#bicycle cop!derek
Distracted Driving
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Sterek, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Bicycle Cop!Derek, College Student!Stiles, Car Accident, Erica Reyes/Vernon Boyd
3977 words, Rated T for language, (on AO3)
The sound of crumpling plastic and fiberglass snaps Stiles’ wandering mind to the present. He blinks, pulled from a daydream of a gorgeous, tightly muscled bicycle cop in booty shorts who is slowly peeling himself out of his skin-tight uniform. Stiles slides his gaze away from the real-life bicycle officer on the nearby sidewalk, the inspiration of said fantasy, to the car in front of him.  The rear bumper of his friend Erica's hatchback is cracked, tail light shattered. He can only imagine what the front end of Roscoe looks like.
"Stilinski!" Erica shrieks, and then she’s getting out of her car and stomping towards him. How she manages such an earth shaking murder stomp in stiletto boots he’ll never know.  “What the fuck? What kind of idiot dumb fuck rams into a car that is  stopped  in front of him?”
He sets his hazard lights and jumps out of his car, holding his hands out to her placatingly.  Cars honk angrily and pass around them as they step between the safety of their two cars.
"I'm sorry!  I'm sorry! I was, um," he steps in closer and drops his voice, "...distracted."  His eyes cut to the sidewalk where the bicycle cop, Officer Hot Stuff, tall dark and broody, keeper of the eyebrows, is making his way over. Oh shit!
"Oh shit. Me too!" Erica whispers and grabs his hands.  "Those shorts are  unreal  !  I thought they only wore those in movies-"
"Are you both okay?"  Officer Stubble asks. “What happened?”
"Um." Their eyes dart towards each other guiltily.
"Are. You. Okay?” he repeats, a little more slowly this time.  Maybe he suspects they sustained brain damage in the accident.
“Oh, we’re  fine alright.” Erica purrs.  Officer Dangle - it’s the shorts, and the whole thigh area to be honest - gets a confused look on his face.
“Yeah, yeah, fine. No damages.” Stiles says hurriedly.   “I mean, maybe damages, but I’ll pay. My bad and all.”
“What. Happened.”  Officer - Stiles peers at the badge pinned to the nicest uniformed chest he’s ever seen, and he's seen plenty - Hale is starting to look and sound impatient. Which is a shame because now that he’s looking, Stiles can see the blue-green-hazel swirl of Hale’s eyes, the sharpness of his jawline, the cute, bunny-like front teeth that show, just a little, as he’s waiting for them to answer. When he’s not frowning that is.
Stiles looks at Erica again.  He really doesn’t want to tell the officer he was too busy ogling him in his shorts uniform that he wasn’t paying attention to the road. She stays silent as well, widening her eyes and tilting her head at Stiles, a clear “you tell him” gesture.
“Is there something going on here?"  Officer Hale looks between the two of them.  They must look guilty, holding hands, huddled together, because he grabs the radio on his shoulder.
"Boyd.  I could use some back-up."  The radio crackles.
"What? Noooo. No back-up needed.  Nothing going on here. Just your run-of-the-mill fender bender. We're totally cooperating.  See?” Stiles holds his hands up and wiggles them in a faint approximation of jazz hands.
An even taller, broader shouldered and just as attractive officer approaches, walking quickly from the Jamba Juice on the corner. Unlike Hale with the grumpy cat frown and judgy eyebrows, Officer Boyd is stoic and calm looking with kind eyes. He must play the Good Cop, Stiles thinks.  Though, he also looks like he could take down a perp without breaking a sweat. Boyd glances at them, then around the scene, assessing the situation. The just-stepped-from-the-pages-of-safety-officers-monthly models nod at each other. "Hale. What’s going on?"
"Now that’s what I call  back-up  ." Erica mutters to Stiles.
"What was that?" Officer Hale turns back to ask her.
"I said,” Erica repeats, loudly enough for them all to hear, ‘Now that’s what I call back-up!’" She looks at Officer Boyd, smiling and batting her eyelashes.
There’s a moment of stunned silence.
“Uh.  What’s going on here?”  Officer Boyd asks again, eyebrows lifting, looking wary.
“Fender bender.”  Hale answers. “But…” He looks between Erica and Stiles again.  “Maybe we should get statements. Miss?” Hale holds a guiding hand out towards Erica, but she slinks past him and up to Officer Boyd.
“I’ll give you my statement.  If I leave anything out, you can take my number and give me a call.”  She slips her hand into the crook of his elbow and they move up the sidewalk a bit. Boyd holds her hand on his arm like he’s been cotillion trained (Stiles is around Lydia enough to know what that is, okay?) and looks down at her, a bit stunned but also enthralled.  And who wouldn’t be? Erica is a bombshell.
“Um.” Hale looks at Stiles cautiously.  “I guess I’ll take your statement.”
Great.  Could he sound any less enthusiastic?
“Sure.” Stiles is a little… sad.  Not that he expected a love connection or anything, just not the reluctance that is so apparent in Hale’s voice.
“So, I guess I glanced at the side of the road and didn’t notice that Erica hadn’t moved yet.  I saw the light turn green though, so I took my foot off the brake.” Stiles scratches his cheek, more out of nerves than actual itchiness.  Talking to attractive people has always made Stiles nervous. Lydia, once they became friends, told him she thought for years he had a thyroid imbalance, he was so sweaty and jittery around her.
“How did you see the light turn green, but not the car stopped in front of you?”
“Um.  I don’t know.”
“Were you looking at your phone?”
“Are you sure?”  Hale gives Stiles a skeptical look.
“Dude, I said  no . I wouldn’t do that!” Stiles folds his arms in annoyance. Even if his dad hadn’t threatened him with a slow, painful death if he ever texted while driving, he’s seen enough case file pictures of traffic accidents to know better.
“It’s just, it happens a lot nowdays.  You’re lucky this was just a minor accident.  People are killed all the time from distracted driving.  Lots of innocent bystanders too.”
“I wasn’t looking at my phone,” Stiles mutters sullenly.
“Do you know the other driver?” Hale continues with the questioning.
“Yes.” they both look over to where Erica and Officer Boyd are doing the same thing they are, albeit a lot more cheerfully.  Erica is laughing, the fingers of one hand on Officer Boyd’s arm, her other hand toying with her necklace. Boyd is leaning in, close-talking like they’re sharing secrets. His hand comes up and - is he stroking her neck?!  Erica tilts her head side to side and, oh. He must be checking her for injuries. That’s... a good idea actually.
“We went to school together.”
“Dating?”  Hale is looking at his notepad, pencil poised above it as if he’s going to write Stiles’ answer down.
“Nooo?” It comes out sounding like a question because, well, was it relevant to the accident? “I guess she sort of liked me, like, a long time ago, but that was before she knew me.”  Stiles thinks about how that sounds. “Not that I’m unlikeable, like you get to know me and think ‘yikes, no way’ or anything. I don’t think...” Come to think of it. Stiles really hasn’t had any relationships that lasted longer than a couple of weeks. Did that mean something? Did people-
“It’s just, you two seemed - intimate. And she wasn’t that angry with you.” Luckily, Officer Hale’s words cut off his self-loathing downward spiral.
“Oh, no.  She’s angry.  She’ll get me back.” Stiles has no doubt about it.
Hale raises an eyebrow.
“Nothing bad. Nothing illegal, like, bodily harm or anything.“
“Hm.” Hale looks skeptical again. He turns to look at the cars.  “I’m going to file a report. The damage is probably going to be over five hundred dollars so it’s-“
“No!” Stiles yells, then, at a more normal volume, “Uh, I mean. Can you, can you skip it?”
“Sorry, the damages dictate-“
“I would really, really like it if you didn’t file this.  I really need you to not do this.” Stiles wonders if getting down on his knees would be overkill.
“Is there some reason you don’t-“ Hale stops and looks more thoughtfully at Stiles. “I’m going to need to see your ID.”
“Fuuuck. Oh fucking, fuck no,” Stiles breathes quietly.
He gives one last try, “Look, my car - barely shows any damage. It’s always looked like that.  And Erica’s will be under five hundred, I swear! I know a guy. That’s like, three hundred, max!” Stiles’ hands gesture wildly, going nowhere near his wallet.
“Again, I’m going to need to see your ID.” Hale is speaking slowly and deliberately.  He looks angry, his eyebrows furrowed even more than before.
Stiles’ hands twitch as Hale crosses his arms over his chest.  Is it wrong that he takes a moment to admire the thick forearms and muscular chest shown to such advantage in that pose?  Now if only he could get Hale to bend over and pick something up.
Stiles slowly takes out his wallet and pulls out his driver’s license, hoping against hope that Hale changes his mind in the next two seconds.  But, no such luck. (He briefly considers dropping it so Hale has to pick it up, but restrains himself.)
Hale takes it and turns to walk to his bicycle which is parked in front of the sandwich shop one storefront over. “Don’t move,” he throws over his shoulder.
Stiles looks over at Boyd and Erica. They’re both laughing, heads thrown back in companionable humor.  Ugh. Hale is probably searching his name for priors. Stiles wonders if the search will notify his dad. Fuck.
Erica finally glances over and must see Stiles’ misery. She leans up and whispers something to Boyd who nods in response.  They make their way over, but Boyd detours and joins Hale.
“Hey, ready to go?” Erica asks.  She looks too happy for someone with significant - but hopefully not costly! - car repairs in her near future.
“Uh. No. Officer Hale is going to file a report for this.”
She looks shocked. “Why?”
“He says it’s because the damage looks like it would be over five hundred dollars.  I totally disagree. Hey. You think you could ask Officer Boyd to tell Hale to, to  not ?”
“Hm. I dunno.  I’ll give it a shot.”
She saunters her way over to where Hale and Boyd are standing at their bicycles, Hale looking at a laptop.  Officer Boyd smiles when she gets to them, but his smile disappears after she says a few words. Boyd and Hale look over at Stiles with identical questioning frowns.
Hale walks back.
“Mr. Stilinski, you are acting very suspiciously for a minor fender bender. That doesn’t give us enough probable cause for a search, but I’m telling you right now, I’m considering bringing you in for questioning due to-"
“Oh God. Please, no!  Boyd- Officer Boyd wasn’t even going to file the report on Erica! Why do you have to?”  Stiles is flailing and sweating at this point. He knows he’s not helping his own case, but he’s just moved into his dorm and classes are about to start on Monday. Couldn’t he just do this one thing without his dad being alerted to another fuck up on his part?
(He’s  just  finished paying back his dad for repairs to the high school chem lab after the small -  tiny - fire that broke out when he and Scott tried heating their nacho cheese with a bunsen burner. Stiles still maintains it wasn’t their fault since kids did that all the time.  Except this time, someone - not them - neglected to properly clean up an earlier chemical spill, which was what caused the, uh, the fireball.)
Stiles looks around for Erica and finds her over by the police bikes talking to Officer Boyd again, not paying attention to him at all.
Hale gives him an exasperated look. “It’s not that bad. If the repairs are as low as you expect, your insurance won’t even go up by much.”
“Please, I’m begging you. Isn’t there anything we can do so that you don’t file this?  Anything?” Stiles puts on his best Scott-like puppy dog eyes, dipping his chin low and blinking slowly.  Officer Hale’s mouth drops open. Ha! It’s working. Stiles reaches forward to try Erica’s fingertips on the forearm trick.
That causes Officer Hale to step back abruptly before they make contact. “What.  What are you saying.”
“I’m  saying  ,” Stiles gestures emphatically, giving up on the pleading look - apparently only Scott can make that work, “that I really,  really  don’t want you to file a report.  If we can work something out to that effect, I would be very,  very  appreciative.”
“That- Why do you sound like… Why do you sound so guilty?
“Me? No!  No guilt! Just a guy trying to stay off the radar, so to speak.”
Hale pinches the bridge of his nose and audibly exhales for what feels like a long time.  “Stay here,” he says and turns to go back to the bicycles. The bicycles with the computer.  The computer that files reports from the field.
“No, wait-“ Stiles, in a fit of unthinking hubris-slash-idiocy, grabs Officer Hale’s arm.
Before he knows what’s happening, he’s face down on the sidewalk with his arm twisted behind his back, a knee holding him in place, digging into the back of his thigh. Jeez, that was fast and he’s not even - Stiles does a quick inventory for bodily pain - not even injured.
“Boyd!” Officer Hale calls.
“Oh my God, Stiles!” He can hear Erica yell and footsteps running towards him.
He turns his head and sees Officer Boyd stopping Erica from reaching him, one strong arm holding her across the shoulders, her back to his front.
“No, no nononono.  Oh my God. My dad’s gonna kill me! He’s gonna kill me and then make me move home and put a detail on me!” Stiles would be shouting but the pressure holding him down is also preventing him from inhaling too deeply. His words come out more like strangled whimpers.   “I won’t be able to go out of the house without supervision until I’m thirty!”
“Why would-  Is your dad a diplomat or something?”
“Wha? No. He’s a sheriff,” Stiles says, all the fight leaving his body.
“Not- John Stilinski?” Hale’s movements still.
“Uh, yeah. Shit. You know him?”
“Yeah... it’s our county department. We work together, share resources sometimes.  You’re really his son?” Officer Hale removes his knee from Stiles’ thigh and pulls him to standing in one smooth move. Really, it’s smooth. The ease with which he can move Stiles from standing to prone to standing again would be alarming if it weren’t so… arousing. Then Hale’s words sink in.
“Oh shit, you know my dad!  And you’re gonna tell him about this, aren’t you?”
“You don’t think he should know his son was in a fender bender, which he tried to get out of by flirting with the responding officer-“
“Flirting!? That was not flirting!  Why would-“. Stiles pauses. Why would Hale say that? But then, he guesses, it’s probably something that happens to Hale and Boyd often, considering how good looking they are. Stiles looks up and notices the corners of Officer Hale’s mouth are twitching. “You’re fucking with me aren’t you?”
The corners of Hale’s mouth pull down, but it’s still a smile, Stiles can tell. It’s in his eyes.   “Sheriff Stilinski is a great guy. I wouldn’t want to upset him by possibly increasing his son’s insurance premium. I think we can let you off with a warning.  But,” Hale’s expression goes from smug to confused. “Why were you being so weird about it?”
“Ugh! Not weird! I just. Didn’t want my dad getting any notifications about me - I’m sure he’s set up an alert for my name. He’ll call me and give me hell. Or worse, I’ll get that tired, disappointed voice. ‘What did you do this time, Stiles?’”  Erica makes a noise of sympathy. She knows how mad his dad had been after the lab incident, plus any of the many other incidents that his dad has had to weather over the years.
“Disappointed?  I doubt it. You know how proud he is of you, right?  I mean, the guys basically know to not ask about you or he’ll talk our ears off about how you graduated top of your class or that you’re going to Berkeley on a full scholarship.  Or about the time - what was it Boyd? The missing minor case?”
“Yeah. When you figured out how the suspect communicated with the victim in their blog tags, when the detectives didn’t have a lead.”  Stiles glances at Boyd as he chimes in. He still has a hand on Erica’s shoulder but the tension, the ready anticipation for a fight is gone from his stance.
“Or the fact that you created the Dinner with a Deputy fundraiser to pay for the mountain lion specialist after all those attacks that one year.  The office upgrades you organized, the digitization project you implemented. Do you want more?” Hale looks wry but fond, however he makes that possible.
Stiles does not have tears in his eyes.  The wind must have blown a piece of dust in there.  Great, he’s blotchy, sweaty and red eyed: making a great impression on the hot-like-the-sun officers who are letting him know how proud his dad is of him.
“Oh. Uh.” His voice is raspy. He clears it.  “I guess you really do know him.”
“Yep. So, are you going to tell me how you crashed in the first place?” Hale crosses his arms again and the straining shirt sleeves make Stiles’ eyes glaze over.  
Erica’s bright laughter brings back his focus. When he turns to see her she’s leaning up, whispering something to Boyd.  He throws her a glare, but it’s probably less effective because of his burning cheeks. He sighs. Might as well fess up now, get all the embarrassment out there at once. “There might have been something, an attractive person. Who might have. Distracted me.”  It comes out in fits of words.
“Oh, okay.”  Something shutters over Officer Hale’s expression and he glances around the street, then looks back down at his notebook, the corners of his mouth pulled down slightly.
“He’s talking about  you, numbnut!” Erica yells.  Boyd laughs.
Stiles looks over and Erica is leaning back on Officer Boyd, almost like when he’d held her before when he was restraining her, but now it looks cozy.
“Oh.” Officer Hale’s eyebrows perk up considerably.  “Really?”
“Yeah. I mean…” Stiles gestures at Officer Hale’s everything, but then lets his hands move into a more neutral arm flail. Implying he’s only interested in Officer Hale for how well he fills out his uniform is probably not the path to take.
Hale smiles and - wow, he should do that all the time because it’s like those butterfly wings that look all plain when they’re folded but open to reveal their irridescent beauty, it’s that stunning - and looks down at his notebook as if to hide it. Or maybe he’s trying to hide the pinkness of his cheeks; they’re adorably pink and it spreads to his ears too!  “Oh, well. Would you. Do you think you’d. Like to. Um. Get coffee some time?”
“Yeah, get it, Stilinski!” Erica cheers. Stiles ignores her.  He nods at Hale vigorously.
“Coffee would be great. Um. When do you- when would you-
“We’re off duty in half an hour.  Want to meet us at the station? Does that give you enough time to take care of your cars?”
Stiles looks at Erica who gives him a thumbs up.  He turns back to Officer Hale, “Sounds awesome.”
“Woo hoo! Double date!”  Erica holds out her hand and Boyd meets her with a high five.
“Did you really raise that much money for the station?” Derek - Hot Bicycle Cop’s first name is Derek - asks.  They’ve finished their coffees and are still lingering at a table, talking. Erica and Boyd have moved to squeeze into a nearby oversized beanbag chair and are probably naming their future kids.
“Yeah. I mean, it wasn’t hard after the explosion.  You heard about that, right? We have a lot of nice old ladies in Beacon Hills willing to pay to spend a day with their favorite deputies. Why?”
“Well, we wanted to start a mentoring program with the high schools, but our budget is strapped since we just spent all this money starting the bike patrol.”  Picturing Derek mentoring kids melts Stiles’ heart even more than when he talked about Stiles’ dad.
“Oh.  Yeah, I can- You can do Coffee with a Cop. But, you know what would bring in even more money?  A calendar. You know. Each officer with a different themed photo shoot for each month. I could…art direct.”  Stiles thinks of a theme that would suit Derek. “Do you have a surfboard?”
Derek scoffs and looks down into his lap.  “Yeah, maybe if the Sheriff’s department does one too.  And only if the junior deputies are included.” When he looks up his smile is mischievous.
“Oh my God. Did my dad tell you I'm a junior officer?  Did he show you pictures?! Those were terrible!”
“Yeah - I mean - You turned out… better than expected.” He's smirking and giving Stiles a once over.
“What?- Rude! It was a bad haircut!  And. I’ve filled out since then! And Lydia’s trying to fix my clothes but-” Stiles is indignantly waving his arms when his hand is grabbed mid-flail and brought gently down to the table.
Derek pulls and Stiles is dragged bodily forward before he realizes what’s happening. His hand is now tucked under Derek’s and their faces are inches apart over the small table. Stiles can only blink and stare dumbly at the beautiful face in front of him.  
Derek smiles and looks down at Stiles’ mouth.  “I’m saying, if your dad had a more recent picture of you I’d have found an excuse to try and meet you sooner.”
“Oh. Oh cool. Maybe-“
He’s cut off by Derek moving in and bringing their lips together softly.  It’s slow and lingering and hints at more to come. Derek pulls back and Stiles opens his eyes, blinking away the haze of lust threatening to overwhelm him.
“Wow,” he breathes. “Totally worth paying six hundred dollars in car repairs.”
The next week a new framed picture appears on the Sheriff’s desk. In it, Stiles is smiling broadly, the arm not taking the selfie wrapped around someone whose nose is turned into Stiles’ cheek.
“Is that … ? Stiles!” The Sheriff stomps out of his office into the deputy bullpen. “Why is there a picture on my desk of you, hugging one of my officers?”
Stiles looks up from the cabinet where he’s pulling his notes from the last fundraiser.
“Okay, A, he’s not  your officer. And B, I was told that your lack of recent pictures of me was hindering my love life. Not that I need it anymore, but I’m rectifying that.”
“When were you going to tell me you were dating one of  my officers?”
“Um, I’m telling you now?”
“He’s coming over for dinner Sunday. Would you like to tell him or should I send an inter-office notice?”
“I’ll let him know,” Stiles says hurriedly.  He’s sure Derek would appreciate not being publicly singled out at his workplace by the county sheriff.
His dad gives a curt nod and takes the photo back to his office. He might not even realize he’s doing it, but Stiles sees his dad smile before disappearing through the door.  The fist pump reflected in the window to his office is definitely intentional though.
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
prologue, chapter one, chapter two
Derek rolled his eyes, slinging an arm around your shoulder roughly, his cheeks rosy with an alcoholic glow. The pint of beer in his hand sloshed dangerously, threatening to tip over the side until you righted him, shaking your head at the man's actions.
"Oh come on, not one anecdote of your childhood with our resident genius? I need to know what the kid was like, I mean, did he wear sweater vests as an eight year old? Did he always talk as fast as he does now? How did you two even meet?"
Your eyes rolled playfully.
"Please, Y/N, we've been dying to know what our Boy Wonder was like as a kid." Penelope took another long pull of her drink- probably too long of a pull given the amount that she had already had. Everyone had been drinking that night, which made sense provided that the team was at a bar. The case had ended fairly quickly, the unsub playing right into the waiting hand of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, and it had sent you all home within a couple of days.
Penelope had been the one to suggest a bar. Her waiting figure had been posted at the elevator doors, a rather pointed look thrown in your direction, one that screamed 'You can't get out of this even if you tried', and you had looked to Spencer almost immediately. You had noticed yourself doing that these past couple of months because, even with all of the history weighing the two of you down, pulling you like sinking stones to the bottom of the murky, muddy water, the two of you hadn't said much to each other at all. In fact, you could probably count the number of interactions since that first day on one hand.
That first day.
You poked at the olive at the bottom of your brink ruefully, popping it into your mouth, relishing in the remnants of the vodka lying on the glass.
"Are you just gonna stare at me from behind that fridge door or are you gonna say whatever it is you're thinking in that big brain of yours?"
The coffee in your mug warmed your hand, which worked well for you. Your body was still attempting to find itself accustomed to the dreary weather surrounding Quantico, and you would be damned if you were to say you were entirely de-thawed from that morning's walk in the gloom.
The scent of the stale coffee sloshing around in the navy blue mug was enough to make you want to toss it into the trashcan all together, but you knew good and well enough that you would force yourself to drink it all the same. The coffee you had that morning was wonderful, good enough to make you long for it as you gazed into the mass-produced black coffee from a Mr. Coffee machine that looked like it had seen better days.
Spencer Reid righted himself from where he was previously crouched in a position in which he thought to be rather stealthy.
He had been waiting all morning for the perfect opportunity, waiting an agonizingly long time, sitting through dozens of handshakes, introductions, desk tours, all of which he had stayed painfully silent through. The team had watched as your initial greeting had made Spencer's face pale, how your eyebrows had scrunched at the lack of response from the Reid man, how the two of you seemed to skirt around each other- well, that wasn't entirely fair. You weren't doing the skirting. It was Spencer.
Spencer was the one who was avoiding you like the plague.
And, you had noticed, of course. Just like you had noticed how his eyes had followed you as you stood from your newly claimed desk, empty of any personal markers, void of any personal belongings, and made your way into the break room for what he knew was your second cup of coffee that day. He had seen you grab that first one, he knew that now.
As if you were a magnet, Spencer had found himself standing, his feet directing him toward you as if he had no control over it. No control at all, and it suddenly felt like he was no longer in the FBI building. He was no longer wearing his converse, sweater vest, and FBI badge that sat proudly on his chest. No longer did he feel as though he were 29 year old man, 6 feet tall, 2 inches. No. No, now, he felt as though he were that tiny little child who still hadn't hit their growth spurt. That small child whose best friend was taller than him, a fact he found a bit embarrassing because she was a girl and just about every book he read portrayed men as the tall, strong protectors and he was dutifully failing that role and his best friend seemed to have no trouble picking up the slack.
He felt as though that tiny little child had replaced him in just that instant, reverting back to the small boy who would've followed you anywhere without question, without hesitation, because he trusted you that much.
All those moments of trust, the moments of dancing in basements, or you encouraging him to jump off a high tree branch, or even showing him how to do a neat trick on his bicycle (he had fallen quite badly after that one, but he hadn't even let you apologize because the problem did not lie in your teaching methods, it simply laid in his inability to do anything remotely active). It all came rushing back to him, echoes falling upon his ears as he attempted tp act casual, hiding behind that fridge door and pretending to inspect the contents. Well, that is, until you had spoken.
His lips pursed, eyes flickering up to peak over the top of the fridge and peer at you. His fingers twitched, closing the door and reluctantly rising from his hindsightedly awkward crouched position. Your eyes fell to his fingers, lips almost quirking at the corners when you noticed they still did that thing.
That thing they had done almost since the day you had met him. That thing where they moved, like re-wiring a bomb, or turning the pages of a book only he could see. The things where they danced upon the moth air, catching your attention and letting you know that his nerves were at an all time high. When you were children, it acted up whenever the boy was uncomfortable, spiking when the two were surrounded by bullies, or when he had to go home early (he didn't quite enjoy being home all too much back then). The memory of the Reid's slender fingers dancing that same dance almost made hers begin her own. Her hand twitched, as if to reach out and grab as she did so many years ago, as she had always done. Her hand longed to reach out and grab his in her own and give him that smile- knowing and reassuring, letting him know that she was there, that he was safe, and that he had no reason at all to be nervous.
But she didn't. Her hand remained at her side, and Spencer shoved his hands into his pockets just as soon, rocking on his heels awkwardly.
It was quiet for a moment, only the hum of the newly purchased refrigerator to fill the abyss blanketing the two agents. The old one had given up almost three weeks ago. Spencer could still remember the smell it had reeked when the team had discovered just how broken it was. Penelope had told them when they had gotten back from a case, ranting about how her milk had gone bad, cheese going rotten and they hadn't quite believed her. "Are you sure it's plugged in?" Rossi had asked teasingly to which the blonde had scowled and turned on her heel, Derek nipping at her stilettos.
They had soon discovered that the tech analyst was, in fact, correct, the smell putrid and intense  enough to make the Reid man's eyes sting when he opened the fridge. Hotch had to make room in the budget but he had chosen almost an exact replica of the old fridge. The only difference was that this one was new.
"I never thought I'd see you again." You broke the silence. It was true. Because you couldn't quite remember the last time you had thought about him. Those months after he had left he had been all that you had thought about. Your best friend. Spencer. Your Spencer. And he had just...left. Just as you had always known he would, so you couldn't even particularly act surprised about it, but you could act 'mopey' as your father had called it with a grumble.
He was all you had thought about because best friends don't just stop being friends just because one moves away, they stop being friends because eventually someone loses interest in the other and right now you couldn't quite remember if that had been you or him.
Spencer's lips screwed up into that uncomfortable smile that he had done as a kid and now looked even sillier on his fully-grown and matured face. "Me either."
It was hard enough for him to get that sentence out and it was two words. Two words and three syllables and it was enough to make him dizzy because he just felt so...bare. He felt vulnerable and insecure and slightly embarrassed because here, in this building, in the Behavioral Analysis Unit he was.. well, he was Spencer Reid. He was boy genius, the kid who was a child prodigy, could read at incredible speeds, had multiple PhD's, and seemingly knew everything about anything. He was a superhero. Okay, maybe not a superhero, but at least in this building he could imagine that some people actually thought of him that way.
They admired him for his intelligence and they didn't see him as that dorky kid from Nevada with a schizophrenic mom who sometimes forgot to feed him. And now, you did. You, who had played cops and robbers with him in his backyard or returned books back to him with the pages dog eared that always drove him nuts, or picked out peanuts from your ice cream because you hated them. You would see him that way. As the way that he had tried so incredibly hard to bury, and Spencer felt his throat close up at the notion.
"Did you follow me here?" It wasn't what he meant to say. It wasn't what he wanted to say at all. He wanted to ask where she had been. What she had done, who she had met. He wanted to know it all but what had come out was a snarky remark that implied the girl had nothing better to do with her time than follow around a boy she had met so many years ago and while he was hopeful she wouldn't take it as such he saw that familiar twitch of her brow and narrow of her eyes as she let out a scoff.
"Funnily enough, they recruited me, are you sure you didn't stalk me and send in that paperwork yourself?" Your words were light, light enough that any passerby might have thought the two were joking around but he knew you. He knew that the fierceness in your tone was a warning, an indication to your ever-growing temper that always had a tendency to flare up at both the worst and best moments was in the process of rising.
Spencer's eyes widened. "I didn't, I wouldn't- I haven't thought about you in decades, actually-" Your lips pursed and the Reid man's hands flew form their place of rest in his pants pockets and began to fly in the air around him as he tried to fix his mistake but he had never been quite as skilled as you with the whole social interaction side of friendship and very quickly the man felt himself making things worse. "That's not what I meant. Look, I just find it a bit strange that you're here-"
The coffee stirrer in your hands halted in their movement as you pulled it from the light brown pool of liquid sitting in your mug. Your fingers flicked it into the trashcan, nodding stiffly. "Well then." Your hand tipped your glass to the man who was trying entirely too hard to conceal the panic racing through his mind. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. JJ offered to give me a tour of the place, I think I'll take her up on that-"
"Y/N-" he hadn't moved form his spot, despite his brain yelling at his feet to move. Spencer could've been glued to the floor for all he knew but what he did know was that he simply was not budging. You turned with a confused look on your face, one that made his stomach churn because his behavior had caused it.
"It's fine, Spencer, we were friends as kids, doesn't mean we have to be now." His mouth opened, lips parting to say something, anything to keep you from walking into the bullpen, unaware of his internal conflict to you bring in the building rather than just thinking he was the world's biggest jerk, but nothing came out and your hand waved in the air passively. "It's okay, Spencer, seriously."
And with that, you had left.
The team stared at you expectantly, awaiting the answer to Penelope's inquiry and you threw a glance over your shoulder, landing on the genius to your left. You had all chosen a booth to sit at, close enough to the bar to retrieve drinks and far enough away to avoid the issue of crowds. The Reid man was pressed against the wall side of the booth, eyes glued to his drink of choice- a water, as far as you could tell but you didn't question it (Had you questioned any of his decisions in the last couple of months? No, that would have required talking.)
Your hand dropped the olive skewer softly, easily placing a faux smile that hurt your lips to create, eyes on the child prodigy shrinking his body so far into himself you thought he might collapse entirely.
"He was a good friend."
Penelope rolled her eyes, Emily booing as Derek through a pretzel that landed squarely in your curls. Hotch and Rossi watched in interest, JJ giggling at the teams antics but you weren't watching them.
You were watching him.
The stiffness that had taken over his posture, the stillness in his breaths.
"A good friend? That's it? Oh come on, sweetheart, we're gonna need a bit more than that, give it to us." The Morgan's eyebrows danced upon his forehead in a way that made you laugh, your eyes closing for the briefest of moments. But the moment was fleeting enough to let Spencer look at you, eyes flitting from the condensation on his water glass he had been concentrated on for the better half of the night to you. Your head tilted back, neck exposed as you chuckled. Your eyes were closed, just that happy grin consuming your features and he could imagine that he had been the one to cause it, just as he had done so before all those years ago reading the back of popsicle sticks and Laffy Taffy wrappers in funny voices because he knew that it made you laugh no matter what. He could imagine that he hadn't screwed up all those months ago, that he had pestered you with the questions that had stormed his mind that day and continued to flood him everyday since and that he was sitting next to you as he should be now. That the two of you were... the two of you once more. As you should have been. As it always should have been.
But then the moment was over and your eyes were opening to find Spencer staring at his glass once more.
"I don't think I will." Your smile drained at the sight the man and you deflated slightly, letting out a puff of air before holding up the empty glass, focusing your eyes back onto the Morgan. "But I will grab us all another round."
The chorus of boo's followed you like a billowy cloak wrapped around your shoulders and you turned on your heel without a second thought, heading to the bar for another drink.
TAGLIST- message me to be tagged:)
@fangurl215 @lauren2408 @moonstarrnghtsky @uwu-sebastianstan
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
“He Died Like an Animal”: Some Police Departments Hogtie People Despite Knowing The Risks
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The U.S. Department of Justice in 1995 warned that people may die when police tie handcuffed wrists to bound ankles.
On a warm October day in 2018, George and Mary Smith drove to police headquarters, where they had a 2 p.m. appointment to watch video of the death of their son Marcus.
This investigation was published in partnership with NBC News.
Nearly everything they knew about the September 2018 incident in which he died came from a Greensboro Police Department press release, which said he had been suicidal and combative before collapsing as police tried to help him. A lawyer had secured their right to watch the body camera footage.
When they got to headquarters, Mary changed her mind.
“A mother doesn’t want to see her child fall off a bicycle, much less getting beat to death,” she said. “And that’s when I decided I did not want to watch."
George watched the video, and left headquarters convinced police had lied about his son’s death.
"It was terrifying, the only thing Marcus wanted was help,” he said. “I don’t know where they got the suicidal or combative or collapsing from. I didn’t see none of that.”
Like George Floyd under the knee of Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, an autopsy found Smith was killed by positional asphyxia, though not by a knee on the neck, but by a controversial and widely banned practice called the “hogtie.”
The video showed that Marcus Smith was in distress and begging police to take him to the hospital or call an ambulance.
Officers pushed him face down on the street and tied a belt around his ankles and attached it to his cuffed hands so tightly his knees were lifted off the pavement. On the video, his last coherent words were “Help me.”
“That’s how my brother died,” said Kimberly Smith, his younger sister, who watched the video later. “He died like an animal.”
Hogtying is a troublesome word and a dangerous act. It involves putting a person on his stomach and tying his cuffed hands to his bound feet behind his back with an adjustable nylon belt, a device known as a “hobble.” Police officers have said the hogtie position is used to restrain individuals who can’t be restrained any other way and would otherwise pose a danger to themselves and those around them. The hobble device can be used to restrain someone's legs without placing them in the compromised hogtie position.
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The Department of Justice warned against hogtying as far back as 1995, in a bulletin instructing police how to prevent deaths in custody. The paper instructed officers to move the suspect off his stomach as soon as he was handcuffed, and included this directive: “Never tie the handcuffs to a leg or ankle restraint.”
Many police departments, including New York and Los Angeles, have banned hogtying for decades. But a joint investigation by NBC News and The Marshall Project found that a dangerous practice roundly rejected by experts has persisted in many places because of outdated guidelines and lax oversight. And the use of the hobble and hogtie may be even more widespread than can be determined because there are no national reporting requirements and many police departments don’t keep track.
Nationwide, NBC News and The Marshall Project identified at least 23 deaths involving hogtying or a hobble in law enforcement custody since 2010. From California to Maine, police have appeared to use a hobble to either tie a person’s hands and feet together behind them, put pressure on their back with body weight, or leave them prone for longer than recommended. Those cases include a chemical engineer in Mississippi who police said was acting strangely after taking LSD; an unarmed man running naked through his Alabama hometown; and a man who died on a Tacoma, Washington, sidewalk after police deemed his actions suspicious. At least 13 people were mentally ill or in mental crises. Of those who died, 12 were White, nine were Black, and two were Hispanic.
Many departments do not track the use of the hobble device, or when it is used to hogtie, in their use-of-force data. But in those that do keep records, the hobble has been used hundreds of times in recent years.
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Over the past five years, police in Aurora, Colorado, have used the hobble on roughly 350 people, nearly half of whom were Black. In Greensboro, court records show that in the four years before the death of Marcus Smith, Greensboro police used a hobble device to hogtie at least 275 people, two-thirds of whom were Black.
Tom Manger, former police chief in Montgomery County, Maryland, and former president of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, says that in his 42 years as an officer he’s only seen the hobble used a handful of times.
“It should only be used when you have a situation where a person is violently combative [and] you have a lawful reason to take them into custody,” said Manger. “What you're trying to do is make sure they don't hurt themselves, or hurt someone else.”
He himself has never used one.
“Cops need to be careful if they're doing something like hobbling somebody,” said Manger. “They'd better be damn sure that they're doing things right.”
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daviddshiki · 3 years
The Adventures of David Dashiki-Story of an African American Hero-I Ain’t All Glad
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WHY SHOULD I BE GLAD ABOUT THE DEREK CHAUVIN VERDICT? It is as if someone stole your bicycle and returned it to you in pieces. There has to be a law which forbids such acts. There must be transparency when a cop fires his weapon and accountability when the act is criminal. White folks do not hear us. In fact, they do not fear us. During the George Floyd trial Daunte Wright an unarmed Black man was murdered...and in Minnesota. This is the same state infamous for the murders of Philando Castile, Jamar Clark, Terrance Franklin, Alfred Sanders, Cordael Handy and Tycel Nelson. The question has an answer. It is a political one. If indeed, the police are killing Blackmen with impunity. The law can change that. However, there is no will on the part of politicians to introduce legislation to prevent or prohibit the murder of unarmed Black men by the very force established to serve and protect.
Let’s pause for a moment and reflect. The recent slaughter of Black men has provoked a keen awareness of the problem. Demonstrations have occurred or have been organized throughout the United States.  Americans, both Black and white want answers. Whatever the motivation, people are mobilized seeking an end to the carnage. Still police in one state are not heeding the warnings resulting from the prosecution of officers in another. These rogue policemen don’t give a F&^&*(&^* Or, they are not watching the news or reading the newspapers.Black Lives Matter is no joke. No justice , no peace is far from a cry for laughter. These are grave and somber times.
The laments of the officers ring hollow.'I feared for my life’ cannot be justified when the victim was shot in the back. Some martyrs had been handcuffed. At times, there was a problem with the body camera and its contents could not be delivered for weeks There was a scramble to get explanations for the killings. The family and the police are at odds in a matter in which the policeman was armed and the victim unarmed. It would seem that in any instance in which a person was murdered by those whose job it is to serve and protect, police should be eager to provide proof  and reasons for the use of extreme force.
This has become a political issue. Politicians have exploited the police as professionals who need protection on their job and that  they, the politicians,  will guarantee that no one will take it away. They have divided the country on this platform. They hope that their apparent show of devotion and dedication to the police will secure their job. Policemen will have to make the decision of whether or not their politicians love them so much that they would assist them in situations that result in the murder of a citizen.I hold a belief in my heart regarding strong political support on issues of life, death and human rights. I reserve the right to speak on that subject. However, I do know that political will has never been an ally for Black folks. They separated the country, segregated Black from white, introduced laws which gerrymandered states and cities, suppressed and are suppressing the right to vote, permitted discrimination in the workplace, schools, and housing and are attempting to repeal our health care. All these acts are done with malice and forethought. Their attitude toward the police and providing some legislative guidelines for the interaction with all citizens are mere fog screens to give the appearance of care and concern.  We who love America, the greatest country in the universe must no longer be clowns for those who seek to destroy it. This America cannot survive with the police killing unarmed Black men. We must join forces , stop the killing and save our country...Black people are citizens too. Black lives matter... That should not cause anyone grief. Vote for those politicians who do not see that as a problem.
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anisanews · 3 years
Crowd reacts to Derek Chauvin trial outside courthouse
MINNEAPOLIS — Wild cheers erupted and tears flowed outside the courthouse Tuesday where former city cop Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges in the death of George Floyd.
“The sun is out,” a 24-year-old Minneapolis woman told The Post moments after the verdict was announced to the crowd. 
People fell to their knees in relief as others cried and hugged each other amid honking car horns, ringing bicycle bells and the waving of Black Lives Matter banners and signs with messages such as “Respect our existence” and “The world saw his murder.’’
Hundreds of people had gathered outside Hennepin County District Court in Minnesota as the verdict was read inside shortly after 5 p.m. — while a police helicopter and drone flew overhead and about a dozen National Guardsmen watched down from a balcony.
Moments earlier, the crowd chanted, “Say his name! George Floyd!”
Courtney Ross, wearing a red shirt with her late boyfriend Floyd’s face and name on it, wept amid the calls for justice.
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Gianna Floyd, the daughter of George Floyd, is carried as she walks with family members outside the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis on Monday, April 19, 2021, before the murder trial against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin advances to jury deliberations.
Julio Cortez/AP
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Ben Crump, left, the attorney representing George Floyd’s family, speaks during a news conference outside of the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis on Monday, April 19, 2021.
Julio Cortez/AP
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Roxie Washington embraces her daughter Gianna Floyd at a press conference on June 2, 2020 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Stephen Maturen/Getty Images
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Bridgett Floyd (R), sister of George Floyd, speaks to the media outside the Hennepin County Government Center where jury selection will take place in the trial of former officer Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 8, 2021.
Craig Lassig/EPA
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George Floyd’s daughter Gianna Floyd, 6, hugs her mother, Roxi Washington, as they appear at a news conference about Floyd’s death while under arrest, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2, 2020.
Craig Lassig/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Up Next Close
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An alleged rioter from Brooklyn surrendered to the FBI Tuesday…
A man at a mic in the crowd before the verdict said, “You are here watching history in the making.’’
Jennifer Evjen, 55, of Minneapolis, told The Post that she was “wanting justice for George.
“We are ready to have our city back to normal,” she said.
from Anisa News https://ift.tt/3n6K3bi
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thebgo · 5 years
BGO Staff Picks 2019
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The fine folks who put in the work behind the counters at Beat Goes On stores all over the world have humbly submitted for you their lists of their most favourite albums, movies, TV shows, games, concerts and other miscellany for your approval.  Enjoy responsibly.
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Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
Foals - Everything Not Saved Will be Lost
Pedro the Lion - Phoenix
Better Oblivion Community Centre
Frightened Rabbit/Various - Tiny Changes
Bombay Bicycle Club
Kevin Devine
Hippo Campus
Death Cab for Cutie
The Specials - Encore
Chaka Khan - Hello Happiness
Gary Clark Jr. - This Land
Cage the Elephant - Social Cues
Interpol - A Fine Mess
The Raconteurs - Help Us Stranger
Thom Yorke - Anima
The Who - The Who
Van Morrison - Three Chords & The Truth
Lego Movie 2
Ugly Dolls
Cassandro-The Exotico
Addams Family
Russian Doll
The Good Place
Bojack Horseman
Final Space
AEW Dynamite
NWA Power
Tool - Fear Inoculum
Pluralone - To Be One Wth You
Tinariwen - Amadjar
John Coltrane - Blue World
Tame Impala
Snarky Puppy
Tool - Fear Inoculum
The National - I Am Easy to Find
Silversun PIckups - Widow's Weed's
Local Natives - Violet Street
Beirut - Gallipoli
Bat for Lashes - Lost Girls
Baroness - Gold & GreyFka Twigs - Magdalene
Lizzo - Cuz I Love You
Local Natives - Violet Street
Sleater-Kinney - The Center Won't Hold
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Jojo Rabbit
Marriage Story
Cadence of Hyrule
Astral Chain
Outer Worlds
Luigi's Mansion 3
Untitled Goose Game
Baroness - Gold & GreyFka Twigs - Magdalene
Lizzo - Cuz I Love You
Local Natives - Violet Street
Sleater-Kinney - The Center Won't Hold
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Jojo Rabbit
Marriage Story
Cadence of Hyrule
Astral Chain
Outer Worlds
Luigi's Mansion 3
Untitled Goose Game
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Billie Eilish – When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Beirut - Gallipoli
White Lies – Five V2
FKA Twigs - Magdelene
Lana del Ray – Norman F**king Rockwell
Avengers: End Game
Captain Marvel
Brittany Runs a Marathon
Little Women
Russian Doll
Glow season 2
Handmaid’s Tale season 3
Schitt’s Creek season 5
Fontaines D.C. - Dogrel
Pup - Morbid Stuff
Beck - Hyperspace
Bastille - Doom Days
Sam Fender - Hypersonic Missiles
Ford vs. Ferrari
Cold Pursuit
Ad Astra
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
City & Colour – A Pill for Loneliness
Silversun Pickups – Widow’s Weeds
Death Cab for Cutie – Blue
Of Monsters & Men – Fever Dream
Lacuna Coil – Black Anima
Hozier – Wasteland Baby
Billie Eilish – When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Interpol – A Fine Mess
The National – I Am Easy to Find
Rammstein - ST
Knives Out
Avengers: Endgame
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Frozen 2
The Umbrella Academy
Good Omens
The Dragon Prince
Russian Doll
Stranger Things
Kingdom Hearts 3
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Death Stranding
Telltale’s The Walking Dead: The Final Season
AI: The Somnium Files
Billie Eilish – When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?
Lizzo – Cuz I Love You
Lacuna Coil – Black Anima
Of Monsters & Men – Fever Dream
Rammstein – ST
Captain Marvel
Terminator: Dark Fate
Velvet Buzzsaw
Stranger Things
Russian Doll
Killing Eve
Big Little Lies
Good Omens
King Princess – Cheap Queen
Clairo – Immunity
Maggie Rogers – Heard It In a Past Life
Julia Jacklin - Crushing
Japanese House – Good At Falling
It: Chapter 2
A Marriage Story
Tuca & Bertie
Stranger Things season 3
Queer Eye: Japan
End of the F**king World season 2
Beaches – The Professional
City & Colour – A Pill for Loneliness
K.Flay - Solutions
Maggie Rogers – Love You for A Long Time
Taylor Swift - Lover
Captain Marvel
John Wick 3
Ready or Not
Frozen 2
Killing Eve
Tales of the City
Big Little Lies
Death Stranding
Kingdom Hearts 3
Telltale’s The Walking Dead: The Final Season
Resident Evil 2
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
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Devin Townsend - Empath
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Infest the Rats Nest
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Fishing For Fishies
Tool - Fear Inoculum
Opeth - In Cauda Venenum
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
John Wick 3: Parabellum
The Irishman
Red Dead Redemption 2
The Outer Worlds
Death Stranding
Apex Legends
Octopath Traveler
Brockhampton - Ginger
Tyler, the Creator - Igor
SiR - Chasing Summer
YBN Cordae - The Lost Boy
Cage the Elephant - Social Cues
I Am Mother
Avengers: Endgame
Apex Legends
Resident Evil 2
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Tool - Fear Incolum
Wilco - Ode To Joy
Black Mountain - Destroyer
Racontuers - Help Us Stranger
Opeth - In Cauda Venenum
Claypool Lennon Delirium - South Of Reality
Foals - Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Pt. 1
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Fishing For Fishies/Infest The Rat’s Nest Knocked Loose- A Different Shade of Blue
Devin Townsend - Empath
Avengers: Endgame
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Pet Sematary
Lizzo - Cuz I Love You
Beth Hart - War On My Mind
Defeater - Defeater
Billie Eillsh - When We Fall Asleep...
Offset - Father of 4
Avengers: Endgame
John Wick: Chapter 3
Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
Flaming Lips - King's Mouth
Brittany Howard - Jamie
Kim Gordon - No Home
Amanda Palmer - There Will Be No Intermission
Claypool Lennon Delirium -  South of Reality
Crow Soundtrack (RSD Black & White Vinyl)
Thor: Ragnarok (Mondo Edition)
Flaming Lips - Soft Bulletin: Live (with Colorado Symphony Orchestra)
Flaming Lips - King's Mouth (RSD Edition)
Squirrel Nut Zippers - Christmas Caravan
Jojo Rabbit
Avengers: End Game
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
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Lizzo - Cuz I Love You
Ian Daniel Kehoe - Secret Republic
Toro Y Moi - Outer Peace
Angel Olsen - All Mirrors
Doja Cat - Hot Pink
Sunn O))) - Life Metal
Black Midi - Schlagenheim
FKA Twigs - Magdaline
Enforced - At The Walls
Blood Incantation - Hidden History Of The Human Race
New Model Army - From Here
Strand of Oakes - Eraserland
Copeland - Blushing
German Error Message - Mend
Damien Jurado - In the Shape of a Storm
DJ Joel (The Stillness & The Dancing on CFRU 93.3 FM)
Andreas Söderström & Rickard Jäverling - Adelsö (Flora och Fauna)
Ceecide - sweet love (self-released)
David Cordero - Hacia La Luz (archives)
Valotihkuu - By the River (hidden vibes)
Hipnotic Earth - Suspended in Silence (whitelabrecs)
About Endlessness
Jojo Rabbit
Heimat Is a Space In Time
The Farewell
Spheruleus - Light From Open Blinds
Oiseaux Tempete - From Somewhere Invisible
Big Brave - A Gaze Among Them
M. Grig - Mount Caramel
Ceecide - Sweet Love
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Albums (2019)
Snarky Puppy - Immigrance
Claypool Lennon Delirium - South of Reality
Miles Davis - Rubberband
John Coltrane - Blue World
Leonard Cohen - Thanks for the Dance
Albums (Decade)
Arctic Monkeys - AM (2013)
Kamasi Washington - The Epic (2015)
David Bowie - Blackstar (2016)
Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker (2016)
Claypool Lennon Delirium - Monolith of Phobos (2016)
Films (2019)
The Irishman
Jojo Rabbit
Movies (Decade)
Mother! (2017)
Ex Machina (2014)
The Artist (2011)
The Way Way Back (2013)
Eighth Grade (2018)
Albums (All Time)
Depeche Mode - Spirit
The Bee Gees - Odessa
Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy
Orbital - Orbital 2
Marie Davidson - Working Class Woman
Films (All Time)
1. Kindergarten Cop
2.. Commando
3. The Last Stand
4. Predator
5. The Terminator
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
Shogun 2 Total War
The Outer Worlds
Aquaman on Gamecube
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Myles Goodwyn - Friends of the Blues 2
Magpie Salute - Highwater II
Tool - Fear Inoculum
Beth Hart - War in My Mind
Joe Bonamassa - Live at the Sydney Opera House
The National - I am Easy to Find
Sam Fender - Hypersonic Missiles
Great Grandpa - Four of Arrows
Kanye West - Jesus is King
Opeth - In Cauda Venenum
Her Smell
Marriage Story
Uncut Gems
Mister America
Drab Majesty - Modern Mirror
Foals - Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 1
Kanye West - Jesus is King
Pup - Morbid Stuff
Lana Del Ray - N.F.R.
JoJo Rabbit
Knives Out
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
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Mountain Goats - In League With Dragons
Nick Cave - Ghosteen
Devil Master - Satan Spits On Children Of Light
Charly Bliss - Young Enough
Better Oblivion Community Center - Better Oblivion Community Center
Uncut Gems
Doctor Sleep
The Lighthouse
Ready Or Not
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Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising
Bon Iver - I,I
Sunn O))) - Life Metal
Angel Olsen - All Mirrors
Avey Tare - Cows On Hourglass Pond
Scotty M & the Dumpsty Boys - Life Is Päin & Other Hits
King Crimson @ Budweiser Gardens
Sleep @ Guelph Concert Theater
Bon Iver w/Feist @ Scotiabank Place
BA Johnston @ Jimmy Jazz
Christopher Clause @ BGO Waterloo
1.  Billie Eilish - When We All Fall Asleep
Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood
Toy Story 4
The Irishman
Ford V Ferrari
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Pokemon Sword
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Luigi's Mansion 3
Super Mario Maker 2
Yoshi's Crafted World
Kingdom Hearts III
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen
Marty Robbins - Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs
Fontaines D.C. - Dogrel
FKA twigs - Magdalene
Slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain
Black Midi - Schlagenheim
The Lighthouse
Sorry We Missed You
The Farewell
One Cut of the Dead
The Last Black Man in San Francisco
Knives Out
The Irishman
First Love / Uncut Gems / Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen
Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated
Copeland - Blushing
Ben Platt - Sing to Me Instead
La Dispute - Panorama
Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell
Pup - Morbid Stuff
Billie Eilish - When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go
FKA Twigs - Magdalene
Ariana Grande - Thank U, Next
The Irishman
The Lighthouse
High Life
El Camino
Knives Out
Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood
Toy Story 4
Karen O & Danger Mouse - Lux Prima
Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood
The Irishman
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series: The Final Season
Life is Strange 2
The Outer Worlds
0 notes