#bgpara6: out and about
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
out and about.
It's kind of funny to Aiden that he's at the literal grocery store with Luci. On the one hand he really doesn't think she needs him here and he told her that, but on the other hand he doesn't mind? There were no fans outside, nothing weird happening. He at least thinks from what he's heard that groceries stores are pretty good places to go minus the odd paparazzi snap here and there. He's sure some article will come out wondering what Luci buys from Trader Joe's or something like that tomorrow.
But here he is going up and down every aisle meticulously with Luci like it's just another Sunday and they've done this before. But they haven't. He feels like Luci is an order groceries online type of person that gets delivered.
"You think they've exhausted this whole everything bagel flavour on things yet?" He asks as they stroll. "Like it's good but I think they should stick to bagels, bread... the crackers are good."
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
Aiden puts some crackers onto the platter, boxing the bag they're in back up and sets it off to the side but not before stealing another one to eat as well. He looks over at Luci, his brows raising slightly as he brushes crumbs off his shirt and thinks for a moment. "Something you won't burn, you mean?" He teases lightly as he shifts.
"Yeah, I would probably think of something with like five or less ingredients," he says, going through the rest of the food to see what they can add to their platter. Maybe some cheese cubes or something. "We uh, my mom and I, didn't have a lot so five ingredients dinners were our thing. Actually turned out good if you experiment enough. You don't have to cook a lot from scratch especially pasta sauces, you can buy one from the store and add in stuff and it'll be less acidy. Noodles, protein, cheese, spinach. You're good to go."
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Luci...pauses at the counter because oh my god, that sounds so good. Her cheeks actually flush as she thinks about how good that would taste. She's quiet for a long few moments, fluctuating between a pathetic thought in the back of her mind that she's too afraid to say. She wants him to make her food--to try something homemade. She hasn't had a home-cooked meal in so long--it's either something a chef makes or she calls and orders something. Her dad has offered to come over but...
"Can you maybe give me an easy recipe for something?" She asks, leans against the counter as she fills up one of the compartments with another chip, "Like...something you like that you think I could tackle."
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
When Luci wakes up, she doesn't know what time it is, just kind of blinks and reaches--
reaches for Aiden. It's like she catches herself mid-way doing it, knowing he's not there and kind of wondering why she's doing it. She looks at the blanket over her shoulder and smiles a little, tugging it up so it completely covers and adjusts a few pillows. Her couch is more than comfortable to sleep on, so she's going to do just that, letting the movie play on low.
Day definitely well spent.
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Aiden has to stop himself from eating. It's kind of a problem for him and he knows he doesn't feel good after so he doesn't know why he does it. But he watches the movie and yeah, it is better than the previous one considering he knows what's going on too. He slumps down a little, comfortable and watches the movie play out. He asks Luci how many remakes there's been but when he turns his head he sees her sleeping and well, it's probably much needed considering all she does anyway.
So he lets the movie conclude just so he can see the end and maybe they can talk about it another time. Slowly he gets up and brings the platter and the dishes into Luci's kitchen, cleaning up just a little bit and tidies up the snacks by putting them away. He comes back to the living room and stops the credits of the movie, letting it play another one on a lower volume.
He turns back and looks at Luci, sighing softly as he watches her sleep for a moment. Everything is far too blurry right now and he's not sure he wants to unpack that right this second. Instead he goes over and picks up some of the blanket that's flowing off the couch and moves it to place it over Luci. Aiden turns off the big light, leaving on a lamp as he makes his way out, putting on his shoes and makes sure the door's locked as he goes on his way.
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci hums softly and rests against a few pillows, watching the TV. She nods about Depp dying--totally does, nice and bloody and ridiculous too. She smirks, curling her hair around her ear and reaches for a few gummy snacks that he can never say no too, something sour that makes her nose crinkle.
"Yeah, young role," She agrees and then shakes her head, "Didn't work out for whatever reason but," She shrugs, "Everything happens for a reason I guess."
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Aiden grabs another drink, coming back to join Luci after she got the snacks. He sets the glass down and sits back on the couch, pulling his phone out of his pocket and looks at a get notifications on his phone, mainly some emails from the boxing club that he decides to respond too.
"Doesn't he died?" Aiden asks as he types out a few sentences and sends off the email, flipping over to another app seeing his unfinished crossword puzzle from this morning. He'll finish that later. "You did? Young role I'm guessing."
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci drags a blanket from the back of the couch down onto her legs, snickering as Aiden comments on this movie. She knows she likes to talk--not that she has to explain the terrible-ness of this movie, it'll be easily explained soon enough, but like...again, this makes her feel totally normal. Like she's just a girl really into horror movies and talking about a film she's put on.
At the end of the day, she knows she could do something else with her life if she really wanted to, it's not about that. She does love acting and being in films...it's just, she wants more balance. And she doesn't know how to get it.
"I'll get you a t-shirt that says that." She jokes, 'horror movie fan-adjacent'. They settle into the movie, snacking as it goes.
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Aiden's got a little pile of snacks in his hands as the movie starts up. He knows this is a franchise, everything in that genre feels like it is. Some even have their own universes too, he thinks. He chews, listening to Luci and nods along. "You're putting a lot of pressure on a movie from forty years ago," he jokes lightly and he doesn't exactly know what he's walking into but he'll try his best to pay attention.
"And I suppose this is something I need to see as I am horror-adjacent at this point," he hums, grabbing another cookie and he wonders if Luci just has chocolate chips (probably), he likes just munching on those sometimes but he won't bother her with it.
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci laughs a little, snuggling back onto her couch into the corner. She brings her legs up and adjusts the pillow along her lower back, watching as Aiden gets comfortable. She smiles, hoping that he's enjoying himself...even though she's about to put on one of the most terrible movies he's ever seen.
"So somehow," She reaches for an oreo, "This is a cult classic. It's terrible, like the graphics are wack, the dialogue, the acting," She giggles, "The fake blood...just so absolutely terrible. But like, if you're gonna be in horror films, it's like something you need to see."
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Aiden feels like he's allowed to get comfortable so he shifts, not laying down but extending his legs. He's a little achy out of his usual element of going to the boxing club every day to only a couple times a week now so he's been trying to find a new balance there too. That's all his life feels like lately, like he's trying to find balance. He eats some of the snacks, shaking his head.
"I think you already know the answer to that," he replies as he bites into the cookie and more crumbs, probably won't prevent them at this point.
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci smiles, very pleased at the concept of having some recipes to try on her own. She knows that it's probably not going to be as good tasting but? Maybe when she gets the hand of it, she could invite him to dinner and actually serve something that's not a cookie. Though there's this voice in the back of her head that wonders what that means...inviting him to dinner, the fact that he's over now.
They're friends right? That's totally fine.
"Thank you," She smiles at him, reaching for another few chips, "Okay uh--Evil Dead, ever seen it? It's absolutely terrible."
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"Well garlic bread isn't hard," he kind of laughs a bit. "You can literally buy garlic butter for that then shredded cheese and you're good." He takes his water glass and moves to go into the living room. He grabs a coaster and puts it down on the table, then the glass on top as he sits down on the couch, leaning over to get some snacks.
"I'll write down a few and give it to you later," Aiden tells Luci, leaning back into the couch and looks over at the TV. "At least get you some staple recipes."
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci laughs softly, her cheeks flushing now with a cute blush. "I mean...I'll practice and pay attention," She promises, "Maybe have you over the first time for supervision." And she's not even really joking about that, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea. If she can tackle baking? She can totally do this...it's a different mindset but she's totally determined.
She reaches for a few chips, popping them into her mouth and crunches along as she listens to Aiden,
"Five ingredients," She repeats because that's really smart--easy? Especially with how busy she is, it'd be good to get into something like that, "Yes! I love pasta and sauces, so...anything like that would be great, also just...really love bread. Like cheesy garlic bread?" She groans, "So good."
She carries the tray of food into the living room, putting it down on the coffee table.
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Aiden puts some crackers onto the platter, boxing the bag they're in back up and sets it off to the side but not before stealing another one to eat as well. He looks over at Luci, his brows raising slightly as he brushes crumbs off his shirt and thinks for a moment. "Something you won't burn, you mean?" He teases lightly as he shifts.
"Yeah, I would probably think of something with like five or less ingredients," he says, going through the rest of the food to see what they can add to their platter. Maybe some cheese cubes or something. "We uh, my mom and I, didn't have a lot so five ingredients dinners were our thing. Actually turned out good if you experiment enough. You don't have to cook a lot from scratch especially pasta sauces, you can buy one from the store and add in stuff and it'll be less acidy. Noodles, protein, cheese, spinach. You're good to go."
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci...pauses at the counter because oh my god, that sounds so good. Her cheeks actually flush as she thinks about how good that would taste. She's quiet for a long few moments, fluctuating between a pathetic thought in the back of her mind that she's too afraid to say. She wants him to make her food--to try something homemade. She hasn't had a home-cooked meal in so long--it's either something a chef makes or she calls and orders something. Her dad has offered to come over but...
"Can you maybe give me an easy recipe for something?" She asks, leans against the counter as she fills up one of the compartments with another chip, "Like...something you like that you think I could tackle."
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Aiden takes the bag of Doritos and pours some into one of the sections, folding the bag up and puts it to the side and then picks some crackers as well to put onto the plate. They'll need to balance it with a sauce or a spread maybe. He rests his hip against the counter as he takes a cracker and munches on it.
"Probably come kind of creamy cajun chicken pasta or something," Aiden says as he thinks. "Just easy to meal prep that way, make a big batch and I can just grab it, throw it in the microwave."
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
Aiden looks at the options as he takes a drink of the glass of water. "I guess we could do a little bit of each thing," he suggests. "I was actually going to make dinner when I get home so I don't want to spoil that too much." Aiden says and picks up the bag of Doritos to at least open that.
"Do you have bowls or one of those sectioned serving plates?" He asks, that's probably be a good idea to split everything up.
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Luci wanders towards the living room to put her scripts away, all in various states of being read. Some of highlights and post-it notes, some she's closed all together because she's decided she doesn't want to do them. She needs to get a ton done by the end of the week...but for now? She's going to sit on her couch and enjoy being lazy. And she's glad Aiden wants to do that with her.
"Okay," She clasps her hands together, "Living room is ready--what do we want to eat?" She asks, touching one of the bags of chips.
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Luci wanders towards the living room to put her scripts away, all in various states of being read. Some of highlights and post-it notes, some she's closed all together because she's decided she doesn't want to do them. She needs to get a ton done by the end of the week...but for now? She's going to sit on her couch and enjoy being lazy. And she's glad Aiden wants to do that with her.
"Okay," She clasps her hands together, "Living room is ready--what do we want to eat?" She asks, touching one of the bags of chips.
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Aiden doesn't know how he feels about the cameras yet. He's since some pictures where he's randomly in the background, more of a wide angled lens shot and he's guessing that's what's happening when they leave the store. He ignores it as they climb into the car and drives Luci back home and they unloads the groceries into her house, carrying them to the kitchen.
He unpacks the bags, sorting everything out the counter for Luci to put away wherever she likes them to go. Aiden grabs himself a glass of water which he at least feels comfortable doing that, still a little cautious that it's her home.
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
Aiden doesn't know how he feels about the cameras yet. He's since some pictures where he's randomly in the background, more of a wide angled lens shot and he's guessing that's what's happening when they leave the store. He ignores it as they climb into the car and drives Luci back home and they unloads the groceries into her house, carrying them to the kitchen.
He unpacks the bags, sorting everything out the counter for Luci to put away wherever she likes them to go. Aiden grabs himself a glass of water which he at least feels comfortable doing that, still a little cautious that it's her home.
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Admittedly, Luci is feeling really good about that answer. She didn't want Aiden to think that she was asking out of some sort of obligation--like he had to because it's his job to be with her during certain times. But her house hasn't been one of those spaces, so she's hoping he knows he can choose whatever feels the most comfortable for him. She'll understand.
They had back to her place, some paps on the outskirts of the grocery store snapping pictures as they leave. She's used to it but...part of her kind of wishes she was taller so she could block out Aiden somehow. She knows he kind of signed up for this? And yet it's not quite the same.
She unlocks her house when they get back, toeing off her shoes. "Just have to clean up the living room table a bit, I got scripts all over it." She carries bags into the kitchen.
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lucifitzgerald · 1 year ago
Admittedly, Luci is feeling really good about that answer. She didn't want Aiden to think that she was asking out of some sort of obligation--like he had to because it's his job to be with her during certain times. But her house hasn't been one of those spaces, so she's hoping he knows he can choose whatever feels the most comfortable for him. She'll understand.
They had back to her place, some paps on the outskirts of the grocery store snapping pictures as they leave. She's used to it but...part of her kind of wishes she was taller so she could block out Aiden somehow. She knows he kind of signed up for this? And yet it's not quite the same.
She unlocks her house when they get back, toeing off her shoes. "Just have to clean up the living room table a bit, I got scripts all over it." She carries bags into the kitchen.
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"Yeah, I was going to say I can come around for a little bit," he tells her with a nod and it doesn't seem to be such a terrible decision. It's fine, there isn't anyone and anything saying he can't hang out with Luci. Kind of feels like they're doing that now anyway.
So they go around the grocery store getting the ice cream and the 'real food' Luci talks about even though he tells Luci that frozen pizza isn't real food and she's better off making her own homemade kind. He helps her bag up the groceries as they go through the cash register, taking the bags out to the car.
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
"Yeah, I was going to say I can come around for a little bit," he tells her with a nod and it doesn't seem to be such a terrible decision. It's fine, there isn't anyone and anything saying he can't hang out with Luci. Kind of feels like they're doing that now anyway.
So they go around the grocery store getting the ice cream and the 'real food' Luci talks about even though he tells Luci that frozen pizza isn't real food and she's better off making her own homemade kind. He helps her bag up the groceries as they go through the cash register, taking the bags out to the car.
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Luci smiles a little because it’s sweet of him to worry, she knows it’s past of his job, but it’s something else she thinks too. There’s this genuine emotion they have for one another, care and affection—maybe. She’s almost too afraid to hope for that. 
“I’m good,” She promises with a soft smile, pushing the cart forward and into another aisle. “Ohhh ice cream is a good idea. Especially if you’re going to come over?” And she kinda leaves that out in the open, she hadn’t gotten a response because of August. She has no idea why she’s holding her breath—it’s totally understandable if he can’t or rather wouldn’t. 
“Also I need real food—“ She laughs. “At least things I won’t burn. Like frozen pizza or pasta.” 
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
Aiden looks down at Luci and nods. If she's alright with it then he'll respect that, let it go or something. His brows pull together for a moment as he shrugs his shoulders and nods. "Yeah, I'm fine," he says and moves the cart to the side as a woman comes down from the other direction. "As long as you're good."
He continues down the aisle with her and looks at the different cookies and rubs the back of his neck. "What else is on your list?" Aiden asks to switch gears. "There's probably a sale on ice cream."
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Luci doesn’t take off too far, just an aisle over to look at candy and cookies…things she doesn’t need but wants. There’s something about Oreos and Milanos that she can’t turn down. Ugh especially the mint or raspberry ones? So good. 
She puts them into the cart and turns at the sound of Aiden’s voice. He looks a little miffed or maybe aggravated, she can’t tell. She hopes he knows it’s okay—this literally happens to her all the time and at least August was nice. 
“Hey,” She smiles, squeezing his arm. “He really didn’t, it’s okay. Trust me, I’ve had way worse.” She laughs softly. She assumes he knows at least not to post the photo yet so she won’t be overrun. “You okay?” She asks, just wants to make sure. 
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aidenoconnell · 1 year ago
Aiden doesn't know what it is but he wishes August just didn't. He gets it, if Luci wasn't comfortable she wouldn't have and he hopes she didn't do it because August is Aiden's friend either. Aiden's already shut August down once for an autograph anyway. He sighs softly and lets it go, kind of. Aiden looks at the picture and makes some strained uh huh type of noise.
"If you're going to post it, at least wait until we leave," Aiden says because he already can tell Luci doesn't want to deal with that today at a grocery store out of all places.
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Luci doesn't seem to mind--she's sweet. Aiden was right, she's just as she appears to be in her instagram stories and obviously different from the characters in her films. And while she continues to be not his type...he's definitely someone his friend might be interested in. Aiden watches her, and while it's part of his job, August thinks there might be something there.
He looks down at the photo and automatically texts it to his dad--he's gonna lose his mind. He grins at Aiden and laughs a little, watching as Luci moves to another aisle to look at cookies,
"Aw c'mon, you know I had to ask--if she would have said no, I would have respected it." He shows him the picture, "I mean, how cute is that." He grins.
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