#bg1 verse to be exact
steel-and-fire · 7 months
"Why are these people after me, still!!!", Ferenir hissed in annoyance as the dwarven warrior lay motionless at his feet, his skull caved in by the hammer on the blacksmith's hand.
This one didn't even attempt to assassinate him, just announced himself and started swinging.
"The world has gone man, why are they after my life with such frevor?!" He kicked the corpse in anger.
The rest didn't attempt to stop him, Jaheira only placed a hand on his shoulder. He exhaled and looked at the others, inhaling his spilling emotions.
"Forgive me... let's go."
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genderdotcom · 7 months
bg1 is on sale rn for a reasonable price but if i play this i need to make the PERFECT character bc theyll be canon for the japhet-riah verse. i need to make someone that hits the exact perfect story beats to serve as a thematic parallel to japhet specifically
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