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cheekynerdette · 1 year ago
Bhutte Ki Kees Indore Speciality
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reedblaine · 1 year ago
Bhutte Ki Kees Indore Speciality
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desicomidas · 2 years ago
Irresistible Roasted Corn Salad
“Corn and Paneer Salad” The summer is about to end, but I can’t get over the deliciousness of this roasted corn salad. With its blend of textures, flavors, and colors, the roasted corn salad is a summer staple that signifies the essence of the season. It’s a dish that incorporates the simplicity of fresh ingredients while delivering a burst of complexity in taste. It can be served as a light and…
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infiniteimaginings · 1 year ago
Valentines Day with a Stranger (Ray Manchester x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You were just in Swellview for a visit, seeing stores, trying the food. Just for a visit, but will a stranger from a strange store convince you to stay for a little longer? Pronouns: You/Yours She/Her Warnings: None Word Count: 2.7k A/N: This was requested but there was a lot of specific details about the reader that I had to cut and some specific things about the plot I changed because it doesn't fit necessarily. I try to keep everything as general as possible unless like fem reader is specified, I like everyone being able to read through and feel like it applies. It follows the main point of the request, but for the sake of you guys reading, I wont add the ask because it'll confuse you guys when you read the story.❤️❤️ (This was supposed to come out last week but I've been sick like a dog.)
You had just checked into a Swellview motel because you had traveled for hours by plane to visit the small town your friend refused to shut up about. She wouldn’t shut up about their weird laws and even weirder stores. Your friend was back in your hometown in Virginia with her partner since Valentine's day was tomorrow. You don’t have a valentine so, you had taken it upon yourself to visit the almost imaginary sounding town to quench your curiosity for the better. 
You had to say, she was right, it was a weird town. You walked around all day and saw stores like ‘Bhutt Factory’, ‘How Convenient’, ‘Karry-Yoh-Del-Lay-Hee-Hoo’, the last one apparently being a karaoke club. You couldn’t help yourself from laughing, honestly. What kind of town was this? You walked past the park and noticed someone bit into their ice cream on a cone, and a police officer nearby arrested them. You felt as if you were in a fever dream, you had to pinch yourself a bit to make sure you were actually in the town and not asleep on the plane to some made up destination.
When you didn’t wake up on a plane in shock you chuckled and shook your head, looking around some more until you reached a store called ‘Junk N’ Stuff’. You hummed a bit as you walked in, noticing the…junk, laying around. “At least they’re honest.” You mumbled to yourself, looking around the crowded store. You picked up a few items, questioned the validity of others, but overall you were just looking. It was an eccentric store, there was a dinosaur head on the wall, it was new to you and you liked it.
You noticed there wasn’t a clerk at the desk but, you didn’t mind it. You continued looking and ended up finding a collection of strange items that you were willing to take home to weird out your friends. You went to the front desk where the clerk should be and found it was still empty. You rang the bell, no one came, you called out small ‘Hello’s and stayed alone in the front portion of the building. For a moment you questioned if the store was even open, but diminished that thought because the lights were on and the door was unlocked. After a few moments of being alone you decided you would just come back later, placing the items down and walking to the door.
That was until footsteps rushed to the front. You turned around and were met with a rather strong looking man with brown hair and blue eyes. He ran a hand through his hair, “Sorry about that.” He spoke, going behind the counter, not looking up. “The person who is usually up here, is on vacation.” He muttered, typing a few things into the small computer behind the desk. You walked back to the counter quietly as he finished typing, finally looking up. His eyes glazed over with light when they met yours and a small smile appeared on his face, “Hello there beautiful.” He spoke gently, crossing his arms as he leaned on the counter.
You breathed out a chuckle at how quickly he changed and shook your head, “Hello.” You spoke slowly, unsure of if you should even buy anything anymore. He didn’t give you time to think before he looked at your items, “You want that stuff?” He asked you, sounding a little confused but you just nodded. “I think it’ll weird my friends out.” You spoke honestly as you put them on your side of the counter but he shook his head. You furrowed your brows at him, “You can have them, a beautiful woman deserves gifts at any time.” He told you, now only leaning on one of his arms as he looked at you. You didn’t make an action to take any of them which also confused him, but he didn’t comment.
Your arms crossed and you eyed him suspiciously, “What’s the catch?” You asked him, a brow raised and he simply laughed, his dimples showing in his smile. “There’s no catch, but there is an offer.” He spoke which piqued your interest, causing your head to tilt which made him continue. He looked as if he were trying to find the right words, cracking his knuckles and scrunching his nose occasionally and moving his head to the side. “I know a really good restaurant down the road, they have great food.” He spoke, looking at you a little nervously but you simply stood with a sweet smile. “You want me to go on a date with you?” You asked, almost in awe of the man in front of you. He nodded slowly, “If you’d like…” He spoke slowly, a smile working its way to his face when you looked away then back at him with a small smile. “Sure.” You spoke simply, he was going to say the location before something lit up in his eyes. “Actually, how about you meet me here tomorrow night, 7 o’clock?” He suggested, moving around the counter to be right in front of you, nothing as a barrier. Your nose scrunched involuntarily, “Valentines day? Here?” You asked and he nodded, moving his hair out his face, his muscle flexing a bit from his t-shirt. “I know, how romantic.” The man told you and you rolled your eyes playfully.
You backed away a bit, “I don’t even know your name.” You told him, that was a genuine concern. He understood and told you his name was Ray Manchester, you told him your name in response and he said ‘Now we’re well acquainted’ the comment made you laugh. 
He asked you a couple questions, your favorite flower, your favorite food, other things that surrounded ‘date’ information before you went on your way back to your hotel. He had no way of contacting you so he was left relying on the hope that you would actually arrive at the store on Valentines day.
On the romantic day, he was down in what he called the ‘man-cave’ where he lived a double life as superhero Captain Man with the assistance of his sidekick Kid Danger. Kid Dangers name was Henry Hart and a few of his friends had helped during these years as well like Charlotte and Jasper. They help with superhero missions, but they also help with things friends usually do, and Ray has grown close to the teenagers, feeling he could go to them for anything.
He had told the teens that very day you decided to accept the date, going down to the man cave and excitedly rambling about a beautiful woman he had somehow never seen coming into the shop. Charlotte said it was the exhaustion getting to him, Henry asked if he was sure it wasn’t the man who wore ball gowns because he was a very beautiful party princess, and Jasper was trying to figure out how Gooch would react to Ray just giving away free stuff. Regardless, they all agreed to help, as unbelievably easy it sounded for Ray when sometimes he didn’t have the best of luck.
Valentines day, mid afternoon the group was trying to figure something out to make for dinner. Ray and Henry were on the rounded couch, Charlotte on the computer, Jasper writing down ideas on a notepad as he walked around. 
Henry sat up from his lying position, “What were you even thinking for dinner?” He asked, arm draped over the couch. Ray shrugged, “Italian.” He spoke simply. Jasper walked by the couch on his way pacing to the elevator, “What if she’s vegetarian?” He asked.
“I didn’t think about that.”
Henry shook his head and sat up properly, “I’m sure there are vegetarian Italian meals.” He told everyone and Charlotte's typing on the computer became abundantly clear in the practically quiet room. “There is…” She began to speak, clicking a bit as the boys and man all walked to her station to look at the screens. “Tomato basil pasta, garlic and oil pasta, rice salad, tomato bruschetta.” She listed, clicking on each image and showing the recipes for each. Ray held his hands out in a ‘stop’ motion, “Okay I get it, there’s a lot.” He spoke, wiping a sweat from his brow. This date was actually stressing him out a little bit. Charlotte smirked a bit before turning to Jasper and showing him the images for him to write down so they could go get the ingredients, “You could do the bruschetta and the garlic and oil pasta.” She told him and Ray agreed to it, he would have agreed to anything, she usually came up with good ideas.
They spent hours trying to make the meal, and had several trips to the grocery store and pharmacy. The pharmacy for Henry since he was not an indestructible superhuman-hero. Once the clock struck six the man cave was a disaster, the teens were covered in flour, oils, spices, and other ingredients that should’ve been on food. But, there was a wonderful spread of garlic and oil pasta, bruschetta, bread, and drinks all displayed on a rolling cart that would be taken up to Junk N’ Stuff. The store having been cleared in the middle for there to be a clear walkway and dining experience, provided by Jasper to which Ray thanked him profusely.
All the teens wished Ray good luck and went home to wash up, Ray washed up in the man cave, dressing in his finest shirt and slacks. It was around 6:50 when he cleaned himself and the man cave so he decided to go up to the store to make some additions to the table. He added a beautiful flower to the middle of the table where two seats sat across from each other just as you walked in.
Ray heard the bell ring when you walked in, the dragon breathing fire per usual. He was absolutely enamored by you, you looked stunning and he couldn’t exactly pull his gaze from you. He tried walking to you but kind of walked into the table causing you to wince. He sucked in a breath, “I’m okay.” He spoke before adjusting himself, pulling out your chair. You thanked him and sat in the chair as he pushed it in for you. 
You looked at the table curiously, “My favorite flower?” You asked with a suspicious but playful gaze and he simply shrugged. “I thought it would make a nice addition.” He hummed and you smiled, smoothing the clothing on your lap. “This is a delicious looking meal.” You told him, looking over the pasta, the bread, the bruschetta. He nodded with a proud smile, “I had a little help making it.” He explained as he placed one of the thick cloth napkins onto his lap, you doing the same. Your jaw dropped slightly, “You made this?” You asked, eyes almost bugging out of your head. This was, a lot of effort, for a first date. Ray waved your thoughts off and went ahead and told you the two of you should try it, though he was extremely fearful for the taste since no one had tried it before putting it on the plate.
You took one bite of the pasta and your eyes almost rolled back as you covered your mouth, chewing gently. After you swallowed the food you were already twirling your fork in it again, “This is delicious.” You told him, eating another bit. The action caused him to try it as well, having almost the exact same reaction as you when eating.
The two of you ate and talked about plans. You guys talked about traveling, what you wanted to do in the future, the weird things you found in swellview, anything. He was honestly an easy guy to talk to and you found the time passing by faster than you expected.
Ray hummed after finishing his food, taking a sip of his drink. He put his hands on the table, “So, how do you feel about Captain Man?” He asked you and you dabbed your mouth with your napkin before looking at him strangely. “Who’s Captain Man?” You asked him, taking a sip of your own drink but Ray sat in silence, not answering. You raised your brow, putting your plate to the side before claspin your hands together on the table. Ray cleared his throat, “The superhero, that saves swellview?” He tried to jog a memory for you that wasn’t there.
“There’s a superhero here?”
“Yeah?” Ray responded with a confused laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I don’t live here, so.” You spoke with an equally confused but awkward smile.
“Where are you from?”
“I’m from Virginia.”
Ray covered his mouth a bit, “That’s…all the way across the country.” He spoke quietly, you simply nodded with a giggle. “You came all that way to visit…swellview?” He asked, now even more confused to who you were because not many people try to visit Swellview much. You tilted your head with a scrunched nose, tapping your fingers a bit. “Yeah, a friend said she visited and I wanted to see all the fun stuff myself.” You responded and he smiled along with your explanation, his hand creeping among the table, his fingertips touching yours gently. “Well, I guess I'm lucky you came to my store.” He spoke, his hand slowly leading itself on top of yours, and you let him.
The night unfortunately came to a close and you guys had to part ways for the night. Ray held your hands softly as the two of you stood outside the entrance of Junk N’ Stuff. “This was nice.” You spoke softly, your hands feeling kind of small in his. He nodded, thumbs rubbing the back of your hands, “When do you leave?” He asked about your flight back home to Virginia. You tilted your hand, wondering if you could dodge the unfortunate answer but you couldn’t. You sighed, “Tomorrow afternoon.” You told him, eyes gazing at him and his blue eyes looking right at you still. He breathed out a small ‘oh’ with a gentle smile. “Well, if this is a goodbye… can I?” He began, his breath hitching in his throat, hands slightly tightening around yours. You searched his expression for a moment under the moonlight and decidedly nodded at his offer, closing your eyes slowly.
You felt the press of his lips softly against your cheek before it was whisked away just as quickly as it was placed. Your eyes opened once again to him giving you a goofy smile, “Goodnight, have a safe flight.” He whispered to you, hands slowly letting go of yours but they were still connected. You smiled sadly and walked back, your hands no longer connecting as you turned back to your hotel and walked away. Ray had turned to Junk N’ Stuff, closing up the shop.
The next afternoon Ray decided not to join the teens in the man cave though they wanted to hear every detail about what happened. He was typing nonsensically on the computer, occasionally rubbing his eyes because he didn’t sleep a bit last night. After that night with you he realized, he would probably never see you again.
The bell rang for the shop, but he didn’t lift his head, “Welcome to Junk N’ Stuff.” He spoke clearly though tiredly. A voice chuckled as the footsteps got closer, “Did you even try to sleep last night?” The voice asked him, elbows resting on the counter. Ray sensed familiarity in the voice so he looked up, eyes brightening when he noticed it was you. He stood up quickly, your eyes following as he stood up taller, “I thought you had a flight.” He mumbled and you shrugged with a joyful expression. “I wanted to see some more of Swellview.” You told him but he didn’t buy it, “Really? Some more of the weirdly named stores and laws?” He asked with crossed arms. You held your hands up in surrender, “Okay, maybe a little more.” You admitted, looking at him gently, causing him to chuckle. 
You straightened yourself a bit, “Maybe I stayed so a certain someone could give me a tour instead.” You suggested and he walked around the counter holding out his hand, “Well, then we should get started.” He told you, a bright grin on his features.
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desiblr-tales · 1 year ago
dahi papdi chaat is a famous Delhi street food. it is a crispy sweet, spicy, and tangy chaat that packs a whole lot of flavor.
bhutte ki khees is a well-liked and delightful street food of central India prepared using corn and spices.
misal pav consists of misal, a spicy curry usually made from moth beans and pav.
vada pav, the dish consists of a deep fried potato dumpling placed inside a bread bun (pav) sliced almost in half through the middle.
samosa pav is similar to vada pav, it just has samosa instead of vada between the bread.
pav bhaji is a fast food dish from Mumbai (Bombay), India, consisting of a vegetable curry (bhaji) cooked in tomato gravy and served with a soft bread roll.
matar kulche is a very famous dish of delhi. matar refers to the spiced and tangy curry made with dried peas and since it is served with the soft and fluffy kulcha.
bread pakoda are simply bread slices dipped in spiced gram flour batter & fried. These are popular as a North Indian street.
puchka is golgappa/panipuri.
fafda jalebi are traditional pairing of gujarat. fafda is made of besan and is crispy whereas jalebi is deep fried and sweet.
chaat is a term signifying a huge variety of Indian street foods, snacks, or small meals which usually combine salty, spicy, sweet, and sour flavors. there are a various amounts of chaat available like aaloo chaat or tikki chaat.
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its-ener · 2 years ago
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"Kulhad wali masala chai, Mussoorie ke chai ke bagaan, parle G, when chai met toast, Kolkata ki peeli wali taxi, thele par milte bhutte, Mumbai ki baarish."
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hplay09 · 12 days ago
Top-Rated Hotels in Indore: A Guide to the Best Places to Stay in Indore
Indore, the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh, is a dynamic city that seamlessly blends historical charm with modern conveniences. Known for its rich heritage, bustling markets, and mouthwatering street food, Indore is a top destination for travelers seeking a mix of culture and comfort. Whether you're a history buff exploring Rajwada Palace, a foodie indulging in Sarafa Bazaar’s delights, or a business traveler attending meetings in the city's corporate hubs, Indore offers accommodations to suit every budget.
To make your stay truly enjoyable, Playotel Hotels in Indore provides a range of options across prime locations in Indore. With top-notch amenities, exceptional hospitality, and easy access to major attractions, Playotel ensures that every traveler finds the perfect stay, whether it's a luxury suite or an affordable yet comfortable hotel. This guide will help you discover the best hotels in Indore, along with top attractions, dining recommendations, and travel tips.
Best Hotels in Indore
If you're searching for hotels in Indore city, you'll find an array of accommodations ranging from luxury hotels to budget-friendly stays. One of the best choices for your stay in Indore is Playotel Hotels, known for its premium services, strategic locations, and modern amenities.
Top Playotel Hotels in Indore:
Playotel Premier, Vijay Nagar, Indore – A luxurious stay in the heart of the city with premium amenities.
Playotel Inn, Scheme 114, Vijay Nagar, Indore – Perfect for business and leisure travelers looking for comfort and convenience.
Playotel Inn, Sonash, Bhawarkua, Indore – A great budget-friendly hotel near key attractions.
Playsales EcoStay, Vijay Nagar, Indore – An eco-friendly stay with modern facilities.
Playsales Scarlet, Vijay Nagar, Indore – A stylish boutique hotel for travelers seeking a unique experience.
Playsales By Playotel, Vijay Nagar, Indore – A well-equipped hotel catering to business professionals and tourists alike.
Playsales Devishree, Vijay Nagar, Indore – A comfortable and affordable option in a prime location.
Why Choose Playotel Hotels in Indore?
Playotel Hotels stand out as the best hotels in Indore due to their exceptional hospitality, strategic locations, and top-notch amenities. Whether you are looking for a luxury experience or a budget stay, Playotel offers something for everyone. Here’s why Playotel is your best choice:
Prime Locations: Conveniently located in Vijay Nagar and Bhawarkua, providing easy access to major business hubs and tourist spots.
Modern Amenities: Well-furnished rooms, free Wi-Fi, complimentary breakfast, and 24-hour room service.
Affordable Pricing: Budget-friendly stays without compromising on comfort and service quality.
Exceptional Hospitality: Friendly staff and personalized services to ensure a hassle-free stay.
Tourist Attractions Near Indore City
Indore is home to some incredible attractions that are worth exploring during your stay. Here are some must-visit places:
Rajwada Palace – A historic royal residence showcasing Maratha architecture.
Sarafa Bazaar – A paradise for street food lovers, serving Indore’s famous poha, jalebi, and bhutte ka kees.
Lal Bagh Palace – A grand palace reflecting the city’s royal heritage.
Patalpani Waterfall – A scenic getaway for nature lovers, located just outside the city.
Kanch Mandir – A beautiful Jain temple entirely made of glass and mirrors.
Chappan Dukan – A must-visit spot for foodies looking to explore Indore’s diverse flavors.
Best Areas to Stay in Indore
When choosing hotels in Indore India, selecting the right area is essential for a comfortable and convenient stay:
Vijay Nagar – The best location for business travelers and luxury stays.
Bhawarkua – Ideal for students, budget travelers, and those seeking affordable stays near key attractions.
MG Road – Perfect for those wanting to stay close to markets and shopping areas.
Rajwada & Sarafa – A great location for heritage lovers and street food enthusiasts.
Food & Dining Recommendations
Indore is a haven for food lovers! Here are some must-try dishes and places near Playotel Hotels:
Poha Jalebi at Chappan Dukan – A classic Indori breakfast.
Johny Hot Dog at Chappan Dukan – Famous for its delicious egg and mutton hot dogs.
Vijay Chaat House – Must-try for Indore’s unique snacks.
Shree Chotiwala Restaurant – Serves authentic vegetarian dishes.
Sarafa Bazaar Night Market – Open till late night, serving mouthwatering street food.
Transportation Tips for Travelers in Indore
Cabs & Auto Rickshaws: Ola and Uber services are available, along with auto-rickshaws for short distances.
City Buses: AICTSL buses are a budget-friendly way to travel around the city.
Railway Station & Airport: Indore Junction is well-connected to major cities, and Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport is just 8 km from the city center.
Exclusive Hotel Deals & Discounts
To get the best deals on cheap hotels in Indore, consider booking in advance through online travel platforms or directly on Playotel’s official website for exclusive discounts.
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digital-marketing232 · 1 month ago
Chaas vs Lassi: How Are They Different?
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Indian cuisine is renowned for its diversity, with beverages like chaas and lassi being household staples, especially during the sweltering summer months. While both are yogurt-based drinks, their unique preparation, flavors, and cultural significance set them apart. In this article, we delve into the nuances of chaas vs lassi to explore how these two popular beverages differ.
1. The Basics: What Are Chaas and Lassi?
Chaas, also known as buttermilk, is a savory drink made by diluting yogurt with water and adding spices such as cumin, salt, and coriander. It is light, refreshing, and primarily consumed as a digestive aid.
Lassi, on the other hand, is a thicker, creamier drink made by blending yogurt with water or milk. Depending on the region, lassi can be sweet, savory, or flavored with fruits, making it a versatile beverage that can serve as a snack or dessert.
2. Ingredients and Preparation
Chaas Ingredients:
Yogurt (curd)
Spices: roasted cumin powder, black salt, fresh coriander, ginger, and green chili (optional)
Preparation involves whisking yogurt with water until smooth, then mixing in spices. Chaas is typically strained to remove coarse particles, resulting in a smooth and frothy drink.
Lassi Ingredients:
Water or milk
Sweetener: sugar, honey, or jaggery (for sweet lassi)
Optional flavors: cardamom, saffron, rose water, mango pulp, or nuts
To prepare lassi, yogurt is blended with water or milk and sweeteners or spices. Sweet lassi is often garnished with nuts or saffron, while savory lassi includes salt, roasted cumin, and mint.
3. Flavor Profiles
The flavor profiles of chaas and lassi are distinct:
Chaas: Tangy, salty, and spiced, chaas has a refreshing and savory taste. The spices not only enhance flavor but also aid in digestion.
Lassi: Sweet lassi is rich and indulgent, with a creamy texture and sugary taste. In contrast, savory lassi is lightly spiced and shares similarities with chaas but is often thicker and less tangy.
4. Cultural and Regional Significance
Both chaas and lassi hold cultural importance in India but are popular in different contexts:
Chaas: Often consumed as part of a meal, particularly in Gujarat and Rajasthan. It is considered an everyday drink that complements spicy and heavy foods by cooling the body and aiding digestion.
Lassi: Associated with Punjab, lassi is a celebratory drink served during festivals, weddings, and special occasions. Sweet lassi is particularly common in North India and is often enjoyed as a standalone treat.
5. Health Benefits
Both chaas and lassi are nutrient-rich, offering numerous health benefits:
Low in calories and fat, making it a light option for hydration.
Contains probiotics that promote gut health and improve digestion.
Its cooling properties help reduce acidity and prevent heat strokes.
Rich in calcium and protein, which support bone health and muscle repair.
Sweet lassi, though indulgent, provides quick energy and can serve as a satisfying dessert.
Probiotics in lassi enhance digestion and strengthen immunity.
6. When to Consume Chaas vs Lassi
Chaas: Best consumed during or after meals, chaas acts as a digestive aid. Its light and tangy nature make it a perfect accompaniment to heavy or spicy foods, especially in hot weather.
Lassi: Lassi is versatile and can be consumed as a snack, dessert, or even breakfast. Sweet lassi pairs well with parathas, while savory lassi is suitable for meals. Due to its heavier consistency, lassi is more filling than chaas.
7. Popular Variations
Both beverages offer regional variations:
Chaas Variations:
Masala Chaas: Enhanced with additional spices like chaat masala and asafoetida.
Pudina Chaas: Infused with mint leaves for extra freshness.
Lassi Variations:
Mango Lassi: Made with fresh mango pulp for a fruity twist.
Rose Lassi: Flavored with rose syrup and garnished with petals.
Bhutte Ka Kees Lassi: A savory variation with roasted corn.
8. Key Differences Summarized
FeatureChaasLassiTextureThin and wateryThick and creamyFlavorSavory and spicedSweet or savoryPrimary IngredientsYogurt, water, spicesYogurt, water/milk, sugarCaloriesLowCan be high (sweet lassi)Cultural RelevanceEveryday drinkCelebratory drinkDigestive AidYesYes, but heavier
While chaas and lassi share a common base in yogurt, their differences in preparation, flavor, and cultural roles make them unique. Chaas is a savory, light beverage ideal for daily consumption and digestion, while lassi offers a more indulgent and versatile experience. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing accompaniment to a meal or a sweet treat, these iconic drinks cater to different moods and occasions.
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chikucab123 · 2 months ago
Visit the Cleanest City of India in Winter
Indore, known as India's ne­atest town, is Madhya Pradesh's true je­wel. It sparkles in the winte­r. It combines cute weathe­r, a deep past, and lively customs. This make­s it a great choice for a winter visit. Whe­ther you're checking out famous spots or tasting local snacks, it's all be­tter with a good cab service in Indore­.
Indore's incre­dible Rajwada Palace is a top sightsee­ing spot. Its striking mix of Maratha and Mughal design takes you on a time journe­y. Another not-to-miss spot is Lal Bagh Palace. It displays the sple­ndor of the once-powerful Holkar dynasty. An e­asy-to-use cab service in Indore­ lets you discover these­ historical locations stress-free, all while­ enjoying the city's cool winter magic.
Are you a nature­ lover? Patalpani Waterfall and Ralamandal Wildlife Sanctuary are­ top-notch outdoor spots. Perfect to soak up the chill of winte­r air. With an outstation taxi in Indore, getting there­ is a breeze. It's the­ ticket to carefree­ day trips or weekend ge­taways. Much alike, Sirpur Lake, known for its peace­fulness, makes an exce­llent winter birdwatching spot.
Indore offe­rs sumptuous cuisine that's a must-try. The lively Sarafa Bazaar and Chappan Dukan are­ known for their lip-smacking snacks and sweets like­ poha, jalebi, and bhutte ki kee­s. Hopping around these food spots is easy, thanks to re­liable taxi services in Indore­.
Indore, it's your ste­pping stone to places worth a visit. How about hiring an outstation taxi? It's a great way to ge­t to sites like Ujjain. It's sacred, home­ to the revere­d Mahakaleshwar Temple. The­n there's Mandu, where­ unique architecture rule­s. With cozy cars and skilled drivers, these­ taxis take all the hassle out of your journe­y. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride­.
Indore shine­s brightest during winter; its clean surroundings, rich culture­, and warmth make it worth visiting. Whether your trip is for re­laxation or work, reliable cab service­s in Indore guarantee an e­xceptional journey. Rese­rve your cab now and unveil the re­asons behind Indore's enchanting appe­al and warm welcome.
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actempotravel · 3 months ago
Popular Food to Try in Ujjain
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Ujjain, a city famous for its temples, is also great for food lovers. When you visit, try the Popular Food to Try in Ujjain, which reflects its rich food traditions.
Dal Bafla: A local favourite, this is a variation of dal-baati, where wheat dumplings are baked and served with spicy lentils and ghee.
Poha-Jaleb: Ujjain’s breakfast is poha-jalebi. Flattened rice cooked with spices and crispy sugary jalebis.
Bhutte Ka Kees: A MP speciality, this is grated corn cooked with milk, spices and a hint of coconut. Sweet and savoury.
Sabudana Khichdi: A fasting special, this is a light and tasty preparation of tapioca pearls sautéed with peanuts and spices.
Snacks and Sweets: Markets are full of kachoris, samosas and pani puris. But are you a Sweet tooth? Try malpuas and shrikhand from famous sweet shops.
Lassi and Shikanji: Finish off with a glass of chilled lassi or tangy shikanji. Both are available everywhere in the city.
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tfgadgets · 5 months ago
How to Make Rampur's Famous 'Bhutte Ki Kadhi', Once a Favourite of the Nawabs
This dish is not only delectable but is also simple to make and highly nutritious. (News18 Hindi) Bhutte ki Kadhi, a unique corn-based dish from Rampur, holds special place in the region’s culinary heritage. Traditionally prepared with fresh corn kernels, curd, and local spices, it was once served to welcome royal guests in the palaces of the Nawabs Kadhi is a traditional and unique Indian dish…
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tandoorinasha · 5 months ago
where can i get the best cuisine in the terms of veg and non-veg in Indore?
Indore, often regarded as the "food capital" of Madhya Pradesh, offers a rich variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian cuisine. Here are some of the top places you can visit for both veg and non-veg food in the city:
### **Vegetarian Cuisine:**
1. **Sarafa Bazaar (Night Food Market)**
   - **Type**: Street food
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Poha, Bhutte Ka Kees, Garadu, Dahi Bada, Jalebi, and Malpua.
   - **Why Visit**: Famous for its vibrant night food scene, Sarafa Bazaar is a paradise for street food lovers with many vegetarian delights.
2. **Chappan Dukan**
   - **Type**: Street food/street shops
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Kachori, Samosa, Hot dogs, Poha-Jalebi, and Shikanji.
   - **Why Visit**: A hub of small eateries offering a variety of quick vegetarian snacks and drinks. It's lively, affordable, and diverse.
3. **Ghamandi Lassi**
   - **Type**: Traditional beverages and snacks
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Ghamandi Lassi (thick and creamy), Paneer dishes, and light vegetarian snacks.
   - **Why Visit**: Known for its famous lassi and authentic vegetarian snacks.
4. **Shree Chotiwala Restaurant**
   - **Type**: Pure Vegetarian (Thali)
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Special Indian Thalis (Rajasthani, Gujarati).
   - **Why Visit**: A traditional restaurant known for its wholesome thali, serving a complete Indian meal experience.
5. **Vijay Chaat House**
   - **Type**: Fast food
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Pani puri, Sev Puri, and other chaats.
   - **Why Visit**: If you enjoy chaats and quick bites, this is the place to be.
### **Non-Vegetarian Cuisine:**
1. **Nafees Restaurant**
   - **Type**: Mughlai and North Indian
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Chicken Biryani, Mutton Rogan Josh, Seekh Kebab, and Butter Chicken.
   - **Why Visit**: A popular destination for non-vegetarian food lovers with a rich menu of Mughlai and North Indian dishes.
2. **Sagar Gaire Fast Food**
   - **Type**: Fast food (Veg and Non-Veg)
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Chicken Rolls, Chicken Tikka, Paneer Rolls.
   - **Why Visit**: Famous for its affordable non-veg snacks and rolls, offering a quick and tasty meal.
3. **Guru Kripa Restaurant**
   - **Type**: North Indian
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Chicken Butter Masala, Mutton Curry, Biryani.
   - **Why Visit**: A family-friendly restaurant with a variety of non-vegetarian delicacies.
4. **Arabian Restaurant**
   - **Type**: Middle Eastern, North Indian
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Shawarma, Grilled Chicken, Chicken Manchurian.
   - **Why Visit**: Known for its delicious shawarma and grilled chicken dishes, offering a Middle Eastern twist.
5. **Kebabsville (Sayaji Hotel)**
   - **Type**: Barbecue and Grill
   - **Must-try Dishes**: Tandoori Chicken, Fish Tikka, Lamb Chops.
   - **Why Visit**: A luxury dining experience with a live barbecue grill, offering a wide range of kebabs and grilled meats.
These places offer a great blend of traditional and modern cuisine, making Indore a fantastic destination for food lovers who want both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.
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mycitymagazineindore · 6 months ago
Discovering Indore: A Comprehensive Guide to Your City Magazine Indore
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Cultural Heritage
Indore boasts a rich cultural tapestry woven with history and traditions. The city is home to stunning landmarks such as the Rajwada Palace, which reflects its royal past, and the serene Jain temples that showcase exquisite architecture. Explore the historical significance of these sites and discover local festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi and Navratri, where the city comes alive with colors and festivities.
Culinary Scene
No visit to Indore is complete without indulging in its famous street food. From the mouthwatering poha-jalebi breakfast to the iconic Indori samosa and bhutte ka kiss, the city offers a gastronomic adventure for food lovers. Join us as we highlight the best eateries and hidden gems that serve authentic local delicacies, ensuring that your taste buds are in for a treat.
Shopping Hotspots
Indore’s bustling markets are a shopper’s paradise. From traditional bazaars like Sarafa Bazaar, known for its street food, to the vibrant Chappal Market, where you can find handmade footwear, the city offers a variety of shopping experiences. Discover the best places to find local handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs that capture the essence of Indore.
Modern Indore
As the city evolves, it embraces modernity while retaining its charm. With emerging cafes, tech startups, and shopping malls, Indore is becoming a hub for young entrepreneurs and creatives. We delve into the contemporary lifestyle of the city, highlighting popular hangout spots and innovative businesses that are shaping the future of Indore.
City Magazine Indore is your go-to source for everything Indore. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, our magazine offers insights into the city's heritage, cuisine, shopping, and modern developments. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Indore and uncovering the stories that make it a remarkable place to live and explore.
Stay tuned for more exciting features and updates in the next edition of City Magazine Indore!
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desiblr-tales · 1 year ago
street food nominations
dahi papdi (paapdi chaat)
bhutte ki khees from indore
pav bhaji
Bread pakoda
Fafda jalebi
matar kulche
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Top 5 Visit Places in Indore
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Here are the top 5 places to visit in Indore:
Rajwada Palace: A historical gem this seven-story palace reflects the grandeur of the Holkar dynasty. Its Indo-Saracenic architecture attracts history buffs and art lovers.
Lal Bagh Palace: Known for its European-style architecture, Lal Bagh Palace is a must-visit for its magnificent interiors and lush gardens.
Sarafa Bazaar: Famous for its night food market, Sarafa Bazaar is a paradise for food enthusiasts. Enjoy local delicacies like poha, jalebi and bhutte ka kees.
Khajrana Ganesh Temple: One of the most revered temples in Indore, this shrine is dedicated to Lord Ganesha and attracts devotees from across the country.
Patalpani Waterfall: Located on the outskirts of Indore, this scenic waterfall is perfect for nature lovers seeking a serene escape.
If you are traveling in a group, booking a Tempo Traveller 14 Seater is ideal for a comfortable journey through Indore’s top attractions. For pricing, the tempo traveller 14 seater price depends on the travel distance and duration.
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mewaruniversity · 7 months ago
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Wonderful Event!
SPIC MACAY under VIRASAT-2024 Program in Mewar University
Today, Mr. Bhutte Khan Manganiar & Team presented the program "Virasat-2024"
Mr. Jai Prakash Bhatnagar, Co-ordinator of SPIC MACAY Chittorgarh region & Dr. Rajershi Kumar Kasudhan, Assistant Professor, Fine & Performing Arts was co-ordinate this program.
This cultural event aims to promote Indian classical music and arts among our students and faculty.
Note: SPIC MACAY (Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth) is known for its efforts to bring Indian cultural heritage to young people. Having Mr. Bhutte Khan Manganiar and his team perform must have been a special experience, especially with the focus on traditional Indian music and arts.
If you have any more details to share about the performances or how the event was received by the students and faculty, feel free to let me know!
#SPICMACAY #Virasat2024 #MewarUniversity #IndianClassicalMusic #CulturalHeritage #TraditionalMusic #FolkMusic #Manganiar #CulturalEvent #ArtsAndCulture #YouthEngagement #MusicForYouth #IndianArts #LivePerformance #CulturalExchange #IndianHeritage #FineArts #PerformingArts #MusicAndCulture #TopUniversityInRajasthan #KnowledgeToWisdom #BestUniversityInRajasthan
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