#bg Andrew Tang
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#sims 2#ts2#bellagrave#bgdowntown#bgbyall#bg Ian Byall#bg Gretchen Walton#bg Andrew Tang#bg Waylon Menon#bg Trista Phelps
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Ali Gatie 'The Look' from Married to Giants on Vimeo.
Prod Co: @mirrorboxltd Exec Prod: @chrisargueta Prod: @dannypollack_ PM: @autumnmaschi 1st AD: @kelo_of_dopeness 2nd AD: Ryan Davis DP: @dennisgrishnin 1st AC: Grant Sicora-Freisen 2nd AC: Miryam Andrianarijaona Steadicam: @steadi.g Key Grip: Seth Fuller BBG: Taylor Balfour Grip: Joey Haley Gaffer: James Swartz BBE: Eric Velasquez SLT: Andrew Frick Production Designer: @ava.j.jones Art Director: Montana Bertoletti Set Dresser: Jordan Pelzl Stylist (Ali Gatie): @krisfe_ Stylist Assist (Ali Gatie): @melissatee_ Glam (Ali Gatie): Frankie Payne Stylist (Kehlani): @oliver_vaughn Make-Up (Kehlani): Troye Batiste Hair (Kehlani): Preston HMU (BG): Kandi Hernandez HMU (BG): Ashley Garcia Movement Coach: @frankchocean Casting: @espritcasting @copelancash Editor: @nick.yumul @marriedtogiants Assist @parniks Colour: @clintonhomuth @artjail Assists: Austin Tang VFX: @apixfilms Sound Design: @omid.geadizadeh
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Shout out to the 3D and CGI Effects Crew on ALVH
all 722 of you.
This is part 2
Sam Prebble...creature technical director: Weta Digital
Jeremy Preissner...IT Supervisor: Stereo D LLC
Esdras Prudente...rotoscope artist: Method Studios Vancouver
Derek N. Prusak...stereoscopic editorial supervisor
Juan Carlos Quintana...senior stereoscopic compositor
Gunnar Radeloff...visual effects artist
Ula Rademeyer...lead texture artist: Weta Digital
James Raiz...matte painter
Karthic Ramesh...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Kade Ramsey...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Troy Ramsey...senior paint artist: Weta digital
Craig Douglas Rattray...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Justin Ray...stereoscopic compositor
Jorge Razon...cg supervisor
Marco Recuay...visual effects supervisor: Scoundrel
Benjamin J. Reesing...visual effects
William Reges...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Patrick Reilly...visual effects artist
Gerard Retulla...stereoscopic depth artist
Pedro Luis Reyes...stereoscopic compositor
Steve Rhee...additional visual effects editor
Mike Rhone...visual effects
Jason Richardson...stereoscopic compositor
Leroy Riche...stereoscopic depth artist
Bryce Rieger...compositor: method studios
Mike Rim...stereoscopic compositor
Agustin Rios...depth artist
Alexandra Rizek...visual effects production manager: Bazelevs
Andrew Robles...digital artist
Arturo Rodriguez...stereoscopic depth artist
Katherine Rodtsbrooks...lead stereoscopic compositor
Lisa Dawn Rogolsky...rotoscope artist
Casey Rolseth...cg lead: Method Studios
Zachary J. Rose...visual effects coordinator
Elliot Rosenstein...fur groomer
Brogan Ross...technical director (stereoscopic conversion)
Kuba Roth...visual effects
David Rozenfeld...compositor
Jance Rubinchik...lead animator: Weta Digital
Tumi Rufai...stereoscopic depth artist
Ryan Jae Wook Park...visual effects artist
Ruben Salazar...digital compositor
Dylan Sanchez...digital compositor
Theodore M. Sandifer...stereoscopic artist
German Sandoval...stereoscopic artist
Eric Sanford...lead stereoscopic compositor
Sankarasubramanian...paint & rotoscoping supervisor: BOT VFX
Tiago Santos...digital compositor
Mag Sarnowska...compositor
K L Sateesh Varma...bg prep artist
Davis Scott Porter Saunders...stereoscopic supervisor
Eric Savino...depth artist
Steve Sayer...visual effects artist
Adrian Scherger...stereoscopic assistant editor: StereoD
Sebastian H. Schmidt...visual effects artist: Weta Digital
Marcus Schoo...software developer
Daniel Schrepf...stereoscopic roto lead
Jameson Schultz...stereoscopic lead: StereoD
Brian Schumacher...stereoscopic supervisor
Raymond R. Scott Jr....stereoscopic roto artist
Michael Scott...stereo compositor
Dennis Sedov...visual effects production supervisor: Bazelevs
Carsten Seller...animator
Keith Sellers...senior compositor: Soho VFX
Paolo Emilio Selva...software developer: Weta Digital
Den Serras...senior technical artist: Deluxe
Paul Seyb...visual effects
Marnie Shachar...texture artist: weta digital
Rasoul Shafeazadeh...matte painter
Hitesh Shah...producer: BOT VFX
Stanislav Shapetskiy...compositor
Sam Sharplin...digital modeler: Weta Digital
Aurynn Shaw...production engineer: weta digital
Ahmed Shehata...CG supervisor: Spin VFX
William Sherak...stereo executive producer (Stereo D)
Sainath Shinde...international production: Stereo D
Jay Shindell...visual effects
Eric Sibley...stereoscopic supervisor
Tim Sibley...lead effects artist: SPIN VFX
Adnan Siddique...lead roto artist
Keith D. Simpson...rotoscope supervisor: The Base Studio
Kalyan Sirna...matchmove artist: Rotomaker studios
Joao Sita...digital compositor: RodeoFX
Lori Smallwood...senior animation technical director
Stephen Smart...wrangler: Weta Digital
Corey Smith...stereoscopic compositor
Marc Smith...camera TD: Weta Digital
Rick Smith...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Robert Snyder...senior in-house compositor/cg artist
Jordan Soles...chief technology officer: Rodeo FX
Joseph Soloway...rotoscope artist
Reyffer Sousa...compositor: Atomic Arts
Jonas Sperl...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Marco Spitoni...previs artist
Stephen T. Spurlock...stereo compositing artist
Frederic St-Arnaud...matte painter: Rodeo FX
Mike Stadnyckyj...compositor
Albrecht Steinmetz...camera lead: Weta Digital
Andrea R. Stephens...production coordinator: Deluxe 3D
G. Allen Stewart...stereoscopic conversion artist
Matteo Stirati...modeller: Weta Digital
Joshua Stirling...roto artist
Nicholas Stocker...stereoscopic artist
Bobby Stockport...visual effects artist
Justin Stockton...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Frederick George Stuhrberg...3d scanning
Allison Sturdy...stereoscopic depth artist
Kamalakar Suryavanshi...stereo compositor
Adrian Sutherland...digital compositor: Soho vfx
Josh Swanson...compositor: Stereo D
Sarah Swick...visual effects producer: Soho VFX
Mike Swiegot...visual effects artist
Raqi Syed...lighting technical director
Ronald Tacsion...rotoscope artist
Ronen Tanchum...effects technical director
Eric Tang...lead creature technical director: Weta Digital
Rob Tasker...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Andrew Taylor...shader writer: Weta Digital (as Andrew R. E. Taylor)
Brandon Taylor...digital compositor
Sandy Taylor...production manager - camera dept
Beau Teora...visual effects artist
Brandon Terry...visual effects editor: Spin VFX
Christopher Terry...lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Radley Teruel...digital artist
Kieran Tether...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Ainslie Thomas...project manager: Soho VFX
Craig Thomas...visual effects production coordinator: Weta Digital
Patrick Thompson...digital compositor
Eric Timm...stereoscopic artist
Robert Tobin...senior stereoscopic artist
Kar Hung Tom...system administrator: Rodeo FX
Egor Tomskiy...previz artist: animator
Audrea Topps Harjo...creatures production manager: WETA Digital
Viviana Torrellas...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D
Mariko Tosti...shaders coordinator: Weta Digital
Benoit Touchette...senior staff: Rodeo FX
Adrien Toupet...effects technical director: Weta Digital
Joseph Towe...junior compositor
Micole Toyloy...senior digital artist: Factory VFX
Derek Tracy...stereoscopic compositor
Khuong Tran...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Thomas Tran...Desktop Administrator (as Tomas Tran)
Tuong-Van Tran...effects technical director
Mark Victor Trappett...render wrangler
Chris Treichel...stereo production coordinator: Stereo D
Marjolaine Tremblay...senior staff: Rodeo FX
Gabriel Tremblay-Beauvais...CG artist: Rodeo FX
John Treusch...visual effects artist
John Trotter...stereoscopic compositor
Adam Trowse...digital compositor
Iyi Tubi...paint and rotoscope artist: Atomic Arts
Melanie Rose Tucker...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Barry R. Tuttle...visual effects coordinator: The Base Studio
Kraig Tytus...vfx assistant coordinator
Jimmy Uddo...visual effects production assistant
Alexey Uskov...cg supervisor: CGF
Elliottness A. Valentin...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Luke Vallee...digital compositor
Josiah Van Arsdel...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Sherin Varghese...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Aurelio x. Vera Jr....lead stereoscopic compositor
Fabrice Vienne...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Douglas Peter Viljoen...rotoscope artist
Isaac Von Leu...digital effects artist
Anton Voytenkov...character rigger: Spin VFX
Reed Wade...production engineer
Ghanshyam Sureshbhai Waghela...Visual effects artist, StereoD
Chris Walker...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Brenda R. Wallace...production engineer
Kendrick Wallace...visual effects producer
Gwyneth Walton...visual effects artist
Jeffrey Warnhoff...depth artist
Gregory Watkins...rotoscope artist: Method Studios
Mark H. Weingartner...visual effects director of photography
Ashley Whitaker...visual effects
Faith Whitehead...depth artist
Jason Wilson...visual effects artist
Jay Wilson...stereoscopic compositor
Nicholas Wilson...senior digital modeler: Weta Digital
Ryan M. Wilson...stereoscopic artist
Greg Winhall...cg modeler
Andrew Winters...visual effects artist
Chris Winters...senior lighter
Garrett Winters...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Teresa Winters...layout technical director: Weta digital (as Teresa Hooper)
Paul Wojdylo...lighting artist
Alex Wolfe...stereoscopic artist
Bruce Woloshyn...sequence supervisor: Method Studios
Steve Won...vfx line producer: Method Studios
Clare Woodford-Robinson...digital modeler: Weta Digital
Noel Wright...compositor
Peter M. Wu...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D, LLC.
Trevor Wyatt...rotoscope and matchmove coordinator
Piotr Fox Wysocki...senior texture r&d and look dev artist
Junying Xu...texture artist: Weta Digital
Vladimir Yakovlev...digital compositor
Tuba Yalcin...effects technical director: Method Studios
Marvin Yanez...stereoscopic roto lead
Jose Yapor...visual effects artist
Viki Yeo...texture artist: Weta digital
Michelle Yhan...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Danyo Donghyun Yoon...previs artist
Joyce Young...lighting techical director: Weta Digital
Marvyn Young...visual effects producer
Kian Zand...digital compositor
Patrick Zentis...matte painter
Tristan Zerafa...digital compositor
Pedram Ziaei...digital artist
Lakshmi Ziskin...3D Producer: StereoD
Valery Zraghevsky...concept artist
Pankaj Brijlani...visual effects artist (uncredited)
Caleb Carr...rotoscope artist (uncredited)
Cody Charfauros...producer: rotoscopy (uncredited)
Colin Cunningham...lighting lead: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
William Jackson...digital artist (uncredited)
Hetal Jain...visual effects producer (uncredited)
Raechel Kasprzak...digital production manager (uncredited)
Goran Kocov...lead matchmove artist (uncredited)
Kire Maslov...matchmove artist (uncredited)
Radhakrishnan...rotoscoping artist: BOT VFX (uncredited)
Scott Squires...additional visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
Andy Wright...render wrangler: weta digital (uncredited)
Edward Paul Yu...compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
#most tags are not vila's#tags preserved for the commentary of the op#or are used for index and search features#Cast and Crew#ALVH#Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
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#sims 2#ts2#bellagrave#bgdowntown#bgbyall#bg Ian Byall#bg Payton Stratton#bg Bella Goth#bg Breanna Custer#bg Christopher Bui#bg Andrew Tang#bg Remington London#bg Trista Phelps#bg Gretchen Walton
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