#big brother drake is both protective but also very lenient and trusts nami to take care of herself
tsvaling · 8 years
Heyo kagehime3, hope you are doing fine. You know, because of you I totally ship drakexnami as siblings. It is just so cute. What do you think would be Drake's reaction when Law,Kid,Killer,Zoro or Ace would propose to Nami and which position would he have during the wedding? :)
I love you so much for this question. Honestly, I love anyone who has taken to my sibling headcanon. Big brother Drake is just so much fun to imagine, especially with a little sister like Nami.
So, how would he react to Nami getting engaged/married to the following men -
Law: Oh boy. He is... not happy, but grudgingly accepts it, with a lot of glares promising an excruciating death to Law if he breaks Nami’s heart. He honestly really does not like Law. There is too much history there and their ‘friendship’ is very complicated, to say the least. But, if he makes Nami happy, then that’s all that matters to him... Though, he’s really not looking forward to calling him his brother-in-law; will probably actively avoid doing so as much as possible. Law will avoid calling him his brother-in-law, too, unless Drake is there and then he does it just to annoy him. He likes to slowly whittle away at Drake’s patience. His favorite pastime, lol.At the wedding, it sort of depends on what sort of relationship he has with Nami. If they had a childhood together, he is definitely the one to give her away, and he’ll make sure to break Law’s hand and whisper a very detailed threat in his ear when he hands her off. Probably wear that rare, blood-thirsty grin he only saves for an enemy. Law is not fazed. But, if they were separated for most of their lives, then Drake probably won’t be able to give her away (either Genzo or Luffy would, and each will pass along their own threats in their own unique ways). Drake will be relegated to sit and watch and glare, maybe imagine tearing Law’s head off. No one will know that’s what he’s thinking, save for Law, because he knows Drake well enough to know he wants to murder him, and it will only make the day that much better for him.
Kid: Okay, so this one, surprisingly, he’s torn on. He actually grudgingly kind of likes Kid? He doesn’t understand why, neither does Kid, they just... get along... most of the time. Drake is far better at controlling his temper than Kid, but he understands that side of Kid, and even gets the reason Kid has so many anger issues. He does not like it, but he understands it, and after some time he has realized that despite that temper, Nami is perfectly safe with Kid because he would never, ever, ever take his anger out on her, and will murder anyone that hurts her just as viciously as Drake would. They also have a lot of similar interests (other than their mutual care for Nami). Kid loves robots and sci-fi stuff, Drake is all about astrophysics and has his own love of sci-fi. Kid has a really eclectic taste in music, but prefers rock, and Drake really likes classic rock (and actually some pop and R&B, he’s pretty eclectic, too), so they’ve got a lot of overlap in music taste. So, as long as Kid keeps his temper in check and doesn’t put his foot in his mouth while talking about Nami (i.e. doesn’t mention anything vulgar), they actually get along and have a pretty civil bond. So when Kid proposes, Drake isn’t too put off about it, but at the same time he just isn’t sure how to feel about it because he does worry about Nami in that sort of relationship. Also, with how intensely Kid feels things, he worries about a possible future with children thrown in the mix, and even if Kid is a great dad while Nami is around, what happens if something takes her from them? What if Kid starts taking his anger out on their children the same way his father turned on him? So, Drake really isn’t sure, but he does his best to be supportive. He might take Kid aside and try to give a clear warning that if there is any sign of abuse or something bad happens to Nami, Drake will be there to correct the situation or keep it from descending into the same crap he went through. This might result in a fight, but hopefully after they beat the shit out of each other, they come to a good understanding of how things will be.At the wedding, if Drake gives her away, he will still try to pass along his threat and break Kid’s hand because he’s an overprotective big bro, even if they reached an understanding. But, Kid will turn right around and try to break Drake’s hand, too. They will probably stand there for like 10 minutes ‘shaking hands’ with these malicious grins while Nami is just sighing because this is the stupidest show of macho-ism and she thought Drake was better than this. If Drake doesn’t give her away, he’s a little more chill while watching the ceremony. Might still glare at Kid. Depends on if he was somehow seated next to Law, because Law will probably spend the whole ceremony making comments under his breath, just loud enough for Drake to hear, that poke at his anxieties and temper.
Killer: Drake knew this was coming because Killer gave him a warning, might have asked for his blessing (along with Genzo’s, Nojiko’s, and Luffy’s - he is a traditionalist in some ways). So, he had some time to process this before Nami broke the news that they were engaged. For the most part he is okay with Killer. He has a really even temperament, even if he is just as violent as his best friend. He’s reasonable and intelligent and also a really good cook (Killer might have purposefully won Drake’s approval by feeding him). Drake doesn’t feel as much of a need to pass along a warning to Killer, but he still does, just because he feels it’s his responsibility as Nami’s only biological family.Still lots of glaring at the wedding, even if he’s generally okay with it. Might end up getting into a fight with Kid because of it, because as best man, Kid will not tolerate anyone glaring at his best friend, even if that person is the bride’s brother.
Zoro: Actually the one he is most okay with, probably. (Might be my bias, though, so take this with a grain of salt, lol). Zoro is too cool, but also a gigantic dork, so it is hard to hate him. Also, Nami’s got such a good handle on Zoro that he doesn’t need to worry about her safety with him. He also knows that Zoro is very protective of her, but knows what she is capable of and trusts her to take care of herself most of the time, so let’s her have her independence while still having her back. Drake knows that have an innate understanding, even if they spend a lot of time arguing, there is no real malice in their arguments, it’s just the easiest way for them to communicate when they disagree and they usually come to find common ground in the process, or at least agree to disagree and have no bad feelings about it.If Drake gives her away at the wedding, he will hold the handshake a little longer than necessary and he and Zoro will glare at each other. The glaring is a silent conversation that only they understand and they break the handshake with curt nods to convey their silent agreement on whatever they ’discussed’. Again, Nami stands there and rolls her eyes, but lets it go.
Ace: He’s also pretty okay with Ace. Luffy fully vouched for Ace, which helps. Even Garp had positive things to say about him, and Drake has a lot of respect for Garp, so that helped ease his worries. Ace also got his blessing beforehand, which gave him a lot of bonus points in winning Drake’s favor. He’s really just so honest and polite, it is hard for Drake to even try to dislike him. And he takes his roll as Luffy’s big brother seriously, which means he is very responsible and prioritizes his family, so he will undoubtedly take his role as Nami’s husband seriously and shower her with a lot of love and adoration and will also be fiercely protective of her.Again, no words will need to be said if he gives Nami away. Ace will already understand and will probably just give Drake a huge grin and laugh, might even hug him which will make him forget all about trying to threaten Ace. He’ll spend the ceremony too confused about that hug to glare.
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