#big blueberries marinating in his skull
sistertonin · 1 month
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la knight (us champion)
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starsinthegrimdark · 2 years
To Imperium or to not Imperium
its a new year and i still love playing and building and painting models and i’m come to a realization that i do not have a single Imperium army. now I’ve shown some Space marines in the past but as of right now i sold most of those to a buddy of mine that wanted to start and i used that cash to bolster other forces and fund other hobbies so Im down to my tester models and some rainy day projects. But now that my LGS has a couple of regulars and there has been talks of maybe recording games for fun and stuff i can see myself looking at another army.Im probably going to slowly grow the army over time but after some videos and research i could see myself selling some of my unused models and dropping like 500 bucks to bite the bullet at one time. But i need to figure out what faction to look into, I have Necrons, Tau, GSC, and Death Guard so i have a good amount of midrange horde type armies so branching away from that here are the options i was thinking about.
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GREY KNIGHTS This choice i will admit is the fault of One Last Blade and how fun he makes the army look. no matter how much that man roll batches of 1s he always makes the army look fun and interesting, and being a load of old sculpts the Combat Patrol is filled to the brim with options and dual purpose models.
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Adeptus Custodes The Golden Banana boys themselves or as a friend calls them Kitten and Co. This is another heavy elite army but sense i’m not looking to go super ham on buying at the start thats kinda what i’m aiming for. But on the other hand i do love not getting shot off the board ever and cleaving through nearly anything in my way.
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ULTRAMARINES Ah the Blueberrys have caught my heart if i was to choose a Marine faction, not only because they are cool looking but none of the other SM players around have played them so i can have my cake and eat it to. the other reason is i found a really good deal on the blister box of Papa Smurf and his body guards for like 20 bucks and how could you say no to that so i have the second in command.
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CHAOS SPACE MARINES this is is mainly for the fact that i know a guy that knows a guy and i could get a bunch of CSM for cheaper then you’d expect. price aside I think i work them into a custom army and work on the lore before committing any paint to brush but i will admit the new sculpts are really cool and i’d love to paint up some half demons.
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CHAOS KNIGHTS Do i want to buy four boxes and call it a day ?, Would i want to build and paint up something the size of a toddler ?, Where else can i get skulls that big without stealing from the Khorne man himself ? these are all great questions all with the same answer but again this would be another longer term project and would look Metal as hell im not sure i have the room for and would need to sell finished and untouched painting projects to fund. but giant F off robots are so cool. those are the armies i am thinking of and hell if you have any opinions on other factions i should try then comment them i read all of them and will try to respond
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ohmyitsfaith · 3 years
Part 9: The love in their eyes
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Before your next stream, your computer decided to give you a hard time, resulting in you needing to give it a break. You hoped it'll fix itself and you won't have to stay without your computer for the rest of the lockdown.
Thankfully tho, you had your laptop with you and you managed to save your co-op backup. So you could still play with PJ.
"Hi everyone! Bit of a different setup, but we really wanted to play more" PJ greeted the chat.
"Hi guys!" you smiled at everyone. "I hope you're ready for this, because with us in the same room, it's gonna be even more chaotic."
"Am I ready for this?" he asked himself and you punched his arm.
"Hey!" you said and then the realization made you smile. "Oh, now I can punch you when you do dumb things. Oh my goodness, this is the best thing!"
"No, fuck you. If you're gonna do that, I'll throw you out!" they pointed at you.
"Oh, you know you love me" you smiled innocently.
"Yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes and you quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"So, let's get into this. What should we do today?" you asked. "What is our plan?"
"I really want to finish some quests. Maybe even a big quest from the board" they said.
"Good idea. I could do some work on the farm. Make some things look better. Buy lots of blueberries for money and some others, whatever may be the quest you want completed" you explained.
"That's a great idea. We can do that."
So in the next couple of days you tried to do that. You took care of the farm and PJ tried his best in completing the board quest. You had to help him out in some places, but he was doing great.
On Thursday, it was a best luck day, so you both went to the skull mines. You needed more iridium for lot of things and so that was your main goal.
"Oh!" you gasped.
"What? What is it?" PJ looked over at you.
"I got a prismatic shard!" you smiled at them.
"Good job. How much have you found now? Three? Four?"
"This is my fourth" you said.
"That's either gonna be good money, or just good anything" they hummed.
"Yep" you agreed.
On Friday, after the farm work was done, you headed down to the traveling merchant. You wanted to see if there was anything to finish the community center. You were only missing two things and both were from fall, so you hoped that you could find it before that.
But the traveling merchant only sold one thing that was interesting and you gasped quietly. A thought instantly popped into your head, but you shook it out before it could stick around. You still bought the recipe tho.
"What did you buy?" PJ asked, noticing the money reduction immediately.
"Oh, just a recipe we'll need for perfection. Never saw it before and I was afraid that I wouldn't see it again. Plus we had the money, so why not?" you explained, but your face was still red from the thought.
"Alright. Is it bad?"
"I mean it wouldn't be the easiest thing for people who're starting out. But luckily, we have everything we need."
"Random question, how do you get married in the game?" he asked.
"Why? Thinking about getting married to Emily?" you teased, looking up at them.
"No, just wondering" he shrugged.
"You need ten hearts to get married. And after you get it, on a rainy day there's an old mariner on the shore. You know, the part where we had to fix the bridge. And the old mariner sells you a mermaid pendant and with that you can propose to your chosen npc" you explained in a soft voice.
A soft voice that went straight to PJ's heart. It sped it up and made a soft smile appear on their face. He looked at you next to him and saw a light blush on your face.
You were currently in the shed and were crafting. For a few moments you were quiet and you went looking for PJ's little character.
"But there's another way" you started as you ran out of your farm. "You can buy a recipe from the traveling merchant. A recipe for a wedding ring" your heart was racing along with your thoughts. You weren't sure if you could do this. "It's not easy to craft in early game, but in the later game, after you unlock the skull mine, it's not that hard" you finally arrived on the beach, where their character stood. "The difference is, that with this ring, you can't propose to npcs."
"Then who?" they turned to you, seeing that your face was red. They didn't understand it, but their heart sped up, leaving them red faced as well.
"Well you see, this recipe is only available in multiplayer games" you looked up at him, into his eyes. It was a bit overwhelming, but you stood your ground and finished your speech. "It's a way to marry another player" you clicked a button and a question box appeared on PJ's screen.
It read: 'Y/n would like to propose to you' and the two options yes or no. You watched with a breath held back as their face changed. From confusion to shock. They looked back at you and you gave them a nervous smile. You didn't dare read the chat, but you knew that it was going fifty miles an hour.
They looked up into the camera and clicked the yes option. You let out the breath and a relieved smile overtook your face. He looked at you with a smile on their face.
"So, um…" you looked back at your screen and cleared your throat. "We really need more money because the barn needs to be upgraded as well as the house. That means 75k gold."
Both of your faces were red from what just happened, but you tried to ignore it.
"So, fishing?" they asked.
"Yep" you nodded. "I feel like if we just fish all day today and tomorrow, we could really get it."
"I think so. Isn't summer fishing one of the most profitable fishing?"
"I don't remember exactly how much, but yeah. Especially since we both have high fishing levels and we know where to fish."
So you spent the next few days fishing and just getting money. Up until the day where you woke up and you were both in the town center.
"Oh, I kinda forgot that was happening" you blinked.
"How could you forgot?" PJ asked, playing offended.
"A lot of things happened, okay?" you whined.
"When Y/n first arrived in Pelican Town, no one knew if she'd fit in with our community…" PJ read in his Lewis voice and you could only watch them. "But from this day forward, Y/n is going to be as much a part of this town as any of us! It is my great honor on this day 8 of summer, to unite Y/n and PJ in the bonds of marriage. Well, let's get right to it!"
"Wow" you blinked.
"Y/n… PJ…" PJ said. "As the mayor of Pelican Town and regional bearer of the matrimonial seal, I now pronounce you husband and wife!" he smiled. "Now you may kiss" they said it slowly.
"Well that sounded more of a threat than anything else the way you said it" you chuckled.
"He wants us dead" he joked. "We didn't marry one of the townies, so now he wants us dead."
"Oh my gosh" you laughed and watched with a smile on your face as your characters kissed. "Aw, this is so cute. Marriage in Stardew is one of the cutest things."
PJ smiled at you and nodded. You looked at each other for a few seconds, promising something to the other silently.
"So, shall we play until Luau?" PJ asked, turning back to his screen.
"Yep" you nodded.
So you did just that. You mined and fished until the eleventh, you got enough money and you got two fish for the pot luck. On the tenth, just before going to sleep, you gave Maru her birthday gift.
"Are you cheating on me?" PJ asked in a fake offended voice.
"No, this isn't what it looks like! I swear!" you played along with his bit.
"Oh is that so? Well, you're sleeping on the couch tonight!"
"No, please" you begged. "I swear, there's nothing between me and Maru."
The message appeared on your screen that PJ went to sleep. You quickly entered the house and slipped into bed next to him after petting Fuji. You giggled as the screen went to the shipping screen and slapped PJ's thigh.
"Hey! Is that the way you treat your husband?" PJ asked jokingly.
"Well, if that husband is you, then yep" you laughed.
"Ouch" they put their hands on their chest. "Guys, I'm a victim of domestic abuse!"
"Oh, shut up."
The next day you took care of the animals and then it was time for the pot luck.
"So, do you have your fish?" you asked PJ.
"Yep" they nodded. "So, let's get this on the go."
You entered the Luau and the first thing you did was put the fishes in the pot. After that you made sure to talk to all the villagers. To be fair, the Luau was really boring to you after playing the game so many times, but for PJ, it was still kind of fun. They only experienced it once before, so they still liked it. You only went for the leaf decorations.
"Did you spend all our money on decorations?" PJ asked.
"No…" you answered. "Just half of it. But! Our house is very boring without decor, so you know."
"Do I?" they turned to you and you stuck your tounge out at them.
After the Luau was over, you quickly decorated part of the house and then went to bed. You sighed and leaned back as the day ended.
"Well, that was a fun stream" you said as you put your arms behind your head, trying to stretch a bit.
"I agree. Chat, thank you so much for coming to this stream, thank you for hanging out with us. We're sorry that Y/n couldn't stream, but sometimes computers are like that" PJ smiled. "But we do hope you enjoyed it."
"I know I did. It was fun to play like this. And, a lot of things happened today."
"Yeah, I enjoyed it too. It was a really good stream" he looked at you and then back to chat. "But we have to go now. We have some more work to do, so we're gonna raid someone and leave you guys to be."
"Hmm, how about him?" you pointed at the screen where one of PJ's friends streamed.
"Yep, okay. So guys, join the raid and again, thank you for coming to the stream" he looked at the camera.
A thought popped into your head and when PJ looked at you, you knew that he thought of the same thing.
"Thank you guys, have a great night or day. We'll see you soon!" you smiled.
"Bye!" PJ waved and then turned to you.
They leaned closer and you softly pressed your lips to theirs. On the contact, PJ almost forgot to press the button to change their screen to the end card, but in the end, managed to press it. And then, they leaned into the kiss more and you grabbed their face. Your hearts synced up with each other as you finally expressed all your feelings for the other. You loved him more than you had loved anyone and he reciprocated it. And as your hand grabbed onto his hair, he knew that too. After ending the stream, their hands held onto your waist and you felt your heart soar.
As the stream of the raid's destination started playing, you pulled away for a breath. You leaned your foreheads together and just enjoyed the closeness.
"WHAT?" the loud shout came from the stream and you both whipped your heads toward it. The stream's chat was filled with the message: 'we came from the new couple'.
As you read it you looked at each other and bursted out laughing. Through your laughing you could hear the streamer asking questions and soon PJ's phone rang. You tried to stifle your laughing, but it didn't go well.
"Dude, WHAT??!!" you heard from the phone and it sent a new wave of laughter through you. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT YOU FINALLY LANDED A SIGNIFICANT OTHER!! When did that happen??"
"I got married" PJ said, still on the verge of laughing.
"YOU DID WHAT???" he yelled into the phone and neither PJ, nor you could hold it back. "Are you lying?"
You swallowed and took the phone from PJ.
"Technically speaking, they did get married. In Stardew Valley, but that's a different point" you said, still giggling.
"Y/n, did you do this?" he asked.
"If you're asking if I was the one he married in the game, then yes."
PJ sighed, wiped their tears that fell from laughing and took the phone back.
"But wait, did you guys get married in the game, because you're together, or…?"
"We are" PJ smiled.
"OH MY GOD!" he yelled again and you both let out a chuckle. "Well, you heard it here first, folks. Our baby PJ is all grown up."
"Alright dude, we're gonna go. Have a fun stream" PJ said goodbye.
"Thank you. Congratulations!" he said quickly.
"Thank you. I'll talk to you soon."
"Yeah, bye!"
"Bye bye" PJ hung up.
They turned to you and you smiled at them. He quickly closed all the windows and programs on his computer while his free hand held onto yours. You leaned your head on their shoulder and sighed.
"Come on, I feel like we need to talk" he gently put a hand on your head and you nodded.
You really did need to talk.
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