#bichie smut
antisociallilbrat · 1 year
45 immediately makes me think of Richie getting his comeuppance for being a smarmy bastard. your choice of whoever the partner(s) is(are). or 144 with stenbrough?
Oh yeah baby it's Bichie time 😤 also I will be doing that stenbrough one, just in a separate post.
Thank you Wilbur for indulging in my nonsense
Smut Prompts
Bill and Richie have a very adventurous sex life. It probably has something to do with their eagerness to try new things and their high sex drives. Seriously, when Richie’s with Bill, sometimes he feels insatiable. 
They switch back and forth between who tops and who leads the scene, but those don’t always coincide. Richie has power-bottomed leading a scene once or twice. Today Bill was leading the scene and Bill is always quick and powerful in what he decides. He loves to throw Richie around in the bedroom, loves to leave him with pretty hickies traveling his chest and up his neck, and loves to leave his ass bruised and sore. Bill is hands-on when he’s leading the scene. 
Which Richie was excited about. It’s been a while since he and Bill had even had sex thanks to their busy schedules. This weekend they had planned to do a scene and the night before when they were at dinner with their friends that’s all he could think about. His foot kept trailing up Bill’s leg and he would be lying if he wasn’t hoping they could start last night. But…Bill just came home and went to bed. 
But that’s okay because this morning after a heavy makeout session in bed, and Bill painfully slowly opening him up, he finds himself tied to their four-poster bed, completely at Bill’s mercy. 
He wiggles against the restraints, his hard cock pulsing when he sees how tight the bindings are. There’s a dildo tucked up in him, just brushing against his prostate. Providing a ghost of simulation. 
Bill circles him around the bed, still annoyingly clothed. He runs a feather softly across his chest and Richie shudders. “That’s all you gonna do Big Bill?” he snarks. 
Bill doesn’t say anything but he crawls onto the bed, kneeling in the v of Richie’s legs. He pulls off his shirt and Richie’s mouth runs dry. Bill slowly shucks his pants and underwear off, not saying anything just smirking at Richie’s huffs of annoyance. 
Richie grounds down on the bed, trying to get the dildo deeper to no avail. His cock lays heavy against his stomach and he whimpers as he watches Bill stroke his own instead of Richie’s. 
“Bill what the fuck? Come on!”
“Always so puh-pushy,” It’s the first thing he’s said in a while, “Even going as far as to embuh-barrass me at dinner last night.”
“Oh, you can’t be upset about that!”
Bill ignores him and leans over him, stroking himself a little faster, enjoying watching Richie struggle. 
He’s not ready to start begging but he’s close to it, “Fuck, just touch me already! Just— just do something!” 
Bill chuckles, “Not so fast. We’ve still got the whole day ahead of us.”
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call-me-eds · 2 years
call-me-eds Masterlist
Fic Recs
Blurbs (includes recs)
Eddie Munson
The Other Woman
You know she means a lot to Eddie, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy about it.
Jasper Avenue (Part 1)
Eddie broke up with you before you went off to school and is still in Hawkins. You’ve been trying to move on from each other, but you’re alone, drunk, with a cell phone, and have his number memorized.
‘tis the damn season (Jasper Avenue Part 2) Winter break is here and you’re back in Hawkins for a month. It didn’t take long for you to run into the person you’ve been trying to forget for the last five months, your ex-boyfriend Eddie.
New Dress
Eddie hears through the grapevine that you want to go on more dates, and he goes into quick action.
Prom Night
You never thought it would be your fault that you couldn’t go to prom with your boyfriend, but Eddie did his part. It was you that messed up.
Girls Freak Me Out
After graduating, Eddie isn’t as in the loop with the Hawkins population, especially when someone new comes to town.
Chivalry Kills *18+
Eddie is a perfect gentleman to everyone, and it makes you feel invisible to him. 
Lecture *18+
Wayne walks in on something..unbecoming. He has a special relationship with you, but now all of that is out the window.
Fluff, fluff, fluff with our boy Eddie.
You help Nancy out in an emergency, it brings back a painful memory, Dustin doesn’t bother to read instructions.
Done Deal
You thought you and Eddie were just enjoying each other’s company, but he takes a step that puts your relationship in more of a gray area.
The Boy is Mine (call-me-eds version)
A romantic night in at the trailer
Steve Harrington
A Family Affair *minor smut
You and Steve finally get a moment alone without your brother.
Second Date
After a disastrous first date, you and Steve give it another go.
Answering Machine
You hesitate to open up to Steve, but when it all gets too much, he can’t bear to see you suffer anymore.
Almost everyone can tell that Max has a crush on Steve. When he cancels a driving lesson to take you on a date, you think that you can take out 2 birds with one stone.
Friendsgiving *18+
You and Steve try to get through a dinner after crossing a line.
Baby *18+
Snapshots of your relationship with Steve through his most used nickname.
Eddie and Wayne get into a fight, and he goes to Steve for comfort.
Not Today (Reddie)
All Eddie wants is to be an emotional backbone for Richie, who is used to running and hiding from his emotions. He’s trying to learn and be emotionally available to Eddie, but it’s hard to change all at once.
Patience (Stenbrough)
Stan needs help in school. He hates not being the smartest one in the room, he hates having to ask for help, and he hates having to ask for help from his boyfriend.  
Know-It-All (Stozier)
Stan knew all there was to know about almost everything. He’s spent almost his entire life trying to pin down just one thing about Richie Tozier, but no one could do that.
Weak (Stenbrough: Fuckboy!Bill)
Fuckboy! Bill has his claws deep in Stan.
Weak Part Two (Stenbrough: Fuckboy!Bill) Stan gets some guts and Bill isn’t sure how to handle it.
Tomorrow (Reddie)
Eddie is leaving for college and Richie can’t quite handle it.
Jewelry (Stozier)
Richie falls in love with piercings and rings while Stan falls in love with him.
Poison (Stanlon)
Getting high has never been so stressful, but then again, everything that Stan did had an edge to it.
Eye On The Ball (Bichie)
Bill tries to cope with his role in his friend group and Richie can’t stand it.
Drive (Reddie)
All Richie has wanted is to have his license and his freedom, and there’s only one thing that might stand in his way.
Yes (Stenbrough)
Stan has had enough of Bill’s heroics and can’t help but put his foot down.
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findyourrp · 11 months
hi all!! (twenty, she 💘) i’m desperately craving some IT (2017) rps. the ships i’m looking for are reddie, bichie, and kaspbrough!! i will write anyone. i LOVE dark, twisted, angsty plots. smut is a huuuge bonus 👀 my only rule is you MUST be 20+ to write with me. our characters will be of legal age as well. other than that, i am open to just about anything. oh and i only write on discord! like this and i’ll get in touch asap! 🍬
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eddieeatsass · 3 years
If you’re accepting prompts can I get a small smutty Bichie one shot? Preferably including a lollipop and Bill with an oral fixation
I clearly don't know the definition of "small"... so here's 4k words instead uhhhhhhI'msosorry please enjoy this debauchery
Read over on AO3 or under the cut ♡
A lollipop is simply a lollipop until you give it to Bill Denbrough; when in his clutches it becomes a weapon of arousal. It would be fundamentally impossible to see Bill sucking on a lollipop and not pop a boner. Well, maybe it would be possible if you didn't have a dick, and oh what Richie would give to be in that category right now.
The thing is, Bill always seemed to have something in his mouth. He was a chronic nail biter, went through two packs of gum a day, was known to bum a cigarette off Bev every once in a while, and Richie's pretty sure he even caught him sucking his thumb one time at a sleepover.
But lollipops were by far the worst.
"My mom is gonna kill me."
Richie was snapped out of his hyper fixation, his attention pulled back into the conversation as Eddie voiced his newest worry.
"You can borrow one of my shirts if we stop by my place on the way back." Stanley offered, eyeing the big brown stain that now interrupted the pink of Eddie's sweater.
"She'll notice if I'm wearing a different shirt." Eddie objected, scrubbing at the spot with a napkin.
"We can throw yours in the wash and you'll be wearing it again by the time you go home." Beverly suggested, trying to defuse Eddie’s heightening anxiety.
"Yeah, my parents won't mind." Stan added encouragingly.
"This is the last time I ever order a chocolate shake. From now on, vanilla only." Eddie grumbled, crossing his arms stubbornly.
"Awe come on Eds, we all know you’re anything but vanilla.” Richie joked, jumping at the opportunity to think about someone else’s sex life instead of his own.
“Fuck off, Rich.” Eddie snapped back with little bite.
“It’s not a secret, we all know you’re a little freaky-”
“You’re the freak! Quit talking about my personal business!” Eddie was getting red in the face, but around him the rest of the Losers were doing little to hide their snickers. Even Bill, whose mouth pulled into a grin around that fucking lollipop.
And Richie was back to square one.
“My parents are gonna be home in a couple hours so if we want the house to ourselves, we should go now.” Stan mentioned, standing up from his spot at the corner of their booth, allowing Bill, Beverly, and Eddie to file out after him.
“So, we’re not going to the Quarry anymore?” Ben asked, sliding out of the other side of the booth and throwing an extra ten dollars on the table as a tip. He grabbed one of the complimentary lollipops that had been left with their receipt and began unwrapping it.
“We won’t have time if we want to keep Eddie alive.” Mike mentioned.
“Then perish.” Richie said, straight faced.
“We don’t all h-have to go to S-S-Stanley’s.” Bill said, drawing Richie’s attention back, once again, to his sinful mouth.
This was becoming a problem.
They ended up splitting three ways; Eddie, Stanley, and Mike went off on their attempt to save Eddie’s shirt, Ben and Beverly decided to go on to the quarry, and Richie ended up sticking with Bill after they’d both agreed that it was too hot to stick to their original plans.
Though, Richie would probably have agreed with Bill no matter what he’d decided.
They arrived at Bill’s place twenty minutes later, heaving hot breaths from their trek in the summer sun.
"You want s-s-something t-to drink?" Bill panted, toeing off his shoes at the doorway but not bothering to chastise Richie when he kept his on.
"Depends whacha got, Denbrough." Richie followed him into the kitchen, hopping up on the countertop as Bill opened the fridge.
"Coke, orange j-juice, and m-milk." Bill announced, his head hidden behind the big metal door.
"Toss me a coke." Richie decided easily, never one to pass up the opportunity for more sugar.
Bill resurfaced with two cans in hand, passing one to Richie and carrying the other across the room where he reached into the cabinet that held the straws.
"Why do you drink everything through a straw?" Richie asked, his cock giving an annoying twitch as Bill brought the straw to his lips and took a sip before answering.
"It just tastes b-better that way." Bill shrugged.
Richie could feel the joke forming in his throat before he could think better than to speak it.
"I know something else that tastes better cumming straight from the straw."
Damn his quick wit.
Bill froze, straw caught between those pretty pink lips as he stared at Richie with an unreadable expression.
"It's your penis, isn't it." Bill deadpanned.
"Yep." Richie responded, popping the 'p' at the end of his statement in sync with him hopping off the counter.
"N-not some of your best work, Rich-ch-ie." Bill teased, biting down around his straw with a flirty grin.
Richie's face flushed a violent shade of red, having to do a double take just to check that his mind hadn't hallucinated the way Bill had smiled at him. But before he could dwell on it too much, Bill retreated to the other room.
The next few hours were torture on Richie’s dick. Bill seemed to find something new to stick in his mouth every two god damn minutes. He was like a badly trained dog.
After the straw, Bill produced a box of pocky which he spent the next hour idling chewing and sucking on. When they finished off the box, he chewed on his fingernails as they watched TV. His pencil was the next victim when they decided to try and do some homework. And finally, as they abandoned their homework for video games, Bill found a toothpick, rolling it around in his mouth like he was fucking Tom Hardy.
But at least things were contained until Richie lost the game of Mario Cart and flopped back on the bed dramatically, resulting in his lollipop from earlier tumbling out of his pocket.
“You n-never ate y-y-your lollipop?” Bill noted, picking up the small, wrapped item and twirling it in his fingers.
Richie’s not sure why his throat immediately went dry.
“I sort of forgot I had it.”
Bill eyed it with interest, which interested Richie far more than it should. He cocked an eyebrow and proceeded cautiously.
“Do you want it?”
Bill’s eyes darted back to Richie’s, quickly schooling his expression as if he’d been caught.
“Only if you d-don’t.” Bill said, trying for nonchalance, but the catch in his voice betrayed him.
A long pause stretched between them, their eyes locked in an unspoken challenge.
“I’m starting to think I do, actually.” Richie responded with much more fervor than the topic demanded.
Bill watched as Richie took the lollipop from him and began unwrapping the small red sucker. The sound from their video game’s pause screen faded into the background as blood rushed past Richie’s eardrums.
Richie was vulgar, all the Losers knew that; he’d been making jokes about his dick since he first learned he had one. But this was something different. Richie wasn’t trying to be vulgar, he was trying to be… something new.
He popped the lollipop into his mouth, keeping hold of the stick so he could hollow out his cheeks and pull it back out, allowing the round candy to stretch his lips as they parted for it.
Richie continued his ministrations for another minute, keeping his eyes locked on Bill’s, whose own were locked on Richie’s mouth.
Richie, self admittedly, had no idea what he was doing. He tried to channel the pornstars he'd watched, to summon some of their sex appeal to guide him along this unfamiliar experiment. But after a moment, he realized the best person to model himself after was already sitting right in front of him.
Richie thought back to how Bill had been devouring his lollipop back at the diner, how his eyes had gone hazy, his attention far away as he moved his tongue around the sucker like it was second nature. His lips had been shiny with saliva, tinted redder than usual by the cherry flavoring.
Richie took the lollipop out of his mouth and dragged it across his lips lightly, as if he were applying lipstick. It glided easily, sticky with spit, and did the job as it left Richie with a tinted smirk.
He loosened his jaw and let it fall open, allowing his tongue to loll out to lick a stripe up the lollipop in what he hoped was a good imitation of what one would do with a cock. To be fair, Richie had never sucked a cock before, so he was blindly guessing. But it seemed to do the trick, because Bill's eyes suddenly broke from their trance, squeezing shut.
"Not f-f-fair, R-Rich..." Bill's voice was broken, mimicking something between a whine and a whisper.
"You want something to suck on, Billy?" Richie asked, surprising himself with his sure-fire tone.
Bill was still for a moment, but when he opened his eyes again, there was something new behind his blown-out black pupils. He nodded meekly, as if scared to admit anything aloud just yet.
"Well jeez, Bill. I've only got the one." Richie gestured with his lollipop, as if to prove his point. “I may have something else for you to suck on though.”
It was a poor attempt at a joke, absent of the usual air of humor that accompanied Richie’s jests. But maybe that’s because it wasn’t much of a joke at all; even though neither of them were quite ready to admit it, they could both feel the change in the air between them.
“Anything.” Bill’s voice was still quiet, but it had steadied out as if the prospect of Richie’s suggestion had sated something in him. Richie had to suppress a shiver.
Richie twisted his body to spring off the mattress, and the sudden action caused Bill to follow, moving himself to sit up on his knees and face where Richie stood at the end of the bed.
Neither of them knew how to proceed, cautious to cross the other’s boundary but excited by the new thrum in the air. Richie was the first to move.
He removed the lollipop from his mouth and place it on Bill’s nightstand before reaching forward and cupping Bill's chin, tipping his head up to lock their eyes. Moving slowly, allowing Bill time to move away if he wanted, he let the pad of his thumb gently trace the outline of rosy red lips, and Bill obediently opened under the touch. He darted his tongue out to lick at Richie's finger, wrapping around it and leading him back into his open gape. Once Richie's thumb was resting inside the warm entrance, Bill closed his lips around his knuckle, and with the most confidence Richie had ever seen on Bill, he began to suck.
It was the filthiest thing Richie had ever fucking witnessed in person, and for a moment he was sure he'd been transported to some alternate porn dimension. Bill moved like he knew exactly what he was doing. Richie wondered absently if Bill had done this before, not sucking the life out of someone's thumb, but sucking the life out of something else.
Bill's tongue licked up the sides of his finger like he was trying to catch the drips from a popsicle, and then he was biting down gently into the pad of his thumb, making Richie shiver delightfully.
He pulled off with a heave of breath before uttering four words that were enough to leave Richie speechless.
"Let me taste you." Bill begged.
Richie could have cum on the spot at the mere fact that Bill was so lust-drunk just from sucking on his finger that he didn't even stutter. But if he did, he'd miss out on probably the best blowjob of his life (the only blowjob of his life, thus far), so he had to keep it together.
Now, let it be known that Richie isn't proud of how quickly he whipped out his dick. There was no grace, no sensual teasing or tantalizing movements; it was all fumbling fingers and uncoordinated shimmies as he struggled to get his dick to hit the air before Bill somehow decided to change his mind.
"Uh... Taa-daaaaa." Richie pointed in the direction of his erection with two unsure hands, an awkward moment passing until Richie glanced upwards.
Bill wore an amused smirk when Richie reverted his attention back to him. It was endearing, but Richie already missed the blissed out, desperate expression he'd had not mere seconds ago.
So, Richie decided he would just have to do better. If he wanted to wipe that smirk off Bill’s face, he’d have to step up. No more awkwardness or unsure movements, Richie needed to take control.
Besides, his life moto was "fake it 'till you make it", why couldn't it apply here as well?
Richie willed his hand to stop shaking before he reached out and carded his fingers through familiar auburn locks, pushing them off Bill's forehead and holding them back with a firm grip. That same grip allowed him to pull Bill's head forward, leading him until he was right in front of Richie's cock.
That look that Richie was chasing slowly began to filter back in. Bill's eyes glazed over as he gazed down at the leaking head being offered to him, his jaw going slack as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, and finally his whole body followed as it slumped forward with the first lick to Richie's head.
Richie felt drunk, his own head swimming with arousal and a lack of blood flow. Bill looked so good like this; Richie wasn't sure he would ever recover from the image.
But if looks alone were enough to kill, the feeling of Bill's mouth must have summoned him back from the afterlife just to murder him a second time.
When this was all over and Richie had had his brains blown out of him, literally, he was gonna have a lot of questions for Bill. Mainly, had he done this before, and if not, then where the hell had he learned to do that thing with his tongue.
It wasn't long before Bill ceased his lapping and moved to take Richie into his mouth in full. Richie wasn't one to brag (a lie he told himself) but he could physically see the strain on Bill's jaw as it struggled to open wide enough to take his whole cock. Though, if Richie were being honest with himself, it probably had more to do with the size of Bill's mouth than the size of Richie's appendage. But for the moment he allowed himself the ego-boost.
"Bill, jesus fuck, that feels good..." Richie's own voice came out unfamiliar to him, wavering far more than he'd have liked. He cleared his throat and tried again.
"You've always looked good with something between your lips, but fuck, it's like you were made for this."
Bill disconnected from Richie's cock with a wet slurp and Richie had to swallow down the noise his body tried to make in response.
"S-s-so you w-were staring at the d-diner earlier." Bill's gaze was mischievous, as if he'd caught Richie in a lie and now he'd earned himself a prize.
"I'm pretty sure everyone was staring, Billy. You were basically fellatio-ing the damn lollipop."
"F-fellatio-ing isn't a word R-Richie."
"I'm the one getting fellatio'd right now, I think I'd know."
"Well, you won't be for m-m-much longer i-if you keep making up w-w-words."
"How do I shut you up? Where's your off button."
Bill glanced down at the cock still held in his hand, and then slowly raked his eyes back up Richie's form. The implication was clear, and Richie was more than happy to oblige.
Richie replaced Bill's hand with his own, his other flying back into Bill's hair to pull him closer. He led Bill back to the head of his cock, taking a moment to paint his lips with the pre-cum that had pearled at the slit. Bill's lips felt like velvet as he rubbed himself against them, but it wasn't nearly enough.
“Open.” Richie commanded, honestly surprised when he was met with obedience instead of a snarky remark. It made his cock twitch as it entered Bill’s mouth.
No more accurate definition of euphoria came to mind as Richie sunk into the heat of Bill’s mouth, shuddering as every inch of his cock was enveloped. Bill kept his eyes squeezed shut as he willed his jaw to take everything Richie was giving him.
When Richie felt the head of his cock reach resistance, he still had about half of his shaft exposed. There was nowhere else to go unless Richie was going to start feeding it down Bill’s throat, and while that thought did make a new rush of arousal flood his body, he didn’t think now would be the best time to try it.
At the pause in movement, Bill opened his eyes, blinking away tears that had gathered along his eyelashes. Richie could see the cogs turning in Bill’s head as he assessed the situation in front of him in the same way Bill problem solved every roadblock he encountered: with reckless determination.
Bill tried to move himself forward, quickly realizing his mistake as his gag reflex kicked in. The resulting noise was so much hotter than it had any right to be, and Richie had to physically hold himself back from trying to trigger it again.
In stubborn acceptance, Bill brought his hand up to circle around the rest of the shaft he couldn’t fit inside his mouth. Richie loosened his grip on Bill’s hair to allow him to move however he needed, and instantly Bill’s head began bobbing in tandem with small twists of his wrist.
“Holy shit, ahhhhh- what the fuck D-Denbrough.” Richie’s words spilled out in a rush, tripping over themselves with a quiver.
Bill pulled back until only the crown of Richie’s cock laid between his lips, setting his tongue to work at the slit as if he could coax out more of Richie’s pre-cum just like that. When Richie’s thighs began to quake, Bill tilted his head and moved ever so slightly so his tongue could lap at the soft tissue that connected Richie’s head to the rest of his cock.
Richie released a sound that would have been embarrassing in any other circumstance, high-pitched and needy in tone. It only seemed to make Bill move faster.
Bill moved back down the shaft, running his tongue along what he could reach, his hand working the rest. He began picking up pace, flitting his eyes open and gazing up at Richie with pure lust-blown pupils.
Richie had a flashback to earlier that day, watching Bill suck on his lollipop with poorly feigned innocence, juxtaposed with the debauched expression he wore now. There was no fooling anyone, Bill wanted this. He needed this. He’d probably needed it for a long time, and that thought spurred Richie on.
“You wanna taste me, huh?” Richie began thrusting in time with Bill, punching a pleasured moan out of him. He chanced a glance down at Bill’s lap for the first time since they’d begun fooling around and noticed the bulge straining to escape his jeans. It gave Richie even more satisfaction to know Bill was deriving just as much pleasure from this as he was.
“Bet I taste better than that fucking lollipop, ahhh, fuck-” Richie’s thrusts were getting unsteady. He could see drool escaping the corners of Bill’s mouth as he struggled to keep up with Richie’s pace.
Richie was getting close, the warmth in his belly coming to a boil as the heat around him become too much to bear. Richie pulled his shirt up, holding it bunched to his chest so he would have a better view of Bill’s face as he swallowed Richie’s cum.
That thought is what finally pushed Richie over the edge, screaming out a delayed warning that did neither of them much good as Richie’s cock was already emptying into Bill’s mouth.
Thankfully, Bill didn’t seem to mind the lack of a warning, doubling his efforts to suck Richie through his orgasm, taking more of him in than he had been able to before.
Reckless determination.
Richie was squeezing his eyes so tight that stars began to illuminate the black sky behind his lids. A fuzzy feeling accompanied them, starting in his head and spreading through his limbs. It mixed with the overwhelming pleasure in each of his nerve endings, dizzying him with overwhelming sensations, and then there was nothing.
Richie thinks he must have blacked out for a second because suddenly he’s splayed across Bill's bed, staring up at the ceiling. His fingertips were still tingling, and his throat was dry and hoarse, but those were the only indications that what just happened hadn't just been a dream.
Richie propped himself up on his elbows, looking around the room in an attempt to piece things together. Bill was nowhere to be found, which made Richie entertain the dream idea even more. He could have fallen asleep on Bill’s bed, had a wet dream inspired by Bill's casual affair with lollipops… he probably moaned in his sleep and scared Bill off, even.
Richie nearly jumped out of his skin as Bill suddenly appeared beside him.
“Holy fuck, Casper! Warn a guy!”
A cup of water was thrust into Richie’s hands, and without having to think much about it he brought it to his lips and downed a generous amount. His throat thanked him immediately.
“What were you m-m-mutt-ttering about?” Bill asked, hopping on to the bed beside Richie and causing the mattress to wobble them both slightly.
“I was just… trying to figure something out…” Richie raked his eyes up and down Bill’s form, trying to find any sign that he’d actually had Richie’s cock down his throat not even five minutes ago, but the boy looked as kempt as usual.
“Okay, w-well once you figure it out, can y-y-you put your dick b-back in your pants? Georgie is gonna b-be home soon.”
Richie blanched, moving comically slow as he looked down at his lap, revealing that his dick was, as stated, very much not in its confines.
Bill shifted beside him, and it was enough to shake Richie out of his ‘holy shit that actually happened it wasn’t just a dream bill denbrough is a fucking dick sucking god’ epiphany.
Once he was all tucked back in and had finished the glass of water Bill had generously (and forcefully) provided, he finally allowed himself to look at his friend again.
Bill was already watching him, a gentle smile playing on his features as he rolled the lollipop from earlier around in his mouth.
“You’re fucking insatiable, you know that?” Richie’s heart was thrumming in his chest, unanswered questions clawing to get out. But before he had a chance to ask them, Bill removed the candy from his mouth just long enough to lean forward and capture Richie’s lips in a kiss.
It was a little shy, a little tender; the complete opposite from the way Bill’s mouth worked itself along his cock. Richie decided that he liked it that way.
When Bill pulled back, they were both red enough to rival the lollipop in Bill’s hand, which he wasted no time in replacing between his lips.
“By th-the w-way,” Bill began, settling into Richie’s side and reaching for his controller to unpause their game. “You d-don’t taste better th-th-than a lollipop.” That playful smile was back on Bill’s lips.
“I guess I can’t compete with artificial cherry flavor.” Richie conceded, following Bill’s lead and retrieving his own controller.
“I still like you b-better.” Bill stated with so much certainty that Richie felt his whole world solidify.
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grapesodatozier · 5 years
Tumblr media
ship: bichie
rating: E
words: 17k
summary: After eight years of radio silence, Bill Denbrough finds himself at the same Hollywood party as his once best friend, and his first and only love, Richie Tozier. As adolescent memories come flooding back, Bill has to decide what he wants to do with this second chance.
read it here!!
this is my fic for the @itbigbang2019 !! based on the beautiful artwork above by @whatidoisxsecret !! thank you so much to everyone who put this together, and a huge thank you to xan for being such an amazing artist and such a kind and wonderful person!! i had such a fun time writing this piece!!
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ur-not-reddie · 3 years
Heya dude, i would love to read some of ur bichie's wips, that ship goes very well with steddie and u know how i feel about them ;)
hi!!! yessss, i agree! every time i write bichie, i always have a side of steddie bc *chefs kiss*. i love those boys together bc not only are the rowdy lover boys.. but sweet angels to each other behind the scenes.
so, yes, therefore i will post some bichie with a side of steddie <3
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tinyarmedtrex · 6 years
Bichie, Belly Shots
I had all the plans to make this into a fic (maybe, one day) but for now this amazing idea will live as a HC.
They’re frat boys.
(I always HC Bichie as frat boys, it just fits)
So they’re at some party, the two of them, being dudes.
Okay maybe there’s so unresolved tension. Maybe Bill watches Richie’s lips as they wrap around a drink and Richie can’t stop staring at Bill’s hands when he talks.
But whatever, they’re just friends. Nothing more.
They’re drinking and having fun. 
Then the shots come out. Someone dares Richie to do a shot off a girl’s stomach.
And he’s never turned down a dare so he agrees, pouring the shot and slurping it off her. 
Bill is watching, frowning slightly. The host notices (and is maybe sick of watching these two PINE) 
Because the next dare is for Richie to do one off Bill.
Bill balks at this, for several reasons- taking his shirt off in front of everyone,  laying down on the sticky table, Richie’s lips on his skin. 
But then Richie looks up at him and says, “Come on Big Bill, for me?”
And fuck, he cant resist those puppy dog eyes. He nods, pulling off his shirt and laying on the table, everyone around him cheering.
He jumps slightly as the cool liquid hits his skin. 
But  the cool is quickly replaced by Richie’s warm lips.
And his tongue.
Pressing against his stomach, swirling over the skin. 
Bill has to grip the table, willing himself not to get hard.
He swears Richie is going slower than he did with the girl. This is lasting forever.
Then Richie’s tongue darts into his bellybutton and it tickles. Bill laughs,  his stomach pushing up and the rest of the liquid ends up on Richie’s face and glasses. 
Richie pulls back, surprised and laughing. 
Bill is mortified and crawls off the table. “F-fuck, I’ll help you- we can clean it.” 
Richie protests but Bill is dragging him to the bathroom, grabbing the hand towel and wiping off Richie’s face.
“You know, until you laughed, that was going really well.” Richie says as Bill takes off his glasses and cleans them.
Bill glances at Richie, amazed how much brighter his eyes are without his glasses. 
And he decides to take a chance. 
“We can continue it.” He says, watching Richie’s expression.
Richie grins. “Hell yea,” He  pulls Bill to him, smashing their lips together in an intense kiss. Richie grabs Bill’s hair, angling his head to deepen the kiss. Bill falls into Richie, his hands on Richie’s hips, pressing him into the bathroom counter and grinding against him. 
Richie’s lips are on his neck, his bare chest, licking and kissing his way down. 
And Bill’s pants are on the floor and Richie’s mouth is on him. 
Bill is loud but he can’t help it, not as Richie’s tongue swirls and his head bobs. 
Before long Bill is grabbing Richie’s hair as he cums, moaning loudly. 
Then Richie looks up at him, grinning broadly. 
“About fucking time I saw your O face.” Richie says, standing and kissing him again. 
Bill agrees. 
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antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Here's something I thought about recently: I don't think I've ever seen someone do an honest attempt to write Bill/Bev as healthy and happy together. Most of the stuff I've seen of them has it be a stepping stone on the way to Ben/Bev or as just a smut one shot. Do you have any thoughts about that? Do you think those two just could never be able to work out together? I think Ben/Bev is fine, I just wish people shipped Bev with other Losers more often instead of just Ben or women adjacent to the Losers.
I think when it first came out Billverly immediately was pushed to the backburner by the fandom. It couldn't compete with Reddie, Bichie, and Stanlon, which, if I remember correctly, were the predominant ships running out the gate in the wake of the release of the 2017 movie. Then Benverly happened. People who hadn't read the book or watched the 1990 miniseries were made aware that Ben and Bev were cannonically end game, to which people latched on to. Because unlike Bill who has many other ships, Ben's only popular ship in the fandom is with Bev, which in my opinion, is a waste. Benverly is great but Ben AND Bev deserve to be mixed around with the other losers.
Back to Billverly. I do think long term they’ve could've worked and I hate that their relationship isn't further explored by the fandom. They're sweet in the fact that they were each other's first loves. But here's a twist, aside from Billverly, my next favorite ship with Bev is Stanverly. Stan x Bev. I've read one oneshot where Bill was dating someone else and Stan and Bev found comfort with each other and idk, i think they would be cute. I've always been a secret Stanverly shipper.
If you're looking more interaction with Bev and the boys in a romantic sense, I highly recommend checking out some poly losers works. I've read a couple great fics where Bev's (romantic) relationship with the losers is so real and sweet. Granted a lot of poly losers fic do push Bev to the background (along with Mike and Ben) but there's a couple I could recommend if you want.
Speaking of recommending I'm going to link my sweet/fluff Billverly oneshot right here: Roses. Ain't nuthing wrong with a lil self promotion
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annie-rambles · 6 years
First Times
a/n okayyyy... so I’ve had this idea stuck in my head for a long time and finally just wrote it! This is my first smut so bear with me dudes.
Warnings: NSFW
Pairings: Bill and Richie (Bichie)
Bill and Richie were lying on the Tozier’s sofa watching some dumb action movie Richie had picked. Bill wasn’t paying any attention to the film as opposed to Richie who seemed very intrigued by the loud gun shots and the fast cars. Bill was leaning against Richie’s side but slowly began to slide onto his lap;Richie didn’t really seem to notice. Bill gently latched his lips onto Richie’s neck, sucking gently as he crawled more on top of Richie’s lap. Richie let out a rugged groan and wrapped his arm around Bill’s waist, holding him into place, but kept his eyes onto the tv. Not satisfied with Richie’s reaction, Bill ground down his hips slowly and sucked slightly harder at his collar bone. Richie tilted his head off to the side to give Bill more access, The auburn haired boy rolled his hips again as he moved his lips against Richie’s neck. Richie pulled back and looked Bill in the eyes before crashing his lips onto Bill’s, earning a louder than necessary moan from the boy’s lips. The two sucked aggressively at each other’s lips in a selfish way, letting small whimpers escape here and there. Bill gently pulled back to look at Richie, his face was flushed red and his bright blue eyes seemed to be glowing, Richie could feel his heart swelling at the sight of the boy he loved looking at him like that.
“R-Richie…” Bill licked his lips as he looked into Richie’s eyes.
“Yeah?” Richie replied as he push a strand of hair out of Bill’s eyes. Bill took a deep breath and licked his lips again, Richie could tell he was nervous which just made him worry.
“Are you okay? Something wrong?” Richie questioned with concern. Bill shook his head and chuckled shyly.
“Actually, I w-was gonna tell you” Bill swallowed and casted his eyes down to the ground “I’m r-ready.” Richie took a deep breath and gently lifted Bill’s face up to look at his.
“Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you into anything just take your time.” Richie placed soft kisses to Bill’s face lovingly.
“No I-I’m really ready.” Bill whispered as he took Richie’s face in his hands, stroking his cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“Okay, I’ll be gentle,” Richie said before placing a passionate kiss to Bill’s soft lips. The kiss wasn’t frantic like how they were kissing a couple minutes ago, but had more of a safe feel to it. Richie slowly slid his hand up Bill’s shirt, exploring the soft skin. A soft whimper fell from Bill’s lips as he arched his back ever so slightly. Richie gave the fabric a soft tug in a way of asking for permission. Bill began to push Richie’s hand upward egging on the action. Slowly Richie pulled the shirt from over his head, looking him up and down, licking his swollen lips. Bill’s cheeks began to heat up from embarrassment as he gently shoved Richie’s chest.
“Stop st-staring Tozier, it’s r-rude.” Bill mumbled, pink still dusting his cheeks.
“Sorry, it’s just you look so beautiful.” Richie ran his hand up Bill’s chest, holding eye contact with the other boy. Bill simply reconnected their lips in a more fierce way than before. Richie applied a slight amount of pressure as he slowly scratched his nails down Bill’s chest. A muffled moan escaped from Bill’s mouth as he ran his tongue over Richie’s bottom lip. Richie quickly opened his mouth and began sucking at Bill’s tongue. Bill began to slide both of his hands up Richie’s tee, and run his nails up and down the skin. Richie quickly peeled off his shirt before abruptly lifting Bill up and carrying him to his room. Gently, he laid him down on the bed, hovering over him. Leaning down, he began to suck hickeys into Bill’s porcelain skin. Bill’s hands shot up to Richie hair, gripping it roughly. Richie was littering Bill’s chest with hickeys as he slowly began to pull down his jeans. After discarding the item, Bill pulled Richie up to his lips, capturing him in a fierce, heated, kiss. The kiss was sloppy and there was a lot of spit but the two were too focused on each other to care. In a rough, quick manner, Bill began ripping down Richie’s jeans, lust taking over his whole body. Kicking them to the ground, Richie ground his hips forward to cause a delicious friction that the two were looking for. A loud moan slipped from Bill’s lips as Richie groaned loudly. The bed creaked rather loudly causing both of them to flinch slightly.
“W-Why did you buy s-such a loud bed?” Bill panted.
“I didn’t know it was a creaky bed when I bought it!” Richie defended. Bill just chuckled before grinding against Richie again and sucking at his neck. Richie moaned and gripped Bill’s hip tightly.
“Richie” Bill huffed “D-Do you have the, the l-uh the lu-the stuff? Bill stuttered nervously.
“Yeah, let me get it.” Richie reached over to his nightside table and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. Richie cleared his throat awkwardly holding up the two items. Richie shook the half empty lube bottle and gently smiled at Bill.
“Oh! I’ll t-take these off…” Bill sputtered as he slid off his boxers feeling slightly uncomfortable just laying naked on Richie’s bed.
“Here.” Richie began to slowly lay Bill on top of him and pull his leg up slightly to put him in a comfortable position.
“Good?” Richie asked.
“Y-Yeah, this is perfect.” Bill sheepishly grinned at him. They were laying in there normal snuggling position, Bill on top of Richie, with one leg slightly lifted. Richie poured lube over three of his fingers before lowering his hand down and slipping one finger inside of Bill’s hole.
“Sh-shit that’s cold!” Bill hissed.
“Sorry! I-“ Richie began.
“N-No, it’s fine, just start moving.” Bill exhaled, starting to enjoy the feeling. Richie took Bill’s request and began to slowly pump his finger in and out. Small gasps and moans slipped from Bill’s pink lips. Richie gently began sinking the second finger in, kissing at Bill’s neck as he did so. There was a slight sting, but not enough to hurt. After a bit of adjusting, the pleasurable feeling returned and Bill began to moan. Richie smirked into Bill’s neck as he pumped his fingers in and out slightly faster. Louder moans erupted from Bill’s mouth as Richie scraped against his walls. The third finger began to slide in and Bill’s moans went up an octave, the grip he had on Richie’s shoulders tightening.
“Ah-oh god-mmhff- y-yes, oh Richie!” Bill moaned out, thrusting back on Richie’s fingers. Without warning, Richie shoved the dry, fourth finger up into Bill. A loud yelp shot out of Bill’s lips.
“Ow! God stop!” Bill squeaked. Richie quickly pulled his fingers out and began panicking.
“I’m so so sorry! I-I saw it on a porn a-and I just thought-“ Richie rambled.
“Richie, I’m not m-mad, j-just, just stick to th-three for now.” Bill breathed out. Richie quickly nodded before easily slipping a finger in. Bill whined and asked for the next finger, Richie gently slid it in and began to move them. Not long after, the moans began spilling from Bill’s lips again. The third finger was slowly and gently re-added. Bill tucked his face into the crook of Richie’s neck as he breathed out heavily, letting a moan slip out every now and then.
“R-Rich, I n-need you, mhf, p-please!” Bill groaned out into Richie neck. Slowly, Richie pulled his fingers out, Bill whined at the loss. Richie flipped Bill onto his back and started to suck at his nipple and rub the other one.
“F-Fuck!” Bill moaned out. Richie reached over to the nightside table and grabbed the condom and bottle of lube again. Richie pulled off his boxers and began rolling the condom on with shaky hands. Once the rubber was on, he began pouring lube onto his hand and rubbing it onto his length. Slowly he lowered himself in between Bill’s legs and kissed his cheek.
“Y-You sure?” Richie gently asked. Bill had his eyes closed as he nodded his head. Richie nodded his head before lining himself up and pushing in slowly. A hiss fell from Bill’s lips as he gripped Richie’s shoulders.
“You’re doing great babe.” Richie praised as he inched his way further in. Tears began to slip from Bill’s closed eyes. Once Richie was completely inside, he held still, waiting for permission to move. Bill’s grip began to loosen up and his breathing began to steady out. Bill rocked his hips forward, letting an eager whimper leave his mouth. Richie took this as a signal to start moving. Slowly Richie began to pull out and push back in. The friction was not enough for Bill.
“F-Faster.” Bill moaned. The request excited Richie, gently he pulled out slightly more and push back in slightly harder. A louder moan slipped out of Bill’s open mouth. Richie began moving faster causing Bill to moan louder and louder. The orgasm was quickly building up in Bill’s gut.
“R-Rich, I’m gonna cum.” Bill moaned out. Richie quickened his pace but still did his best to be careful. A pleasurable scream fell from Bill’s lips and Richie hit his prostrate spot on.
“R-Right there! Oh! Yes yes yes!” Bill panted out, his moans growing louder and shakier. After a few more sloppy thrusts Bill was cumming all over Richie’s chest. It didn’t take long for Richie to orgasm himself. The two were moaning and huffing as the rode out their highs together. Once Richie’s thrust had slowed down, he pulled out slowly. Richie discarded the condom and flopped back on the bed.
“Shit.” Richie exhaled. The two both broke out into giggles.
“That was a-amazing.” Bill giggled.
“You don’t say.” Richie chuckled. “Let me clean up a bit.” Richie placed a kiss to Bill’s forehead before getting up and walking into the bathroom. Once all the sticky white substance was wiped off him he crawled back into the creaky bed. Bill instantly crawled up into Richie’s chest and began drifting off to sleep.
“I’m g-glad my first time was with you.” Bill murmured.
“Me too.” Richie hummed as he place a kiss to the top of Bill’s head, drifting into a deep sleep.
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stozierd · 7 years
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quirkyasfok · 7 years
Something About the South
Relationship: Bill x Richie (Bichie)
Tags: Crossdressing, slight feminization, bottom bill, smut, dirty talk
Summary: When the others are away, Bill and Richie will play.
Read on AO3
    “Come on Billiam. Now you’re just teasing me at this point!”
Richie could hear Bill chuckle through the doorframe.
Bill had shut himself in his room over ten minutes ago (though Richie would argue it was hundreds of years ago) to get ready. He knew it was worth the wait, but Bill was already amazingly beautiful so why did he have to take so freakin long.
“A-alright R-r-richie, I’m r-r-ready,” Bill finally called out through the door.
“Fucking finally.” Richie turned and swung the door open. He meant to strut in in his usual ‘I’m-the-greatest’ fashion, and throw in one of his famous crude remarks, but all thoughts escaped him once he took in the site of the other boy on the bed. He knew ahead time what Bill was planning on wearing (considering he was the one who’d bought it), but damn if Bill didn’t always manage to take his breath away.
“H-howdy thhh-” Bill paused taking a shaky breath before trying again. “Howdy thhh-there P-p-partner.”
Bill was sitting on his bed wearing a pair high-rise faded-blue daisy dukes, a long-sleeved plaid button up tied at his upper waist, a pair of brown cowboy boots, and a slightly ripped straw hat on his head. His short hair was pulled into two very tiny pigtails with bright pink bands, and his face was painted up with just the right touches. He was even wearing Richie’s favorite ruby red lipstick that always left the prettiest little lip stains on the collars of his shirts (The first time Eddie had seen one of those marks he’d freaked out thinking Richie was cheating on Bill. The conversation that followed had been one of the greatest conversations Richie had ever had in his life. Poor Eddie had never quite looked at Bill the same since).
Damn did he love that ruby red lipstick.  
“Why hello there Little Lady.” Bill giggled at Richie’s attempt of a southern accent, his red cheeks flushing darker and spreading to color his neck and disappear under his shirt collar. “What’s a pretty little thing like yourself doing in a place like this?”
“W-ww-w.” Bill snapped his mouth shut. He took a deep breath, opened his mouth to try again, and again snapped it shut after a few tries. He nibbled his lip in frustration, smearing the red off his lips, and turned pleading eyes to Richie. Bill’s stuttered had gotten better over the years, but whenever he got super nervous, or felt too much of an emotion it came back with a vengeance. It also always got worse during their sexy times. No matter how vanilla, or kinky they got Bill typically got so overwhelmed that he’d lose the ability to speak, because his stutter got so bad. This is also why Richie made it so important to focus on Bill during their special times together. He’d written his own little mental dictionary of the noises Bill made and the movements he made, and what each of these special things meant. If Bill bucked his hips a bit and squeezed his thighs that meant he was ready for Richie to move. If, like right now, he bit at his lip and held himself far too tense than he was uncomfortable and embarrassed. Richie needed to make things better. He put on his best cocky grin, and swaggered over to Bill obnoxiously and as ridiculously as he possibly could. This earned him a slight smile. A step in the right direction.
“Don’t you worry Little Lady. I’ve been known to take people’s breaths away.” He stepped in front of Bill and did an over-the-top bow. “It’s a curse you see. I’m just too charming.” This got him a laugh. Almost there. “But you Little Lady, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as fine as you. Come on let me see ya.” He reached over and took one of the hands Bill was holding to his chest, and pulled the boy off the bed. He spun him around, making sure to get a peek at the other boy’s ass, and ended his little routine by tugging Bill close and dipping him low. Bill was laughing loudly by this point, arms coming up around Richie’s neck to help keep his balance.
Back on track. Happy Bill accomplished.
“Yes, Sweet Thang?”
Bill snorted as he laughed. Richie smiled wide and pulled them both back into a standing position. He tugged Bill close by the waist, and pressed the giggling male flush against his chest.
“You know Sweet Thang you, you never told me what you were doing in a place like this.”
“W-w-well I … I was lo-looking for a r-r-ride.”
“A ride?”
“Yea. I w-was wondering if… if you h-had s-s-someth-thing large and f-f-fun I c-could r-r-ride on?”
“Something large and fun, huh?” Richie smirked tugging Bill closer, so the other male could feel the bulge pressing against the seam of his jeans. “I think I got something in mind perfect for the job.” Bill let out a soft gasp in mock surprise before giggling again, and rubbing up against him.
“I-is that ssso? Y-you think I c-could t-t-take a p-p-peak at it? S-ssee if its t-to my liking?”
“Honey, a sweet sexy thang such as yourself can do whatever you want. I’ll even let you touch it.”
And then they were kissing. Tongues dancing as they pressed and rubbed at each other. Hands wandering and squeezing. Things escalated so quickly that one moment Richie was massaging Bill’s lovely checks through his shorts, and the next he found himself laid out on the bed pantsless with Bill hovering by the bed side with no idea how he’d gotten there. Bill was panting loudly, the red on his lips almost completely smeared off. Richie was pretty sure his own mouth was probably smeared ruby red. He watched as Bill popped the button of his shorts and let the daisy dukes slide to the floor. Richie felt his mouth go dry as he took in the other boy’s weeping erection straining against the tight pair of bright pink panties.  It was the same pair Bill had worn last night when they’d tried out a different scene with the other outfit Richie had bought. A pale pink oversized sweater and a white skirt with long white thigh high stockings. The sex had been slow and drawn out. Bill had been a shy little stuttering mess, acting like a cute little innocent virgin that they both knew he wasn’t.
Now though, now that Bill seemed to be over the nervousness of trying out a new scene Richie could see a fire burning in his boyfriend’s eyes. Things were about to get very juicy.
“So, what do you think Sweet Heart,” Richie gestured to his crotch and gave Bill a little wink. “Does my rig look up to your standards?”
Bill gave him a dirty little grin and climbed on top of him still wearing his boots and panties.
“I don’t know. I thhhink-,” Bill paused and reached into his shirt to pull out a small bottle of lube. Richie watched as his boyfriend poured a generous amount onto his shaft and then tossed the bottle off to the side. “I think I’ll h-have t-to try it out ffffirst.”
And then Bill was shifting forward, reaching around to tug the band of his panties out of the way, and plopping himself down on Richie’s dick with little resistant. Both boys moaned loudly in response.
“Fuck Big Bill, you….fuck!” Richie groaned and reached out to grip at Bill’s thighs. Bill giggled.
“Wh-what? Y-you think I didn’t p-p-prepare myself ahead of t-t-time?”
“Fuck. That’s why you were taking so damn long.” Bill giggled and gave an experimental rock of his hips that sent a wave of pleasure straight through Richie’s body.
“I th-think I’m g-gonna like this r-r-ride.”
“Glad to know my rides to your stands Sweet Heart. I guess as they say I the south, Ride’em Cowgirl!” He followed this with a hard slap to Bill’s ass, that made the other boy squeak and laugh at the same time.
"Whatever you sssay Cowboy.”
And Bill began to move.
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how nondescript ive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag some people, if you want!
Thank you for the tag @grapesodatozier !! 🙂I have so many wips and some of them are just so old so I'm not going to list all of them but here's a handful 😭 maybe this will kick me into gear to finish a couple
Bill's War With The Birds (Stenbrough)
Haunted (Stenbrough)
Best Friend's Boyfriend- Stenbrozier smut
Last chapter of my WillBill fic ft Wheelzier and ElStan
Henry Vs It (St and It crossover)
Ups And Downs Of Childbirth (Stenbrough)
Bichie angsty first kiss that doesn't have a title
Punch Me (So That I Can Feel You Again) More Bichie angst
Let Me Shoot You Pt 2 Kaspbrough edition
Byclair Au Snowball
No Pressure Tagging @reikunrei @allen-richie @hunter-sylvester and anyone else who writes fics!
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thegreatwhiteferret · 7 years
To Make You Feel My Love
Pairing: Bill/Richie/Stan
Summary: Stan takes care of his very neglected boys.
A/N: NSFW! I have no words to describe this, just filthy smut with feelings. 
It was a cold night in December, Stan moved throughout his room tidying up and making sure that everything was in its rightful place before he got ready for bed. He knew that if he got into bed before these things were done, that he would never be able to sleep, his OCD ridden brain would twist and torment until he was riled up into a complete panic. No. It was better to take care of things before they escalated. Stan’s 17 years had taught him that much.
When things were to Stan’s liking he nodded to himself and went to pull a pair of crisp pajamas from his drawer and began to get undressed. He had just pulled on his pajama pants when he heard a tapping on his window, Stan startled at the surprise, but walked quickly to the window. He opened it to find none other than his best friend Bill Denbrough.
Bill was shivering, dark circles and hollowed cheeks standing out against the pretty features of his face. His blue eyes were red, and Stan could faintly see tear tracks down his face. He helps Bill in through the window, careful to not make too much noise. His parents were asleep in their bedroom downstairs, and while Stan knew they slept like the dead, he didn’t want to press his luck. Once inside, Bill just stands there, head down and sniffling slightly. Stan knows just what to do, this isn’t their first time doing this.
He stepped forward and opened his arms, waiting for Bill to accept his gesture. Bill fell forward, his cold face burying itself into Stan’s neck and arms wrapping around the much shorter boy. Stan shivered slightly, realizing that he never got around to putting his pajama shirt on, but brushed it off and wrapped his arms around Bill. Rubbing soothing circles on his back.
Stan waited until the convulsions in Bill’s chest stopped and then patted him on the back, pulling away and moving to sit on the edge of his bed. Bill slung his jacket off, and folded it, carefully setting it on Stan’s windowseat, not wanting to destroy the boy’s organization. Then joined Stan on his bed. They were quiet for a few moments, before Stan broke the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He had to ask, even though he already knew the answer, it was always the same.
“Wh-what’s there t-to talk about?” Bill questioned softly, careful to not deflect any anger or hurt towards the other boy, it wasn’t his fault that Bill’s life was shit. “N-no one is h-home...t-they don’t g-give a s-sh-shit. N-no one c-cares…”
“I care.” Stan interjected, he couldn’t stop himself, he knew that Bill was talking about his parents and that he needed their approval and validation. But dammit he cared about Bill, loads of people did, and Bill deserved to know that too.
“I k-know you d-do, and I ap-appreciate  t-that...b-but  it’s d-different...” Bill said softly, ducking his head again.
They are both broken out of their trains of thought when they hear some sort of pained wailing from outside Stan’s still open window. Stan and Bill rushed to the window to see what was going on.
Laying in the snow, blood caked on his face and writhing in pain, was none other than their other best friend, Richie Tozier. They snuck downstairs, going as quietly and quickly as possible. Richie was in bad shape, usually his injuries stopped at a split lip or a black eye, but tonight it was much worse. Stan and Bill helped the moaning boy to his feet, careful to support his weight with their own bodies. With much difficulty, they managed to get the moaning Richie up the stairs and into Stan’s en suite bathroom without waking his parents.
Stan pulled out his box of first aid supplies, he wasn’t as hardcore about health awareness as Eddie was, but he had cleaned Richie up more than a few times and had learned to keep the necessary items on hand. Richie had blood dripping out of his nose, his lip was split a little bit, and he had a slash on his hairline, and that was just the open wounds on his face. Is face would probably be black and blue in the morning, as would his rib cage, if the way Richie was holding his side was any indication.
“What happened this time?” Stan asked, as he wiped Richie’s forehead with antiseptic. Bill returned from finding one of Stan’s oversized shirts for Richie to wear and knelt beside his friends. He helped Richie out of his shirt as they waited for his answer. The damage was worse than Stan had imagined, Richie’s ribs were definitely bruised, if not broken. They would have to keep an eye on them to see if he needed to go to the hospital.
“I just wanted him to notice me, to actually want to be my dad.” Richie muttered sadly, almost inaudible.
“You have to stop picking fights, Rich.” Stan shook his head, placing his supplies back in their rightful place and throwing away the trash. The three of them walked back into Stan’s room and settled Richie on his bed.
“At least when he’s beating me he’s acknowledging my presence...that I’m alive...that I’m worth some form of attention. My mom...my mom, she can’t even be bothered to look at me because I’m not booze.” Richie cried, the pain of being neglected and abused ran deep in his voice.
“I k-know, Richie.” Bill said sadly, moving closer to the injured boy and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“Sorry, Bill.” Richie replied, leaning more into the tall boy, “I know that life is rough all over.”
“It’s o-okay. We j-just want t-to be l-lo-loved.” Bill said knowingly. No one understood how Richie felt about his home life more than Bill, because he was battling the same things.
Watching the sad boys in front of him who he loved and cared for more than anything commiserate about how neglected and unloved they felt brought rage to Stan’s heart. How could parents do this to their children? No matter how much hurt they had endured. They deserved to be loved...to be worshipped.
An idea flashed into Stan’s mind and he wordlessly moved to lock his bedroom door before turning back to look at the other two boys who are staring at him with confusion. Stan was wearing a look neither of them had seen since Pennywise had tormented their town more than four years ago, a look of undeniable frustration and all around pissiness. He never let himself get to this point anymore.
“What are you doing, Stan?” Richie asked cautiously. Bill grasped Richie’s hand, just as concerned about what the usually mild mannered small teen was about to do.
“You idiots want love, I fucking love you, the both of you. ” He let out in an even tone, wishing his parents weren’t home so that he could truly scream.
“S-Stan…” Bill interrupted, standing up from the bed and moving towards his friend.
“Shut up...shut the fuck up and let me show you.” With that sentiment Stan surged forward and pulled Bill down into a kiss. Bill was shocked at first but moaned into the kiss and began moving his mouth with Stan’s.
Richie groaned. Watching his two best friends kissing was hot as hell. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and got off the bed carefully, hoping to be able to join in the action. Stan pulled away from Bill and turned to Richie, eagerly pulling him into a kiss as well. Bill pressed himself to Stan’s backside and ran a hand through Richie’s hair, watching his two favorite boys attached at the mouth.
“Gah. Shit guys, bed, please?” Richie let out when he broke his kiss with Stan. Bill moaned in agreement and they both headed to Stan’s bed, Bill took his turn with Richie's mouth, fierce and aggressive, before turning back to look at him.
“I hardly think it’s fair that you two are wearing so much clothing.” Stan said cheekily, he still only wore a thin pair of pajama pants over his briefs, and in one motion he pushed the pants down and kicked them off, leaving them in a messy pile.
Bill and Richie’s eyes widened as they saw Stan standing there in only his underwear, blooming erection becoming obvious. They had seen each other in various states of undress since they had become friends, but never in this context and they both rushed to join him. Bill stripped down to his own briefs in no time at all, but Richie cried out in pain. The passion of the moment had led him to forget that his ribs were seriously fucked up. Bill helped him to undress and lay on the bed.
“Well, Bill. I suppose you’re going to have to do most of the physical work, since we have to be careful with Richie’s body.” Stan stated matter of factly, and Richie whined feeling like he wasn’t going to be getting any pleasure out of this, “Now baby, don’t start whining, it just means that Billy and I are going to have to take good care of you while you just take it all in. Feel all of the pleasure you’re receiving without being able to give...this time.” All three of the boys flushed at the idea that Stan was implying that there would be more times than this.
Stan moved towards the bed and assisted Richie in laying in the center, and pressed a heated kiss to his lips, Richie immediately tried to deepen it. He bit Stan’s lip and slipped his tongue into the other boy’s mouth when he gasped. Bill mouthed at Richie’s neck, sucking a mark into the tender flesh right under his ear. Richie was a puddle, a mess, both of these beautiful boys were devoting so much attention to making him feel good and loved, and they hadn’t even touched his dick yet. Stan broke the kiss and Richie let out a whine at the loss of contact.
“Boys, what do you want? What do you want me to do so that I can show you how much I love you?” Stan looked between his boys.
“Gahhhhh.” Richie let out, millions of dirty thoughts had flooded his brain. He felt like he had been preparing for this for eighteen years and now that he was in the moment, he didn’t have the words. “I….I….God, Stan I want your sassy mouth on my cock, want to grab those pretty curls of yours and thrust myself deeper while you gasp out because Bill is fucking you from behind.” He let out, eyes wide waiting for the response from his friends.
“J-jesus f-fu-fuck, Richie. That’s so h-hot.” Bill groaned, he was so fucking on board with Richie’s plan, he leaned forward and pressed another steamy kiss to the dark haired boy’s mouth.  Stan sucked in a deep breath, he hadn’t thought this far into his plan when he locked the door. He was a virgin, had never been with a guy or girl. He knew that Bill had, some cheerleader when they were sophomores in his quest to get over Bev, and Richie was constantly talking about his conquests. Yet here he was in the moment with the opportunity to lose it by giving his two friends massive pleasure and he wasn’t going to let it pass him by. “S-Stan? Do y-you want that t-too?” Bill asked when he had pried himself away from Richie’s mouth.
“Anything you want baby, tonight is about taking care of you two.” Stan smirked, “Anything to make my boys feel loved and happy.” The other boys groaned. Stan moved to his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube and handed it to Bill, who sucked in a deep breath, before moving to straddle Richie’s lap and pulling him in for another kiss. Richie hissed, and Stan pulled away quickly, worried about Richie’s split lip and ribs. “Shit, did that hurt?”
“Fuck yes. In the best way possible.” Stan quirked his eyebrow, Richie Tozier would be the one to have a pain kink. He pressed another brutal kiss to his lips before moving down the bed. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of Richie’s briefs waiting for a nod from the other boy to continue, before pulling them off completely. Richie spread his legs so that Stan could kneel between them and take in the sight.
The dark hair on Richie’s head matched the hair of his happy trail. Richie wasn’t built or athletic for that matter, but Stan still found his pale lanky body sexy as hell, as he racked his eyes down his body checking out the gorgeous boy in front of him, Richie’s blush ran down his body, the color matching the hardened tip of his cock. The dark haired boy was slightly above average in length and relatively thin, curving slightly to the left. Stan licked his lips and Richie’s dick twitched in anticipation.
Stan could feel Bill moving around behind him, and pushed his own briefs over his hips and down his thighs, pulling away from Richie only to wiggle them off. He arched his back, presenting himself to Bill. The tall boy groaned at the sight and Stan and Richie both glanced at him. He was stripped down completely, thick and long dick in his hand, jerking slowly. At a minimum of ten glorious inches, Big Bill indeed. Bill had hit a wicked growth spurt and stood around six foot three now, and baseball had left him with an impressive set of defined muscles, and an amazing bubble butt to fill out his baseball pants. Stan had jerked himself off to that thought many times. He had his lip pulled between his teeth, face looking blissed out.
“William, now is not the time for you to get your own rocks off when our beautiful boy here is sticking his ass out for you. Why don’t you give it a little taste?” Richie asked, voice thick with his arousal and normal sarcasm.
Bill came forward and knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed, he spread Stan’s plump ass cheeks with his hands and blew a small puff of air at his pretty pink hole, watching it flutter from the motion. “T-take, Rich in y-your mouth, Baby. I w-want to h-hear him m-moan.” Bill instructed.
Stan leaned forward, hands planted on either side of Richie’s hips and looked up into Richie’s eyes, through the glasses he could see how blown out his pupils were, bigger than when he and Bev took turns passing a joint back and forth down at the quarry. He turned his attention to Richie’s cock and held the base firmly with his right hand, before letting his tongue lick just the tip. Richie squirmed and moaned. Stan rewarded him by taking the head of his cock in and sucking, the pressure drove Richie mad.
Bill chose his moment to lick a stripe up the crease of Stan’s ass, from his balls to his hole and Stan cried out around Richie’s dick. He took Richie farther into his mouth and started to move up and down. Richie grabbed the back of his head, weaving his hand through the curls. He didn’t force him down, but just knowing that his hand was there excited Stan. Richie could push down and fuck up into his throat and choke him, if he pleased. Take control and use him, if he wanted.  Bill started lapping at the smaller boy’s hole, teasing him mostly, never pushing too hard. Stan grew impatient of this and thrusted his hips back, impaling himself on Bill’s tongue to speed up the process and groaned. It felt so good.
“God damn, Stanny. You look like a fucking pornstar. Blissed out from just his tongue. What are you going to do with his fingers? What about that juicy fat cock?” Richie teased, and it made Stan feel hot all over. He sucked Richie deeper and harder, effectively shutting him up, while Bill fucked in and out of him with his tongue. Richie was too close, so he pulled Stan off his dick, edging his orgasm, and pulled him up to his mouth. He could taste the salty tang of his precum still lingering on Stan’s tongue. “Baby, have you ever had a cock like Bill’s up your ass?” Stan blushed and shook his head, he felt ashamed at his lack of experience. Richie pressed further, “Have you ever had any cock up your ass?” Stan shook his head again, and Richie exchanged a look with Bill that Stan absolutely hated. “Have you had sex with anyone…” he ventured and Stan snapped.
“I’ve played with my ass, Rich. Stuck my own fingers up there and fucked myself until I came. Picturing Bill in those fucking baseball pants, and you with your damn guitar and filthy cigarette hanging from your lips. I’m not a damn china doll, I want to be fucked….” Stan broke off as Bill pressed his finger into the boy’s hole, all the way to his knuckle and waiting for Stan’s hole to relax around it before plunging it in the rest of the way. Richie caught his mouth in a kiss so that he wouldn’t scream and wake his parents up.
Bill started slowly but pretty soon he was thrusting hard and deep with his one finger and moved to add another. Stan’s ass burned as it stretched to accommodate the second digit, but he fucking loved every second of it. Bill scissored his fingers and hit a spot inside of Stan that had him falling face first into Richie’s groin. The bastard ran his fingers over it a few more times teasingly and Stan thought he was going to burst right then and there, but Bill stopped his assault only to add a third finger. Stan was on Cloud 9, between his boys, Bill’s fingers preparing his ass to be destroyed by that big cock, Richie’s dick waiting to be sucked dry by Stan’s mouth. He wanted this forever.
“A-are you r-ready, S-Stan?” Bill asked, nerves lacing his voice. He knew how big he was and didn’t want to hurt Stan. The truth was the only time he actually got close to having sex the girl freaked out at his size, and would only jerk him off. He passed this off to the Losers as losing his virginity, only providing vague details, he wasn’t going to admit the truth. Not when he knew that Ben and Bev were fucking like rabbits. But none of that mattered now. He was about to lose his virginity to his best friends since kindergarten, Stanley Uris and Richie Tozier, and they would lose theirs to him. Richie was full of shit, he got a lot of head and fingered some girls, but he hadn’t gone all the way either. They would do this together and be connected by it forever.
“Y-yeah. I’m ready.” Stan assured. He was freaking out inside, unsure that he would be able to stretch enough to fit Bill, and that Bill wouldn’t think that he was good enough. Richie pulled his face to his with a soft kiss, and then Bill was pushing in, inch by inch. Stan had to pull away from Richie, mouth opening in a silent scream as he felt Bill’s hips rest against his ass. He was all the way in now, holding Stan’s hips steady and letting him get used to the feeling. “Damn, Big Bill. Feels so good, filling me up. Fuck me hard, come on move.” He let out, not caring how desperate he sounded. Bill pulled out and pushed back in with a flick of his hips and Stan cried out.
Richie grew impatient of waiting for his own pleasure and pushed his dick into Stan’s open mouth, fucking up into the heat of it. Stan’s eyes began to water but he took it, Richie was thrusting into his mouth and Bill was pounding him from behind. He was being spitroasted by his boys and loving it. He loved having both of them in him at one time, pulling pleasure from him. Stan could only imagine them both squeezing into his hole, wrecking him. He dick bounced against his stomach from Bill’s thrusts.
He reached between his legs and grabbed the tube of lube squeezing a bit on his pointer finger. As richie leaned forward to kiss Bill, Stand rolled his balls between his fingers massaging them slightly. Richie moaned out in approval, Stan kept sucking and applied pressure to Richie’s perineum. Richie cried out and bit Bill’s shoulder, trying to control his sounds, but then Stan was pressing against his rim with a lubed up finger and Richie thought this was as good as pleasure got. He laid back down, unable to move. Stan slipped his finger inside and found Richie’s prostate, mercilessly massaging it while he sucked his dick like a madman.
Richie came first, blowing his thick load down Stan’s throat. The curly haired boy barely missed a beat, sucking it all down and kitten licked his slit, making sure that he milked him dry. He only pulled off when Richie let out a whine about being too sensitive.
Bill continued fucking Stan hard and fast from behind. He was so close, could feel the fire building in his belly, ready to explode, but he had to make this good for Stan. He grabbed Richie’s hand and formed a ring, together they jerked the smaller boy off, pulled him closer and closer to the edge. Stan had tears running down his face from the pleasure, choked out sobs coming from his throat. They pulled once twice, and he was cumming all over their hands.
Bill moaned as Stan’s ass clenched around his dick, pulling his own orgasm out of him. He came hot into Stan’s ass and pulled out gently, watching his cum drip out of the boy’s used hole. He scooped up some of his own cum, mixing with Stan’s from his hand and stuck his finger out. Richie sucked it gratefully into his mouth, moaning at the taste of his boys.
Stan collapsed on the bed next to Richie, his body spent and desperately in need of sleep and cuddles. Richie tucked him into his arms, rubbing his back gently while Bill headed to the bathroom for a washcloth to clean up their bodies. Showers would have to wait until the morning, there was no way that they would be able to keep themselves up and stable. Stan hissed a bit when bill started gingerly wiping at his abused hole, trying to clean up as much of the lube and his own jizz that he could before it dried to Stan’s thighs and made the boy uncomfortable. Richie wiped himself with the washcloth before handing it back to Bill to put in the hamper.
Bill slid into the space behind Stan and wrapped his arm around the boy, tracing shapes on Richie’s ribcage, gently making sure that they hadn’t hurt them worse.
“Sooooooo...this was fucking amazing and hot,” Richie said, because of course the Trashmouth couldn’t let a silent moment pass without filling it with his voice, “Are we doing this again...because I would really like to do this again…” He rambled.
“I a-agree. The t-two of you w-were fucking u-un-unbelievable.” Bill said, breathing on the back of Stan’s neck and causing his baby hairs to stand up.
“Only sex?” Stan asked disappointed, and watched as Richie’s face fell a little bit. “I mean...yeah, the sex was amazing, but I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you guys, both of you…” He took a deep breath trying to summon the courage. “I want more than sex, I want it all, I want us to be together.” There was a long pause and Stanley felt like he was dying in side a little.
“S-so b-boyfriends?” Bill asked, leaning up so that he could see the other boys’ faces. Stan nodded, and Richie furrowed his eyebrows.
“Yes.” He blurted out. “Hell fucking yes, I want to call you my boyfriends, and hold your hands, and fuck you senseless, and tell you I love you all the time, because I do, so fucking much. Yes, Stan, I want that too.” He pressed a soft Kiss to Stan’s lips and they turned to wait for Bill’s answer.
“O-of course, I-I-I want to b-be with you i-idiots.” He said with a smirk, “H-how could I n-not. I l-love you b-both. And w-we can do l-lo-loads more of t-this too.” He pecked both of the boys on their lips and the settled into a heap of limbs together, giddy with excitement over the events of the evening and the fact that they just agreed to be together.
They still had lots to discuss, but as they drifted off to sleep Stanley Uris knew one thing for sure; he was going to make sure that his boys never felt neglected again.
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madcaprainbow · 3 years
When it comes to my writing for IT ships I've been torn between preferring Stenbrough or Stozier for ages.
My brain has just decided a way I can write both, as well as Bichie and Stenbroughzier.
The only problem is that the one-shot idea that gave this to me is basically... it's just filth, okay? It's sinful filth and I haven't written smut since I was like 13 and barely even knew what sex was.
So this is either going to go amazingly well, or it's going to be a disaster.
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katecarteir · 5 years
What are some of your favourite Reddie fics?
Oh anon this is such a galaxy brain question, hell yes. I have so many favourite fics, and there’s so many amazing fic writers in this fandom we’re honestly so lucky!!
my absolute, absolute, absolute favourite reddie fic of all time is HANDS DOWN walk alone or run away by tozier. it’s one of my favourite characterizations of eddie, plus! insecure and vulnerable richie, reddie both being complete and total idiots, pining pining pining, gay athletics? runner eddie? bottom richie? literally what more could we ask for, i don’t know. nothing. it’s got everything. 15/10 recommend to everybody.
to the guy at the bus stop: by Ragno. iconic. amazing. richie is Irish?? with american eddie? the funkiest meet cute? somehow having a slowburn relationship while ALSO giving amazing relationship content through the whole fic?? they’re IN LOVE your honour and i could read this fic a hundred million times and never get tired of it.
georgie had two daddies by @tinyarmedtrex​. i mean, of course, it’s pretty safe to assume if amelia wrote it, it’s good. but i have a huge, huge soft spot for domestic reddie. and throwing a kid in there? you got me, hook line and sinker. i promise you won’t be disappointed by this fic at any point, it captures the reddie relationship perfectly. and did i mention reddie with a kid? because hello! reddie with a kid!!
stop calling, stop calling (i don’t wanna talk anymore) by ironicallyinternational. this one is a bit more angsty, but that’s sort of my brand. we LOVE insecure richie in this house, we really do. throw in dumbass eddie which prompts even more insecure richie and tie it all up nicely with protective/concerned eddie? *chefs kiss*
dreambot by @finnwolfhard​. i feel like this fic gets talked about less than stell’s other work, but HONESTLY i love it so much. this richie is so sweet, and the eddie is so baby and cute, not to mention it’s such a hodge podge of AU tropes! it’s like coffee shop au, tattoo au, it’s just super cute. we adore it, and we love how the relationship develops so naturally!!!
richie is NOT one up for a change by  BCI603, milevenreddie. okay this one is a WIP, and the reddie isn’t So Much the main focus (though it IS the relationship) but its a richie centric fic that’s got??? siblings bevchie??? good parents went and maggie? big insecure richie!?!?!!?! good damn right. i actually go crazy when i get the email that this fic update i kid you, if i can i drop what i’m doing and read the chapter immediately.
empty world by @lo-v-ers​. ari, too, has done some AMAZING work for this fandom. I kid you not, you could read any of her fics and you’ll never be disappointed. 10/10 always. empty world has a special place to me because it’s got some good richie angst, a little stanpatlon, loving and protective eddie and the notion that eddie and richie are absolutely soul mates and will always end up with each other no matter what sort of supernatural bullshit gets in the way.
how to know if you’re on a date with your best friend by @thundercatseddie. di, di, di, what can i say? we all know i love she. and i love her work just as much!! this is such a cute little thing, with dumbasses in love. i’m such a sucker for reddie being together and not being sure if they’re together or not, but both wanting to be together… ugh. iconic. perfect. show stopping.
take this sinking ship and point it home by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak. i think everybody has at least ONE favourite fic by amy on their personal favourites, and this one is SO mine. Long distance relationship? Friends to lovers? FRANK KASPBRAK? British Richie? If you haven’t read this particular fic by amy, i really do think you’re missing out. she absolutely hit it out of the park with this (as with every one tbh but let’s stay on track).
tender by @s-s-georgie. when it comes to leigh, i sometimes always associate her with her bichie fics because as far as i can tell, leigh is the queen of writing bichie but this!! precious. as she herself calls it; tender. sweet virign richie, understanding and comforting eddie. a relationship with a good conversation about sex?? making sure each other are comfortable and happy and things are good?? what else could we ask for.
stay for the storm by @hanscom. jade, jade, jade. what can i say. i hate celebrity aus, i really do. they give me trust issues. but i read this because jade wrote it, and i’m so glad i did because it’s amazing. the plot, the characters, the entire way their relationship is written is just fantastic. sometimes a fic about a sex tape can mean a lot to a person.
relationship status: dumbass by @tozierking. allie!!!! this fic is great because it really just has PEAK dumb reddie. the DUMBEST of ASSES. and they’re cute. they’re fantastic. i love they. we trust allie with our smut lives tbh.
and honestly,,,,, honestly……… there’s so many more and i’m so so sure i’m forgetting about a hundred but this should be a good place to start. i’d stand by any of this fics and their authors! big trust. big faith. big talent.
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millawith2l · 4 years
I like think about smut bichie bc both are sub boys. This is interesting because they don't look for a middle ground, they just fuck like two idiots making jokes and seeing what's going on.
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