#bill weasley x willa corbyn
clovermunson · 4 years
Possible Idea:
So I thought about Willa and Bill having a kid maybe like one-two years before they’re married, just a total surprise baby, still loved just as much as any of their other later children. I’m not sure how I feel about that entirely though??
I also had the idea for them to have another baby after their youngest son (maybe 3-4 years after, also kind of a surprise baby because they’d agreed to have no more kids) but I don’t really know how I feel about that one either.
Anyone wanna give some input? All kinds of feedback are welcome.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Ask Box is open!
Feel free to drop in and send me some asks about my mcs and ships!☺️
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clovermunson · 4 years
Headcanon Idea:
Willa and Bill try to build IKEA furniture. One of them reads the instructions, the other builds it.
It ends exactly how you’d expect it to, and now the “table” is missing a leg, like eight screws are missing, and they have no idea where the instructions or tools went.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Parenting asks with Willa and Bill? 👀
This just might be my favorite ship of mine and I’m so soft for this pairing
Thank you for asking!☺️
packs the lunches?
Willa does, she’s got a whole weekly system planned out where she knows exactly what’s going in the kids’ lunches on what day of the week, and Bill wouldn’t dare try and mess that system up. If Willa’s sick though, he’ll ask her what’s supposed to go in the lunch and he’ll make it.
blows raspberries while cuddling?
More than likely, it’s Bill. He has his father’s personality, so he does it to make the kids laugh more than anything.
is the tickle monster?
Sometimes it’s Willa, sometimes it’s Bill. More often though, it’s Bill. He’s not the more serious parent usually.
gives life lesson speeches?
They both do. Depending on the context and the situation, they talk about it and determine who would be the best to handle the given issue.
kisses the boo-boos?
Willa. The kids always run to her when they get hurt because they know their mom will drop everything on the spot for them. Bill does it too, but not near as often as Willa does.
breaks the bad news?
They would talk about it with each other for a little while, and then eventually decide that they should break the news together, so that way their children can have both parents to comfort them at the same time.
joins the PTA?
They both would, but Willa is the more active member. She remembers all of the meeting dates, what to bring to the meetings, and when the class is having a party. Bill doesn’t really remember much except for what snacks to get for the parties.
crashes sleepovers with embarrassing stories?
100% it’s Bill. If he sees a chance, he’ll take it and he’ll laugh about it for the rest of the night, making Willa shake her head at his antics.
gives the crazy nicknames?
Neither of them really have any “crazy” nicknames, they mostly just stick to playfully calling their kids things like little monsters/gremlins, and monkeys (because of their kids’ off-the-chart energy levels).
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clovermunson · 4 years
Willa and Bill Headcanons
Part 2/??
After Willa’s graduation, she visits Bill in Egypt for a week before she has to train to be an Auror.
They go to a lot of muggle concerts together. Bands like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Guns N’ Roses, Poison, Foreigner, and a few more.
Ironically, Bill has never been to America. So, for their honeymoon, they took a week-long vacation to America (though they both still had work to do for the Order, and Dumbledore wanted to attempt to recruit more foreign components).
Bill just can’t say no to Willa. No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t. All Willa does is give him the look and he’s done for.
Bill has such a “happy wife, happy life” mindset, he wouldn’t make any important decisions without consulting Willa, and she wouldn’t make an important decision without consulting him.
They tend to shower each other with gifts, though neither of them particularly care for random gift-giving.
Willa does all of the Christmas shopping and Bill just adds his name to the gift tag. All of his siblings know it too.
Bill can somewhat cook, but not very complex things. He surprises Willa on her birthday every year by making her breakfast in bed.
Every year for Bill’s birthday, Willa makes a cake for him from scratch (as she learned exactly how he liked it from Molly), and she buys his birthday gifts a month prior to his birthday, and hides them from him. Bill can never find them even though he searches the whole house.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Willa and Bill Headcanons
Part 1/??
They’re equally protective of each other, depending on the situation, one of them can be extremely more protective of the other.
Neither of them took the breakup well, and they both came to the conclusion that for some reason, even if they’d never be able to figure it out, they belong together.
Before they even began dating, there were already tons of rumors that they were dating.
Bill loves to show Willa off and talk about her accomplishments. He’s such a proud boyfriend/husband, he can’t help it.
Willa is possibly one of Bill’s biggest supporters, and even when they aren’t together, she’s still happy for him when he goes to Egypt.
When they get back together, it’s like everything just clicked perfectly back into place for them.
They’re good at compromising. Willa wanted a dog, Bill didn’t. So they got a dog (a chocolate Labrador). Bill became instantly attached to the pup and wanted to name him Godric, so they named him Godric.
When it came to the wedding planning, Bill graciously stepped back to let Willa plan everything how she wanted it. Willa still asked for Bill’s advice occasionally, making sure he was still at least somewhat involved in the decision making.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Ship Masterlist: Bill Weasley x Willa Corbyn
General Aesthetics:
Bill and Willa Aesthetic
Bill and Willa’s Wedding Aesthetic
Holiday Aesthetics:
Bill and Willa Christmas Aesthetic
Bill and Willa Headcanons (pt. 1)
Bill and Willa Headcanons (pt. 2)
Bill and Willa Headcanons (pt. 3)
Bill and Willa Fluff Alphabet
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clovermunson · 4 years
Some ship asks for Willa x Bill: 3, 22, 32 💛❤️
- that-ravenpuff-witch
Thank you for asking! ☺️
These asks can be found here
3. How do they flirt with each other before dating?  How does it change after they start dating?
Bill’s flirting style is very smooth, so smooth in fact that it makes Willa a giggly, blushing mess. He pretty much never messes up a pick-up line and always has something new.
Willa’s style is very direct, yet discreet. For example, this post gives kind of an idea for that😂
22. What do they think of each other’s choice in career and how supportive are they?
They’re both really supportive of each other, possibly each other’s biggest supporters, though they have their equal share of worries.
Bill worries about Willa becoming an Auror because he knows how dangerous it can be and how fearless Willa is. Willa worries about Bill because she knows that being a Curse-Breaker takes guts and courage, something that Bill doesn’t lack at all; but she knows that sometimes he gets too in over his head.
32. Have they ever said anything hurtful to the other during an argument?  If so, how do they go about apologizing?
Before they broke up, they had an argument about their respective career choices. Bill was insistent on becoming a Curse-Breaker, though all Willa did was voice her concerns, but she still showed her support about it and Bill had misinterpreted it as her trying to talk him out of it because he was a little angry that Willa would choose a career that could put her in so much danger. The argument did, in a way, contribute to their break up.
Willa was devastated after the argument, and didn’t even finish getting her point in before storming to the Prefects’ Bathroom, using Colloportus to lock the door so she could be alone. After a couple hours, Bill finally found her, and he was consumed by guilt after realizing he misinterpreted what she’d said. It took Willa a few minutes to unlock the door to talk to Bill, but she could see in his expression that he was upset about, and she could tell that he’d cried about it just as she did. Bill ended up apologizing for his mistake, and Willa accepted his apology as Bill pulled her body close to his, her face buried in his chest. And wow, this hurt my heart to write because I’m so soft for this ship.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Willa and Bill Headcanons
Part 3/??
Both Willa and Bill are very active, mostly due to their respective professions. When they have the chance to spend a weekend together, if they’re not lazing about at home, they’ll train together.
Some days, Bill is just as joking as his father, and sometimes he’s as serious as his mother. Sometimes, Bill chooses the wrong times to be like his dad.
When she knows Bill is coming home for a little while, Willa will already have a batch of cookies baked, the fridge stocked with some whisky, and she’ll be patiently waiting for him on the couch, only to immediately jump on him as soon as he walks in the door.
They’re both evenly structured, each of them knowing what they want for themselves and what the other wants.
Willa is able to talk Bill into celebrating Halloween like muggles do, even though it takes a few months to convince him.
They don’t really go out and eat much for dates, they both prefer to stay in and one of them will make a home-cooked meal.
Not far from Shell Cottage, they begin building their own home shortly after they’re married. Bill has the help of Arthur, Willa’s dad, and his and Willa’s brothers for the architectural work, and Willa has the help of Bridget, her mother, Ginny, and Molly for the interior design.
After they get their home built, Molly gives Willa and Bill an embroidery that she worked on, a floral piece with “Weasley” in the center of it and underneath that, the year that they married.
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clovermunson · 4 years
Willa and Bill or Addi and Cedric for the two ships thing?
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I’m actually screaming right now because these are my two favorites of my ships right now and making me choose between them hurts my very soul and being.
I have to choose one, don’t I? Choosing one of these would solve my internal argument of which ship is my definite favorite.
okay, now that that’s over, I choose...Willa and Bill because of how well they go together and all the fluff and angst I have for them😭😭😭😭
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clovermunson · 4 years
6, 8, 73 and 88 for all three in the ship ask
Thank you for asking!☺️
From These Asks
6. Who hogs the blanket?
Rhia and Barnaby: Rhia usually, but if Barnaby’s sick it’s him because he’s always cold when he’s sick.
Emma and Charlie: They fight over the blanket, constantly. Emma usually always wins though, it’s like she taps into this unknown reserve of strength to snatch the blanket from Charlie.
Willa and Bill: Willa. She doesn’t even give Bill a chance to snatch the blanket from her. Bill kinda just has to pick his moment and sneak under the blanket for any hope of having any of it.
8. Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Rhia and Barnaby: Rhia. She’s a chaotic neutral and crazy stunts are what she does best. Barnaby gets a good little chuckle out of it, but his first concern is to worry about Rhia.
Emma and Charlie: Honestly? It could go either way. Emma’s very chaotic, and Charlie has no fear and nerves of steel. I’d bet it’s more likely to be Charlie if it involves dragons, but any other time it would be Emma, and Charlie’s a complete fusspot whenever she gets hurt.
Willa and Bill: Most people would assume Willa, but it ends up being Bill. What makes it even better? He didn’t plan the stunt at all and decided to just wing it. Willa is worried sick about it because there’s a 70% chance it’s something that could’ve killed him.
73. Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Rhia and Barnaby: Barnaby. Rhia makes a few puns here and there but never as many as Barnaby makes.
Emma and Charlie: Charlie. It’s always Charlie. Emma will make one here and there, but Charlie is the king of horrible puns.
Willa and Bill: Bill, but it’s more like awful dad jokes with a few bad puns mixed in. It only gets worse after they have kids.
88. Who rocks the Ferris wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Rhia and Barnaby: Barnaby. He likes to see Rhia get all freaked out and start playfully hitting his arm, and then she goes into giggle-mode because he’s laughing about it and she just can’t be mad at him.
Emma and Charlie: Charlie, and Emma goes into a full-on fit about it at first, which makes him laugh, but then Emma will start rocking the seat too and then it’s Charlie’s turn to freak out.
Willa and Bill: The first time it ever happened, it was Bill. It was when Willa had told him she was petrified of heights, and he took his chance to get her all paranoid, and then calm her down by pulling her into his arms and kissing her forehead.
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clovermunson · 4 years
OTP asks for Addi and Cedric (and Bill and Willa if you’re up to doing both!): 15, 40, 42, 64, 65
And you’re the color gray to me 🖤
- @that-ravenpuff-witch
Awe, I wouldn’t step on you even if you allowed it! You’re too much of a sweetheart, just like your girl Ellie!💛🖤
Asks Can Be Found Here
15. Who shops for groceries?
Bill and Willa: Willa, mostly, but sometimes Bill helps. It usually ends in a nearly complete disaster whenever Bill helps though.
Cedric and Addi: If they can, they usually try to go shopping together. If they can’t go together, it’s usually Addi and she usually ends up spending over $200 when she only needed one thing.
40. Who is incredible in bed and completely knocks the other off their feet the first time they have sex?
Bill and Willa: Honestly? They’re both pretty incredible to each other, and Willa assumed that Bill had experience before her, but she was shocked to find out he didn’t. In a way, they both kinda amazed each other, and they’ll both openly admit that if someone asks.
Cedric and Addi: to Addi, it’s Cedric. But to Cedric, it’s Addi. Neither of them really had any experience before each other that was anything past making out with someone. Both of them were really amazed with each other the first time, but Cedric was a little more amazed with Addi.
42. Who sneaks in cookies in the shopping cart?
Bill and Willa: Bill. 100%, it’s always William Arthur Weasley. Willa usually doesn’t even care though because she’s given up on trying to fight it.
Cedric and Addi: it really depends on the day, but usually it’s Addi. Addi’s got a huge sweet tooth, while Cedric does too, it’s not as bad as Addi’s.
64. Who is always running late and always gives the other a running late quick kiss?
Bill and Willa: They both always try to, but usually it’s Bill running late because he’s never on time for anything, and it’s always Willa that’s reminding him to be on time.
Cedric and Addi: of the two, neither of them are super punctual, so they both give the “running late” kisses, depending on who’s running late.
65. Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Bill and Willa: Bill’s always telling Willa to not stay up all night, and Willa just completely disregards it and regrets it the next day.
Cedric and Addi: usually they’re both up relatively late anyway, but usually it’s Cedric telling Addi not to stay up too late and overwork herself.
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clovermunson · 4 years
masterlist: original characters/other details
I’ve taken it upon myself to compile a separate list of all of my original characters from the hphm timeline to the golden trio era, here you will find each of those characters’ profiles and respective ships
golden era original characters:
Alexa Wyatt
Addison Matthews
hphm timeline original characters:
Rhia McCarthy
Emma Galloway
Willa Corbyn
Bridget Corbyn
hphl timeline original characters:
Roxanne Haley
ship masterlists:
Rhia McCarthy x Barnaby Lee (hphm timeline)
Emma Galloway x Charlie Weasley (hphm timeline)
Willa Corbyn x Bill Weasley (hphm timeline)
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