#bgc 17 kiyanna
marandaminniemarie · 8 years
What did you think of the new BGC episode? (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcRieMhr3So)
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tvshows941 · 7 years
BGC17 cast overview
As usually I list the girls from how I like them by greatest to least with 1 being who I liked the most and the last number being who I liked the least.
1. Bri was definitely my favorite this season and it seems like i haven’t had an original be my top favorite in the house since Sarah from season 11 (NOT COUNTING BGC13) so production knows what they’re doing with these replacements. I feel like the only time she was wrong was when she fought Fran because she said her peeing on the limo floor was gross. Bitch that is gross 😂. But whatever bri was cool as fuck but I wasn’t feeling how hard she was coming at Susan at the reunion like I get it she was talking shit so confront her cool but she was going way to hard at her every five minutes when Key was the one she should’ve been trying to fight.
2. Sayyora is hands down the hottest girl this season. Like she said she has brains beauty and booty. Lol. Say was cool asf. I feel like sayyora is a cool genuine person to be around. Her bringing up Susan’s marriage wasn’t her throwing Susan under the bus in my opinion because she owed Susan no loyalty. However She was in the wrong when she didn’t check on Fran after she took that L from bri. Because Fran was there for her holding an ice pack on her face after she got into it with key. So I understood why Fran felt some type of way about that. But I also understood why say didn’t feel the need to break it up because it had nothing to do with her she just should’ve checked on her friend afterwards. Other than that say was A1 she never started anything with anyone she was only defending herself.
3. Fran OMG words can’t describe the love I have for Francesca. When I watched the casting special and saw how she called key out and how she dropped Deshayla for spitting in her face I knew I was going to fuck with her. I honestly don’t see how people don’t like Fran. Yea she was annoying how she came at bri because she was jealous of her and she was a bit extra at the reunion too, but other than that Fran was cool as shit. She was so positive. I don’t agree with her saying that dumb shit “did your husband die too” because that was fucked up. So she deserved that swing from susan. Overall, she was still one of my favorites I hope I see her go further in her hype girl career, and I’m happy that she was the last Bad girl to not only leave the house for season 17 but the last bgc girl to leave the bad girls club house ever…..on oxygen at least 😉
4. Kiyanna is cool. She had her moments where I didn’t care too much for her. She cross the line when she slapped sayyora. Like I said say was wrong for not checking on Fran after her fight with bri, but sayyora didn’t need to try and break it up and act all extra like Kiki did. And am I the only one that found it absolutely hilarious when Kiki and key would argue and fight 🤣🤣🤣. That shit was so comical. Do I feel like she was wrong for snatching Susan up…tbh I don’t know because I understood why she did it. She was arguing with Susan and told her to get up and fight her. Susan got up but she hit Fran. Now mind you I understand why Susan hit Fran. But I understand why Kiki did what she did. Because she was the one that called you out to fight not Fran. In all, you can say what you want about kiyanna but she was definitely bout it. She lost plenty of times and got dropped but she was never scared to get it poppin. I feel like if I knew her in person in real life I’d fuck with her to the fullest because she seems like a down loyal as chick.
5. Susan I’m not going to lie I miss judge her. Had she explained her situation about her husband more or if the editors would have showed us more about how her husband had another wife and kids and other women I wouldn’t have looked at her as if she was completely in the wrong because she wasn’t. If he’s going to do him then fuck it do you Susan. But my issue with her comes into play when she was the one who put her self on blast from jump. Who tells their personal business so proudly and unapologetically to someone they just meet three hours ago and then gets mad when they tell someone else? Then sayyora apologized to her and I still didn’t see why she had such a big issue, and talked so much shit about this girl. It was ridiculous. I didn’t care for Susan in the house but I’ll admit she grew on me a little at the reunion.
6. Key has issues fr. I honestly think she was jealous of sayyora at first that’s why she keep picking at her so much. This bitch literally inserted her ragged, dry struggle ass weave into every situation that had noting to do with her. She fought sayyora because of the Susan situation. First of all bitch that was between sayyora and Susan say apologized to her you should’ve stayed the fuck out of it because you was talking shit about her along with deshayla and Kiki in the first episode. Sayyora didn’t owe Key no damn apology at all what so ever. Then she was just plan rude and disrespectful toward sayyora’s guest acting like she was about to fight him. I wouldn’t even be mad if he popped her. I’m also confused 🤔 she mad because bri fucked her up one on one when she was the one coming for bri non stop since she been there. At the end of the day Key played herself. You put your hands around that girls neck wtf did you expect her to do ? Yes you got her in round two but you had to sneak a bitch to do it but we all know who won heads up face to face. Overall, she seemed as if she was trying to be the bigger person at the reunion and it’s good that she learned to just walk away I can give her that.
7. Seven ironically gets number 7. She was a roller coaster ride for me. At first I didn’t see the big hype over her she was ok but I noticed in the first three episodes she was always talking shit about the other girls in her confessionals. I mean this bitch was thuggin’ in front of that green screen. Toward the middle of the season I grew to like her a little but then she fucked it up the last three episodes and at the reunion. I was right back to not caring for her. What was her point for fighting Kiki again ? Because she laughed at key for getting her ass beat? and I feel the fans hype her up so much because she’s a pretty girl. If seven was ugly she wouldn’t have half of her supporters. She hypes herself up, and she does so much to the point where it seems so…forced and unnatural. Like girl calm down it’s not that deep. 🙄
8. Deshayla is fake as fuck.
Overall, this season was soooo good. I can honestly say I’m going to miss it. If bgc would’ve ended at 13 or 14 I would’ve been perfectly fine because BGC fell off after 10 but season 15 and 17 got me interested in the show again. My top four seasons of BGC are season 7: New Orleans, season 9: Mexico (this was the first season I watched), Season 15: Twisted Sisters and Season 17: East Meets West.
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sirhc-jp · 8 years
Why is everyone being two faced?
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episodesthebgc · 8 years
Tonight’s episode of BCG focuses on 24 hours inside the house and the drama that follows. Make yourself comfortable, pop open the least classy adult beverage around you and dig in!
Hour 1
Hour 1 in the Bad Girls Club mansion picks up with Sayyora and Keyaira’s (Key) argument from the prior episode. The moment Keyaira throws the drink in Sayyora’s face, the fight is on. Unfortunately for Sayyora, she takes another “L” while Keyaira consistently lands left hooks. Furthermore, Sayyora is dragged across the floor, first by Keyaira, and then by security.
I have to commend Sayyora for not backing down from a fight, but this is not a good look for her, especially on national television. Fellow Bad Girl Francesca finds herself questioning her place in the house, musing that she feels like she’s “in a zoo watching animals attach each other”. Not only do I agree with Francesca, but I find her statement reminiscent of a specific scene from Mean Girls. In the scene, The Plastics are presented as wild animals in the jungle and viewing their fellow peers attacking one another for dominance. Kudos Fran!
Hour 2
Out of the seven bad girls in the house, DeShayla is the least memorable out of all of them. Not only does she remind me of Jar Jar Binks from the prequel Star Films, but her presence dos nothing to elevate the show. First and foremost, her storyline is extremely boring and her issues with her “boo” back at home remind me of every other bad girl. Continuously, by the way DeShayla speaks about her relationship, it’s as if she’s intimating that her “boo” is actually a sugar mama. While the budding big sister/little sister bond Key & DeShayla have is nice, it smells like trouble.
Hour 3
Kiyanna (Kiki) becomes the new target of the girls in the house. Her inability to choose sides and continuous gravitation towards Sayyora rubs Key the wrong way. How many of us have been in situations where you have two friends who don’t get along and you’re forced to pick a side. It’s an awful feeling and I understand Kiki’s attitude towards the situation. Regrettably, Kiki is in the Bad Girls Club house and she will need to pick a side eventually.
Hour 10
The show brings us to hour 10, presumably due to the girl’s inactivity for seven hours (whether they were passed out stone cold or nothing interesting happened between hour 3 and hour 10). Luckily for the audience, Key and Susan link up discussing the previous situations. There is a mutual understanding between the two. They realize they need each other more than they think they do. This does not bode well for Kik’s relationship with Key however.
By and large, this is the last time the episode focuses on DeShayla and her boo as part of the episode plot. DeShayla’s boo calls her “childish” and a screaming match ensues over the phone. Clearly these girls have not learned from past cast members don’t enter the season with relationships at home. Your relationship is doomed the second you step foot in the mansion. Another BGC cast member has their relationship bite the proverbial dust.
Hour 11
If there is one thing the producers love about their cast, it is the cast’s willingness to talk about anything. For example, Seven states she loves getting her butthole waxed, along with stripping her vagina of all the hair it has. All I ask is that the producers of Bad Girls Club flash the audience a warning or alert that these topics arise. The audience’s threshold for this information varies. Next time include a forewarning of this information.
Hour 12
In the meantime, Sayyora places a call to her ex-boyfriend. During the course of the conversation, she pleads for him to come to the house. She is seeking an escape from confrontation with her fellow housemates. The situation however may not work out in her favor. In the background, ominous fight music plays. The music only serves as a warning of the fight to come.
Hour 13
During hour 13, the bond between Kiki and Sayyora grows even stronger. Kiki brings up that “even if we [the girls] fight, why can’t we get over it like guys do”. That is an extremely valid point and prescient observation. In my opinion, girls fight the way they do because they hold on to every little word said, needing to respond back to everything. They don’t let anything go and have a need to always be right. That is why girls don’t fight and make up like guys do.
Thank you to the producers of Bad Girls Club for shining a light on Sayyora’s struggle. She is the definition of an immigrant who came to this country seeking a better life. Tales of her treking out of her village at 5am to fetch water and urinate in a hole in the ground starkly contrast what we see on the show. Deep down, Sayyora is a genuinely nice person looking to better her life. Similarly, Kiki finds herself relating to Sayyora’s struggle and believes she is moral support for her friend.
Hours 14/15
The group of girls venture for a meal after viewing Seven get her entire bottom waxed. How they were hungry after that is beyond me. I don’t remember Seven discussing her sexuality in the casting special, but she definitely was on the prowl at lunch. The funniest part about the entire situation is her icing her vagina, all the while eating the ice from out of the same cup between her legs. She is a class act through and through. There is also tension between DeShayla and Seven as DeShayla scores the phone number for their waitress. Personally, I believe Seven could do better than that.
Back at home, Keyaira puts on her cape and transforms in to Captain Save-A-Ho. She intervenes in DeShayla’s conversation with her “boo”  and attempts to protect her friend from continuing to engage in the relationship. Afterward, Key takes it upon herself to anger the phone for her fellow housemates and tells Sayyora’s guest that Sayyora got beat up and she doesn’t have phone privileges any longer.
Lastly, Key & Kiki square off again. Key flies off the handle screaming at her one time friend and keeping it “100” with her. She says she isn’t good with Kiki because Kiki messes with Sayyora. Furthermore, Key points out that Sayyora got beat up because of Kiki. All of these Bad Girls refuse to admit that the reason they engage in physical violence is because they have an issue. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Hours 16/17
Key & Kiki continue to bicker. Key points out that Kiki is a fake friend and Key does not mess with fake friends. It sounds to me as if Key listened to Drake’s body of work too much prior to coming in to the house. Fran of course attempts to intervene in the situation but she gets her head chewed off. She does however have a good point. Key is “26 years old acting like the girls she [Fran] dealt with in high school”. There is more to Fran’s story than she has made available thus far
Unfortunately the drama continues as the girls continue to operate in divided groups talking about the others they don’t care for. Interestingly enough, Seven brings up a good point about the past drama. Kiki is the root of all of this drama, as Kiki stirred the pot begging for drama, and now that there’s drama, she wants to play the victim. Be that as it may, Key delivers her best line of the night: “my eyebrows about to look like Nike checks.
Hours 18/19
As a result of all of the infighting amongst the girls, Key owns up to her part and professes her apologies to Kiki. She admits she is petty and understands she ws trying to purposely hurt Kiki with her words. How long this truce/apology will last is another question.
The cast venture out to a burlesque show for the evening while Sayorra is at home with her ex-boyfriend Lionell. A little liquor in her system allows her to open up to Lionell and talk shit about the other girls to him. Her beer muscles/mouth are going to come back and bite her in the ass later on.
Hours 20/21
Whenever the cast of the Bad Girls Club arrive home from the club with at least one member at home already, there is bound to be drama. The increased level of alcohol in the girls turns their ratchet level up even further. This does not bode well for Sayyora. Once again, Key decides she’s going to pick on Sayyora. In between her screaming that the company needs to leave, she also warns Lionell that he should get tested and that Sayyora is dirty. The continued arguments force producers to evacuate Lionell from the house before anything else transpires.
At this point, Kiki is crying about the continued fighting between her two friends. As a consequence of Sayyora standing up for herself, she gets smacked right across the face by Keyaira. Another round of their fighting  commences. Once again, Sayyora takes an L in the fight.
With all the commotion going on, Kiki is hysterically crying and attempting to console Key. Elsewhere, Sayyora confesses that she feels she is being bullied. This is the first time this season a cast member has brought up the “B” word.
Producers force Key to spend a night in the hotel due to her violence and hostility towards Sayyora. For a girl that said she wanted to be more than a hood rat from Compton, her behavior in the house exhibits the complete opposite.
Hours 22/23
Amid the chaos, Fran tries once again to insert herself as the peacemaker. As a consequence, Seven kindly but bluntly tells her to stay out of it. She is agitated at this point with Kiki over everything that has transpired. Seven and Kiki exchange a variety of “bitches” towards one another but ultimately says that “if we need to fight we will” alluding to a future fight later in the season.
Seven, feeling extremely disrespected and putting on a hissy fit for both the girls in the house as well as the cameras, calls production. She proclaims she is not like the rest of the girls and she came ready to fight.
In any case, the producers wisely have Seven pack an overnight bag and ship her off to a hotel so she can calm down. During her sit from the house, she mutters under her breathe that the situation is far from over. She will beat Kiki up.
The clock winds down to hour 24 and the episode comes to an end. That’s all folks for this week!
Bad Girls Club Season 17 airs every Tuesday at 8pm on Oxygen.
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empiretvshow · 8 years
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Bad Girls Club: Season 17 Episode 3 "24 Hours in the BGC"
Bad Girls Club: Season 17 Episode 3 "24 Hours in the BGC" aired it's 3rd episode of it's 17th season on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. Feeling betrayed by Kiyanna's budding friendship with Sayyora, Keyaira wages an all-out war against the duo; Deshayla struggles to set personal drama aside,... READ ON >>
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spotlightsaga · 8 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reluctantly reviews... Bad Girls Club (S17E01) 'Coastal Clash' Airdate: February 15, 2017 @oxygen Ratings: 0.323 Million :: 0.14 18-49 Demo Share Score: 3.75/10 *****SPOILERS BELOW***** It took me a long time to find it, but that's because BGC broke a record... That's right the last & final 17th season scored the lowest ratings of any BGC premiere ever at 323,000 live viewers with an 0.14 18-49 Demo, coming in at #96 on original cable series this past Tuesday. On the upswing, I think those the have followed the show since the beginning definitely feel that this final season will at least bring something a little new to the table. The loft style house brings a whole new vibe and look to the show, the East vs West 'Bucket List' scoreboard gives the girls something to do other than involving themselves in petty squabbles. 17 seasons with any series is going to take its toll and really start to show that dreaded 'series fatigue', but since we're here and these girls are ready to give it all they got... Lets try and enjoy BGC for one last time. 7 new girls have entered and there's already tension in the air. Like Ive always preached, what's made prior seasons like S4 so strong is the fighting was over core values, not over Hot Pockets, we can tell when people are putting on for cameras and thirsty for attention and legitimate, and it shows in the numbers. Camaraderie is just as important as conflict, there needs to be a balance and you'd think after 17 seasons, the producers would have a hold on what works and what doesn't. It's never easy to come out of the gate and say who is going to make it or even who's who in the beginning, because walking in the house all the girls have their guard up, their strategies laid out, games being played, and some are already throwing around tension and shade. The three girls that immediately caught my eye were Francesca, Seven & Sayyora... Susan was a close runner up. Francesca embodies the East Coast, this girl looks breathes, and is East Coast.... And as an East Coaster, I love that. Seven off top is automatically setting herself apart, stepping back and analyzing everyone, and then long boarding to blow off steam. Sayyora is my 'Wild Card', she's in Pre-Law... This is a highly intelligent girl, who is coming in with a purpose. She's rattling up the girls with the short fuses right off bat like Keiyara, who I like but Keiyara is looking for a fight... And that's not good, especially since she's the oldest which automatically makes her the most desperate and emotionally stunted. Her beef over the rice in a drawer proves that. Girl, don't be a Jen.... You don't want to be forever known as 'The Rice Girl', like Jen (from S10) is known as 'Hot Pockets'. Susan is an interesting character... I don't know what to think of her yet. I can tell some of what she's throwing down is an act, but there might be something genuine in her as well, and the real test with these girls is to see if their walls can be legitimately torn down. I really have no opinion on Kiyanna, I can already tell she won't be repping Brooklyn well. And as for Shay, right now she's more of an archetype than she is a human being as there's always someone like her every season, we'll see if she's able to break that mold... I hope she will. Cups up, y'all... This is the last season of BGC ever and YES we have to watch it! We made it this far, didn't we?! I'll be providing weekly coverage right here and on spotlightsaga.com like clockwork for every episode. I've been here since S01E01 and I'm gonna watch this show go out like Old Yeller, it's time to put her down... But we got a few episodes to go first!
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marandaminniemarie · 8 years
What did you think of the new bad girls club episode? was kiyanna right for getting mad at susan?
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