headcanons.
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midnightglowsims · 5 years ago
All 93 for Beth
Thanks Rae, I have my work cut out for me!!! 
What is their gender? Female 
What is their sexuality? Though she doesn’t like putting labels on things, if the attraction is mutual she will like anyone lmao 
What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames? She doesn’t really have a meaning behind her name, but her nicknames are Bethy, Bethy Boo, and Princess (given by Cache hehe)
Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with? Not any biological siblings, but she thinks of her best friend Howl as her brother
What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives? Uh, she really has no relationship with her parents. She was put up for adoption as soon as she was born, and has little to no contact with them. She also doesn’t know any of her relatives.
What would they give their life for? Probably her best friend Howl, he’s been there for her through a lot of shit and he’s seen her at her worst, she’s super grateful to have him and would always protect him
Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet? OOH In an AU, She met this guy named Cache also in the system, and though they weren’t technically in a relationship, they did always have chemistry, it’s probably the closest thing she’s ever had to a real relationship
What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? Honestly? She’s got no idea. She’s never been religious is any way so she doesn’t know what to expect, and she’s scared as hell about it
What is their favorite color? Favorite animal? Pink, she loves pink. And cats, she’d have a thousand cats if she could
What are some of their talents/skills? She paints quite often, she doesn’t think she’s very good though she is. Also singing, she was in a band for a little bit and even though they never went anywhere, she still often sings
If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be? Uh, I dunno if this really counts, but growing up in the system herself, she’d probably wanna do something like create a safe space for all the foster kids she could or try and help better the system as much as possible
How old are they? When is their birthday? Canon her is like 17 I think but the AU I’m currently rping her in she’s 20! And her birthday is September 7th
What do they do for fun? Watch TV, hangout with her cat Tango, daydream about fantasies that’ll probably never happen, lmao
What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it? Pizza rolls, don’t ask me why but this girl loves her pizza rolls and will eat them as often as she can
What was something their parents taught them? Nothing LMAO
Are they religious? Not at all
Where were they born? Aurora, Colorado
What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages? Just English
What is their occupation? She doesn’t really have one at the moment tbh
Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? Not that I know of honestly
What is their favorite thing about their personality? She really likes that she’s so caring, pretty much anyone she meets she cares about, she’s got a really big heart so even if they hurt her in any way she’ll still care about them
What is their least favorite thing about their personality? She’ll sometimes say the wrong thing without meaning to, her mind can’t keep up sometimes and she’ll totally say the wrong thing without meaning to, and it’ll come off really wrong/mean sounding, even though she doesn’t mean it
Do they get lonely easily? Yes, most definitely, she gets lonely very easily, a lot more than she’d like to admit tbh
Do you know their MBTI type? Nope cause I’m lazy
What is their biggest flaw? Probably shutting people out when life gets too hard. She has a tendency to push people away when she needs them the most
Are they aware of their flaws? Most definitely
What is their biggest strength? Probably her big heart, she genuinely loves and cares about her best friends so much
Are they aware of their strengths? Yeah, definitely
How would they describe their own personality? She’d probably describe herself as very sweet and loving, at least after she got comfortable with someone lol
When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”? Flight LMAO, she’s the most anxious/scared bean ever so anytime there’s any type of fight/scary thing she will definitely try to run
Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this? I’d say she does this often if it’s needed, and honestly probably only for Howl & Cache
What is their self esteem like? It’s.. kind of there. It’s not very high at all, she definitely does not think she’s beautiful in any way
What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it? Her loved ones dying/leaving her. Her friends are her only support system and anything happening to them is her biggest fear
How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? Uh, not easily I’d say. It already takes a little bit for her to completely trust someone so trusting someone with her life? It’d be rare
What is the easiest way to annoy them? Honestly just by doing annoying things, but she doesn’t usually get annoyed easily
What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous. Uh she laughs at pretty much anything, any type of corny joke. Example though: What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop. She’d die laughing
How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it? Oooh okay.. so it definitely would not be easy for her to say, her anxiety would definitely hold her back until she built up the courage, and even then she’d still be scared. She would definitely not say it if she didn’t mean it, she knew she wouldn’t wanna be hurt in that way so she wouldn’t do it to anyone else
What do others admire most about their personality? Her big heart and her ability to love and care about someone
What does their happily ever after look like? I don’t know yet and neither does she, lmao, but she hopes to settle down with someone she loves one day
Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual? Howl, and it most definitely is mutual
What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? In my head her laugh is super sweet and melodic even, and she most definitely snorts when she laughs. She’ll honestly laugh anytime anyone says anything even remotely funny
What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance? Her eyes, they remind her of the ocean and it’s really the only thing she’s confident about
What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance? Her nose, she feels it’s too big for her face and she’s super insecure about it
Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?Not that I know of honestly
How would they describe their own appearance? She would honestly say she’s average looking, not super pretty but not exactly ugly either. She thinks she has a nice face, in terms of she thinks she doesn’t have a resting bitch face or anything lmao
How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions? Uh, her emotions always get the best of her, sometimes she’ll bottle things up but more often than not you can automatically tell how she’s feeling because she’s really bad at hiding things
What’s their pain tolerance like? Uh, low, definitely low
Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos? She doesn’t have any
Do they have any piercings? Just her ears
How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing? Normal/average. She usually doesn’t wear anything over the top. She does wear a lot of pink clothing/accessories though
What is their height? Weight? 5â€Č2 I think, she’s really short. She’s a really small person all over, so probably nothing more than 135 lbs
What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc? Just small/skinny I guess
What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone? Her hair is blonde, eye color is blue, her skin tone is more on the pale side, she doesn’t usually tan
What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle? Her hairstyle has pretty much stayed the same, it’s always been a medium length, though it was bright pink when she was younger
What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers? She doesn’t usually drink, or at least not enough to get drunk, but if she did she’d probably be a sleepy/cuddly drunk, and her hangovers would be pretty normal, probably just a headache
What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?) I feel like she’d smell really sweet, but not overly sweet, probably like roses or one of her favorite perfumes, she always wants to smell good
How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin? It makes her nervous with specific people, but if she ever hooked up with someone random (which doesn’t usually happen), it wouldn’t really matter to her. And she’s not, lol
What is their most noticeable physical attribute? Her eyes
What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF? Probably more bored than anything, she doesn’t have a RBF 
Describe the way they sleep. Surrounded by lots of blankets and pillows, and with her cat Tango
Which season is their favorite season? Spring, she loves the flowers and how everything goes from dreary and cold to warm and colorful
Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others? The biggest betrayal she’s been through was either her last foster mother and how she did the worst thing possible, or when her best friend Cache left out of the blue. She’s always had some trust issues but honestly Cache leaving her probably made it a bit worse
What is always guaranteed to make them smile? If anyone compliments her, and just seeing her loved ones in general, she’s grateful to have them so she’s almost always all smiles around them
Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily? Beth is always cold, she rarely gets overheated, but in autumn/winter she stays cold
What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick? Her immune system is normal, she honestly doesn’t really get sick, but if she did she’d 100% complain the entire time
Where do they live? Do they like it there? In her AU she likes where she lives, it’s a small apartment with her best friend, but it’s home
Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room? Her bedroom and bathroom is more messy than it is clean, but she always tries to keep the living room and kitchen clean if guests ever came over
How did their environment growing up affect their personality? Well, switching between foster homes and group homes so often she’s honestly started to think she’s unlovable, or there’s something wrong with her. She thought that for a long time, and even though she’s older now, it sometimes still affects her
How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality? Honestly, the only person that really affected her deeply is Cache, he was really the first boy to show her any attention/be affectionate toward her and that really stuck with her. He was honestly one of the first people she truly trusted, and when he left she was shattered, almost heartbroken, she didn’t think she’d completely heal but she somehow did
How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets? She loves animals so much, she’d probably have a million if she could, but right now she only has her cat Tango, and she loves him more than anything
How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any? She doesn’t usually interact with children, she definitely doesn’t have any, but maybe later in life she thinks she’d want a few
Would they rather have stability or comfort? Comfort, she still would want stability, but if she could be completely comfortable and content, she would
Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors? She likes both, but she’s inside more often than not, and definitely prefers it, she’s a homebody 
What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms? She loves sunny spring days, and she only likes storm if the thunder and lightning isn’t too intense, she gets scared quite easily
If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? She’d probably write any song lyrics that come to mind, or anything special to her
How organized are they? Not at all, she’s a very messy person and misplaces things often
What is their most prized possession? I honestly don’t know, but if she had to pick, she’d probably pick Tango because he’s her baby lmao
Who do they consider to be their best friend? Howl
What is their economic situation? Ehh.. normal but also not? She’s not broke, but she’s not rich, probably just average, she’s pretty comfortable with her financial standing
Are they a morning person or a night owl? Night owl, she hates waking up early and always has
Are they bothered by the sight of blood? Not at all really, she’s pretty used to it
What is their handwriting like? I like to think it’s very cute and girly, she probably dots her i’s with hearts
Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim? She can, she’s not the best swimmer though, and sort of. It’s not her favorite thing
Which deadly sin do they represent best? I’m gonna say envy, she’s always been jealous of other people who have loving families or have been adopted into loving families, especially in the foster system when she saw a bunch of children being adopted, she always felt like something was wrong with her and it’s always kinda stuck with her ever since
Do they believe in ghosts? Yeah, she watches too many horror documentaries 
How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays? She celebrates holidays with loved ones and goes all out for them, and she doesn’t do much for her birthday, maybe have cake but any celebration is unlikely
What is something they regret? She made out with Howl’s ex boyfriend once, granted she didn’t know they were ex boyfriends, but it hurt him and she doesn’t ever wanna hurt him, so she still regrets it to this day
Do they have an accent? Nope
What is their D&D alignment? Probably chaotic good
Are they right or left handed? Right handed
If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be? Is down below
Describe them as a John Mulaney gif. Is down below
What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said? I honestly searched for like 20 minutes and gave up, LMAO 
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anybaetestbankservice-blog · 7 years ago
Test Bank for Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition by McMurry
Test Bank for Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition by McMurry
This is downloadable Test Bank for Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition by McMurryWhat Can You Expect From A Test Bank ?
The study major and field is going to dictate what it is you see inside the test bank. However, in the basic scheme of things, a test bank will include the following questions:
Multiple choice
Fill in the blank
Short questions
Essay question
Link download full: https://testbankservice.com/download/test-bank-for-fundamentals-of-general-organic-and-biological-chemistry-7th-edition-by-mcmurry/
View Sample: https://testbankservice.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Test-Bank-for-Fundamentals-of-General-Organic-and-Biological-Chemistry-7th-Edition-by-McMurry-download.pdf
Product description
Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, and Peterson provides background in chemistry and biochemistry with a relatable context to ensure students of all disciplines gain an appreciation of chemistry’s significance in everyday life.
Known for its clarity and concise presentation, this book balances chemical concepts with examples, drawn from students’ everyday lives and experiences, to explain the quantitative aspects of chemistry and provide deeper insight into theoretical principles. The Seventh Edition focuses on making connections between General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry through a number of new and updated features — including all-new Mastering Reactions boxes, Chemistry in Action boxes, new and revised chapter problems that strengthen the ties between major concepts in each chapter, practical applications, and much more.
Product details
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321750837
ISBN-13: 978-0321750839
ISBN-13: 9780321750839
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lycosa83 · 6 years ago
Posthumous review of “The Order”
Show: The Order
Genre: Supernatural Drama
Network: Netflix Original
Premiered: March 7, 2019
From Buffy the Vampire Slayer down through The Vampire Diaries and the host of its descendants, few television genres can claim the same degree of bloated over-extension as the tangled web of productions known collectively as "the paranormal drama." Whether we’re talking vampires or werewolves, ghosts or witches, or all of the above, you can’t throw a stone anywhere in TV Land without hitting someone baring fangs or weaving a magical incantation while tenaciously necking with a gorgeous co-star in between P.E. and Chemistry 101. Netflix, of course, had long ago planted its bi-colored flag atop this mound of fecund dollar returns, with The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Stranger Things but the more circulated shows in this genre falling under its established corporate stamp. And into this nexus of internet savvy, media business, and supernatural fantasy they toss yet another original series: The Order, created by Dennis Heaton, which premiered on March 7th and aims for a slice of the lucrative paranormal pie with an attractive cast and a little twist on the supernatural drama which adds some pop to its wardrobe. Okay, so I’m a little late to the party — as in, nearly a month late — and I'm sure everyone who’d been hellbent on watching it had probably binged it the very weekend it came out.  But to the one or two of you out there who missed the memo, or have been buried under Netflix recommends for the past several fortnights, if you’ve missed this little morsel in your lists, it may be worth taking up now and giving the old college look-see.
We're introduced to Jack Morton (Jake Manley), a baby-faced freshman who's “fresh” in every sense, standing over his mother’s grave while he reads aloud a letter fulfilling his apparent lifelong ambition of getting into the illustrious Belgrave University, a school with old money rules and more than a few dark secrets. But for Jack and his maternal grandfather (Matt Frewer), his acceptance isn’t a cue to start a four-year binge of parties and student life. They are men on one peculiar mission: enter Belgrave, infiltrate a secret and powerful fraternal society centered in the campus known as "the Order," and find a way to strike at its mysterious leader Edward Coventry (Max Martini), who also happens to be Jack’s biological father and the supposed nefarious scoundrel behind his mother's demise. But there’s more afoot than mere skulduggery from an oligarchic secret society; the Order hides a darkly magical secret, and as Jack falls deeper into a web of supernatural intrigue, he gets locked in a paranormal conflict way outside what he signed up for.
The Good
The best thing The Order has going for it is a delightful and irreverent sense of humor. Unlike the flood of supernatural series spilling over Netflix and other stations’ time slots, The Order approaches the supernatural with a casual air and a delightful sense of whimsy that somehow avoids reducing or trivializing its inherent danger. Jack doesn’t stumble into the paranormal ring as a hopelessly naive newcomer; though the world of magic and werewolves slips a teensy bit outside his grandfather’s preparations, Jack takes it, if not quite in stride, than with a great deal more grace and wit than the average schmoe. I know “likeable” is about as bland and nondescript a compliment as you can make of a character these days, but the glove definitely fits, and watching him bumble his way through college is more joy than irritation thanks in no small part to Manley's effortless charisma. Jack's misadventures merely sets the beat to this deliciously off-key drummer, where the supernatural gets introduced and incorporated with all the flare and gravitas of a dorm inspection, and several tense moments defuse on a cheeky quip or turn of the phrase. Rather than grounds for pulling my hair out, these moments of lightness add flavor to the broth, like the comically PC tour of the modern college campus where freshmen receive both a rape whistle, and a “how not to rape” pamphlet. The show knows not to take itself too seriously, and yet avoids falling into the trap of (overt) self-aware pastiche like the million or so similar series gunking up the airwaves and interwebs. In that happy medium, The Order finds a contrasting voice to the myriad of dark, paranormal, Grimmified fairy tales littering the market.
The Bad
Unfortunately, this lighter shade does come with a few bad palettes. For one, there’s the all-encompassing cheese factor to consider whenever anything like this series pops up. The dialogue, while whimsical and pleasant most of the time, can veer into the obnoxious on occasion. This mainly comes to the fore with Jack’s awkward and janky “romantic” slog with Alyssa Drake, a fellow Belgrave student, campus tour guide, and his eventual superior once he joins the Order, who's played by the generally charming Sasha Grey. Their dynamic fells forced and stiff, like two neophyte thespians reading their lines and the implied emotion thereof on each others’ foreheads. I know they’re supposed to be in college, and trust me, I remember just how little the maturity level of an inbound freshman can differ from the high school knuckleheads they evolve from. But their chemistry sizzles with all the pop of a damp towel, and as entertaining as they are separately, they looked the polar opposite of dazzling at every turn of their screen time together. Thankfully, this little gaffe remains the only stink I’m willing to point out. Adjusting your expectations for this series (it is a paranormal teen drama/thriller, after all) means letting go a bit of the critical scalpel and suspending any comparisons to genre titans and path breakers, like the aforementioned Buffy or The Vampire Diaries.
The Ugly
Good lord, you may as well call this show Your Mileage May Vary: the Series. Though The Order is low-key and innocuous enough to escape the type of hard-nosed scrutiny that leads fans along divisive extremes, so much of its content can be a hit or miss for practically everyone. Is Jack a funny, enjoyable main lead, or an irritating, bland, cookie-cutter protagonist; does the mystery of the plot invite intrigue and speculation, or is it a snooze fest out of place with the rest of the story?  The fact that it doesn’t take itself as seriously as other shows of its kind, while a supreme strength in my eyes, may invite legitimate accusations of derailment due to breaking the atmosphere and heaping piles of cheese atop it. Seriously, there’s something for everyone to love or hate in equal measure, with only your mood to decide which way the windsock blows at any given moment.
To Bing or Not to Binge
Knock yourself out and Binge to your heart’s content.  Yes, the show’s derivative, and yes, it's a hot ticket to Cheesyville at its very worst, but that’s as close to a nadir as you’ll likely get. There’s no ground to break here or new paradigms a-shifting; just good, old fashioned comedy-drama, with a refreshingly irreverent eye on the paranormal. Speaking as someone a little miffed by the borderline apocalyptic tone so many of these series flash like a Boy Scout badge, I find it The Order's fresh humor and fresher protagonists must welcomed divergence.
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readbooko · 3 years ago
General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition eBook
General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition eBook
General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB Succeed in chemistry with GENERAL, ORGANIC, AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY’S clear explanations, engaging visual support, and easy usability. Ideal for allied health majors, this Seventh Edition emphasizes the applications of chemistry. Early chapters focus on fundamental chemical principles while later chapters build on the foundation

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chemistryebook · 3 years ago
General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition eBook
General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition eBook
General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB Succeed in chemistry with GENERAL, ORGANIC, AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY’S clear explanations, engaging visual support, and easy usability. Ideal for allied health majors, this Seventh Edition emphasizes the applications of chemistry. Early chapters focus on fundamental chemical principles while later chapters build on the foundation

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cay-kahve-blog · 6 years ago
Case for Integrating Computational Thinking and Science in a Low-Resource Setting Aakash Gautam Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia [email protected] Whitney Elaine Wall Bortz Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia [email protected] Deborah Tatar Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia [email protected] ABSTRACT There is a growing need to use computers to formulate problems and their solutions across domains. It has thus become imperative that students across the globe be able to work with computing to express themselves. However, teaching computer science in a traditional way may not be possible in all settings. We studied a method to integrate computational thinking, the ability to express problems and their solutions to a computing device, into an existing science classroom with the goal of deepening learning in both science and computational thinking in a low-resource setting in Nepal. In this note, we present findings from the study. The proposed curricular method acknowledges local differences and presents a way to adapt to those differences through adaptable multiple layers of activities and representational variability. We hope that interested educators and development practitioners would try our method in classrooms. CCS CONCEPTS ‱ Social and professional topics→Computational thinking; K-12 education; ‱ Applied computing → Interactive learning environments; KEYWORDS ICTD; ICT4D; educational technology; computational thinking; CT; agent-based simulation, NetLogo ACM Reference Format: Aakash Gautam, Whitney Elaine Wall Bortz, and Deborah Tatar. 2017. Case for Integrating Computational Thinking and Science in a Low-Resource Setting. In Proceedings of ICTD ’17. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3136560.3136601 1 INTRODUCTION Many prior works on ICTD have focused on access to infrastructural resources, including computers. As famously demonstrated by the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project [13], from a learning perspective, infrastructure alone is not enough to produce meaningful learning. Additional key ingredients include both usable software Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. ICTD ’17, November 16–19, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5277-2/17/11. . . $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3136560.3136601 and the match between the affordances of the software, the instructional purposes of the unit, and other supporting materials and student activities [4, 10]. These elements and the matches between them, that is, the way the underlying infrastructural resources can be used, constitute the prospects for attaining success [1, 6]. Some prior ICTD work has focused on enabling the use of the underlying infrastructure, for example, by providing educational games in mobile phones outside of schools [5], delivering content through mobile phones [2], blending online and in-person instruction [3], and exploring a technology-centered tutoring system [8]. This note takes the exploration of the use of technology in context to a deeper level. It presents a method of introducing computers with the joint goals of (1) deepening understanding of science and (2) promoting computational thinking. Computational thinking (CT) is the ability to “formulate problems and their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can effectively be carried out by an information-processing agent" [15]. In a simplified form, CT is being able to think like a computer scientist. There is a growing consensus among educators about CT as a necessary skill permeating many domains [15]. Likewise, studies have posited the importance placed on computers and their perceived value by public in rural settings [9]. Despite these interests in computing, little is known about how to adapt materials and practices to create conditions of receptivity. Barriers include highlevel “wicked problems" [11] like gender bias [9], the benefit of connecting abstract computational ideas to actual life experiences [7], and the need to avoid implying that the only path to learning is through regular access to computer technology. An overly computer-centric perspective on learning may be discouraging to those who do not and cannot have regular access. Students’ varying backgrounds, interests and aspirations require teaching high-order thinking like CT with local adaptation in low-resource settings. The curricular approach we advocate utilizes multiple representations, both on and off the computer, combining the introduction of CT with recognizable components of education, in this case, Biology/Chemistry, that give students access to different facets of knowledge required to have deep understandings. In doing this, we also focus on the strengths of in-classroom, face-to-face instruction. We have designed an integrated curriculum in which the teacher moves students through experiences with multiple representations of a science phenomenon. As shown in Table 1, some of the representations are on paper, some are student created or modified, some represent science through animated, playable simulations, and some represent science through programming code. The instruction is governed by a driving question, in this case, “where does the carbon go" during photosynthesis and carbohydrate catabolism. Modeling and simulation are by themselves important aspects of ICTD ’17, November 16–19, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan Aakash Gautam, Whitney Elaine Wall Bortz, and Deborah Tatar Table 1: Layered activity used in the instructional module Kinds of Representations Pedagogical affordance(s) Objects and Processes Macroscopic digital representation Introduced students to a science phenomenon similar to the real-life world they had experienced. Dynamic objects and processes that were recognized as “reallife" such as cows, plants, sun, eating, dying, and growing. Microscopic overlay Introduced the idea that macroscopic objects and processes are influenced by microscopic, chemical objects and processes. Contextualized dynamic digital representations of molecules and molecular processes interacting with the macroscopic objects. Group poster creation Conveyed that science can be understood by different kinds of representations of objects and phenomena, highlighting different facets of knowledge. Static student drawings and their explanations of the observed phenomena, and explanatory mechanisms. Science fact sheet Helped students connect the knowledge in the other representations with more standard scientific representations, such as chemical formulas. Static written text, images, and chemical formulas to explain the phenomena like in a textbook. Codebased representations Introduced the idea that representations are made to serve particular purposes, that the student can create, change or modify representations and that science may be represented at different levels of granularity and accuracy. Text based code defining objects, properties and procedures that can be edited and uploaded to change the simulation. CT, but the introduction to CT is furthered by creating a context in which students can use programmatic representations to change and explore the phenomenon. The curriculum directs the students towards inquiry about the chemical basis of biological processes. 2 STUDY 2.1 School Setting We conducted our study in a school, established in 2013, 14 kms from Kathmandu, Nepal, that aims to provide interest-based education1. Despite a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), the school adheres to the central government’s syllabus, with instruction primarily delivered in English. The school recruits and boards students from several rural areas of the country, most of them from families with limited financial resources. During the 2016-17 school year, 125 co-ed students ranging from 6-16 years 1http://news.mit.edu/2015/help-rebuild-bloom-nepal-school-destroyed-earthquakes-0612 old were enrolled. Sixteen (9 female, 7 male) were enrolled in the 7th grade and participated in this study. Although the setting is rural, from a Nepalese point of view, the school is fairly accessible through public transport and has Internet connectivity. The school had three functioning computers in a room with battery backup, access to which was restricted to students in 9th and 10th grade. 2.2 Curricular Approach We conducted a two-week long intervention, involving 35 instructional hours. A Nepali author of this note led the instruction, with support from the local science teacher. There were four computers in the class including one of the author’s laptop, which meant each computer was to be shared by four students. To mitigate inequality in engagement and learning experience when sharing a computer [10], students discussed their plans in groups prior to working on the computer. We also asked students to rotate their position while working on the computer. The science content in the module adhered to the national 7th science curriculum to teach photosynthesis and the natural carbon cycle. The left-most part of Figure 1 shows the level of instruction students had received. Our module tied that level of representation to the chemical processes involved in photosynthesis and carbohydrate catabolism in animals. This approach opens up the idea of conservation of matter which can lead to the introduction and balancing of related chemical equations. The representations utilized during the intervention, their affordances, and the objects and processes they illustrated are listed in Table 1. Students first worked on an introductory simulation that had simple representation of familiar, macroscopic real-world phenomenon. In this representation, plants grew, cows moved around, and the sun shined. The cows ate plants and died if there were no plants. By changing sliders and buttons, students could explore the relationship between the number of plants, the number of cows, and longevity. They moved into exploration of the microscopic phenomena by displaying hugely exaggerated representations of carbon forms and their transformation through different chemical processes (see the center image in Figure 1). Students worked in groups of four to create their own representations: posters they drew and described what they thought was going on in the simulation. They presented the poster to the class for discussion. Other, more standard scientific representations were presented via the “science fact sheet", a single-page document with verbal descriptions, chemical formulas and illustrative pictures that highlighted some of the science concepts. A last set of representations were introduced through exposure to the code that implemented the simulation. This enabled the important idea that the expression of objects could be modified by writing commands and blocks of code. Students studied snippets of the code to understand the model, and subsequently discussed and implemented an extension of the model by writing code. 2.3 System Description A central part of the curriculum involves working with an animated digital simulation of the natural carbon cycle, and interacting with the macroscopic and microscopic representations of the natural carbon cycle implemented using agent-based modeling in NetLogo Case for Integrating Computational Thinking and Science in a Low-Resource Setting ICTD ’17, November 16–19, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan Figure 1: Textbook representation of the phenomenon (left), the overlay of microscopic and macroscopic representations that we presented during our intervention (center), and one group’s drawing of the science phenomena (right) [14]. The simulation runs in any Internet browser and therefore does not require local software installation. In general, the system is a single page web application in which the simulation and modeling are executed on the client side once the first page loads. Therefore, the system is established through a simple local HTTP server and does not depend on Internet connectivity. However, for the study, we recorded log entries of student interaction with the computer so we served the web application through a remote server and this required Internet connectivity. 2.4 Data Collection and Analysis After engaging in an IRB-approved consent process at the beginning of the intervention, we conducted an attitudinal assessment to evaluate students’ self-confidence with, interest in, values for, and identification with computing. Use of the simulation was logged including keystrokes and interface-based changes. Student worksheets and posters were collected for analysis. We also conducted a post-performance assessment. Posters and free-text comments about attitudes were analyzed using a grounded theory approach [12] by researchers familiar with the project, including the authors. Themes emerging from the content and pictorial depiction were identified and discussed, and possible alternative conceptions were identified as well. Variation in student activity with the computers was analyzed through log data. Furthermore, post-performance assessment was evaluated against an established rubric to measure the students’ understanding of science and CT. A few emergent findings are reported here. 3 FINDINGS 3.1 Interest in Computing and Apprehension Students had played mobile games but were unfamiliar with the concepts of simulation and modeling. Previous use of computers was confined to two students who had typed in Microsoft Word and drawn in Microsoft Paint a few times. Most had seen others use computers but had never actively used one. Despite the limited exposure to computing, most students held it in esteem. A student ([S7]) wrote, “I think computing is very important for all of us because now days [nowadays] most of the people depends [depend] on computing for their work." While students were interested and excited, they were also initially apprehensive. Three groups hesitated to change slider values during the initial exploration out of fear of “making the system go bad". 3.2 Summary of Key Science Learning Observations ‱ The students used mechanistic phrases like “throw out carbon dioxide" and “take in oxygen" but weren’t familiar with the random motion of molecules. The simulation encouraged students to inquire about movement of molecules and the right conditions necessary for reactions to occur. ‱ Students knew that air contained carbon-dioxide and that its chemical formula was CO2. However, none of the students could use the formula to conclude that carbon-dioxide contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. The microscopic representation of carbon-dioxide molecule that showed atoms in CO2 drove students to connect the subscripts with the atomic count. ‱ Students described carbon-dioxide gas as containing CO2 (rather than being CO2) and therefore initially identified the carbon atoms in the simulation as carbon-dioxide and the depiction of the molecule with all three atoms as representing the gas. The question “what are the blacks and red dots?" led to a class-wide discussion on Day 3, clarifying the misconception. ‱ They knew about photosynthesis but not about breakdown of glucose in animals. Three of the four groups studied the graph, which showed carbon amounts in atmosphere, plants, and cows to hypothesize the transformation of carbon forms in animals. ‱ Fifteen of the sixteen students identified that water was missing from the simulation. This created the opportunity for this class of students to build into the simulation based on their own understanding of what was important about the science. 3.3 Summary of Key CT Observations ‱ None of the students were familiar with simulation or modeling at the start of the intervention. As we progressed through the activities, students evaluated and critiqued in terms of things that were accurate, inaccurate, and missing from the model. ‱ Students expressed their lived experiences through single-lined commands by modifying shapes of objects. The most common changes involved changing cows to people, plants to flags and tree, and the sun to hills and mountains. ICTD ’17, November 16–19, 2017, Lahore, Pakistan Aakash Gautam, Whitney Elaine Wall Bortz, and Deborah Tatar ‱ Because the students thought that it was important to represent water, they undertook a project they thought was important: extending the code to implement clouds and rainfall. ‱ Students were able to implement clouds and rainfall by identifying and discussing elements in the simulation that were similar to the extension they wanted to create. They abstracted common properties and methods from the existing code. ‱ With the instructor’s support, the students divided the task into smaller tasks, and planned and discussed ways to complete those tasks. The planning and discussion occurred without a computer and pushed the idea that CT is not just about computers. ‱ By the end of the task, students had created two new objects and three methods which highlighted their understanding science and understanding of CT concepts such as method call sequences, operators, and abstraction. 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 4.1 Deepening Science Learning Under the conditions in the study, students appeared to learn quite a lot of important science. The students were familiar with a single form of representation i.e. the textbook depiction of the process. Although the students had read about concepts such as atomic composition, molecular movement and necessary conditions for reactions to occur, the representations in the text book were static and separated each idea into an isolated unit. As shown in Figure 1, the representation of photosynthesis in the book showed a single molecule with arrows labeled oxygen and carbon-dioxide. It did not show the atomic structure of oxygen or carbon-dioxide. Our dynamic representation containing atomic structure of carbon-dioxide made it easier for students to connect different ideas. Furthermore, the multiple representations presented through layered activities pushed students to further explore the science phenomenon such as by using graphs alongside the simulation. 4.2 Deepening Computational Thinking Students moved from initial apprehension to considerable sophistication in the two-weeks of instruction. They certainly learned something about programming (because they were able to implement changes), but they were actively engaged in discussing elements of the models, and formulating and expressing solutions. In some sense, the low-resource setting, with only four computers for 16 students makes it abundantly clear that only some access is required. Most of the pedagogical challenge is provoking a computational way of thinking. 4.3 Integrating Science and CT This paper presents initial evidence of student learning drawn from a study in which we taught both Science and CT in a low-resource environment. The method that we used prioritized representations both on and off the computer that moved fluently between science and CT and back again. We believe that this method worked because students were continually able to draw on elements that they already understood to make sense of novel elements. In this case, the students were highly motivated and had quite a bit of textbook knowledge. It remains to be seen whether the method could be successful in environments with less motivated students. However, some optimism may be drawn from the fact that the underlying system is attentive to a range of conditions that prevail in low-resource schools. It does not require many computers or much investment in creating access. Even devices that simply give browser access could be used. Furthermore, these layered representations can provide different learning opportunities for students who bring different strengths and knowledge bases to the learning task. These students thought it was important to implement clouds and rainfall; others might consider it important to implement detritivores, showing more orientation towards the underlying chemistry or lions, showing more orientation towards ecology. A classroom teacher may not use our system the way we did during the intervention. They may not focus on the code-based model and instead focus on the static representation through the science fact sheet or focus solely on the visual simulation. However, evidence from our intervention in Nepal suggests that the richness in the learning environment, particularly through variability in the representations, supports students at different levels to explore and discover while providing flexibility for instructors to use the tool as they need for their class. REFERENCES [1] Paul Braund and Anke Schwittay. 2006. The missing piece: Human-driven design and research in ICT and development. In Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 2006. ICTD’06. International Conference on. IEEE, 2–10. [2] Cynthia Breazeal, Robin Morris, Stephanie Gottwald, Tinsley Galyean, and Maryanne Wolf. 2016. Mobile devices for early literacy intervention and research with global reach. In Proceedings of the Third (2016) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. ACM, 11–20. [3] Edward Cutrell, Jacki O’Neill, Srinath Bala, B Nitish, Andrew Cross, Nakull Gupta, Viraj Kumar, and William Thies. 2015. Blended learning in Indian colleges with massively empowered classroom. In Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning@ Scale. ACM, 47–56. [4] Paul DiMaggio, Eszter Hargittai, Coral Celeste, and Steven Shafer. 2004. From unequal access to differentiated use: A literature review and agenda for research on digital inequality. Social inequality (2004), 355–400. [5] Matthew Kam, Anuj Kumar, Shirley Jain, Akhil Mathur, and John Canny. 2009. Improving literacy in rural India: Cellphone games in an after-school program. In Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), 2009 International Conference on. IEEE, 139–149. [6] Patrick J McEwan. 2015. Improving learning in primary schools of developing countries: A meta-analysis of randomized experiments. Review of Educational Research 85, 3 (2015), 353–394. [7] Na’ilah S Nasir, Ann S Rosebery, BethWarren, and Carol D Lee. 2006. Learning as a cultural process: Achieving equity through diversity. The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (2006), 489–504. [8] Benjamin D Nye. 2015. Intelligent tutoring systems by and for the developing world: a review of trends and approaches for educational technology in a global context. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 25, 2 (2015), 177–203. [9] Joyojeet Pal, Meera Lakshmanan, and Kentaro Toyama. 2007. “My Child will be Respected": Parental perspectives on computers in rural India. In Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 2007. ICTD 2007. International Conference on. IEEE, 1–9. [10] Udai Singh Pawar, Joyojeet Pal, and Kentaro Toyama. 2006. Multiple mice for computers in education in developing countries. In Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 2006. ICTD’06. International Conference on. IEEE, 64–71. [11] Horst WJ Rittel and Melvin M Webber. 1973. Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy sciences 4, 2 (1973), 155–169. [12] Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin. 1994. Grounded theory methodology. Handbook of qualitative research 17 (1994), 273–85. [13] Mark Warschauer and Morgan Ames. 2010. Can One Laptop per Child save the world’s poor? Journal of international affairs (2010), 33–51. [14] Uri Wilensky and I Evanston. 1999. NetLogo: Center for connected learning and computer-based modeling. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 4952 (1999). [15] Jeannette M Wing. 2006. Computational thinking. Commun. ACM 49, 3 (2006), 33–35.
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naturepointstheway · 6 years ago
Of Human Body Systems and Final Ranking!
So I’m almost finished with the second half of the human body systems course at university, and while I took the first half in semester one last year, it’s still fresh enough that now I can rank the ten systems in order from least to most liked. Alright, starting with #10! 
10th place: Urinary System - We pee. We have kidneys and a bladder. Yay. That’s about as far as my brain could care about with this one. I’m usually better with the anatomy of systems, but not this time. 
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9th place: Respiratory System - The first half with the anatomy was great, but once it got neck deep into the physiology, my brain noped out of it. It was confusing to say the least, and there were way too many similar concepts and...nah. Sorry. 
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8th place: Nervous system - I sorely apologize, nervous system, you’re not as horrid as I thought you were. Still low-ish, but okay-ish. Most okay-ish module award to you. 
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7th place: Muscular System - It was interesting learning about the different muscles of the human system, and wish my brain had biceps to spare for the physiology, but I think at that point it got a bit too complex, especially for foundational learning. Joint winner of “most okay-ish module” award. 
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6th place: Skeletal System - bones are fantastic. They help us move, walk around, dance, and so on, but at the end of the day, this was pretty easy, and I had already done three classes on biological anthropology by then, so yeah it was good. 
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5th place: Gastro-intestinal System - To be honest, this is when things start getting fuzzy as to which system I liked more/less relative to each other on this end of the scale. GI system was honestly quite interesting, if not for the really graphic videos of what happens to food (chewed and digested) inside the intestine. Otherwise, everything else was honestly interesting. For once, both anatomy and physiology were easily digested by my brain (pun intended). 
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4th Place: Lymphatic System - I actually really enjoyed this paper, and I loved finding out about how the immune system defends our bodies from nasty invaders and so on. It’s a sign it’s stuck to my brain since last year when I think about what my immune system is doing whenever I’m under the weather. 
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3rd Place: Endocrine System
Hormones are more than about being horny. They look after your body in so many ways, more than one might imagine. Seriously, it’s hormones that make you drowsy and drift off to sleep, that go “yo, we need food in the stomach”, that helps you grow and develop, and so on. It was fun to learn about, to be honest. 
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2nd place: Blood + Cardiovascular System - I actually loved learning about the blood and the heart, which is a pretty damn powerful organ. I mean it has to pump non-stop from before birth on up to your death. It’s an awesome organ and I definitely heart the heart. ;) 
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1st place: Reproductive System - To my surprise, I actually found this was my favourite of them all! I was banking on it being the cardiovascular system at the beginning (both last and this year), but turns out it’s what makes us be in the first place that turned out the most fascinating for me. I’m half-considering taking that chemistry paper next year just so I can see if I can take a couple anatomy papers in reproductive and developmental anatomy (more than physiology, though that’s easy too.) 
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Found this on Google because couldn’t find it in the gifs search on Tumblr. Sorry 2017!BatB, but your ultimate kiss doesn’t hold a candle to 1991â€Čs.
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etestbankpdf · 3 years ago
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, and Peterson provides background in chemistry and biochemistry with a relatable context to ensure students of all disciplines gain an appreciation of chemistry’s significance in everyday life. Known for its clarity and

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ivakir · 7 years ago
tagged by @meadowlarksingingoverhead and @onewiththeglow
tagging: @archerwhiterp  @behindicyblueeyes @laverginedegliangeli​  @sweethartstring  @dishonestabraham @gentlegiantingvar @desertfragments
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subject full name:  Ivakir subject date of birth: 7th August subject gender: Female
running speed: 8/10
running endurance:  7/10
lifting strength:  4/10
carrying endurance:  4/10
jumping ability:  8/10
throwing strength   7/10     
stealth ability:   10/10    
pain tolerance:   3/10 
swimming speed:  1/10 
swimming endurance:  1/10
stretching ability:  10/10
dancing ability:   9/10
touch sensitivity (platonic):  10/10
touch sensitivity (intimate):  10/10
general reflexes:  8/10
overall physical condition:  9/10
advanced mathematics:   0/10
simple mathematics:   10/10
spatial awareness:  10/10
chemistry understanding:   8/10
biological understanding:   7/10
nature sciences understanding:   7/10
creative intelligence:  10/10
artistic ability:  10/10
musical prowess:  6/10
mimicking ability (auditory):   8/10
odd problem solving:  9/10
comprehension (spoken word):   6/10 
comprehension (written word):  8/10
comedic ability:   7/10
comedic timing:  8/10
overall mental prowess:  8/10 
interpersonal instinct:    9/10 
intrapersonal instinct:    (okay, I... have no idea what is this)
extroversion:   10/10
moral compass:   6/10
empathy:   4/10
extrasensory ability (psychic):  0/10
emotional endurance:   7/10
coping ability:   8/10
tendency towards abusive behavior:   7/10
tendency towards victim behavior:   2/10
level of denial:  7/10 
protector complex:    3/10 
damsel complex:     0/10
emotional intimacy (with partner):  8/10
emotional intimacy (with friends):  9/10
emotional comprehension:  2/10
tendency towards hysteria:    8/10 
general emotional stability:    4/10
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edutextbooks · 3 years ago
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, and Peterson provides background in chemistry and biochemistry with a relatable context to ensure students of all disciplines gain an appreciation of chemistry’s significance in everyday life. Known for its clarity and

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lunchymcpunface · 4 years ago
#LunchPun #RateMyPun - Final League table - September 2021
1. Gareth George @groanman2020 - 74pts 2. Richard Pulsford @richardpulsford - 60pts 3. Claire Ollie @Claire_Ollie - 49pts 4. Alf @whoelsebutalf - 41pts 5. Dave Brennan @DaveBrennan1825 - 29pts 6. Paul Eggleston @HereComesPun - 24pts 7. Holly Davis @HollyNolvy - 13pts 8. Stevie Vegas @Stevejuggler - 11pts 9. Ian David @scoulgingian - 9pts 10=. Call me al Farm @eggforbread - 7pts 10=. UncleTog1989 @tog1989 - 7pts 12=. Dan Muir @dannmuir - 5pts 12=. Gary Miller @gazgagsman - 5pts 14. Chris P @wordsmithgetxo - 4pts 15. Richard Stone @RichardStone21 - 3pts 16=. Pun Predictor @PunPredictor - 2pts 16=. Steve Blair @universalexile - 2pts 16=. The Bard of Cleasby @norfolkinidea - 2pts 19=. Daveastated @Daveastated - 1pt 19=. Duncan Smith @Duncan_Smith - 1pt
The most popular joke of Week 5 was from Claire Ollie @ClaireOllie as tweeted on Wednesday 29th September and which received 65 Likes during the lunch hour: “I used to be shy, but since I found out my biological Mum is the actress Ms Pfeiffer... I’ve really come out of Michelle”
The most popular joke of Week 4 was from Claire Ollie @ClaireOllie as tweeted on Tuesday 21st September and which received 65 Likes during the lunch hour: “I met my Ex when I was working as a sports physiotherapist. I wish I’d never laid ice on him”
The most popular joke of Week 3 AND JOKE OF THE MONTH was from Richard Pulsford @richardpulsford as tweeted on Thursday 16th September and which received 75 Likes during the lunch hour: “'My chemistry book says: "The noble gases include Neon, Xenon, and K ypton" which makes me wonder, where's the 'r' gone?'”
The most popular joke of Week 2 was from Richard Pulsford @richardpulsford as tweeted on Tuesday 7th September and which received 52 Likes during the lunch hour: “I said to the waiter in the French cafĂ©, "You've run of toilet paper in the lavatory." He said, "C'est la vie" so I said, "OK: 'lavvy'. But whether I say 'lavvy' or 'lavatory', you'll still need to put more in there!"”
The most popular joke in Week 1 was from Richard Pulsford @RichardPulsford as tweeted on Wednesday 1st September and which received 60 Likes during the lunch hour: I said to my date, "How did you know I was a Sagittarius?" She said, "I didn't. I said you looked like a 'sad git, hairy arse.'"
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readbooko · 3 years ago
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB
Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by McMurry, Ballantine, Hoeger, and Peterson provides background in chemistry and biochemistry with a relatable context to ensure students of all disciplines gain an appreciation of chemistry’s significance in everyday life. Known for its clarity and

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chemistryebook · 3 years ago
Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition eBook
Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition eBook
Organic and Biological Chemistry 7th Edition PDF EBOOK EPUB Succeed in chemistry with ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY’S clear explanations, engaging visual support, and easy usability. Ideal for allied health majors, this Seventh Edition emphasizes the applications of chemistry. Early chapters focus on fundamental chemical principles while later chapters build on the foundation of these

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