#billy rocksxreader
We Survived
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Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Pairing: Billy Rocks x Reader
Warning: Injury
Writer: @imaginesofeveryfandom aka @thequeenofthehobbits
Summary/Request: Requested by @coldpapernightmare:  it says request are open, so could I trouble you for a Reader/Billy Rocks from Magnificent Seven where the reader is nursing him after the battle ( everyone lives AU of course)
“I don’t know how you can be so quiet...this has to hurt?” You look up at Billy from where you’re stitching a wound shut, it’s long and deep and refused to stop bleeding without some form of aid. You stepped up to the plate, you knew how to sow clothes so why would skin be any different? 
“It does, I just-” He grunted as you pulled slightly too hard on the wound, apologising to him as you did so, “-would rather be quiet.” You nodded at his words. 
It was a miracle any of them had survived, the fact that they had all done so, won the day and only walked out with a few injuries really was a miracle, it truly placed all seven men as magnificent. You enjoyed their company, Billy especially. He was quiet, but always had a quip at hand when he needed it. He made you feel calm, you didn’t need to speak around him or do anything in particular. You could just be you. 
“We survived.”
“You did...and now you have the rest of your lives to do with as you wish.” Part of you was sad at the prospect of all of them leaving town, Billy especially. They had become part of the town in a way and so many of them could go onward, wandering the land and finding more mischief. You wanted them, Billy, to stay. 
“I think I might stay.”
“Oh?” You look up at him and he’s smiling at you. It makes you overly conscious of yourself and everything you are doing. 
“There’s someone I want to stick around for.” It’s not explicit, it’s not outright said, but you gather that that person is you and you find it hard to focus back on fixing his wounds with the awareness that he wants to stay because of you.
But you’re happy. You all survived and now...and now you could make something more of your life. With Billy, maybe.
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