#bfdi x ii swap au
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puppyrelp · 4 months ago
in inanimate insanity invitational, there are new debuters, who are they in the bfdi ii swap au?
Here they are from the poster redraw!
Tree as Lifering
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2. Bottle as Clover
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3. Basketball as Tea Kettle
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4. Grassy as Goo
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5. Book as Cabby
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6. Pillow as Candle
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7. 8-ball as Blueberry
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8. Black Hole as Floory
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9. Lollipop as Silver Spoon
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autsimbandu · 2 months ago
since I'm going to winter camp tomorrow I just wanted to post sum of my bfdi x ii swap au art :D
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lemoneon · 10 months ago
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Sorry I've been so inactive lmao, GCSE's go wild. BUT GUESS WHO'S OFFICIALLY DONE WITH EXAMS!!!
I haven't done much art recently, but I'll try get into the habit of posting more of it now that I'm done with my exams ::D
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wisp-wandering · 8 months ago
Alright folks! Hold onto your socks because I’m introducing the;
You are allowed to ask ANY AU of mine! That’s right! ANY AU of mine! And questions will be answered within reason.
Please note that the asks themselves aren’t canon to the storyline, but the character’s opinion or answer will be canon to an extent.
Have fun asking!
AU List:
- Classic [any Object Show]
- Crowned [II] (you may ask any arc that’s available, or after story.)
- Null [II]
- Alternative Realities [One]
- Reality [Bfb/bfdi]
- Salvation [Tpot] (N/A AU)
- InanimateRonpa Rewind [II] (…)
- Swap [Any Object show]
- Mocking Jay’s Whisper [II x Hunger Games]
- K!Classic (||Kidnapped||) [II]
- K!Swap [II]
- Science Breakthrough, Science Breakdown, Science Meltdown, Science Build Up, Science Knock Down [II]
- Project 0 [II]
- Ask hotel OJ
- Liars Liars and more Liars [II]
- Distant Past [II (Looseleaf backstory)]
- Nobody But Me [II]
- Death on the Horizon [II]
- Shut up or Die [II x Silent Place]
- Abandoned [II]
- Don’t Forget Me [II]
- Without Us [II]
- Left to Die [II]
- Out of Lives [II]
- __No Name__ [II]
- “A Dream for Peace, is a Nightmare Away” [II]
- IITale [II x Undertale]
- Daycare OJ [II]
- Meeple High [II]
- Playtime is Over [II BACKSTORY]
- Shattered [II stay awhile sub AU]
- Please Dont Leave [II Stay Awhile Remake]
- Blinded [II x Bird Box]
- [Nimona x II]
- “Perfection” [II]
- Unlikely Love [II]
- Found [II]
- Back Home [II Found sub AU]
- Unanswerable Questions [II x Gravity Falls]
- One Step Forward [II]
- Nifty as a Nickel [II]
- Alternate Winner [II]
- Shift!AU [II]
- What Lies in the Depths of Meeple, No Rest for the Wicked, This is The End [II]
- Trail and Error [II]
- Stalemate [One]
- Alone [One]
- Stone [There is only ONE Stone.]
- White Lies [One]
- OneRonpa (Not a serious AU) [One]
- Catch Ablaze [Bfdi]
- Uprising [Bfdi]
- Hidden World [Bfdi]
- Dead Silent [Bfdi]
- Better Left Forgotten [Bfdi]
- Rogue!Characters [Any Character that’s lost their AU]
- The Withered [Any Lost AU]
- Nowhere Space [The Void between the universes]
- Collapsing Multiverse [Pibby x Objectverse hypothetical]
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dicediceking · 7 months ago
you literally have One million aus / projects are you Ok?
I'm not okay. I'm a bit of a horder u could say, but I don't have THAT many aus right?
I have the human au, the family au/past au, the ship kids au (also the blog @ask-ii-bfdi-shipkiddos ) and the lab rats au @ask-lab-rats
Then my fic aus; Second Place, Playing Detectives [canceled], Dangansanity, the apocalypse fic, Lightbulb's Timeline, I'm No Monster, Insanity, and the comic Experiment Lucky
That's not even counting the ones I haven't finished yet; Amnesia Was Their Name, Mistakes Were Made, and Dear Taco (two of these might get scrapped)
And then the other ones; the ii swap au, ii x adventure time au, ii x steven universe au, and probably more I can't remember
Yeah so I might have problem lol
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bucketofbugz · 6 months ago
OSC Masterpost
Aka the post that connects all my object show things. Great, huh?
I don't have very much posted for the osc yet, honestly. Sure I've been in the FANDOM since 2015 but I've only been posting about it on tumblr for a few months.
If I wasn't afraid of connecting my Wattpad to my Tumblr I'd have a lot more links for this one. But that isn't happening. So I'll just have to deal with this being like 1/10th of the size of my tmnt post.
My largest interest in the OSC as of right now is Inanimate Insanity. HfjONE follows up pretty close, though.
osc Inanimate Insanity BFDI - BFDIA - TPOT hfjONE
The II Movie Dub
I have a couple aus, too!!:
II x Grounded- Final 12 of season 2 are shrunk down and sent to the island where season 1 and season 2 take place. They gotta figure out how to get big again and go home. Oh yeah. Also has a full highschool au and the-show-never-happened au in the background. Kinda. Important to know. Also the final 5 of season 1 are there but shhhh Bfdi swap au- bfdi except I swap Evil Leafy and Loser and also I swap Leafy and Winner. I had to create an entirely new plot for bfdi and its subsequent seasons. Do you know how much of bfdia changes if Leafy doesn't show up to interrupt Bubble and Pin's swinging? DO YOU KNOW????? Bowtiebulb au- A really old au of mine, recently refueled by both the "Taco considered working with Lightbulb for like 7 seconds" and "if Fan found out about Taco and had to keep quiet it would probably drive a rift between him and Test Tube" answers from Brian. Microphone gets eliminated instead of Soap, Lightbulb wanders into to forest while looking for bottle caps, runs into Taco, and Taco decides that the only way to keep her quiet is to convince her to work with her. Instead of Knife finding out about them, it's Fan!!! Another Kind of Shell au- another really old au of mine that focusses on Lightbulb and Fan as a duo. This time they were both made by Cobs as spy robots <33 Voiceovers- In 2022 I did a couple TikTok videos where I just took a bunch of II2 clips and improvised new dialogue in a voiceover and it started getting unnecessarily complicated lore. I only ended up posting two of them but I made a lot more videos that just stayed in my camera roll until I deleted them. The main bit was Paintbrush having the pay for everyone's therapy and Baseball having a huge crush on Nickel that Nickel didn't realize.
I'm a multishipper and rarepair lover in pretty much every fandom I'm in, but it is SUPER bad with the osc. You could take two random characters and show them to me and I could probably get behind it. For example, I created the ship Losevi. Which is. Loser x Evil Leafy. If that gives you any insight as to what I mean here. (WHY did I make it? Well, it all started when I wanted to make a bfb x sanders sides au---") Funny thing that's kinda related to this
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water-lemon-alex · 2 months ago
today i’ll be answering my OWN q&a! yay!
OJ and Taco! But my #1 fav is definitely OJ. For S2 is Fan and S3 is maybe Clover? Floory’s a close second.
Season One! Most enjoyable one for me, just a straight up classic. And it has the best Final Four ever. ILY Menu Squad forever
Both parts of Journey Through Memory Lane for S1, Truth or Flare for S2, maybe The Show Must Go On for S3? IDK, I don’t follow S3 too closely.
S1’s “Unhand me, you uncultured breakfast beverage!”, S2’s big reveal, Taco’s II 15 speech or the OJ death 😭 and S3’s really funny pitching montage.
Team Chicken Leg! Just a really funny dysfunctional team. And also I love most of the people from the team. It also has my favorites ever.
PolyMenu! (obviously), English Breakfast (obviously), honorable mentions are PayJay, Pickled Papers, KnifeCase and FanTube :>
Pickle :_> I SERIOUSLY NEED MORE PICKLE CONTENT! Let me see him with his silly friend group with Bomb and Cheesy more 😭
MePad, I think? Just a genuinely enjoyable character. MP4 is a close second.
For fav VA, Justin Chapman! Their range is insane I mean HAVE YOU SEEN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KNIFE AND PAPER’S VOICES and they’re VOICED BY THE SAME PERSON. And my fav voice for a character is Taco, bless Rheagan’s voice :_)
Taco’s Tirade! But I’ve been getting really into Make Your Own Reality as well!
I think Hotel OJ(?) like I want to meet everyone so bad! I want to explore the place!
My own AU Welcome to Insanity, duh. But seriously, outside of that, the WinSwap AUs and Exanimate Insanity! I love swap AUs!
I first found about the show from other BFDI fans, it was around 2021! I decided, hey, this show looks cool. I managed to catch S3’s premiere, too!
I have an II x PJSK au lying around, so maybe that! I want an II idol game for no particular reason :>
TACO PLUSH. Or the finalist pants. OR A TENTATIVE OJ PLUSH!!!!
I’ve already recommended the show to my friends, so yes! I won’t force them, tho!
It means a lot to me. I’ve met so many friends and amazing artists, and being a part of that makes me happy!
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It’s finished! Welcome to II-blr’s…
A set of 18 QUESTIONS celebrating 18 EPISODES that I’ve prepared for the entire fandom!!! Reblogs are definitely appreciated! As a bonus, you can go into my ask box and ask me any of the questions that *I* made!
You can answer as many questions as you want! Answer one, two, or maybe all of them!
There are no right or wrong answers! Everyone in the II fandom is welcome! (just no rule-breaking responses, please!)
STRICTLY NO LEAKS OR SPOILERS FOR THE UPCOMING EPISODE!!! Please be respectful to those who weren’t able to see the the theatrical releases! (including myself!)
(POST-II18 EDIT: IF YOU’RE GOING TO POST SPOILERS JUST TAG IT WITH THE SPOILER TAGS!! I’ve already watched the episode anyway, this is just for the people who haven’t watched the episode yet!
Transcript + Description:
1. Favorite character/s? (bonus: give one that debuted in each season)
Everyone in the fandom has this character that they love a tiny bit over the others. Who is YOUR favorite character? Or characters, if you have many.
2. Favorite season? (S1, S2 or S3?)
Between Inanimate Insanity, Inanimate Insanity 2 and Inanimate Insanity Invitational, which one of them did you like the most, and why? Is it their charm? Their artstyle and animation? Or is it because you enjoy it the most? There’s no wrong answers!
3. Favorite episode? (bonus: give one from each season)
Inanimate Insanity has 54 (about to be 55!) episodes in total! (not including S1 Ep. 5.5.) Out of all those episodes, which one did you enjoy the most, and why?
4. Favorite scene/s? (bonus: give one from each season)
Every episode is made out of SCENES! Was there a specific scene that you really liked, and why? From the emotions, the voice direction, your connection to the scene, or ALL OF THEM?
5. Favorite team? (across all seasons?)
Between Season One’s Team Epic and Team Chicken Leg, Season Two’s Bright Lights and Grand Slams, and Invitational’s (Old OR New) Sinkers, Thinkers and Pinkers, which among all these teams were the best among the rest?
6. Favorite ship/s and/or friendship/s?
You can’t have a fandom without ships! What are YOUR favorite ships? If romantic pairs aren’t your thing, give some friendships that you really loved.
7. A character you’d like to know more about?
With all the characters within the show, we’ve been dying to know more about the characters that didn’t get as much screentime as the others! Who do YOU want to know more about?
8. Favorite non-contestant? (Host, Co-Host, Misc., etc.)
Let’s give some love to those who don’t partake in the game! Your favorite non-contestant could also be the same as your favorite character! They could be hosts, co-hosts, background characters, other Meeple products— HECK, maybe Steve Cobs himself! There are a lot of characters out there that aren’t in the premises of the game.
9. Favorite voice for a character / favorite voice actor?
Let’s give some love to our beloved crew members who made the show possible! There was DEFINITELY that one character who you really like solely from their voice. Who is your favorite voice for a character, or your favorite voice actor?
10. Favorite song/s?
Let’s get musical! Without the people behind the music of II, these bangers would’ve never been possible! What is a song from the show that you’d put on repeat?
11. If you’d like to go to any location in the show, where would it be?
From the mysterious underground Gemory Cave to the Meeple Headquarters found in the sky, the world of II is endless! Maybe you want to go to a contest area to try a few challenges yourself. Or you want to relax and explore Hotel OJ!
12. Favorite canon divergence / AUs in the fandom (if any)
Now let’s give some love to our artists and writers in this very app! There’s a lot of awesome alternate universes in this fandom. (heck, I have an AU myself! the WTI au! check it out pspspspsps /nf) What are some alternate scenarios you’ve thought of that would make a GREAT AU? Or maybe some existing ones that you’ve followed for a while now?
13. How were you introduced to I.I.?
Were you introduced to the show when you were a child? Or maybe you’ve just learned about it pretty recently? Everyone starts somewhere!
14. What is a crossover (any crossover!) that you’d love to see?
We all have interests outside of II. Let it be shows, games, movies, books, or other interests! Even if it would absolutely NEVER happen in reality, what media do you think should have a crossover or collaboration with the show?
15. If you could get any merch you want, what are you getting?
Imagine this. You have won a raffle, and your prize is ANYTHING YOU WANT that has been sold during II’s runtime! Let it be t-shirts or mugs that aren’t being sold anymore, plushies that got sold out or on sale right now, or all the cool merch that is being sold this holiday season! Heck, you can ask for a merch item that hasn’t existed yet! Like your favorite character that doesn’t have a plushie yet! What are YOU getting?
16. Would you recommend the show to your friends/family?
Maybe you’re too shy to show it to people you’re close to, and that’s fine! But would you recommend the show to others?
17. What do you want to see more from the show that didn’t happen?
This is related to the AU question! Maybe it could be a scenario that happens after the movie, or a look into the daily lives of the contestants. Let’s hope that after II18, we’ll still have post-movie content…
18. How much does I.I. mean to you?
This fandom has grown to be a vast space full of talented creators big and small. You may have made a friend or two, maybe you just joined the fandom. There are no wrong answers. What is Inanimate Insanity to you? It could be as small as a simple show you’re interested in, or as big as the show having changed your life.
Thank you for reading through! Reblogs appreciated of course! To prove that you’ve read through the whole post…
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equinox-autumn · 7 years ago
Cursed? Thought
Object show swap au
MePhone and the Speaker Box host Bfb
Idk who is who exactly but then Four and X each take the place of MePhone and the Speaker Box
II characters go to BFDI/BFB, and vice versa
Though I feel like BFB has more contestants so some of the bfb may need to switch among themselves. And just... Stay in bfb-
I don't know why I thought of this....
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puppyrelp · 10 months ago
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some roles are changed since the last time I drew this au :] hope youuu like!
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puppyrelp · 4 months ago
I got a lot of BFDI x II swap au questions lately so here's a compilation of them and my answers!!
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puppyrelp · 10 months ago
Ok, so, Can we see some Inanimate Swap and BFDI!Swap images from Alternate Reality Show? I’d think that be neat! Also I think the BFDI Swap Dough is Snowball, unless I’m wrong.
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oh no snowball in the swap au is supposed to be trophy (since I took reference from the ii 12 year anniversary poster)
and if you're wondering who dough is, that'd be pie! (get it...cause you use dough to make pie......./hj)
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puppyrelp · 4 months ago
Does Pillow in the swap AU give good advice or is she still her chaotic self?
i think pillow actually embodies the stereotype that she's soft and calm, so (un)fortunately she won't be as chaotic as she is in tpot
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puppyrelp · 2 months ago
Relp, who is Springy in the bfd x ii swap au? Is it Yellow Face? I hope it’s Yellow Face. That maledisaster fits so well!
wait you cooked
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puppyrelp · 2 months ago
who replaces walkie and ballpoint pen in bfdi x ii swap?
oh man. idk. haven't thought of that yet :o
for some reason my first thought for walkie was purple face, and BP is Some sort of speaker box? feel free to give me ur ideas tho!
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