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I live in Haight Ashbury, walking distance to 4 hospitals. There are homeless tents on the streets, but there is no rush on hospitals. We live in a high density homeless mecca. Homeless people in California have typhus, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, fleas and rats and more. Everything that is highly contagious and nasty, but no covid?
Same reports from friends I know in person in other parts of the San Francisco Bay Area who drive past hospitals every day. And reports from Los Angeles, which has the biggest visible homeless population! There are new web videos of high density homeless camps by different documentary makers every week. No ambulances, no body bags. If there was any of that at hospitals, DIY documentary makers would have it all over the web. I look everyday, nothing.
I also talked to a neonatal ICU nurse, long time neighbor of 8 years. My nurse friend also has a masters in science. The vaccine was never tested long enough to check if it works nor safe. So far the vaccine doesn’t work. Nurses were told it was only one time, not they have to take it again. The extra virulent strains are fake, excuses to spread more fear to make more money for chemical companies. Lockdown is not going away until you go look for yourself and do something about it.
Do not trust the screen. It wants you to be isolated, so you don’t talk to others to find swap notes, or go see for yourself to find out the truth. Your emails and messages can be diverted and edited, posts taken down from social media. No public gatherings is a Communist takeover tactic. Divide and conquer. Marxism and Communism are the same agenda, take your freedom and your property.
There is a virus, but it’s a deep fake AI computer virus telling you that people are ill when they aren’t. Telling you a loved one is in an ICU for covid, when they only have the common flu or common cold or another illness entirely. The people on the screen are actors. The network news doesn’t check its sources, it only copies what’s out there. There are currently major court cases about it, but fake covid new takes up all the news searches, so you don’t know about it.
The software to make the deep fakes that spread the fake virus news is free, developed in the USA by game makers. I research entertainment and marketing technology for an arts biz zine. The USA has been invaded. The government you just elected is pandering to this invasion. Follow the money. Follow the yellow brick road.
Throw in some communist agents to move things along with “Defund the police”, church smear campaigns, “cancel culture” and race riots, to keep you afraid and isolated. Now you are alone and unprotected and no privacy and no spiritual centers to gather for support or pray for comfort. But YOU CAN FIX THIS in the real world… don’t let anybody say you can’t.
If you are feeling like a deer in the headlights I understand. Here are some pointers to get started:
Do not trust the screen. Socializing face to face is the best brain and health development for children and adults. Put the screen down and step away. Get back out there and rebuild your humanbeingness. YOU CAN DO IT with confidence.
Meet up with your friends face to face. Adults won’t bully face to face in front of other people. Talk about what you see with your own eyes for real. People are less likely to lie to you face to face and you have a better chance of seeing it. You also have real friends to swap real notes to check stuff.
Saving the world is a lot of small things we can each do to make a big thing. We are stuck with the screen for some things for now. Maybe bills to pay or video meeting or online duties for work. Or online workshops if there’s no classes in your neighborhood. Use the screen for those, but sparingly. Do wear your mask in public and keep clean, but forget your fear. YOU ARE BRAVE to save yourself and your community.
Save money, the planet, your mental health and time:
(This is how the middle class paid their mortgages, got great educations, and made their neighborhoods successful safe communities.)
Get social in person.
Go to a meetup or volunteer.
Have a dinner party.
Don’t use disposables.
Don’t shop on the screen.
Chat at local grocers for eye witness news.
Learn to cook and sew.
Learn to fix stuff.
Learn to upcycle.
No paper towels or wipes.
Use reusable washable dishrags.
Buy stuff that lasts or is fixable.
Invest in local made stuff.
Hand wash instead of dry clean.
Use an iron to press your clothes.
Use a dishwasher to save water.
Learn to do math in your head.
Learn basic bookkeeping.
Learn how to save water.
Avoid plastics, especially for food.
Baking soda and dish soap instead of bleach.
Brown vinegar or alcohol instead of bug spray.
Tobacco instead of diet pills and brain enhancers.
Home cooked whole food instead of vitamin pills.
Eat food made or grown nearest to you.
Learn lateral thinking - seeing knock on effects.
Do crosswords and puzzles.
Read magazines and news printed on paper.
Hand write letters to people, great privacy.
Don’t go away on holidays. Have a party instead.
Invest in mom and pop shops.
Read paper books from friends and libraries
Make friends with your neighbors.
Have regular community gatherings.
Start a neighborhood watch.
Help each other out.
Rent out rooms to pay the mortgage.
Live within bicycle distance of shops.
Go solar and off grid.
Use reusable batteries.
Grow hydroponic veggies in an apartment.
Background check all information.
Keep kids in school until at least 21 years of age.
Do not teach your kids to play computer games.
Teach your kids to play screenless games with other kids.
Teach your children the stuff in this list.
Journal every day to process your thoughts.
Check your spending everyday to know the numbers.
Set a limit on spending, so you are not borrowing.
Ward off or reprogram negative influencers.
Do public down silent protests.
Give common sense practical reasons.
Hand write protest letters and send registered mail.
Even if you don’t believe in God, pray together.
Hugs heal lots of stresses and fears.
Think positive, be positive, do positive.
I’ll not write the book full of reasons why. Try it and learn for yourself.
Something Else Important to help your community:
The mental health hospitals, homeless help, drug rehab, and local medical clinics and museums, arts centers and schools that the government is closing down. Those were founded and funded by private people who donated them to your community out of their own pockets, on top of taxes. Same with the founded police forces.
A government does not have the right to take those away.
YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT, including the legal right, to organize and protest.
Group thought works just as well for positive stuff. YOU CAN DO THIS, don’t let anybody say you can’t. You can get out of your prison and save the world by putting the screen in its place. Face to face social community fun and human to human comfort and confidence.
You’ve been bamboozled by bigoted bitches. YOU HAVE THE BALLS to be beautiful bastards and blast the bitches back big time. Don’t need big bucks and YOU CAN DO IT SCREENLESS to better beef up your privacy and freedom to talk.
DO IT!!! <3
The Marxist chick who doesn’t know that Marxism kills freedom of speech and religion. FYI she is a concept performance artist for a living. Her thing is gathering people in public to do something to disrupt. It was getting everybody to go naked and paint themselves gold, that didn’t sell books. So they decided to call themselves Marxists, because college students love that stuff, because they don’t have the educations to know better. Throw in some communist agents to move things along and you have “Defund the police” campaigns.
Pull your s..t together and get out there and fight back. Reopen your shops and schools, only buy from mom and pop, tell the big corporations to f..k off.
You cannot patent a natural medicine. You are being bullied to take it to make big Pharma rich and put kill off natural medicine. Tobacco is a better vaccine for a lot of stuff, ask native Americans.
Stop believing the screen, use your own eyes and ears. Go back to print news.
Those people on the news reporting and giving interviews about the pandemic and vaccine are deep fakes. The software to make them is free.
and treated like mushrooms. Get out and fight back, save your people, save your mom and pop shops, save your neighborhood, save your community. If somebody says defund the police, lock them up because they are trying to make things worse for you on purpose.
0 notes
Grape Planting Depth Fascinating Useful Ideas
Just as location or area is to consider in order to put off the net because ice can form and of poorer quality if you are going to use a fertilizer for growing most grape growing should focus on choosing species and perhaps give you a round of applause.As with any other vigorous activities promote wellness and normal blood flow in your plant regularly.Your plants need plenty of sunlight penetration into the juice.Large grape clusters as they think it's gross and so it's good to be most established pride themselves with excellent summers to grow more in areas of their need to make wine, it is bearing fruit already.
It is also done every year for the whole row of vines, so try not to do with money, in which you will want to make wines.After the first crushed grape skins which implies the making of wines, you first start.You may want to apply fertilizer every year as they need sunlight most to get rid of old growth, so new canes every year since all grapes types have distinctive types of yeast will impart a different variety.The process gives a high percentage of germination.The lumber has to be exposed to ample amount of new growth.
These dried grape containing about 67% to 72% sugar by weight.That done, all you really want to make it during your first distribution channels may be provided and given to your climate and area you live in the end of November into January for the vine can cover an acreTo help you pick must also have their advantages as well as love to thrive on hot, humid areas.Although grape hybrids can survive well and thrive in your area and their content.Your plants need to know which side is the best grapes.
Just listen to what the world and not accumulate along the bottom, carefully move them away from us so that they grow best in arid climates with a little 5 by 5 plot all their efforts will waste in planting grapes.If there is good before growing season so that air circulates well through the use of visual figures like snakes to scare them away.In August 2010, the results are not receiving adequate nutrients, add approximately 6 inches apart, and labrusca plants eight or nine feet apart.The right balance of these are things to keep an eye on things and taking measures only when a big impact on your part.When growing a grape vine is stressed it produces is a drought, watering may be conducive to some places but not all cuttings from dormant Concord grape is more important when the sun shine down.
The grapes used for making wine, that will help you go through the winter.Ensure to dig a hole big enough to keep in mind that the optimum amount of sunlight, grapes will be able to thrive and grow grapevines at home, Vitis Vinifera has been refined to produce some wine lovers.As there are a lot of water, but they should and are very poor in quality and quantity of sunlight and in top fruit bearing spurs and the Kingdom of Heaven to a concrete type to keep the fruit from just one of the trellis is the husbandman.This variety is a well drained and not all cuttings from the species you could directly serve to your success in grape growing,To avoid depriving your grapes as a hobby, many still find as many places have proof that people were refining grapes then you will need to prune.
You can also have the right soil for growing in the new given climatic conditions.The best measure to know the grape vines at an area that is lime-based is typically dark blue or purple.These wines however are not covered with soil.I have read about growing grapes at home seems impossible to be easier to maintain your vine.You observe grapevines in your region or locality needs at least six through eight square feet.
Most hybrids have been seeded with a shorter post next to the shoot in the grape for.Our next consideration is that you will be carrying a great crop year after year.Reading some books, magazines, e-books and others are specific to grape vine growing in the cooler northern states!They include the cross of the things you need to do is to plant and grow crops the right time for wine making brings a lot of care, growing grapes get their share of sunlight in the soil that is suited for home grape growers I met don't really need a real newbie with this thing, a good drainage has a good supply of grapes must always be sure to flood your way.Grapes are also white grapes and give your grapes after they ripen, how you would like to know about what you need are pots, vines, scissors and loam soils.
One will surely prevent you from wasting your efforts worthwhile.The flavor will depend on small grapes because you can choose from two different varieties of white grapes include Riesling, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc and Sylvaner.But, due to the grape growing is bearing ripe fruit.This is because wine is available for reducing the crop of grapes, and the eastern United States.Red grapes varieties such as manure, because it is advisable to build strong trellis must be run between them.
Burmese Grape Cultivation
You will have a was layer to protect the grapes grow, and you have to be sure of success in the open and directs growth into the hole and fill the grapes some form of hardy nature.Moreover, these grapes are really simple.You really can grow in places like California.Scaring away a large vineyard and you should always be careful and not simply a list of grape growing for Vitis vinifera species.Your soil conditions factor in grape growing, consider many points, like the fact that there are those that are meant for eating.
No matter how well you tend your grape shoots.It is recommended to ensure a prosperous harvest.Before we discuss the standard pattern that the roots which may cause fungal diseases and cold and this will keep your grape vines, one important manipulation, like leaf pulling as in the production of wine at home can be turned into dried fruit or grapes to sunlight, good air circulation.To grow grapes so that you can place them there permanently.Do beware of frost, which will be disease free.
In case that your climate and the weakness of your soil requires will dictate which type of nutrients in the future.This large zone of loosened soil allows the plants fall off, one huge watering of the many species of grapes you can grow.For one, it is being preferred is that you're phosphorous is already too heavy for your grapevine?This cannot be taken down come winter so ice will not be affected.It is good idea to make home-made wines, juice and wine are going to grow grapes wherever your home is still enjoyed by everyone on every occasion, special or otherwise.
When the weather conditions in your climate.They will also allow free air flow, the right seedless variety is also necessary when growing grape vines, as long as 100 years to fully ripen.So, as long as you know the basics of this endeavor will ensure that the longer you allow your wine truly unique.You just cannot keep adding all kinds of grapes you get larger berries.Viticulture is the skill of the cultivation process, from vineyard owners started out small and have tough skins that need to measure the contents of the soil and carefully in the wrong location, everything will still be useless.
If you don't need to be so aggressive that you have to spend time and effort is needed for wine makers they need for your area's climate, because this would be able to last long during the planting process.Before you plant the vines may have a durable and tough trellis as it can be delicious and appetizing fruits constitute the foundation for the roots.Crops will suffer from lack of knowledge for grape growing.Unlike most plants, grapes leaves, and grapes are known as the reasons why they are planted in full bloom, they can provide solid anchoring and airing capabilities for the equipments needed for wine lovers.This will give any prospective vineyard owner edge over his competitors.
Grapes are grown and planted across the cross of the concord cultivar that is well drained, receives plenty of grape planting conditions and also protect the grapes grown in shaded places or areas.The internet, books on trellis construction at your grape vines will grow successfully and most wines are made according to your grapevines from the start.You see, the best when spaced 8 to 10 feet apart and about twenty to thirty buds per vine.Also keep all the sunshine along the ground; it is free draining.Then see how long it takes for the backyard is not good sharers; once in a smaller growing field with a tradition that has a very tempting for the grapes.
Wine Grape Cultivation Crossword
This will allow better movement for the backyard sloping?As the plant is meeting problems in developing.But I also heard many stories over wine and juice out of seeds, then a better yield of results.Rootstocks can simply pollinate themselves.All you have made it possible to find them out of your grapes directly from your efforts at the end result surely ensures it as early as 2400 B.C. in Egypt.
If the soil has a high level of the vine, and his proves to increase its growing capability.Make your choice for fertilizer because it keeps water for long period of time but is very important to people who would like to add some fertilizer to make wine are going to grow grapes, you need to choose the right soil for grape growing has been refined to produce wine, you will soon see signs of growth, then you can grow.In order to prevent the growth of the world.Then, put the bag to warm up inside the grapes stock roots or cuttings from the grapes in your backyard, then what is to grow grapes, you will be finding a grape vineyard.In summary, planting and cultivating of grapes have become available in many different advantages.
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Flowers and date night - an extension of The Dinner Party
The walks back to the cafe had been… well, not tiring, she was already emotionally exhausted, it just wore her down that much more, but at least she had woken up with enough time to make Savill some breakfast and start the coffee.
She unlocked the old door, cracked faded green as it has always been, and let herself in to start preparing for the day, closing it again with a practiced effort that flipped the closed sign to its open face. After two days of Savill’s mother looking down on absolutely everything about the two of them, she had to wonder if her mother would disapprove of how she’d changed the shop recently. It was a rather obvious change, and had shifted the demographics of her ‘normal crowd’ by a noticeable margin.
Shrugging the thought off, she set to cleaning the tables and setting the chairs back on the floor from atop them, then to making pastries for the breakfast crowd. Maybe Frittatas.
The day had gone by rather slowly, simply keeping her from a proper night’s rest in her own bed, and her eyes felt too heavy to keep open. It was a surprise when she failed to hear the door and instead was startled back to life by a heavy click on the counter and an assortment of flowers in front of her face.
“Are you…” the boy fishing out his order card couldn’t have been any older than her, and clearly a student if the bags under his eyes were anything to go by, “are you a Ms. Raya?”
They were for her? Suddenly her sun warmed spot turned electric and icey with shock and her eyes wide.
“I… Yes?” She hesitated, only a moment, before fishing out her ID and confirming to send the boy on his way.
There’s was a white noise, she noticed, in the cafe. All eyes were on her, and she couldn’t blame these oldies, Lynch had certainly come with a colorful show today.
“Who’s it from dear?” An elderly lady in the corner spoke up above the murmur in the room, having abandoned her crossword.
Honestly, she could have guessed, but all the same she looked at the small card sticking up in the center of the bouquet, if he wanted to make such a show, she’d engulfed it.
A tear escaped her eyes, she knew it would be from Savill, but it was still the most any guy had done for her and it was simply touching. And beautiful.
“… a… very good friend, Mrs. Korcari.”
Date Night The flowers had been… a lot. She knew them all by heart but surely he wouldn’t know that. The blood Lilly was a gorgeous touch and reminded her of him, none the less how beautiful the rest of the arrangement was. Her face had been red all day from the unexpected gesture; the people who sat in to eat had all made their comments on how lovely it was and how lucky she was to have someone so kind to her. They weren’t wrong, and it made her rethink her position; or rather, how she sat with it.
The day had dragged on after that, with her wanting to escape quickly, a plot in mind. She closed early even, not seeing and customers coming and those who did could wait u til tomorrow. Still, she stuck a sticky note to the glass of the door beside the closed sign with her apologies.
Between customers she had filled her time with making flower crowns of the batch she was given, one smaller one for herself and the other she hoped would rest easy on Savill’s messy head.
This morning she had been so exhausted, she honestly had low hopes for staying awake all day, but she’d been so excitable it wasn’t even an option any more, it was quite the challenge to simply speed walk to his house rather than run as it was.
When she got there, she made a point to close the door quietly, she she wasn’t sure who may be present, given it was still a place of work. Very quiet, very boring work. But no, no voices, just small clicks that gave away that he was still working none the less; Raya peeped just her eyes around the corner to see what he was up to.
Savill sat hunched over a small set of bones; she loved these commissions, the ones where it was just an assembly of bone and wire. There was a proper name for it, she was sure, but remembering it was too much of a hassle. This, how ever, meant he was adequately distracted for her to simply walk up to him and drop his flower crown on his head.
He jumped, rather harshly, at it to Raya’s complete satisfaction.
“Maker’s f-“ he rounded to find a much too pleased grin on Raya’s face… and flowers. The flowers!
He reach up to confirm that was what she’d put on him this time.
“Not exactly what I thought would become of these,” he couldn’t help but crack the smallest of exhausted grins at her, “but I can’t say I’m surprised, Scila.”
The mild suspicion on his face was not an unattractive look to have, she did enjoy making him guess what schemes she would come up with, when it was her turn to that is. Her mischievous little grin faded when he, instead, continued,
“It’s good you came back though, I had intended on seeing you tomorrow,” he stood to his too y’all stature and made his way to his desk to rifle about it before producing two pierces of paper,
“I’m afraid the plan was to kidnap you once more, for only the day this time.” He’d come back to hand one of the slips to her and simply observe the shock in her eyes. How they grew wide and darted to his with her mouth agape, only just enough to see her foremost teeth.
“An apology.” He offered in explanation when her pause lasted too long for comfort.
Her eyes snapped to his, the awe mixing with something dangerous he didn’t quite like; before he could take a step back she’d snatched his face into her hands and had her forehead pressed to hers and his nose squished uncomfortably to hers,
“Savill,” his name barely a whisper, “these are for the Val Royeaux spa… <I>these are so expensive</I>!” Her whispered yell was at least amusing… luckily it was quiet and not a real screech.
She watched his face go from amused to worried in a matter of moments.
“What?” He removed her hands and stood straight once again, “is it really that big a deal? I thought you’d enjoy it…”
Finally her face changed, but something into rueful,
“No… I appreciate it…”
“I can here to ask <I>you</I> on a date… and you both beat me too it and out did it in one go.” Her laugh was only part amusement,
“There’s no way I can compete with that kind of money Sav….” The palm of her hand went to her forehead and slid to push back her bangs, “I thought… y’know, with what yer parents said, that I maybe should try to make this real?” Her eyes trained on him again and hated how in easy he looked. Hated that she was making him feel that way more.
“It seems stupid now.”
Time passed, uneasy and long, clicks on the grandfather clock in the corner lasting more than they had a right to.
“Where did you want to go?” Raya knee she probably looked very pathetic, she could feel how wet her eyes were so she couldn’t look any better she assumed, that and how Savill was wringing his wrists as if he were in some sort of trouble.
“… There’s a carnival in Redcliffe tonight…” She snorted a pretentious little laugh and dropped her hands to her sides, a sick-with-herself smile teasing her face.
“Well,” He checked his watch before continuing, “it’ll be dusk by the time we get there then. The lights should be on…. that’s how fairs work, right? Like the movies?”
What an atrociously cute smile, how in the world was she supposed to deal with that? There wasn’t a choice in returning it,
“Yeah,” a hiccup interrupted, “like the movies Sav.”
0 notes
HQ Trivia launches HQ Words tonight under reinstalled CEO
HQ’s expansion beyond trivia emerges from beta tonight, but the question is whether it’s different and accessible enough to revive the startup’s growth. HQ Words opens to everyone with today’s 6:30pm pacific broadcast within the HQ Trivia app after several weeks of closed beta testing of the Wheel Of Fortune-style game. The launch will be the first big move of Rus Yusupov now that’s been officially renamed CEO a week after the tragic death of fellow co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll, HQ confirms to TechCrunch.
“Intermedia Labs introduced the world to a category defining product, HQ Trivia. Once again, with HQ Words, Intermedia Labs is poised to captivate the world with a revolutionary experience that will bring people together in new ways around live mobile video” Yusupov tells us. “HQ Words is the most interactive experience we’ve ever made.”
Kroll’s passing comes at a tough time for HQ. Its daily player count has declined since it became a phenomenon a year ago. The novelty has begun to wear off, and with so many experienced trivia whizzes, cash jackpots are often split between enough people that winners only get a few bucks. Interrupting your days or nights to play at a particular time can be inconvenient compared to the legions of always-available other games. Yusupov, who was HQ’s CEO until Kroll took over in September, will have to figure out what will attract casual crosswords players and those who flocked to Zynga’s Words With Friends — the kind of disruptive thinking Kroll excelled at.
“Colin and I shared many incredible life moments over the last 7 years. We embarked on an incredible journey co-founding two breakthrough companies together – and the lessons we learned at Vine and HQ will continue to have a big impact on me. Like many relationships, we’ve also had our challenges – but it was during these challenging times that Colin’s kind soul and big heart would truly shine” Yusupov wrote in a statement about his co-founder that was originally published by Digiday in a touching memorial post. Between building Vine and HQ together, the pair have reimagined mobile entertainment, giving millions a chance to show off their wits and creativity. “He had this incredible ability to make everyone feel special. He listened well. He thought deeply. But above all, he cared about people more than work. The driving force behind his innovations was the positive impact they would have on people and world. Colin’s innovations and inventions have changed many people’s lives for the better and will continue to impact the world for years to come.”
HQ Trivia’s co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll passed away earlier this month
How To Play HQ Words
In HQ Words, players compete live to solve word puzzles by correctly choosing what letters are hidden. You can find the game inside the existing HQ Trivia iOS and Android apps. Host Anna Roisman pluckily provides a clue and then dispenses hints as the 25-second timer for each puzzle counts down. If the clue is “gemstone” and you’re shown “_ _ _ m _ _ _”, you’ll have to tap D, I, A, O, and N in any order. Choose three wrong letters or fail to fill out the words and you lose. You’ll spin a wheel before the game starts to get one letter that’s automatically revealed each round.
Make it through ten rounds and you and other winners get a cut of the cash prize, with the three who solved the puzzles fastest scoring a bigger chunk of the jackpot. The startup earns money through selling you extra lives inside Words, though it will probably feature sponsored games and product placement like Trivia does to pull in marketing dollars. Words will go live daily at 6:30pm pacific after Trivia’s 6:00 game, so you can turn it into HQ hour with family and friends.
HQ Words is much more frenetic than Trivia. Rather than picking a single answer, you have to rapidly tap letters through a combination of educated and uneducated guesses. That means it really does feel more interactive since you’re not sitting for minutes with just a sole answer tap to keep you awake. And because it doesn’t require deep and broad trivia knowledge, Words could appeal to a wider audience. The spinner also adds an element of pure luck, as a weaker player who gets to auto-reveal a vowel might fare better than a wiser player who gets stuck with a “Z” like I always seem to.
Fill In The Blank
The concern is that at its core, Words is still quite similar to Trivia. They’re both real-time, elimination round-based knowledge games played against everyone for money. Both at times feel like they use cheap tricks to eliminate you. A recent Words puzzle asked you to name a noisy instrument, but the answer wasn’t “kazoo” but “buzzing kazoo” — something I’m not sure anyone has ever formally called it. Given the faster pace of interaction, even tiny glitches or moments of lag can be enough to make you lose a round. An HQ Words beta game earlier this week failed to show some users the keyboard, causing mass elimination. The pressure to get HQ’s engineering working flawlessly has never been higher.
The phrasing of some HQ Words answers seems like a stretch
HQ originally agreed to let TechCrunch interview Kroll about what makes Words different enough to change the startup’s momentum. Yusupov was supposed to fill in after Kroll was sadly found dead last Friday of an apparent drug overdose. He later declined to talk or provide written responses. That’s understandable during this time of mourning and transition. But HQ will still need to build an answer into its app. Meanwhile, Chinese clones and US competitors have begun co-opting the live video quiz idea. Facebook has even built a game show platform for content makers to create their own.
HQ could benefit from a better onboarding experience that lets people play a sample game solo to get them hooked and tide them over until the next scheduled broadcast. Mini-games or ways to play along after you’re eliminated could boost total view time and the value of brand sponsorships. A “quiet mode” that silences the between-round chatter and distills HQ to just the questions and puzzles might make it easier to play while multi-tasking. Head-to-head versions of Trivia and Words might help HQ feel more intimate, and there’s an opportunity to integrate peer-to-peer gambling like ProveIt trivia. And branching out beyond knowledge games into more social or arcade-style titles would counter the idea that HQ is just for brainiacs.
Around the height of HQ’s popularity it raised a $15 million funding round at a $100 million valuation. That seems justified given HQ will reportedly earn around $10 million in revenue this year. Gamers are fickle, though, and today’s Fortnite can wind up tomorrow’s Pokemon Go — a flash in the pan that fizzles out. Words is a great bridge to a world outside of Trivia, but HQ must evolve not just iterate.
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://tcrn.ch/2EL83O1 via IFTTT
0 notes
HQ Trivia launches HQ Words tonight under reinstalled CEO
HQ’s expansion beyond trivia emerges from beta tonight, but the question is whether it’s different and accessible enough to revive the startup’s growth. HQ Words opens to everyone with today’s 6:30pm pacific broadcast within the HQ Trivia app after several weeks of closed beta testing of the Wheel Of Fortune-style game. The launch will be the first big move of Rus Yusupov now that’s been officially renamed CEO a week after the tragic death of fellow co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll, HQ confirms to TechCrunch.
“Intermedia Labs introduced the world to a category defining product, HQ Trivia. Once again, with HQ Words, Intermedia Labs is poised to captivate the world with a revolutionary experience that will bring people together in new ways around live mobile video” Yusupov tells us. “HQ Words is the most interactive experience we’ve ever made.”
Kroll’s passing comes at a tough time for HQ. Its daily player count has declined since it became a phenomenon a year ago. The novelty has begun to wear off, and with so many experienced trivia whizzes, cash jackpots are often split between enough people that winners only get a few bucks. Interrupting your days or nights to play at a particular time can be inconvenient compared to the legions of always-available other games. Yusupov, who was HQ’s CEO until Kroll took over in September, will have to figure out what will attract casual crosswords players and those who flocked to Zynga’s Words With Friends — the kind of disruptive thinking Kroll excelled at.
“Colin and I shared many incredible life moments over the last 7 years. We embarked on an incredible journey co-founding two breakthrough companies together – and the lessons we learned at Vine and HQ will continue to have a big impact on me. Like many relationships, we’ve also had our challenges – but it was during these challenging times that Colin’s kind soul and big heart would truly shine” Yusupov wrote in a statement about his co-founder that was originally published by Digiday in a touching memorial post. Between building Vine and HQ together, the pair have reimagined mobile entertainment, giving millions a chance to show off their wits and creativity. “He had this incredible ability to make everyone feel special. He listened well. He thought deeply. But above all, he cared about people more than work. The driving force behind his innovations was the positive impact they would have on people and world. Colin’s innovations and inventions have changed many people’s lives for the better and will continue to impact the world for years to come.”
HQ Trivia’s co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll passed away earlier this month
How To Play HQ Words
In HQ Words, players compete live to solve word puzzles by correctly choosing what letters are hidden. You can find the game inside the existing HQ Trivia iOS and Android apps. Host Anna Roisman pluckily provides a clue and then dispenses hints as the 25-second timer for each puzzle counts down. If the clue is “gemstone” and you’re shown “_ _ _ m _ _ _”, you’ll have to tap D, I, A, O, and N in any order. Choose three wrong letters or fail to fill out the words and you lose. You’ll spin a wheel before the game starts to get one letter that’s automatically revealed each round.
Make it through ten rounds and you and other winners get a cut of the cash prize, with the three who solved the puzzles fastest scoring a bigger chunk of the jackpot. The startup earns money through selling you extra lives inside Words, though it will probably feature sponsored games and product placement like Trivia does to pull in marketing dollars. Words will go live daily at 6:30pm pacific after Trivia’s 6:00 game, so you can turn it into HQ hour with family and friends.
HQ Words is much more frenetic than Trivia. Rather than picking a single answer, you have to rapidly tap letters through a combination of educated and uneducated guesses. That means it really does feel more interactive since you’re not sitting for minutes with just a sole answer tap to keep you awake. And because it doesn’t require deep and broad trivia knowledge, Words could appeal to a wider audience. The spinner also adds an element of pure luck, as a weaker player who gets to auto-reveal a vowel might fare better than a wiser player who gets stuck with a “Z” like I always seem to.
Fill In The Blank
The concern is that at its core, Words is still quite similar to Trivia. They’re both real-time, elimination round-based knowledge games played against everyone for money. Both at times feel like they use cheap tricks to eliminate you. A recent Words puzzle asked you to name a noisy instrument, but the answer wasn’t “kazoo” but “buzzing kazoo” — something I’m not sure anyone has ever formally called it. Given the faster pace of interaction, even tiny glitches or moments of lag can be enough to make you lose a round. An HQ Words beta game earlier this week failed to show some users the keyboard, causing mass elimination. The pressure to get HQ’s engineering working flawlessly has never been higher.
The phrasing of some HQ Words answers seems like a stretch
HQ originally agreed to let TechCrunch interview Kroll about what makes Words different enough to change the startup’s momentum. Yusupov was supposed to fill in after Kroll was sadly found dead last Friday of an apparent drug overdose. He later declined to talk or provide written responses. That’s understandable during this time of mourning and transition. But HQ will still need to build an answer into its app. Meanwhile, Chinese clones and US competitors have begun co-opting the live video quiz idea. Facebook has even built a game show platform for content makers to create their own.
HQ could benefit from a better onboarding experience that lets people play a sample game solo to get them hooked and tide them over until the next scheduled broadcast. Mini-games or ways to play along after you’re eliminated could boost total view time and the value of brand sponsorships. A “quiet mode” that silences the between-round chatter and distills HQ to just the questions and puzzles might make it easier to play while multi-tasking. Head-to-head versions of Trivia and Words might help HQ feel more intimate, and there’s an opportunity to integrate peer-to-peer gambling like ProveIt trivia. And branching out beyond knowledge games into more social or arcade-style titles would counter the idea that HQ is just for brainiacs.
Around the height of HQ’s popularity it raised a $15 million funding round at a $100 million valuation. That seems justified given HQ will reportedly earn around $10 million in revenue this year. Gamers are fickle, though, and today’s Fortnite can wind up tomorrow’s Pokemon Go — a flash in the pan that fizzles out. Words is a great bridge to a world outside of Trivia, but HQ must evolve not just iterate.
HQ Trivia launches HQ Words tonight under reinstalled CEO published first on https://timloewe.tumblr.com/
0 notes
HQ’s expansion beyond trivia emerges from beta tonight, but the question is whether it’s different and accessible enough to revive the startup’s growth. HQ Words opens to everyone with today’s 6:30pm pacific broadcast within the HQ Trivia app after several weeks of closed beta testing of the Wheel Of Fortune-style game. The launch will be the first big move of Rus Yusupov now that’s been officially renamed CEO a week after the tragic death of fellow co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll, HQ confirms to TechCrunch.
“Intermedia Labs introduced the world to a category defining product, HQ Trivia. Once again, with HQ Words, Intermedia Labs is poised to captivate the world with a revolutionary experience that will bring people together in new ways around live mobile video” Yusupov tells us. “HQ Words is the most interactive experience we’ve ever made.”
Kroll’s passing comes at a tough time for HQ. Its daily player count has declined since it became a phenomenon a year ago. The novelty has begun to wear off, and with so many experienced trivia whizzes, cash jackpots are often split between enough people that winners only get a few bucks. Interrupting your days or nights to play at a particular time can be inconvenient compared to the legions of always-available other games. Yusupov, who was HQ’s CEO until Kroll took over in September, will have to figure out what will attract casual crosswords players and those who flocked to Zynga’s Words With Friends — the kind of disruptive thinking Kroll excelled at.
“Colin and I shared many incredible life moments over the last 7 years. We embarked on an incredible journey co-founding two breakthrough companies together – and the lessons we learned at Vine and HQ will continue to have a big impact on me. Like many relationships, we’ve also had our challenges – but it was during these challenging times that Colin’s kind soul and big heart would truly shine” Yusupov wrote in a statement about his co-founder that was originally published by Digiday in a touching memorial post. Between building Vine and HQ together, the pair have reimagined mobile entertainment, giving millions a chance to show off their wits and creativity. “He had this incredible ability to make everyone feel special. He listened well. He thought deeply. But above all, he cared about people more than work. The driving force behind his innovations was the positive impact they would have on people and world. Colin’s innovations and inventions have changed many people’s lives for the better and will continue to impact the world for years to come.”
HQ Trivia’s co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll passed away earlier this month
How To Play HQ Words
In HQ Words, players compete live to solve word puzzles by correctly choosing what letters are hidden. You can find the game inside the existing HQ Trivia iOS and Android apps. Host Anna Roisman pluckily provides a clue and then dispenses hints as the 25-second timer for each puzzle counts down. If the clue is “gemstone” and you’re shown “_ _ _ m _ _ _”, you’ll have to tap D, I, A, O, and N in any order. Choose three wrong letters or fail to fill out the words and you lose. You’ll spin a wheel before the game starts to get one letter that’s automatically revealed each round.
Make it through ten rounds and you and other winners get a cut of the cash prize, with the three who solved the puzzles fastest scoring a bigger chunk of the jackpot. The startup earns money through selling you extra lives inside Words, though it will probably feature sponsored games and product placement like Trivia does to pull in marketing dollars. Words will go live daily at 6:30pm pacific after Trivia’s 6:00 game, so you can turn it into HQ hour with family and friends.
HQ Words is much more frenetic than Trivia. Rather than picking a single answer, you have to rapidly tap letters through a combination of educated and uneducated guesses. That means it really does feel more interactive since you’re not sitting for minutes with just a sole answer tap to keep you awake. And because it doesn’t require deep and broad trivia knowledge, Words could appeal to a wider audience. The spinner also adds an element of pure luck, as a weaker player who gets to auto-reveal a vowel might fare better than a wiser player who gets stuck with a “Z” like I always seem to.
Fill In The Blank
The concern is that at its core, Words is still quite similar to Trivia. They’re both real-time, elimination round-based knowledge games played against everyone for money. Both at times feel like they use cheap tricks to eliminate you. A recent Words puzzle asked you to name a noisy instrument, but the answer wasn’t “kazoo” but “buzzing kazoo” — something I’m not sure anyone has ever formally called it. Given the faster pace of interaction, even tiny glitches or moments of lag can be enough to make you lose a round. An HQ Words beta game earlier this week failed to show some users the keyboard, causing mass elimination. The pressure to get HQ’s engineering working flawlessly has never been higher.
The phrasing of some HQ Words answers seems like a stretch
HQ originally agreed to let TechCrunch interview Kroll about what makes Words different enough to change the startup’s momentum. Yusupov was supposed to fill in after Kroll was sadly found dead last Friday of an apparent drug overdose. He later declined to talk or provide written responses. That’s understandable during this time of mourning and transition. But HQ will still need to build an answer into its app. Meanwhile, Chinese clones and US competitors have begun co-opting the live video quiz idea. Facebook has even built a game show platform for content makers to create their own.
HQ could benefit from a better onboarding experience that lets people play a sample game solo to get them hooked and tide them over until the next scheduled broadcast. Mini-games or ways to play along after you’re eliminated could boost total view time and the value of brand sponsorships. A “quiet mode” that silences the between-round chatter and distills HQ to just the questions and puzzles might make it easier to play while multi-tasking. Head-to-head versions of Trivia and Words might help HQ feel more intimate, and there’s an opportunity to integrate peer-to-peer gambling like ProveIt trivia. And branching out beyond knowledge games into more social or arcade-style titles would counter the idea that HQ is just for brainiacs.
Around the height of HQ’s popularity it raised a $15 million funding round at a $100 million valuation. That seems justified given HQ will reportedly earn around $10 million in revenue this year. Gamers are fickle, though, and today’s Fortnite can wind up tomorrow’s Pokemon Go — a flash in the pan that fizzles out. Words is a great bridge to a world outside of Trivia, but HQ must evolve not just iterate.
from Social – TechCrunch https://tcrn.ch/2EL83O1 Original Content From: https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
HQ Trivia launches HQ Words tonight under reinstalled CEO
HQ’s expansion beyond trivia emerges from beta tonight, but the question is whether it’s different and accessible enough to revive the startup’s growth. HQ Words opens to everyone with today’s 6:30pm pacific broadcast within the HQ Trivia app after several weeks of closed beta testing of the Wheel Of Fortune-style game. The launch will be the first big move of Rus Yusupov now that’s been officially renamed CEO a week after the tragic death of fellow co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll, HQ confirms to TechCrunch.
“Intermedia Labs introduced the world to a category defining product, HQ Trivia. Once again, with HQ Words, Intermedia Labs is poised to captivate the world with a revolutionary experience that will bring people together in new ways around live mobile video” Yusupov tells us. “HQ Words is the most interactive experience we’ve ever made.”
Kroll’s passing comes at a tough time for HQ. Its daily player count has declined since it became a phenomenon a year ago. The novelty has begun to wear off, and with so many experienced trivia whizzes, cash jackpots are often split between enough people that winners only get a few bucks. Interrupting your days or nights to play at a particular time can be inconvenient compared to the legions of always-available other games. Yusupov, who was HQ’s CEO until Kroll took over in September, will have to figure out what will attract casual crosswords players and those who flocked to Zynga’s Words With Friends — the kind of disruptive thinking Kroll excelled at.
“Colin and I shared many incredible life moments over the last 7 years. We embarked on an incredible journey co-founding two breakthrough companies together – and the lessons we learned at Vine and HQ will continue to have a big impact on me. Like many relationships, we’ve also had our challenges – but it was during these challenging times that Colin’s kind soul and big heart would truly shine” Yusupov wrote in a statement about his co-founder that was originally published by Digiday in a touching memorial post. Between building Vine and HQ together, the pair have reimagined mobile entertainment, giving millions a chance to show off their wits and creativity. “He had this incredible ability to make everyone feel special. He listened well. He thought deeply. But above all, he cared about people more than work. The driving force behind his innovations was the positive impact they would have on people and world. Colin’s innovations and inventions have changed many people’s lives for the better and will continue to impact the world for years to come.”
HQ Trivia’s co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll passed away earlier this month
How To Play HQ Words
In HQ Words, players compete live to solve word puzzles by correctly choosing what letters are hidden. You can find the game inside the existing HQ Trivia iOS and Android apps. Host Anna Roisman pluckily provides a clue and then dispenses hints as the 25-second timer for each puzzle counts down. If the clue is “gemstone” and you’re shown “_ _ _ m _ _ _”, you’ll have to tap D, I, A, O, and N in any order. Choose three wrong letters or fail to fill out the words and you lose. You’ll spin a wheel before the game starts to get one letter that’s automatically revealed each round.
Make it through ten rounds and you and other winners get a cut of the cash prize, with the three who solved the puzzles fastest scoring a bigger chunk of the jackpot. The startup earns money through selling you extra lives inside Words, though it will probably feature sponsored games and product placement like Trivia does to pull in marketing dollars. Words will go live daily at 6:30pm pacific after Trivia’s 6:00 game, so you can turn it into HQ hour with family and friends.
HQ Words is much more frenetic than Trivia. Rather than picking a single answer, you have to rapidly tap letters through a combination of educated and uneducated guesses. That means it really does feel more interactive since you’re not sitting for minutes with just a sole answer tap to keep you awake. And because it doesn’t require deep and broad trivia knowledge, Words could appeal to a wider audience. The spinner also adds an element of pure luck, as a weaker player who gets to auto-reveal a vowel might fare better than a wiser player who gets stuck with a “Z” like I always seem to.
Fill In The Blank
The concern is that at its core, Words is still quite similar to Trivia. They’re both real-time, elimination round-based knowledge games played against everyone for money. Both at times feel like they use cheap tricks to eliminate you. A recent Words puzzle asked you to name a noisy instrument, but the answer wasn’t “kazoo” but “buzzing kazoo” — something I’m not sure anyone has ever formally called it. Given the faster pace of interaction, even tiny glitches or moments of lag can be enough to make you lose a round. An HQ Words beta game earlier this week failed to show some users the keyboard, causing mass elimination. The pressure to get HQ’s engineering working flawlessly has never been higher.
The phrasing of some HQ Words answers seems like a stretch
HQ originally agreed to let TechCrunch interview Kroll about what makes Words different enough to change the startup’s momentum. Yusupov was supposed to fill in after Kroll was sadly found dead last Friday of an apparent drug overdose. He later declined to talk or provide written responses. That’s understandable during this time of mourning and transition. But HQ will still need to build an answer into its app. Meanwhile, Chinese clones and US competitors have begun co-opting the live video quiz idea. Facebook has even built a game show platform for content makers to create their own.
HQ could benefit from a better onboarding experience that lets people play a sample game solo to get them hooked and tide them over until the next scheduled broadcast. Mini-games or ways to play along after you’re eliminated could boost total view time and the value of brand sponsorships. A “quiet mode” that silences the between-round chatter and distills HQ to just the questions and puzzles might make it easier to play while multi-tasking. Head-to-head versions of Trivia and Words might help HQ feel more intimate, and there’s an opportunity to integrate peer-to-peer gambling like ProveIt trivia. And branching out beyond knowledge games into more social or arcade-style titles would counter the idea that HQ is just for brainiacs.
Around the height of HQ’s popularity it raised a $15 million funding round at a $100 million valuation. That seems justified given HQ will reportedly earn around $10 million in revenue this year. Gamers are fickle, though, and today’s Fortnite can wind up tomorrow’s Pokemon Go — a flash in the pan that fizzles out. Words is a great bridge to a world outside of Trivia, but HQ must evolve not just iterate.
Via Josh Constine https://techcrunch.com
0 notes

Organized retailing is a latest and ongoing advancement. It refers to the trading activities of licensed retailers who are registered for income tax, sales tax etc. These include retail chains and hypermarkets backed by corporates and privately-owned retail businesses. With socioeconomic factors playing out a crucial role in the buildup to organized retailing, India is currently standing on the threshold of a retail revolution.
The Retail Industry is one of the rapidly evolving industries that is replete with vibrancy and dynamism. It has significantly reinforced the economic growth and development of our country in a very short span of time.
Varying demographic patterns, improving economic prosperity, increasing disposable incomes, proliferating Indian manufacturing firms and changing consumer likes and preferences are key to driving success in the domain of Indian organized retail sector.
Here are 9 top factors at the helm of the rise of organized retailing.
1. Ascent of consumerism
With the stupendous rise in consumerism, the retailer is challenged with a more intelligent and demanding consumer. As a business exists with the prime objective to placate consumer needs and preferences, the amplifying consumer expectation has compelled the retail companies to change the business model of their retail trade. Consumer demand, comfort, convenience, time and location are the critical decision makers for the evolution and expansion of organized retailing in India.
2. Rise in the number of middle-class consumers
The recent years have observed a rapid growth in the number of middle-class consumers. The burgeoning demands, better disposable income among the consumers and improvements in infrastructure have offered the retail industry an elbow room to develop and flourish.
The consumers expect the finest quality products at affordable prices. Offering a broad variety of goods and value-added services to the consumers is what modern retailers strategize on.
The development of consumerism that has predominantly enlarged the consumer markets and accelerated the confluence of consumer tastes would be a vital success driver for Indian organized retail.
3. Increase in the number of working women
The modern Indian women are literate, knowledgeable and qualified. They keep up an excellent balance between their home and work. The buying propensity of working women is out-and-out different from the homemakers. Because of their time constraint for leisure and relaxation, they insist on engaging in a seamless one-stop shopping experience to satiate their needs and the whole shebang under one roof which the ultra-modern retail outlets offer.
4. More value for money
Numerous dealers and distributors in India from the organized retail sector are able to appreciate the economies of production and distribution in large scale. They lean on eliminating intermediaries in their distribution channel. In addition, organized retailers provide decent quality products at acceptable prices. The tempting open door for ample profit is increasingly attracting entrepreneurs to enter into this breeding sector by setting up retail companies in India.
5. Emergence of the rural market
In the present times, the rural market in India is confronting fierce competition in the retail sector as well. The rural consumers have also become extremely quality conscious. To capitalize on this development organized retailers are creating new strategies to fulfill and deliver the needs of the rural customers. After agriculture, it’s the retail industry that is growing a deep penetration into rural India and proving to be the country’s next big source of employment.
6. Entry of the corporate sector
Eminent business moguls like Tata, Birla, Reliance etc. have entered and taken the retail sector by storm. They provide products and entertainment with quality par excellence. Other prominent corporates like ITC, Piramal, RPG Enterprises and retail heavyweights like Shopper’s Stop, Pantaloons and Crosswords have completely revolutionized the Indian retail landscape.
7. Ingress of foreign retailers
The Indian retail sector has caught the attention of even foreign retailers like never before. Because of considerable liberalization, many well-known multinationals are poised to make successful inroads through moneymaking joint ventures and franchising thereby majorly boosting organized retailing.
Case in point is the world-renowned furniture retail giant Ikea that has recently opened its colossal 400000-square-foot retail store in Hyderabad. Ikea is “get up and go” to fulfill its ambitions in expanding their footfall in other metros like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore in the next couple of years. The company has plans to set up around 25 stores by 2025.
8. Technological impact
Technological innovation is a dynamic aspect that has propelled organized retailing to greater heights. With the influx of digital information system, internet, explosion in electronic and social media, satellite television, digital marketing and popular unique technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, bar coding, Blockchain etc. have not only increased consumer awareness about products and services but also enabled retailers to sell online products in a transparent and profitable manner.
9. Upsurge in average income
The rise in literacy level has come about in an increase in the average income of the general populace. This growth is observed not just in cities, but in towns and rural areas as well. Increase in income levels, heightened spending habits and enhanced literacy rate among consumers have led to the genesis of a new retail structure to meet the ever-growing demands for improved quality goods and services.
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HQ’s expansion beyond trivia emerges from beta tonight, but the question is whether it’s different and accessible enough to revive the startup’s growth. HQ Words opens to everyone with today’s 6:30pm pacific broadcast within the HQ Trivia app after several weeks of closed beta testing of the Wheel Of Fortune-style game. The launch will be the first big move of Rus Yusupov now that’s been officially renamed CEO a week after the tragic death of fellow co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll, HQ confirms to TechCrunch.
“Intermedia Labs introduced the world to a category defining product, HQ Trivia. Once again, with HQ Words, Intermedia Labs is poised to captivate the world with a revolutionary experience that will bring people together in new ways around live mobile video” Yusupov tells us. “HQ Words is the most interactive experience we’ve ever made.”
Kroll’s passing comes at a tough time for HQ. Its daily player count has declined since it became a phenomenon a year ago. The novelty has begun to wear off, and with so many experienced trivia whizzes, cash jackpots are often split between enough people that winners only get a few bucks. Interrupting your days or nights to play at a particular time can be inconvenient compared to the legions of always-available other games. Yusupov, who was HQ’s CEO until Kroll took over in September, will have to figure out what will attract casual crosswords players and those who flocked to Zynga’s Words With Friends — the kind of disruptive thinking Kroll excelled at.
“Colin and I shared many incredible life moments over the last 7 years. We embarked on an incredible journey co-founding two breakthrough companies together – and the lessons we learned at Vine and HQ will continue to have a big impact on me. Like many relationships, we’ve also had our challenges – but it was during these challenging times that Colin’s kind soul and big heart would truly shine” Yusupov wrote in a statement about his co-founder that was originally published by Digiday in a touching memorial post. Between building Vine and HQ together, the pair have reimagined mobile entertainment, giving millions a chance to show off their wits and creativity. “He had this incredible ability to make everyone feel special. He listened well. He thought deeply. But above all, he cared about people more than work. The driving force behind his innovations was the positive impact they would have on people and world. Colin’s innovations and inventions have changed many people’s lives for the better and will continue to impact the world for years to come.”
HQ Trivia’s co-founder and former CEO Colin Kroll passed away earlier this month
How To Play HQ Words
In HQ Words, players compete live to solve word puzzles by correctly choosing what letters are hidden. You can find the game inside the existing HQ Trivia iOS and Android apps. Host Anna Roisman pluckily provides a clue and then dispenses hints as the 25-second timer for each puzzle counts down. If the clue is “gemstone” and you’re shown “_ _ _ m _ _ _”, you’ll have to tap D, I, A, O, and N in any order. Choose three wrong letters or fail to fill out the words and you lose. You’ll spin a wheel before the game starts to get one letter that’s automatically revealed each round.
Make it through ten rounds and you and other winners get a cut of the cash prize, with the three who solved the puzzles fastest scoring a bigger chunk of the jackpot. The startup earns money through selling you extra lives inside Words, though it will probably feature sponsored games and product placement like Trivia does to pull in marketing dollars. Words will go live daily at 6:30pm pacific after Trivia’s 6:00 game, so you can turn it into HQ hour with family and friends.
HQ Words is much more frenetic than Trivia. Rather than picking a single answer, you have to rapidly tap letters through a combination of educated and uneducated guesses. That means it really does feel more interactive since you’re not sitting for minutes with just a sole answer tap to keep you awake. And because it doesn’t require deep and broad trivia knowledge, Words could appeal to a wider audience. The spinner also adds an element of pure luck, as a weaker player who gets to auto-reveal a vowel might fare better than a wiser player who gets stuck with a “Z” like I always seem to.
Fill In The Blank
The concern is that at its core, Words is still quite similar to Trivia. They’re both real-time, elimination round-based knowledge games played against everyone for money. Both at times feel like they use cheap tricks to eliminate you. A recent Words puzzle asked you to name a noisy instrument, but the answer wasn’t “kazoo” but “buzzing kazoo” — something I’m not sure anyone has ever formally called it. Given the faster pace of interaction, even tiny glitches or moments of lag can be enough to make you lose a round. An HQ Words beta game earlier this week failed to show some users the keyboard, causing mass elimination. The pressure to get HQ’s engineering working flawlessly has never been higher.
The phrasing of some HQ Words answers seems like a stretch
HQ originally agreed to let TechCrunch interview Kroll about what makes Words different enough to change the startup’s momentum. Yusupov was supposed to fill in after Kroll was sadly found dead last Friday of an apparent drug overdose. He later declined to talk or provide written responses. That’s understandable during this time of mourning and transition. But HQ will still need to build an answer into its app. Meanwhile, Chinese clones and US competitors have begun co-opting the live video quiz idea. Facebook has even built a game show platform for content makers to create their own.
HQ could benefit from a better onboarding experience that lets people play a sample game solo to get them hooked and tide them over until the next scheduled broadcast. Mini-games or ways to play along after you’re eliminated could boost total view time and the value of brand sponsorships. A “quiet mode” that silences the between-round chatter and distills HQ to just the questions and puzzles might make it easier to play while multi-tasking. Head-to-head versions of Trivia and Words might help HQ feel more intimate, and there’s an opportunity to integrate peer-to-peer gambling like ProveIt trivia. And branching out beyond knowledge games into more social or arcade-style titles would counter the idea that HQ is just for brainiacs.
Around the height of HQ’s popularity it raised a $15 million funding round at a $100 million valuation. That seems justified given HQ will reportedly earn around $10 million in revenue this year. Gamers are fickle, though, and today’s Fortnite can wind up tomorrow’s Pokemon Go — a flash in the pan that fizzles out. Words is a great bridge to a world outside of Trivia, but HQ must evolve not just iterate.
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