#bill plays hyur bc he's fucking boring
polyghostfacehours · 3 years
You and Stu convince Billy to play Healer and regret it once he power trips.
I don't know if it's bc Im high, but the thought of you and Stu playing FFXIV and convincing Billy to be healer bc you two suck so bad at it won't leave my head so here is something that literally no one asked for lol
Modern!AU where you guys play Final Fantasy XIV
Billy the Power-tripping Healer:
So, for the sake of this, you and Stu main DPS and Tank respectively. Billy didn't play XIV.
You've been needing a dedicated healer for your free company and were having trouble nailing down someone you could trust.
It's then that you have a crazy thought. Billy was meticulous, observant, and detail-oriented. He'd be perfect. You tell Stu as much.
You both laugh your asses off at this. Billy? Playing fucking Healer? There's no way his pride and ego would let him play a support class. Stu jokingly asks how you'd convince Billy and you jokingly reply with a "mad sloppy toppy". You both have a blast making fun of the idea.
"Tell ya what. You convince Billy to play our healer, and I'll pay your third of the rent this month." Stu snickers.
Oh. Game on.
So you start thinking about how to do so and you realize exactly how to do it.
Tell Billy the healer is literally the most important party member, the party member that shifts the tides of battle, and the one who decides who lives or dies.
Billy comes home and you set out on your mission.
Initially, Billy is vehemently against it. He's not playing the fucking support. Fuck that. If he did play your stupid game, it'd be as the leader ("that's not a job class Billy." "Dont care, didn't ask.")
But then you lay on the reasonings. Really gas him up. Talk about how smart he is and how playing healer is the most difficult role. Tell him how you have to have the brain power to pay attention to the enemies attacks, your party's health, what buffs are needed to be placed, what enemies need debuffing, etc etc.
This gets him slightly interested. You beg and beg until finally he gives it a try to shut you up. Success!
You and Stu get him to make a character and before long you're helping him practice in low level dungeons and at the practice dummies for his rotations.
Billy comes close to quitting a loooot. If he isn't immediately good at something, he gets mad. But you and Stu keep praising him like crazy whenever he does well and that felt too good to pass up right now.
And Billy gets good fast. Like crazy fast. To the point you and Stu actually get kind of jealous? Like how tf did he become a master healer in the span of like a week? He's able to pay attention to everything happening on screen at once so easily wtf.
And slowly, Billy begins realizing something.
He can be petty.
And this is where you and Stu begin to regret bringing him in.
Billy is a brutal healer. You follow his orders or you die.
A regular conversation in game goes like this:
-"Billy why the fuck didn't you heal me man?!"
-"Stu I told you 50 fucking times not to stand in the AOE. If you're gonna be a dumbass and not listen Im not wasting my MP pool on you."
-"I didn't see it!"
-"You didn't s-what do you mean you didn't see it!?!? It's a giant fucking glowing yellow line you dipshit!"
"Y/N you run ahead without me, you die. I'm not chasing your ass."
"Y-yes Billy..."
The power-trip this man feels. The fact that he has you and Stu's lives in the palm of his hand? The satisfaction of getting praised when he pulls clutch or you two begging for forgiveness when he lets you die for not listening or for simple revenge? Godly.
He also DOES end up becoming leader of your free company lmao. He furnishes the house and living room as he sees fit.
Billy refuses to play Miqo'te. No catboy!Billy for you and Stu 😔
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