aka-indulgence · 5 months
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Thank you bigoltrashpile for the kofi! I present to you, the coolest bones in existence 😎
Kofi doodle details Kofi
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mozzarellamuppet · 1 year
Pinetober- Take One
(Pinetober is where I write down small drabbles themed around pining for the month of October to antagonize my friend @bigoltrashpile for shits and giggles. Hope you enjoy since they finally convinced me to post some of them)
Movie Night: Sans Undertale x Reader
beep beep
Absentmindedly listening to the microwave buzz as you look at the fossilized marshmallow stuck on the inside of the microwave from the time you and Sans made peeps battle in the microwave, neither of you really liked peeps but they were expired from easter and had to have some purpose.
So they fought to the death for your entertainment, exploding in the microwave after getting stabbed by a toothpick by their fellow peep.
Good times. Messy microwaves.
You only halfway zone out through your memories to make sure you don't burn the pop corn, listening to the pops like a vulture. Sure Sans would eat burnt popcorn with enough ketchup added but you prefer non charcoal popcorn.
It's nice that you and Sans get to spend time together, ever since that machine he tried using as a generator when the power went out went haywire, things got hectic with the amount of alternate universe versions of him and his brother now lived in the house til the machine was fixed.
If it ever got fixed.
Taking the hot bag of corn out of the microwave before it burnt, you opened the bag to pour it out into a bowl, trying to pick out the unpopped kernels from the bag, Sans would probably try eating them.
Holding the bowl with one arm as you grab the bag of random assorted candies and a bottle of ketchup you and Sans picked out for cheap earlier, can't have a movie night without stomach ache inducing popcorn mixes after all.
"i did"
"got the snacks ready?" Sans peaks into the kitchen, offering to help you carry the snacks but you lightly smack his hands away. "c'mon bud, just wanted to help, can't butter ya up if i ain't helpin somehow"
"Glad you could pop in to offer assistance but it takes more than that to fool me into handing you the snacks before the movie starts" You playfully bump your hip against him as you pass by him, making sure not to spill popcorn as you do, starting to head into the living room and look at the blank couch. "Thought you said you were going to set up the pillows and blankets?"
"Where??" You look at him and he seems confused why you're looking at the couch, the living room was the only place with a tv?
"oh, not here, set them up in my room" Smiling at the confusion on your face, Sans takes the lead up the stairs, you following behind, opening the door to his room to reveal
A tv mounted on his wall across from the wall his bed is on, blankets and pillows put across the room and a towel on the foot of the bed to put the snacks on. When did he get a tv???
Chuckling at your confused expression, Sans sits down on the bed, scooting over to make room for you, patting the spot next to him. "i got it cause the others kept fighting over what to watch for movie nights and stuff, less arguments when i can watch the documentaries and comedy specials i want to when i got my own tv, y'know. plus means we can go back to hanging out, watching tv with just us two, bad commentary, puns, and all"
You join Sans on the bed, "You just don't wanna have to walk back to your room after a movie night" playfully nudging against him as you place the snacks down on the towel.
"that too." Noticing Sans had already put down two bottles of soda on the towel, in your rush to get snacks you forgot to get a drink for yourself.
"Oh, I forgot about that, thanks dude"
"no problem, figured you forgot again and didn't want to extend your little ritual of taking forever to settle down anywhere"
"Oh c'mon I'm not that bad" You say, still not fully settled down. Sans chuckles as he pulls you up to snuggle against him. Your head laying against his chest, a lazy arm thrown around your upper back as Sans rests his head on top of yours. Sans clicking at the remote as it pulls up the Halloween baking show you've both been binge watching together recently.
"Oh lord, here we go"
"yep, here we go, bad puns and you losing it over bitchy contestants and judges"
"I'm a fair ass towards them, they're all snobs" You can't help but relax against Sans as his hand starts to absentmindedly rub your back. It's been forever since you two got to hang out with just you two and you missed it.
Not to mention you had developed a little bit of a massive crush on him, but you knew Sans didn't like you that way.
But that's ok, you're fine just being friends.
Missing how Sans sends you loving looks each time you make a smartass remark towards someone messing something up on the show, hoping you noticed how his bed is cleaned and he picked out your favorite blankets from your room to make you comfier.
It isn't much but it's at least a little effort to try and impress you, anything to make him feel like he might be somewhat in your league.
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a-snowpoff · 2 years
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Commission for @bigoltrashpile . Thank you so much for such a fun prompt! I can’t help but feel a little flustered myself with how this turned out, heehee!
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battlemaiden13 · 2 years
what would your take on this ask be with the house next door skeles???👀
Sans -He’s having a really hard time. You’ve heard him mutter a few times under his breath, and I quote, “you’re killin me here kid”. He’s never really had a sexual attraction to someone but that has changed with you, your obliviousness though means he won’t act on it and he tries to keep it cool but it is very difficult. He’s almost always a blushing mess around you but he plays it off. 
Papyrus -Lucky he is also oblivious so most of the time he honestly doesn’t notice. On the rare occasion he does, or he’s in the mood he will though and he will act on it. A passionate kiss, whispering in your ear, calling you out for teasing. Your heart races as he pulls you close, not aware of what exactly you did. 
Red -He will comment every single time and he will stare. He has no shame, he’s almost certain you’ll never like him anyway so he’s going to enjoy himself while he can. The comments are always lewd and to the point making you blush, or at least that’s the goal. Sometimes there's an empty threat about bending you over and making you moan but he won’t actually touch you. 
Edge -Tries to be respectful. Most times he will clear his throat and look away with a light dusting red on his cheek. In public he will glare at passersby who are stealing glances at you. Occasionally though he can’t tear his eyes away and you catch him staring but he usually makes up some excuse. One or two times though he will compliment you and it's just so genuine you can hear the love in his voice. 
Blue -Oh he is very good at looking and not getting caught. The innocents that everyone just assumes of him allows him to get away with a lot. A light ‘accidental’ brush against you with a hand, watching you unabashedly because who would accuse him of being pervy when he would just act innocent. He also does a lot to prevent these things from happening in public so no one else can see them. He will dive to pick up things you’ve dropped or ask real sweetly for you to wear something he ‘loves on you’ when it’s just a tad longer. 
Orange -Wolf whistles almost every time. He will slap your butt and stare, always wearing a stupid grin. He enjoys it a lot but will also tease you a lot for it that may get him playfully hit by you a few times. He can’t help it; he thinks you look really good and you need to know it. Making you blush is just a bonus. 
Berry -Most of the time he doesn’t notice, he can be pretty oblivious sometimes but when he does he will screech and blush. He assumes you are doing it on purpose to wind him up and will always assume this no matter how much you explain you have no idea what he’s talking about. Watching him turn a bright shade of purple is very entertaining though. 
Syrup -It short circuits his brain each time. He might recover quickly and say a flirty line or he will panic and try to not get caught staring although his blush will probably give him away. The best reaction though is when he is halfway through a sentence and cuts himself off with a stutter as you distract him. He’ll lose all train of thought in that instant and panic to get it back. 
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mallohollow · 1 year
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Happy birthday to my lovely birb !
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Surprise, I was actually drawing Lucky with myself!
Can I just say how ABSOLUTELY SHOOKETH I was to see that someone already made an ask/request regarding lolita fashion sometime ago? I honestly thought I was the only one on this side of the fandom making such asks. And since I'm most comfortable wearing lolita, that's what I have on here. I wanted a sax (light blue) main piece, but do not currently have one in my closet. However, I am waiting to receive My Coffee Time by Lady Sloth in sax, so I drew myself wearing that with the accessories I'd pair it with. To match with me, I made Lucky's cuff links and tie tack have a coffee cup pattern.
I'm also 4'10'' so I decided to make him a few inches taller than me when I'm wearing heels.
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isnt-that-something · 3 years
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Was working on something else, then took a break and found a oooold barely a WIP (seriously it was a head and faintest outline of a body line XD) in my sketchbook and decided to finish it. If I remember correctly this guy was inspired by @bigoltrashpile​‘s MafiaSwapfell Demon Sans, Kronos!
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Something felt very, very off. Even to Al, who lived in a house full of eight magical skeletons who also partook in the mafia.
Something felt off.
They shook their head, clearing the thoughts buzzing around.
Nothing is wrong. I’m probably just tired.
With a sigh, they put their car into park and got out, locking the door behind them and making their way to the house.
It still felt off.
Al stuck the key into the keyhole, and after a few tries, finally opened the door.
And proceeded to turn right back around and walk to their car.
There were many things Al could take. Mountains of requests from followers, college, annoying people at work.
But they refused to try and handle the 80’s nightmare sitting on the couch.
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A short story for @bigoltrashpile, inspired by something on their blog XD
Fresh (C) @loverofpiggies
Al (C) @bigoltrashpile
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supershiny-raven · 4 years
Li'l tag game
@cinnimani im gonna get cool and do this 4 u and people can know me more! [How was the album btw] Name: Raven, Ray, shiny given to me thanks to @shadowbloodprince ! Gender: they/them nb Sexuality: bisexual Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff! And when i feel poetic and narrative a slytherin... Fave animal: Anything scaley! Current time: 2:33 p.m. Cats or dogs: BOTH!!! DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!! Dream job: I want to animate and bring art to the newer generations during my life! Many people have gotten lost in what the true essence is, and if i cant then i guess im gonna go to law school or become a history teacher...🙇‍♀️🤷‍♀️ When i made my blog: HA! I had one a long time ago called i think... pro-Snape??? But this one is very new, like barley a month new! Reason for url: uuuuhhh i wanted my name to be raven because its my name [i want to change it to like olivia or odey, i want a o!!] Who u tag: @bigoltrashpile & @shadowbloodprince !
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isolophiliatrash · 5 years
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mblue-art · 4 years
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Honey, believe me, I'll have your heart on a platter.
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bakerymanslaughter · 4 years
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I abandoned my boy,,, now I need to learn how to draw him again.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
What are some skellies u don’t simp for but still like?
A lot of the Papyruses! And swap Sanses! Like, I like swap Papyruses and I would date them, but it's not like when I look at Sanses and go "oohoohooo" but I still like swap paps(plural) a lot ouo
And then there's the recent development of mayhaps having a crush with Papyrus in general... UF!Papyrus definitely, and the others currently is... o//u//o
And then like with UF!Paps im starting to like SF!Sans......
I like swap!sans but haven't gotten the romantic feelings, but being good friends with him sounds like a good time :>
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mallohollow · 1 year
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doodled this for MerMay and @bigoltrashpile :D
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mozzarellamuppet · 3 years
Happy birthday Al!!!!!
Have a small gift
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@bigoltrashpile/ @selfindulgentfrootloops
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isnt-that-something · 4 years
It only took nearly 4 months to finish but here is the other story inspired by @bigoltrashpile Mafia brothers! This one is from this prompt but with Scar’s child. Special thanks to @literalgarbagebutok, @crippledtrashcan , and @bigoltrashpile for the inspiration to write, finish writing, and betaing this piece.  Story below cut to save feed also POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS, Child Abuse, Implied Torture. That said, enjoy!
The heels of Scar's custom leather Oxford shoes clicked rapidly against the concrete of the sidewalk. His brisk pace took him rapidly to his destination. Normally his mate would pick up their child from daycare, but recently they had started acting... odd. Where their child was once a bright bubble of energy, begging to bring their newest games, puzzles, and books to show to their friends so much more subdued and hesitant. 
At first he had thought maybe they were just trying to emulate him acting more formal, they'd even started wearing gloves at all times claiming to want to be more like their dad. Before that had filled him with pride that they looked up to him so much, but the longer it went on the less his child would take off the gloves all together and the more subdued their actions became. Scar may have been distracted with work and had written off some of the behaviors as a phase, but there was just something not right and he was going to get to the bottom of it.
The daycare's entrance grew ever closer with every click of his heel. "Mt. Ebott Child Care and Development Center" was not only the finest child care facility but was also meant to help enrich children's minds. They had chosen it with great care because nothing but the best would do for his child. 
As he drew closer a memory of a parent-teacher conference tickled the back of his mind, his eyes narrowed slightly his rapid steps slowing just a bit thinking back to the topic of the night. He remembered being vastly irritated as one of the teachers had brought up some of the children had been doing some things far out of their 'norm age' range and that it was causing disruptions among the rest of the children, the teacher then held out a popular chapter book series that his child loved and Scar knew then the "children" in question was his own. 
His mate loved to read and had been reading to their child from birth and they quickly took it up at a very young age themselves. He remembered snarking at the teacher "I SWEAR TO ASGORE, IF THEY CAN READ THE WORDS IT IS CLEARLY NOT ABOVE THEIR READING LEVEL OR COMPREHENSION. AND I WILL NOT LIMIT THEM TO "SOMETHING THEIR LEVEL". THEY CAN READ CHAPTER BOOKS IF THEY DAMN WELL PLEASE NOW GIVE THEM BACK THEIR BOOKS, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE STUCK AT A THIRD GRADE READING LEVEL DOES NOT MEAN MY CHILD IS." because frankly he had already had a bad day and this nonsense was ridiculous coming from a teacher that was supposed to promote learning. 
The other parents and teachers had agreed and the idiot, as Scar thought of him, had gestured in defeat and brushed it off. Perhaps he had a tighter set to his lips but they moved on to the next topic and nothing had ever come if it. His 'work' had gotten much busier in the following weeks, but now that he thought of it... his child's behavior had started to slowly change shortly after that night.
Schooling his expression as though he was going to meet with a rival gang leader and strode into the place as though he owned it. He walked down the wall past the various class rooms and play areas to his child's room. He noted the vast difference in atmosphere immediately. 
Where the other rooms had been filled with the various cacophony of children at play, this room is much more subdued. Instead of playful chatter and squeals there was a quiet hush in the room as the children milled about. Some reading, some doing art, some sitting quietly in corners. Quieter than any room with this many children at this age had a right to be. It felt outright... gray.
 It grated on Scar's nerves to no end. They were rankled further when his gaze laid to rest on his child who was standing before the teacher head down and trembling. The man stood towering over his child, back to Scar who heard him say "I've told you to look at me when I'm talking to you." Only to cut off as the child gasped seeing their father standing in the door. The man turned, Scar recognized the idiot from the meeting, and his entire demeanor shifted. Smiling he approached Scar like they were old friends.
"Ah Mr. Serif, good afternoon! What a pleasant surprise, though doesn't your spouse normally come to pick up your little one? I do hope your spouse is well?" the man carried on much to Scar's displeasure. Scar had shifted his gaze to his child, who was looking as though their deepest wish in the world was for a hole to open up and swallow them whole. For the first time in weeks his child didn't have on their gloves and Scar was aghast at the sight of them. Their delicate skin was bright red and painful whelks on top of various shades of purple underneath bruises in various stages of recovery.
As he knelt next to them gently taking their hands into his own, examining them. Eyelights shrinking in rage, his child trembled staring at the floor. "Oh dear, I know. Poor dear managed to.... catch their hands in the toy chest lid today. It's quite a heavy lid, but they learned a very important lesson today. Those toys are meant for the older children, they're simply not ready to play with such things.'' The man ended with a titter of laughter, missing how Scar's eyelights disappeared as he watched his child shrink into themselves in shame at the man's words. 
He carefully lifted them into his arms, tenderly hugging them as they pressed their face into his neck, eyelights now narrow pinpricks. Turning to face the imbecile that continued chattering on, his words a buzz in Scar's skull. He slowly turned to stare at the man, for the first time the man's speech stuttered, fear seizing his heart.... then Scar simply turned and walked out the door silently, never uttering a single word. The caretaker stared in surprise after the vanishing skeleton and his child.
Hmph he half grunted. He's expected the skeleton to pitch a fit. Of course he'd been telling the truth... the brats hands had been caught trying to remove a toy from the wooden chest, he just so happened to add a little force to the lids descent. One day they'll learn not to cause trouble. Thinking nothing more of it, he turned back to the classroom of students that had been quietly watching the entire interaction, secretly hoping that their "caretaker" would be called out... Scar's child was not the first one to receive 'lessons', though his child seemed to receive them more, most likely due to their stubbornness.
That evening Scar and his spouse sat their child down and got the whole story from them. They had tried so hard to handle things themselves because it's what their Papa would have done. They tearfully told story after story of the teacher's 'lessons', ranging anywhere from beratement to being struck on the back of their hands with rulers. Getting their hands slammed in the heavy lids of the play box had been the worst to date. Every word and tear was like gasoline pouring on the rage building in Scar's soul that he carefully hid from his child. He assured them over and over they had done nothing wrong and while it was commendable that they had tried to take care of things on their own he reminded them that even Papa relied on family when things got tough and to remember to rely on them in the future.
After getting them calmed and settled for the night, Scar did exactly what he told his child to do. He gathered the others and in a tone that belied the anger burning within him told them the entire story. A cold fury swept through the entire gang. You mess with one of them, you mess with them all. Sans, Papyrus and Butch focused on taking care of the family and all the business of the day, Lucky and Slim started a search for a replacement in the facility as well as digging up any information on all the other faculty and staff in the place thoroughly vetting all current and potential future employee. While they worked on that Scar, Noir and Hound went….hunting.
Unknowing of the danger he had put himself in the source of Scar’s rage opened the door to his modest apartment, he threw his keys into the tray next to the door before closing and locking it. He tread the familiar path down the long hallway before flicking on the light of the living room, which to his shock revealed one of his clients sitting bold as brass in his chair!
“Mr. Serif?! What in the world are you doing in m-” he was cut off suddenly.
“AH, MR.” Scar paused seemly trying and failing to remember his name nonchalantly, “WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS. NOT THAT IT MATTERS. GOOD EVENING. YOU AND I HAVE THINGS TO DISCUSS ABOUT YOUR TREATMENT OF MY CHILD.”
The man stuttered in shock, “You have no right to break into my home!” He whirled to the phone on the wall only to be further shocked by the appearance of another taller skeleton dressed in a sharp suit in crimson accents. The fangs on his face curved into a cruel smile.
“I DON’T THINK THAT WOULD BE WISE.” Noir said in a taunting voice.
A icy fear started to skitter down his back. Neither skeleton were overtly threatening him, in fact they seemed very relaxed in their posture, but something about this whole situation was extremely unnerving. He gathered himself and attempted to force confidence into his tone and posture as he turned to go back out the door he came. 
“Whatever it is Mr. Serif you will have to address it with me at the Center. Breaking and entering is a crime. I insist you leave my home this ins-” Once again he was cut off, but this time by shock as he found his front door entrance blocked by yet ANOTHER tall skeleton, this one was dressed in a dusty orange dress shirt and nice slacks. His usual golden fang smile was currently twisted into a snarl.
“a ‘crime’? ya think this issa crime? what about repeatedly abusin’ a child in your care?!” this new skeleton said with a voice dripping with venom.
His mouth was suddenly dry as a desert he opened his mouth to defend himself only to jump by the sound of Scar’s voice directly behind him.
And his world went black.
It was many hours into the next day before the trio emerged from Noir’s ‘Workshop’ satisfied, worn and….dirty.  
Slim and the others had finished a list of candidates they thought would be suitable for the center, subtly dropped while the Director was busy answering questions over a missing persons report.
Of the list Scar personally hired the one with the best qualifications after a stringent hiring process to care for his child at home personally followed by weeks of strict supervision. They had frequent trips and playdates with other children, but never again would his child be put in that situation.
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