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#lauren jauregui pics#lauren jauregui#lauren jauregui billboard#biillboard#photoshare_everything#lauren jauregui photoshoot
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Thoughts on: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
I saw Martin Mcdonnagh’s Three Biillboards… etc. a few months ago now, and while I thought the acting was great and was technically well made, I just did not enjoy the experience, and I have a few thoughts as to why.
The situation feels like it could happen, but the main characters don’t feel real. The idea that a young woman could be raped and murdered in a small town like Ebbing, and the murderer never caught, is frightening because it feels like it could really happen.
Then the characters, specifically Mildred (Frances McDormand) the mother dealing with the tragedy and Dixon the racist, (the dim-witted, violent cop played by Sam Rockwell) seem like such broad one-note characters.
Mildred and Dixon are comedic characters but everyone else in the town are dramatic characters. It’s as if Homer Simpson (or two to be precise) were in a world filled with only Frank Grimes’.
Perhaps this is what the director was aiming for, the collision of comedy and drama making for an unsettling feeling. For some reason I thought it worked great for his 2008 feature debut In Bruges. This was also a dark comedy, which included some very real moments.
The difference with that film is that it was about gangsters, hitmen and drug dealers. Those characters felt a little more distant to everyday life than a grumpy mother in a small town, and local police officers and their families.
Perhaps to Mcdonnagh small town USA is a fantastical setting distant to his everyday life. Perhaps if it was a western or period drama it would of worked better adding to the absurdity of the story a bit more.
#three billboards movie
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Happy new year 2019 @officialjazzin @applemusic @hollywoodunlocked_ @bbcnews @biillboard https://www.instagram.com/p/BsE30RqFyNS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=a1z8qqd5f15d
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Look dude, it's just this black and white: I'd fly down a highway for you even if I suspect something is wrong. We play tag way too often but I wouldn't have it any other way: it just builds the excitement for the next time we'll laugh, cry, hug, and cut up together. Remember I believe in you even on the days that you don't know who you are and where you are in life. I'm here to slice away any form of doubt that lingers within you because I know what you're capable of. You're a big chunk of my heart, kid. Nothing's gonna change that. I love you. You still built like a biillboard😂 You're going to be my producer, so hurry up and get it together. Happy Birthday, FruitSnack! P.S. The Offer Is Always On The Table. And Don't Get Too Savage Today 💛 #BehfranGettinOld #HisFadeGotAFade #HeThinkHeGrown
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商品名稱:【阿波的窩 Apo's house】《影音商品及週邊》CD 國外進口片 音響測試片 發燒天碟 Premium Candid系列 爵士演奏演唱 精選輯 史黛西肯特 美聲絕選1 24K金發燒碟 STACEY KENT COLLECTION Gold Disc 24bit REMASTERING/AUDIOPHILE RECORDIG 品號:PR27806 演出��:史黛西肯特 STACEY KENT 商品規格:1CD 尺寸 (cm):14x12x1(cm) 音樂類型:西洋、流行、爵士、演唱 發行時間:2001年 唱片公司:Premium records、Candid records、金革唱片 起標價:680元 介紹: 當代首席爵士女伶史黛西肯特,以宛若艾拉.費茲潔羅的甜美純淨嗓音,彷如納京高的精緻完美斷句,1997年出道至今,成為了歐美最受歡迎的爵士天后! 這張【美聲絕選1】收錄了史黛西肯特歷年在Biillboard與Amazon上最受歡迎的暢銷金曲,像是《'S Wonderful》、《Close Your Eyes》---等多首經典爵士歌曲,��過24bit母帶重新後製後,更顯史黛西肯特歌聲的無限魅力,因此爵士聖經ALL Music Guide給予這張精選輯★★★★★最高推薦,更成為眾多音響廠商測試人聲表現的發燒天碟! 曲目: 01. I've Got A Crush On You 4:43 02. You Are There 2:27 03. Under A Blanket Of Blue 4:02 04. They Can't Take That Away From Me 5:01 05. 'S Wonderful 5:59 06. More Than You Know 5:34 07. 5:23 08. East Of The Sun 6:36 09. Fools Rush In 4:45 10. They Say It's Wonderful 4:57 11. The Tender Trap 4:44 12. In The Still Of The Night 5:08 13. I'm Old Fashioned 2:55 可以幫我分享宣傳唷~ Fb搜尋【阿波的窩 Apo's house】加入粉絲專頁喲! 如果要購買的人,請在下方留言喲!先搶先贏,買不到的人,就先跟你們說抱歉囉!啾咪~ #阿波的窩 Apo's house #影音商品及週邊 #CD #國外進口片 #音響測試片 #發燒天碟 #Premium #Candid #爵士 #演奏 #演唱 #精選輯 #史黛西肯特 #美聲絕選1 #24K金發燒碟 #STACEY KENT #COLLECTION #Gold Disc #24bit #REMASTERING #AUDIOPHILE RECORDIG #西洋 #流行 #金革唱片 #不怕賣不掉,怕你買不到 #堅持沒錢不買,也不買盜版 #商品售出,恕不退換貨 交易結帳寄送方式 1、均以【現金】結帳方式為主,寄送可選【面交】或【郵寄】! 2、【面交】以高雄市區內為主 3、【郵寄】方式,請私訊問我匯款帳戶,並告知下面的購買資訊,確定收到款項後,會回覆訊息,並以郵局掛號寄出(運費另計)! P.S 購買前請先詢問是否有貨唷! 匯完款後,收件人資料請填妥如下: 要購買的~ 商品名稱: 數量: 買方您的~ 姓名: 電話: 地址: 匯款末5碼: 相關連結: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1691922027506119&substory_index=0&id=662554480442884 新英式紐約客 ----「史黛西.肯特」 中文姓名:史黛西肯特 英文姓名:Stacey Kent 生日:1968/3/27 星座:牡羊座 出生地:美國紐澤西 星路歷程: 紐約出身,卻在英國發跡的史黛西.肯特,為近年來風靡全球的爵士女伶,���擁七張暢銷專輯,也贏得多項重要爵士音樂獎項的肯定,如英國爵士樂大獎、BBC最佳爵士歌手與最佳年度專輯、法國金唱片、美國《Backstage》表演藝術雜誌Bistro獎等。踩著一條和大部份爵士歌手截然不同的路上來的她,雖是紐約在地人,其爵士生涯卻起自歐洲,在史黛西肯特前去攻讀義文、法文和德文的過程中,意外結識身為薩克斯風手的老公湯姆林森,史黛西肯特在完全沒有專業音樂訓練的背景下,開始了爵士演唱,到倫敦市政廳音樂學院學習,並在倫敦各地的爵士酒館演唱。 隨後史黛西的試唱帶被唱片公司相中,在1997年順利發行了第一張專輯,立刻受到來自樂評和大眾的一致好評;短短十年裡,史黛西平均一年發行一張專輯,中間吸引了全球各地的樂迷,2007年加盟Blue Note的首張專輯【早安.幸福】,再度締造法國金唱片與德國金唱片的佳績,2008年獲美國葛萊美獎最佳爵士歌手入圍,隔年更獲頒法國國家文化與藝術騎士勳章。 史黛西.肯特的輕柔嗓音與完美唱功深受許多名人喜愛與背書,包括日裔英籍作家石黑一雄,這位英國布克獎得主,就是史黛西.肯特的最大歌迷,他還將她的專輯選進他個人的「荒島唱片」中;暢銷推理小說家約翰.哈維也在他的小說「靜如止水」(Still Water)中,寫進了史黛西肯特。大導演克林伊斯威特也因為鍾愛她的歌聲,而邀肯特在他70大壽生日派對上為他演唱。除此之外,音樂同業對她的肯定更是讓人側目,電視名嘴大衛.佛洛斯特、史密斯飛船主唱史蒂芬.泰勒等等,三屆奧斯卡最佳歌曲創作得主李文斯頓更稱讚她堪與往昔的爵士巨星比莉.哈樂黛、艾拉.費茲潔羅相比,更力讚其對歌詞的清晰咬字有著納京高的功力。 她也曾在2009年來台開過演唱會~ 兩廳院夏日爵士派對-史黛西.肯特演唱會 國家音樂廳 (台北市中山南路21-1號) (2009/09/25 19:30:00 ~ 2009/09/25 21:30:00)
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”Akta dig för gamar” 📸: @biillboard (på/i Malmö, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsEMWHSFOBN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j4d9s3vu3a8b
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SINDRI x @kaleeviofficial - Cashen Remix @masse_salazar @redlinerecordings 📸: @biillboard (på/i Malmö, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsEL86KlIWi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8ri736lqalzm
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Stax on stax 📸: @biillboard (på/i Malmö, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsEL4wkF46W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=43cpld2o24pu
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I'd rather regret doing something than not doing something 📸: @biillboard (på/i Malmö, Sweden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLeOv5lKhF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mp7588md9vq2
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