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random-imagines-blog · 9 months ago
Imagine Billy Hargrove teaching you how to drive.
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“Okay… slow and steady,” Billy said, his fingers holding onto the ashtray in the passenger door, digging his fingers in as if bracing himself. He was definitely regretting his agreement to give you driving lessons - though very glad that he had done so with the stipulation that it’s not his car you’re driving. He’d never forgive you if you got one scratch on his baby. “Something you’ve never asked for before,” You mumbled. Your quips were to try to cover up how nervous you were. Hands on 10 and 2 - rear-view mirror of your parents station wagon pointed the right way - lots of room in this parking lot - you were as prepared as you could be. You pressed down on the gas just slightly, the car whispering forward. “Less joking, more driving,” Billy said, his eyes straight ahead instead of on you as they usually were. “Okay - maybe a little faster, you’re doing well in a straight line.” You pushed it down a little more and started to feel more comfortable. You slowly turned the steering wheel, and the car made a wide right turn. Billy relaxed beside you, his shoulders dropping and his head nodding. “Was that a good turn?” “Yeah, decent, not really for city roads though,” He said. “Try a left.” You made a left turn and you managed to do that just fine. “Yeah - yeah, this is easy. I’ve totally got this,” You said with confidence. Billy nodded and set his hand down on your knee, his thumb brushing up against the outside of it. “Yeah you do,” He said with a small grin. “It’s almost disappointing how good you’re doing. I won’t get to see your pretty face sitting next to me in my car.” “Unless I’m the one driving, and you’re sitting passenger,” You winked, and decided to try to park in one of the outlined spots. “I’m never sitting bitch,” He grumbled, thinking once again maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
Requested by: Anonymous
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4x4community · 2 years ago
Land cruiser rebuilds
Forum: Toyota Posted By: BillyH Post Time: 2023/08/02 at 06:11 PM http://dlvr.it/St66C6
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perfectdisastcr · 4 years ago
@maidenxfthemxuntains​​ said: “  don’t look at me like that.  ” (Billy please)
“You’re the one who said shit. Would you rather me just leave because I can do that too.” Billy glared back, brows furrowed in anger as he tried to calm himself down.
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send me more prompts for your feels
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nightstepth · 6 years ago
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sunny california. (i gave up on the hand)
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scriptoplures-a · 5 years ago
@tiredqueertm​ gets a plotted thing!!
Here it was, the scene Billy was all to familiar with being allowed into- small towns really did let you get away with more. Inside the bar, it was mostly just regulars, the women who wanted an escape gaping at him like he was their next big thing, the men always wondering if it was worth it to pick a fight with him, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything; at least people noticed him.  “You want someone to show you around?” He questions the one new face. Of course she was accompanied by others, others he couldn’t be paid to care about. 
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years ago
Harringrove Social Media!AU | PART THREE.
The BillyHive (and Steve) react to their streamer! Ft a smelly weirdo.
Steve likes drama, obviously.
(I'm sick of including the amount of likes each post gets, so I won't bother with it anymore, sorry sksksksk) | fast update bc I'm too eager lmao
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nerodmcdevilslayer · 2 years ago
Twitter is crumbling, Hive is legit. Enter the BillyHive
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perfectdisastcr · 5 years ago
continued from X
“Seriously? What a bitch move. I was going to walk out on your ass until we made a scene.”
@ncwperspective​ | elodie & billy
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random-imagines-blog · 6 years ago
Imagine Billy Hargrove volunteering to drive you everywhere.
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Billy was leaning against his car, shoulders slumped over, and a lit cigarette dangling precariously out of between his lips. Rather than removing it to blow the smoke out, he just exhaled from his nostrils until he saw you coming. Only then did he give the nicotine a break and snubbed it out on a neighboring car’s window.
“What are you doing here, Billy?” You asked the troublemaker. You had just finished work, and were preparing to walk home since it was a nice night.
“Driving you home.” He said, like it should have been obvious. He took a step away from his car and circled around to the passenger seat. “Get in.”
“I was going to walk-” You shrugged.
“No,” He said, shaking his head. “I’ll drive you to and from work from now on. Keep you safe.” He winked, and unlocked the doors.
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4x4community · 2 years ago
New campsite near Sekoma
Forum: Botswana Posted By: BillyH Post Time: 2022/10/13 at 01:26 PM http://dlvr.it/Sb1B4l
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