#biofeedback therapy machine
chaisshitposts · 1 year
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𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 & 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐀 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝
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hello there! welcome to another blog for the nerdy manifesters who want to feed their logical minds. full disclaimer, these answers are solely based on the research I've done, and if you'd like to do your own research, you should! you are the creator of your assumptions and reality, after all. I will never stop encouraging others to find their own answers. while I was writing this, I had no idea someone had already talked about muscle testing on Tumblr, so, please do check out their post too!
what is muscle testing?
according to my holistic therapy, muscle testing is, "[...] a method of gathering accurate biofeedback on the body’s Physiological and Psychological state by stimulating the muscular system. The body’s cells know their entire history and what they require to regain full health. Muscle Testing is an elegant way to retrieve the knowledge imbedded into the cellular memory of the muscular system." ^1 when muscle tests are performed correctly, it allows the one being tested to have a direct conversation with the subconscious mind, aka the machine that controls the entirety of our body.
how does muscle testing work?
"Our bodies interact and move through the world by contracting and releasing muscles. A Tester will illicit either a contraction or release of certain muscles by applying gentle pressure to the muscular system. This testing unlocks the vast knowledge muscle cells by utilizing the binary contraction-release language of the body.
This simple, yet powerful process, is the first step of energy therapy, and it provides an accurate assessment tool of the client’s condition. This is a major part of Integrated Physical Emotional Clearing (IPEC) Therapy."^2
To better simplify what this means, everything that 'works' has energy flowing through it. You, me, your pets, the plants, and beyond. When doing a simple muscle test, you consciously may have a thought, or ask a question perhaps, and when the muscle test is performed, the subconscious will control your muscles in a way that gives an indication of 'yes', 'no', 'like', 'dislike' through a strong/firm or a weak/struggling muscle response that involves the muscles locking in place or stress causing weakness in the muscles. Energy therapy involves changing beliefs at the subconscious level with the use of energy, there are various energy therapy treatments, however, the one that I know about in a deeper sense is PSYCH-K. Again, I recommend you go and do some research of your own!
why would I muscle test myself or others?
muscle testing is just another application of holistic health, and there have been studies on how it can aid in decision-making, figuring out allergies, as well as what foods your body does and doesn't like. along with that, you are also able to test your subconscious' view on certain things that you are conscious of. bruce h. lipton details in his book 'the biology of belief' that DNA expression is not, "predetermined or unchangeable. Instead, the book details how DNA is influenced by signals emanating from outside the cell. The strongest energetic signals that cells receive are our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes."^3 which is how we're able to manifest drastic appearance changes with our thoughts, feelings, etc, as well as completely eradicate health issues, pain, and other things of that nature with the use of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, experiences, etc. the medicine you take for your colds is literally just energy, consider that.
how can I muscle test myself accurately?
there are various tests you can do. there are dozens YouTube instructional videos that can lead you in the right direction! however, my personal favorite is the sway test, which i will discuss a little further down. it takes trust in yourself, however, other people can muscle test you if you'd like a solid proof answer. even so, here are a few videos you can watch to better familiarize yourself with. please be advised, there are various ways to muscle test, I highly recommend that you do all of them and figure out which one feels right for you, your body will know.
The Finger Pad Test
Pendulums for Muscle Testing
7 Different Self Muscle Testing Techniques
how can I muscle test other people accurately?
How To Do Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing
also, whoever you're testing or if you're being tested, your chin must be parallel to the floor while your eyes are looking downwards for the most accurate testing while your arm is being pushed down. the position of your eyes allows you to fully engage your subconscious without worrying about your conscious getting in the way of accurately testing others or yourself, it's been believed to assist in dissociation.
what are some benefits to muscle testing?
since muscle testing is apart of energy therapy, energy therapy has the ability to benefit all areas of life, including, but not limited to— relationships, family, individual growth, and overall well-being whether that be physical, mentally, or emotionally. if you find yourself struggling with certain thoughts or beliefs, muscle testing allows you to have a conversation with your 'higher self' aka your subconscious.
how does muscle testing correlate to manifestation?
when you perform muscle testing on yourself or others, you're able to connect with your 'higher self' aka your subconscious which uses about 95% of your brain on a daily basis, it knows when a lie is being said as well as the truth. after you've established what 'yes' and 'no' is according to your subconscious by making statements you already know the answer to (Examples: [My name is [insert your name]. I have [color] hair. My name is [fake name that's not yours] I have [insert wrong color hair]), you can then ask anything you want. You can also make statements and see if your subconscious agrees with you or not, that will then allow you to take the necessary steps you need/want in order to become your best self.
how can I do the sway test?
stand up with no distractions (no TV, no music, no outside conversation), feet should be shoulder width apart and planted flat on the floor. or if you are unable to stand, just sit up as straight as you can manage. then, lift your chin up so that it's parallel to the floor, facing forward, and focus your eyes down on the floor. once you're done with that, state "my name is [insert name]", notice which way you lean naturally, make sure you're relaxed, this'll be your 'yes/like/true'. you can do this a couple times to make sure. and then you state "my name is [fake name]," notice which way you lean naturally, this'll be your 'no/dislike/false.' once you've established that, you can ask questions, make statements, and anything else you want, you can even test supplements by holding them in your hand as well as holding certain foods. your body may lean forward, backwards, sideways, etc, it's all based on the individual. please be advised that at any point in time you can retest from your yes/no answers by making the statements above, as many times as you want, just to make sure your yes/no answers are the same. I would recommend that you do this after every question you ask, just to give yourself the satisfaction. but again!! do what feels right and what makes you feel that you're getting the most accurate answers.
what are some ways I can muscle test myself without fear of my tests being inaccurate?
practice whatever test you feel most comfortable with, or have someone else test you if you're unable to fully trust yourself. personally, I find that the sway test is easiest. you can also use a pendulum as a muscle test if you'd like, whatever suits you as the individual is what you should go with.
how can I use muscle testing to heal my limiting beliefs, trauma, and other detrimental things that have been holding me back?
muscle testing gives you a deeper insight on the beliefs currently settling in your unconscious/subconscious mind. truthfully, you'll find out things you probably would have never expected to be there in the first place, hidden away somewhere. who better knows you better than you?
is it an absolute necessity to muscle test myself when trying to create new assumptions/testing whether or not my beliefs have changed on a subconscious level?
nope, not at all! this is essentially the same thing as getting your palm read, your aura read, having a tarot reading, and other things of that nature. It's up to you on whether or not you want to try this out or if you think it'll work in your favor.
how can I use muscle testing and psych-k simultaneously to benefit myself to the max?
in my previous post I provided the instructions on how to do psych-k, and if you fully watch the video you will notice that the demonstration involves muscle testing before and after the psych-k treatment. you can do the muscle testing on yourself with various methods, and then you can figure out how your subconscious stands on your conscious belief/affirmation. if the subconscious likes the affirmation or views it as true, then you're golden. however, if it sees it as false, then the next step would be to ask your subconscious 'Is it safe and appropriate for [name] to balance for this goal?' If the answer is yes, then proceed, if the answer is no, you may have some underlying issues that need to be addressed before that. It's very rare for the subconscious to say 'no,' however.
after receiving a 'yes', you will then ask 'are all systems ready and willing for a balance of this goal?' once you've gotten your answer, you will go on to do PSYCH-K.
after performing the necessary steps to implement this affirmation/goal/ etc into your mind, you may do another muscle test and see where you stand.
what are some questions or affirmations/afformations, and belief statements I could use to muscle test?
I am a master at manifesting.
I can manifest anything I want right in this moment.
I am ready and willing for change.
My desires are already mine.
I am intelligent and capable.
and if you struggle to come up with your own affirmations or questions, check out this video and see if it'll help you!
personally, I've only learned about muscle testing and psych-k within the last three days, and I've already had results. before I started doing this to myself, I did it to my brother and ma (they're my guinea pigs 🧍) and they both experienced some weird tingling sensations in their brains after looping a single affirmation. I decided to do the same for myself, but with self muscle testing. my manifestations are coming in faster than ever just because my subconscious now believes I'm a master manifester. plus, I used it to change another belief I had and I actually started crying like a lil' bitch. 🧍and I'll be honest, yesterday I muscle tested myself and asked 'can I enter the void right now?' and my subconscious said yes. so, there was an attempt on my end where I used the lullaby method, lulling myself to sleep with just the words 'I Am', and when I went to sleep, I didn't enter the void, but I had a dream. I can't entail what the exact details were specifically bc it's personal but it was about my family members who've hurt me in the past, with lots of rage and anger. and when I woke up, an affirmation immediately popped up in my head 'I forgive those who have hurt me and I'm ready to move on.' bruh. this isn't what I consciously wanted, but obviously my subconscious thinks I need to work on this matter before I can ascend and so, I'm gonna trust myself.
gotta be honest, I've read other people's posts where they have had their 'eureka!' 'aha!' moments and their little epiphanies... thought they were all completely bullshit and I was a hater, but gods-- that shit's real, and now I gotta make a change within myself, and it's time for you to do the same.
references + extra resources
Quoted Information
The recorded lecture about PSYCH-K (it's an hour long but I think the knowledge is worth it)
Rewrite Your Mind
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hhtthoughts · 1 month
Post-surgery knee performance
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Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a common procedure for individuals suffering from severe knee pain and disability due to conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or knee injuries. The primary goal of this surgery is to relieve pain and restore function, allowing patients to return to their daily activities with improved mobility and quality of life.
Post-surgery knee performance varies among individuals, influenced by factors such as age, overall health, pre-operative condition, and rehabilitation efforts. Generally, patients experience significant pain relief and improved function compared to their pre-operative state. However, it’s important to understand that a replaced knee may not function exactly like a natural, healthy knee.
In the initial weeks following surgery, patients typically experience reduced pain and swelling. As rehabilitation progresses, knee flexibility and strength gradually improve. Most patients can resume light activities within 4–6 weeks and more demanding activities by 3–4 months post-surgery. Full recovery and optimal knee performance usually occur between 6–12 months after the procedure.
One crucial factor in achieving optimal knee performance is adhering to a comprehensive rehabilitation program. Traditional rehabilitation involves a combination of physical therapy exercises, pain management techniques, and gradual increase in activity levels. However, innovative approaches and technologies are continually being developed to enhance recovery and improve outcomes.
One such innovation is the X10 machine, a cutting-edge rehabilitation device designed specifically for knee replacement patients. The X10 machine offers a unique approach to post-operative knee rehabilitation, combining therapeutic exercise with advanced sensor technology and real-time biofeedback.
The X10 machine focuses on three key areas crucial for knee recovery: range of motion, strength, and stability. It allows patients to perform controlled, low-impact exercises that can be precisely adjusted to their comfort level and progress. The machine’s sensors continuously monitor the patient’s performance, providing real-time feedback and adjusting resistance as needed.
One of the primary benefits of the X10 machine is its ability to help patients safely and effectively increase their range of motion. After knee replacement, regaining full extension (straightening) and flexion (bending) of the knee is critical for optimal function. The X10 machine guides patients through controlled stretching exercises, gradually increasing the range of motion while respecting pain thresholds.
Strength training is another crucial component of knee rehabilitation that the X10 machine addresses. It provides variable resistance exercises that target the muscles supporting the knee joint, particularly the quadriceps and hamstrings. As patients progress, the machine can increase resistance, promoting muscle strength and endurance.
The X10 machine also incorporates stability exercises, which are essential for improving proprioception (awareness of joint position) and neuromuscular control. These exercises help patients regain confidence in their replaced knee and reduce the risk of falls or injuries.
Studies and patient testimonials suggest that using the X10 machine as part of a rehabilitation program can lead to faster recovery times and improved knee performance compared to traditional rehabilitation methods alone. Patients often report achieving a greater range of motion more quickly and experiencing less pain during the recovery process.
However, it’s important to note that while the X10 machine can be a valuable tool, it should be used as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program under the guidance of healthcare professionals. Every patient’s recovery journey is unique, and a personalized approach is crucial for optimal outcomes.
Long-term knee performance after replacement surgery is generally very good. Most patients experience significant improvements in pain levels and functional abilities that last for many years. Studies show that over 90% of knee replacements are still functioning well 15 years after surgery. However, as with any artificial joint, some wear and tear over time is expected.
To maintain optimal knee performance in the long term, patients are advised to:
Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on the knee joint
Engage in regular low-impact exercises to keep the surrounding muscles strong
Avoid high-impact activities that could potentially damage the prosthesis
Attend follow-up appointments with their orthopedic surgeon
Be aware of any changes in knee function and report them promptly
In conclusion, knee performance after replacement surgery typically improves significantly compared to pre-operative conditions. While a replaced knee may not function identically to a natural knee, most patients experience substantial pain relief and improved mobility. The incorporation of innovative rehabilitation techniques, such as the X10 machine, can potentially enhance recovery and optimize knee performance. However, successful outcomes depend on a combination of factors, including proper surgical technique, comprehensive rehabilitation, and the patient’s commitment to long-term joint health.
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ishaquantum · 6 months
Revolutionizing Health Diagnosis and Therapy: Unlocking the Power of NLS Systems
In a world where health is paramount, the quest for accurate diagnostics and effective therapy methods is unceasing. At Nonlinear System, we stand at the forefront of this pursuit, offering cutting-edge NLS (Nonlinear System) health diagnostics and therapy systems that are revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare. Bioresonance
Gone are the days of invasive procedures and lengthy waits for test results. With our NLS systems, we bring forth a non-invasive, efficient, and precise method of health assessment. Using advanced quantum resonance technology, our systems delve deep into the body's bioenergetic field, providing comprehensive insights into the state of one's health.
What sets our NLS systems apart is their ability to detect subtle deviations in the body's electromagnetic field long before physical symptoms manifest. This proactive approach enables early intervention, allowing individuals to take control of their health and prevent potential ailments from escalating. Bioresonance Therapy
Moreover, our NLS therapy systems offer a holistic approach to wellness by addressing imbalances at their root cause. Through biofeedback and bioresonance principles, these systems stimulate the body's innate healing mechanisms, restoring equilibrium and vitality naturally.
The versatility of our NLS systems is another highlight. Whether you're a healthcare professional seeking advanced diagnostic tools or an individual looking to optimize your well-being, our systems cater to diverse needs. From identifying nutritional deficiencies to assessing organ function and detecting environmental toxins, the applications of NLS technology are vast and varied. Bioresonance Training
Furthermore, our commitment to innovation drives us to continually enhance our systems' capabilities. We invest in research and development to stay ahead of the curve, integrating the latest technological advancements to ensure unparalleled accuracy and efficacy.
At Nonlinear System, we're not just providing products; we're empowering individuals to take charge of their health journey. Our NLS systems serve as a beacon of hope, offering a pathway to personalized, preventive healthcare that transcends conventional limitations. Bioresonance Classes
In essence, our mission is simple yet profound: to make health diagnostics and therapy accessible, accurate, and empowering for all. With Nonlinear System, the future of healthcare is within reach, where wellness is not merely the absence of disease but the harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit. Join us in embracing this paradigm shift towards a healthier, happier world.
View More - Best ionic detox machines
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evolv28 · 6 months
Escape the Grip of Stress: Discover Strategies and Gadgets for Ultimate Relaxation
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In the relentless whirlwind of modern life, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. The pressure to perform, the endless stream of notifications, and the constant struggle to balance demands can leave us feeling frazzled and overwhelmed. However, escaping the clutches of stress is possible.
This article will guide you through proven stress-relief strategies and introduce you to innovative gadgets that can power up your relaxation efforts.
Step One: Understand Your Stress
Before tackling stress head-on, it's vital to recognize your personal stress triggers. Are you sensitive to tight deadlines? Do social interactions leave you feeling anxious? Does financial uncertainty keep you up at night? Identifying the root of your stress allows you to proactively address and manage those triggers.
Strategies for a Stress-Free You
Let's dive into actionable techniques for finding your inner calm:
The Power of Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, like meditation, ground you in the present moment, reducing the mental chatter that often fuels stress. Simple guided meditations can have a profound impact.
Relax Your Body, Relax Your Mind: Deep breathing exercises, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation can ease physical tension and promote a sense of tranquility.
Move Your Way to Stress Relief: Regular exercise is a natural mood booster and an incredible stress buster. Endorphins released during physical activity can significantly improve your outlook.
Nourish Yourself: Prioritizing sleep, a balanced diet, and limiting caffeine and alcohol will bolster your resilience, making you better equipped to handle stress.
Tech to the Rescue: Today's technology offers fantastic tools in your quest for calmness. Let's explore some best stress relief gadgets.
Top Stress Relief Gadgets
Evolv28: A Wearable Haven: This groundbreaking device utilizes magnetoelectric fields to gently influence brain areas linked to relaxation, focus, and stress reduction. Its portability makes it a perfect on-the-go stress-management companion.
The Soothing Embrace of Weighted Blankets: The comforting pressure of a weighted blanket simulates a hug, providing a sense of security and promoting relaxation.
Biofeedback: Master Your Stress Response: Biofeedback devices give you real-time data about your body's reactions to stress (think heart rate, etc.). This empowers you to train yourself to manage your stress response more consciously.
Light Therapy: Boost Mood and Sleep: Light therapy lamps are especially beneficial during darker months or if you struggle with sleep issues. Better sleep naturally leads to lowered stress levels.
Soundscapes for Serenity: White noise machines help block out distractions, allowing you to create a soothing atmosphere perfect for unwinding.
The Journey is Personal
Remember, there's no single solution for everyone. Experimentation is key! Try different combinations of these techniques and gadgets to see what resonates with you.
Don't Go It Alone
If stress feels overwhelming, don't hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can offer invaluable support and customized strategies for your stress-management journey.
The Takeaway
Stress might be part of life, but you don't have to let it dominate. With a proactive approach, the right tools, and a bit of self-compassion, you can cultivate a sense of peace and well-being amidst the daily grind.
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neophony · 7 months
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Neurofeedback Training & Therapy at Home - Unlock Your Mind with Neuphony
Discover the Neuphony EEG Flex Cap - a versatile, portable EEG machine for brain wave reading, neurofeedback training, and biofeedback therapy. Ideal for EEG tests, brain scans, and mind control training.
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report-1 · 1 year
Global Electro Acupuncture Machine Market Growth, Trend, and Prospects from 2023–2030
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Global Electro Acupuncture Machine Market Growth,
The Electro Acupuncture Machine Market is expected to grow from USD 2.90 Billion in 2022 to USD 3.80 Billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 3.60% during the forecast period.
Get the Sample Report:https://www.reportprime.com/enquiry/sample-report/10613
Global Electro Acupuncture Machine Market Size
The Electro Acupuncture Machine market research report provides insights into the market segment based on type, application, region, and major market players. The market segment based on type includes 4 Output Channels, 6 Output Channels, 8 Output Channels, and others. The application segment includes Clinics, Scientific Research, and others. The report covers major regions such as North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Key market players in this industry are Yingdi, Heng Ming Medical, Suzhou Medical Appliance Factory, Shantou Medical Equipment Factory, Yangzhou Kangling Medical Electronic Instrument, Nanjing Xiaosong Medical Instrument, Guangzhou Meiqiang Medical Technology, Jiangsu Oriental Acupuncture Instrument, and Beijing Fukang Yongtai Technology. Regulatory and legal factors specific to market conditions are also discussed in the report. The Electro Acupuncture Machine market research report provides a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its future growth prospects.
Global Electro Acupuncture Machine Market Key Players
Mazor Key Player is listed in the Global Electro Acupuncture Machine Market
Heng Ming Medical
Suzhou Medical Appliance Factory
Shantou Medical Equipment Factory
Yangzhou Kangling Medical Electronic Instrument
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Global Electro Acupuncture Machine Market Segment Analysis
The Electro Acupuncture Machine market is growing at a significant rate due to its rising popularity, increased awareness about acupuncture therapy, and the benefits it offers over traditional acupuncture methods. There are several factors driving the revenue growth of the Electro Acupuncture Machine market, including the growing prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing awareness regarding the benefits of alternative medicine, the rising demand for non-invasive treatments, and the increasing popularity of acupuncture therapy for pain management.
One of the latest trends followed by the Electro Acupuncture Machines market is the introduction of advanced technology, such as electronic pulse generators, biofeedback sensors, and programmable settings. These advanced features enable the machines to determine the optimal frequency and intensity of electrical impulses for each individual patient, providing customized treatment that delivers the best possible results.
Despite the significant growth of the Electro Acupuncture Machine market, several challenges must be addressed to overcome potential obstacles to growth. One major challenge is the skepticism surrounding alternative therapies, which can hinder market growth. Additionally, high costs of Electro Acupuncture Machines, especially in developing countries, may also limit its adoption.
The latest report on the Electro Acupuncture Machine market includes several key findings and recommendations. The report highlights the growing demand for non-invasive therapies and the need for customized treatment solutions. The report also emphasizes the need for further investment in research and development to improve the effectiveness of Electro Acupuncture Machines and to reduce costs to make the machines more accessible to people in need.
Overall, the Electro Acupuncture Machine market is expected to continue to grow, driven by the increasing demand for non-invasive therapies, rising awareness about the benefits of acupuncture therapy, and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases. To overcome potential challenges and maximize growth potential, it is important to continue investing in research and development, advancing technology, and increasing awareness about the benefits of alternative therapies like acupuncture.
This report covers impact on COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine wars in detail.
Purchase This Report:https://www.reportprime.com/checkout?id=10613&price=3590
Global Electro Acupuncture Machine (by Application)
Scientific Research
Information is sourced from www.reportprime.com
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fit2b · 1 year
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You know your body because you've lived in it your whole life. We are focusing on physical therapy this week and encouraging ALL our clients to consider booking at least one session with their local physical therapist... but how do you find a good one?
HOW do you find the right therapist in your area who can truly help you with the best, most up-to-date treatment options?
Once you find a good clinic (see our last post) here are some questions to ask prior to your first appointment:
Is there anything I should watch for or avoid between now and my first appointment?
What can I expect to happen during my first appointment?
Is it okay if I want to bring someone along to support me?
What should I wear or will I need to undress?
Some women won’t go unless they have a comforting hand to hold, while some clinics rather you come alone. Some therapists/specialists/physios incorporate exercises while others refer out for that piece or ask you to avoid fitness altogether. Sometimes a tens machine is used for biofeedback while other’s may use gloved fingers to assess and release restrictions.
The most important thing is that if the answers YOU get in response to YOUR questions leave YOU at all dissatisfied or conflicted, YOU need to politely end the conversation and keep looking for the right person who can meet YOUR needs.
Blank stares and “I don’t know” answers are unacceptable. Listen and take notes, and then go with the clinic that makes you the most comfortable and gives you peace and perspective.
Ask questions and pursue the best care like you're just as important as that person. You are that person. You deserve to heal and feel better, inside and out.
Read more here: https://fit2b.us/how-to-find-and-what-to-ask-a-good-pelvic-floor-therapist/
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therawellness · 11 months
Energy healing devices have undoubtedly piqued the curiosity of many individuals seeking alternative ways to enhance their health and vitality. The THERA WELLNESS™ Unique & Smart Energy Machine, like similar devices, offers a unique approach to addressing common lifestyle issues and is customizable to an individual's specific needs.
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rediscoverhearing · 1 year
Tinnitus Treatment Perth - How to Get Some Relief
When a person experiences tinnitus, their mind becomes occupied with the noise and they lose focus of what’s going on around them. This can affect their work, home life and even their social interactions. If you are suffering from tinnitus, there are steps you can take to get some relief and reduce its impact on your quality of life.
There are a number of different treatments that can be used for tinnitus, and every case is unique. Some are tinnitus treatment Perth, some are acoustic-physical and others are psychological in nature. A combination of these is often required to achieve the best results.
The first step is to see a qualified audiologist for an assessment of your tinnitus and its effect on you. The audiologist will also look for any underlying hearing loss or other problems that may be contributing to your tinnitus.
After the audiologist has assessed your tinnitus, a treatment plan will be developed and based on the cause of the problem. If the tinnitus is caused by an underlying health issue, such as heart disease, then treating that condition will help reduce the severity of the tinnitus.
If the tinnitus is due to hearing loss, the use of a hearing aid can help improve your ability to hear other sounds and focus on them rather than the tinnitus. This can dramatically improve your quality of life and may be enough to reduce the tinnitus or make it much less bothersome.
Other acoustic treatments include white noise machines that produce static or environmental sounds, such as ocean waves or rainfall, to distract you from your tinnitus. These are often helpful for sleep tinnitus and can also be effective for people who experience tinnitus when driving or while working in noisy environments.
Psychological treatments aim to change the way you react to tinnitus, making it less intrusive and distressing. These can involve relaxation therapy, biofeedback and stress management techniques. They can also involve trying to identify and replace any negative beliefs you have about your tinnitus.
Sound Therapy, a natural hearing improvement treatment, can stimulate the ears and brain to encourage new ear and brain connections, improve auditory processing and reduce tinnitus. The filtered music helps relieve tinnitus and enhances hearing, concentration and communication. It works by calming the nervous system and using high frequency sounds to release latent energy in the brain, thereby improving memory, focus and emotional intelligence.
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innatewellness · 1 year
Bioresonance Pro-iii Laser
The analyzed group comprised women and men, from totally different bioresonance testing social backgrounds, aged between 18 and 89 years (mean 49 years/SD 17.16 years). Patients that had undergone suicidal attempts of their medical historical past, sufferers with pacemakers and pregnant girls were excluded.
This bioresonance and the modifications in bioresonance are measured with the assistance of Bioresonance machines or gadgets, such as the one by Oberon Biofeedback. These are very accurate and highly calibrated machines that with the assistance of very subtle NLS software program provide a digital scan of the tissues and cells within the healthy and diseased states. Furthermore, these bioresonance biofeedback machines have subtle expertise to provide and complement bioresonance power externally and thus bringing the tissues to regular wholesome levels bioresonance therapy. This then allows the cells, tissues, organs, and body to heal and recover to a normal healthy state. Good biofeedback methods, like Oberon, can trace the modifications in pathology and infections by observing the traits of these wavelengths and the changes within the tissues and cells of the body. This utilization of frequency analysis relies on this incredible discovery in natural science which permits us to investigate the magnetic vortex of any biological object.
There is such a factor as the placebo issue and if any of those therapies actually labored in anyone it would be mainly due to that placebo issue. I agree with Fruitgirl when she stated no treatment for any disease anywhere has a one hundred pc success price. If you want a slick advertising video to convince someone to attempt something then it's my opinion that you're getting scammed. Let's not neglect the more views a youtube video will get, the more money that individual makes. I've heard of it in the past, by no means looked into it an excessive quantity of until now.
Adams mentioned her docs have informed her that almost all kids outgrow the condition by the point they attain roughly three years old, but as a outcome of severity of Henry's situation Adams is terrified her son may not make it till then. "It's not like normal allergy symptoms where people go anaphylactic," Adams stated bioresonance therapy benefits, adding typical allergens such as tree nuts don't have any influence on Henry. A few of the objects on the list — corresponding to dairy products, carrots, corn, mango, oats and eggs — are so poisonous to Henry that consuming lower than a teaspoon is sufficient to cause a severe reaction.
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There is completely no point in continuing the Shoemaker protocol steps until you’ve removed your self from the moldy environment. Before doing any sort of actual CIRS treatment, you have to decide if your current surroundings is a supply of mold. The two choices for testing your home for mildew embrace the ERMI test and the HERTSMI 2 test. It is important to rule out the hereditary form of Von Willebrand Disease as it has a dramatic impression on the finest way by which your blood clots. In mildew sickness, it's not uncommon to experience a condition generally known as acquired Von Willebrand Disease . You’ll want to differentiate mould illness from Ehlers-Danlos syndromeandMarfan syndrome.
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ishaquantum · 1 year
Techniques of Bioresonance Therapy
Bioresonance therapy is a type of alternative medicine that uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat various health conditions. It is based on the concept that every living organism has its own unique electromagnetic frequency or energy field, and disturbances in this field can lead to health problems. Bioresonance
The specific techniques and devices used in bioresonance therapy can vary, but they generally involve the use of specialized equipment to measure and analyze the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body. These devices can detect imbalances or disharmonies in the frequencies and then aim to correct them by applying specific frequencies back to the body.
Here are some common elements or techniques used in bioresonance therapy:
Bioresonance Devices: Various devices are used to measure and analyze electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body. These devices may include biofeedback machines, frequency generators, or electromagnetic mats. Bioresonance Therapy
Frequency Analysis: The practitioner typically assesses the body's electromagnetic frequencies by attaching electrodes or sensors to the skin or using handheld devices. These measurements are then compared to a database of known healthy frequencies to identify any imbalances or abnormalities.
Frequency Correction: Once imbalances are detected, the practitioner aims to correct them by applying specific electromagnetic frequencies back to the body. This can be done through the same electrodes or sensors used for measurement, or through other methods such as using handheld devices, wearing special mats or garments, or using light or sound therapy. Bioresonance Training
Detoxification and Regulation: Bioresonance therapy may also involve supporting the body's natural detoxification processes and regulating its energy flow. This can be done through dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, or other complementary therapies. Bioresonance Classes
It is important to note that while some practitioners and proponents claim that bioresonance therapy can treat a wide range of health conditions, its effectiveness and scientific basis remain a subject of debate. The practice is considered alternative or complementary and is not widely accepted or recognized within mainstream medicine. It's always recommended to consult with qualified healthcare professionals before pursuing any form of alternative therapy.
View More - Blue Covers for Bio Headset
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evolv28 · 6 months
The Sleep Revolution: Upgrade Your Rest with Innovative Sleep Gadgets
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Sleep is a cornerstone of our physical and mental health – a non-negotiable factor for overall well-being. Yet, millions of people around the globe struggle with sleep issues, tossing and turning through the night and feeling the debilitating effects during the day. Whether you have a chronic sleep disorder or just the occasional restless night, there's hope.
Breakthroughs in technology are paving the way for a new wave of sleep solutions. Innovative gadgets and devices are now designed to help you conquer those sleepless nights and wake up feeling energized. If you're ready to ditch the drowsy days and embrace the power of restorative sleep, let's dive into the world of the best sleep gadgets and explore how they can transform your sleep routine.
The Importance of Quality Sleep
Before we delve into the gadgets, let's revisit why quality sleep is so crucial. When we allow our bodies the necessary rest, we experience a myriad of benefits:
Improved cognitive function: Sleep plays a vital role in memory consolidation, learning, focus, and decision-making.
Enhanced mood: Adequate sleep helps regulate our emotions, reducing irritability and promoting a more positive outlook.
Boosted immune system: Sleep gives our bodies time to repair and recharge, strengthening our defenses against illness.
Healthy weight management: Studies link sleep deprivation with hormonal imbalances that can lead to increased appetite and weight gain.
Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Sufficient sleep helps protect against conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Common Sleep Disruptors
What can stand in the way of getting the quality rest we so desperately need? Here are some of the most frequent culprits:
Stress and anxiety: When our minds are racing with worries, it's difficult to settle down and drift off to sleep.
Irregular sleep schedules: Inconsistent sleep and wake times can disrupt our natural circadian rhythm (our internal sleep clock).
Uncomfortable sleep environment: Noise, light, and an uncomfortable mattress can all sabotage sleep.
Medical conditions: Sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and other medical conditions directly interfere with the ability to sleep soundly.
Lifestyle factors: Caffeine, alcohol, and late-night screen time can all wreak havoc on our sleep patterns.
Devices for Better Sleep: Exploring the Options
The good news is that the realm of sleep gadgets offers solutions to address many of the obstacles mentioned above. Here's a look at some of the most promising options:
Smart Sleep Trackers: These devices, often worn on your wrist or placed beside your bed, monitor your sleep patterns, including sleep stages, heart rate, and movement. This data provides valuable insights into your sleep quality and can help identify potential problem areas.
Light Therapy Devices: Our circadian rhythms are strongly influenced by light. Light therapy devices mimic natural sunlight, helping to regulate your internal body clock and ease you into sleep or wakefulness at appropriate times. They are particularly useful for those with shift work schedules or jet lag.
White Noise Machines and Sleep Apps: Gentle ambient sounds like ocean waves or rain can mask disruptive noises and create a calming environment conducive to sleep. There are numerous white noise machines and apps that offer customizable sound mixes.
Smart Beds and Pillows: Some beds and pillows have adjustable firmness, temperature controls, and sensors to track your sleep patterns. They can provide a more personalized and comfortable sleep experience.
Biofeedback Devices: These devices measure physiological functions like heart rate variability or muscle tension, then guide you through exercises to regulate these responses. Biofeedback can reduce stress and promote relaxation – an excellent state for sleep.
Innovative Sleep Aids: New technologies are on the horizon, such as the Evolv28 sleep device which uses magnetic field therapy to target brainwaves and promote deeper sleep.
Choosing the Right Sleep Gadgets for You
With so many options, how do you decide which sleep gadgets are the best fit? Consider these factors:
Your specific sleep issues: Do you struggle to fall asleep, wake up frequently, or feel unrested in the morning? A gadget tailored to your needs will be most effective.
Features: Do you need a device with a variety of sounds or light settings for customization? Research features carefully.
Budget: Sleep gadgets range in price. Determine what you're comfortable investing before you start shopping.
Comfort and ease of use: If a gadget is complicated or uncomfortable, you're less likely to use it consistently.
Embracing Restorative Sleep
The pursuit of better sleep is a journey worth taking. By combining healthy sleep habits with the potential benefits of carefully chosen sleep gadgets, you can unlock more restful nights and the rejuvenating power of quality sleep.
Stay Connected for Feel-Good Updates and Pre-Order Now
Excited to experience the transformative power of Evolv28? Pre-order now and be among the first to embark on this mindfulness journey. Stay connected through the website, where you can subscribe for feel-good updates, gaining access to valuable information, tips, and exclusive content enriching your understanding of mindfulness and mental wellness.
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ameymeti2001 · 2 years
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market Worth $27.62 billion by 2030
According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market is projected to reach $27.62 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2023 to 2030. The growth of this market is driven by factors such as the rising geriatric population and the subsequent increase in chronic disease prevalence, the high number of people living sedentary lifestyles resulting in increased back injuries, the rising incidence of sports injuries, and technological advancements. Additionally, emerging economies and increasing demand for home healthcare services are expected to offer opportunities for the market’s growth. However, uncertainty in reimbursement frameworks and a shortage of skilled professionals hamper the growth of this market.
Download Sample Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5457
Technological Developments in Physiotherapy Equipment
The physiotherapy sector is constantly changing as modern technologies emerge to improve therapy practices. The recent developments have taken this sector to a new level and led physiotherapists to update their treatment approaches in several ways. One of these advanced technologies is equipment based on wearable resistance technology designed to improve people’s movement. This compression-based high-performance sports garment applies weights/loads to any body part. It helps in early strengthening and Return-To-Sports (RTS) stages when the injury is healed, but the body is still unbalanced. For instance, in January 2023, LILA (Malaysia) partnered with House of Athlete (HOA), a gym based in Florida, to provide LILA’s Exogen product, based on wearable resistance technology, to the athletes.
Additionally, innovations and technology have made electromyography biofeedback machines cheaper and smaller to help treat various nervous system issues, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and myasthenia gravis. Hence, technological advancements increase the demand for physiotherapy equipment.
The physiotherapy equipment & accessories market is segmented based on Product [Equipment (Electrotherapy/Electric Stimulation, Cryotherapy, Ultrasound Therapy, Heat Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Combination Therapy, Shockwave Therapy, Traction Therapy, Continuous Passive Motion Therapy, Exercise Therapy, Laser Therapy, Other Equipment), Accessories (Furniture, Other Accessories)], Application (Musculoskeletal, Neurology, Pediatrics, Cardiovascular & Pulmonary, Other Applications), End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Centers, Other End Users), and Geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the regional and country-level markets.
Based on product, in 2023, the equipment segment is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the wide availability of physiotherapy equipment and its benefits in helping patients with physical activities. For instance, electrotherapy equipment is widely used in rehabilitation centers and hospitals for treating muscle pain and injuries. This non-invasive therapy is highly effective in treating conditions such as chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, and muscle wasting.
Based on application, in 2023, the musculoskeletal segment is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the rising number of people with musculoskeletal disorders requiring physiotherapy for recovery.
Based on end user, the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market is segmented into hospitals & clinics, physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers, and other end users. In 2023, the hospitals & clinics segment is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market. Hospitals & clinics are the primary choices for treatment in various countries. Preoperative and postoperative physiotherapies are recommended to patients to prepare the body before surgery and restore natural body movement after the surgery. Thus, the rising number of people undergoing surgeries in hospitals contributes to the increased adoption of physiotherapy equipment.
Geographic Review:
This research report analyzes major geographies and provides a comprehensive analysis of North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Spain, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, and RoAPAC), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and RoLATAM), and the Middle East & Africa. In 2023, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. North America’s major market share is attributed to the high incidence rate of lifestyle-related disorders and technological advancements in physiotherapy equipment.
Key Players:
The key players operating in the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market are Enraf-Nonius B.V. (Netherlands), BTL (U.K.), EMS Physio LTD. (U.K.), Dynatronics Corporation (U.S.), Richmar (U.S.), STORZ MEDICAL AG (Switzerland), Enovis Corporation (U.S.), Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH (Germany), Mectronic Medicale S.r.l. (Italy), Ito Co., Ltd. (Japan), Zynex, Inc. (U.S.), and A. Algeo Ltd (U.K.).
Speak to our expert analyst:https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5457
Scope of the Report:
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by Product
Electrotherapy/Electric Stimulation
Ultrasound Therapy
Heat Therapy
Combination Therapy
Shockwave Therapy
Traction Therapy
Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Therapy
Exercise Therapy
Laser Therapy
Other Equipment (Other equipment includes vacuum therapy, longwave diathermy, shortwave diathermy, magnetic pressure therapy, and laser therapy)
Other Accessories (Other accessories include handpieces, trays, trolley carts, electrode sets, power cables, holders, adapters, silicon sleeves, gels, and creams.)
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by Application
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary
Other Applications (Other applications include post-surgical conditions, gynecological, palliative care, vestibular, and lymphoedema)
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by End User
Hospitals & Clinics
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centers
Other End Users (Other end users include home care, nursing homes, community health centers, and long-term care facilities)
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by Geography
North America
Rest of Europe (RoE)
Rest of APAC (RoAPAC)
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Request Sample Report:https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5457
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neophony · 7 months
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EEG Flex Cap: 8 Channel Dry EEG & Neurofeedback Device
Discover the Neuphony EEG Flex Cap - a versatile, portable EEG machine for brain wave reading, neurofeedback training, and biofeedback therapy. Ideal for EEG tests, brain scans, and mind control training.
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Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market Worth $27.62 billion by 2030
According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market is projected to reach $27.62 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.5% from 2023 to 2030. The growth of this market is driven by factors such as the rising geriatric population and the subsequent increase in chronic disease prevalence, the high number of people living sedentary lifestyles resulting in increased back injuries, the rising incidence of sports injuries, and technological advancements. Additionally, emerging economies and increasing demand for home healthcare services are expected to offer opportunities for the market’s growth. However, uncertainty in reimbursement frameworks and a shortage of skilled professionals hamper the growth of this market.
Technological Developments in Physiotherapy Equipment
The physiotherapy sector is constantly changing as modern technologies emerge to improve therapy practices. The recent developments have taken this sector to a new level and led physiotherapists to update their treatment approaches in several ways. One of these advanced technologies is equipment based on wearable resistance technology designed to improve people’s movement. This compression-based high-performance sports garment applies weights/loads to any body part. It helps in early strengthening and Return-To-Sports (RTS) stages when the injury is healed, but the body is still unbalanced. For instance, in January 2023, LILA (Malaysia) partnered with House of Athlete (HOA), a gym based in Florida, to provide LILA’s Exogen product, based on wearable resistance technology, to the athletes.
Additionally, innovations and technology have made electromyography biofeedback machines cheaper and smaller to help treat various nervous system issues, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and myasthenia gravis. Hence, technological advancements increase the demand for physiotherapy equipment.
The physiotherapy equipment & accessories market is segmented based on Product [Equipment (Electrotherapy/Electric Stimulation, Cryotherapy, Ultrasound Therapy, Heat Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Combination Therapy, Shockwave Therapy, Traction Therapy, Continuous Passive Motion Therapy, Exercise Therapy, Laser Therapy, Other Equipment), Accessories (Furniture, Other Accessories)], Application (Musculoskeletal, Neurology, Pediatrics, Cardiovascular & Pulmonary, Other Applications), End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Centers, Other End Users), and Geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the regional and country-level markets.
Based on product, in 2023, the equipment segment is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the wide availability of physiotherapy equipment and its benefits in helping patients with physical activities. For instance, electrotherapy equipment is widely used in rehabilitation centers and hospitals for treating muscle pain and injuries. This non-invasive therapy is highly effective in treating conditions such as chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, and muscle wasting.
Based on application, in 2023, the musculoskeletal segment is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the rising number of people with musculoskeletal disorders requiring physiotherapy for recovery.
Based on end user, the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market is segmented into hospitals & clinics, physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers, and other end users. In 2023, the hospitals & clinics segment is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market. Hospitals & clinics are the primary choices for treatment in various countries. Preoperative and postoperative physiotherapies are recommended to patients to prepare the body before surgery and restore natural body movement after the surgery. Thus, the rising number of people undergoing surgeries in hospitals contributes to the increased adoption of physiotherapy equipment.
Geographic Review:
This research report analyzes major geographies and provides a comprehensive analysis of North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (Germany, France, U.K., Italy, Spain, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, and RoAPAC), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, and RoLATAM), and the Middle East & Africa. In 2023, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. North America’s major market share is attributed to the high incidence rate of lifestyle-related disorders and technological advancements in physiotherapy equipment.
Key Players:
The key players operating in the physiotherapy equipment & accessories market are Enraf-Nonius B.V. (Netherlands), BTL (U.K.), EMS Physio LTD. (U.K.), Dynatronics Corporation (U.S.), Richmar (U.S.), STORZ MEDICAL AG (Switzerland), Enovis Corporation (U.S.), Zimmer MedizinSysteme GmbH (Germany), Mectronic Medicale S.r.l. (Italy), Ito Co., Ltd. (Japan), Zynex, Inc. (U.S.), and A. Algeo Ltd (U.K.).
𝘿𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙 𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 @https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5457?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=03-02-2023
Scope of the Report:
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by Product
Electrotherapy/Electric Stimulation
Ultrasound Therapy
Heat Therapy
Combination Therapy
Shockwave Therapy
Traction Therapy
Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Therapy
Exercise Therapy
Laser Therapy
Other Equipment (Other equipment includes vacuum therapy, longwave diathermy, shortwave diathermy, magnetic pressure therapy, and laser therapy)
Othe Accessories (Other accessories include handpieces, trays, trolley carts, electrode sets, power cables, holders, adapters, silicon sleeves, gels, and creams.)
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by Application
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary
Other Applications (Other applications include post-surgical conditions, gynecological, palliative care, vestibular, and lymphoedema)
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by End User
Hospitals & Clinics
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centers
Other End Users (Other end users include home care, nursing homes, community health centers, and long-term care facilities)
Physiotherapy Equipment & Accessories Market, by Geography
North America
Rest of Europe (RoE)
Rest of APAC (RoAPAC)
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
𝘿𝙤𝙬𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙 𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 @https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5457?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Product&utm_content=03-02-2023
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drsibia · 2 years
Diabetes and Heart disease management through EECP: NEMCON2021 Talk| Dr Sibia | Sibia Medical Centre NO-SURGERY TESTS & TREATMENTS Web www.SibiaMedicalCentre.com Video library www youtube.com/SibiaMedicalCentre/videos Email [email protected] Whatsapp/SMS/Mb +91 8284848401 Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram ID: drsibia Sibia Medical Centre introduced Chelation Therapy, EECP & ESMR in India/Punjab and is the most experienced and best heart hospital for No Surgery cardiac care alternative treatments We treat chest pain, angina, heart attack patients unfit for angiography, angioplasty heart stents & heart bypass surgery (CABG) and want to avoid them or require post-covid cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation Tests Cardiovascular Cartography 3D-CCG heart flow mapping, ECG, Echocardiography and TMT as required Treatments - EECP Natural Bypass / External Counter Pulsation - Artery Chelation Therapy /ACT/ Artery Clearance Therapy/ Biochemical Angioplasty/ BCA - Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization /ESMR/ Cardiac Shockwave Angiogenesis - Bio-oxidative medicine: Ozone therapy & Hydrogen Peroxide - IV Nutrients - Biofeedback & Pulsating Electromagnetic Field/PEMF - world's best Ondamed machine - Coronary Artery Disease/ CAD - Diabetes - Hypertension/ Blood pressure - Peripheral Artery Disease/ PAD Leg Pain - Parkinson Disease Tremors - Cerebral ischemia, Stroke, Paralysis Facilities Kidney stone removed without surgery - Lithotripsy ESWL rays Knee pain/joint arthritis to avoid knee replacement surgery - Cytotron therapy/RFQMR Cancer tumor palliation with no side effects - Cytotron Detoxification, Immunity, Energy, Antiaging done - IV Therapies Spinal correction for backache, cervical spondylosis & sciatica - Computerized spinal table Lose weight, remove stubborn fat, lose inches & look smart with Fat to slim - Zerona Laser for Overweight & Obese Removes unwanted hair, wrinkles, pigmentation & Acne - IPL Laser aesthetic Skin photorejuvenation Team Dr. Sukhbindar Singh Sibia, MBBS, MD Medicine, Ex Assis Prof M M Medical College\Dr. Harpreet Kaur Sibia, MBBS (DMCH), Ex PCMS, Managing Director Dr. Keerat Kaur Sibia, MBBS, MD Pulmonary/Chest Medicine), European RespiratorySociety – HERMES Diplomate, Critical Care Medicine Certified (IDCCM), Ex Fortis Hospital, Bahra Hospital Dr. Ilmjot Singh Sibia, MBBS (MMIMSR), Fellowship in Echocardiography, Global MBA -Deakin University/UpGrad, MBA Hospital Admin & Health Care
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