#big smiles from seoho my beloved :((((((((((
lunetual · 1 year
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Anonymous: Hey! 😘 Congratulations for your successful blog!! Could you write a reaction on how would Oneus' members confort their s/o as she is fat and she doesn't like her body? Thanks!!! 💓
A/N: Sorry for the super super duper long wait beloved. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this. Just know that I won’t be using the word “fat” in my writing just because that term seems a bit offensive to me, but I will write “plus-sized” instead. Nonetheless please enjoy this 💓💓💓💓
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You and Ravn had reservations at an upscale restaurant. It was mandatory to dress up. That meant a dress and some heels would have to be your attire for the evening. Your enemies.
You ransacked your closet, hoping to find the best dress to wear. You wanted to find one that hid your figure, or whatever you would call this body of yours.
With no dress that fit your desires, you fell onto of your bed and pouted. You fought back tears that threatened to spill over.
Ravn soon entered, pausing to observe the situation before him. “Alright,” he started. “What’s wrong with my baby?” His tone of voice revealed that he already knew the answer.
“I’m fat!” You cried, pouting deeper.
“No,” Ravn countered, trying not to laugh. “You’re plus-sized. Thick, if you may. But, most importantly, you're gorgeous. Breathtaking. Ethereal. A goddess. You're meant to be a model. The modern-day Mona Lisa! The pinnacle of beauty! You're meant to be in-"
"Okay! I get it!" You tried to hide a smile. "I'm beautiful."
Ravn trapped you in his arms and kissed you sweetly on your cheek. A bright smile was present on his face. "And don't you forget it. Now get glammed up, we have an evening to spend together.”
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Kiss. “And I love your tummy.” Kiss. “And I love your thighs, my favorite pillows.” Kiss. “And I love your small feet.”
You giggled from each innocent kiss to your body, squirming away from your boyfriend’s tireless affections.
As much as you tried to hide your insecurities from Seoho, you slipped majorly when you frowned on your body. You started saying every belittling statement toward it as you gazed at your reflection in hatred.
Seoho came home early and witnessed the entire thing. His heart broke bit by bit as he heard the hateful words you conveyed.
Now, here you two were, lying down on the bed as Seoho peppered kisses to each part of your body that you despised. And although you tried escaping from his tight grip, you hoped he didn’t stop anytime soon. Because the love he had for you overpowered the hate you had for yourself.
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“Come sit on my lap, baby,” Leedo said, patting his thighs.
You chewed your bottom lip nervously. “No, it’s okay. I’ll just sit on the floor. It’s no big deal.”
Leedo pouted. “But I want you close to me.”
You were running out of excuses. You finally gave up and walked reluctantly to Leedo. Once you sat down on his lap, you were cautious of how much weight you were putting on his legs. You knew soon enough he’d tell you to get off.
“Why are you sitting so stiffly?” Your boyfriend questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. He pulled you to his chest, causing your body to fully lay in his lap. “Stay a while.”
You huffed. “Well, tell me when your legs get tired. Then I’ll get off.”
Leedo scoffed. “Babygirl/boy, you act like you weigh as much as an anchor. You’re fine where you are.”
“No buts,” he said sternly. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, pressing you into his warm chest. “I want my baby close to me no matter how much she/he weighs. Understand?”
You couldn’t help but feel loved by his words and loving actions. You simply nodded your head as you snuggled into his embrace, thankful to have such an open-minded boyfriend.
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Keonhee plopped down on the couch with a content sigh. He opened the menu to you two’s favorite takeout place before speaking. “What would you like to eat jagi?”
You fidgeted with the strings on your hoodie. “Um...I don’t want anything actually.”
Keonhee gave you a stern look, already knowing what was going on. He sighed. “Jagi, you need to eat. You can’t starve yourself.”
“But all I’m gonna do is get fat!” You whined.
“You’re not gonna become fat, y/n,” Keonhee countered. “If you’re really worried about your weight than you can eat small portions of your food. Or even workout. I could help you.”
You blinked at your boyfriend, utterly dumbfounded. “Really?”
Keonhee tilted his head, shooting you a glare through his lashes. “Of course, y/n.” He lifted his head back up. “I want you to be happy and confident in yourself. So, if you feel the exact opposite, then I’d like to help you.”
A smile graced your face as you gazed at the man before you. “Thank you, Keonhee.” You grabbed his face and brought his cheek to your lips, pressing a big kiss on his face.
Keonhee’s eyes widened from the sudden affection but soon smiled widely, accepting such a lovely action. “Anything for you, my love.”
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“Baby, I’ve always been curious but had no way of asking this...” Hwanwoong seemed hesitant on what to say next.
“What is it, Woong?” You asked, continuing on running your fingers through his hair as you scrolled through Twitter.
He turned his head to look up at you from his position on your stomach. “How come you always wear baggy clothes? I’d really like to see your figure.”
You froze, your eyes wide as you focused on nothing in particular.
Hwanwoong sensed your change in attitude and quickly backpedaled. “Sorry. If that was too much of a personal question you don’t have to answer.”
“No, no,” you said quickly, shooing away his apology. “It’s fine. I just didn’t expect you to ask that.”
“Again, you don’t have to tell me,” Hwanwoong stated. “You don’t seem comfortable in speaking on this topic.”
“Well, no, n-not really.” You licked your lips. “It’s just that...I’m self-conscious about my weight.”
Hwanwoong sat up, placing his hands on either side of you. “But you’re perfect.” He knitted his eyebrows together, not comprehending how you could be self-conscious about such a thing. Despite the short amount of time you two have been a couple, he was head over heels for you already.
“To you,” you countered, caressing his cheek lovingly. “But, to me, I look ugly with all this weight.”
“Then, change it,” Hwanwoong stated simply. “If you don’t like your weight, do something about it. But, just know, I love you no matter what number is on the scale. And also know that I’ll support you always.” He took your hand from his cheek and kissed the palm of it.
You blushed despite yourself, smiling sheepishly. “I appreciate you, Hwanwoong.”
He bent down and kissed your forehead before placing it against yours. “And I appreciate you.”
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“Sweetheart,” Xion cooed, consoling you as best as he can, “we can have fun doing other things at the amusement park. Just because the safety bar couldn’t fit shouldn’t change anything.”
“But it does! It changed everything!” You yelled, capturing passerbys’ attention. You wiped your face clear of your salty tears. “Xion, you really wanted to go on that roller coaster! And then here comes your blob of a girlfriend who ruins your chance on going on it.” Tears welled up in your eyes once more. Your bottom lip quivered.
Xion grew serious, a very rare sight to see. “Listen to me, y/n. I could care less for that ride. I only care about being with you on this beautiful day. You know what? If you want to leave, we can leave right now. Cause, quite frankly, just being with you doing nothing makes everything right in my life.”
You sniffled. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Is it working?” He asked softly, carefully wiping under your eyes.
A small smile appeared on your face. “Yes.”
Xion smiles in return. “Good. Now, what would you like to do, my queen?”
You pondered for a minute before answering. “I think we should continue our day. Just because one ride was a bummer doesn’t mean the other ones will.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m very sure.”
So, joining hands, you two walked off, resuming your day together.
A/N: I love completing writings. It makes me feel like I accomplished so much. I hope you enjoyed this darling 💓💓💓💓
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