bigbrofan12 · 7 years
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Big Brother House
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tahyirasavanna · 4 years
Big Brother 22 Episode 2 Spoilers
Big Brother 22 Episode 2 Spoilers
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Janelle rocking some nice shoes
In my opinion, the key component to winning Big Brother is having a great alliance. An alliance could be any number of people with the intention of going far and ultimately winning the game.
Well in this episode we see a lot of people forming alliances. Question is – is it real or fake? Time will tell. Let me give you my opinion on each one.
Cody is Head…
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shawnb429 · 4 years
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SPOILERS: Bayleigh with the Safety Suite VIP pass on #bbspoilers #bigbrotherspoilers #bb22 #bballstars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDj48Zvh4l8/?igshid=iqnnqj1vt7bw
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spunkyspy · 4 years
So there’s a account on IG called bigbrotherspoilers and the person running it is from my town. We went to middle school and high school together. I’m shocked.
omg....do they have real spoilers though or just feed updates?
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bigbrothernerds · 10 years
Will's Week Four Rankings
Evicted: Brittany (13)
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Brittany, you've played quite the game. You've been up, you've been down, you've been victorious, and now you've been evicted. I'm sad to see you go, and I think that you eviction was wrong, but no one really deserves to be there more than anyone else. 
12. Jocasta
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Oh Jocasta. You are such a great person, but at the end of the day you are the worst player this week. In my book, laying low is a viable strategy, but when you aren't doing anything at all? Maybe you'll blossom into a huge game player, but as of now you're dispensable and will likely land in jury soon after it starts.
11. Victoria
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Victoria, you beat Jocasta this week because you performed second best in both the BoB and the Veto, and have proven that you can at least hold your own in a few competitions. But that's only a third of the battle, and your strategy is terrible.
10. Caleb
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Home skillet, I don't know where your brain is at, but it aint in the game. You're verging on creepy with your Amber obsession, and you have no clue how to play the social aspect of this game. It's more than just being bros with the guys. You need to think more carefully about how your actions are going to make people react, and act in a way that causes the least waves. You are now the biggest target to the alliance that graciously kept you in the house this week. Congratulations.
9. Frankie
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HUH? WHAT? HOW DARE I? But in all seriousness, Frankie you are playing to dangerously. This week, you ruined what would've been the biggest move thus far in the season just because Caleb is what? Your friend? Cody doesn't trust you anymore because you ran to Derrick freaking out, and that could bite you in the end. Learn when to hold your cards and when to hold your tongue, and you could win this game.
8. Amber
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Amber, I continue to like you more the deeper we get in this game. And while you remain clueless to the fact that everyone wants you out in the next four weeks, I believe that you at least have the ability to make some moves. 
7. Hayden
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Hayden, you are falling back into the land of Victoria, and I fear that you are going to become too complacent. You can still pull this out, but right now you're a sitting duck.
6. Cody
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Cody you aren't in any danger, and I believe you'll go far. But this week, I'm putting you here simply because you didn't have the balls to go against Derrick and Frankie. Backdooring Caleb was your best move, but you sacrificed for the alliance. You can't win that way. Selfishness is rewarded in this game. Make your move when you can.
5. Christine
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I love you Christine, but I think this week you began to rub some people the wrong way. I'll give you the same advice I gave Frankie. Hold your tongue. Saying nothing is always a sure fire way to make sure no one is offended or annoyed. 
4. Donny
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In all honesty, I would've put Donny 5th because he hasn't been the most consistent, but this week I think Donny started to show just how intuitive he can be. He's basically sniffed out the detonators, but I don't think he has what it takes to evict the right members to go far. He won't go after Frankie and Derrick, which means he will never go deep in the game. 
3. Nicole
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Nicole is here partly based on how friggin adorable she was in the Germitard, and partly based on how she is beginning to prove that she is here to play. I believe that by taking the Veto from Brittany, Nicole showed the detonators just how willing she is to go to bat for them, and I think that will benefit her in the long run. I'm seeing a sad 5th/6th place finish for Nicole at the hands of her closest friend, but here's hoping she can pull through.
2. Derrick
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Derrick, I still believe you are the best player in the game, but I'm knocking you down from 1st purely because this week you targeted the wrong people. You're so convinced that by keeping the bomb squad around you're going to be safe. I think that Caleb was the biggest target for you to go after, followed by Donny. Instead, you chose to go after Brittany, Jocasta, and Victoria. I'm confused.
1. Zach
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Zach Attack, #WILDCARD, you know what you're doing. You stir up a lot of chaos, which is awesome, but you also read people very well. You already know that you sit fifth in the five-person detonators alliance, and that's awesome. I think that your mouth could get you booted before final five, but I hope you can flip the script on Derrick and Cody, and you can pull Nicole and Hayden in and get to the end soon here. 
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bigbrofan12 · 7 years
Bbcan6 Spoiler
Feeds came on for a few minutes and ...
Rozina and Ali are on the block and seems like Rozina is going, and Andrew has made himself into a bigger target.
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bigbrothernerds · 10 years
Big Brother US 16: Week Four Recap
HoH: Cody and Frankie
Nominees: Brittany and Victoria and Amber and Jocasta
BoB: Amber and Jocasta
Veto: Victoria
Nominees: Brittany and Donny
Evicted: Brittany
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bigbrothernerds · 10 years
BigBrotherNerds' Week Three Season 16 Rankings
This has been a week of complete dullness. No one really emerged as a newfound leader, but some of the minor game players stepped it up a bit. So let's just jump in!
14. With 14.3 points, Devin
13. With 11.3 points, Victoria
12. With 11.2 points, Caleb
11. With 10.5 points, Jocasta
10. With 10 points, Amber
9-8. With 7.7 points, Brittany and Hayden
7. With 7.2 points, Donny
6. With 5.5 points, Zach
5. With 5.3 points, Frankie
4-3. With 4.3 points, Cody and Nicole
2. With 4.2 points, Christine
1. With 2.8 points, Derrick
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bigbrothernerds · 10 years
Will's Week Three Rankings
Evicted: Devin (14)
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Devin, you made great television but alas, your gameplay was pretty bad and now you're gone. Sure, it made for a boring week and pretty uncomfortable episode-viewing to see the whole house gang up on you, but you kind of deserved it. Let's just end your season with a round of applause and a serious prayer that they don't enlist you for any future heroes v. villains twists.
13. Victoria
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Okay Victoria, you tell great stories on the feeds and you are definitely attractive, but I'm not even sure you know what's going on in the house. Your gameplay does not exist. At all. And while you are totally likable outside the house, you just aren't doing much inside. 
12. Caleb
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Good ol' "#BeastModeCowboy". Dude, you need to get your head in the game. If you even have time to do that. Your creepy obsession with Amber is going to land you a spot in the pre-jury pit of doom on finale, and if you expect to get a date from there, you are sadly mistaken. You are a whole lot of talk and absolutely no action, and your cockiness will be your downfall. 
11. Jocasta
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I'm not going to lie, you were completely endearing whilst crying about Donny saving you...for the first thirty or so seconds. But after that, I got a little confused. You seem so thankful to be in the house, which is awesome, but you haven't done anything game wise at all to support that. Yeah, you have your friendships, but no one has ever gone far in this game on unspoken agreements. Be careful who you trust, and be careful of who you attach yourself to because you WILL go down with them. 
10. Amber
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You picked up the ball a little bit this week, and you also separated yourself from Caleb. However, you lose points for also managing to make the target on your back (and Cody's for that matter) bigger. I respect you for having the cajones to say no to Caleb, but you have got to get him either under control or evicted. Drop the bomb squad talk, and start begging for him to be evicted. That's the only way you can restore yourself in the eyes of the other houseguests.
9. Brittany
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You've been up and down this whole game, and this week was a down week. You weren't nominated and you were never in any danger, so you didn't have to do much this week except skate by. I respect that you knew that and didn't stir up any unnecessary waves. However, much like Jocasta, you need to set some alliances in stone instead of relying on unspoken agreements to carry you through.
8. Frankie
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You are being given a very good edit on the show, because it appears that you are in the best possible position. But us feeders know that you talk to EVERYONE and that you make a lot of people nervous. Your social game threatens everyone as well. The "Andy Game" will probably only work once, and even though you do it much differently than him, you need to change your strategy if you want to make it past sixth place.
7. Hayden
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This week you also took a break from the game, and instead got closer to Nicole. While this isn't a bad thing, you need to be careful that you cover your bases. Being in a showmance (whether intimate or not) is never good, especially when you're the bigger threat. 
6. Donny
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This week, you stepped up strategically, and I give you kudos for being the legitimate comp-beast so far this season (ehhmmm Caleb and Devin). However, when people ask you specifically not to say something, going and telling your friends is NOT A GOOD IDEA. I get that you want to share information, but wait until after nominations so you don't end up going up. Also, when someone tells you information late and it upsets you, DO NOT GET UPSET TO THEIR FACE. The way you handled the discussion with Derrick pre-POV this week made me very upset. I get that you don't think you owe people anything because they don't fill you in, but when you know good and well that you want to do what they want to do, don't keep it a secret. That makes you suspicious, and makes you a target. If you go out it will be because the people that you "don't owe anything to" felt that they also did not owe you anything either. 
5. Cody
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You are definitely solid in this game for a while, and are basically guaranteed final three at this point, but you need to be careful with your emotions. You are very clearly an open book most of the time, and that's concerning. Get away from Amber, regardless of whoever tells you to reel her in. If you want to stick with the guys anyway, you don't need a side alliance, especially not one that makes your target bigger. Amber is already with you guys, so just calm down. Don't overthink, or you'll end up done for.
4. Zach
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I don't much to say this week, man. You recovered very well from last week, and I think you're sitting pretty until final five. And I'm very excited.
3. Christine
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You're doing fairly well in this game Christine, but ultimately I think that your multiple alliances is going to hurt you. A lot of people think that you and Frankie play similar games, but I couldn't disagree more. You rarely fish for information, which means that hardly anyone is suspicious of you. But you are going to end up being taken out by the boys if you keep making more and more alliances with them. Stick with Nicole and Hayden and try and get more people into the weirdos. Grab someone like Victoria or Brittany who need an alliance, and start pushing the boys a little more. Not enough to make them question you, but enough so that on the odd chance they take you to the end, the jury doesn't think you just did what they asked.
2. Nicole
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I'm super impressed with your game this week. Maybe I'm ranking you a tad high, but you handled your HoH very well. You did exactly what you wanted to (not get any blood on your hands) and you didn't let Derrick pressure you into your nominees (not that he tried very hard). You made a very tough decision in nominating Donny, but you stuck to it because you knew he had said some things he shouldn't have, and while you felt bad and said you wish you hadn't, I believe that deep down you did want to. You didn't nominate Victoria, which earned her trust I think, and you also got back in Donny's good graces. Do I think you'll win this season? Probably not. In fact, as much as I want you to win, I'm really nervous that you're going to go out pre-jury or very early in jury simply because you threaten Derrick, Cody and Zach because of your bond with Hayden and Christine.You need to be more competitive in the weeks ahead, and take out someone that you think is a genuine threat to your game (not Amber who literally just thinks you two are friends and she would never go after you). Play hard.
1. Derrick
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Honestly, I don't think anyone can argue that you aren't the best player in the game. You have the whole house practically eating out of your hand. Your HoH went superbly this week, and you maintained your position as the silent listener. You knew not to pressure Nicole with her nominations like Devin did to Amber, you knew to clue people in to the backdoor plan at just the right times, and you knew how to manipulate Caleb into going on the block willingly and throwing the BoB. If I were a gambler, I'd put all  my money on you to win.
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bigbrothernerds · 10 years
Big Brother Us 16: Week Three Recap
HoH: Derrick and Nicole
Nominees: Caleb and Jocasta and Amber and Donny
BoB: Amber and Donny
Veto: Donny
Nominees: Caleb and Devin
Evicted: Devin
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