#bhm tight belt
fluffybellyhog99 · 6 months
Trying to put my Belt on My belly and really struggle doing so
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droolingffa · 1 month
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The outfit he wore to pick me up 🥰 Looks like his new short-shorts are getting a little tight around the middle.
His heavy belly sinking down between his legs drives me absolutely crazy. I fawn over it (and munch on those chubby thighs) for as long as he lets me.
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storiednhappy · 4 months
BHM Weight Gain/Masculinization
Chapters 5 and 6
Things get a little odd.
Chapter 5: Wardrobe Malfunction
Joshua adjusted his belt for the third time that morning, trying to find a comfortable position as he navigated the bustling dining hall. It was one of his favorite places on campus, not just for the food, but for the networking opportunities. Meeting other AO Men for extra meals and snacks had become a daily routine, and it was paying off handsomely in his professional life. His connections within the community were expanding, opening doors he never thought possible.
Yet, there was a growing problem he couldn't ignore—his clothes. They simply didn't fit anymore. Joshua had only been 22 for three months, but his body had changed significantly since arriving at Androbesity. The waistbands of his pants cut into his skin, his shirts strained at the buttons, and even his shoes felt tighter. Every meal seemed to add another layer to his already substantial frame.
"Hey Josh, over here!" Malik called from a nearby table, waving him over.
Joshua smiled and made his way through the crowded hall, his shirt riding up slightly as he moved. He tugged it down, hoping no one noticed. Malik had become a close friend, and their shared meals were a highlight of his day.
"Man, you're looking well-fed," Malik teased as Joshua sat down, his chair creaking slightly under his weight.
"Yeah, you could say that," Joshua replied with a chuckle. "I might need to start shopping for new clothes soon. Nothing seems to fit anymore."
Malik nodded sympathetically. "I hear you. I've had to get a whole new wardrobe since I got here. But hey, it's all part of the experience, right?"
Joshua sighed, adjusting his shirt again. "I guess. It's just... I've never had to deal with this before. And it's happening so fast."
As they chatted and ate, Joshua couldn't help but notice how much more comfortable Malik seemed. He had embraced the lifestyle changes at Androbesity with ease, while Joshua still felt self-conscious about his expanding body. But the networking was invaluable. Just the other day, he had secured a freelance project through a connection he made at one of these extra meals.
"Have you met the new guy from Wisconsin?" Malik asked, pulling Joshua from his thoughts. "Matt, I think his name is. He’s got an incredible appetite. You should join us for dinner tonight."
Joshua agreed, grateful for the distraction. As the day went on, he attended a series of remote meetings, each more productive than the last, thanks to the contacts he had made. But the discomfort of his tight clothing was a constant reminder of his rapid growth.
That evening, Joshua met Malik and Matt in the dining hall. Matt's presence was immediately noticeable—he was easily the largest of the group, and his enthusiasm for food was infectious.
"Good to see you, Josh," Matt greeted him with a broad smile. "You ready for another feast?"
Joshua laughed, feeling a little more at ease. "Always. But I might need to borrow some clothes from you soon if I keep eating like this."
Matt clapped him on the back, nearly knocking the breath out of him. "Don't worry about it. We’ve all been there. Just enjoy the food and the company. That's what Androbesity is all about."
As the night progressed, Joshua found himself loosening up, both physically and mentally. He still tugged at his shirt and adjusted his belt, but the camaraderie and acceptance he felt among his fellow AO Men made it easier to embrace the changes.
By the end of the meal, Joshua realized that his wardrobe malfunctions were just another part of the journey. He was growing in more ways than one, and with the support of his friends, he knew he could navigate whatever challenges came his way.
And as for the clothes? Well, a shopping trip was definitely in order.
Chapter 5B: A New Wardrobe
The next morning, Joshua stood in front of the full-length mirror in his room, scrutinizing his reflection. His shirt, which had fit perfectly three months ago, now strained against his burgeoning belly, and his pants were uncomfortably tight. It was time to face reality: he needed new clothes.
Remembering Malik's advice, Joshua decided to visit the Androbesity store. Located conveniently on campus, the store was renowned for its extensive collection of stylish and comfortable clothing tailored specifically for the residents.
As he entered the store, he was greeted by a cheerful sales assistant named Greg. "Welcome to the Androbesity store, Joshua! We've been expecting you. Ready for a new look?"
Joshua nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Definitely. I need everything—shirts, pants, underwear, socks, shoes. You name it."
Greg led him to a spacious dressing room. "Don't worry, we've got you covered. Just relax, and let's find you some outfits that flatter your new physique."
The first outfit Greg brought out was a pair of dark jeans with an elastic waistband and a light blue button-down shirt made of soft, stretchy fabric. As Joshua tried it on, he marveled at how comfortable and stylish it felt. His hairy flab jiggled slightly as he moved, the shirt barely containing the mass of his body.
"Looking good, Joshua," Greg said, adjusting the shirt collar. "The stretch in the fabric will give you room to grow, and the cut really complements your shape."
Next came a series of outfits: roomy chinos paired with breathable polo shirts, cozy sweaters that draped nicely over his expanding frame, and even a sleek blazer that added a touch of sophistication. Each piece was designed to provide comfort and style, enhancing Joshua's confidence with every change. His belly often peeked out between outfit changes, the hair and flab jiggling with each movement.
Greg also brought out an array of new underwear and socks. The boxer briefs were made from a soft, stretchy material that offered ample support without constriction. Joshua noticed that even with the stretch, the boxers were quite full in the front. It was a trait he had come to notice about many AO Men—they were all well-endowed, a characteristic that AO Corp seemed to quietly favor.
"And don't forget the shoes," Greg said, presenting a selection of stylish yet practical options. Joshua tried on several pairs, each one offering the perfect blend of support and style, ideal for his new lifestyle. His feet, now wider and longer, felt comfortable in the new shoes.
"You've got some sturdy feet there, Joshua," Greg observed, kneeling down to help with the fitting. "And look at those chubby toes! Perfect for carrying you through all those extra meals and activities."
Joshua chuckled, feeling a bit self-conscious but also appreciated. "I never used to have chubby toes," he admitted.
Greg smiled reassuringly. "It's all part of the journey here. You're growing in all the right ways."
As Joshua admired himself in the mirror, he felt a sense of relief and pride. The clothes fit perfectly, accentuating his new body while providing the comfort he desperately needed. Each outfit made him feel more mature and confident, ready to embrace his life at Androbesity.
"How much is all this going to cost?" Joshua asked, a bit worried about the expense.
Greg smiled warmly. "Don't worry about that, Joshua. It's all included in your residency. You can come back anytime you need more clothes or a new look. We're here to make sure you're comfortable and happy."
Joshua left the store with a renewed sense of confidence, his arms full of new clothing that made him feel both stylish and comfortable. As he walked back to his room, he couldn't help but smile, thinking about how far he'd come since arriving at Androbesity. The supportive community, the new friendships, and now a wardrobe that matched his new physique—all of it contributed to a sense of belonging and acceptance he had never experienced before.
Back in his room, Joshua hung up his new clothes, feeling a sense of satisfaction. He was ready to face whatever came next, knowing that he had the support and resources he needed to thrive at Androbesity.
Chapter 6: The Feast
The dining hall was abuzz with the usual evening chatter as Malik and Joshua made their way to their usual table. They had promised to keep Matt company through all of dinner, and they intended to keep their word. Tonight, the hall seemed even more inviting, with the scent of roast meats, fresh bread, and a variety of desserts wafting through the air.
"Hey, Matt!" Malik greeted as they approached the table. Matt was already seated, a broad smile spreading across his face as he saw his friends.
"Glad you guys could make it," Matt said, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "I was starting to think I'd have to eat all this by myself."
Joshua laughed, pulling out a chair and sitting down with a grunt, his new clothes fitting comfortably around his growing frame. "Wouldn't want you to go through that alone, buddy. We're here to help."
As they settled in, servers brought out a succession of dishes: platters of roasted chicken, bowls of creamy mashed potatoes, trays of buttered vegetables, and baskets of warm rolls. The three friends dug in with gusto, their plates quickly filling up.
"Pass me some of that gravy," Malik said, reaching for the ladle. "This looks too good to pass up."
Joshua handed it over, already working his way through his second helping of mashed potatoes. "Don't worry, there's plenty to go around," he said, his mouth full.
Matt chuckled, his belly shaking slightly. "You guys are the best. It's great to have company that enjoys eating as much as I do."
The conversation flowed easily as they ate, moving from stories about their day to jokes and light-hearted teasing. Malik and Joshua matched Matt bite for bite, their own appetites spurred on by the abundance and camaraderie. Every now and then, they exchanged glances, acknowledging the unspoken understanding that this was more than just a meal—it was a shared experience, a celebration of their time at Androbesity.
As the evening wore on, the servers continued to bring out more food. Desserts appeared: rich chocolate cakes, creamy cheesecakes, and fruit pies. The three friends didn't hesitate, each taking generous portions.
"Think we can finish all this?" Joshua asked, eyeing the desserts.
"Only one way to find out," Matt replied with a grin, reaching for a slice of cheesecake. "Let's give it our best shot."
They continued to eat, their conversation punctuated by laughter and the clinking of cutlery. The dining hall began to empty as other residents finished their meals, but Malik, Joshua, and Matt remained, determined to see the evening through.
By the time they finally leaned back in their chairs, their plates empty and their bellies full, the hall was nearly deserted. The servers cleared the last of the dishes, smiling as they wished the trio a good night.
"That was incredible," Malik said, patting his stomach. "I don't think I've ever eaten that much in one sitting."
Joshua nodded in agreement. "Same here. But it was worth it. Great food, great company."
Matt looked at his friends, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thanks for sticking around, guys. It means a lot."
Malik shrugged, smiling. "What are friends for? Besides, it's not like we minded the extra food."
Joshua laughed. "Yeah, anytime you need company for dinner, just let us know. We're always up for a feast."
As they stood up to leave, Malik and Joshua helped Matt gather his things. The three friends walked out of the dining hall together, their steps slow and deliberate after the massive meal.
The night air was cool and refreshing as they made their way back to their rooms. The campus was quiet, the stars twinkling above them. It was in these moments that they felt the full weight of their camaraderie and the unique bond they shared.
"See you tomorrow?" Matt asked as they reached his building.
"Absolutely," Malik replied. "Wouldn't miss it."
Joshua clapped Matt on the back. "Good night, Matt. Sleep well."
As they parted ways, Malik and Joshua headed back to their own rooms, reflecting on the evening. It wasn't just about the food; it was about the connection they had forged at Androbesity, a connection that grew stronger with each shared meal.
Joshua changed into his new, comfortable clothes, feeling more at ease with his expanding body. He thought about the journey he had undertaken, the friends he had made, and the experiences that lay ahead. He knew that with friends like Malik and Matt by his side, he was ready to face whatever the future held.
Chapter 6B: The Observers
Above the dining hall, in a control lab equipped with the latest monitoring technology, the AO Logistics team observed the three men as they ate their evening meal. The room was filled with screens displaying various data streams, each one providing a detailed account of the residents’ eating habits and physiological responses.
The chair scales, hidden within the plush dining chairs, recorded the increasing weights of Malik, Joshua, and Matt as they indulged in their feast. The numbers on the screens ticked steadily upward, capturing every ounce added as the men consumed plate after plate of rich, calorie-dense food. Each man’s individual gluttony was meticulously documented, the data stored for later analysis.
“Look at this,” one researcher said, pointing to a screen showing Joshua’s weight steadily climbing past 275 pounds. “That’s a significant milestone. He’s gained 30 pounds since he arrived.”
Flatulence sensors embedded in the chairs tracked every instance of gas released during the meal. The sensors recorded the frequency, decibel level, and duration of each fart. As the intervals between these gas attacks decreased, the observers murmured their approval.
“Did you catch that one?” another researcher noted as Malik let out a particularly loud and long fart, registering at 30 decibels and lasting 5 seconds. “That’s the fifth one in the last ten minutes. His digestive system is really working.”
“Impressive,” a colleague replied. “The frequency is definitely increasing as the meal progresses.”
Another set of sensors, discreetly placed in the men’s underwear, monitored their personal responses to the meal. The sensors detected and recorded any instances of orgasm, a not-uncommon occurrence among residents who found intense pleasure in their gluttony. The screens showed that both Matt and Joshua had experienced such moments during the feast, their boxers filling with the evidence of their arousal and satisfaction.
“Joshua’s just had his first full orgasm during a meal,” one researcher pointed out, highlighting the data on the screen. “Timestamp 7:45 PM. We’ve been expecting this—his responses have been intensifying.”
“The data from tonight is exceptional,” another observer remarked, noting the significant weight gains and physiological responses. “These three are very important to the AO plan.”
“Indeed,” another agreed. “Their progress is remarkable. We need to ensure they continue on this path.”
The clothing provided to the residents at the campus store was not just stylish and comfortable; it was also equipped with various monitoring capabilities. These garments allowed the AO Logistics team to collect data on every aspect of the men’s physical and emotional states, ensuring they could optimize each resident’s experience for maximum growth and satisfaction.
The observers watched as Malik, Joshua, and Matt finished their meal, their bellies visibly swollen with the evening’s indulgence. The data collected would be analyzed and used to refine the program, ensuring that each resident continued to thrive in the unique environment of Androbesity.
As the men left the dining hall, the AO Logistics team continued to monitor their movements and interactions. Every piece of data was valuable, contributing to the overarching goal of normalizing and encouraging obesity in adult men. The team’s careful observations and meticulous record-keeping were essential to the success of the program.
In the control lab, the murmured conversations continued as the observers reviewed the night’s data. The screens showed a wealth of information, each data point a testament to the men’s dedication to the Androbesity lifestyle.
“Keep an eye on their progress,” one of the senior observers instructed. “We need to ensure they stay on track. These three have the potential to be key figures in our research.”
As the night wore on, the AO Logistics team remained vigilant, their eyes on the screens and their minds focused on the future. The data they collected was more than just numbers; it was the foundation of a revolutionary approach to understanding and promoting obesity. And for Malik, Joshua, and Matt, their journey at Androbesity was just beginning, guided by the unseen hands of those who monitored their every move.
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fluffybellyhog99 · 5 months
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@Fatty_Nina_ (Twitter/X) made me sooooo fat that the fat rolls from below and over my belly still tough each other even though the belt cutting in deeply what makes me feel over fattened a lot
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