#billie ft. meena
cantfightmoonlight · 3 months
"Hey," Her voice was no more than a soft whisper as she slowly approached the other siren after Capture the Flag. She knew she had already apologized and came to Billie's side with a towel immediately after the game of dodgeball had ended along with the sirens. She knew that distance and time would likely be what the other siren favored and she hardly would blame her. But, in truth, Meena didn't have much more in her to give. The Council had agreed to put on this town wide event to foster trust and, yet, every move Meena made as a leader and as their elected mayor made her feel even more hopeless than before. She had initially ran for the position because she had been angry and scared at the state that town she had come to love was in. She was a woman who had lost her husband with nothing else for her besides the glimmer of hope that things might get better. That was it. A woman who had thought that maybe, in all of her cold vindictiveness she could do something for the girl she used to be before she died. Maybe she'd be able to find some semblance of herself again. And yet, it ended up being quite the opposite.
Here she was with even less trust and hope than she had been before. She was even more dead inside than she had thought herself capable of being. Ever since Mason died, she felt like she was moving through water or running on exhaust fuels. The days and hours moving by in a blur as she tried to keep moving forwards and pretend like the world didn't effect her. She compartmentalized and leaned into being hyper rational to avoid having to face the fact that she was watching the last sliver of hope she had slip through her fingers. But, in all that hyper rationality and attempting to be a team leader, she had made a mistake again. She couldn't win and likely this entire town would be better off either without her or in realizing that she truly was as much of a cut throat villain as she sometimes seemed. That maybe this entire town was simply irredeemable. But, even though she knew approaching Billie was likely in vain, just as this entire trust event probably would be, she didn't feel right if she didn't at least try, even if the entire campfire retreat might be her last attempt. "I," Her voice faltered as she told Billie, "I know you likely don't want to see me right now and, if you would rather we never speak again, I'd understand. But, I wanted you to know that I am truly impressed by you as a person, Billie Fitz. You could have walked away or decided not to work with us, but you didn't and, I guess what I wanted to say, was that I wish I had more of a fight in me the way you seem to. I wish I was half the woman you are. But, I did always have a good feeling about you. That and, I know I'm in no position to ask you for any favors, but when it comes to the vampires, what happened the sprinklers was on me. So, hate me. Avoid me. But, it wasn't their doing and I'd hate for them to miss out on a chance to get to know you because of something I did, so that's all."
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cantfightmoonlight · 2 years
"Happy Birthday," Meena offered up, holding out the cupcake with one candle in it for the young siren to blow out. "And before you attempt to protest, it happens to be mine too. So, now you know a secret most aren't privy to."
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cantfightmoonlight · 2 years
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{Meena would gift Billie with some shell and pearl encrusted large headphones to make it clear to outsiders when she’s listening to music and does not want to be bothered. She’d also gift Billie with a pearl Tiffany’s charm bracelet and a diamond encrusted necklace with a pearl.}
I mean it when I say I’m a good judge of character and I have a good feeling about you.
Happy Holidays,
- Meena
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