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amadou29283 · 1 month ago
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healingmyshadow · 1 year ago
Embracing Vulnerability
What triggers feelings of vulnerability and how do you react or respond to these feelings?
To my understanding, feeling vulnerable means to feel exposed. So when I feel exposed and vulnerable, I believe I tend to get a bit defensive - or at least that's how I've been told I come across. I put up artificial walls since my natural ones are knocked down. I have never really given much thought to how I react or respond to feeling vulnerable, but I suppose that is my reaction: to put up a wall.
The more I think about this, the more I realize that it is definitely okay to put up walls, it's just not okay to be a dick about it. Just because I am defending myself doesn't mean I need to react defensively toward others who may not have any idea what I'm going through. I need to be considerate of others during my own moments of vulnerability. It is a good time to practice self-awareness.
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littlestpigletannsblog · 24 days ago
Summer can’t get here fast enough 🥵
#biggirl #curves #bodypositive #plussize #bigwomen
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nickmoscovitz · 3 years ago
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Lizzo @lizzobeeating - Melissa Viviane Jefferson American singer, rapper and songwriter. Stunningly charismatic, beautiful, crazy talented and inspirational this big girl proves with smashing conviction that true artists and art go beyond periodic trends - she is absolutely fantastic ! If you haven’t seen or heard her, you’re missing much ! —————❤️————— #rapper #hiphop #music #art #performer #lizzo #lizzobeeating #love #life #korimlizlizzo #portrait #singer #songwriter #bigwomen #amazing #drawing #artbynickmoscovitz #nickcelbs (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgy10f_ubea/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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worldwideladies · 4 years ago
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#bigwomen #bigbootygirls If she fell in would you jump in to save her ? 🌊🏊‍♀️⠀ @kkvsh https://www.instagram.com/p/COdd7LvpXN0/?igshid=ttjtruj5qhea
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jessicasnow · 1 year ago
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healingmyshadow · 1 year ago
Personal Boundaries
What are some of your personal boundaries?
1) Do not go through my personal belongings.
This is because growing up, I never was entitled to privacy. Things like my plushies, laundry, spiritual paraphernalia... that is my energy, that is my space, that for my eyes and/or use only. If you need something from me, just simply ask me. I am not some asshole, I will share with you! Unless something is deeply personal or offensive, I'll gladly and always share what I have of myself and my things.
2) Don't draw attention to my weight or my body.
I am allowed to do this because I have my consent to do so. If I am drawing attention to my physical body in any way, shape, or form, that is me making a joke, observation, or otherwise remark about myself because I give myself permission to. People on the outside of my existence other than my lover(s) are not allowed to do so and I do not give my consent for them to do so.
3) Do not compare me to other people.
This is because I would often be compared to people with terribly offensive habits or straight up compared to people who have severe disorders and learning disabilities. I would be compared to people who were considered "lesser" and told that I am like them. This is preposterous and downright insulting to all involved for various, obvious reasons. I will not be compared to anyone better or lesser than myself as I am only and will ever be myself. If that is something that offends you, exit my life.
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littlestpigletannsblog · 25 days ago
The curves and cellulite in these pants 🤤😍
#curvy #plussize #bigwomen #plussizewomen #
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theblack-awakening · 5 years ago
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Facts... #blackandproud #blacklivesmatter #blackfamilies #blackpeopleunite #blackcouples #blackownedbusiness #blackandmarried #blackwomenrock #melaninpoppin #supportblackbusiness #bigboyshop #blackculture #bigwomen #blackfashion #blackpeople #blacknificent https://www.instagram.com/p/B5uxRkCBH3R/?igshid=13278zdkcjka8
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healingmyshadow · 1 year ago
What is an aspect of yourself that you struggle to accept? Why might that be?
There are a lot of things about myself that I've pretty much come to radically accept... but some things, I struggle to accept because coming from others, those things feel like lies.
If someone tells me I am attractive, I feel that's not true, when simply I could just accept the compliment (one I get a lot from friends AND strangers, mostly online though, but still valid) and move on.
I have a hard time accepting that I simply am not ugly.
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The reason I believe myself to be ugly to begin with is because growing up, it was sorta beaten into my head that I'm not the best looking girl in the world. You know kids... brutally honest, right? Kids will be kids? Kids never sin? Kids never lie? The kids I grew up with convinced me down to my core that I am not now nor will I ever be even remotely in the same zip code as attractive.
Now, in my 30's, I constantly get messages in my email about how pretty my face is... back when I did sex-work, people honestly thought my gargantuan lumpy fatty body was sexy for some reason. I just don't get it.
So life has constantly thrown me mixed signals. Which is it, society? In the end, I guess it's not up to society. It's about how I feel. I'm deciding that I am not ugly. There's nothing you can do about it.
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littlestpigletannsblog · 5 days ago
I swear I fit into these shorts just a few weeks ago 🥵 now I can hardly get them up
#plussize #bigwomen #biggirl
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hardknockout2018 · 5 years ago
Her own human punching bag.
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theblack-awakening · 5 years ago
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Facts! Alot of people are coming outta the matrix and thinken for themselves! Let's join em... #blackandproud #blacklivesmatter #blackfamilies #blackpeopleunite #blackcouples #blackownedbusiness #blackandmarried #blackwomenrock #melaninpoppin #supportblackbusiness #bigboyshop #blackculture #bigwomen #blackfashion #blackpeople #blacknificent https://www.instagram.com/p/B5sgJXXBCoX/?igshid=1g529is6ri92g
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