#big brother coe :3
ask-joe-caine · 5 months
aki probably died
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starsurface · 7 months
Politely asking for regressor Bi Han from mk1 headcanons please :)
I almost feel bad, you asked so politely and I'm warning you now, some of these are kinda sad . . . <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ Regresses to about 2-3, sometimes older though
❄️ Involuntarily regressed for the longest time and it terrified him, started regressing when he was about 13
❄️ Did not do CGs for the longest time
❄️ It wasn't until Kuai Liang and Tomas began regressing with or around him that he even thought about
❄️ And even then, you gotta be really, really close to him
❄️ Grew up with a constant fear in mind that someone will walk in, some one will catch him, someone will hurt him while he's vulnerable
❄️ Personal Headcanon that'll effect the rest of my requests: I don't think Bi-Han is a horrible brother. Not a good one, he definitely doesn't like Tomas. But Tomas will glare back at him and mouths him back, things people don't do to abusers.
❄️ ^ I think in the scene where we saw them fight that Bi-Han took it a bit too hard, because yes, Tomas did look genuinely hurt. But I've said things that hurt my own brother before and didn't apologize until later.
❄️ ^ Unfortunately they with both children forced into a terrible situation with no say of their own
❄️ Now, back onto regression hcs-
❄️ Tomas was the first one who found him regressed and it was one of the few times Tomas had ever seen Bi-Han cry
❄️ They were angry tears, and he didn't speak to Tomas for days later, but eventually Tomas sat them both down and they ‘spoke’ (Bi-Han didn't say much, but Tomas found some fruit on his bedside table the next day with a note that only said Bi-Han's name)
❄️ Tomas, Kuai Liang, and himself are his most preferred CGs >:/
❄️ (^ He's had some babysitters, but it took a couple of playdates to even think of it)
❄️ Actually really likes it when Raiden watches him because Raidens really calm and can handle young regressors really well
❄️ ^ Does NOT like hanging out with Kung Lao when hes also small though, he makes too much of a ruckus!! >:(
❄️ Very grumpy baby
❄️ Won't tell you what's wrong, he'll just pout and glare and have tears in his eyes as he stares at the floor
❄️ It can be a bit frustrating, but he knows your doing your best and will cuddle up to you out of apologies
❄️ Lashes out a lot while small
❄️ The easiest things can set him off into a fit of screaming and hitting
❄️ Please don't leave him during this time, just let him act out for a few minutes before hiccuping and looking up at you in shame
❄️ You have to tell him that he's still a good boy, but that's not how we handle our very big and negative emotions
❄️ Experiment with different ways to work with his feelings (blowing finger candles is his personal favorite, but he also thinks it's too silly for him so you have to prompt it)
❄️ No is his favorite and least favorite word
❄️ Hates hearing it from you, but loves hearing it himself
❄️ Hissy fits are also common where he'll stomp his foot and scowl
❄️ Although the softest coe and asking him what's making him all upset makes him melt very quickly and sheepishly whisper what's wrong
❄️ If he's verbally communicating, his voice is very quiet, but he's trying
❄️ Doesn't like watching cartoons but will do so if it means he can cuddle you for a long period of time
❄️ Pulls a Liu Kang and refuses to regress for weeks on end until he drops incredibly hard and is totally dependent on someone (he hates it)
❄️ ^ Kuai Liang and Tomas are working on him with it, don't you worry
❄️ Once had such a stressful week and pushed back his regression for so long that he regressed really young for almost three days straight
❄️ ^ It was also kinda his eye opening that maybe he needed to change some habits of his
❄️ It's a struggle to let himself be vulnerable at times so he'll demand that he changes the channel or cooks his own food
❄️ But only gets more frustrated with himself that he can't do any of the stuff!! >:(
❄️ Just gently shush him and tell him that he doesn't have to be all big and strong anymore, he can be a baby, it's okay
❄️ When he's not throwing a tantrum or having a hissy fit, a pretty good boy
❄️ Pouty, scowly, but also constantly seeks your attention and praise
❄️ Cuddly, but he has to reach out first
❄️ Doesn't speak much unless he has a complaint or is upset, he just doesn't like talking while small
❄️ Unless its a complaint, will complain about everything you do because it's ‘not right’, like putting his goldfish in the wrong bowl and flat out refusing to eat out of them now
❄️ Tell him you don't like being birrated, and his complaining will go to more whiney because he doesn't want to make you feel bad
❄️ He knows he's a lot to handle while regressed, especially if he's had a bad day, and will buy you things when he's bigger as a thanks
❄️ I know it's frustrating at times, but don't yell at him please
❄️ He hates it, he despises yelling, it terrifies him
❄️ Can't do punishments either
❄️ ^ Either of these could cause him to withdraw from you while he's small, and maybe even big
❄️ (Although if all you did was slightly raise your voice when he was upset, he won't entirely run away, he knows it was probably an accident)
❄️ Sitting down, talking about what's wrong, maybe even writing it all out and tearing up the paper later, that's what he'd prefer
❄️ And he is getting better as time goes on, it's really rough at first, but eventually he'll go more for his blowing candles and paper ripping than full on screaming and hitting
❄️ Favorite little nicknames are Snowflake, Sweetie, Baby Boy, Little One, Tough Guy, and Icey
❄️ Favorite little activity has to be reading his nursery rhyme book and cuddling
❄️ Doesn't have any regression items, it too scared to actually own any
❄️ But he has this thick nursery rhyme book that he really likes you to read to him
❄️ Please do voices, it makes him really happy and smiley 🥺
❄️ If you ever got him a paci, he might freak at first, but he does adore it
❄️ Although he'll only use it with his mask on so you can't see
❄️ Although one day he sheepishly used it without his mask, only to hide in your neck
❄️ Your his CG, and he loves you, and he's very thankful to have you in his life <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love him, I do, but Pookie over here needs to learn how to heal a little bit. He's doing great though (I'm my own mind :3)
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
would you be interested in writing an emily prentiss x fem or gn reader fic? something along the lines of domesticity in the morning (getting kids ready for school, breakfast etc.) or if you’d like, emily and partner visiting the BAU with their newborn child and their other little cuties. i just have this reoccurring dream about this absolute fluff every night 😩🫶
The Dream
*Authors note~ first attempt at some fluff for this stunning lady <3 oc children Matthew and Delilah are mine*
Trigger warning~  fluff? Fem reader
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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It wasn't uncommon for you to awake in the morning to her side of the bed empty, after all her hours at work were certainly unpredictable. Emily always made sure to leave you a little note somewhere for you to find. A little tradition she started when you moved in. One that you loved very much. Normally you'd be heading into work with her, both of you working at the BAU only your job being desk work only. That being said you were extremely close to Penelope Garcia.
Your alarm rang out through the room as you grumbled shuffling to shut it off, your post pregnancy belly no where near as big as you were pre birth but still taking some adjusting to. You'd given birth two weeks ago, Emily had two weeks home from the FBI to be with you and your little family. Your son Matthew being only four years old really enjoyed his mama being home, you knew the cases were tough on him sometimes and alongside getting a sibling it was only natural you worried. But he adjusted perfectly to his baby sister and those glorious two weeks seemed to flyby. Today would be your first day without Emily, Matthew had school and you were still adjusting to your daughter's schedule, yet you were confident you could manage.
As if on cue Matthew made his way to your room, small little knocks sounded before her peeped his little head round the doorway. "Momma?" He whispered and you couldn't help but admire just how much he looked like your wife. "Hey buddy, wanna come up for a minute?" You offered and he immediately joined you in bed to snuggle, your usual routine. Delilah your newborn wailed out in hunger and you knew your morning snuggles would be over, Matthew was such a good big brother wiling to help with care for Delilah instantly. You did everything for her, she was fed and changed before you placed her in the rocking chair in your living room.
Delilah settled you made Matthew some breakfast and got him into his uniform, how had your baby grown so much? Once he was settled, dressed, teeth brushed, shoes and coat on you put the television on for him and checked on his sister before somehow managing to get yourself ready for the day. What was an even bigger win was you managed to snag a banana for breakfast before needing to leave. Challenge number two would be getting both children in the car and hopefully keeping Delilah asleep.
With both children secured in the car and the house locked up you double checked you had everything you needed. Only when you were sure you left to take Matthew to school. Delilah sat in the carrier on your chest as you walked him into his class and placed a kiss into his raven curls. Ever the sweetheart he placed a sweet kiss on your cheek and his sister before running off to find his friends. So far so good. Your daughter still remained asleep on your chest as you made you way back to the car to put her in her car seat. Your phone dinged as you finished buckling her in, triple checking it was completely safe before coming round to settle in your seat.
Hey love, do you fancy bringing my little god daughter in to the office? It's a slow day and truthfully miss grouchy is  missing you both. Don't tell her I said that! But we would all love to see you. Love you Y/n❤️
You knew you had enough of everything to make the trip and sent off a quick reply informing Garcia to keep your arrival quiet before turning to Coe at your sleeping daughter, "shall we go see mama and the family sweet girl? They all can't wait to meet you." You knew she was a two week old infant so a reply was never coming but for some reason talking to her soothed you as you put the car into drive.
You hadn't seen the team since you left for maternity leave, they wanted to be present after the birth but unfortunately serial killers don't always have the best timing. So you stopped by the usual cafe and picked up the usual routine, some treats for the team, before heading over to the BAU. As you arrived your daughter began to stir so you made sure to soothe all her needs, knowing the team would all want to hold her. Only when she was fed changed and swaddled in her fluffy lavender blanket and wearing her matching little hat did you make your way to find Garcia cradling your daughter and carrying the bag of goodies.
After a quick hug from your friend she was instantly cooing over the sleeping infant that you cradled in your arms. It didn’t take long for the other team members to spot you in the briefing room and come to investigate, happy words and smiles exchanged as each came to get a peak at your daughter. The last person to join you was your wife, you could tell by the way she walked she wasn’t happy, but that all melted away the moment she laid eyes on you and her daughter. “Darling?” She exclaimed coming to hug you from an angle and whispering, “I missed you.” The hug was carful and it allowed Emily to look at the sleeping baby in your arms, a finger tracing over her chubby cheeks.
You handed her over to your wife in order to give out the goodies while the others observed how gentle Emily became. Your daughter waking with the now full room causing Emily to bring her up to her shoulder and stroke her back, talking to her as if there was no one else present, “hey little love bug, I missed you sweet girl you being good for momma? Oh it’s okay lilah these are all your aunts and uncles little one. They all love you so much.” You smiled at the sight and nudged JJ whispering, “I know this is crazy but seeing that makes me want another” causing her to laugh and wonder if you even remembered the pain of birth while Garcia wrapped you in a hug and whispered, “make as many of them as you want Y/n, as long as Emily stays like that and I can love on them.” Here and now watching Emily tend to your daughter, being surrounded by your work colleagues who were practically family, knowing you’d go home to Matthew and your wife, life was perfect.
Word count 1192
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blamemma · 6 months
every book i read in march ( all seven!! of them - a good reading month)
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the lying life of adults by elena ferrante, 4* - ferrante sure does know the female psyche well. she pinpoints it just right every time. the way one small comment throws one teenage girls life into disarray was such a fun whirlwind to go down. a big fan of this one
the book of goose by yiyun lie, 2.5* - sigh. so much potential. the first 100 pages really did such phenomenal character development and i felt this book would have taken a very different route than it did. however in the end this felt choppy and as if li had chopped together two different novels into one
the mountain in the sea by ray nayler, 3* - another deep sigh from me on this one. so many interesting themes explored in this one, but only at the surface level. i think if nayler had stuck to the core story here, this would have been a really good novel. however the character jumps really made the book feel disjointed and the end felt very anti-climactic.
the covenant of water by abraham verghese, 4* - the first 500 pages of this was phenomenal. impeccable writing. gorgeous scene setting. quite, subdued, but wonderfully explored plot. and then due to spoiler i will not insert, the book loses its magic and its footing and from there you take a really weird turn. and the ending seemed to be there for shock factor and shock factor only. a real shame as this could have been a real steep contender for best books of the year if it hadn't of fallen apart in the last 200 pages.
cursed bread by sophie mackintosh, 3* - ummm what the fuck was that. no seriously. weird, sapphic love affair that is never actually a love affair. weird village happenings. questionable main characters. the recipe for a great book for me. mackintosh just really needed to hone in on those though and pick her scope better. left with far too many open ended questions at the end which made the book feel lazy. weird tho. interesting.
brother do you love me by manni coe and reuben coe, 5* - tears from the very beginning. oh this one will cut you deep. this one will make you question whether you are a good human or not. this was both devastating and heart-warming in so many ways. if you pick up one non-fiction this year i implore you to choose this one. especially if you live in the uk. it really challenges our care system and the way we treat those we deem to be different. i flew through this so quickly.
hurricane season by fernanda melchor. 2.5* - yeah im not even gunna try and explain this one. wtf.
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nijjhar · 11 months
COE headed by King is of the ruling Satan whilst the serving Salvation o... COE headed by the King is of the ruling Satan whilst the serving Salvation of righteousness is of God. https://youtu.be/bMyo0bcQ70c A tree is known for its fruit. If you apply this to the COE and the Salvation Army, you will know that Mammon and Media rule COE has nothing to do with God other than lip service. The Government departments are racist and no one will listen to you. If you know of any solicitors who handle racist cases, please. A tree is known for its fruit. The Racist COE is of Satan whilst the Salvation Army Brethren are of God. By Agape and righteousness, the fruit is known. https://youtu.be/3exPEKMArnY CHURCH OF ENGLAND IS AKIN TO SATAN WHILST SALVATION ARMY TO GOD. In Jesus, we have One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom. Christ in the name of Jesus came to deliver us the Gospel, the language of communication and praise our Father Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah, etc., Who dwells in His living Temple, our physical body, made not by human hands but by the greatest artist demiurge god of Nature called Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. And we worship our Father in truth and in spirit. That is why St. Peter killed two blasphemers Ananias and Sapphira, whose Temples were not built on the solid rock of truth but over sand that fell down on testing. The Temple of God is always built on the solid rock of truth for the person to stand in Public to proclaim Gospel in the holy spirit, “common sense” logically whilst the Temple of Satan is built on the sand of blasphemies that proclaims hypocrisies of Mammon. A typical example is the blasphemies of Tony Blair and Bush against the Holy Spirit that Saddam Hussein Thus, in Jesus, we are solitary virgin Brides of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus and our Father is within us, Emmanuel, so far we worship Him in truth and in spirit. With these criteria in our mind, let us vet in spirit the Church of England:- 1.    The head of the Church of England is King, who is also the head of Mammon in Great Britain whereas Jesus or His Virgin Brides, the Apostles were not hirelings at all. 2.    He is the defender of the faith in Mammon and his employees, the Bishops sit in the House of Lords to see that his will is enforced by the Priests of his Church of Mammon. 3.   Archbishops and their Priests are hireling Dog-Collared Priests who are employed in the manner of uniformed policemen. They retire and get pensions from Mammon. 4.    Priests are employed to deliver sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods such as the soldiers who died in defence or expansion of the Empire are proclaimed that they glorified God, our loving and merciful Father. 5.    Big Cathedrals like the St. Paul’s in London are built from the “Blood money” to honour the soldiers of Mammon whilst the men of God like our Brother William Booth are nowhere to be seen because he didn’t belong to this Fold of Mammon. 6.    No wonder hireling Church of England Priests are so proud and arrogant than the humble serving Church of Salvation Army Soldiers of Christ Jesus who died in the world wars for the King and Country. Salvation Army Officers who act as Ministers of Religion are paid very low salaries for their upkeep and they are more devoted to serving God than Mammon. 7.    Ideally, service to God is to be voluntary until the person dies. 8. A Samaritan man who picked up the wounded person and looked after him on a philanthropic basis is the ideal way to serve God. 9.    So, the nearest to God is the Salvation Army whilst to Mammon is the Church of England. 10.   In Jesus, we are Royal Priests who enjoy Fellowship that ponder over His Word, Gospel and how to serve people honestly. Jesus got rid of these neo-Rabbis in which Matt. 12v43-45 is fulfilled. In Matt. 13v24-30 is the Final Burning on 14 November 2023. On 14 May 2018, the USA President Donald Trump pressed the Button for the start of TRIBULATIONS that would last for FIVE years (the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well John 4) to intense conventional fighting for six months till ATOMIC WAR ON 14 NOVEMBER 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoCX5E8m-rQ https://youtu.be/JAWMnJ_yQ_w Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Blair and Bush's blasphemies against Holy Spirit are bearing Fruit in economic chaos created by Virus https://youtu.be/0WBYOmpDuCs American Jews are today – http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/nobility.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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colesmurf23 · 1 year
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(OC) Skylen Mario
Bio: Skylen Mario
Name: Skylen
Nickname: Skyy
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: April 14th
Species: Human
Relationship/Girlfriend: None Yet
Family Members: Marci (Mother) Mar (Father) Thurlow (Twin Brother) Luisinoho (Big Brother) Marimo (Big Brother) Estee (Baby Sister) Cole Toad (Sister in law) Noora (Niece) Maxwell (Nephew) Marlin (Nephew) Noel (Niece) Manfried (Nephew) Marlyssa (Nephew) Moses (Nephew) Micoletta (Niece) Nuna (Niece) Nea (Niece) Mickey (Nephew) Nerissa (Niece) Cloris (Younger Niece) Madea (Younger Niece) Olivia (Younger Niece) Luiggi (Younger Nephew) Luigina (Younger Niece) Clo (Younger Niece) Coe (Younger Nephew) Hailee (Youngest Niece) Cube (Youngest Nephew) Starr (Youngest Niece) Vicktoria (Sister in law) Jamarr (Brother in law) Victorio (Brother in law) Jamell (Brother in law) Jamesie (Brother in law) Victoire (Sister in law) Colette (Sister in law)
Personality: Scared,Friendly, Adventureses, Dreamer, Gamer, Helper, Shy, Sensitive
Friends: Scaredy Smurf Dreamy Smurf Brainy Smurf Smurf Willow Forest Hazel (Best Friend) Briggs Samia Clora Laurel (My bestie's oc) Roel (My bestie's oc) Ozzy (my bestie's oc) Henry (My bestie's oc and 2nd best friend) Sebastian (My bestie's oc) Kojo (Our oc and 3rd best friend) Melville (Our oc) Valentim (Our oc) Bion (Our oc) Josef (Our oc and 4th best friend) Pietro (5th best friend) Nathanael (My bestie's oc) Vivienne Torrin (Our oc and 6th best friend) Smithy (Our oc)
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Favorite Season: Summer And Spring
Favorite Holiday: 4th of July And Easter Sunday
Skylen is a very young man. He does alot of stuff with he's big brother. He really loves animals. And is very scared of ghost. (Just like he's big brother Luisino) He doesn't like to go around ghost houses. It really scares him alot. That's why he will always stick by his big brother's side. He really is scared of ghost. He enjoys flowers. and making friends. He love going on adventures. He love visiting Soda jungle. in the Mushroom Kingdom. He also enjoys swimming during the summer. And love swimming in world 3. He just needs to look out for the big fish. and one day. He will love to go with he's big Brother Marmio to Delfino Island. it's he's dream visiting that place during the summer days as well.
Skylen is the 3rd born. Of Maric and Mar. Skylen is really attached to he's big brother luisino. Skylen was born at a young age. Along with his little brother Thurlow. When Skylen grows up. He wanna be just like he's big brother Luisino. He wants to go on a ghost hunt. And save his twin brother. Just like Luisiho when he went to save his little brother Marmio. Skylen also love going on adventures with both he's big brothers. He doesn't wanna be in he's big brothers shadow. He really love playing video games. He mostly plays video games with his' brother. They also play mario Party Superstars as well. And one day, he wanna work with he's big brother Luisino in his shop. When he was a child/He also love his pet Hamster. He also love helping out he's mother Marci as well. Just like he's big brother.
Skylen belong to: me
Luigi Species: Nintendo
Art made by: me
He is part of my Mario AU, he is Marmion And Luisinoho's Younger Brother
#marionintendo #mario_nintendo #mariobros #mariofanart #marioau #referencesheet #reference_sheet #alternateuniverse #alternate_universe
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outoftowninac · 2 years
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The Other Rose is a play by George Middleton based on a French play by Edouard Bourdet. It was originally produced and directed by David Belasco, in association with William Harris Jr. It starred Fay Bainter as Rose Coe. Henry Hull was featured as Tony Mason. 
Playwright Middleton was a ‘Jersey Boy’, born in Paterson NJ in 1880. 
The play takes place at a cottage in Whale Harbor, Maine. 
Rose Coe, the 28 year-old daughter of a prematurely aged scientist, rents a cottage in Maine for herself, her father Professor Andrew Coe, and her 12 year-old brother Johnny, only to discover that Tony, the young son of the landlady did not intend it to be rented. It was, he said, a love shrine, where he had met the passion of his life the previous season; "the other Rose." He tries to put the new tenants out, with the unexpected consequences; love.”
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Fay Bainter (1892-1968) started acting on Broadway in 1912. This was the 8th of her 25 Broadway appearances. In Hollywood, she won an Academy Award for Jezebel (1938). 
"I don't think I have ever been as happy in a part as I am in playing Rose Coe. It is a real pleasure to play a modern American girl of such high ideals and one who is so essentially human in every respect. I regard Rose as a girl I would be very glad to know in real life. She is the sort I would like to have come and stay with me and I feel that her friendship would be distinctly worth while. There Is no affectation or pretense about Rose. She is sincere and honest and I try to play her in a natural, straightforward manner. My interest in her is unusually keen and I approach every performance with the desire to give my best that the audience may know and love her as I do. It is really delightful to be playing in such a charming romance as 'The Other Rose.'"
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Henry Hull (1890-1977) was ‘born in a trunk’ to a theatrical family. His father was once a press agent for David Belasco. In 1933, Hull created the role of Jeeter Lester in the long-running play Tobacco Road. He had started acting on Broadway at age 21. This was his 12th Rialto appearance. 
Rehearsals began on November 5th at the Belasco Theatre in NYC. This was Bainter’s first collaboration with Belasco. 
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The Other Rose opened at Nixon’s Apollo Theatre in Atlantic City on December 3, 1923. After AC, the play traveled to DC, holding forth at the National.  
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The Other Rose opened on Broadway at the Morosco Theatre on December 20, 1923.  
ABOUT THE VENUE: The Morosco Theatre (217 West 45th Street) was built in 1917 and named for theatre manager Oliver Morosco. In 1982, despite protests, it was razed to make way for the Marriott hotel. 
"’The Other Rose' is an obvious play but it is a sweet play nevertheless. In this day of stark, forthright realism, one should be thankful for a sweet play. Perhaps, if you are a bit old-fashioned, you will wish that there were more of them. I do.” ~ BRETT PAGE
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“There are no surprises and no big moments. But there are many laughs.” ~ BURNS MANTLE
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“Poor Miss Bainter was obliged to waste her valuable time on a role that could have played by an amateur.” ~ ALAN DALE
The Other Rose ran for 84 performances, closing in March 1923.  Four months later, Bainter gave birth to her only child, Reginald S. Venable Jr.
“I was only a raw girl, with no better sense than to ape Mrs. Fiske in everything she did.” ~ FAY BAINTER, about her youthful stage work 
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In 1947, Bainter reteamed with Hull as Ida Lupino’s parents in the film Deep Valley. Nearly 25 years after first meeting, Rose and Tony were reunited. 
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rivercityreveille · 3 years
River City Reveille Playlist- Sept. 9 & 14
Somewhere Between- Willie Nelson Walk All Over God's Heaven- Don Bryant All for the Love of Sunshine- Hank Williams Jr.
Mother Blues- Ray Wylie Hubbard Walls (No. 3)- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Wicked, Twisted Road- Reckless Kelly
Bye Bye Love- George Harrison Me Oh My- Tre Burt Just My Imagination- Hot 8 Brass Band
Bird Dog- Everly Brothers Fish Aren't Bitin' Today- David Allen Coe Goin' Back to Tennessee- Big Jon Atkinson and Bob Corritore Down in the Valley- Otis Redding
Louie Louie- Toots & the Maytals
In the Morning Light- Billy Strings Watching the River Flow- Ben Waters + Rolling Stones etc. All i have to Do is Dream- Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Need Shelter- Jamie Wyatt
A Free Song- Taj Mahal Steal Away- Etta James Papa Was a Rolling Stone- Hot 8 Brass Band
One More One Last Time- Reckless Kelly Way Down- John Prine Wake up Little Susie- Grateful Dead
Did You Ever Love a Woman- Little Milton Early in the Morning- Charlie Musselwhite Love is Strange- everly Brothers
That's How I Got to Memphis- Karl Blau
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Photo by Mark LoMoglio/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
A lot of talent is gone but a lot remains
Yesterday, I took a stab at what Auburn’s offensive depth chart could look like this fall. Today, we flip to the other side of the ball where Kevin Steele looks to field another elite unit for the 5th season in a row.
There’s no denying some big time talent has departed the Plains since last fall but while working on this it quickly became apparent that a ton of talent remains. There will likely be a step back because you don’t lose guys like Derrick Brown, Marlon Davidson and Noah Igbinoghene and get better. But I don’t think the step back will be all that big especially if some veterans can step up.
Lets’ take a look.
Defensive End
#1 Big Kat Bryant | 6’5” | 247 lbs | Senior
#3 Zykeivous Walker | 6’4” | 266 lbs | Freshman
#96 Jaren Handy | 6’5” | 252 lbs | Sophomore
#4 Jay Hardy | 6’4” | 299 lbs | Freshman
#45 Caleb Johnson | 6’2” | 248 lbs | Sophomore
#90 Daniel Foster-Allen | 6’4” | 250 lbs | Freshman
It’s Big Kat’s time. The senior has seen plenty of meaningful action for the Tigers over the past 3 seasons and he’s been an important piece of Rodney Garner’s unit up front. But it’s time for Bryant to crank up the production and emerge as one of the top ends in the conference. He put a ton of pressure on QBs last fall but struggled to record many sacks. That needs to change this fall. I have confidence it will.
Behind him is a long list of incredibly talented but unproven freshman and sophomores. The Tigers signed two of the best defensive end prospects in the 2020 class in Zykeivous Walker and Jay Hardy. Coach G snatched both away from SEC East instate programs who thought they were locks. I expect both to make an early impact, specifically Walker who has drawn some early comparisons to Marlon Davidson.
I am very interested to see what happens with Jaren Handy. He’s noticeably slimmed down which is the opposite of what I expected. I always figured Handy would grow into a defensive tackle. But at 252 lbs, he’s going to be on the edge. It will be interesting to see if trimming down makes him a more explosive pass rusher off the edge.
Tons of talent at this position for the foreseeable future.
Defensive Tackle
#94 Tyrone Truesdell | 6’2” | 326 lbs | Senior
#92 Marquis Burks | 6’3” | 312 lbs | Junior
Tyrone Truesdell was a nice surprise last season. Most, myself included, expected Nick Coe to develop into Derrick Brown’s battery mate in the interior of Auburn’s defensive line. In fact, Coe started at defensive tackle with Brown to start the season. As you recall, Auburn’s start to the season on defense was not great. One of the adjustments that changed that Oregon game was Truesdell being inserted at defensive tackle. He started plugging lanes including that monumental 4th down stop.
But what was most surprising was his ability as a pass rusher. He’s actually Auburn’s returning sack leader on the defensive line with 3.5 last season. If he can repeat that performance in 2020 he will likely hear his name called at some point in the NFL Draft next spring.
Behind him is JUCO signee Marquis Burks. He’s another bulky interior presence who should excel at plugging run lanes. I feel good about Auburn’s run stuffers this fall.
Defensive Tackle
#44 Daquan Newkirk | 6’3” | 317 lbs | Senior
#8 Coynis Miller Jr | 6’2” | 312 lbs | Junior
#49 Dre Butler | 6’5” | 304 lbs | Sophomore
The bigger question is who can replace Derrick Brown? The likely answer is no one. Instead, Auburn needs strong performances from multiple players to fill that massive hole. The good news is the Tigers have 3 very talented candidates. The bad news is they have yet to prove they can consistently get it done.
It was really hard to order these guys but I went with Newkirk number one simply because I think he’s the best athlete of the bunch. In fact, he’s almost too explosive as it’s resulted in two torn achilles in two seasons. If he can stay healthy, he’s got a chance to have a strong senior season. I am cheering for this kid as he’s been on a long road to this moment.
Behind him I have Coynis Miller who could easily be a starter. The former 4-star has yet to consistently put it together week in and week out. There’s no denying the raw talent, it’s just about being locked in on every snap. If he can take that next step, he’s got a chance to be a breakout star on this defensive line this fall.
I almost put Butler number one. This kid’s JUCO tape was as good as any JUCO prospect I’ve seen in quite awhile. Despite his size, Butler excelled as a pass rusher and I think he can really become a problem for interior offensive lines moving forward. Between Newkirk, Miller and Butler, Auburn should be able to find 2 SEC quality tackles. No one player needs to be Derrick Brown good this fall but if the trio can combine to at least come close to his type of impact that would be huge for the Tigers.
#29 Derick Hall | 6’3” | 238 lbs | Sophomore
#99 T.D. Moultry | 6’2” | 253 lbs | Senior
#25 Colby Wooden | 6’4” | 268 lbs | rFreshman
#37 Romello Height | 6’3” | 215 lbs | Freshman
After Jeff Holland’s departure following the 2017 season, Auburn has been on the hunt for the next elite pass rusher off the edge. Both Big Kat Bryant and T.D. Moultry have seen action but have struggled to consistently bring pressure. Late last fall, Derick Hall emerged as the man at Buck earning starts in the last 3 games. He didn’t record a sack but he showed enough flashes for there to be excitement heading into the season.
It’s now or never for T.D. Moultry. Once believed to be a lock to make an immediate impact for the Tigers, Moultry has struggled to stay on the field and to consistently produce. There have been moments when he’s come screaming off the edge that made you remember the borderline 5-star talent coming out of high school. But then weeks would go by before you heard his name again. I am doubtful he ever morphs into the monster we all thought he might be when he signed but if he can develop into a solid #2 option at Buck that would be big for the Tigers this fall.
Weakside Linebacker
#0 Owen Pappoe | 6’1” | 222 lbs | Sophomore
#9 Zakoby McClain | 6’0” | 211 lbs | Junior
#36 Josh Marsh | 6’2” | 219 lbs | rSophomore
#35 Cam Riley | 6’4” | 209 lbs | Freshman
Owen Pappoe and Zakoby McClain return looking to build on a strong 2019 season. While Bo Nix received most of the attention for starting at quarterback as a true freshman, don’t overlook Pappoe’s impressive freshman campaign. It ain’t easy to get on the field on this defense even more so as a true freshman. Pappoe not only started but at times was the lone backer on the field for the Tigers. I expect him to emerge as one of the best in the country this fall and 1st round hype being to build heading into his junior season.
At times, I thought Zakoby McClain was the best linebacker on the field last season. Ricochet Rabbit could see time at the MIKE as well with Chandler Wooten sitting out but I have him listed at weakside for now where he played in 2019. I hope Auburn finds ways to get both of these guys on the field at same time this season. That’s a lot of speed and some hard hitters to deal with as an offense.
Behind him are two very interesting players. Marsh has a chance to crack the rotation with Wooten sitting out especially if he slides to MIKE or if McClain does. There’s been a lot of positive buzz around Cam Riley early though I doubt he makes an impact as a true freshman. He’s got a chance though to develop into a really good player for the Tigers.
Middle Linebacker
#33 K.J. Britt | 6’0” | 243 lbs | Senior
#32 Wesley Steiner | 6’0” | 227 lbs | Freshman
#30 Desmond Tisdol | 6’0” | 231 lbs | Freshman
#48 O.C. Brothers | 6’1” | 236 lbs | rFreshman
#43 Kameron Brown | 6’0” | 237 lbs | rFreshman
Britt will be the heart and soul of this defense in 2020. One of the hardest hitters in the conference, no one questions his toughness. There are still questions though about his ability in coverage which at times was exposed last season. If he can improve in that area he has a chance to be one of the higher drafted linebackers from Auburn in quite some time.
The big question mark for the linebacker corps is who replaces Chandler Wooten as the backup MIKE. I expect Owen Pappoe and Zakoby McClain to get some work here as well but someone will need to step up so T-WILL can feel confident that he has 4 guys he can trust every Saturday.
There are 3 names I am keeping an eye on: Josh Marsh, Wesley Steiner and Desmond Tisdol. I have Marsh listed at weakside but he could slide to MIKE if needed or if T-WILL elects to play Zakoby here that would allow Marsh to be the #2 guy at the WILL.
The other two names are freshman. Wesley Steiner is an intelligent, athletic freak who was quietly one of the highest rated players in Auburn’s 2020 signing class yet had little hype. I am a big fan of his skillset and could see him earning playing time immediately as a freshman.
There’s also Desmond Tisdol who landed in Auburn’s class after Trenton Simpson decommitted and signed with Clemson. Tisdol is the T-WILL middle linebacker prototype. A 6’0” 227 lb human missile who ain’t afraid to hit someone, I have high hopes for this kid down the road. We’ll see if he can win the backup spot this fall.
Nickel (Star)
#6 Christian Tutt | 5’11” | 192 lbs | Junior
#11 Zion Puckett | 5’11” | 205 lbs | rFreshman
#13 Ladarius Tennison | 5’10” | 197 lbs | Freshman
Honestly, you could list five players here. Auburn’s secondary is pretty versatile especially at the star and safety positions. Barring any experimentation at corner, Christian Tutt will return as Auburn’s starter at the Nickel spot. This is such an important piece of Kevin Steele’s defense and Tutt thrived there last fall. He struggled late in the season in some pretty tough individual matchups but he’s still someone Steele has a lot of confidence in and I expect to have a strong junior campaign.
In all likelihood, Jordyn Peters is the #2 guy but I think he might see more time at safety this fall so I decided to move him there on this list. Instead, one of my favorite players of the 2019 class in Zion Puckett will have a chance to see some action. He too could slide back to safety if needed as well.
But the real man to watch is Ladarius Tennison. A Robinson Therezie clone, expect Tennison to be a special teams warrior at minimum. It wouldn’t shock me if he saw the snaps after Tutt at this spot. I am excited to see this kid hit the field for the Tigers.
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Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
#23 Roger McCreary | 6’0” | 188 lbs | Junior
#10 Devan Barrett | 6’0” | 200 lbs | Senior
#24 Eric Reed Jr | 6’0” | 187 lbs | Freshman
For 3 straight seasons, Auburn’s #1 cornerback has left for the NFL early and been drafted by the end of Day 2. Roger McCreary looks to be the next man up. The former low ranked 3-star out of Mobile has developed into one of the SEC’s best corners. Going back and watching some tape from last season it’s wild how much better he got each week. By the end of the season I thought he was the Tigers 2nd best cornerback. He will draw the toughest assignments this fall and I think he’s ready for it.
The Tigers though need to find someone behind him. I once believed Devan Barrett was going to be a 1,000 yard rusher for the Tigers but now the former Tampa Catholic standout is trying to crack the CB rotation as a senior. I’m cheering for him to have a Trovon Reed like senior season.
Keep an eye on freshman Eric Reed Jr. He was one of the big signing day steals for the Tigers. The Georgia Bulldogs really wanted this kid and were believed to be the leaders up until his announcement. Louisiana DBs tend to come ready to play when they step on campus though I expect we are a year away from seeing Reed play meaningful snaps.
#22 Marco Domio | 6’1” | 180 lbs | Junior
#18 Nehemiah Pritchett | 6’1” | 177 lbs | Sophomore
#26 Jaylin Simpson | 6’0” | 171 lbs | rFreshman
This is the one position up in the air in Auburn’s secondary heading into the 2020 campaign. The Tigers need to find a 2nd and 3rd guy they can trust to play Steele’s aggressive press man coverage on the outside.
Two obvious candidates have emerged in JUCO signee Marco Domio and sophomore Nehemiah Pritchett. If there had been spring practice I would have Pritchett listed as the top guy but with no spring ball that leaves the door wide open for Domio who I believe was the best JUCO prospect in the country last fall.
When Simpson saw action last season it was at safety but he’s reportedly working at corner which I think is a better fit for his skillset. I think the staff feels pretty good about what they got in McCreary, Domio and Pritchett. What would really help is if someone like Simpson could be ready to contribute meaningful snaps this fall and give this secondary more depth on the outside.
Free Safety
#21 Smoke Monday | 6’2” | 196 lbs | Junior
#15 Jordyn Peters | 6’1” | 200 lbs | Senior
#16 Malcolm Askew | 5’11” | 185 lbs | Junior
A fan favorite before having every taken a snap for the Tigers, Smoke Monday is now ready to be a starter. After a strong freshman debut I thought Monday took a bit of a step back in 2019, Iron Bowl pick 6 withstanding. He’s got solid range and all the swag you want in your deep safety but sometimes seems to lose focus and get out of position. One of the reasons Auburn’s defense has been so tough in recent seasons is that Daniel Thomas and Jeremiah Dinson rarely gave up anything easy. To continue that trend Auburn needs Monday to become more consistent and develop into that NFL caliber safety we all know he can be.
After missing most of last season with an injury, I am expecting a strong senior year from Jordyn Peters. He’s a glue guy in this secondary capable of lining up anywhere Auburn needs him. My guess is he will see more action at safety this fall but he could also backup Tutt at the nickel. Hopefully he can get back to blocking punts on special teams now that he’s healthy again.
Strong Safety
#20 Jamien Sherwood | 6’2” | 220 lbs | Junior
#19 Matthew Hill | 6’1” | 190 lbs | Sophomore
#5 Chris Thompson Jr | 6’1” | 202 lbs | Freshman
Roger McCreary is clearly Auburn’s top NFL draft prospect in the secondary heading into the season. However, #2 just might be Jamien Sherwood. The Florida native can do it all whether that’s lining up as a linebacker and shedding a block from an offensive guard or matching up with a wideout to cover a deep route, Sherwood plays all over the field and that versatility makes him a real weapon in Auburn’s scheme. It would not shock me if he’s a first team All-SEC performer this year.
Auburn beat out Clemson for Matthew Hill in large part because the better looking Tigers wanted him on offense while Dabo thought his future was in the secondary. Dabo was likely right and Hill agreed to make the switch this offseason. I am excited to see what he can do as Hill is one of the better athletes on the roster. Given his hips, I could see him seeing action at corner as well.
Don’t be shocked if the true freshman Chris Thompson sees a lot of snaps this season either. He was one of the truly shocking pulls of the 2020 cycle when McGriff snatched him away from the instate Longhorns. I see a lot of Jamien Sherwood in his game and expect Steele to use him very similarly.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/8/21/21377299/2020-depth-chart-defense-fall-camp-edition
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b-sidemusic · 7 years
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Every Thursday we bring you all the exciting stuff happening around East Anglia (that we're aware of) for the next two weeks.  To submit your news and listings, click
SEPTEMBER Thursday 28th Bury St Edmunds, Apex Marc Almond £40 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Strawberry Fair benefit w/Orryelle Defenestrate Bascule, 10 Digit Grid, Warning Shadows & The Sextoy Library £5 - 8pm - Event page Diss, Burston Crown Clare Free Free entry - 8.30pm - Event page Ipswich, Smokehouse Rainbow Girls £10 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio King No-One & Finn Doherty £8.80 - 7.30pm - Tickets Friday 29th Bury St Edmunds, Apex Evelyn Glennie and The Cohen Ensemble £27 - 7.30pm - Tickets Bury St Edmunds, Hunter Club Underline The Sky, Stretch Soul Gang, Fick As Fieves & Tom Lumley Free entry - 7pm - Event page Cambridge, Junction Saltfen, Siah, The Black Cortinas, The Green Brothers, The Catch & Influx Of Insanity £5 - 6.45pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Micah P Hinson & L.A. Salami £16.50 - 7pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre John Otway £13 - 7.30pm - Tickets Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys F.O.X, Fjokra & Denial Twist £5 - 8pm - Event page Ipswich, Steamboat Tavern Ady Johnson, Helen Connelly & Fern Teather Free entry - 7.30pm - Event page Norwich, Arts Centre Lord Kesseli and the Drums, The Wolf Number, Ellie Bleach, Jay Tourette & Hannah Tobias £7 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios The Skints, New Kingston & Franko Fraize £16 - 7.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Monna Vanna, Fatal Crowbar Injury, Strike The Sun & In My Disguise £3 - 7.30pm - Event page Saturday 30th Bury St Edmunds, Apex Mike Westbrook - The Uncommon Orchestra £18 - 7.30pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Rhythm and Taste - Banghra Masala by Indi Sandhu £8 - 9.30am - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre The Milk & New Street Adventure £15 - 8pm - Tickets OCTOBER Sunday 1st Cambridge, Corn Exchange Suzanne Vega £37.25 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction Martin Carthy and Eliza Carthy £18 - 8pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Next Stop Mars, Big Jacket Band, Four AM, Jessica Alice & Jake Skingle £10.50 - 8pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Matt Ridley Quartet £14 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Jolie Holland and Samantha Parton £18 - 8pm - Tickets Monday 2nd Cambridge, Corn Exchange The Z.E.N Trio £22.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction Zervas and Pepper £11.50 - 8pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Juanita Stein, Ian Jeffs & Ricky Boom Boom £11 - 7pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Alden, Patterson and Dashwood £11 - 7.45pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre YolanDa Brown £14 - 8pm - Tickets Tuesday 3rd Cambridge, Junction Amber Run £15 - 7pm - Tickets Ipswich, Smokehouse BBC Introducing: Impilo & NotFamous Free entry - 8.30pm - Event page Norwich, Open BBC Introducing: Mulally & Maya Law £6 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront StudioIn Hearts Wake, Gideon, Silent Screams & Alastoria £12.65 - 7.30pm - Tickets Wednesday 4th Bury St Edmunds, Apex 10cc's Graham Gouldman £24.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Bury St Edmunds, Hunter Club Open mic Free entry - 7pm - Event page Cambridge, Portland Arms Andrew O'Neill's History Of Heavy Metal £9.90 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Belinda Carlisle & Gabe Lopez £35.75 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Living Colour & Stone Broken £20.35 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Tom McRae & Lowri Evans £21.45 - 7.30pm - Tickets Thursday 5th Cambridge, Portland Arms Jeffrey Lewis and Los Bolts & Model Village £13.20 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, West Road Concert Hall Septura £22.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Sharon Shannon £20 - 7.30pm - Tickets Ipswich, Swan Vehement, Necronautical & A Bribe For The Ferryman Free entry - 8.30pm - Event page Friday 6th Bury St Edmunds, Hunter Club Gaffa Tape Sandy & Cathedrals and Cars Free entry - 8.30pm - Event page Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys Litter of Kings £3 - 7.30pm - Event page Ipswich, Swan Bessie Turner, Rye Shabby & Slow King Free entry - 6pm - Event page Norwich, Waterfront The Kentucky Headhunters & Bad Touch £20.35 - 6pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Ferocious Dog SOLD OUT Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Miles and Erica of The Wonder Stuff £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets Saturday 7th Bury St Edmunds, Apex Suffolk Philharmonic Sunshine and Shade £16-£34 - 7.30pm - Tickets Bury St Edmunds, Constitutional Club Scare The Normals & Thy Last Drop Charity Event - 7.30pm - Event page Bury St Edmunds, Hunter Club Tundra, Fightmilk, Rad Pitt, The Catch & Code Of Conduct £5 - 6pm - Event page Cambridge, Corn Exchange The Pretenders £47.75 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Mik Artistik's Ego Trip £11 - 8pm - Tickets Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys Rubber Jaw, Bessie Turner & Gavin Bowern £3 - 9pm - Event page Norwich, B2 Galley Beggar £4.40 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios The Meeks, New Scientists, The Extons & The Gentlemen £5 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Gaffa Tape Sandy, Saltfen, King William Street & Blue Mean Eyes £6.60 - 6.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Yak, Off The Wall & Oranje £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets Sunday 8th Cambridge, Corn Exchange Evelyn Glennie: Sounds Of Science £22 - 4.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Sidious, Body Harvest & Raised By Owls £5 - 6.30pm - Tickets Monday 9th Cambridge, Junction Twelfth Day £10 - 8pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre The Young’uns & The Hut People £15 - 7.45pm - Tickets Mildenhall, Jollyplex 
Christ-Faced Dolphins, Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! & It’s Like A Sneeze, But Nicer 
£3 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Youngblood Brass Band £16 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Dizzee Rascal SOLD OUT Norwich, Waterfront Frank Iero and the Patience, Dave Hause and the Mermaid, The Homeless Gospel Choir & Paceshifters £18.70 - 7pm - Tickets Tuesday 10th Bury St Edmunds, Apex The Young’uns £16.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction Lucy Spraggan £14 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Hope & Social £12 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Sisqo with Dru Hill & Ginuwine £30.80 - 6.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Open Jarrod Dickenson, Caraid Harmon & Sam Coe £10 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio The Hoosiers SOLD OUT Wednesday 11th Cambridge, Junction Coasts £9 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Neck Deep, As It Is, Real Friends & Woes £24.75 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Open Jacqui Dankworth £20 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Broken Witt Rebels, Sonia Leigh & The Dave and Bowevil Band £11 - 7.30pm - Tickets Thursday 12th Cambridge, Corn Exchange Ralph McTell £27.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction Starsailor £21.50 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Tom Robinson £22 - 7pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Kevin Pearce & Megan Henwood £7 - 7.30 - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Norwich Sound and Vision:Diet Cig, Goat Girl & Sink Ya Teeth £10 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios Wille and the Bandits & Claude Hay £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Open Red Dear, Hydra Lerna, Ellie Bea & Breeze Redwine £5 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio The Slackers & Millie Manders and the Shrimp £16.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre The Undercover Hippy & Doozer McDooze £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets
Photo credit: F.O.X (from Facebook) Listings Editor: Kate Quigley
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ask-joe-caine · 5 months
Ig aki died now
I mean
They probably did
[Coe was still crying]
0 notes
kupogames · 8 years
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Hey guys, here’s a summary of my year. Most of it was taken up by Epic Battle Fantasy 5 and learning how to live away from my parents. A lot of people felt 2016 was a terrible year news-wise, but nothing in the news really affected me at all. Anyway, here’s a list of important stuff that happened:
• Me and Ronja moved into a flat together! Had to learn how to do house chores and boring stuff.
• Upgraded my battlestation with new monitors, graphics tablet, webcam, and mugs! Should last me many years.
• Played a lot of indie games this year, but I think my favourite by far will have to be Undertale.
• Ronja got Rheumatoid Arthritis and was totally incapacitated for a few weeks. After a few months and hundreds of pills, she’s almost normal again, but still a bit feeble. She’ll be on meds forever and we’ll just have to see how much of her strength she can get back. Lots of visits to the hospital this year!
• Went to the Play expo in Glasgow. First time at major-ish gaming event like this. Tried out a bunch of arcade machines, pinball, and old consoles like the Vectrex.
• My family dog, Maxi, died. Had her for 15 years.
• Found an old sketchbook of mine from when I was 8. It’s full of hundreds of monsters. I scanned it all and stuck it online, and have decided to continue drawing monsters in it.
• Took 3 or 4 days off to play with Lego for my birthday. Managed to build some sets from my childhood, as well as getting a bunch of new ones.
• Ronja’s birthday party was good too. We broke in the flat and brought our friends round. Got more novelty hats for my collection. Later went to the local pub and there was a crime scene outside!
• Me and Ronja went on a quick road trip to Ayr by the coast. Found a cool pub called the Smoking Goat.
• Went on a Road trip with Ronja, my brother, his girlfriend, and a friend from Poland. We aimed for the island of Arran but missed the ferry and went to Bute instead. Hiked a bit, saw some beaches, and there were seals! Seals are really funny.
• There was a big power cut in my area! Never seen a city so dark before. It was spooky.
• I talked to a bunch of developers and got some cameos lined up for EBF5, including Chibi Knight, Sushi Cat, and the guys from Sentry Knight. Matt and Natalie also appeared in the new Sentry Knight game as NPCs.
• Me and Ronja went to Birmingham for the EGX expo. We hung out with the Massive Monster devs who we’ve met before, and also made some new friends. Hype intensified for Yooka Laylee, Snake Pass, and other games. Also saw a bit of Birmingham, including the impressive library and some random film set.
• I think my favourite book this year was So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson. Very relevant in the age of outrage on the internet, and a fun read.
• Found more of my old sketchbooks, but they were all pretty lame. I had a habit of only filling the first page or two.
• The UK voted to leave the EU and no one expected it. Everyone lost their shit over this and I’m indifferent. A weak £ is even good for me since I get paid in $. Sucks for Europeans living in the UK and sending money back home though!
•  Started playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends. It’s a lot of fun but also a huge time investment, so I don’t join in too often. I play as a racist druid named Salazar Ratkin. Ronja’s a bard.
• After a few visits to some dog shelters, my brother and his girlfriend got a dog! It’s a Staffy, so it’s very bulky for its size and tends to bruise people while trying to lick their faces.
• Not long after, my parents got a Labrador! She’s really dumb but also very young so maybe she’ll get smarter. She also wiggles a lot when she sees people.
•  Mostly stopped pirating TV and migrated to Netflix and Amazon instead. Black Mirror, Mr Robot and Stranger Things were some great shows this year.
• I went on a road trip around Scotland with Ronja and some of her friends from Finland. We saw Glen Coe, Skye, Loch Ness and Cairn Gorm. Climbed some hills, saw some waterfalls, got stampeded by sheep, drove over a lot of cattle grids. It was good and I’ll have to do something similar again soon.
•  Got a huge pumpkin for Halloween and ended up making cake, salad and soup out of it. Took way too long.
• Stayed up all night with friends watching the American election results. What a rollercoaster of an election. Better entertainment than any work of fiction.
• Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is almost 3 years old on Steam and thousands of people are still buying it somehow.
• Made about 40% of EBF5 this year. Would have liked that to be closer to 50%, but not bad considering the circumstances.
• Celebrated Christmas with dogs and Lego. Ronja was away in Finland while I stayed with my family. It was nice.
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fthbarlingtontx · 5 years
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Allen chose veteran Peyton Ramsey over rookie Michael Penix at quarterback. Even those GSU Eagles of the Sun Belt.
Chris Fredrick intercepted Lawrence and returned the ball 20 yards to the Clemson 9, but DeVito was forced out of the pocket.
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Madden said there was just one catch: Each time he failed to reach his sales quota in a three-month period, he would have to repay $7,500. Not every broker who moves gets a bonus. Veteran.
The Pentagon on Wednesday temporarily halted the repayment of bonuses for California National Guard soldiers after outcry from veterans groups and Congress. other soldiers outside California being.
2016-10-28  · Thousands of soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after. year-old agreements and imposing severe financial hardship on veterans,
2016-10-22  · Nearly 10,000 California veterans must pay back hefty reenlistment bonuses they earned a decade ago when they signed up to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Los Angeles Times reported during the weekend that the Pentagon has demanded that some soldiers repay their. Guard has said the bonuses were wrongly paid but its effort to reclaim them from.
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nijjhar · 11 months
A tree is known by its fruit and so is the Church. The COE worships Mamm... A tree is known by its fruit and so is the Church. The COE worships Mammon and glorifies soldiers, Vic Roys, General, etc. who fleeced the poor. https://youtu.be/B8E7batLFDQ A Tree -Church - is known for its fruit. Racism in Britain indicates that COE is racist of Mammon nothing to do with God of righteousness and justice. https://youtu.be/Om-j9LKuENw I have personally experienced a lot of racism in which white people think that black people are stupid and therefore, cheated freely. CHURCH OF ENGLAND IS AKIN TO SATAN WHILST THE SALVATION ARMY TO GOD. In Jesus, we have One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd Christ Jesus, our Bridegroom. Christ in the name of Jesus came to deliver us the Gospel, the language of communication and praise our Father Elohim, ParBrahm, Allah, etc., Who dwells in His living Temple, our physical body, made not by human hands but by the greatest artist demiurge god of Nature called Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. And we worship our Father in truth and in spirit. That is why St. Peter killed two blasphemers Ananias and Sapphira, whose Temples were not built on the solid rock of truth but over sand that fell down on testing. The Temple of God is always built on the solid rock of truth for the person to stand in Public to proclaim Gospel in the holy spirit, “common sense” logically whilst the Temple of Satan is built on the sand of blasphemies that proclaims hypocrisies of Mammon. A typical example is the blasphemies of Tony Blair and Bush against the Holy Spirit that Saddam Hussein had WMD but none were found. That is why St. Peter used to deliver the First Sermon establishing the rock followed by the Apostles who then advised them how to Preach the Gospel to glorify our Father in honour of our Anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus. Thus, in Jesus, we are solitary virgin Brides of our Bridegroom Christ Jesus and our Father is within us, Emmanuel, so far we worship Him in truth and in spirit. With these criteria in our mind, let us vet in spirit the Church of England:- 1.    The head of the Church of England is King, who is also the head of Mammon in Great Britain whereas Jesus or His Virgin Brides, the Apostles were not hirelings at all. 2.    He is the defender of the faith in Mammon and his employees, the Bishops sit in the House of Lords to see that his will is enforced by the Priests of his Church of Mammon. 3.   Archbishops and their Priests are hireling Dog-Collared Priests who are employed in the manner of uniformed policemen. They retire and get pensions from Mammon. 4.    Priests are employed to deliver sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods such as the soldiers who died in defence or expansion of the Empire are proclaimed that they glorified God, our loving and merciful Father. 5.    Big Cathedrals like the St. Paul’s in London are built from the “Blood money” to honour the soldiers of Mammon whilst the men of God like our Brother William Booth are nowhere to be seen because he didn’t belong to this Fold of Mammon. 6.    No wonder hireling Church of England Priests are so proud and arrogant than the humble serving Church of Salvation Army Soldiers of Christ Jesus who died in the world wars for the King and Country. Salvation Army Officers who act as Ministers of Religion are paid very low salaries for their upkeep and they are more devoted to serving God than Mammon. 7.    Ideally, service to God is to be totally on a volunteer basis till the person dies. 8.    Samaritan man who picked up the wounded person and looked after him on a philanthropic basis is the ideal way to serve God. 9.    So, the nearest to God is the Salvation Army whilst to Mammon is the Church of England. 10.   In Jesus, we are Royal Priests who enjoy Fellowship and ponder over His Word, Gospel and how to serve people honestly. Jesus got rid of these neo-Rabbis in which Matt. 12v43-45 is fulfilled. In Matt. 13v24-30 is the Final Burning soon after 14 November 2023. On 14 May 2018, the USA President Donald Trump pressed the Button for the start of TRIBULATIONS that would last for FIVE years (the Five Husbands of the Samaritan Woman at well John 4) to intense conventional fighting for six months till ATOMIC WAR ON 14 NOVEMBER 2023. Yours in Christ Jesus and Christ Nanak, Video on this topic:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoCX5E8m-rQ The COE is the daftest racist anti-Christ Church of Mammon. No wonder they glorify dead soldiers. https://youtu.be/JAWMnJ_yQ_w Tony Blair and Bush, the War Criminals, were Blasphemers against the Holy Spirit. Such calamities are expected for people to repay for their atrocities. https://youtu.be/lbqLQZN_hsQ My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Full description:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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colesmurf23 · 1 year
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Marimo (Mario) Mario Reference Sheet
Bio: Marimo (Mario) Mario
Name: Marimo
Gender: Male
Sexuallity: Straight
Relationship/girlfriend: Vicktoria
Birthday: October 14th
Age: 29
Species: Human
Family Members: Marci Mario (Mother) Mar Mario (Father) Luisinoho Mario (Big Brother) Thurlow Mario (Younger Brother) Skylen Mario (Younger Brother) Estee (Youngest sister) Noora (Niece) Maxwell (Nephew) Marlin (Nephew) Noel (Niece) Manfried (Nephew) Marlyssa (Nephew) Moses (Nephew) Merissa (Niece) Nuna (Niece) Nea (Niece) Micoletta (Niece) Mickey (Nephew) Luiggi (Nephew) Luigina (Niece) Clo (Niece) Coe (Nephew) Cloris (Younger Niece) Madea (Younger Niece) Olivia (Younger Niece) Hailee (Youngest Niece) Cube (Youngest Nephew) Starr (Youngest Niece) Victoria (Mother in law) James (Father in law) Cole (sister in law) Jamarr (Brother in law) Victorio (Brother in law) Jamell (Brother in law) Jamesie (Brother in law) Victoire (Sister in law) Colette (Sister in law)
Personality: Adventures, Brave, Stong, Caring, Explorie, Hero, Smart, Gamer, and Protector
Friends: Smurfwillow Smurf Papa Smurf Hefty Smurf Smurfstorm Smurf Handy Smurf Elvio Lucian Nino Richard (Best Friend) Snickers (2nd Best Friend) Ashen (My bestie's oc) Riko (My bestie's oc) Ronan (My bestie's oc) Fergus (my bestie's oc) Dorian (My bestie's oc) Anatasia (Our oc) Franky (Our oc) Shauni (Our oc) Zachary (Our oc) Paulino (Our oc) Calix (My bestie's oc) Boris (My bestie's oc) Elvan (My Bestie's oc and 3rd best friend) Marilo (4th best friend) Alazar (Our oc and 5th best friend)
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Season: Spring and Fall
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving And Easter Sunday
Fun Fact: This is Mario, but in an AU. Mario belongs to Nintendo. Marimo is a adventures plumber. Marimo likes to go save Princess Vicktoria from an evil koopaling. That is Arrio's brother. He is very brave. He isn't scared of anything. He is evern brave enough to take out Bowser. Like he's father took out Bowser Senor. He can be very strong. He can pick up Bowser. Either though he weights a lot. But he can take him by the tail and swing him around. For a plumber. He sure is strong for picking up a big koopa. He is very caring, expecelly to he's mothers toads. In his mothers Kingdom, she is also have toads like Princess Peach. Marimo takes care of he's mothers toads a lot. While she and estee is out of the Kingdom. On Vacation. It is also Marimo And Luisinoho. Responsibility to look out for the Kingdom while they are out. In he's teen years. He love exploring around the worlds in the game and real life. He's favorite world is World 3, because he loves swimming like's he's father Mar. It was he's dream to go threw 8 worlds as a teen rescuing the Princess all the time. He is also the hero of the Dreamy Fairytail Kingdom run by Vicktoria in the future. He love protecting her, until she is old enough to move away. Becauses he's a hero. As a hero, he can be very smart, He always outsmart the enemy Bowser and his underling Arrlo. To Protect Vicktoria. When he isn't saving Princess Vicktoria. He does play video games. Along with he's big brother Luisinoho. Even Marimo needs a break every once in awhile saving he's princess. And he is the protector of he's mothers Kingdom Baloney Dynasty. Which his baby sister Estee. Will be taking over in the future.
Backstory: Marimo is the 2nd oldest Child from Mar And Marci. Him and Luisinoho was born at the same time. But Marimo is the youngest by 30 seconds. They was the first children of Mar And Marci. They was born at a young age. When Marimo was 11 years old. He rain into a koopa name Bowser. When they both was young. Since Marimo was on a mission to saved he's big brother Luisinosho. Marimo really don't like koopas. Since they are enemies of both Marimo And Luisinohio. Marimo is scared of anything. Since he was a brave plumber. Marimo also love taking care of toads as well. He takes care of them for he's mother and he's baby sister. He is a protector of the Kingdom after all.
Child History: Marimo And Luisinoho was born at a young age. Marimo is the little brother of Luisinoho. They may have been born on the someday. As twins, But Marimo is 30 mintens behind at birth. When Marimo was a child. He was very popular back in he's child days. A lot of people wanted to be his friend. Since he once saved he's teacher from a creature. Everyone in he's class was shocked and amazed that their teacher been saved by Marimo as a child. Someone in he's class recorded a video of Marimo saving he's teacher. That the mayor. Will be honored if Marimo can be the protector of the Kingdom.
Teen Histeroy: During Mushroom high everyone still wanted to be friends with Marimo. Him And Luisinoho. Went to the same school. But in different buildings. He also met Vicktoria. In high school. So one day in Mushroom High. Marimo was minding he's own businesses. Until he hard screaming. The young evil koopa. That is in love with Vicktoria. That was chancing her in the filed. The koopa chased her all around the filed. Calling for help. Marimo swops in, and start going after the koopa. After stomping the koopa from trying to take Vicktoria. He stomp on the koopa 3 times. Until he's KO. After getting nocked out. The koopa ran away. and never seen again. Until the future. Marimo once again saved the day.
Present: In he's early 20s, he meet up with Princess Vicktoria. After rescuing her from the same koopa when they was teens. Vicktoria had a major crush on Mario. She been in love with him since they was in Toad High. Him and someone else broke up years ago. and wants to be with her.
Future: in the future, Marimo will be Married and have 4 kids by Vicktoria. In the furfure. Vicktoria is all grown up. And is the Princess of another Kingdom. She moved out of her parents. She have her own kingdom called. Dreamy Fairytale Kingdom. Where she is the Princess of the Kingdom. And The evil koopaling name Arrlo. He have he's own kingdom called. The Golden Axe Kingdom. He's place is dark and scary. Unlike the Dark Lands from he's master Bowser. So Vicktoria needs her husband Marimo be the hero of her kingdom. And Protect her from the evil koopaling name Arrlo. She gets Kidnap by him all the time. Like Princess Peach. She also have toads as well in her kingdom. And Arrlo have minions like he's master bowser does. Arrlo wants to take over Dreamy Fairy tail Kingdom. and Ask Vicktoria her hand in marriage. So they both can be powerful and have a lot of Power together. But Vicktoria refuse to marry the evil koopaling. That wants to take over the kingdom.
This is my AU Mario. Mario belongs to Nintendo. But in An AU.
I don't own anything
Mario belongs to: Nintendo
AU Design made by: me
Art made by: me
#marionintendo #mario_nintendo #mariobros #mariofanart #marioau #referencesheet #reference_sheet
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lindyhunt · 6 years
7 of the Most Creative Interactive Videos We've Ever Seen
Choose your own adventure stories aren’t just limited to the form of books anymore. In December 2018, Netflix’s Black Mirror released Bandersnatch, an interactive film about a young programmer named Stefan who adapts his favorite choose your own adventure novel into a video game for a major gaming company.
However, as his deadline looms and the pressure to perfect his game mounts, Stefan starts to question his own reality, growing increasingly paranoid that he’s actually a character in a choose your own adventure story. Throughout the film, you must make every one of Stefan’s major decisions, and each of your choices alter the narrative he experiences, which has five endings and over one trillion story combinations.
Netflix’s experimentation into interactive content piqued a massive amount of interest and generated just as much buzz. But the film industry isn’t the first to dabble in interactive content. Marketing blazed that trail, and there are brands who have created interactive videos that are arguably just as entertaining as Bandersnatch.
Below, we’ve curated a list of the seven most creative interactive videos we’ve ever seen. Read on to get some inspiration for your own interactive video in 2019.
7 of the Most Creative Interactive Videos We’ve Ever Seen
1. Major Lazer | Know No Better Interactive Music Video
Watch video here.
Everyone has a dream that they fantasize about from time to time, but what would it take for us to actually pursue this dream and turn it into a reality? Well, Major Lazer’s interactive music video for their song "Know No Better" could be your spark of inspiration.
As the video plays, you can leap from a young boy’s dream of being a famous dancer who dates his dream girl to his stark reality where he’s a shy loser who feels frustrated with his actual life.
Towards the end of the video, however, these contrasting narratives start to converge, and you witness him muster enough courage to dance with his dream girl in reality, rather than only in his dream.
2. Eko | That Moment When
Watch video here.
There are quite a few brands creating films in the interactive space, but most aren’t creating original shows like Eko does, which has produced five original interactive shows, ranging from animated comedies to technological thrillers.
One of their best interactive shows is a hilarious series called That Moment When, which is about a woman named Jill who encounters awkward moments at the beginning of each episode, and your job is to help her maneuver them as gracefully as possible.
If you interact with the video above, you’re tasked with helping Jill navigate the awkward situation of vaguely remembering a guy who totally knows her. As you struggle through this cringeworthy interaction, you have to predict certain traits about the guy, and if you guess correctly, you earn points that buy you letters of his name, like Jeopardy, and they ultimately help you remember it at the end of the episode.
That Moment When is as funny as it is engaging, and by weaving a relatable and hilarious theme through this interactive show, Eko can entice viewers to watch the entire series, just like a great Netflix show.
3. Aardman Animations | Dead Lonely (A Zombie Romance)
Watch video here.
Aardman Animations, a four-time Oscar winning production studio, collaborated with Rapt Media, a company that offers interactive video solutions, to create this charming interactive film that lets you help a zombie, Fred, find his long-lost love, Barbara, in a post-apocalyptic world where the living dead lead surprisingly normal lives.
Even though Dead Lonely seems like an innocent tale, it can be more grisly than Bandersnatch at times. But once you reunite Fred with Barbara, all the trials and tribulations you struggled through all seem to be worth it.
4. Bob Dylan | Like a Rolling Stone Interactive Music Video
Watch video here.
To promote the release of Bob Dylan’s CD Box set that included all 41 of his official albums in 2013, Sony Music teamed up with Eko, who is mentioned above, to make a creatively and unexpectedly refreshing interactive music video for “Like a Rolling Stone”, one of Bob Dylan’s most iconic songs.
Sony's interactive music video lets you flip through 16 channels, ranging from shopping, history, movies, reality TV, news, cooking, fashion, sports, and game shows. Each channel features different characters lip synching “Like a Rolling Stone”.
Sony also included some big TV personalities in this video, like Drew Carey from The Price is Right, Steve Levy from SportsCenter, and Jonathan and Drew Scott from Property Brothers, making this experience even more pleasantly surprising and hilarious.
5. BBC Scotland
In 2019, Rough Guides, a renowned travel guidebook, named Scotland the most beautiful country in the world. And a big reason why it’s such a spectacle is because Glen Coe, a Scottish valley that cuts through the ruins of an ancient super-volcano, is one of the most striking landscapes in the world.
BBC Scotland’s immersive, 360 degree video of Glen Coe grips viewers because they’re able to experience the landscape from an intimate point of view at every possible angle, which makes them feel like they’re actually there.
6. Disney | The Jungle Book Interactive Video
With the help of Wirewax, a company that offers interactive video technology and creative solutions, Disney decided to give their fans an inside look at how the live-action version of The Jungle Book was made.
Fans can move a slider to see how Disney actually filmed the movie, and they can also click on each character’s hotspot, which opens up a profile that gives a brief description of the character. By doing this, Disney is able to reveal how they produced one of the most compelling stories ever told, helping the media giant forge an even closer bond with their fans.
7. Coldplay | Ink Interactive Music Video
Watch video here.
Coldplay’s interactive music video for their song "Ink" absorbs you in an adventurous yet forlorn journey of a man searching for his lost love. By making most of his crucial decisions for him, you’re tasked with helping him find her.
As you embark on the quest to find this man’s significant other, you’re led through beautiful environments, such as an evergreen forest, a bustling city, a serene ocean, and even the cosmos. And with more than 300 storylines in this video, you can either help the man reunite with his lover or come to grips with losing her forever.
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